Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/28/12
Episode # 9937 ~ Police Suspect Daniel in Daisy's Disappearance
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Chloe: Hey, Babe. Ready to go?
Kevin: Huh?
Chloe: Uh, we're going to see the concert in the park.
Kevin: Oh, right. I'm sorry.
Chloe: I know. I'm still out of it, too.
Kevin: Any word on Abby?
Chloe: No. What about Daisy? I got that text message about Daniel's blood being on her scarf.
Kevin: And then I overheard Heather on the phone. The cops found out that Daisy's credit card is being used at businesses between here and Canada.
Chloe: Well, that's--that-- that means that she ran off.
Kevin: They think that Daniel charged the stuff, and the police are saying that he's-- he's trying to make it look like Daisy's alive.
Chloe: So then Daniel...
Kevin: I-I don't... let's just go to the concert.
Chloe: Wait, wait, Kevin. Are you afraid what they're saying about Daniel is true?
Heather: Paul. (Laughs)
Paul: H-hey.
Heather: Hi.
Paul: Hi. Have a seat.
Heather: Oh, I can't. I'm, uh, on my way to that concert in the park. I just came by to pick up a box dinner.
Paul: Oh. That sounds like a nice night.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Paul: Going with a nice guy?
Heather: I might be... if you'll join me.
Paul: (Scoffs)
Heather: Come on. Come on, music, a bottle of wine, fireworks...
Paul: Mm.
Heather: It'll take our mind off of everything.
Paul: Well, I could use that, after my last run-in with Ricky.
Heather: Mm. Do I even want to know?
Paul: I tried reaching out to Ricky, and, um...
Heather: Well, he probably senses that you still don't trust him.
Paul: I thought he was involved in Daisy's disappearance, but apparently, they've taken someone else in for questioning.
Heather: Where'd you hear that?
Paul: A buddy of mine down at the station. At least I don't have to worry that he's involved in that.
Eden: (Sighs) I told you, Kevin, that Ricky had something to do with Daisy disappearing, and these prove it. Okay. (Sighs) Ricky.
Ricky: What are you doing here?
Michael: They're working on finding a room for us.
Daniel: I already told you everything I know at Mom's place.
Michael: You didn't tell me about the charges you made on Daisy's credit card.
Daniel: That's because I didn't make any charges, Michael.
Avery: Okay, we both know you have no proof that he made those calls.
Michael: We know that the man calling claimed to be Daisy's husband, we have Daniel's blood on Daisy's scarf, and we also know that Daniel cannot account for his whereabouts at the time of Daisy's disappearance. That's what we know.
Avery: That's not enough to warrant hauling him down here, much less arresting him!
Phyllis: Wait a second. You're--you're arresting Daniel?
Avery: Not if I can help it. I'm making a point with Michael.
Daniel: Hey, Mom, it's okay.
Phyllis: I thought you were gonna take care of this. No, you were my friend.
Michael: I'm also the D.A., right here.
Phyllis: Then you should be stopping the charges and not leading them against my son.
Michael: Okay, they're ready for us. This way.
Phyllis: My God.
Michael: Excuse me.
Avery: I think you should call Nick.
Nick: Hey, what's up?
Phyllis: Hey, um, uh, they're arresting Daniel. I-I know you're busy with Abby, but, please, I-I-I need you. I need you. Can you come down to the police station?
Nick: Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way.
Ronan: Hi, Phyllis.
Michael: Thank you. Considering my relationship with your mother, I've asked somebody else to step in and take up the questioning.
Daniel: Oh, well, that's a good idea. You should waste some more of the taxpayers' dollars.
Michael: This has to be done right, Daniel.
Daniel: Yeah, I know. I-I get it. You just don't want to look like you're playing favorites.
Michael: Which is why I've asked for a search warrant for your apartment.
Avery: Okay, what are you looking for?
Daniel: It doesn't-- it doesn't matter what he's looking for. It's not there. You know what, Michael? You don't need a search warrant. You have my permission.
Avery: Daniel--
Daniel: No, it's fine. You know what? Here. Here are my keys. Knock yourself out.
Michael: We can wait on the warrant.
Daniel: Nope, don't want to wait on the warrant, Michael. I didn't do anything and I'm gonna prove it.
Kevin: You good to go?
Chloe: (Sighs) Maybe we should go see Daniel.
Kevin: And say what?
Chloe: You're his best friend. I'm sure he would like to know that you stand behind him.
Kevin: You know, Eden is convinced that Ricky Williams is the one behind Daisy's disappearance.
Chloe: Well, it makes a lot more sense than Daniel.
Kevin: Yeah, it's just the stuff keeps piling up against Daniel. I don't know what to believe.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Kevin: It's Eden. She says she wants me to meet her in the park. She's got some big news.
Chloe: You think she heard about Daisy's credit card being used?
Kevin: Let's go find out.
Chloe: Okay.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: (Sighs) Hi, Michael. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.
Paul: Everything okay?
Heather: Oh, um... yeah, it was--it was Daniel they brought in for questioning.
Paul: Hmm. I wasn't expecting that.
Heather: I knew Michael was interviewing him, you know, "Unofficially," but I didn't--I didn't know it had gotten this far.
Paul: So it's looking more and more as though Ricky had nothing to do with Daisy's disappearance.
Heather: You really don't trust him.
Paul: I'm not sure I ever will.
Eden: You know what? I am so sorry. I-I should have-- I should have told you I was coming back to your room.
Ricky: Well, why did you come back?
Eden: (Sighs) I'm so dumb. I was in the ladies' room, and I realized I didn't have my bracelet.
Ricky: Uh-huh.
Eden: Yeah, so I freaked out. It was my mom's, and so I just told myself, you know, calm down. If I retrace my steps, I'll find it, and so that's what I did, and then when I got up here, I-I saw the maid who was here earlier, and--and I asked her to let me back in.
Ricky: (Chuckles) Remind me to talk to someone about the security in this place.
Eden: No, I think she just felt really bad for me. I mean, I was practically in tears.
Ricky: Mm-hmm.
Eden: I thought, I've lost this bracelet, and--
Ricky: Well, it looks like you found it.
Eden: Yes, I did, right--right inside the door. So let's get back to those shots. (Laughs)
Ricky: You know what? Why--why don't we just stay here? I mean, I've got some beers in the fridge. We're already here... that is, unless you have some reason you don't want to.
Ronan: It sounds like they got some serious evidence stacked against Daniel.
Phyllis: Are you here to build a case against him?
Ronan: No. No, no, no, no. No, I'm here because Victor called me. He wants me to look for Abby, even though I'm not too sure that she wants to be found. But, hey, what are you gonna do, right?
Phyllis: Right.
Ronan: You know, it brought me back to Genoa City, to see some people I've been missing.
Phyllis: Well, I'm sure, um, your-- I'm sure Nina will be happy to see you.
Ronan: Nina's in L.A.
Nick: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey! Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, I'm glad you're here.
Nick: Ronan.
Phyllis: Um... Ronan is here to-- to help find Abby.
Nick: Yeah, I know. My dad told me he called you.
Phyllis: What, really? Why didn't you tell me?
Nick: I guess it slipped my mind.
Phyllis: Oh. Um, Ni--Nick and I, um, are--are married. We got remarried.
Ronan: That's nice. Congratulations.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: Thanks. What's up with Daniel?
Phyllis: Uh, I-- I don't really know. Michael brought him in for questioning. He thinks that Daniel had something to do with Daisy being missing, but you know he'd never hurt her. He would never do anything like that. I mean, he couldn't. There is no way he would do that.
Nick: Okay, just take it easy. Let me see what I can find out, all right? Everything's gonna be all right.
Phyllis: Okay.
Ronan: I'm gonna get back to looking for Abby.
Phyllis: You know, be--before you go, can I ask you something?
Ronan: For old times' sake?
Phyllis: Yeah. I know that Nick is gonna do everything he can, but, um... I know you're here for Abby... but could you--could you-- could you help my son?
Nick: Where's Michael?
Daniel: Oh, he's at my apartment, searching it with the other cops.
Nick: Are you kidding me?
Daniel: They think I did something to Daisy.
Avery: I'm gonna go see what the holdup is with this interrogation.
Nick: Well, tell 'em to hurry up. I want to get Daniel out of here right now.
Daniel: Seriously? Can you do that?
Nick: You're innocent.
Daniel: Someone's doing a hell of a job setting me up, using Daisy's credit card and phone, tying me to it.
Nick: Who would want you to take the fall?
Daniel: I don't know. I can't believe that Michael seriously thinks that I had anything to do with this, though. Nick... I could never take another person's life, no matter how trapped I felt. I mean, you know that, especially after what happened with Cassie.
Nick: Of course I do.
Daniel: (Chuckles) You, Mom, Avery, even Kevin-- everybody thinks I'm innocent I don't know why Michael doesn't.
Nick: Well, we're gonna prove to him that you are.
Daniel: Maybe after he gets done turning my apartment upside down, he'll see how stupid this all is, hmm? Yeah.
Michael: All right, what are we waiting for? Let's go, let's go. Come on.
Ronan: Um, I don't know. I just--I don't work with the G.C.P.D. anymore. I'm not sure if I--
Phyllis: Daniel didn't do what they're--they're saying. He didn't do it. He hated Daisy, he hated being in that marriage, but he would never resort to violence. I swear to you, he didn't do it. Please, can you help me prove it?
Ronan: Okay. Yeah, I will.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Ronan: I'll look into it, okay?
Phyllis: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ronan: Yeah.
Phyllis: Thank you so much. Thank you. Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: All right, did you see Daniel?
Nick: Yeah, they're about to start questioning him. We're gonna get this straightened out.
Phyllis: Okay, um, Ronan is gonna help us.
Ronan: No promises.
Nick: Oh, we appreciate everything you can do.
Ronan: I'll let you know if I find out anything.
Heather: Yeah. Thanks.
Avery: Heather.
Heather: Yeah. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here.
Avery: You're questioning Daniel?
Heather: Is that a problem?
Daniel: No. No, not for me. I-I got nothing to hide.
Avery: Uh, it does seem a little strange. We were just working together to put Daisy in prison.
Heather: Yeah, well, who would have thought Daisy would go missing... or that Daniel would be the one responsible?
Avery: (Sighs)
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Hey, Paul.
Paul: Hi, you guys.
Chloe: Hi. What--are you going to the concert, too?
Paul: Uh, yeah, Heather and I were coming together, but she got called into work.
Kevin: This late?
Paul: Yeah, and I'm kind of surprised you're not down at the station.
Kevin: Why? Is there news on Daisy?
Paul: Unfortunately, no. I guess they have more evidence against Daniel. They've taken him in for questioning.
Chloe: Maybe that's what Eden's text message was about.
Kevin: Yeah, but why would she have us meet her here?
Chloe: I don't know, but we should definitely get down to the station.
Kevin: Yeah. Um, if you see Eden, will you tell her--?
Paul: Yeah, I-I'll tell her where you are.
Chloe: Okay, thanks.
Kevin: Thanks.
Paul: All right.
Ricky: Sure you won't have another one? (Chuckles)
Eden: (Chuckles) I was supposed to be buying you a drink, remember? You know, we could still get down to the bar, take those shots.
Ricky: I'm good with brews. Besides, it's nice here, private.
Eden: (Sighs) Is this your mom?
Ricky: Isabella.
Eden: She's beautiful.
Ricky: She was pregnant with me when they took that shot.
Eden: Well, where is she now?
Ricky: In a mental hospital. They claim she went crazy. But even from an asylum, she's a better parent than my father could ever be.
Eden: Um, I'm sorry.
Ricky: No offense, Mom, but who wants to be talking about their parents when they could be doing this? This is turning out to be a great night.
Ronan: (Clears throat)
Michael: Oh, Mr. Malloy. This is a surprise. I heard you were back in town.
Ronan: Mm-hmm. I'm here working on the Abby Newman kidnapping.
Michael: Oh. How's that going for you?
Ronan: About as well as it's going for you guys. Bunch of dead ends so far.
Michael: (Chuckles) Did the, uh, commissioner rope you into working on this case, too, while you were in town?
Ronan: No. Actually, I'm doing a favor for Phyllis. You don't mind, do you?
Michael: Oh, another genius trying to figure out this puzzle? No, be my guest.
Ronan: Even though we're on opposite sides, that's okay?
Michael: Hey, Daniel may be innocent.
Ronan: But yet, here you are trying to prove that he isn't.
Michael: I tell you what-- we'll share what we know with you, if you do the same, wherever we end up.
Ronan: Well, based on what you have so far, you don't even have enough to hold Daniel, much less prosecute him.
Michael: Maybe it'll stay that way.
Heather: Several people at Crimson Lights heard you threaten your wife.
Daniel: She caused my mom to lose her baby. It's called blowing off steam.
Heather: You can't account for where you were when Daisy went missing.
Daniel: Guess I must have stopped at every yellow light on the way to the gala. You know, I didn't want to break any laws.
Heather: Did you, uh, pass through an alley on your way to the party? The alley where they found Daisy's scarf with your blood on it.
Daniel: You know what? Michael has-- he knows all of this. I've explained all of it to him.
Heather: Oh, no. No, no, no, I know, I-I-I have it here. You got angry, punched a table in your apartment. That's how your blood ended up on Daisy's scarf.
Daniel: That's right.
Heather: You get angry a lot?
Avery: You don't have to answer that.
Daniel: It's okay. No, I don't.
Heather: Well, I guess being married to somebody that you hate so much, you'd want to "Get rid of her" would make anybody angry.
Daniel: (Chuckling) I never denied that I didn't like my wife much.
Heather: (Chuckles) That's an understatement.
Daniel: Look, we're talking about Daisy Carter here.
Heather: Uh, Romalotti.
Daniel: Whatever. Call her whatever you want to call her. The point is, the woman didn't have a single friend in this town. What she did have was a bunch of enemies. So why are you not out talking to them?
Heather: Yes, she had a lot of enemies, but you are among them, and right now, all the evidence points to you.
Ricky: What's the matter?
Eden: Uh, I'm just feeling kind of funky.
Ricky: Well, you barely touched your beer. You're probably suffering from a bad case of sobriety.
Eden: No, seriously, my stomach is acting really weird. I think I should go.
Ricky: No, no, no, wait, wait, just-- just give me one second. I'll be right back, okay? Okay. Here, take these.
Eden: Uh, what is it?
Ricky: Uh, Ricky's magic pills. (Chuckles)
Eden: Uh, you know, I think-- I think I should just go home and lie down.
Ricky: No, no, no, t-take these, take these. I promise you'll feel so much better.
Eden: Y-you know, I really don't want to.
Ricky: What, don't you trust me?
Eden: No, it's not that. It's not that at all.
Ricky: Well, then what is it?
Phyllis: (Exhales slowly)
Nick: Look, you are gonna wear out your favorite shoes.
Phyllis: These aren't my favorite shoes.
Nick: Well, then you're gonna wear yourself out.
Phyllis: They think that Daniel killed Daisy.
Nick: Well, we know he didn't, and he has a lot of people that are gonna help prove that--you, me, Avery.
Phyllis: Now Ronan.
Nick: Oh, yeah, I forgot about Ronan.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Kevin: Phyllis. We heard Daniel was brought in.
Phyllis: I am so glad you're here. Uh, Daniel will be so grateful.
Kevin: Well, Paul says that there's new evidence.
Phyllis: No, that's bull, that's bull, and your being here is gonna help Michael and Heather realize that. You'll--you'll stand up for him, right?
Kevin: Well, I-I need to talk to him. Excuse me.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Daisy got to him. She turned him against his best friend, didn't she?
Chloe: Uh, Phyllis, it's-- it's just not that easy. Daisy is his sister.
Phyllis: And she's an evil bitch.
Chloe: (Laughs) Your sister got her out of jail.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry, are--are you really doing that? You're comparing my sister to Daisy?
Chloe: He already feels bad about this, so just don't make him feel any worse.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Avery: Are we finished?
Heather: Mm-hmm, for now.
Daniel: So I can go?
Heather: No. I have to talk to Michael, see if he found anything at your apartment first.
Daniel: Nothing. He didn't find anything.
Heather: I'll let you know.
Heather: Kevin.
Kevin: Hi. Is Daniel inside?
Heather: Yeah.
Kevin: Is it okay if I go in?
Heather: Mm-hmm. He's with Avery.
Kevin: Thanks.
Daniel: Hey.
Kevin: Hey.
Daniel: Surprised you came.
Kevin: Look, I don't want to believe that you could have-- that you could have done this.
Daniel: Do you?
Avery: I'm gonna see what I can do about getting you out of here. You know, I haven't known Daniel nearly as long as you, and I know he didn't do it.
(Knock on door)
Kevin: Give me something, Daniel, anything.
Daniel: You know, it took me a long time to... forgive myself for what happened with Cassie, 'cause I couldn't get over the fact that I had something to do with her losing her life.
Kevin: You loved Cassie. You hated Daisy.
Daniel: Yep. Yep, I did. But I'm telling you, I didn't do anything to her, and I'm asking you, as my friend, to believe me.
Michael: Ronan, you find anything?
Ronan: Nothing that tells me that Daniel hurt Daisy. Your guys found some stuff. They took it down to the lab, but I doubt they found anything, either.
Michael: We'll see.
Ronan: You think Daniel did this, don't you?
Michael: I'm worried for Daniel and Phyllis, and I'm glad you're on their side.
Ronan: You just got a job to do, right? But it doesn't mean that you're not on their side.
Michael: (Chuckles) I doubt Phyllis will see it that way. All right, uh, keep me posted if you learn anything.
Ronan: You, too.
Michael: All right, we almost done?
Man: Take a look at this.
Michael: "Kevin, you know how tense it's been with Daniel and me lately. I feel like it's getting worse and worse. It's so obvious from the way Daniel looks at me that... that he hates me. I'm really worried about everything that's going on, so I'm writing you in case something happens to me."
Eden: Oh, I am such a klutz. I guess I'm really worse than I thought. I really gotta go.
Ricky: Not yet. You still haven't told me why these are in your backpack.
Eden: Um... God, you know, I don't know. I don't even know whose those are.
Ricky: Really?
Eden: You know, I was at work earlier, and maybe one of the baristas got mixed up, and thought they were putting their wallet and phone into their own backpack.
Ricky: Yeah.
Eden: Yeah.
Ricky: Maybe. (Sighs) Maybe not.
Eden: What? Oh, my God, is that Daisy's?
Ricky: Poor Eden. Now you know my secret... and now I have to kill you.
Eden: (Laughs) Bummer.
Eden: (Screaming)
Ricky: Ohh! No!
Eden: (Screams)
Ricky: (Grunts)
Eden: No! Get--no, no!
Ricky: Stupid witch! (Groans) No!
Eden: Oh, no! Oh!
Ricky: (Breathing heavily) Ok!
Ronan: And then they tore Daniel's apartment upside down.
Phyllis: For no reason. They didn't find anything, did they?
Ronan: Nothing they can use against him, no.
Avery: Then they have to let him go.
Ronan: That's absolutely right. They don't have enough evidence to hold him.
Phyllis: You're kidding me. Can you--you talk to Michael? C-can he release my son, please?
Avery: Phyllis, listen, why don't you go check on Summer, tell her what's going on?
Phyllis: I'm not leaving Daniel.
Avery: I will make sure he gets home.
Phyllis: I want to talk to my son.
Avery: Of course.
Nick: Come on.
Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you.
Avery: I'm gonna go start the paperwork.
Ronan: Okay.
Chloe: (Laughs) A weird night just got weirder.
Ronan: It's nice to see you, too.
Chloe: Don't tell me-- you were just jonesing for a G.C. fix.
Ronan: I knew you couldn't go long without me.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Your ego is still intact.
Ronan: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Well, you could have saved yourself the trip, 'cause I'm taken, in every sense of the word.
Ronan: Look at that. A lot of weddings since I left.
Chloe: You didn't just come to town to check up on all of your old hookups, did you?
Ronan: No, I did not. Victor called me. He wants me to look for Abby. I actually was meaning to call you to talk to you about this Carmine guy, so if you have a few seconds, I would love to sit down with you and---
Chloe: Uh, yeah, I-I just--I really want to go check up on Kevin, make sure he's okay, so maybe we could just do this another time.
Ronan: Yeah. Sure, check on Kevin. I'm really happy that everything worked out for you.
Chloe: Yeah. Now maybe if the world could just stop spinning a million miles an hour, Kevin and I could actually enjoy our lives together.
Phyllis: Okay, you're sure you're okay with my leaving?
Daniel: Mm-hmm, yeah.
Phyllis: All right, all right, a-and you'll call me.
Daniel: Yeah, definitely.
Phyllis: Right? The minute-- the minute you're released.
Daniel: I get released-- the minute I get released.
Phyllis: Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Nick: We'll talk soon, Bud.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Kevin: Well, that's good news.
Daniel: So you believe me now?
Kevin: Oh, God, there's just so much evidence, Daniel.
Daniel: Kevin, you, uh... you remember when you were forced to rob all those banks, or when Angelina made you skip town with her and she tricked you into it?
Kevin: It looked bad, yeah, both times.
Daniel: Look, I can't prove that I'm innocent, but I just didn't think that I had to with you.
Kevin: You don't. You don't have to.
Ricky: (Humming) (Stops humming) (Humming) (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs) Damn it. Nothing.
Chloe: Hey, how'd it go with Daniel?
Kevin: Huh? Um, fine, but I still can't get a hold of Eden.
(Cell phone rings)
Paul: Hey, Kevin.
Kevin: Hey, Paul, did Eden ever show up at the park?
Paul: Uh, no. I'm still here. I haven't seen her.
Kevin: Something's up.
Paul: Why do you say that?
Kevin: She was convinced that Ricky had something to do with Daisy's disappearance.
Paul: Ricky?
Kevin: Yeah, I-I told her she was way off base. We got into this big fight at crimson lights, and then she left, saying she had to go take care of something.
Paul: Do you think she might have gone to see him?
Kevin: Once Eden gets something in her head...
Paul: Yeah, yeah. Uh, I'll--I'll check it out.
Kevin: He's gonna head over to Ricky's. We should go back to Crimson Lights in case she shows up there. I don't know what's going on with her phone. Its dead or something.
Chloe: Okay. Hey.
Michael: Hey, Kevin.
Kevin: Hi.
Michael: Where's Phyllis?
Avery: Uh, she and Nick left. I figured there was no point in them staying, since you're gonna release Daniel. Michael, Ronan said you didn't find anything at Daniel's apartment that would warrant holding him.
Ronan: Did you find something after I left?
Michael: (Sighs) Daisy wrote an e-mail to you, Kevin. It doesn't look good for Daniel.
Nick: Did Summer say where she and her friends were?
Phyllis: Do you believe in payback?
Nick: What?
Phyllis: Do you-- do you believe that when you do something bad, something bad happens in return?
Nick: If that were the case, nothing good would happen to anyone.
Phyllis: To me, at least.
Nick: What is all this?
Phyllis: Just thinking about l-losing Lucy and losing the baby and all this stuff that's happening with Daniel. Just... do you--do you think that someone's trying to tell me something, that the--the u-universe... is trying to tell me something?
Nick: I think the universe is busy expanding and trying to fill all the black holes, rather than worrying about you, but me-- now I have lots of free time on my hands.
Phyllis: Like what? Ugh, three kids, a needy ex-wife, demanding father.
Nick: Yeah, but I'm gonna squeeze you in. But not 'cause you're needy or demanding at all.
Phyllis: What did I do to deserve you?
Nick: Payback. Everyone has stuff in their past. Phyllis, you're a good person.
Phyllis: I hope I never let you down.
Nick: I love you, and nothing you have done is ever gonna change that.
Michael: Daisy seemed very afraid of Daniel and what he might do to her. Uh, obviously, she thought you were the only person she could turn to. Uh, she wanted you to raise Lucy if she weren't around to do it. Uh, she didn't trust Daniel or Phyllis to take care of her daughter.
Avery: Okay, I want to see this e-mail.
Michael: The I.T. guys are examining the computer. I'll see if I can get you a printed copy.
Avery: Even if it exists, there's no proof that Daisy wrote it.
Michael: We feel we have enough to make an arrest.
Avery: I'll go tell Daniel.
Michael: Yeah.
Chloe: Babe.
Kevin: This can't be happening.
Chloe: Listen, let's-- let's just go home and we can talk about it there, okay?
Kevin: (Sighs) I have to talk to Daniel.
Chloe: (Sighs) This is killing him.
Michael: We've all had better days.
Daniel: Free to go?
Avery: I'm afraid not.
Daniel: What are you talking about? Why?
Avery: They found something on Daisy's computer.
Daniel: What?
Paul: (Sighs) Hey, Ricky, are you there? It's your dad. Ricky?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ronan: I'm glad you're all here. I can tell everybody the news at once.
Avery: Are you charging him?
Michael: You have a great lawyer. Do exactly as she tells you. You got it?
Paul: I'm looking for Eden.
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