Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/27/12
Episode # 9936 ~ Cane & Lily Celebrate the Twins' Birthday
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Phyllis: There--there was blood--there was blood on Daisy's scarf. So what? That doesn't mean that something happened to her.
Michael: True, true. Nonetheless, we're still gonna have to look into it.
Phyllis: Wait a second. "We're"?
Michael: It is my duty as the district attorney, and our friendship does preclude that.
Phyllis: What, our friendship? Are you investigating me?
Michael: Yes, and anyone else who had a contentious relationship with Daisy.
Heather: Hey.
Michael: Hey.
Heather: Sorry to interrupt. Um, I wanted to let you know that I got a judge to approve a warrant for Daisy's arrest.
Michael: On the "Duty to rescue" charge, I thought you said that was dropped.
Phyllis: I didn't know. I--
Heather: Well, wait. It's--it's been issued, but we haven't been able to serve it. We've put an A.P.B. out on Daisy.
Michael: So Daisy's going from a potential victim to a wanted fugitive then?
Eden: It's like you said-- all her stuff's here.
Kevin: Yeah, she leaves behind everything she owns and her daughter. They find her scarf in some sleazy alley with blood on it, but I'm the only one who thinks something happened to her.
Daniel: Well, I still think it's impossible for anyone to take advantage of Daisy.
Kevin: Well, somebody had to have done something.
Eden: Yeah, Ricky.
Kevin: Ricky Williams? Look, the guy's a jerk, but I don't think he's a kidnapper, or worse. Besides, did he even know Daisy?
Eden: Yeah, well enough to kiss her. Remember? I saw them?
Daniel: Yeah.
Kevin: When?
Eden: Uh, it was a few weeks ago, but the other day, they were together at Crimson Lights, and I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but it was something about Daniel.
Daniel: (Scoffs) She was probably complaining about what a crappy husband I am.
Eden: I don't know, call it a gut feeling, but I think he's involved in this.
Paul: So Heather told me about the arrest warrant. Congratulations on digging up that old stuff.
Avery: Thank you. I couldn't let Daisy get away with what she did to Phyllis, although if we can't find her...
Paul: Yeah. Do you really think that's the reason that Daisy didn't show up to meet Michael, that she caught wind that a warrant might be issued?
Avery: I think it's a possibility.
Paul: So you think that she left home and abandoned her child because of a possibility?
Avery: Well, you obviously don't think so. You got a better theory?
Paul: Ricky. I think he had something to do with Daisy's disappearance.
Avery: Are you serous?
Paul: (Sighs) Yeah, he's been hanging around her a lot lately, and suddenly, she's gone.
Avery: Okay. Okay, Paul, this is getting crazy. Every time something bad happens, you blame Ricky.
Paul: So you are certain that she left on her own to avoid being arrested?
Avery: Yes, I am.
Ricky: Yeah, I'd like to order a large sausage pizza with mushrooms. I'll be putting it on a credit card. It's my wife's. She'll be picking up the food. Yeah, sure, uh, her name is Daisy Romalotti.
Neil: Let's put this one on you.
Lily: Oh, Sweetie, that looks so cute!
Neil: That's my grandson.
Devon: C-man, you're lookin' good. (Laughs)
Neil: Yeah, and you know what? Matty is not having any of it. You don't want to wear your hat, do you? None of this hat stuff.
Lily: Well, she doesn't want to mess her hair up.
Neil: Oh, you don't want to wear it? You don't have to do anything you don't want to.
Sofia: Hey.
Lily: Hi, Sofia. Where's Moses?
Sofia: Oh, little guy had the sniffles. (Chuckles)
Neil: Is he okay?
Sofia: Oh, he's fine. Hi, Neil. I didn't want to get the little birthday boy and girl sick. Ooh, look at you and your hat. Hello, miss thing. What, she didn't want to mess up hair?
Lily: See?
Devon: Okay, okay.
Cane: Hello, Mom.
Genevieve: Ethan. I was just about to join the party.
Cane: How are you? You okay?
Genevieve: Yeah, ready to celebrate my grandchildren's birthday.
Cane: So, um, have you-- have you heard from Dad?
Genevieve: No. Let's not think about him today.
Cane: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Lily: Oh, there you are.
Cane: Hey. Sorry I'm late, Baby. Hi, everybody.
Neil: Hey.
Cane: Let's officially get this party started. Matty, Matty, Matty, why aren't you wearing your hat, Baby?
Lily: (Laughs)
Neil: (Laughs) Yeah.
Cane: What?
Lily: Long story. (Laughs) Don't ask.
Cane: Let's put your hat on, okay? Happy birthday, Baby.
Ricky: Expiration date is June 2014. Great, my wife's all set. One-way ticket from Rivitz to Ottawa. Oh, you mind telling me what time that bus leaves? Perfect. I'll let her known (laughs) No, no, thank you. (Sighs) You are doing an awesome job, Daniel, making your wife look like she's on the run.
Phyllis: This is good. So you finally believe that Daisy skipped out to avoid being arrested.
Michael: At the moment, I'm not inclined to believe anything.
Phyllis: You just--you just called her a "Fugitive." That's what you just said. You said--
Michael: That's the official designation, now that the warrant has been issued, but I've got a lot of questions.
Phyllis: What--what questions could you possibly have?
Michael: I've got a lot--
Heather: That was the lab. They finished running the tests on Daisy's scarf. The blood is Daniel's.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: And the hard copy?
Heather: They're forwarding us the results now.
Phyllis: Okay, please, Michael? Michael.
Michael: I'm sorry, Phyllis, I'm gonna have to take Daniel down for questioning.
Phyllis: Don't jump to conclu--oh, my, are--are-- Daisy and Daniel live together. They live together, okay? Come on, give me a break. He could have cut himself shaving. He could have cut his hand and gotten blood on Daisy's scarf.
Michael: Could have, could have, but the scarf was found in alley.
Phyllis: She dropped it.
Michael: Daisy asked me to meet in that alley because she had something to say to me.
Phyllis: Yeah, she did have something to say to you! She was afraid of being arrested. She was gonna give you a sob story to try to prove her innocence.
Heather: Okay, but if she wanted to defend herself, why wouldn't she wait for Michael--
Phyllis: You know, Heather, I don't know. I don't know, Heather. She panicked.
Michael: All right, Phyllis, Phyllis, listen to me. It--that could have happened, but if I ignore Daniel as a suspect, I'll not be doing my job. The district attorney.
Heather: Look, Daniel can come down to the station for questioning, or we can send someone to pick him up.
Phyllis: Do--Michael... plea--come on, just come to the house, okay? Just come to the house, talk to him at the house. Please--I don't want to go to the--please? Official.
Michael: All right, alright, all right, listen to me we'll stay at the apartment, but I have to go where the evidence leads, Phyllis.
Phyllis: It'll prove his innocence.
Michael: Call Avery. Daniel's gonna need a good attorney.
Daniel: Okay, would you cut me some slack? You never give mom this much trouble.
Kevin: Let me try.
Daniel: Here, be my guest. She drink any of her juice yet?
Eden: It's still full.
Daniel: (Sighs) She hasn't touched her food, either. Something's definitely off.
Kevin: Yeah, she probably misses her mom.
Daniel: Yeah, probably.
Kevin: Look, Daniel, I know you guys had your problems, but you said yourself, Daisy's a good mom.
Daniel: Daisy was a great mom. She was also good at torturing Lauren and Jana. There was that whole thing where she left me for dead on the side of the road.
Kevin: Okay, yes, yes, you keep bringing that up. But if somebody had been there for her, maybe she'd have shot being a better person.
Eden: Well, she had you.
Kevin: Yeah, for about five minutes, and then she disappeared before I was able to do anything for her.
Eden: I hope you're not blaming yourself for her being gone.
Kevin: I'm just saying, if I'd have stepped up sooner, then...
Daniel: Dude, seriously, whatever happened with Daisy was not your fault
Eden: Yeah, and my money's still on Ricky.
Paul: You know, I want to believe that you're right, that I'm way too hard on Ricky and, uh... (Clicks lips) I've lost perspective.
Avery: I thought I could read people tell if they were innocent or guilty. Best in the business, they said. And you know what? Sometimes, we get it wrong.
Paul: You mean like you did with Daisy?
Avery: Yeah, I've had lots of clients like her, and-and I gained immeasurable experience that I thought I could rely on.
Paul: Look, if you're telling me to excuse my experience, then--
Avery: No, experience is invaluable, but so is being open to seeing things in new ways. You know, right now, you're looking at this like you're the investigator and Ricky is a suspect.
Paul: (laughs) Okay. How am I supposed to see it?
Avery: Like you're the father and he's your son.
Paul: And that's supposed to make me more objective?
Avery: Well, think... it might help you get to know him better.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Avery: Sorry. Ah, Phyllis needs me. I gotta go. Um, think about what I said.
Paul: Yeah, I will. Forget it, I got it. Thanks.
Avery: Okay, thanks.
Neil: (Laugh)
Cane: What's that? Hey, Baby. (Gasps) What's that?
Lily: There's Harmony. Did you invite her?
Devon: No, I didn't invite her. I thought it might be awkward.
Lily: Well, yeah, I mean, her seeing all of us like this is definitely awkward.
Sofia: Why don't we just invite her to join us?
Lily: Dad?
Neil: Hmm? It's--yeah, fine. Fine with me.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: I am-- I'm really glad you're here.
Genevieve: Oh, thanks. I can't wait for you to see the fabulous gifts I bought for them.
Cane: Just-- just don't tell me you went overboard, okay?
Genevieve: I have a lot to make up for.
Lily: Harmony.
Harmony: Hey, Lily.
Lily: Hi.
Harmony: Having a family get-together?
Lily: Yeah, it's, uh, Charlie and Matty’s birthday.
Harmony: Oh, that's nice.
Lily: Mm-hmm. We would love for you to join us.
Harmony: Um, well, I-I just ordered my food to go.
Lily: Well, cancel it.
Harmony: Uh, Lily, it--it just doesn't feel right.
Lily: Cane and I have something to tell you, but only if you promise to keep it a secret.
Harmony: Oh, my God. I would have to stay.
Lily: Okay, good. Come on.
Harmony: Thank you.
Avery: Hey, what did Michael say about the D.N.A. results?
Phyllis: Um, he wants to talk to Daniel. He thinks you should be here.
Avery: Okay.
Daniel: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey.
Daniel: Got your text. What's up?
Phyllis: Uh, Michael wants to talk to you, at my place.
Daniel: Why?
Phyllis: The blood on Daisy's scarf is yours.
Daniel: Well, it must have happened when I cut my hand.
Eden: Yeah, that makes sense.
Kevin: Yeah.
Avery: Well, let's go see what Michael has to say, okay?
Daniel: See you guys later.
Eden: Okay, why is Michael grilling Daniel? He should be looking at Ricky.
Kevin: All right, Eden, give it up, okay? There is no reason Ricky Williams would want to hurt Daisy.
Eden: Oh, and Daniel would?
Kevin: No. No. Look, he's just-- he's said some things lately that made him sound guilty. You heard 'em.
Heather: I'd like to hear 'em.
Eden: All right, well, talk to Kevin. I have something I need to do.
Ricky: Hmm. Okay. (Grunts) (Slaps cushion)
(Knock on door)
Ricky: (Sighs)
Paul: Hi. Can I come in?
Ricky: Back again. What do you want to accuse me of this time?
Paul: You know, Ricky, I-I don't... (Chuckles) I don't blame you for feeling that way.
Ricky: Well, it's really all you've ever done since I came to town.
Paul: I'm trying to change that. I meant what I said. I-I want to get to know you.
Ricky: (Laughs) I'm sure you've done a thorough investigation into my past. There's probably nothing you don't know.
Paul: I don't know what you're thinking. I don't know what you're feeling.
Ricky: You never asked.
Paul: I'm asking now.
Cane: Excuse me, coming through, coming through.
Genevieve: Oh, this one's from me.
Cane: All right. Yeah, here, Baby, you open it.
Lily: Look, you guys, more presents!
(Dish clatters)
Lily: Oops, sorry, sorry!
Neil: Just lucky; there was nothing in it.
Lily: I know, I know.
Cane: Whoo! (Laughs)
Lily: Sorry! It's a big box.
Neil: Here you go. Here, I'll take that.
Lily: Thank you.
Neil: Uh-huh.
Cane: Wow, that's beautiful.
Lily: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh!
Sofia: That's super cute.
Lily: Genevieve, these are amazing. Thank you.
Neil: Nice.
Genevieve: You're welcome. I ordered them from that precious store in Milan.
Lily: Oh, wow.
Cane: Mom, that's gotta set you back some.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Well, I have to spoil my grandchildren. I love it.
Cane: Yeah, thank you.
Lily: It's so cute.
Cane: Thank you very much.
Lily: Thank you.
Genevieve: You're welcome.
Lily: Well, there's another surprise for Charlie and Matty. Actually, for everyone...
Neil: All right.
Lily: So... you can come out now!
Neil: Uh-oh. I've heard that bef--
Sofia: Gasps) Ohh!
Ana: Hi!
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Hi.
Neil: It's an amazing surprise.
Ana: They did it. Thanks.
Lily: I'm so glad you could make it. (Laughs)
Ana: Yeah, me, too. (Laughs)
Sofia: Hi, Ana. Hi! Girl, look at you.
Devon: Hey.
Cane: Hey, you remember my mom, right?
Neil: Hi, Baby. Good to see you.
Ana: Ah, nice seeing you again.
Genevieve: Hi. Nice to see you, too.
Ana: What?
Devon: What do you mean, "What?" Give me a hug! (Laughs)
Ana: Oh, I'm sorry. (Laughs)
Devon: How are you? Ohh.
Ana: Hi.
Harmony: (Laughs) Hi.
Ana: Want to hear what I've been doing?
Harmony: I would love to hear what you've been doing. Come--come on, let's--
Neil: There you go.
Lily: So... did you like my surprise? (Laughs)
Devon: Yeah, it's great.
Neil: But...
Devon: I don't want to see Ana get hurt.
Neil: Looks to me like they're getting along pretty well, Devon.
Devon: Yeah, that's how it is with my mom, though, until she shuts you down.
Lily: I'm gonna, um, check on the kids.
Neil: Yeah, I'm gonna help you.
Cane: It's not easy, huh?
Devon: What's not?
Cane: Realizing your mom isn't who you hoped she'd be.
Devon: How did you do it?
Cane: I forgave her.
Devon: For all the stuff she did?
Cane: No. For not being perfect.
Paul: You're right, I-I can't go back and play catch with you or teach you how to ride a bike, but I can try and be the best dad I know how.
Ricky: And how's that supposed to work?
Paul: I don't know, Rick. I haven't done it before, either. Well, maybe it's--it's... it's me listening to you as a dad instead of a detective. And maybe you can be open to me, and if you need my help to...
Ricky: Okay, o-okay.
Paul: Pull you through anything...
Ricky: I see what you're doing. Interrogating me didn't work, so now you're coming ere with this whole "I want to be your dad" act, trying to get me to open up that way. That's good. That's real good, Dad.
Paul: Ricky, it's not an act.
Ricky: Get out!
Eden: Hey.
Ricky: Hey. What are you doing here?
Eden: Well, you said we could hang out.
Ricky: Yeah, this is not a good time.
Eden: Oh, well, too bad. I had something to tell you about Daisy.
Ricky: What about her?
Eden: Well, I mean, can I come in?
Ricky: Yeah, yeah. (Chuckles) Of course.
Eden: Okay. So I know you guys have gotten pretty close.
Ricky: Not really.
Eden: Well, I saw you hanging at the coffee shop a few times. Anyway, okay, get this-- the cops think Daniel got rid of her.
Ricky: Hmm.
Phyllis: Okay, well, Lucy's asleep.
Avery: I was telling Daniel to answer Michal's questions, but not to give him any more information than he asks for.
Daniel: Well, I don't have anything to hide.
Avery: Okay.
(Knock on door)
Avery: Michael. Thank you for doing this here.
Michael: I'm sorry we have to do this at all.
Avery: I understand.
Michael: (Exhales) Phyllis, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Phyllis: I'll take my phone.
Michael: Thank you. Well, let's get started. (Clears throat) This is Michael Baldwin. I'm questioning Daniel Romalotti regarding the disappearance of his wife, Daisy Carter Romalotti. Also in attendance is Mr. Romalotti's counsel, Avery Clark. Let's start with the evening Daisy disappeared. Tell me everything you did. Don't leave anything out.
Kevin: I was just explaining to Eden why Michael was questioning Daniel.
Heather: Then you think your brother is justified?
Kevin: I don't think Daniel had anything to do with whatever happened to Daisy, if anything happened to her. Okay, I have to get back to work.
Heather: Kevin?
Kevin: What?
Heather: The other day, you stood up for Daisy, said that you wanted to give her a second chance. You can still give her one. Help us figure out what happened to her.
Kevin: Look, Daniel and Daisy argued, yes. Find me a couple who doesn't.
Heather: But they weren't a normal couple. They were together because of Lucy.
Kevin: Yeah, that's true.
Heather: Daniel was not happy in that marriage. We have witnesses who heard him say he was gonna find a way to get rid of Daisy. Did he tell you that?
Kevin: Yeah, he mentioned that he wanted to get her out of his life, but he was just blowing off steam. Guys do that.
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: I complain about Chloe all the time.
Heather: Excuse me. Heather Stevens.
Heather: Are you sure? (Exhales quickly) Keep me posted. Yeah, this changes everything.
Kevin: What? Was that about Daisy?
Neil: All right, what you got?
Cane: Okay, you ready? We're gonna teach Gramps, excuse me.
Neil: Gramps?
Cane: Excuse me, Gramps. We have a star coming through.
Neil: Oh, okay. Coach Cane.
Cane: Go! Into it!
All: Ohh!
Cane: All right, it's cool.
Neil: Watch out, watch out. Charlie, come here.
Cane: See, they're both my children, so I win both ways.
Neil: Charlie, let's put this down and school them, what we are supposed to be doing at a ba--ready? We're gonna fly in and dunk it! Dunk it, Charlie!
Cane: Whoo! That's my boy! You see, Matty? That's how it's done, baby girl.
Neil: High five.
Matty: I'm done, I'm done.
Cane: You're done? Do you want to go up? Do you want to go up?
Matty: (Laughs)
Cane: Here we go. Here we go.
(Indistinct conversation)
Genevieve: Hey, Sweetie.
Lily: Hi. Thank you so much for those outfits. They are really beautiful...
Genevieve: You're welcome.
Lily: But you didn't need to spend so much money, though.
Genevieve: (Sighs) I know that you two are worried about me, but you needn't be, really.
Lily: (Laughs)
Genevieve: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get a refill.
Lily: Okay.
Sofia: I, uh, I heard about what she did, sacrificing all her assets so that Cane can have his freedom.
Lily: Yeah, she's just, you know, trying to be a good mom. (Chuckles)
Sofia: Aren't we all?
Lily: How are you doing?
Neil: See you later.
Sofia: Moses and I are settling into our new place, but I'm worried about him. I mean, did I do the right thing? Maybe I should have just stayed with Neil so we could raise Moses with two parents.
Lily: I don't know. It doesn't always work. (Chuckles)
Sofia: Yeah.
Devon: Looks like you and Mom were getting along pretty well.
Ana: Afraid we're gonna become BFFs?
Devon: Are you planning on that?
Ana: I know you and Harmony have her stuff, but it's not like that for me.
Devon: Well, you don't remember about her running out on you but that affected your life.
Ana: Yeah, it did, but I put all that hurt into my music, and in a way, I'm grateful to her. You might think that's stupid.
Devon: No, I don't think it's stupid at all. I just don't--
Ana: I know. You don't want me to get hurt.
Devon: That's right.
Ana: But if I stay mad at Mom forever, how would that help me? I'd just be mad. Isn't it better that I forgive her and use what happened to make my life better? Well, I don't care what you think. That's what I'm gonna do.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Ricky: Well, you've been mooning over "Art boy" for weeks now, and all of a sudden, you're hating on him?
Eden: Well, I mean, I've never been great at judging guys. Him making out with me the same day he married Daisy-- I mean, that should have been a big red flag.
Ricky: (Chuckles) Well, I'm glad you got away from him. Too bad Daisy didn't listen to me.
Eden: Wait, you're glad I got away, after--after weeks of my rudeness? God. you know what? Let me make it up to you and buy you a drink.
Ricky: Really?
Eden: Yeah.
Ricky: Okay.
Eden: Okay, let's go.
Eden: Oh, hi.
Woman: Hi.
Eden: So what's, uh, what's a good apology drink?
Ricky: Um, well, nothing says "I'm sorry" quite like tequila.
Eden: Yeah, sounds good.
Heather: All right, thanks.
Kevin: Come on, Heather, what did you mean by that? What did you mean when you said "This changes everything"?
Heather: You shouldn't have heard that.
Kevin: Well, I did.
Phyllis: Wait, wait, wait a second, wait a second. Shouldn't have heard what?
Kevin: You may as well tell us. Phyllis just has this way of finding things out.
Heather: It looks like Daisy's been using her credit card.
Kevin: (Exhales sharply)
Phyllis: What--I-I-- what did--this means--
Kevin: She's okay.
Heather: Yeah. I-I need to call Michael.
Kevin: (Exhales sharply)
Daniel: And then showed up at the warehouse, and you got there after that.
(Cell phone vibrates)
Michael: (Exhales slowly) There appears to be a gap between the time you left the apartment and the time you arrived at the gala. Should have taken you no more than, let's say, 15 minutes. It took a lot longer.
Avery: What's the question, Michael?
Michael: Just making an observation. Let's talk about another day, at Genoa City Athletic Club. You were upset when I told you that I didn't think, you could press charges against Daisy for causing your mother's miscarriage.
Daniel: Yeah, yeah, Nick and I were both pissed. We thought that Daisy was gonna get away with what she did.
Michael: What was it you said? Something about, uh, wishing Daisy would disappear?
Daniel: (Sighs) Okay, look, I'm not gonna sit here and try and pretend like didn't have my problems with Daisy, but she was Lucy's mom.
(Cell phone vibrates)
Michael: Excuse me. Heather, what's up? Great. It is? All right. Get back to me as soon as you know more. Thank you. Uhnn. Apparently, Daisy's credit card is being used. She's headed to Canada.
Daniel: Mom's been telling you that, so I guess she was right and you were wrong about me.
Michael: Nothing would make me happier, Daniel.
Devon: Bow. Yeah!
Cane: Oh, good job, Buddy! Good job. Good job, guys.
Neil: Thanks.
Cane: Well done.
Lily: I had to. (Laughs)
Devon: It's a good party, Harmony.
Harmony: Uh-huh.
Cane: Happy birthday.
Lily: Happy birthday, Sweeties.
Harmony: You know, Devon, you have such a nice family. They're all so... they're good people.
Devon: Yeah, they are. They really are, and, uh... they taught me to treat people better than I've been treating you.
Harmony: It's okay.
Devon: No, it's not okay. There's nothing okay about it. It's not right to hold your mistakes against you. Ana reminded me of that.
Harmony: She's a really special young lady.
Devon: She is, and I think she gets most of that from you, big heart she has.
Harmony: Well, that's a really nice thing for you to say.
Devon: Well, I'm hoping that you could find it in your heart to forgive me.
Harmony: Oh, forgive you?
Devon: Forgive me, 'cause I make mistakes... occasionally.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: Just occasionally, but I do, and, um... what do you say that we just clean-slate it?
Harmony: Yes, Boo, I say we clean-slate it. Oh, I love you.
Devon: I love you, too.
Eden: Oh, you get those shots lined up. Um, I just have to run to the restroom, okay?
Ricky: Okay.
Eden: And don't you dare start without me.
Icky: (Chuckles)
Ricky: Row of shot glasses and a bottle of your best tequila.
Eden: Hi, hi. Um, I was in my boyfriend's room earlier.
Woman: Oh, yeah, I saw you come out.
Eden: Yes, uh, I forgot my sunglasses. Would you mind letting me back in?
Woman: Well, I guess it'll be all right.
Eden: Thank you.
(Electronic lock beeps)
Eden: Thank you so much.
Woman: All right.
Avery: Well, since Daisy's eating pizza on a bus headed to Canada, I think we're done here.
Michael: Until we actually confirm that it was Daisy using the credit card, Daniel is still a suspect.
Michael: Tell me how your blood got on Daisy's scarf.
Daniel: Punched a table.
Michael: Really?
Daniel: 'Cause I was pissed.
Michael: At Daisy?
Daniel: Yes, at Daisy, and took it out on the furniture, not on her.
Michael: What happened between you and Daisy that made you so mad that you wanted to hit something?
Daniel: Nothing. She wasn't even there.
Michael: And if she had been there, would you have hit her instead of the table?
Avery: Michael! Don't answer that. Don't answer that.
Daniel: No, no!
Phyllis: What? Why are you still here? Why is he still here?
Daniel: Hey.
Phyllis: I'm--I'm--I'm sure that Heather reached you, right?
Michael: Yes.
Phyllis: Good so you know Daisy's alive.
Michael: We know someone's using her credit card.
(Cell phone vibrates)
Michael: Uh, excuse me. Yeah, Heather. What did you find out?
Neil: Good job.
Lily: Hey. What's this one? Cane, what's this?
Cane: I don' know. I must have missed it.
Lily: I guess I better open it, yeah?
Cane: Right.
Lily: I wonder who it's from.
Cane: I don't know.
Lily: Ohh. I remember these kind of dolls.
Devon: They haven't made 'em in years.
Lily: I know. That's so cute.
Cane: What kind of sick joke is this?
Genevieve: Ethan, I swear, I-I had nothing to do with that.
Cane: Well, if isn't you--
Genevieve: It had to be Colin.
Michael: Daniel, I need you to come downtown with me to the police station for questioning.
Phyllis: Why, why?
Michael: The charges on Daisy's credit card were made over her phone.
Phyllis: That has nothing to do with Daniel.
Michael: The purchases were never picked up. Both businesses say that the husband made the phone call.
Daniel: Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Okay, look, I have not used Daisy's phone to make any calls. I don't even know where Daisy's phone is.
Avery: And anyone could be pretending to be Daniel.
Michael: Both calls pinged off a tower not far from his apartment.
Phyllis: Oh, God, that's Daisy that's clearly Daisy. She's afraid of being arrested, so she's making it look like she's left town.
Michael: The police have another theory. They think that Daniel's trying to make it look like Daisy's still alive to hide the fact that he killed her.
Phyllis: That, based on bogus phone calls.
Michael: And the threats he made to Daisy, and his blood on her scarf, and the time he can't account for on the night Daisy disappeared.
Avery: Okay, this is all circumstantial, and you know that.
Michael: I strongly urge you to advise your client to come downtown with me for a formal interrogation.
Avery: He'll come.
Phyllis: No. No, Avery!
Avery: It will be okay.
Daniel: It's fine, Mom. I'm innocent.
Phyllis: I know you are.
Avery: All right.
Phyllis: I'm gonna be right there, Daniel. I just need to find someone to watch Lucy, okay?
Daniel: Okay.
Phyllis: I'll be right there.
Kevin: So Daisy hasn't been using her credit card?
Heather: The police think it was Daniel.
Kevin: (Sighs) So Daisy's not alive, and Daniel may be responsible.
Paul: Hey, Ricky, (sighs) I owe you an apology.
Ricky: Didn't we just do this earlier?
Paul: Yeah. A buddy of mine, uh, from G.C.P.D. just called me, and he told me that they are bringing in a suspect in Daisy Romalotti's disappearance.
Ricky: Wow, and it wasn't me.
Paul: I am sorry that I thought you had anything to do with it.
Ricky: Well, I'd ask you to join me, but I'm waiting on someone.
Paul: That's all I had to say.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Eden: (Sighs) Oh, my God. It was Ricky.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"
Heather: Right now, all the evidence points to you.
Chloe: A weird night just got weirder.
Ronan: It's nice to see you, too.
Phyllis: They think that Daniel killed Daisy.
Nick: Well, we know he didn't.
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