Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/26/12
Episode # 9935 ~ Everyone Reacts Differently to the Two Missing Women
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Kay: (Sighs) Members of the art council calling all morning long, uh, terribly upset that the gala was postponed, and Agnes Sorenson is fit to be tied.
Nikki: I'm sorry, Katherine, what?
Kay: Uh, I-I'm sorry, yes, I know, I know. All that matters right now is--is Abby.
Nikki: I just wish we would hear something.
Ashley: Well, thanks, just, you know, for keeping Billy and Traci up-to-date, and, Jack, thanks four help. Of course I'm gonna call you later. I love you, too.
Tucker: Hey. We're gonna find Abby.
Ashley: It's just what they say, you know?
Tucker: We won't stop until we do.
Ashley: They say that if you don't find them, the first 48, you know--
Tucker: No, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. No. Come on, let's go visit. Let's go inside.
Ashley: Okay. Okay.
Ashley: Hi. Are there any updates?
Victor: Hi. No, nothing of any consequence.
Ashley: I'm talking about Abby, not the stock market.
Victor: Ashley, I know what you're talking about, okay?
Sharon: Um, could I offer you two a cup of coffee?
Tucker: No, thanks.
Ashley: I don't really want a cup of coffee, Sharon. I just-- I want my daughter back. So you still think that she's pulling a stunt, huh?
Victor: There are some things that simply don't make any sense.
Tucker: Such as?
Victor: Why would she tweet about her abduction and not alert the police? And for that matter, if she had a cell phone, why didn't she call one of us?
Ashley: Look, I understand what you're saying. I've got questions too, but I'm her mother, and as her mother, I don't want to take any chances. Do you really want to do that?
Michael: If it helps, we're devoting considerable manpower and resources to find Abby, at Victor's request.
Sharon: So the police are monitoring Abby's social network pages, right, Michael?
Michael: Yes. Unfortunately, she has made no further posts on twitter or FacePlace.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me. Yes. Michael Baldwin. Yes, I'm-- I'm with the parents now.
Michael: I'll tell them.
Ashley: What? What, Michael?
Michael: (Clears throat) That was a state patrol officer. They found Carmine and Abby's cell phones discarded in some brush along county road--
Ashley: And that's why she hasn't called-- because she can't.
Victor: Michael, what else?
Michael: Well, unfortunately, they won't be able to tell which way they headed after the phones were discarded, so, uh... the trail has gone cold.
Abby: Carmine? Are--are you in the bathroom?
Woman: Search continues for missing Kenosha man Tim Reid. In Genoa City, business mogul Victor Newman's youngest daughter is still missing. Abby Newman, A.K.A. The naked Heiress, tweeted that she had been kidnapped. We'll continue to bring you details as the story develops. In Milwaukee, local--
Abby: (Turns off radio) Yes! Not one word about that disastrous gala. It was all about me, me, me.
Avery: Thank you. What did Michael say about the arrest warrant?
Heather: Didn't get a chance to brief him. He's swamped.
Avery: Abby's kidnapping.
Heather: Yeah, he's been at Newman's ranch all morning.
Avery: Okay, I wanted that warrant issued today so that we could move forward with the "Duty to rescue" case against Daisy.
Heather: I know, I know. I know. Then it's a good thing I submitted an argument to the judge this morning.
Avery: You did?
Heather: Yep, I'm waiting to hear something soon.
Avery: Thank you, thank you, for staying on top of this.
Heather: Listen, Phyllis is probably anxious, but I don't think we should say anything until we have a green light to move forward.
Avery: Actually, my sister isn't exactly on board with pursuing the case anymore.
Phyllis: So, uh, Lucy slept through the night, and she-- she ate all her cereal.
Daniel: Well, give her a high five from me.
Phyllis: Um, any--any word from Daisy?
Daniel: Nope.
Phyllis: Too bad.
Daniel: Mm-hmm. Hey, I'm, uh, I'm getting another call. I'll see you soon. Hello.
Kevin: Hey, uh, any word from Daisy?
Daniel: No, not a word. Listen, man, Luce is over at my mom's, so I gotta run.
Kevin: All right, just, um, call. Call me if you hear anything.
Eden: What'd Daniel say?
Kevin: Um, still no sign of Daisy.
Paul: Do you think she went on the run again?
Kevin: No, not without Lucy, not after fighting so hard to become a part of her life.
Ricky: (Sighs) Hmm. I am so sorry, Heiress... but thanks to you, not a single word about poor... little Daisy.
Kay: How is, uh, Jack?
Nikki: Oh, he's exhausted. He was up all night waiting for the phone to ring with information about Abby.
Kay: Yeah, it is the hardest part, not knowing.
Nikki: Victor has set up a command center at the ranch. Jack has one at his house, and... (Sighs) They both want to be doing something, but there's nothing to do except wait.
Kay: Well, now listen, I have no doubts they're gonna move heaven and earth until they find Abby.
Nikki: Until then my heart is with them.
Victor: I'll pass that along. Victoria sends her best. It seems that she and Nicholas were here all night.
Ashley: And now?
Michael: I'm sure they're doing everything they can.
Chloe: Hi. Uh, the guards told me to come in.
Victor: That's all right, Chloe. I asked them to let you in.
Chloe: So I-I just heard on the radio that there's still no news about Abby. Have you heard anything?
Ashley: Michael got a call that's very disturbing.
Tucker: Abby's cell phone was found on the side of the road, along with Carmine's. He probably tossed 'em so the police couldn't use 'em to get their location.
Chloe: Uh, well, he could have taken her anywhere. You have to find her, Michael.
Michael: All right, listen to me. The police are doing everything possible, all right? Now I have to be going. I will stay on top of things, and I will let you know if anything develops.
Ashley: Thank you, Michael.
Victor: Thank you, Michael.
Chloe: Thanks.
Michael: All right.
Chloe: Bye.
Victor: Chloe... may I ask you, when that punk tried to kidnap you, did he give you any indication as to where he might take you?
Chloe: No, no. I-it all happened so fast. I mean, he shoved me towards the car, he threw me into the trunk, and then, next thing I knew, Abby saved me.
Victor: Did you get the impression that the two were working together, that this was a setup?
Ashley: Oh, my God. Why would Abby do something like that?
Victor: Who knows what goes on in that girl's mind? Must I remind you of when she rode into the Athletic Club stark naked?
Chloe: I really don't think that this is one of Abby's stunts. Carmine planned the entire thing. Um, before he threw me in the trunk, he went all mental. He said that he was doing this because of revenge, because of Angelina. (Sighs) I bet you Abby is terrified.
Abby: Where were you?
Carmine: Had to stash the car a couple miles from here.
Abby: You were gone for a really long time.
Carmine: Well, without wheels, I had to walk.
Abby: Well, F.Y.I., you're not a very good kidnapper. I could have just walked right out the door.
Carmine: Why didn't you?
Heather: Phyllis doesn't want to go after Daisy?
Avery: Mm, mm. I'm not convinced that that's what she really wants. Listen to me. In the course of one day, she's gone from being completely gung ho to completely against it.
Heather: (Laughs) Avery, I don't have a case without--
Avery: Uh, my sister, my sister-- she's so emotional right now, with everything that's happened, okay?
Heather: Yeah.
Avery: I just think she's starting to doubt herself.
Heather: So we're not pursuing the case at this time?
Avery: Oh, no, no, we are. I'm not letting Daisy get off. (Sighs) And I think that once-- once Phyllis realizes there's a legitimate chance that Daisy will go to prison...
Heather: Yeah.
Avery: She will come around. She'll get in the ring and she'll fight.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: Heather Stevens. (Chuckles) That's great. I appreciate your calling. Bye. An arrest warrant has been issued for Daisy.
Avery: That's fantastic.
Heather: Now you're sure that Phyllis is going to cooperate? I do not have a case without her testimony.
Avery: By the time you have that warrant executed, I will have convinced Phyllis that this is the way to go.
Kevin: Well, the cops say it's a no-go. They're not gonna start looking for Daisy yet.
Paul: Well, that's standard procedure.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I got the whole speech from the officer about Daisy being a non-impaired, non-threatened person, but we don't know that she wasn't threatened. I mean, she disappeared in an alley, in a bad part of town. And her scarf was there, which means she was there.
Paul: Okay, Kevin--
Kevin: So where did she go? Was she forced to leave?
Paul: Kevin, the G.C.P.D. are not out to get you. They're not trying to railroad you, either.
Kevin: Well, it feels like it. It does.
Paul: Well, let me give you an insider's perspective. Daisy is an adult. Who knows? Maybe she felt like she had to get away from it all and--and not tell anyone where she was going. The scarf-- it could have belonged to somebody else, right? It could have been here for a day or a week, and until they get more pieces of the puzzle, they're just going to have to adhere to established guidelines.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Eden: Well, is there anything we can do?
Kevin: Well, the cop said we should try some of Daisy's friends.
Paul: Well, she could be laying low at one of their houses.
Kevin: She doesn't have any friends, so we're back at square one, nowhere.
Eden: Well, Daisy did have at least one friend-- Ricky. They were here together a couple of days ago.
Paul: Did you, uh, happen to hear what they were talking about?
Eden: Well, it was something about Daniel and, uh, and Daisy being "Free of this."
Paul: Free of the marriage?
Den: I'm not sure, but whatever it was, Ricky agreed to help her.
Paul: Uh-huh. Did he say how, or any of the details?
Eden: No. I'm sorry, I-I didn't hear everything. But here is, um, there is something else.
Paul: It's okay. Go ahead, say it.
Eden: Um... well, when Daisy used to live across the hall, I saw her and Ricky kissing, so, I mean, they might be more than friends.
Paul: So you think Ricky and Daisy are having an affair?
Eden: Don't know. Uh, it might have just been one kiss, but if you talk to him, he can't say they weren't close, that's for sure.
Paul: Right. Well, maybe I'll check in on Ricky and, uh, see if he's heard from Daisy. Worth a shot.
Eden: Yeah, okay.
Michael: Yeah, we'll see what happens. I'll talk to you-- oh, hey, Paul. Hi, thanks. No. All right, Jack and Victor have agreed to pay any overtime accrued by your officers until Abby is found. Yeah, all right. I'll pass along the word. Thank you. Bye.
Kevin: So maybe if Daisy was parading around town naked, then somebody would be looking for her.
Michael: Okay, oh, all right, before you get all worked up, I mean--
Kevin: Look, Daisy didn't just leave, okay? Something happened to her, and no one believes me, not even you!
Michael: Not true! Look, there are proto-- (Lowers voice) There are protocols in place, and I have to follow them. Abby's case is already classified as a kidnapping. It has not been 24 hours since Daisy--
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I got the whole spiel from the cops.
Michael: No, let me-- let me finish. I've sent a squad car out there to look for Daisy. That scarf you identified as Daisy's, I sent to the crime lab, to be analyzed. Maybe it'll help us find out what, if anything, happened to her.
Ricky: Lipstick, toss. Breath mints, toss. Wallet... This might come in handy. (Chuckles) Well, I hope you paid your phone bill, Daisy, 'cause I might be needing to make some calls.
Phyllis: Lucy's taking a nap.
Daniel: Yeah. I'll check on her in a bit. Thank you for letting her stay here last night.
Phyllis: You were very rattled when you dropped her off.
Daniel: It's because Daisy didn't show up, but you already knew that.
Phyllis: You want to talk about what happened at the gala?
Daniel: I don't have much to say about it. Do you? I mean, you seemed pretty agitated when I showed up at the warehouse.
Phyllis: Of course I was. I thought that Daisy was gonna tell Michael that I was the one who was driving the car that hit Paul and Christine.
Daniel: But Daisy didn't show up.
Phyllis: And you didn't see her there, did you?
Daniel: No, no, I didn't. Did you?
Phyllis: Nope.
Daniel: Hmm.
Phyllis: You don't think that I...
Daniel: Did you?
Phyllis: Did you? My hands are clean.
Daniel: Mine, too.
Phyllis: So neither one of us can say what happened to Daisy.
Daniel: (Gasps) Ahh, so you are saying that something happened.
Phyllis: It's a figure of speech.
Daniel: You know, mom, you're quite capable of doling out a certain kind of justice when you're feeling cornered, and you were cornered.
Phyllis: So were you. You were trapped in a marriage that you wanted out of. Works pretty well for you, doesn't it, that she vanished?
Daniel: I'm not gonna cry if she never shows up.
Phyllis: Neither am I.
Daniel: (Scoffs) As long as she stays gone, I'm a free man.
Phyllis: And I'm a free woman.
Daniel: Yeah. Guess it doesn't really matter how or why she left.
Phyllis: No, it doesn't. Just that she did leave.
Daniel: You know, I, uh, came down to protecting myself or someone that I love, care about, I would argue that whatever actions were taken were completely justified.
Phyllis: So would I.
Kevin: I'm sorry I was being such a jerk.
Michael: Look, I am not a fan of Daisy's... but she's family to you, and you're worried about her. That, I understand.
Kevin: She just kept saying that nobody would give her a chance, and I was trying to. I was trying to-- to be a good influence on her like you were on me.
Michael: She's nothing like you. Kevin, you know, some people don't change.
Kevin: She was trying, Michael. She was.
Michael: At the very least, Daisy is volatile and unpredictable. Maybe she just suddenly realized that, you know, having a marriage and a baby was all too much for her and--
Kevin: Okay, well, then why would she call you, right? Beg you to meet her, and then not show? Because something happened, that's why.
(Knock on door)
Ricky: Hmm.
(Knock on door)
Ricky: (Groans) Dad. What a surprise.
Paul: Hey.
Ricky: Come on in. Last time you were here, you dropped quite the bomb on me, warned me to stay away from my own sister.
Paul: Ricky, uh, I didn't come here to rehash that. Anyway, uh, I need your help.
Ricky: Okay, wasn't expecting that.
Paul: It's about Daisy Carter.
Ricky: What about her?
Paul: You two were... friendly.
Ricky: Friendly-ish. As you know, she was my landlord, until Heather did everything in her power to make me homeless.
Paul: Well, you're not exactly destitute. So you and Daisy weren't seeing each other romantically?
Ricky: Dad, no matter what else you think of me, I am not an adulterer. We were buds. That's it.
Paul: Have you seen her lately?
Ricky: Mm... yeah, a couple days ago, at the coffee shop. She works there now.
Paul: Did she mention anything about leaving town?
Ricky: No. Why?
Paul: Um, Daisy's missing. She was supposed to, uh, talk with Michael at the gala last night, and never showed. She hasn't been seen or heard from since.
Ricky: First Abby, now Daisy. I haven't seen anything in the news about Daisy.
Paul: Well, the police aren't investigating yet. It hasn't been long enough.
Ricky: So why are you looking for her?
Paul: As a favor to Kevin. He's concerned about his sister.
Ricky: It's like you're the patron saint for put-upon sisters. Hey, you don't think the same guy that grabbed Abby also snatched Daisy, do you?
Woman: Still no word on the missing Newman heiress. An Abbott family spokesperson released the following statement. "Abby's family is praying for her safe return. Anyone with information is urged to call their local police departments.
Carmine: (Sighs) Call your family now, Abby. Tell them this is all some kind of big misunderstanding and that you're safe and that you're coming home.
Abby: Why? This is a ginormous story. Why would I want to go home and be yesterday's news when I can, you know, I can stay in the spotlight?
Carmine: Because the longer you stay away, the worse it is for me. They're gonna make me out to be some kind of lunatic kidnapper.
Abby: Isn't that what you are? This all started with your plan to kidnap Chloe.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Chloe: You know, I-I think that I should just talk to, um, the crime department at "Restless Style," and I'll get back to you guys and let you know what I find out.
Ashley: Thank you so much, Chloe, for all your help. I appreciate it.
Chloe: Yeah, bye.
Sharon: Ashley, when was the last time you had something to eat?
Ashley: I haven't eaten. I'm not hungry.
Sharon: Well, you know, you--you should really keep your strength up, for your daughter's sake.
Tucker: She's right. You should eat.
Ashley: Okay.
Tucker: Okay.
Victor: Why are you here, McCall?
Tucker: Why do you think? I'm here for Ashley.
Victor: You think she'll forgive your transgressions if you show enough sympathy for her daughter? Is that it?
Tucker: No, that's not it.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: I'm genuinely worried about Abby, and Ashley's no fool. She knows I'm sincere, and she's grateful she's got Jack, she's got me, supporting her.
Victor: If you do anything to harm Ashley, you'll have to answer to me.
Ricky: It's a real bummer about Daisy. I miss our talks. We had some good ones. Kind of bonded.
Paul: Really? What did you two have in common?
Ricky: Messed-up moms, little or no support from our dads. Oh, I'm sorry. No offense. I'm just stating the facts. And we were both treated like sludge from the moment we walked into town.
Paul: Well, if you think of anything else that's, um, useful, give me a call.
Ricky: Sure thing, Dad.
Avery: An arrest warrant was issued for Daisy.
Phyllis: Why?
Avery: The "Duty to rescue" charge.
Phyllis: Oh. Um, I-I thought I asked you to drop that.
Avery: I know, you did, but I figured you would change your mind once you knew it was a real possibility that she could be prosecuted.
Phyllis: Um, Avery--
Avery: Okay, I know, I circumvented you...
Phyllis: Yeah.
Avery: But I really do have your best interest in mind, and I think, if you'll testify... (Sighs) There's a very good chance we can put her in prison for a very long time.
Phyllis: There's only one problem with that.
Daniel: Daisy's missing.
Avery: What? How long has she been gone?
Phyllis: Since last night. Uh, she called Michael to meet her in the alley outside of the gala, and she never showed up.
Avery: And neither one of you knows what happened or where she might be?
Daniel: No, sure don't.
Phyllis: Absolutely not.
Nikki: Well, Abby and I never have been particularly close, but I am very worried.
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, my dear, she is a spitfire.
Nikki: Mm.
Kay: Just the right amount of brains and gumption to survive. Uh, you know, after all, she is, uh, Victor Newman's daughter.
Nikki: Yes, indeed. She has gone to war with him and walked away. That proves how tough she is.
Kay: Have you spoken to him?
Nikki: No, I haven't.
Kay: Hmm. (Whispers) Maybe you should.
Nikki: Maybe.
Ashley: I think we should hold a press conference, make a public appeal for Abby's safe return.
Victor: I will contact the news once we have more information, okay?
Ashley: Wait a minute. What more information do you need?
Tucker: Chloe said the guy's dangerous and that she wasn't in collusion with him.
Ashley: Victor doesn't want to believe that, 'cause he always has to be right. Well, I'm not gonna let your ego get in the way of our daughter's safety.
Victor: Ashley, do we need to get over that again? I think its nonsense to talk about something on the news that could very well be misinformation.
Tucker: Come on. Let's get out of here. We have contacts at the news station.
Ashley: I just wish we hadn't wasted so much time.
Victor: You think it's a waste of time? I'll have Abby back home before you are finished making your pleas before the cameras.
Heather: Thanks. So...
Paul: Oh, thank you.
Heather: Avery found the statute. I brought it before the judge, and a warrant was issued. Officers haven't been able to find Daisy, though.
Paul: Oh. Maybe Kevin's right.
Heather: About...
Paul: Well, Daisy's missing. He suspects foul play, and if the officers haven't been able to find her...
Heather: Did Kevin ask you to look for her?
Paul: No, but Eden mentioned she saw Ricky with Daisy a couple of days ago, so I was upstairs asking him about her.
Heather: So you heard the words "Foul play" and "Ricky," and came running? Paul, it's like you're wa--
Paul: Mm. No, no, no, stop it. That's not fair. I'm--I'm not on a witch hunt.
Heather: Okay.
Paul: Ricky was seen with Daisy the day before she disappeared.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Paul: He showed up late at the gala, after she was supposed to talk to Michael. It's too much of a coincidence. I had to check it out.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: Hey, guys.
Kevin: Hey.
Michael: Hi, Chloe.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: How are you doing?
Chloe: I'm okay. I just-- just keep on picturing Abby and thinking--I don't-- ohh, I don't understand. I am so cold. I mean, it's nearly July and I'm freezing. (Sighs) Any word on Daisy?
Kevin: No, not a peep. Maybe they've heard. Hey, Daniel.
Michael: Hey, guys.
Phyllis: Hey.
Kevin: Um, we were just talking about Daisy.
Daniel: Oh, um, well, no update yet.
Phyllis: Yeah, all signs point to her being gone for good.
Kevin: Um, did, uh, did she take anything from your place?
Daniel: Not that I know of.
Kevin: Well, maybe we should look again.
Daniel: Yeah, sure.
Chloe: Wait, what are you hoping to find?
Kevin: Um... just some clue or something that she wasn't planning on leaving, you know? Her toothbrush or some clothes, I don't know.
Phyllis: Well, you can-- you can buy all that stuff on the road. What? You can. What?
Kevin: Well, do you know about her phone call to Michael? Do either of you know what that was about?
Phyllis: Yeah, I-I already said.
Kevin: Oh, yeah, right, she was worried about facing those failure to rescue charges.
Phyllis: Um, the--the term is actually "Duty to rescue." That's--that's the term, and I do feel that she was going to plead her case and she decided against it.
Michael: Yeah, well, that's possible, along with a host of other reasons.
Kevin: Such as?
Daniel: Hey, guys, seriously, why are we even speculating here?
Phyllis: Yeah, right.
Daniel: None of us know what Daisy was really up to.
Michael: All I know is that she made it sound urgent, but it... (Sighs) With Daisy, it could just be another ruse.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: So when you said you had contacts, you weren't messing around, were you?
Tucker: Well, Millie convinced the public information office that your appeal might have more impact if it was broadcast from the crime scene.
Ashley: So this was just Millie?
Tucker: Well, I might have made a call to Mayor Colaizzo to convince him that it was a good idea.
Ashley: I appreciate that. I mean, you know especially considering everything that's going on...
Tucker: It's--
Ashley: I'm grateful.
Tucker: All that matters right now is that we bring Abby home.
Ashley: All I want to do is, um, hug my little girl and tell her how much I love her.
Abby: What were you gonna do to Chloe?
Carmine: I don't know. I guess, keep her long enough to teach Fisher a lesson and make him realize how he treated Angie like dirt.
Abby: Oh, come... (Squeals) Please. Angelina is the one who used every dirty trick in the book to try to keep Kevin away from his one true love. You--you are such a bonehead.
Carmine: I'm a bonehead?
Abby: Yeah.
Carmine: (Laughs) I'm not the one who locks myself in the trunk and then tweets about how you were kidnapped. Who does that, really? A bonehead, that's who.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Nikki: Hello, Victor.
Victor: Hi.
Nikki: I just thought I'd come by and see how things were.
Victor: Everything that can be done is, and Michael Baldwin is coordinating the search efforts as we speak.
Nikki: Well, when I said "Things," I meant you. How are you?
Victor: I'm fine, thank you.
Nikki: Is there anything I can do, anything you need?
Sharon: Victor, I made you a snack.
Victor: That's very kind of you as you can see, I'm fine.
Paul: It's just the way--
Ricky: Hey, Sis. Dad interrogating you, too?
Heather: No, not at all. It's a nice, polite conversation, or it was.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: What have you got for me? (Sighs) Okay, thanks. An A.P.B. has been issued for Daisy. Cops will be looking for a fugitive, not a missing person.
Paul: Hopefully, they'll find her soon, and we'll get some answers.
Kevin: Daisy didn't take Lucy. That should be proof enough that she didn't just take off. You said yourself she's a good mom, right?
Daniel: Yeah, she was-- is. Is. I always thought that if Daisy left town, she would take Lucy with her, not leave her behind.
Phyllis: Oh, God, give--give me a break, give me a break. This is what Daisy does. She comes into town, she stirs up trouble, and then she evaporates into thin air, and good mother? Please! She abandoned Lucy before just to save her own skin. What's the difference now?
Michael: Let me call you back. Excuse me. Uh, that was the crime lab. Kevin... the substance they found on Daisy's scarf... it was definitely human blood.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Ashley: I'm Ashley Abbott, and I'm Abby Newman's mom. Uh, this is the alley, actually, that she was abducted from last night, and I'm--I'm here asking for the public's help in finding her. Uh, I just really need my daughter to come home. She is my only child, and if anybody has any information at all about her, even if they don't think it's important, please just call and report it, because you--you don't know.
Man: What do you have to say to Abby's abductor, Carmine Basco?
Ashley: I'll give him whatever he wants. Just--just, please, let our daughter go.
Man: Why isn't Abby's father, Victor Newman, here?
Ashley: Victor and I are both handling this in our own way, and he and I both want her home and safe and in our arms. Thank you.
Carmine: Your mom is crushed, Abby. Call her--now.
Abby: She was covering for my dad, okay? I wonder why he wasn't there. I mean... (Sighs) He's pissed because I gave my uncle Jack some money to buy Beauty of Nature, but-- he is so mad that he doesn't even care that I'm being held against my own will.
Carmine: That's because you're not. She said that he wasn't there because he's handling it in his own way, which scares the hell out of me, by the way. I don't want to be in the crosshairs of Victor Newman.
Abby: He is a big softy.
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Abby: I have got him wrapped around my little finger. I'm gonna explain the whole situation, and he will fix everything. You won't spend a second behind bars, okay?
Carmine: (Chuckles) Okay, fine. Call him.
Abby: Well, I would... but I think we should probably just let him cool off for a little while.
Carmine: (Chuckles) Fine, all right. Uh, how long we talking here?
Abby: A day?
Carmine: One day.
Abby: (Sighs)
Carmine: Mm.
Sharon: Oh, Nikki, I can have the cook make you something.
Nikki: No, thank you. Victor, how's your neck? You know, that one spot that bothers you when you're stressed?
Sharon: I found an organic muscle rub that's worked wonders.
(Helicopter whirring)
Victor: That's my helicopter. Anyway, thank you for coming by. We have everything under control, so...
Nikki: I'll keep Abby in my prayers.
Victor: And I think you-- maybe you should go see Faith, make sure she's all right.
Sharon: Yes, that's a great idea.
Victor: If I need you, I'll call you, okay?
Sharon: Very well, thank you. See you later.
Victor: Bye.
(Telephone rings)
Victor: Yes, I heard. Yep, thank you. Malloy, there you are.
Ronan: At your service.
Victor: How the hell are you?
Ronan: I've been well.
Victor: All right.
Ronan: You have friends in very high places.
Victor: Well, you know that.
Ronan: I'm sure you did, too. Uh, nice helicopter ride, by the way. Thank you for that.
Victor: Nice toy, isn't it?
Ronan: It is, indeed. So why have I been summoned here?
Victor: Well, the reason I asked you to come by is because... my daughter Abby was kidnapped, and I think you're very good at detective work. I want you to bring her back, and then I want you to find the kidnapper, and I want that bastard brought to justice.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Heather: That was the lab. They finished running the tests on Daisy's scarf.
Kevin: There is no reason Ricky Williams would want to hurt Daisy.
Eden: Oh, and Daniel would?
Cane: What kind of sick joke is this?
Genevieve: It had to be Colin.
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