Y&R Transcript Monday 6/25/12
Episode # 9934 ~ Abby Tweets to Chloe That She Was Kidnapped
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Victor: This, I am certain, is better than anything they'll serve at the gala.
Sharon: Mmm.
Victor: (Sniffs) mmm.
Sharon: Wow.
Victor: I picked a good one, didn't I? (Glasses clink)
Sharon: You certainly did.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Ahh.
Sharon: Hmm?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Victor: (Breathes deeply) You're beautiful.
Sharon: Thank you.
Victor: It's almost selfish on my part to keep this vision all to myself.
Sharon: Well, I'm-- I'm really glad we left the gala early.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: The last thing I need to see is Adam making a spectacle of himself with Chelsea.
Adam: Yo, Chelsea. You ready yet? I thought you were just getting your lipstick.
Chelsea: (Sighs) Sorry. Are we late?
Adam: Not yet... but I think we might have to be. Come here.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: Wow. Mm.
Ricky: Time to go to a party.
Kevin: Where is Carmine now?
Chloe: I don't know. I didn't see him. I was locked inside the trunk.
Jack: And Abby got you out?
Nick: In the alley?
Chloe: Yes, she was-- she was right behind me, guys, I'm telling you, I don't-- oh, you don't think that she went after him, do you?
Lauren: Well, if she was worried about where he was going--
Phyllis: Maybe she's--she's somewhere calling the police, reporting the kidnapping.
Paul: Kidnapping?
Michael: What? What happened?
Kevin: No, uh, Carmine grabbed Chloe and threw her in his trunk.
Victoria: Oh, my God. How did you get away?
Chloe: Thankfully, Abby saved me.
Tucker: Well, where is she?
Chloe: I don't know. I don't know where she is.
Tucker: You don't know?
Chloe: Let's go look. Let's go look in the bathroom. Come on.
Michael: Where's she gone?
Tucker: Come on.
Chloe: She's gone.
Jack: Abby! Abby!
Paul: So Michael and I were just here, at the other end. There were no people around.
Kevin: Where was Carmine's car?
Chloe: Yeah, the car was right here. (Sighs) Oh, no, Abby.
Ashley: What do you mean? What happened? What's wrong?
(Radio stations flipping)
(Paper rustling)
Abby: Ohh. (Singsong voice) Snacks. Excellent. (Sighs)
Daniel: Why do you think Daisy didn't show?
Phyllis: I think that Daisy thought better of it. Michael's my best friend. He's really the best person to go to if you want to bring me down.
Daniel: Maybe she went to the cops or to the press. I mean, if word gets out that it was your car that hit Paul and Christine--
Phyllis: I think that she realized it's in her best interest to keep her mouth shut.
Daniel: Let's hope.
Phyllis: Yeah. Hey.
Lauren: Hi.
Phyllis: Hi.
Paul: Hey, Daniel, do--do you know why Daisy wanted to talk to Michael?
Daniel: Mom was just asking me that. No, Daisy didn't say anything to me about it.
Lauren: Well, doesn't look like this party is gonna happen, huh?
Abby: "Future iffy. Please retweet to save me."
Chloe: (Sighs)
Ashley: She's not answering.
Chloe: Why didn't I just turn around? Why?
Tucker: Listen, everybody, let's just not jump to conclusions.
Victoria: He's right. I mean, Abby could have gone to her own car. She could be trying to track down the missing chairs and tables.
Kevin: Right, right. She's just running from one crisis to the next, like --like a party superhero.
Chloe: You think so?
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Yeah, she's always doing the last thing you'd expect. That's just Abby.
(Cell phone alerts chime)
Chloe: (Gasps)
Ashley: What?
Chloe: Abby's been kidnapped.
Abby: (Sighs) It's perfect. No one will ever notice that the gala was an epic fail. (Sighs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Abby: Oh, that was fast. "Don't do anything rash. Calling 9-1-1. We love you. Stay safe." Aah! (Giggles) I have the best fans. (Exhales sharply) "Thank you. Say a prayer for me."
Abby: (Gasps) Ow! Jeez. Ugh. (Sighs)
Adam: All right, so am I presentable?
Chelsea: Mm... I think I liked you better without the shirt and without the pants and, uh... (Giggles)
Adam: Hey, hey, you're stalling. Come here.
Chelsea: Excuse me! This little romp was your idea.
Adam: It was. It was a brilliant idea, but we gotta get going. Come on.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: What, are you nervous?
Chelsea: Well, this is a roomful of people who don't necessarily have the highest opinion of me, that's all.
Adam: I know, I know. I would not know what that is like at all.
Chelsea: Well, then why do you want to go?
Adam: I'm excited to have you as my date.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Oh, hold on, yep.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Seriously?
Adam: Seriously. This is how it's gonna be all night. Get ready.
Chelsea: Ohh. Okay.
Victor: You tired?
Sharon: No. No, no. I'm--I'm just, you know, my mind wandered. Sorry.
Victor: I kind of can guess where.
Sharon: You know, it's just so sad, the way Adam is using Chelsea, and how he's trying to draw attention to himself and make a point of how well and how easily and quickly he's moved on. You know, I thought he was done exploiting people.
Victor: Have you ever thought, though, that he might be exploiting him, as well? In which case, they both deserve each other. Should you and I have, maybe, gone to the Colonnade room?
Sharon: No. I don't need anyone else's attention but yours.
Michael: Put a trace on her cell phone, put out an A.P.B. Grab a picture off of her web page. That would be fastest. Uh, 5 feet at the most, if that. Yes, and do it now.
Daniel: Abby's gonna be all right. I mean, she's got her cell phone, so she can let us know where she is.
Kevin: Yeah. None of this is your fault, okay? It's Carmine's.
Chloe: Well, I-- no, you don't understand. I was giving her hell all night, okay? And she came and she saved me, and I've just been acting like all that mattered was the stupid gala.
Man: I've got a hundred tables and chairs. Where do you want 'em?
Chloe: (Voice breaking) I can't--I can't do this.
Kevin: All right, I know. Okay, okay.
Nick: Dad, you need to call me. We have an emergency situation.
Kevin: Hey, guys. I think we're gonna have to call this whole thing off.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Victoria: Okay, well, do we have the contact information for the ticket holders?
Kevin: Yeah, on Chloe's laptop. It's out in the car.
Victoria: All right, well, we'll send out a mass e-mail, and I'll personally call the largest donors and try to explain.
Kevin: I'll come with you.
Man: You gonna tell me what to do with the tables and chairs?
Victoria: You know what? Just--just follow me.
Paul: (Clears throat)
Ricky: Dad.
Paul: Ricky. What are you doing here?
Ricky: Isn't there supposed to be a party? What happened?
Lauren: It got called off.
Phyllis: Yeah, uh, Abby Newman was abducted.
Ricky: What? Like, for ransom?
Paul: Well, we're not exactly sure what the story is yet.
Ricky: Do we know if Abby's okay?
Paul: Well, um, she's using her phone. She's been sending out tweets. At least, we think she's sending them.
Ricky: Who kidnaps someone and doesn't take away their phone? The guy's a moron. Hopefully, that's the mistake that will lead the police right to him.
Paul: Right.
Tucker: Ashley. Listen, anything you need, I...
Ashley: Thanks.
Tucker: If you just want someone to sit with you--
Ashley: Uh, Tucker, it wouldn't be you, okay? I'm sorry. I'm--I'm overwhelmed right now.
Tucker: I understand.
Jack: Then back off already.
Tucker: Jack, don't get riled up. I'm just checking to see if she's okay.
Jack: I'll take it from here. He is the last person you need in your life right now. I realize I'm not on your favorite list these days. We've had our differences in business. We have to stick together, you and I.
Chloe: I'm so sorry.
Jack: Chloe, nobody blames you.
Chloe: I--look, I never had a good feeling about Carmine. I just never thought that he would actually do something like this.
Ashley: Wait a second. You know him?
Kevin: He's-- he's Angelina's ex, and he's bitter that she moved on, uh, with me, I mean, sort of. It--
Chloe: Because, well, he tried to take me away from Kevin because Kevin tried to take Angelina away from him. Not that you ever did, not that--not that his makes any sense to you. The point is that he never should have been here, and Abby was so brave to try to save me.
Ashley: You have to tell the police everything you know, because any little detail could help them find him.
Chloe: Of course. Of course I will.
Ashley: I'm gonna go to the ranch and talk to Victor. I've been calling him. He doesn't pick up the phone.
Nick: I've been trying, too.
Phyllis: He might not even be there.
Ashley: Well, I can't just stand here and wait around for him. I've gotta do something.
Jack: I-I'll go with you, all right?
Ashley: All right, let's go.
Nick: I'll come, too.
Phyllis: Okay.
Abby: "Staying strong, as you can see. Hugs to you all. (Sighs)
Woman: A search is under way for Abby Newman, reported missing tonight. The heiress was last seen outside the arts council gala. Authorities fear she may have been kidnapped.
Carmine: (Scoffs) That's bizarre.
Woman: They've identified a suspect. Carmine Basco is 5'11", with short, dark--
Abby: Ohh! (Breathing heavily)
(Car door opens, closes)
Adam: Don't trip on that beautiful dress.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. You know I would, too.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Adam: Oh.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Uh... (Exhales slowly) The gala's been canceled.
Chelsea: You're kidding.
Adam: I wish I were.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) You--you seem genuinely disappointed.
Adam: Well, it was gonna be a fun night.
Chelsea: Partying with people you normally try to avoid? What, are they somehow more pleasant company when they're all dressed up?
Adam: It wasn't about them.
Chelsea: Don't worry. You'll get plenty more opportunities. People are always more than willing to accept your big, fat checks and invite you to their fancy parties...
Adam: (Sighs)
Chelsea: Especially when they find out what a softy you are. Not that I'm complaining. I actually really like your soft touch.
Adam: You know what? You are relentless.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Not that I'm complaining, but we are dressed so nice. We look too damn good to be spending the whole evening up in our room. Why don't we just at least grab a drink at the bar?
Chelsea: One drink.
Adam: (Exhales slowly)
(Doorbell rings)
Ashley: Is Victor here?
Sharon: Yes.
Ashley: I'm sorry. I've got to talk to him. I have been calling you and calling you!
Victor: What is it?
Ashley: Abby's been kidnapped.
Chelsea: Mmm. Ahh!
Adam: So we gonna have another one after this?
Chelsea: Well, you shouldn't, because you're driving somewhere.
Adam: Really?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Where are we going?
Chelsea: Okay, well, I never finished high school, so I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but after prom, aren't you supposed to hit the local drive-thru and go to lookout point? Does Genoa City even have a lookout point?
Adam: (Laughs) Uh, I don't this--I don't know.
Chelsea: No?
Adam: We can invent one. How about that? Why don't you just wait right here?
Chelsea: Where are you going?
Adam: Uh... prom night isn't prom without a corsage. I'll be right back
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: Excuse me. (Shivers) Mm. (Sighs) (Shivers) (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hey. Hey, how's Chloe?
Kevin: Uh, I think she'll be better once Abby is home and safe.
Lauren: Wow. What did you do to your hand?
Paul: Oh, yeah, looks like you did some damage there.
Phyllis: Oh, that's not a big deal.
Daniel: I, uh, got in a fight with a table, and the table won.
Kevin: Um, does anybody else want some coffee? There's enough for, like, 7,000 people.
Lauren: Yes, definitely.
Daniel: I would love coffee.
Michael: I am going to be up all night, so call me with any leads. Yes, thank you.
Paul: Still no sightings yet?
Michael: No.
Phyllis: Um, well, if the guy's smart, you know, he'll realize what a mistake he made and drop Abby off somewhere.
Lauren: From what we know about this Carmine, is--at least he's just trying to make a point. He's not like Daisy, who's psychotic.
Michael: Daisy. Where's...
Michael: Daniel, do you recognize this?
Kevin: That's Daisy's scarf.
Paul: You're sure?
Kevin: Yeah. She was wearing it earlier.
Phyllis: Michael found that in the alley.
Paul: So she was here at some point, then.
Michael: And left before I arrived. Uh, Kevin, w-would you do me a favor and ask the caterer if he has any of those plastic storage bags, the ones that, uh, zip shut? I don't want this handled any more than possible.
Phyllis: (Laughs) Okay, that's ridiculous. You're acting like it's, you know, evidence at a crime scene or something.
Michael: Well, don't you think it's better to err on the side of caution?
Adam: Okay. All we gotta do is get this thing on you, get the bartender to take our picture, and we're good to go.
Chelsea: What the hell?
Adam: Uh, I was, um... uh... you know why I was so disappointed that the gala was canceled? That's why. I was gonna give that to you there.
Chelsea: It's an engagement ring.
Adam: (Chuckles) Yes, it is.
Adam: I'm sorry. I... I guess, um, maybe it was stupid. Maybe I should have just put it away, or...
Chelsea: So... there wasn't gonna be a proposal at Lookout Point?
Adam: No, of course not. There--I'm-- I mean, I don't-- I don't know. Maybe.
Chelsea: You really wanted an audience.
Adam: I wanted the moment to be perfect.
Chelsea: (Voice cracks) And "Perfect" would have been if Victor and Sharon were there. (Sniffles) You bastard.
Phyllis: I don't think that you should let the Daisy thing distract you.
Michael: I'm not distracted. Obviously, my top priority is finding Abby, but I still want to know why Daisy didn't stick around to meet with me, after she made it sound so urgent.
Daniel: She didn't give you any reason why?
Michael: No. Something was "Horrible." That was the word she used, and she sounded scared.
Phyllis: Okay, you know what? I-I-I know what it was. Uh, Avery was pushing Heather into using this, um, "Duty to rescue" statute to prosecute Daisy, and, um, you know, when--when she walked away when I was losing my baby--
Michael: Heather never mentioned anything about that to me.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, you know, I-I don't know how successful Avery was into, you know, getting what she wanted with that, but--but I think that's it. You know, if--if Daisy knew that there was even a chance she'd go back to prison, she would be scared and she would want to, you know, talk to you, or maybe threaten you into not pressing charges.
Paul: Well, why would she leave before she talks to Michael?
Phyllis: Uh, well, you know, she's smart. I-I think she realizes, "Hey, I'm talking to the D.A., you know, what if--"
Lauren: Okay, e-enough-- enough about Daisy, all right? I just--I just want confirmation that she's gone for good.
Paul: Lauren.
Lauren: Honestly, I'm alone in this sentiment? I mean... (Scoffs) Anybody here gonna miss her?
Phyllis: Uh, I have to get home. I want to talk to Summer before, um, she hears about Abby.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Victor.
Brooks: If you remember anything else, call me.
Chloe: Mm-hmm. Thanks.
Brooks: All right.
Kevin: (Sighs) How are you doing?
Chloe: (Scoffs) Well, I'm definitely not gonna sleep tonight, that's for sure. I've been in Ashley's shoes before, you know, when Delia went missing.
Kevin: Well, this is a little different.
Chloe: Well, yes, she's an adult and she can take care of herself.
Kevin: And Carmine, too, I think.
Chloe: Yeah. (Chuckles) Poor guy. I mean, he's blown his chance with her. Whatever crush that Abby ever had on hm-- I mean, it is definitely over.
Kevin: Hmm.
Victor: Let me know as soon as you pinpoint her location. Thank you. Michael Baldwin is trying to locate her cell phone.
Ashley: What's taking so long? Do you think Carmine found out what she was up to, and then took her phone away? You said she hadn't tweeted in a while.
Nick: She hasn't, but there could be a number of reasons for that.
Jack: She may just be keeping her phone concealed.
Victoria: I thought about tweeting her back, but I wasn't sure how much we should say, in case he does get a hold of it.
Victor: I think we should consider the possibility that she is not in danger at all.
Sharon: (Gasps) Victor...
Victor: This could be one of Abby's publicity stunts.
Abby: Whew! (Sighs)
Carmine: Crap.
Abby: Hey, Stranger.
Carmine: No.
Abby: (Screams) I have gone enough miles in this thing, okay? And bruises. I get the free upgrade.
Carmine: Oh, come on, stay in there. I don't want any people to see you, okay? I'll take you home.
Abby: Give me your hand. I am not going home. I have gotten 200 new twitter followers in the last 15 minutes alone.
Carmine: You've been tweeting about this?
Abby: Well, of course I've been tweeting. What, do you expect me to get kidnapped and then keep quiet about it? The Naked Heiress does not go gentle into the good night, or disgustingly nasty trunk, as the case may be.
Carmine: Okay, you should-- should have kept your mouth shut.
Abby: Well, technically, it was my fingers that did the talking, not my mouth.
Carmine: I don't care if it was your left foot. You shouldn't have told the whole entire world.
Abby: It is big news! This is actually the biggest thing to happen to me since... since I rode my horse bareback into the Athletic Club.
Carmine: Huh.
Abby: You know, that was my back that was bare... along with everything else.
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Abby: (Giggles)
Carmine: Yeah, I remember those pictures.
Abby: Yeah? Do you?
Carmine: Yeah, your legs were crossed, and your hair was just covering just a--
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Carmine: What the hell am I talking about right now? I need to get the hell out of here.
Abby: You leave me here, and I will sic the cops on you.
Carmine: Okay, I-I did not kidnap you, okay? You jumped into my trunk.
Abby: Yeah, but Chloe didn't. You crammed her in there, and I saw you do it, which would make me the star witness at your trial, and I gotta tell you...
Carmine: Huh.
Abby: I look amazing in a power suit. Think Juliana Margulies meets Faye Dunaway.
Carmine: What, that old lady from "Mommie Dearest"?
Abby: What? No! The young chick from "Bonnie and Clyde."
Carmine: Look, okay, I-I can't help with these stupid images you're getting in my head. You're killing me right now, okay? Just stop.
Abby: (Laughs) Well, it's better than going to prison for 20 years, isn't it? 'Cause that is what will happen if I testify against you. You want a chip?
Ashley: Victor, you honestly think that Abby would do something like this...
Victor: Ashley--
Ashley: Just for publicity?
Victor: Ashley, we both know there's very little our daughter wouldn't do to get her face in the public eye.
Ashley: Except that Chloe was being attacked and Abby was trying to help her. Unless you think that Chloe was in on it, too.
Victor: I don't mean to upset you, but something about this doesn't add up.
Jack: Like what?
Victor: If Chloe was the intended target, then why take Abby?
Jack: She's a famously wealthy young woman.
Victor: But you said this wasn't about money, this was about revenge.
Nick: You're talking about this guy like he's rational. He's obviously not.
Victor: Look, we don't even know if Carmine has Abby.
Ashley: So you're--she just made the whole thing up. Is that what you're saying?
Victor: No.
Victoria: Dad, she'd have no reason to do that.
Sharon: Um, you know what? I actually spoke to Abby earlier, and she was really worried about the negative publicity that might come out with all these mishaps at the gala. Now I was just joking when I said this to her, but I said maybe she should hope that a bigger story comes along to take away all the attention.
Jack: Okay, look, all this speculation is not getting us any closer to finding Abby and getting her safely home.
Ashley: You know, I just-- I can't stay here and listen to this. I have to do something.
Jack: Wait, Ash. Ash, wait--
Ashley: I've gotta do something, Jack.
Jack: Nice job.
Victor: You have permission to leave, as well, okay?
Carmine: What the hell are you doing?
Abby: It's been about 20 minutes since my last tweet. I think people are gonna start to get worried. Hey! Ohh! How am I supposed to communicate with my followers?
Carmine: You're not.
Abby: (Gasps) That's genius, actually. That's a really good idea.
Carmine: What are you doing?
Abby: Come here. I'm looking for something.
Carmine: It's not that hard to find.
Abby: (Chuckles) Hmm? Hmm! Now they can't trace us at all.
Carmine: (Stammering) You're insane.
Abby: Come on. (Exhales sharply) Come on. See, the thing is... come on.
Carmine: (Sighs) Oh, my God.
Abby: Come on, come on.
Carmine: All right, all right.
Abby: We are gonna need to get out of here...
Carmine: You want to get that? Okay? All right.
Abby: Excuse me--yeah, before the cops show up. Okay.
Carmine: All right.
Abby: Let's do it. Come on, let's go.
Michael: Right here.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Hey, you.
Lauren: Hmm?
Michael: Do you want to head home?
Lauren: I'm fine. (Sighs)
Daniel: Hey, Linda. Uh, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I'll be right there.
Kevin: Problem?
Daniel: It's the babysitter.
Chloe: I-is Lucy okay?
Daniel: No, Lucy's fine. Daisy was supposed to come home, and she never did.
Chelsea: (Sniffles) (Breathing heavily)
Adam: Chelsea. Chelsea! Hey. You have the wrong idea.
Chelsea: I have been your friend. I have been a very good friend to you, and now I see why you have so few, if you were so ready and willing to just use me like this. To what? To stick it to your father, to show Sharon what she's missing?
Adam: No, that-- that never entered my mind. This wasn't about them. This was about you and me. This was about me being proud of you.
Chelsea: Oh, don't-- don't waste my time, Adam, and don't insult my intelligence. I know, okay? I accept that you don't feel the same way about me that I feel about you, but I didn't think that you would just blatantly--
Adam: Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, back up. I don't feel the same way that you feel about me-- what do you mean?
Chelsea: You don't love me. I told you I love you, and you didn't say it back. (Sobs) And that's okay, you know? That's fine. At least that was honest, as opposed to this bogus proposal.
Adam: Chelsea... I am madly in love with you.
Abby: Well, I don't think anybody saw me. You paid cash, right?
Carmine: Yeah.
Abby: Okay, and you didn't use your real name.
Carmine: No.
Abby: Well, sorry, I was just checking. (Shrieks) Look what your trunk did to my dress! Do you know how expensive this was? (Gasps)
Carmine: Mm.
Abby: (Scoffs) Unbelievable (sighs) Oh, my gosh! Oh, you have to look at this! This is huge news. It went national. Look, look, look! (Gasps) Oh, they are using some cute pictures of you.
Carmine: All right.
Abby: I think there is a modeling career waiting for you when this is all done. (Gasps) (Through gritted teeth) Look at it! Come here.
Carmine: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Abby: (Laughs)
Carmine: Oh, God, this is a disaster. (Scoffs)
Abby: Ohh. You didn't know this was gonna be such a big deal, huh? Guess I'm not such a has-been after all.
Jack: Issue that statement and refer any press inquiries to the G.C.P.D.
Victor: I don't give a damn. You just find her. Thank you.
(Knock on door)
Sharon: Um, I'll get that.
Victor: That's Officer Brooks.
Victoria: What would really be helpful is having Mom here, though I would not want to subject her to this.
Nick: Best to leave her out of it.
Victor: Officer, thank you for coming by. Do you have an update for us?
Brooks: Roadblocks are up, and we're canvassing the area. We searched Basco's apartment, but it's been empty.
Jack: What about tracing their cell phones?
Brooks: Still working on that.
Nick: There's no new tweets.
Victor: Thank you, Officer. Thank you for coming, and keep us informed, all right?
Brooks: Will do.
Jack: Well, Victor, you still think she's faking it?
Victor: I hope to God she is.
Ashley: (Gasps)
Tucker: Shh.
Kevin: I've called Daisy's cell phone, like, ten times, at least. She's not answering.
Michael: Maybe she panicked at the thought of going back to prison and, uh, left town.
Kevin: No, no way. Not without Lucy.
Michael: She's done it before.
Kevin: What is that?
Michael: Daisy's scarf.
Kevin: No, look at that. Is that blood? Is that blood?
Paul: So have you had that thing with you all night?
Lauren: (Sighs)
Paul: Look, Lauren, you're still on probation. Your husband is a D.A.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Paul: If you don't care about yourself, think about the position you're gonna put Michael in if you get caught with that thing. Now give it to me. I mean it.
Lauren: (Sighs)
(Doorknob turns)
Phyllis: Oh, wait, maybe this is her. I-I'll talk to you later, Baby.
Summer: You're here.
Phyllis: Yeah, and you weren't.
Summer: (Sighs) You left the party because I missed curfew?
Phyllis: Well, no, that's not why I left the party, but... (Scoffs) We'll talk about that later.
Summer: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I-I need to talk to you.
(Knock on door)
Summer: Better get that.
Phyllis: (Sighs) What?
Daniel: Daisy-- Daisy never came home. What if Michael was right? What if something happened to her?
[Ricky remembering]
Daisy: Hurry up, Michael. What are you doing here?
Ricky: You did say you wanted me to help you disappear. She won't be talking now.
Chelsea: What did you say? (Sighs)
Adam: That I love you. I thought you knew.
Chelsea: How-- how would I know?
Adam: You don't feel it?
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: Of course you do, because it's right. It's easy. This is real. It's uncomplicated, and when the hell are things ever uncomplicated in life? They never are for me, ever. Chelsea, you are like a breath of fresh air. You are-- you are a revelation for me. I wanted the moment to be perfect, to be just right, and it backfired. And here we are...
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: In an alleyway in the rain, getting soaking wet, because I am a complete idiot. But I would-- I would rather be in this alleyway standing in this rain right now with you than anywhere else in the world without you. Will you marry me?
Chelsea: (Laughing) (Laughs)
Adam: Mm!
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: This is crazy, and I like it.
Chelsea: I love you, too.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: Actually, my sister isn't exactly on board with pursuing the case anymore.
Victor: If you do anything to harm Ashley, you'll have to answer to me.
Ricky: Not a single word about poor little Daisy.
Neil: All right, what you got?
Cane: Okay, you ready? We're gonna teach Gramps. Excuse me.
Neil: Gramps?
Cane: Excuse me, Gramps. We have a star coming through.
Neil: Oh, okay. Coach Cane.
Cane: Go! Into it!
All: Ohh!
Cane: All right, it's cool.
Neil: Watch out, watch out. Charlie, come here.
Cane: See, they're both my children, so I win both ways.
Neil: Charlie, let's put this down and school them, what we are supposed to be doing at a ba--ready? We're gonna fly in and dunk it! Dunk it, Charlie!
Cane: Whoo! That's my boy! You see, Matty? That's how it's done, baby girl.
Neil: High five.
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