Y&R Transcript Friday 6/22/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 6/22/12


Episode # 9933 ~ Abby Turns to Carmine for Help

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Thank you.

Abby: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Do we have to do this right now? The gala's about to start. I've got a million things to do.

Jack: This will only take a minute. You remember Peter. He's head of Jabot's le--

Abby: Oh, I--head of Jabot's legal department. Hi, okay.

Peter: Good to see you, Abby.

Jack: Have a seat, have a seat. Now that the money transfer has gone through, we want to make sure this Beauty of Nature deal is airtight. Victor and his lawyers are gonna pore over every syllable to try to challenge the sale, so we just need your signature on these papers before we file them with the S.E.C.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Here you go.

Abby: Thank you.

Peter: And your signature here...

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Peter: And here, and just initials on this one right here.

Jack: Excellent.

Peter: Thank you.

Abby: There you go.

Victor: Well, you ready for the big gala? You look so beautiful.

Abby: Thank you. You, too. Well, I--you look handsome, debonair, not lovely, but you know what I mean. (Laughs)

Jack: I trust you've heard the money's been transferred ahead of schedule. Beauty of Nature is now mine.

Victor: Very proud of yourself now, Jack, are you?

Jack: Well, I'm certainly pleased that the transaction went smoothly, yes.

Victor: And you brought by your lawyer to make things bulletproof, or so you think?

Jack: Fire away, old boy.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Jack: You're not gonna be able to blow any holes in this one.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Good luck to you, Jack.

Abby: Okay, I have to go. (Laughs)

Peter: I'll, uh, make copies of everything and get 'em to your accountant, okay?

Abby: Thank you. Thanks.

Victor: Sweetheart. Are you rushing off because you don't want to face your father? Is that it?

Abby: No, I'm rushing off because I am co-chair of the biggest social event of the summer, and I needed to be there, like, ten minutes ago.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I have a feeling that right now, you prefer being an Abbott rather than being a Newman.

Abby: (Sighs) Dad, that's not fair.

Victor: Really?

Abby: I meant what I said. I love you, okay? I don't want you to be upset. It's just--it's just business.

Victor: The time will come, I assure you, that you will regret having given all your money to that loser.

Chelsea: The farm sounds like a magical place.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, it was, especially when mom was alive. Especially in the springtime, too. I mean, the goats would have kids, uh, one of the horses would foal.

Chelsea: And you got to name them.

Adam: Have I told you this before?

Chelsea: No. Call it an educated guess.

Adam: Okay. So you think you know me so well, huh?

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: Come here.

Chelsea: Sometimes, not always.

Adam: Okay. Well, if you know me so well, what am I gonna do next?

Faith: Hi, Adam!

Adam: Hey.

Chloe: No. No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no! No, do not put me on hold again. Okay, I want to know where the truck is. Really? Ten minutes? Do you think that I'm stupid? Because you told me ten minutes about, mm, two hours ago. You listen to me. I don't care how you get that truck driver here. I don't care if he needs to grow wings. You get him here. Do you understand me? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I'm gonna kill these people. I-I don't have decorations. I don't have tables. I don't have chairs. I don't have anything. Hello! I can't have a charity event when I don't have anything here!

Kevin: Hey, hey, hey. You just tell me what to do, and I'll do it.

Chloe: (Sighs) Okay, great. You can make the truck magically appear out on the loading dock in the next two seconds.

Kevin: Honey, just-- just calm down, calm down. Everything is gonna work out, I promise.

Chloe: (Exhales slowly)

Kevin: Would you like some water? Would that help?

Chloe: No.

Kevin: Good, I'll go get you some.

Chloe: (Sighs) Ugh!

Kevin: Carmine, can I get a water for Chloe?

Carmine: Sure thing, Boss.

Kevin: Ugh, she's been working so hard on this gala. I hate seeing her so stressed out.

Carmine: Mm. I wish you were that supportive with Angelina.

Kevin: Huh?

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Kevin: You have no idea how supportive I was.

Chloe: Okay, okay, you know what? I got a great idea. You're gonna go home, you're gonna change, and you're gonna grab my dress. I'm just gonna have to get ready here.

Kevin: How about this? You go, I'll stay.

Chloe: Thank you for offering but there is no way that I'm leaving, not now, so okay, listen. It's--all my stuff is in the Fenmore's bag. It--it's hanging up. It's right on the door.

Kevin: Are you sure?

Chloe: I've got shoes, accessories--yes, everything.

Kevin: Are you sure you're gonna be okay?

Chloe: Please, yes, yes, yes, I swear.

Kevin: Here, drink some water...

Carmine: Hey, tell the driver to, uh, make another wrong turn. All right.

Lauren: Hi!

Nick: Hi, come in. Hey.

Michael: Hey.

Phyllis: Wow, wow.

Lauren: Uh, thank you, but why aren't you dressed?

Michael: Yeah, are we early?

Lauren: I thought we were going to the gala together.

Phyllis: Yeah, um, I-I just, um, I'm not really up for it.

Daniel: Come on, I know you like this. Come on. Give me the frog. No? (Laughs) I know, we're out of the strained peaches. That's what you like, right? Okay, okay. (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Daisy: (Exhales slowly) Hi, what's up?

Daniel: Hey, look, we're, um, all out of the strained peaches that Luce likes and she's not eating anything, so if you're anywhere near the store--

Daisy: I'm there now, buying diapers, so I'll pick some up. I have a few more errands to run before I come home, but then I'll see you soon. Okay, bye.

Ricky: What are you doing here?

Daisy: I want you to tell me what kind of plan you've come up with to help me and Lucy disappear.

Adam: You don't have any boyfriends?

Faith: No.

Adam: I don't believe you. You're too cute. Are you kidding me? Maybe they're crazy. Maybe they need glasses or something.

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Faith: (Laughs)

Adam: Hey, have you met Chelsea before? Chelsea, this is Faith.

Faith: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi, Faith. Adam is right. You are a very pretty little girl.

Sharon: Well, we have to go. I've gotta get Faith to the nanny, and I'm heading off to the arts council gala.

Adam: Sounds fun. Bye.

Faith: Bye!

Chelsea: Bye.

Adam: Bye-bye, Faith.

Faith: Bye.

Chelsea: Ohh. A gala. Mm. I've never been to one of those. Is it anything like a kegger?

Adam: Mnh-mnh.

Chelsea: Mm.

Chloe: Ugh. (Sighs)

Abby: What's going on? There--there's no stuff. Where is everything?

Chloe: Yeah, on the truck, which was supposed to be here hours ago.

Abby: (Gasps) Okay, I-I'm gonna call the delivery company right now.

Chloe: Uh, great. What do you think that I've been doing every five minutes?

Abby: Uh, by the look of the place, not a hell of a lot.

Chloe: Really? I've been here all day dealing with this. Where have you been?

Abby: Are you going to blame me for the truck not showing up?

Chloe: You were the one who was in charge of the transportation.

Abby: Limos for the VIPs. Furniture, tablecloths, decorations-- that was your department.

Chloe: No, coordinating colors and the scheme of everything. Please. You were supposed to get them here.

Abby: (Gasps) You are so full of it!

Ricky: Daisy, I've got my own things to deal with. Now I'm supposed to worry about yours?

Daisy: If your sister the prosecutor found out you bugged her apartment to spy on her--

Ricky: I told you to forget about that.

Daisy: I will forget about it, after you tell me how you're gonna help Lucy and me get out of town.

(Telephone rings)

Ricky: Yeah, hello? I'll be right down. I had lunch in the dining room, and I forgot to sign my bill. I need to go down and do it before the waiter goes off shift.

Daisy: Okay, after, we're gonna talk about my escape plan, hmm?

Ricky: (Scoffs) Whatever.

Phyllis: I still hate that bug.

Daisy: (Chuckles) Who else are you spying on, Ricky? Me? God, what a freak.

Ricky: Rachel, look up. Smile for the camera.

Rachel: Will you please stop? I told you, I'm not up for this. Will you please just go?

Ricky: Oh, come on, don't be like that. How about I scrub your back?

Rachel: Cut it out.

Daisy: Gross, a sex tape.

Rachel: I mean it, Ricky. Put down the camera.

Ricky: (Sighs) Fine. How about some more wine?

Rachel: Sounds very nice.

Ricky: Ricky got it for you special. I know it's your favorite.

Rachel: Ricky, look. Despite what just happened, were still broken up. That hasn't changed. I'm sorry if that's not what you were hoping to hear, but you need to face the fact that we're over.

Ricky: Stop saying that!

Chelsea: And why would I be thinking about college if I don't even have my G.E.D.?

Adam: You will, just in time to enroll in the fall.

Chelsea: And what would I major in? Oh, I know, mixology. Yes!

Adam: Ha ha. How about sociology, maybe even mathematics, computer science? You'd be a whiz at any of those.

Chelsea: Why sociology?

Adam: Oh, you're a natural student of the human condition, statistics don't faze you, and it's a great basis for a bunch of interesting careers.

Chelsea: You, Adam Newman, are one of the only people in my entire life who actually believed in me, believed in my capabilities and my... what's that?

Adam: What does it look like? It's a garment bag.

Chelsea: (Laughs) Yes, I can see that, thank you. I mean, how did it get here? What's inside?

Adam: Mm, I don't know. Go check it out.

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Chelsea: (Gasps) Ohh. Oh, it’s incredible.

Adam: I imagine it will be even more incredible when it's on you. You're going to the gala with me.

Abby: Well, Tucker, that's not acceptable. I mean, there has to be something more you can do. O-okay, I didn't-- well, just try to think of something, okay, and get back to me? (Sighs)

Chloe: Now what?

Abby: Tucker sent a jet to go pick up what he wanted. There's some windstorm out in Vegas. All the planes have been grounded.

Chloe: Well, for how long?

Abby: I-- until the wind dies down. How am I supposed to know that? Am I supposed to be an expert on the weather now, too? (Scoffs)

Chloe: Oh, my God, this cannot be happening. (Whispering) This cannot be happening. (Whines)

Jack: If you insist on playing the blame game, why don't we leave Abby out of it? Play it with me. Abby had nothing to do with this. I was gonna get Beauty of Nature one way or the other. If I hadn't borrowed the extra cash from Abby, I would have gotten it somewhere else.

Victor: But the point is, you chose to get it from my daughter, didn't you, Jack?

Jack: No, your daughter chose to give it to me.

Victor: As your son chose to live at my ranch and work for me. You have a good night.

Rachel: I think you better-- you better go.

Ricky: Come on, Rachel, you don't mean that.

Rachel: Yes, I-I do. (Sighs)

Ricky: We just made love.

Rachel: Yeah.

Ricky: We had a connection. I know you felt that, too.

Rachel: No, I didn't. (Slurring speech) I only hooked up with you one last time 'cause I felt sorry for you.

Ricky: Nobody does that to me. Do you understand? Nobody does that to me!

Rachel: Leave, now! Or I'm call... I'm gonna call the police. (Gasps) Did you-- did you put something in my wine? Get out! Go! (Breathing heavily) I never want to see you again! No!

Ricky: That can be arranged.

(Muffled screaming)

Ricky: Nobody! Ohh.

Daisy: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Ricky: (Breathing heavily) Hmm. (Breathing heavily)

Daisy: (Gasps)

Daisy: Um...

(Door opens)

Daisy: Oh. Okay, I'll--yeah, I'll see you soon. Bye. I-I gotta go.

Ricky: I thought you were all fired up to talk about your escape plan.

Daisy: Later. I gotta go. Something's come up with Lucy.

Ricky: Huh.

Lauren: You know, Sweetheart, we certainly understand why you'd feel like hiding, but, you know, I think a night out would do you good.

Michael: Yeah, come on. It'll help take your mind off things.

Lauren: (Laughs) Come on.

Phyllis: Um, no, it's not--I'm not hiding. It--I just don't--I don't feel like going to a big party, talking, you know, small talk with a-a crowd of people.

Lauren: Well, we will certainly miss you, and we understand.

Michael: Mm. All right, shall we?

Lauren: Yes, we shall.

Phyllis: Okay, yeah, okay. Thanks. Thank you.

Nick: You guys have fun.

Lauren: Yeah, definitely.

Phyllis: Have a martini for me.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Ohh, I will have a martini. Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on. Hold on.

Lauren: Worry about him.

Michael: I got a phone call. Michael Baldwin.

Daisy: Michael, its Daisy. I need to see you right away.

Kevin: Hey, I got your dress. Still no truck?

Chloe: No, and now we have no entertainment, either.

Kevin: What?

Abby: The Wanted is stranded at the Vegas airport. They ain't make it here in time.

Chloe: When it rains, it pours... (Laughs) Except this is a monsoon with a tsunami chaser.

Kevin: Well, look, if worse comes to worst, um... I don't know, we can get Lauren to sing.

Chloe: What are you talking about? And we are way past "Worst."

Abby: Yeah, try "Catastrophic."

Chloe: Try shutting up.

Abby: Try kissing my--

Kevin: Okay, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't. Don't do that. Don't. You guys have worked too hard on this to give up now.

Abby: I'm sorry, what choice do we have?

Chloe: I know. I really think that it's just time to accept it and that it's just not gonna happen, and the gala is an epic fail.

Abby: I'm gonna be ruined. After tonight, no one will even trust me to organize a pizza delivery.

Chloe: Oh, my God, and once again, it's all about you.

Abby: (Gasps)

Kevin: All right, time out. Look, there are folding tables, right, in the storeroom. We're just gonna have to make do with what we have. Let's go. Let's do it.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Chloe: (Sighs)

Abby: Can you please get dressed? Unless you want to add to the horror by having people arrive and see you like that.

Chloe: (Sighs) (Whines)

Carmine: Hey, did you hear that?

Chloe: What? (Sighs)

Carmine: It was a horn. Sounded like it came from the loading dock.

Chloe: What? Oh, my God. Do you think it's the truck?

Carmine: It's gotta be. Come on, let's go tell 'em to hurry up.

Chloe: Oh, my God, let's go. Here we go. Oh, my God!

Chelsea: This is the fanciest thing I have ever owned. I feel like Cinderella.

Adam: I guess that makes me Prince Charming.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Well, you are, you know.

Adam: All evidence to the contrary?

Chelsea: Seriously, Adam, no one's ever done anything like this for me before. I'll never forget it.

Adam: I'm gonna go to the front desk. I gotta get something. Be right back.

(Door opens)

Chelsea: Uh--   

(Door closes)

Michael: Well, you can call my office in the morning.

Daisy: No, no, no, this can't wait.

Michael: Okay, then tell me now, on the phone. What is the big emergency?

Daisy: I can't. It's too horrible.

Michael: What is?

Daisy: Please, Michael, I-- you have to hear this in person.

Michael: Calm down. I'm on my way to a charity event.

Daisy: The arts gala, in that warehouse on Union?

Michael: Yeah.

Daisy: Okay, I-I'll meet you in the alley outside.

Michael: Sorry about that, Guys.

Lauren: Who were you talking to?

Michael: Uh, Daisy. She insists that she has to meet with me.

Nick: Why?

Michael: Said there's something that she has to tell me that can't wait.

Lauren: Please tell me you are not standing me up for that woman.

Michael: Look, Sweetheart, I just told her to meet me outside the gala. I will hear what she has to say. Then I will send her on her way and we will enjoy the evening, all right? Come here.

Lauren: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Michael: Mwah! Right, disco till dawn.

Lauren: Yeah, really. Take care.

Michael: Ciao.

Nick: Bye.

Nick: I'm surprised Michael would give Daisy the time of day.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, yeah, me, too. Y-you know what? I-I think they're right. You want to--you want to go to the gala? We should go to the gala.

Nick: You sure?

Phyllis: Yeah. I-I'll get dressed. Y-you--you get dressed, and, um, I'm gonna get some water, and then I'll meet you up there.

Nick: Cool.

Phyllis: Okay? Right?

Nick: Okay. Yeah.

Daniel: Yeah, here.

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Mom, what's up?

Phyllis: Daisy just called Michael. She said she wants to meet him outside of the gala. I-I think she wants to tell him.

Daniel: About the hit-and-run?

Phyllis: Yeah. Listen, we have to stop her.

Daniel: I'll meet you there.

Ricky: I thought I left this open.

(Muffled screaming)

Ricky: Nobody! Bad move, Daisy. Ohh. (Breathing heavily) Very, very bad.

Daniel: Thank you for coming on such short notice. Lucy is asleep right now, so I gotta go.

Woman: I hope you won't be too long. As I said earlier, I can only stay for a little while. I have a date.

Daniel: Daisy's on her way home, so, um, it shouldn't be a problem. She should be back with plenty of time.

Woman: Okay.

(Computer key slams)

Ricky: Bye-bye, Rachel. No hard feelings.

Abby: So the truck is running a little behind. Once it gets here, we'll need a quick setup, but we can do it.

Jack: Of course you can. The evening's gonna be a great success.

Abby: Tables, yay!

Kevin: Yeah, there's a couple more in the back, too.

Paul: All right, I'll take that one. You want to show me where they go?

Abby: This way, this way.

Michael: Yeah, I'll--I'll help bring 'em out, too, yeah.

Kevin: Great. This way. Here, will you take that?

Michael: I don--I don't know. I have some time before I'm supposed to meet with Daisy. Maybe Kevin can tell me what's got her so worked up. All right, going to work. Tables! (Claps hands)

Sharon: Well, uh, am I in the right place? It hardly looks like there's a gala about to take place.

Jack: The girls have had a few, uh, technical difficulties. I think they're gonna work things out, though.

Sharon: I hope you're right. Ohh, I remember when I threw the gala.

Lauren: Oh, God.

Sharon: (Laughs) Some people can be so unforgiving.

Lauren: Uh, you wouldn't be talking about Agnes Sorenson, would you?

Sharon: No comment.

Lauren: No. No, no, no.

Sharon: You look great, by the way.

Lauren: Thank you. You, too. I love your dress.

Sharon: Oh, thank you.

Jack: Hello, chopped liver.

Lauren: Right. Fishing. Fishing, as always.

Sharon: Don't tell him how handsome he looks, because it goes right to his head.

Jack: Hey.

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hi.

Nick: How's it going?

Sharon: Hey.

Lauren: You're here.

Sharon: Uh-huh.

Nick: Yeah, Phyllis, uh, she changed her mind.

Phyllis: Yes.

Jack: Well, we're glad you're both here.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Thanks.

Sharon: Great dress.

Phyllis: Thanks, you, too.

Lauren: Yes. This is the goddess section, right over here.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Jack: Took the words right out of my mouth.

Phyllis: Hey, uh, where's Michael?

Lauren: He went to help Kevin, you know, get some more tables.

Nick: It does look a little Spartan in here.

Phyllis: Um, you know, I'm gonna freshen up. Excuse me.

Nick: Okay. Actually left my phone in the car. I need to get a baseball score. I'll be back.

Lauren: You know, I should probably call Fen before all this starts-- um, if this starts.

Jack: Was it something I said?

Chloe: Well, there's no truck, so, huh.

Carmine: And there won't be for hours.

Chloe: What?

Carmine: My revenge for Angie. I told you I'd get it one day.

Chloe: You did this?

Carmine: Yeah, well, my family has a few connections with the union drivers, so...

Chloe: Oh, my--I-- do you know that you are the biggest jerk-wad I have ever met in my entire life? I am going to let the entire town know what you did.

Carmine: No, I don't think so. You're not going anywhere. You see, I'm gonna do something that I should have done a long time ago. I'm gonna take you away from Kevvie, just like he took my Angie away from me.

Chelsea: (Laughing) (Sighs) (Sighs)

[Chelsea remembering]

Adam: Okay.

Chelsea: Who knew room service makes popcorn?

Adam: You know, I have a question-- are you going to be talking throughout the entire movie, or are we good to go?

Chelsea: You're just jealous that I'm gonna know more of the lines than you do.

Adam: (Chuckles) Oh! It is on.

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: On, it is.

Chelsea: Not bad. Okay, fine, I look amazing. (Laughs) (Sighs) Doesn't matter, though. Girls like me don't get fairy-tale endings.

[Chelsea remembering]

Adam: You are smart. You're amazing. You are Rocky before a prizefight.

Chelsea: (Laughs) I love you.

Adam: Hey, you've got something right here, a little food.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) (Sighs) It's about time I stop kidding myself. (Sighs) Adam doesn't love me, and he never will. (Sighs)

Victor: Thank you for coming by. All right, have a nice day.

Adam: Hey, Pop, I thought you'd be at the gala.

Victor: Hey, Son, are you-- I'm heading over there.

Adam: Well, I'll see you there.

Victor: Are you going?

Adam: I don't know. I was thinking about that or maybe bowling. I haven't decided yet.

Victor: (Chuckles) That's a difficult decision. Going by yourself, or what?

Adam: No, I'm, uh, headed upstairs to pick up my date right now.

Victor: Oh, yeah, that two-bit con artist.

Adam: She's got a job...

Victor: Uh-huh.

Adam: And, yeah, I'm taking her.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: I'm not just taking her. I'm gonna give her this tonight. I'm gonna ask her to be my wife with everyone there.

Victor: Gonna make a public spectacle of it to embarrass your dad, try to get revenge? You don't give damn about that girl, do you?

Kevin: Why don't we move the table down so we're not blocking the stage, yeah?

Michael: That's a great idea.

Abby: I thought I could do this, but I-I was kidding myself. This is a total disaster. It's gonna be tweeted all over the world that I, The Naked Heiress, had a party that was a flop.

Sharon: Maybe you'll get lucky and some bigger story will bury it.

Abby: Yeah, my luck ran out when I decided to chair this thing with Chloe.

Jack: So where is "The Black Knight," anyway?

Sharon: Oh, he's meeting me here later.

Jack: Oh, Nikki's meeting me here.

Sharon: I need a drink.

Abby: I need three.

Jack: Where's your bartender?

Sharon: Good question.

Kevin: Has anybody seen Chloe?

Abby: Yeah, she's getting dressed.

Kevin: With her dress still on the bar?

Sharon: Oh. Something must have gone awry.

Abby: (Scoffs) Yeah, try everything. Kevin, can you take over for Carmine while I go try to find him?

Kevin: Yeah, will you find Chloe, too?

Abby: Do I have to?

Kevin: Yes. (Sighs) What'll you have?

Sharon: Surprise me.

Kevin: Okay.

Chloe: (Muffled) Carmine, let go! Get off of me! Get off of me! Carmine! Carmine! (Muffled yelling) (Screams)

Carmine: Get in there.

(Muffled screaming)

Carmine: (Sighs)

(Pounding on metal)

Carmine: Oh, crap. Where'd I leave my phone?

Chloe: (Muffled) Help! (Pounding on metal) Help! Help me! Help me! Someone help! (Muffled scream) Help! Someone, someone help me! Someone help! (Screams) Help me! (Pounding continues) Someone help! Let me out! Let me out! Open it up!

Abby: (Grunts)

Chloe: (Normal voice) Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Abby! Oh, my God, thank God.

Abby: Here.

Chloe: Oh, ohh!

Abby: Come here. I saw the whole thing. Are you okay?

Chloe: Oh, my God. Where is Carmine?

Abby: Okay, he went looking for his phone.

Chloe: Okay, we have to call the cops.

Abby: Okay, go, go, go.

Chloe: Come on, right now.

Abby: Okay, oh, my God.

Daisy: Please hurry, Michael.

(Car door closes)

(Footsteps approach)

Daisy: What are you doing here?

Adam: Wow. You look fantastic.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Thank you.

Adam: I mean, not that you--you don't look beautiful and fantastic in t-shirt and jeans, or not in a t-shirt and jeans.

Chelsea: (Laughs) I'm glad you're pleased

Adam: Oh, I'm... way more than pleased. I'm gonna be very proud to have you on my arm tonight.

Chelsea: Um, I just have to get my lipstick, and then we can go.

Victor: You look beautiful.

Sharon: Why, thank you.

Victor: I just wonder if we should--should stay for the festivities.

Sharon: What do you mean?

Victor: Well, I ran into my misbegotten son Adam, and he said he would propose publicly to that two-bit Chelsea. I guess he wants to aggravate me or humiliate me or both.

Sharon: That sounds just like Adam.

Victor: Mm-hmm, but I do not want to be privy to his stupid little game, so what do you think if we have a private little dinner at home?

Sharon: I think that is an amazing idea.

Victor: I'm glad you agree. Hello, Son. Just get here?

Nick: Uh, no, Dad, I've been here a while. I left my phone in the car.

Victor: All right.

Sharon: Well, you have a nice evening.

Nick: You, too.

Victor: Nice to see you, Son.

Lauren: (Sighs) So... still no delivery. Where's Abby?

Jack: Oh, she's off somewhere panicking.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Jack: How's Fen?

Lauren: What?

Jack: You left to call your son.

Lauren: I-I did. Yes, um, I didn't reach him.

Daniel: Mom, hey.

Phyllis: What? Oh, my God. Have you seen Daisy?

Daniel: No, have you?

Chloe: Someone help. Okay, someone--someone please call the cops. Call the police! Carmine tried to kidnap me!

Kevin: Are you okay? Did he hurt you?

Chloe: No, no, I'm fine, but Carmine ruined the entire gala, okay? He is the one that told the truck not to come just to get back at me.

Kevin: Are you kidding me?

Chloe: He said that he's trying to take me away from you because you took Angie away from him. He threw me in a trunk, babe he threw me in a trunk, and then thank God for Abby, 'cause Abby came to get-- Ab-aby? (Sighs)

(Engine turns over)

Abby: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Paul: Hi, Michael.

Michael: Oh, Paul.

Paul: Everything okay?

Michael: (Exhales slowly) It's just so odd.

Paul: What is?

Michael: Daisy. She called me earlier, was desperate to talk to me.

Paul: About what?

Michael: I don't have a clue. She said she couldn't wait. I agreed to meet her here. She hasn't shown yet. You--have you seen her at all anywhere?

Paul: No.

Michael: God, a waste of time. Daisy! Standing out here waiting when there's a party- you know what, and mark-- what... all right, I can deal with this. Hmm. Looky. Someone forgot a scarf.

Ricky: (Breathing heavily) (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: I told you I love you, and you didn't say it back.

Victor: What is it?

Ashley: Abby's been kidnapped.

Woman: Carmine Basco is 5'11" with...

Abby: Ohh!

Ricky: Time to go to a party.

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