Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/21/12
Episode # 9932 ~ Lauren Entrusts Paul With a Secret
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
[Phyllis remembering]
Daisy: Oh, come on, Phyllis, you know it's true. You ran down Paul and that "Little Bug," Cricket. Here's the proof. You just love to judge me, tell me I'm a horrible person. "You tried to kill Lauren and Jana and Daniel." Look in the mirror, Phyllis. You are no better than I am. You're way worse. You never had to pay for what you did.
Daniel: You kept it secret for all of these years, and now Daisy--Daisy! Daisy, of all people, is the one who figures it out. We had that security footage that we could have used against her at the next custody hearing to get Lucy away from her, to get me out of that insane marriage. Now this. I-I-I don't know. I mean, you know, if we don't come up with some kind of way to get rid of Daisy, she is never gonna be out of our lives.
Phyllis: Hey, hey. Going to your meeting?
Nick: Yep. Look at you, using a duster.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nick: Now that we're married, you're, uh, Martha Stewart?
Phyllis: Yep, yep. Things, you know. I'm just trying to keep my mind off of things.
Nick: How’s that working out?
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Distraction. Hey.
Avery: Hi. Oh, you're both here. Good.
Phyllis: You're gonna have to just deal with me, 'cause he's going to a meeting.
Avery: Okay, then I'll give you the short version. I think I found a way to get rid of Daisy.
Daisy: This machine hates me. You might as well fire me now.
Kevin: (Clears throat) The machine hates everybody.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Kevin: Should have gotten rid of it years ago, but I am still determined to master it someday.
Eden: What? What is she doing here?
Kevin: She's working.
Eden: But she doesn't--
Kevin: Look, I'm giving her a chance, the same way Michael gave me a chance and the same way he was there for you when you needed him. Come on, Daisy, I'll show you where we keep the extra supplies.
Daniel: I see you've met the newest barista.
Eden: Yeah, what the hell?
Daniel: Ohh, hell is a vacay compared to this.
Lauren: Kirk. Hi.
Kirk: If it isn't my latest customer.
Lauren: Uh, yeah. Um, about that. I want to tell you how much I appreciate your discretion.
Kirk: Glad to have your business. I hope you're keeping your newest purchase somewhere safe.
Lauren: Yes. I definitely have it covered. Hi, hi. (Laughs)
Paul: Hi. How's it going?
Lauren: Yeah, um, good.
Paul: Great.
Lauren: Good, good, good.
Kirk: Nice seeing you.
Paul: Everything okay?
Lauren: It will be. So has something new happened with Ricky?
Paul: Uh, I aw him... and basically demanded that, uh, he stay away from Heather.
Ricky: Hmm.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Paul: Ricky, um... said some things.
Lauren: You mean, after you told him to stay away from his sister?
Paul: He said that, uh... he always wanted to be like me, an investigator that, uh, brought down the bad guys, and for some reason, I just see him as, um... one of the bad guys, and he doesn’t understand why.
Lauren: Ohh. (Sighs) Ouch, huh?
Paul: He also, um, accused me of loving Heather more than him.
Lauren: Hmm. He used the guilt card.
Paul: He meant what he said.
Lauren: Yeah, but it doesn't make it any less manipulative.
Paul: No, I know. The same thought crossed my mind, which is why I didn't back down with Heather. But I'm gonna feel like a royal jerk if he, uh, turns out to be sincere.
Lauren: Remember what I said about trusting your gut? (Laughs) I mean, Lord knows it's saved me many times.
Paul: Thanks for reminding me I'm not always wrong. (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Laughs) Right. Yeah. You know, sometimes, I just get a feeling.
Paul: Like the one you have with Daisy?
Lauren: I ran into her yesterday talking to Fen.
Paul: What did you do?
Lauren: I lost it.
Paul: (Chuckles)
Lauren: She's acting like she wasn't doing anything wrong.
Paul: What, she just happened to be, uh, chatting with your son?
Lauren: Right. But I have the feeling that I need to do whatever it takes to defend my family.
Paul: Defend your family? How, exactly?
Kevin: Can you check on supplies on the patio?
Eden: I'm sorry that I was so harsh before.
Kevin: I'm not the one who can use an apology.
Eden: I mean, you are Daisy's brother, and, you know, if you want her back, then I'm not about to judge you, after everything you've been through.
Kevin: She's been through a lot, too, Eden
Eden: I'm just trying to protect you and everyone else.
Kevin: From what? It's not like she's gonna poison the coffee.
Eden: Are you sure about that? The things that she's done to you and Daniel and Lauren--
Kevin: Do you think I have forgotten about any of that? Look, just because I'm giving her a chance to clean up her act doesn't mean I'm not keeping a watchful eye on her.
Eden: Okay.
Eden: Hey.
Daniel: Hey. That about Daisy?
Eden: Yeah, he says he's trying to help her.
Daniel: (Chuckles) Help her today. Yesterday he was all telling me that he was on my side in this whole mess, and how he was gonna keep her away from everyone, make her stop bothering everyone.
Eden: Uh, well, what stopped him?
Daniel: Me, I guess. I-I don't know. I didn't want to put him in the middle of it, you know, but now he goes and he gives her a job. It's unbelievable
Eden: Well, I'm sure you and Kevin will patch things up eventually.
Daniel: Maybe, but there's just a little more to it than that, you know?
Eden: Like what?
Daniel: Like when I married Daisy, the only thing that put my mind at ease was knowing that I could choose to stay or go.
Eden: And now you can't?
Daniel: Nope. I'm trapped, and there's no way out.
Avery: Okay, here. Read and rejoice
Phyllis: "Duty to rescue." What--what is that?
Avery: Mm-hmm. It's a Wisconsin law that states if you are present when a person's life is at risk, you must contact authorities.
Nick: Or if don't you get what a slap on the wrist?
Avery: Okay, well, there's some wiggle room, unless you are the person responsible for putting the victim in peril. Now if that's the case and you don't contact authorities, there are stiff penalties. We already know that Daisy created the situation that--that caused danger to you and your baby.
Phyllis: Right, right, by arguing with me.
Avery: Yes, and we know from the security tapes and the acoustical situation outside that she must have heard your--your crying, and she didn't do anything.
Nick: So Daisy could go to jail for causing the miscarriage.
Avery: A crime compounded by not calling for help.
Phyllis: So... so wait a second. What--what is this, a misdemeanor, or...
Avery: Okay, I-I think we can bring her up on manslaughter charges or criminal negligence for--for failing to help you.
Phyllis: So she'll go to jail.
Avery: Yeah.
Phyllis: And she'll lose Lucy, and Daniel will divorce her. Oh, my... oh, my God, she'll finally be out of our lives forever. I took the dare... will you?
Nick: Avery, do you think this can work?
Avery: I do, and since it's my fault that Daisy got out of jail in the first place--
Phyllis: Oh, no, don't-- don't--please don't even-- don't even go there. I mean, all of this, what you've done, it's-- you don't even know.
Nick: I think Avery understands.
Phyllis: You saved my life. You saved Daniel’s life, Lucy’s life, with this. You know that.
Nick: If you can pull this off and make Daisy pay for what she's done...
Phyllis: I just-- you've given me a ray of hope. I just--I'm--I-- thank you. I've just...
Avery: You're welcome.
Phyllis: Completely given up. Completely.
Nick: Look, I really gotta go, uh, to my meeting.
Avery: Uh, I'll walk out with you. I want to get things moving.
Phyllis: Oh, please, God, make this work. Please, God.
Lauren: I don't have a plan where Daisy is concerned.
Paul: I don't want you putting yourself in jeopardy.
Lauren: You know what? Even talking about her is making me feel weird. I'm gonna call Fen and just check in, okay?
Paul: I'll be right here. It's all right.
Ricky: Ooh, s-sorry, I'm--
Lauren: No harm done. I'm fine.
Ricky: Dad.
Paul: Hey, Ricky. How are you doing?
Ricky: I'm fine, but... I guess I should watch where I'm going. See you.
Paul: Hey. Where you headed?
Ricky: Really, Dad?
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Daisy: Hello, Husband.
Daniel: What do you want?
Daisy: I just wanted to be close to you.
Eden: Oh, chill, okay? We were just talking.
Daniel: Eden, its fine. I got it.
Eden: I have work to do anyway.
Daisy: What are you doing, hanging out with her I don't want Eden or anybody to think that we're not happily married.
Daniel: Well, then maybe you shouldn't jump all over me when I'm hanging out with a friend.
Daisy: You know, I really don't want to expose your mother's dirty little secret, but I will.
Daniel: Okay, okay. I sent her away, didn't I?
Daisy: Yeah, you did. That was sweet, and my shift's ending soon. Would you like to come with me to pick up Lucy from the nanny?
Daniel: Nope. I got stuff to do. See you back at the house.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hope you had fun while it lasted. Your days are numbered.
[Cell phone rings]
Lauren: Hi.
Paul: Oh, there you are. I almost came looking for you. You seemed so upset when you left.
Lauren: Well, you know, thinking about Daisy always gets to me, and then the shock of running into Ricky. Did he say anything about me?
Paul: No, why would he?
Lauren: No reason. Ohh, I think I have to switch to decaf. My--my nerves are shot.
Paul: Maybe you ought to tell me why that is.
Lauren: I already told you, it's nothing.
Paul: Nothing. Like the nothing plan that you don't have, or the nothing that has got you so jittery, you're clinging on to that purse like a lifeline? Come on, Lauren. Something's going on.
Lauren: Look, I thought maybe Ricky... this is just between the two of us, right?
Paul: Of course. It's me. You can always trust me.
Lauren: I thought maybe Ricky saw... this.
Paul: Are you crazy?
Lauren: Not as crazy as the person I'm trying to protect my family from.
(Rapid knocking on door) (Rapid knocking on door)
Heather: Yeah? Hi.
Avery: Hi.
Heather: Come in.
Avery: I-I-I hope its okay, my dropping in like this.
Heather: No, it's fine. From the way you were knocking, it must be important.
Avery: Well, it's about Daisy's role in Phyllis' miscarriage.
Heather: Did you find some way to hold her accountable?
Avery: I might have.
Heather: Show me.
Avery: Take a look.
Heather: Oh. Oh, my God.
Avery: What do you think?
Heather: Just a sec, just a sec.
Heather: (Chuckles) Oh, this is good.
Phyllis: You're going to jail.
Daisy: What are you accusing me of this time?
Phyllis: You made me lose my baby. It turns out, that's a crime.
Daisy: I didn't do anything.
Phyllis: Exactly. You didn't do anything. You just stood there while I was screaming for help.
Daisy: Phyllis, why are you even in my face? Are you forgetting what I know about you?
Phyllis: You're going to jail, Daisy. You're going to jail. Do you understand that?
Daisy: Yeah.
Phyllis: You'll lose Daniel, and you'll lose Lucy.
Daisy: Okay, and what if people find out that you tried to kill Paul and Christine? What'll you lose? Who's gonna get locked up then, huh?
Phyllis: There's only one way I'm not gonna press charges on you.
Daisy: Like I m scared of you.
Phyllis: You swear to me that you're not gonna tell anyone about the accident.
Daisy: You've lost your mind.
Phyllis: Swear to me that you won't do that, and let go of your idea of a happy marriage. Let go of Daniel and share custody of Lucy civilly.
Daisy: No, you're not the one that gets to tell me what to do. I'm the one keeping your secret.
Phyllis: You know, I-I'm taking a risk by doing this. There is a chance you'll blab to everyone regardless.
Daisy: You think?
Phyllis: Do the right thing, Daisy. You could turn this around.
Daisy: Bite me.
Paul: You cannot have a gun in your possession. You are still on probation from the last time you got caught waving a weapon around in Daisy's face.
Lauren: Look, I am not waving a gun in anybody's face. It hasn't come out of my purse.
Paul: Then why carry it around?
Lauren: For insurance. That's all.
Paul: So when you do catch Daisy talking to your son or walking into your store, you can do something?
Lauren: Look, without some sort of means of defense, if I see Daisy, I'm gonna feel vulnerable, and I may even snap. But now I know that she can't hurt me.
Paul: Right, because you're gonna hurt her first.
Lauren: Only if necessary.
Paul: Ah. You know, I can't believe Michael is okay with this.
Lauren: He doesn't know.
Paul: Because you know how wrong it is.
Lauren: I really appreciate your concern, but with all due respect, you did not live through what I lived through with that girl. (Voice cracks) Everything that she did to me is as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. She looks innocent, but she is as deadly as ever. Now I am begging you, please, please keep this between the two of us.
Paul: (Exhales slowly)
Nick: Hey, Guys.
Paul: Nick, how's it going?
Nick: It's going well. I've got a little business meeting here, but, Lauren, I have some good news for you.
Lauren: Really? What is it?
Nick: Avery may have found a way to put Daisy back behind bars.
Paul: How is that possible?
Nick: It's some long, complicated legal thing, but the good news is, Daisy could be out of our lives soon, and maybe this time, for good.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Daisy: You're bluffing.
Phyllis: Oh, I think the judge is signing your arrest warrant right now.
Daisy: No, there's no way you would risk letting your secret out, getting yourself thrown in jail.
Phyllis: I wouldn't mind being there if I knew you were there.
Daisy: How would you feel if Lucy knew she was related to an attempted murderer?
Phyllis: You're talking about yourself, right?
Daisy: You, Paul, and Christine are all friends now? They're gonna hate you if they find out you tried to kill them. Forget your marriage--
Phyllis: Do you know-- do you know how stupid you are? You are a stupid, pathetic little girl. You think destroying me is gonna get you what you want? Is that what you think?
Daisy: It will if you get what you deserve!
Kevin: Stop it, stop it! Stop it. All right, look, it is no news flash that you two are fighting, but it is not happening here.
Daisy: I'm sorry, Kevin.
Kevin: I don't care. I don't care. I don't care who started it.
Phyllis: This is insane.
Kevin: I don't want any of this happening here. This is my place of business. Take it somewhere else.
Phyllis: Okay, I understand. I was leaving.
Daisy: I try to be nice to her. I don't know why Daniel and Phyllis are so vicious.
Kevin: Look, Daisy, from what I just heard, you gave as good as you got, all right?
Daisy: No, I was just defending myself. You don't know how far she goes to make me look bad.
Ricky: Can I get a coffee?
Eden: To go?
Ricky: For here. Why don't you bring it over when it's ready?
Kevin: What, was he giving you a hard time?
Eden: No, but he still creeps me out.
Avery: I was hoping you could help me put together a strategy...
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Avery: How to best pursue these charges against Daisy.
Heather: What do you-- what do you need? Precedents?
Avery: Yes, as many as we can find to get the judge to take this seriously.
Heather: Have you talked to Michael?
Avery: Uh, no, not yet. Michael has a contentious history with Daisy.
Heather: Oh.
Avery: And I don't want conflict of interest to come back to bite us.
Heather: No, you're right. If I were defending Daisy against Michael... (Laughs) The first thing I'd do is cry prejudice. Yeah.
Avery: Yeah, exactly, so I need to be very careful about public perception. I can't--I-it can't look like Michael took office and then--
Heather: What, promptly pursued a personal vendetta?
Avery: Yeah.
Heather: No, it's--its good you came to me.
Avery: So you'll help me?
Heather: I'd be happy to.
Daisy: Phyllis is coming at me still. You wouldn't believe it.
Daisy: Is that my old apartment? Did you put a bug in there?
Ricky: Shut your mouth, and forget you ever saw that.
Daisy: I'll forget if you do something for me.
Ricky: Well, what do you want?
Daisy: I may have to take Lucy and get out of Genoa City fast.
Ricky: Why?
Daisy: If it comes down to that, I need you to get me out of town.
Nick: Avery has some more research to do before we can file the case.
Lauren: (Sighs) That's very encouraging. It'd be amazing to have Daisy back in jail.
Paul: It certainly puts things back in perspective, doesn't it?
Nick: Yeah. I thought you'd like to hear that. I gotta go. The guy I'm meeting with for lunch is here.
Lauren: All right, thanks so much for letting us know.
Nick: Sure.
Lauren: Okay.
Paul: Okay. So now that there's a very good possibility that Daisy will be out of your life again, you don't need to risk your freedom by carrying around an illegal weapon.
Lauren: Nothing has changed yet.
Paul: Lauren, I know you think you need that gun, but listen to me. It's only gonna bring trouble. It's not gonna make anything better.
Lauren: And I mean, what do you want me to do?
Paul: I want you to give it to me.
Kevin: You can go home now, Eden.
Eden: Why are you still mad at me?
Kevin: I'm not mad. I was never mad. It's just that it's slow and it's beautiful outside. Go, enjoy the day.
Eden: Wow, thanks. And, um, I'm sorry again about coming down on you before.
Kevin: You were being protective of Daniel. I get that.
Eden: And you.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Look, I know that Daisy isn't innocent, but she's trying to make up for the things that she's done.
Eden: And you believe her?
Kevin: I think she deserves a chance to get me to believe her.
Eden: Well, when I see how miserable Daniel is, and then think about how Daisy maneuvered him into marrying her, I--
Kevin: Hold on, hold on, hold on. Are you two still seeing each other? Is that why you're so invested in all this?
Eden: Daniel and me as a couple-- oh, no, that's over. But I do worry about him.
[Daniel remembering]
Daniel: (Sighs) Amber.
Daisy: Yeah, Baby, it's me.
Daniel: Guess it's true. You're back, huh?
Abby: And you're...
Daisy: Pregnant. That's why we're here. Hi, daddy.
Daniel: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I can see it! I can see her head! She's coming, she's coming! You want to hold her?
Daniel: Come here. I thought we had a little deal, huh? I let you go in Canada, and you never show your face around Genoa City again. What happened?
Daisy: When I saw that photo of Lucy, I realized there was something missing--me. Now I knew that it would involve getting in lots of trouble, but I had to come back and watch our daughter grow up.
Judge brown: The court finds that Daisy Carter will retain full physical custody of the child.
(Bangs gavel)
Daisy: Thank you.
Clarice: By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Daisy: You hated Cricket. I mean, you know that, right? She hated her so much, she even rented a car to try and kill her. Now all families have secrets. As long as I'm a part of this family, you don't have to worry about this one getting out.
Ricky: Why the sudden decision to bail?
Daisy: I don't want to be separated from Lucy ever again.
Ricky: Well, you must have done something pretty awful if you’re afraid you're gonna lose your own daughter.
Daisy: No. Just people are always making stuff up and accusing me.
Ricky: Like Phyllis pressing charges against you for causing her miscarriage, and then you doing nothing to help?
Daisy: How did you-- you find that out from spying on your sister?
Ricky: Well, if my sister's involved, you can bet your butt's going back to court, maybe even jail.
Daisy: But that's not gonna happen, 'cause you're gonna-- you're gonna help me get out of town, right?
Ricky: What about Daniel?
Daisy: I can't think about Daniel right now.
Ricky: He is your husband.
Daisy: I need to be free of all of this.
Ricky: Okay, okay, okay. I'll help you.
Daisy: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Oh, hey, hi.
Avery: Hi.
Phyllis: Uh, so what'd you find out?
Avery: Well, I ran the duty to rescue statute past Heather.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, you--you already went to the D.A.'s office with it.
Avery: Unofficially, I did, and Heather agrees. We should be able to move forward with this case against Daisy.
Phyllis: Wow. Um, you know what? I'm--I'm not sure that should be the plan anymore.
Lauren: So are you planning on going to that arts gala tomorrow night?
Paul: Um, I hadn't really thought about it.
Lauren: Well, you know, my sister-in-law is one of the organizers. It's gonna be good. You know, food, entertainment.
Paul: Well, I'd love to do something besides, um, worry about my kids for a change-- worry about my kids and you, I guess.
Lauren: Yeah, really. Well, then come.
Paul: I'll tell you what, I will consider it... (Whispering) If you give me the gun.
Lauren: I'm gonna hang on to this until we find out about the charges, okay?
Paul: (Normal voice) What if Daisy does something to spook you in the meantime?
Lauren: You know, I really used to go through life with such power.
Paul: You still do.
Lauren: I had confidence. I had my son's love, and Michael’s, and-- and that's what got me through, and Daisy made me powerless.
Paul: You're home... and you're safe. That's over.
Lauren: (Sighs) I'm keeping the gun.
Kevin: It'll be okay, I pro-- (Shudders) Good-b--oh. Okay, good-bye. Ay.
Heather: That had to be some depressing phone call.
Kevin: Chloe is having all of these last-minute freak-outs about the gala tomorrow night.
Heather: Oh, it'll be beautiful. I'm sorry I can't make it.
Kevin: Oh, why not?
Heather: Um, work.
Kevin: That reminds me, I have to see if Daisy will cover this shift tomorrow night.
Heather: So Daisy's an employee now.
Kevin: Daisy's an employee now.
Heather: Hmm.
Kevin: And I am taking a lot of crap from a lot of people about it. But you would hire Ricky, right, if he needed a job?
Heather: Oh, uh... (Chuckles) Uh, no. No.
Kevin: Why? Taking your dad's warning seriously now?
Heather: No, I'm not aware of anything Ricky’s done lately that's really that bad.
Kevin: So then, why wouldn't you hire him?
Heather: I don't like him much.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay.
(Knock on door)
Ricky: What are you doing?
Eden: Well, I was on my way home, and I saw you go inside, and since you don't live here anymore, I just-- I thought it was strange.
Ricky: I left something behind.
Eden: Oh, what would that be?
Ricky: (Sighs)
Eden: You know what, Ricky? I-I really am sorry. I-I shouldn't have judged you, and you know what? This constant tension between us-- I mean, aren't you over it?
Ricky: Yeah, pretty much.
Eden: Me, too. We should start fresh, maybe even hang sometime. What do you say?
Ricky: Sure. I'd be down with that.
Daniel: What's going on?
Phyllis: Um, yeah, I'm--I'm-- (Sighs) Avery, I'm suddenly remembering the details of the argument with Daisy.
Avery: What details?
Phyllis: Well... (Sighs) Honestly, um... I thought I cried out, and I-I was so upset. Now that my head has cleared, I-I didn’t. I didn't cry out.
Avery: You're sure?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, I-I'm sure, I'm sure, and--and so I think that we just have-- you know, we can't pursue this case against Daisy.
Avery: Okay, you know what? No, of course we can, of course we can you didn't scream, but she-- you were crying, right?
Phyllis: Y-yeah, but--but--
Avery: You were in pain. She had to hear that.
Phyllis: Well, no, you're assuming that. You're assuming that, see? And--and we can't lie. (Laughs) We can't, so -I think we have to just drop the whole thing.
Avery: (Scoffs) Phyllis.
Phyllis: Yeah, y-yeah.
Avery: Okay, you know what?
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Avery: I will be in touch.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey, that was fast.
Nick: Yeah, I just sat down at my meeting, and the guy had to take off because of a family emergency.
Phyllis: Did you see Avery in the hall?
Nick: No.
Phyllis: You know what? Um... I just want you to know, I'm feeling better about things than I have in a long time.
Nick: What's wrong? You okay?
Phyllis: Yeah. I-I want this to be over.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: You will regret having given all your money to that loser.
Ricky: Rachel, look up. Smile for the camera.
Lauren: Who were you talking to?
Michael: Daisy. She insists that she has to meet with me.
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