Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/20/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/20/12


Episode # 9931 ~ Abby & Chloe Have a Crisis With the Arts Gala

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: Made you some toast to soak up some of that caffeine you've been drinking all morning. We need to talk.

Phyllis: About what?

Nick: Daisy Carter.

Phyllis: What's there to talk about? She conned my son into marrying her. If it weren't for her, I might... not have lost the baby. What's coming next?

Daniel: Hey.

Kevin: Hey. How was the guest room?

Daniel: Ohh. It was great, thanks.

Kevin: Sure. You want to explain to me why you didn't want to go home last night?

Daniel: Couldn't stand being near the missus.

Kevin: Uh, yeah, look, speaking of Daisy, I think you should know that, um...

Daisy: Here you go, Honey. Just the way you like it.

Daniel: What are you doing here, and where's Lucy?

Daisy: She's with the sitter, and I'm here 'cause my wonderful brother gave me a job.

Abby: Okay, so you did incorporate lots of bright colors?

Chloe: I know, I would rather have more food than not enough.

Abby: I just need those flower arrangements to really, really pop.

Chloe: Okay, great, get it done and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

Abby: Perfect, thank you. Bye.

Chloe: Whew.

Abby: Hmm.

Devon: (Grunts)

Harmony: Like, you know it still amazes me what that operation was able to do for you. I mean, your hearing is as good as new.

Devon: Yeah. What's with the camera?

Harmony: Oh, uh, "Restless Style" is covering the gala, so I'm taking pictures of the warehouse for the photographer, so he can get a feel of the venue.

Devon: I see.

Harmony: Well, anyway, I see that you're busy, so... later.

Chloe: I just-- I don't understand. I'll just try him again.

Abby: Why don't you just build an altar and light a candle?

Carmine: Huh?

Abby: Start prepping the bar. You're not being paid to just stand around. (Scoffs)

Carmine: (Chuckles) Sure thing, Princess. I was just reminding myself what all the, uh, hard work was for... the arts. (Chuckles) (Whistling)

Chloe: Jealous much?

Abby: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Chloe: Are you kidding me? I saw that little green monster jump out when he was looking at that picture of Angelina.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Chloe: I cannot believe that you are crushing on him.

Abby: What?! The only thing I am crushing on is our awesomeness at putting this event together. It's gonna be amazing.

Chloe: Better be.

(Cell phone rings)

Chloe: Oh, finally. Hello. (Chuckles) Uh, no, no, no--what? Are you--are you kidding me? No, I-- this is gonna be a catastrophe. Yeah, thank you. (Sighs)

Abby: What? What?

Chloe: Angelina canceled. (Groans)

Abby: (Gasps)

(Cell phone keys clicking)

Devon: What-- (Drops cords) Great.

Daniel: Thanks for the heads-up.

Kevin: I would have told you last night, but you looked like you were ready to strangle someone.

Daisy: Hey, Kevin, can you give us a minute alone?

Kevin: (Exhales slowly) Hey, Victoria.

Victoria: Oh, hey. Can you believe it? Chloe and Abby chairing the gala together, and nobody gets hurt.

Kevin: (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: Crazy. Excuse me. Hey, Baby, what's up?

Chloe: The gala. Angelina canceled. I am going to kill Abby for screwing this up.

Kevin: You totally just jinxed it what happened?

Kay: Uh, Miriam, now we will, um, see you tomorrow, won't we? (Laughs) Good. All right, Dear. Bye-bye.

Neil: (Clears throat)

Kay: All right, now where were we?

Neil: Where were we? We were finished. I think we've just about covered everything.

Kay: Yeah. (Sighs) You and, uh, Sofia going to the gala tomorrow?

Neil: No, um... I took your advice, you know.

Kay: Mm?

Neil: I tried to step up as a husband.

Kay: What happened?

Neil: Sofia could tell my heart wasn't in it. Uh, she moved out and took Moses with her.

Kay: Well, I'm sorry about that.

Neil: Yeah, Katherine. Me, too.

Kay: Neil... give me your hand. Do know that you can still be a very, very good father? That is, if you involve yourself in that little boy's day-to-day life.

Neil: It's interesting, um, Katherine. One thing I've learned is that if you don't feed a relationship, it starves, and if it starves, it dies.

Kay: (Clears throat) Well, that--that is what you're trying to do, isn't it? Hmm, isn't it?

Neil: Hmm?

Kay: You're trying to starve it away.

Adam: Today's the big day, your G.E.D. test.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Don't remind me.

Adam: Uh, we're just gonna get you some breakfast. You'll feel all right.

Chelsea: (Sighs) I actually feel kind of queasy.

Adam: Oh, that's just nerves. I think you're gonna do great.

Chelsea: And what if I don't?

Victor: There you are.

Sharon: Oh. I was just visiting my new horse. What a great gift he was, Victor.

Victor: Isn't he beautiful?

Sharon: You know, I'm sorry about the drama. Um... after you left yesterday, Nikki and I realized how ridiculous it was, sitting there in a jail cell, so we realized all we had to do was drop the charges.

Victor: Well, I had a feeling you would come to your senses.

Sharon: Well, I better go change. I am expecting a very productive day.

Victor: Oh, yeah? All right, you have a nice day. Okay.

Victor: What the hell are you doing here?

Nikki: Well, I have returned to the scene of the crime.

Adam: "A" Los Angeles, "B," New York, "C," San Francisco?

Chelsea: (Sighs) Los Angeles.

Adam: Correct.

Chelsea: Ooh. I think I feel sick. My stomach hurts.

Adam: Which is not a medical effect of air pollution...

Chelsea: (Groans) And my head is--is really pounding.

Adam: "A," the common cold, "B," asthma, "C," polio?

Chelsea: (Sighs) Polio.

Adam: Right again. You are gonna nail this, Babe, definitely.

Chelsea: Feel my forehead do I have a fever? Feel--

Adam: No, no, hold on, the--the organ of the body most affected by pollution is...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: "A," the brain, "B," thyroid, "C"--

Chelsea: It's the lungs. (Coughs) It's the lungs, and great, now I'm coughing. (Coughs) Why are you smiling?

Adam: You're adorable when you whine... and I think you're gonna kick ass at this test.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Chloe: Okay, I thought that you said that Angelina confirmed.

Abby: No, she did. I don't know what could have happened.

Chloe: You blew it-- that's what happened.

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Oh, I'm sorry, are you really going to blame me for this?

Chloe: Well, what else am I gonna do?

Abby: (Scoffs)

Neil: Okay, not too sure what we're walking into, but what's going on?

Harmony: Angelina pulled out of the gala.

Devon: And you better stand back, because Abby and Chloe might start breaking things.

Chloe: (Laughs) I am glad that you find this so funny, Devon.

Victoria: Uh, uh, you know, wait, hold on a second. Just everybody please calm down, okay? This used to be my gala, and I'm sure as hell not gonna let it crash and burn. I think that if we all just think together, we can come up with a replacement act.

Carmine: Nobody can replace Angelina.

Sharon: Um, is Angelina not coming?

Chloe: (Sighs)

Victoria: Sharon, whatever it is, it--it's gonna have to wait.

Sharon: No, maybe I can help. I am a patron of the arts, too.

Daniel: Hey. You want to tell me how you convinced Kevin that you're not the devil?

Daisy: Hey, listen, I know that you finding out about your mom's vicious crime has you all freaked out, but I am your wife, Daniel. I love you. I'll do anything to help you get through this.

Daniel: Just-- you're incredible. You're... (Laughs)

Daisy: But if you ever hurt me again by staying out all night, I don't know what will happen.

Kevin: Look, I know you are probably thinking I have completely lost it.

Daniel: Yeah, I--yeah, I am. How could you fall for Daisy's "Poor pitiful me" act?

Kevin: Hold on. I didn't fall for anything, okay? She is messed up. I know that. She's done some... terrible things, but she's my sister.

Daniel: Oh, your sister is a monster, Kevin.

Kevin: She loves Lucy, and she would never bail on her. That right there is proof that she can change.

Nick: Will you please drink this? It's vegetable juice.

Phyllis: No, no, mnh-mnh.

Nick: Phyllis, you had a miscarriage, and it took a lot out of you. You could use the nutrients.

Phyllis: I don't-- I don't want it! I'm sorry. Please ignore me, please ignore me, I'm just...

Nick: Listen to me. You gotta dial down the stress, okay?

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: You know you were talking in your sleep all night last night?

Phyllis: What did I say?

Nick: You kept saying, "Don't do it, Daisy. Stop, Daisy." What are you afraid of?

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: I'm sorry about my fight with Sharon.

Victor: It's all right. The two of you rolling around in the hay-- I could have sold tickets.

Nikki: To be clear, that apology is for you. Sharon and I had our own private conversation in jail.

Victor: Did you, now?

Nikki: You know, I have to say... (Sighs) My issues with her seemed trivial compared to what's going on with Nicholas and Phyllis.

Victor: Yeah, I must say, my heart goes out to them. I feel terrible about it.

Nikki: Despite how contentious things were when our kids were born, what really mattered most was the love that we felt for them.

Victor: We always seem to come back to that, don't we? Let me ask you something-- how the hell can you settle for Jack Abbott?

Nikki: (Scoffs) I think the question here is, how can you settle for Sharon?

Sharon: I should be able to get you a performer right away. I'll make some calls.

Victoria: Devon and Chloe have that covered, Sharon.

Sharon: Oh, uh, they don't have the influence I have.

Abby: You're just gonna be in the way, okay?

Devon: Uh, well, it was worth a shot. Thanks anyway, though.

Chloe: No, please... (Sighs) No, please just--just tell him that I will put him and his entourage up at the best hotel. I'll even get him strippers.

Sharon: I can't believe you'd turn down my offer. I mean, given my resources...

Victoria: Those would be my dad's resources.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Ohh. Hey, can she make it?

Abby: Please tell me that he can do it. Well, tell him that it's for a really good cause.

Chloe: (Sighs) Not interested.

Sharon: There's no need to be rude.

Chloe: I'm sorry, I should be nice to the maid of honor from hell? Why, because you're Victor Newman's new girlfriend? Let me give you a little piece of advice-- if you want to be a player, then find a playground where people actually like you.

Neil: Hey. Any luck?

Devon: (Sighs) Nope, nothing.

Neil: Really?

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Neil: Oh, hey, excuse me.

Harmony: Is there anything I can do?

Devon: Uh, you can leave.

Neil: Uh, Devon, I thought we talked about... (Clears throat) Cutting your mama some slack, right?

Devon: I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. It's just, right now, I'm a record producer without any acts, and the artist I discovered has obviously moved on, so unless you're tight with anyone other than Tucker from your groupie days, you can't help right now.

Neil: Um, Devon, I-I meant... (Clears throat)

Devon: I swear I didn't mean--mean it like that, okay? I-

Harmony: Hey. No worries. Walk me out?

Neil: Yeah.

Devon: (Sighs)

Neil: Yeah, sure.

Tucker: Boy, Neil sure peeled out of here fast. Thank you. I wish things didn't have to be so damned awkward.

Kay: I assume you, uh, know that Sofia moved out?

Tucker: Yeah, I heard, same day I found out Ashley was filing for divorce, and I've since received notification from her attorney that she... she went through with it. (Laughs) What was I thinking, getting married, huh?

Kay: Don't do that.

Tucker: What?

Kay: Pretend that you're not devastated.

Tucker: I'll tell you what I am. I'm--I'm curious why you seem to be more upset about this than I am. I mean, after you tried so hard to keep us apart.

Kay: Because I know you love her.

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Maybe I'll find someone late in life, like you did with Murphy.

Kay: Well, better sooner than later, but you have to be open to it.

Adam: You got this. You are smart. You're amazing. You are Rocky before a prizefight.

Chelsea: (Laughs) I love you.

Adam: Hey, you've got something right here, a little food.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Wish me luck.

Adam: I do, but you don't need it.

Adam: How are you?

Sharon: Still faking a romance with Chelsea? Seriously?

Adam: (Riffles note cards)

Phyllis: Let's just not make this a bigger deal than it needs to be, okay? I just--I was having a nightmare, and...

Nick: Think you've been so focused on hating Daisy for causing you to miscarry...

Phyllis: Shh.

Nick: That maybe you haven't grieved enough.

Phyllis: I just-- my heart hurts. That's all. I just keep on thinking about... the baby, and if he or she would have red hair, or they would have your smile.

Nick: I've been thinking about that, too.

Phyllis: Daisy's just caused our family so much pain. I just can't imagine what's gonna happen next. Honestly, she's like a live grenade, and--and no matter what we do, we can't put that pin back. (Sighs)

(Rhythmic knock on door)

Nick: Hey, Bud.

Daniel: Hey, Nick, um... can you give us a sec? I-I need to talk to Mom.

Phyllis: Mm.

Nick: Yeah. Hey, I'm gonna go and, uh, get you some ice cream, okay?

Phyllis: Okay.

Daniel: I barely slept last night, so what are we gonna do?

Phyllis: We're gonna keep Daisy quiet.

Daniel: How we gonna do that, hmm? By catering to her every whim for the rest of our lives?

Victor: I don't understand what you see in Jack Abbott.

Nikki: I know you don't. I don't expect you to. The funny thing is, you two are so alike.

Victor: What the hell are you talking about?

Nikki: You're both powerful, driven, devoted to family.

Victor: Give me a break.

Nikki: Victor, that's part of why you loathe each other.

Victor: You must be kidding me. What the hell are you talking about? He's the son of a rich man, born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Nikki: Oh, and that's his fault? Y-you know, forget it, forget it. It's--it's just strange. It is strange that neither one of us can stand each other's mate.

Victor: What is strange is the comparison you just made.

Adam: I will not defend my relationship to my father's latest midlife-ish crisis.

Sharon: (Laughs) Okay, wait. Um... hey, what's that? Oh, cute. Chelsea taking the G.E.D.?

Adam: Yes.

Sharon: And you're her cheering section. Wow. You really are taking this whole redemption routine a little overboard, don't you think?

Adam: If you think this is a bunch of fake romance and phony support, then that's sad. When did you get so bitter?

Tucker: I haven't even signed the divorce papers.

Kay: Tucker, I wasn't going to set you up with any blind date, for heaven sakes. I'm telling you that I feel guilty.

Tucker: Why?

Kay: Well, I look at you and Devon, uh, these walls that you're building to protect yourselves, uh, just pushing away the people who love you, in large part because of me.

Tucker: Well, we're having a nice chat, aren't we?

Kay: Devon and I are making progress, as well. Mm, even a grown man needs a mother. I am so worried that Harmony could possibly backslide as long as he continues to hold her at arm's length.

(Footsteps approach)

Harmony: Oh, thank God I found you.

Tucker: What's wrong?

Harmony: It's your son. He needs you, Mick.

Nick: You work here now?

Daisy: Yeah, pretty cool, huh? Oh, wait. Hey, Nick, I have a surprise for you. On the house.

Kevin: Who wants some caffeine?

Kay: Oh, uh, tea.

Kevin: Oh, yeah, there's a tea right here.

Kay: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Neil: Man, thank you.

Kevin: Sure. Come here, Baby. It's okay.

Chloe: (Whines) No, it's not. It's not okay. Oh, my God wait, wait, wait, okay. I will do a New Jersey accent, I will dress up like Angelina, and I will lip-synch.

Devon: Hey, how about you don't do that?

Kay: I agree. Fraud is not what the gala is all about, Chloe.

Kevin: It's gonna be okay. We'll figure something out. It will be o--

Carmine: Come here. This is all your fault.

Kevin: Mine?

Carmine: Yeah, you broke Angie's heart, and now she's not coming because she's still carrying a torch, and that really pisses me off.

Kevin: (Scoffs)

Kay: Wait, wait.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Kay: I've got an idea. Here, uh, here. Thank you.

Abby: Mm.

Neil: Okay, this could be good. What kind of idea you have?

Kay: Mm, mm.

Kay: (Clears throat) Danny? Yeah, uh, it's Katherine Chancellor. Listen, um, could you, would you do, uh, your ex-stepmother a very huge, huge favor by performing at the arts gala tomorrow? We're really in a huge bind. I mean, this--this Angelina, uh, she backed out. You're kidding me. I mean, she never told you? No, no, no, Darling, no, it--it's all right. It--no, it is not your fault. Danny, I have to go. I really do, Darling. I'm really in a bind. I-I'll call you. I-I'll call you later, okay? Good, all right.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Victoria: What did he say?

Kay: That he's going to start a tour of Europe, and guess who is his opening act?

Chloe: (Laughs) Who, Angelina?

Victoria: Are you serious? (Laughs)

Chloe: (Laughs)

Tucker: Uh, you know, I'd really like to help Devon out. I'd do anything for him.

Harmony: He's pretty desperate.

Tucker: Anyway, all the groups that I know, the hottest bands, they're all in the studio or on tour. I couldn't get anybody on such short notice. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Harmony: Um, no, it's not that.

Tucker: What, then?

Harmony: You know, Devon made a comment earlier about my being a groupie back in the day. I mean, he didn't-- he didn't mean anything by it...

Tucker: (Sighs)

Harmony: But it still stung, though. (Laughs) But hey, pretty much everything about my past is painful, and with all the stunts I've been doing lately, it doesn't look like I learned a damn thing.

Tucker: You've come a long way since the old days, Harmony.

Harmony: When I was a druggie, you mean?

Tucker: And now you're clean and sober. You should be proud of that.

Harmony: (Chuckles) You know, pride's a tricky thing. It's like, if it's not enough, it keeps you from letting your heart reach out for something better, and if it's too much, you sit back and just expect it to come to you.

Tucker: I never thought of it like that.

Harmony: (Laughs) Well, I didn't mean to get all philosophical on you

Tucker: It's all right. I wish I'd seen this side of you back in the day.

Harmony: Oh, Candy Cane didn't care about pride back in the day. She was all about partying with rock stars, living for the moment.

Tucker: (Laughs) Oh, yeah. Man, those were some exciting times, weren't they?

Harmony: Oh, man, we sure did know some famous people, didn't we? (Laughs)

Tucker: Yeah. Yeah, we know some of the biggest names in the business, huh? Maybe that's a way to get a headliner. Let's put our heads together and do that.

Harmony: Hey, let's do it. (Laughs)

Tucker: All right.

Harmony: (Laughs)

Phyllis: We are not living under Daisy's reign of terror.

Daniel: Okay, well, since you're the master of revenge, what's your plan, "Dr. Evil"?

Phyllis: No, don't-- don't talk to me like that.

Daniel: (Scoffs)

Phyllis: I told you that was an accident. You know that.

Daniel: Yes, yes, I know, 'cause your foot went on the gas instead of the brake.

Phyllis: I was not trying to kill Christine.

Daniel: It doesn't matter if you were trying to or you weren't. It still happened. You were trying to scare her, so we're screwed because we can't use that footage of Daisy not lifting a finger to help you, while you were losing your child, a-and if we do, she's just gonna blab about the hit-and-run.

Phyllis: Shh, shh! Why are you rehashing this?

Daniel: Because she's driving me cr-- she's driving me crazy.

Phyllis: You married her.

Daniel: (Laughs) Whoa! Oh, no. No, don't you turn this around on me. No, no, you're the one who ran down Paul and Christine with your car, and now I might never get custody of my daughter.

Nick: What the hell?!

Victor: Why do you bother with men who are obviously beneath you? Deacon Sharpe, Jack Abbott--

Nikki: (Scoffs) (Laughing) Oh, God, Victor.

Victor: What? What?

Nikki: They are hardly in the same category.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: I have a question for you.

Victor: What?

Nikki: Why Sharon? She doesn't challenge you, not in the way that Sabrina did, who was also deemed young, beautiful, and vibrant, but in her case, you really did love her.

Victor: What's your point?

Nikki: You deserve better. I honestly think you've given up on having a real relationship.

(Knock on door)

Adam: Haven't we offended each other enough for one day?

Sharon: Yeah, I, um, I just... (Laughs) Found this, you know, in my car. It's New Orleans jazz.

Adam: So this is your excuse to come by?

Sharon: Well, no, I, um, I just felt bad about my attitude earlier.

Adam: Come on in. I have a few minutes.

Sharon: I, um... so...

Adam: (Sighs) So...

Sharon: What's, um, what's really going on with you and Chelsea, anyway? Is this some kind of Henry Higgins thing? You're helping her get her diploma? I mean, what's next, a-a makeover?

Adam: If anyone's pulling a Henry Higgins, it's the old man.

Sharon: Well, that's not--

Adam: You can't handle the fact that I have moved on, and that I actually care about her. I adore her.

Sharon: (Laughs) You think I'm jealous?

Adam: You know, I'm not, uh, vain enough to think that you, uh, you actually want me back, but I think you can't stand the fact that I don't want you back.

Sharon: (Clicks lips) That's absurd.

Adam: Victor's power, his money, his affections... they're not enough to fill that hole, are they, Sharon?

Adam: Come in. Sharon was just leaving.

Phyllis: Daniel and I--

Nick: What is so important that you would rip into your mom at a time like this?

Phyllis: Um, we're talking about Daisy.

Nick: Your mom's in a very fragile state, Daniel. You need to be more sensitive. You just can't catch a break right now.

Harmony: (Sighs) (Laughs) I-I bet this is the first time you see Tucker McCall cooling his jets, waiting for the phone to ring.

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) That's not true. It was a long time ago, before I was in the music business or before I founded my company. Uh, I was a nobody.

Harmony: Let me guess, it involved a woman.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: Hey. This might be something. This is Tucker.

Harmony: (Whispers) What?

Tucker: I see.

Harmony: What? Guys, I've figured it out!

Abby: Wait, when news gets out about Angelina, people are gonna want refunds.

Chloe: God.

Kay: What?

Chloe: It's already happening.

Abby: Ohh, my rep in this town is ruined.

Chloe: Shut up, Abby. Just shut up.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Tucker: Hey, everybody. All right, we've got some good news.

Abby: You found a replacement for Angelina?

Tucker: Yeah, with Harmony's help.

Neil: Really? Who is it?

Kay: Oh, that's wonderful!

Harmony: The Wanted.

Devon: Oh, no!

Abby: What?!

Chloe: How did you get anybody? Amazing. That's amazing.

Victoria: We're saved!

Kevin: It's this young band. They're way better than Angelina.

Abby: Oh, my God.

Carmine: Damn!

(Voices overlapping)

Nikki: Don't you care about being with somebody who's your equal?

Victor: I got some news for you, okay? There's much more to her than meets the eye. She's very warmhearted, and she makes me happy.

Nikki: Okay, well, then it's time for me to go. (Sighs) Be happy.

Victor: Well, you do the same.

Victor: What was that for?

Sharon: I missed you.

Adam: So... the test, how do you think it went?

Chelsea: (Exhales slowly) This whole day has been a blur. I'm not even sure I was coherent.

Adam: Oh, I bet you're being modest. I'm sure you-- I'm sure you did great.

Chelsea: I think I did all right. Sharon leave this?

Adam: Yep. You okay? What's wrong?

Chelsea: (Gasps) Nothing. No, nothing. I-I'm just ready for you to pop that cork. I want to celebrate.

Adam: As you wish.

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Daniel: (Sighs)

Daisy: Hey. I just had the coolest idea. We should do a family dinner. Nothing fancy, just spaghetti, and then I thought we could invite Kevin and Chloe and Summer and Nick and even your mother.

Daniel: Are you--are you just completely out of your mind? What makes you think that she would come?

Daisy: She might. You know, I have a feeling that Phyllis will come around. Daniel, this is what I want more than anything, to have a real family, and then you know what? We can work on making a sister or brother for Lucy.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Nick: You know what? Let's just get out of here. Let's go on a honeymoon. Let's go anywhere, just have some fun.

Phyllis: Yeah, stop hovering over me.

Nick: You need some space?

Phyllis: Yeah, I think I do.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: No, I don't, no, I don't. No, no, no, please don't go. (Sighs) don’t go.

Next on "The Young and the Restless”...

Lauren: I need to do whatever it takes to defend my family.

Kevin: It's not like she's gonna poison the coffee.

Eden: Are you sure about that?

Avery: I think I found a way to get rid of Daisy.

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