Y&R Transcript Monday 6/18/12
Episode # 9929 ~ Victor Leaves Nikki & Sharon in Jail
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Heather: The bomb squad in my apartment, because my father thought my brother was trying to blow me up. I'd laugh, but it's not really funny, is it?
Paul: No. No, it really isn't funny. Yeah, it's a little embarrassing, too. I mean, the guys down at the station-- they're not gonna let me live this down.
Heather: It's okay.
Paul: But that's not what matters. What matters is it was a false alarm and you're safe, okay?
(Eerie music playing)
Paul: It really was a music box?
Heather: Yeah, that plays the most unsettling tune I've ever heard.
Paul: Trust me... it's better than the sound of a bomb going off.
Heather: Look, Paul, we--we need to have a serious discussion about this. It's raised a real red flag for me about your state of mind when--when it comes to Ricky.
Avery: What did Dr. Reid have on you that you were afraid Ricky would uncover?
Phyllis: N-nothing, nothing really, Avery. Just--I-I just didn't want Ricky, you know, talking to the court-appointed therapist from long ago.
Avery: Okay, you paid a man to leave town. That doesn't scream "Nothing" to me.
Phyllis: No, it's-- it is, it's really-- it's really not a big deal. It's really nothing. Honestly, it isn't. It just--I-I just didn't want, you know, Ricky digging around my past, and--and... I-I just shared a lot of very personal, confidential things with Dr. Reid, and--and that's all, so... I-it's nothing, really. You can let it go.
Nikki: This is ridiculous. How long does it take to get arraigned?
Sharon: Don't you know? How many arrests do you have under your belt?
Nikki: (Scoffs) Asks the woman who's clocked a fair amount of time in prison.
Sharon: I was falsely imprisoned. I didn't murder a woman in a drunken stupor.
Nikki: No, no, you didn't. You tossed her in a volcano.
Sharon: I tried to save Skye. You can't say the same about Diane, can you?
Nikki: I was trying to save myself.
Sharon: Oh, so you say.
Nikki: So the video shows. So Victor believed. He went to jail for me, remember?
Sharon: Oh, yes, I do. He married me when he was in there.
Nikki: Yeah, marriage of show.
Sharon: Mnh-mnh. Not this time.
Nikki: Oh, really? You don't think that you're flaunting all of the gifts that Victor's given you? Now you got a horse. What are you gonna do, trot it through the Athletic Club so everybody can get a real good look?
Sharon: I may, at that.
Nikki: You know what? This is utterly ridiculous. We can stand here trading barbs all day long, or we can agree to take back the charges we filed against each other and get far, far away from here.
Sharon: Fine. You go first.
Nikki: (Scoffs)
Victor: That's a good boy.
Nick: Hey, Dad.
Victor: Hey, Son.
Nick: Bonnie said you were down here.
Victor: Yep.
Nick: Is that a new horse?
Victor: Beautiful, isn't it? It's a gift for Sharon.
Nick: Oh, I bet she was thrilled.
Victor: Yeah, well, she didn't have a chance to take it all in before your mother made a scene.
Nick: I'm guessing that didn't go too well.
Victor: No. It didn't go well at all. As a matter of fact, right now, both of them are sharing a jail cell.
Nick: Jail. Well, you had to know something like that was gonna happen eventually.
Victor: Yep.
Nick: I'm just glad you're in the middle of it now and not me. I have my own problems to deal with.
Victor: What's going on?
Nick: Phyllis lost the baby.
Victor: I'm sorry, Son, okay? I'm sorry about that.
Lauren: Oh, Michael. I can't... (Sighs) Phyllis was so excited about being pregnant. I just can't believe it.
Michael: Yeah, well, sadly, it's true.
Lauren: I need to see her.
Michael: Oh, well, I, uh, I can drop you off on the way to work. I can fill you in on the rest of the story.
Lauren: There's more?
Michael: Unfortunately, it gets worse.
(Cell phone rings)
Daisy: Oh. Still pissed at me?
Daniel: What do you think?
Daisy: I didn't hear your mom calling out for help, Daniel.
Daniel: I don't believe you.
Daisy: Well, you know, Kevin was just here and he watched the footage and he believes me, so why can't you?
Daniel: I'm never gonna believe you, Daisy. You hurt my family.
Daisy: I'm your family.
Daniel: No. No, you're not. You're just some woman that I had to marry to get closer to my daughter. That's it. Period.
Daisy: Don't say that to me, Daniel.
Daniel: I'm gonna take Lucy over to Mom's, and there's nothing you can say or do to stop me after what you pulled.
Heather: What made you think Ricky planted a bomb in my apartment?
Paul: Okay, so he brought up the explosive device that was planted in your car.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Paul: And he intimated that there were people out there that still were carrying a grudge.
Heather: And you thought he was referring to himself.
Paul: He also told me that he left you a housewarming gift that he wanted you to "Find." He said that he wished he could see the expression on your face when you opened it because, in his words, "It would blow you away."
Heather: Look, is Ricky weird? Yes. Is he a jerk? Oh, yeah. Is he a liar? Absolutely, but does that mean that he's as sick and twisted as his mother is? I just--
Paul: Hey, this whole thing was manipulated, so my answer would have to be yes.
Heather: I'm--I'm afraid that you're building a case that isn't there. Look, you--you haven't been able to tie Ricky to the death of his ex-fiancée or the accident that killed her friend. You were positive he planted a bomb in my apartment, and he didn't.
Paul: (Sighs) Let's just chalk this up to me being a little overprotective, okay?
Heather: (Laughs) A little? Look, I'm grateful that you're around now to protect me... when--when I need it, but this is not one of those times, so... you can focus on other things, okay?
Paul: Okay.
Heather: Okay.
Ricky: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Daisy: Why do you keep calling me?
Ricky: Because I need you to come over, so you can help me find the final nail in Phyllis' coffin, metaphorically speaking, of course.
Daisy: I can't do that.
Ricky: But you will. Need I remind you why?
Daisy: Because you'll badmouth me to Daniel, say I used some underhanded trick to get custody of Lucy.
Ricky: Very good. (Sighs) Now get your butt over here.
Daisy: Fine. (Slams phone down) Sorry. Hi, Sweetie. Hi. Come here. Oh, that was a nasty, nasty man on the phone... (Sighs) But Mommy-- Mommy has to work with him, or she'll lose you and Daddy. (Sighs) He makes me so angry, but you know what? I'll flip the script on him soon. Yeah. Hey. Hey, can you tell that daddy's mad at mommy? I hope not. (Sighs) That would make me really sad. Now I have to just convince him that I'm a good person, and then he won't be so angry.
(Door opens)
Daisy: Yeah.
Daniel: Hey! (Gasps) Come here. Ohh, got your car seat all ready. You want to go see Grandma, hmm? We'll bring this guy with us. Hmm? (Laughs)
Avery: What are you gonna do if this ex-therapist comes back expecting another payday?
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no. He's never coming back.
Avery: Okay, you know what? It's none of business. Uh, it's just the lawyer in me. I guess it takes over sometimes.
Phyllis: Yeah, a lot of the time.
Avery: Yeah, a lot of the time.
Phyllis: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Avery: And I have to remember that you are my big sister and you've always taken care of yourself, and I should know better than to doubt you.
Phyllis: Yes, you should know better.
Avery: Look, with everything that you've been through, you know, Daisy and Ricky and losing the baby, whatever you need to do to feel secure-- I'm all for it, and, you know, if you need me, I'm here.
Nick: It was such a surprise when we found out Phyllis was gonna have a baby.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nick: I mean, it wasn't even on our radar. Phyllis was afraid at first I wouldn't be that into it because we had just gotten back together. But I told her I was all in, you know, and that's exactly what she needed to hear. But now... now I don't know what to say to her.
Victor: I'm sorry, my boy. (Sighs) I've lived a little longer than you have, okay? One day, the pain will subside and you'll be happy again. Trust me.
Nick: Well, we were a little happy last night. We got married.
Victor: You did?
Nick: Yeah, we, uh...
Victor: Wow.
Nick: Just a last-minute thing to kind of balance out the day.
Victor: Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm sure it did.
Nick: Still...
Victor: One thing you must not do-- don't blame yourself for this, all right?
Nick: I'm not.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: There is someone to blame, though. This is Daisy Carter's fault.
Victor: Wait a minute. This woman simply walked away?
Nick: Security camera caught the whole thing.
Victor: I'll be damned. Let's contact Michael Baldwin. He'll make it a priority case for the D.A.'s office.
Nick: Michael says his hands are tied.
Victor: Well, in that case, let's contact Avery. Maybe she can instigate a civil lawsuit.
Nick: Dad, I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
Victor: Well, let me deal with your mother and with Sharon, and then we'll meet afterwards, all right?
Nick: All right.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: Hey, don't, uh, don't tell Mom about the miscarriage. I want to tell her myself.
Victor: Are you kidding me? Why the hell would I do that? I won't do that.
Nick: Okay.
Victor: My condolences to Phyllis, all right? I'm sorry, my boy. I really am.
Nick: Thanks.
Victor: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Chuckles) I-I don't even know where to start. I-I'm so sorry about the baby, Honey. I'm so sorry.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Lauren: And Daisy-- I-I can't believe that. How does she just turn her back and walk away? It just proves how evil she is, and... I just--I cannot believe that people have been giving her a second chance, and she has to be stopped. (Laughing) You got married!
Phyllis: Yeah.
Lauren: So much-- I'm so happy for you guys. Oh, I want to know every last detail, okay? I... (Laughs) Oh, my goodness, am I just talking way, way too much here?
Phyllis: No, no, it's-- it's--I like it, I like it.
Lauren: (Laughs) Okay.
Phyllis: It--it takes my mind off of having to entertain somebody, you know?
Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, good, good. Well, you just--you tell me, you tell me what you need, and I will get it for you. If you want a-a day at the spa, you want a tropical getaway or, um...
Phyllis: No.
Lauren: How about a papier-mâché Daisy that we burn in effigy?
Phyllis: Oh, no. It's a waste of good paper.
Lauren: (Chuckles) I like the way you think.
Phyllis: Yeah. Right. I'm glad that we're friends again. Have I told you that?
Lauren: Me, too.
Phyllis: And we're just sitting here, talking and laughing and plotting.
Lauren: (Laughs) I'm so glad, too, Honey. Oh, it's okay, Baby. You just-- you let it out, all right? I'm here.
Avery: Did you hear what happened to Phyllis?
Heather: And Daisy?
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Heather: Yeah, Michael told me. It's disgusting. I wish the D.A.'s office could throw the book at Daisy.
Avery: Well, I plan on sifting through every Wisconsin statute until I find one Daisy violated.
Heather: Well, keep me in the loop, 'cause I'm positive Michael will fully cooperate with your office if you find something... which means that we'd be on the same side of the courtroom for once.
Avery: Well, foes working together to achieve a common goal is not unheard of.
Heather: That's true, that's true. Hey, we could call each other friendly foes from now on.
Avery: (Chuckles)
Sharon: I cannot comprehend why you are trying to hang on to Victor while you're planning on marrying Jack.
Nikki: (Sighs) Sharon, this has nothing to do with me hanging on to Victor.
Sharon: Oh, really? Then why do your eyes light up every time you see him?
Nikki: You know, Victor and I are complicated, and Jack understands that and he accepts it.
Sharon: Oh, then why can't you accept Victor and me?
Nikki: Well, because your "Relationship" lacks substance, Sharon.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: You're using him, and I don't like that one bit.
Sharon: Mm, well, Victor has made it perfectly clear he's all done with complicated.
Nikki: Oh, so then that makes you simple, which actually is the case.
Victor: Are you still going at it, for heaven's sake?
Nikki: Oh, thank God, you're here. I can't wait to get out of this hellhole.
Sharon: Oh, Victor, I knew that you would finally come here. I--
Nikki: He's here for me.
Sharon: He's here for me!
Victor: You're both wrong. I'm not going to do a damn thing for either of you.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: This verbal sparring between the two of you has got to stop. Otherwise, I promise you, you're gonna rot in here.
Nikki: Oh, Victor, you can't do that.
Sharon: Victor, she was the one--
Victor: Sharon, you need a reality check. Nikki will always be part of my life. Accept it. And if you want to continue to be part of that life, you'll respect my choices and accept that Sharon will be part of it, too. Don't you both realize that your problems are absolutely minuscule compared to others? You need an attitude adjustment.
Nikki: Well, we can do that on the other side of these bars.
Sharon: Yes, Victor, please, just one word from you, and we'd be free.
Victor: Work it out amongst yourselves.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Paul: (Sighs) Hey, it's me. Um, I really need to talk to you A.S.A.P. It's about Ricky. So call me back, okay?
Avery: Uh, while we're on the subject of sociopaths--
Heather: Mm, let me guess, Ricky?
Avery: Yeah, Paul is having a really hard time with this.
Heather: I know.
Michael: Oh, hey, Heather, Avery.
Avery: Oh, hey. Hi, Michael.
Heather: Hey, join us.
Michael: Well, I do not want to interrupt.
Avery: No, you wouldn't be. We were just about to discuss Ricky Williams.
Heather: Yeah.
Michael: Ah, Ricky Williams. Ironic how your dad used to call him his "Miracle baby"...
Heather: (Chuckles)
Michael: Given his current predilection for devious behavior.
Heather: I don't even know why he called him that.
Michael: He never told you that story?
Heather: No. No, he didn't.
Michael: All right, there was a car accident-- well, it wasn't-- well, it was more than a car accident. It was a hit-and-run. And your father sustained-- well, uh, he didn't think he was going to be able to have any more kids. And Isabella got pregnant.
Heather: When did this happen?
Michael: It happened when he was about to get married to Christine. Uh, she was hit, too.
Heather: Wait--wait a minute. Who was--who was driving?
Michael: Oh, um... the perp was never apprehended. I mean, the police found the rental car that was used, but the car rental records were hacked, so the--the driver's license information, the credit card information was all deleted.
Avery: Well, that sounds premeditated.
Michael: Well, that's why it was changed from, uh, hit-and-run to attempted murder. And the case is still open.
Heather: (Sighs) (Scoffs) It's--this is unbelievable. Uh, when was this?
Michael: I was not in town. Uh... '90--'94-ish at Christmastime, I think.
Avery: What kind of monster would run them down?
Lauren: (Sighs)
Phyllis: The problem is that Daisy is so slick, we can't pin anything on her.
Lauren: I just feel like if that footage had audio, we'd be able to hear you screaming for help. Why--why didn't I think of this sooner? Hold on.
Phyllis: What?
Lauren: Okay. Stay here for a second.
Lauren: Can you hear me?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Lauren: (Laughs) Thank God! Hey.
Daniel: Hey. It's Lauren.
Lauren: Here. Yeah. Just stay here for a second. All right, say something really loud.
Phyllis: Um... Daisy knew exactly what she was doing!
Lauren: (Chuckles) Yes.
Phyllis: Oh, my God.
Daniel: This, uh, means...
Phyllis: This means we got Daisy. We got her, you guys. She's going down. (Sighs) This freaks me out. It just makes my blood boil that Daisy was able to convince that moron judge that she was an upstanding member of society. I mean, I'm gonna have to deal with the idea that she just escaped without even a slap on the wrist for not helping me when I was miscarrying. But as far as the custody hearing, we have an airtight case.
Daniel: How do you figure that?
Phyllis: How do I figure that? Okay, the judge ruled against you for supposedly losing track of your kid, but when he hears that Daisy walked away from a woman who was losing her kid... he's gonna reverse this decision so fast, it's gonna make that-- it's gonna make her head spin.
Lauren: Just the person I was hoping to see.
Daisy: I'm sorry. I'm really busy. Please move.
Lauren: You can drop the polite act. It may have worked on me when you were first in town, but I know better. You haven't changed, and you never will. You will always be the woman who terrorized me...
Daisy: (Sighs)
Lauren: With rats and toxic fumes in my office and who held me hostage in that zoo cage, amongst countless other things.
Daisy: I was coerced into doing all of that.
Lauren: Yes. Poor Daisy had such a horrible childhood. You had an absentee psycho for a mother and an aunt who made you do unspeakable things all in the name of vengeance.
Daisy: She did.
Lauren: And maybe, just maybe, if they had read you more bedtime stories and given you more hugs, you wouldn't be such an inhumane she-devil, but you are. You heard Phyllis' cries for help, and you did nothing.
Daisy: The only thing I heard was the elevator when it opened up.
Lauren: That is a lie! That is a lie! And Phyllis and I have proof.
Daisy: What? That security tape?
Lauren: No. Something that can't be refuted. After everything that you've done to all of us, you don't deserve to be Lucy's mother, and I'm gonna make sure the world knows that.
Daisy: (Sighs)
[Ricky remembering]
Ricky: (Sighs)
Phyllis: No one's gonna believe anything you dig up on me.
Ricky: (Sighs) People love salacious details, whether they're true or false.
Phyllis: And you will just focus on the false, right?
Ricky: Phyllis, there would be one way to keep that from happening.
Phyllis: Of course. Money.
Ricky: Work with me. Make it an authorized biography. What do you say? You want to tell me your side of the story?
Phyllis: I'm not telling you a damn thing.
(Knock on door)
Daisy: (Sighs) I am so ready to jump into "Operation destroy the redheaded shrew." (Sighs)
Ricky: Dark and twisted Daisy comes to play. You can start there.
Daisy: What are we looking for?
Ricky: Well, "Dr. Drunk" Tim said there was something at the end of 1994, but so far, I haven't seen anything of significance, except for this. There's a rental car on her credit card statement for the end of the year. Now she rented it in G.C., but there's no other evidence anywhere of her regular car being in the shop.
Daisy: I'll check that out.
Phyllis: I still hate that bug.
Daisy: Is that Phyllis?
Ricky: Yeah.
Ricky: I told her I'd be watching her.
Daisy: Who is she calling "That Bug"?
Ricky: Christine Blair.
Daisy: She was married to Daniel's dad.
Ricky: And get this-- she was married to my dad. Now she and Phyllis have been having a tenuous relationship for years. And that's putting it mildly. Chris' nickname was... Cricket. Maybe that's why Phyllis calls her "The Bug."
Sharon: (Sighs) Victor's right. We need to get over ourselves, and we need to work this out.
Nikki: You go first.
Sharon: Fine. (Sighs) You know, um... I really do, um... I understand the connection that you have with Victor, because, um, I have it with Nick. And... when I step back and I look at it from that perspective, I really do respect it.
Nikki: But...
Sharon: But I'm not going to forsake my own happiness. I mean, I've had to learn to live with Nick and Phyllis being together, because they just make each other so happy the way that Victor and I make each other happy.
Nikki: Hmm. So what am I supposed to do, Sharon, take a page out of your book and just learn to live with it?
Sharon: Why not?
Nikki: Well, because I don't approve of you and Victor being together, and that will never change.
Sharon: Well, that's another thing I've learned to get used to is your disapproval. I felt it from the moment you laid eyes on me, and I have resented you for it ever since. You know, I never asked you for your approval! But there you are, always imposing your judgment.
Nikki: Well, maybe that's because you always made so many poor choices in your life that directly affected my family. You date somebody outside of my family, I'll leave you alone.
Sharon: (Voice breaking) The last time I can remember you reaching out and being kind to me was when Cassie died. Don't you think it's time you cut me a break?
Nick: We need to find a way to hold Daisy accountable.
Avery: I know. I am heartbroken about the baby, Nick. If I hadn't taken Daisy's case--
Nick: Look, Avery, I don't mean to sound insensitive right now, but the "What ifs" are pointless. I'm frustrated that Daisy's walking around carefree while my wife and I are mourning our child. So if it's all the same to you, I'd rather focus on the here and now and find a way to stop Daisy from ever hurting anyone again.
Avery: (Sighs)
Daniel: You know, it wasn't supposed to be this way. I mean, I married Daisy to protect the people I cared about. Instead... instead, the whole damn thing backfires. I mean, she's still making everyone's lives miserable. And what she did to you, I-I-I wish that I could have...
Phyllis: Oh, come on. Don't go there. Don't do that. What you've taken on, come on, Daniel, you're amazing. This is what Daisy does. She confuses people. This is her M.O. She spreads darkness and misery.
Daniel: Mm. I'm definitely feeling it. I-I think that maybe a little bit of her craziness is seeping into my subconscious, 'cause I just can't stop thinking of ways to try and get even with her, you know? I mean, maybe fantasize about pushing her down a flight of stairs or just taking a pillow and putting it over her face.
Phyllis: Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, we're not gonna do--
Daniel: (Inhales sharply)
Phyllis: We're not gonna do that, okay?
Daniel: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You got it? We're not gonna go there. We have to focus on getting Lucy away from Daisy, okay? That's how we're gonna get our revenge.
Lucy: (Fusses)
Daniel: I'll go check on her.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Hey, Daisy. How are the acoustics out there? Pretty crystal clear, aren't they? Why don't you go away and never come back?
Daisy: (Sighs)
Nikki: Sharon, it's not that I want you to be unhappy. That was never my goal. (Sighs) Maybe I have been hard on you over the years because... I don't know, I recognize myself in you. And I know what it took for me to overcome what I went through. And, maybe in some odd roundabout way, I was trying to mentor you, to toughen you up for life as a Newman.
Sharon: I--Nikki, I never--
Nikki: Listen, I-I'll drop the charges if you will, okay?
Sharon: Absolutely.
Nikki: Guard! Now listen, this does not mean that we are BFFs or that I will ever approve of you and Victor. You got that?
Sharon: I got it.
Avery: You left Nikki and Sharon in jail?
Victor: They needed time to work through their issues.
Nick: I'm impressed you decided to let them duke it out on their own.
Victor: To be frank with you, I don't have time for their foolishness. My priority is Daisy Carter, all right? And I want to make sure that she suffers the consequences of her actions.
Ricky: Oh, hey, Sis, what's up?
Heather: Stop messing with Paul, or you're gonna answer to me-- as assistant district attorney, not as your sister.
Ricky: What are you talking about?
Heather: This.
Ricky: Oh, this is my housewarming gift to you.
Heather: (Chuckles) Oh, it was more than that. You know how people who get gifts say, "You shouldn't have"? Well, in this case, you really shouldn't have. I hope I never hear that creepy song again.
Ricky: Well, it's a good thing I kept the receipt.
Ricky: (Sighs)
(Eerie music playing)
Paul: So, Chris, I, uh, I really need your help, specifically access to, uh, some of your contacts, and it has to be discreet.
Chris: I'll do what I can, but... (Sighs) I have to warn you.
Paul: That I may not like what I find out about Ricky?
Chris: And depending on what you uncover, you--Paul, you may have to take my advice and turn this investigation over to the police.
Paul: All right, well, I... I'm really hoping that it doesn't come to that.
Chris: I just want you on high alert, especially since you're uncertain of what Ricky's capable of.
Paul: (Sighs)
Michael: I just wish you hadn't confronted Daisy.
Lauren: But look, no battle scars.
Michael: This time. This time. What is she gonna do if you go off on her again?
Lauren: Baby, I'm not worried.
Michael: No, listen to me. I am. I am. Stay away from her. One day, the law is gonna catch up with her, and I will have the pleasure of putting her away for good. (Sighs) (Sighs) All right, I have to go. Mm. All right. (Sighs)
Lauren: Do you have the package?
Kirk: You got the cash?
Lauren: (Sighs)
Daisy: I'm not going anywhere until you hear what I have to say. You know, a lot of people have been comparing me to you from back in the day, and now I know why. You know, we're a lot alike. And unless you want the dirtiest of your dirt to get out, you're gonna do exactly what I say.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) You've got to be kidding me. Better people than you have tried to bring me down, Daisy.
Daisy: Oh, really?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Daisy: Did you try to plow them over with your car like you did when you were trying to kill Paul and Christine?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tucker: You didn't lure me away from my wife. I wanted to be with you.
Genevieve: Are you trying to completely ruin me?
Ricky: You want to bring me down, and I don't understand why.
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