Y&R Transcript Friday 6/15/12
Episode # 9928 ~ Sharon & Nikki Wind Up in Jail
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: Oh, my gosh. I can't believe you did this.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Victor: Where the hell is the horse? Where's the horse?
Avery: Hey. What's up?
Paul: Hi. Um, do you remember that missing person story we saw on the news?
Avery: Yeah, the doctor in Kenosha. You said you knew him.
Paul: Right. He was Phyllis' therapist when she was married to Danny.
Avery: Why didn't you tell me that?
Paul: Before I said too much, I wanted to be sure.
Avery: Sure of what?
Paul: Avery, I had a hunch that Dr. Reid's disappearance was connected to Ricky, and I was right.
Avery: You think Ricky did something to him?
Paul: (Inhales sharply)
Ricky: Hey, Sis.
Heather: You're still here.
Ricky: Sorry to disappoint you... again.
Heather: Well, look, if you need more time--
Ricky: No, no. It's fine. The place is all yours. (Sighs) Oh, I almost forgot. Here's your key.
Heather: Look, I-I really wish we didn't have to fight like this.
Ricky: Oh, I'm not fighting. I'm doing exactly what my sister asked me.
Heather: Maybe we could call a truce.
Ricky: Wouldn't that be nice?
Kevin: Is it okay if I comp the D.A.'s coffee?
Michael: As long as you're not involved in anything illegal.
Kevin: Of course not.
Michael: I wish the same could be said for your sister.
Kevin: Why? What's she done now?
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. This is something I'm never going to tire of.
Nick: What? (Sets down bags)
Phyllis: You... coming home through that front door. Where's the rest of your stuff?
Nick: (Chuckles) What do you mean, the rest? That's it.
Phyllis: That's your stuff?
Nick: Yeah. Everything I need's right in there.
Phyllis: I-I-I couldn't fit my shoes in there.
Nick: Yeah, whatever. It's all I need. Oh, and some of this, too.
Phyllis: I have something to tell you about Daisy.
Nick: No, no, no, no. Let's--no. No. I don't want you getting all worked up.
Phyllis: No, no, no. This is something different, something different. When I lost the baby, she heard me screaming. She heard me. She was standing right outside that door, and she heard me. She didn't do anything. She didn't lift a finger to help me.
Daisy: (Sighs) Why do you keep watching that?
Daniel: Look, the way a person moves... it can tell you a lot about what someone was thinking.
Daisy: I was thinking I'd go back and apologize to Phyllis for our argument.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Daniel: (Sighs) Come here. Hey. Oh. Somebody got a bath, huh? Look at you. (Inhales deeply) Mmm. You smell so good. You ready for your nap, little girl, hmm?
Daisy: How can I get you to listen to me?
Daniel: Tell me the truth.
Paul: So I talk to Dr. Reid's neighbor.
Avery: Mm-hmm. What'd you find out?
Paul: Ricky was there.
Avery: The neighbor couldn't be mistaken?
Paul: Look, Ricky confirmed it.
Avery: Oh. So you spoke to him about this?
Paul: Uh-huh. He says he's writing a book on Phyllis...
Avery: Uh-huh.
Paul: And was pumping the doctor for dirt on her.
Avery: But you don't believe him?
Paul: (Sighs) You know, it's really hard to believe anything that Ricky says. There are so many coincidences. There are things that just don't make sense.
Avery: Like what?
Paul: I found blood pressure medication in Dr. Reid's apartment. The prescription was recently filled, but he left it behind.
Avery: Well, that doesn't prove there's a connection between Ricky and Dr. Reid.
Paul: Ricky was there, Reid wasn't. And he didn't take critical medication with him?
Avery: Okay, Paul, it... (Sighs) Ricky is trying to get dirt on Phyllis, right? So the last thing he wants is--is the person who could give it to him to just disappear.
Paul: Well, I guess if anybody would want Dr. Reid gone, it would be Phyllis.
Avery: (Sighs) Okay. Or it's possible that he just left on his own.
Paul: Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm letting my feelings for Ricky cloud my judgment.
Avery: I think maybe your son is exactly who he claims to be-- a hard-nosed journalist who will do anything to get the story.
Paul: Oh, man, I hope so, Avery, 'cause it really scares me to death to think that my son could actually hurt someone... or worse.
Ricky: Hi, Troy. Have a seat. So what's new at the G.C.P.D.? Did you--did you ever hear anything more about that doctor that went missing from Kenosha?
Troy: It's like the guy vanished.
Ricky: Huh. Well, if you hear anything, let me know, 'cause it'd make an awesome story, and that is exactly what I need right now to pay my rent... if I find a place. (Chuckles) Did you hear my sister kicked me out?
Troy: I heard A.D.A. Stevens was here.
Ricky: Yep. She got her old job back and her old apartment.
Troy: I'm surprised she wants to live there.
Ricky: And why do you say that?
Troy: Well... (Sighs) It was her safe house after some dirty cops tried to kill her with a bomb.
Ricky: (Clicks pen) A bomb? (Clicking continues) I had no idea.
Nick: Daisy heard you call out for help...
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Nick: And ignored you and just left?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. She claimed she didn't hear me, but she's lying. She was standing right outside the door. You could see on the security video. When is this gonna end?! (Sighs) (Voice cracks) When is it gonna end? (Sighs) She keeps on hurting people, and she doesn't have to pay. I made one mistake-- one mistake I made by bringing her back into town, and I keep on paying the price.
Nick: I'm gonna call Michael.
Phyllis: He can't do anything. He already told me he can't do anything. His hands are tied.
Nick: Daisy has gotten away with too much already. There is no way I'm letting her get away with this.
Daisy: Where are you going?
Daniel: Out.
Daisy: When will you be back?
Daniel: I don't know.
Daisy: You can't just leave and not tell me where you're going and when you'll be back.
Daniel: Watch me.
Daisy: No, you can't. We're married, Daniel.
Daniel: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Please don't remind me.
Daisy: Well, then maybe I should remind you that Lucy and I are a package deal. You walk out on me, you'll lose her.
Daniel: I'll be back when I'm back.
Daisy: I need more than that.
Daniel: Well, after the crap you pulled with my mom yesterday, you're lucky I give you anything.
(Door opens) (Door closes)
Victor: I don't know. The horse was in the stall half an hour ago. It's gone. It's a very rare breed. Thank you. They're sending an officer out. I'm gonna meet him up at the house, okay?
Sharon: I'll stay here...
Victor: Where the hell...
Sharon: In case the horse is found.
Victor: Please tell me, okay?
Sharon: Victor, I'm really sorry this is happening.
Victor: How did this happen? It was there. I was going to surprise you.
Sharon: Well, it is a wonderful surprise, and it will be even more wonderful when the horse is found.
Victor: No, but this upsets me, for heaven's sake. Okay, let's see what they can find, okay?
Sharon: Okay.
Nikki: (Clicking tongue) Good boy.
Sharon: Nikki.
Nikki: I didn't think you'd mind if I rode him first. That sort of thing doesn't seem to bother you.
Kevin: What kind of person ignores a pregnant woman's cries for help?
Michael: (Chuckles) Oh. Need you ask?
Kevin: After what Daisy pulled with Jana and Lauren, I guess not. You know, she keeps railing on me about not giving her a second chance, and then she pulls this crap?
Daniel: Yeah, it's called being a sociopath.
Kevin: You know, I tried to talk to Daisy about her choices and the way she treats people.
Michael: Hey, Kevin, nobody's blaming you for anything's Daisy's done.
Daniel: I'd hate to think you're feeling torn down the middle by all this, though.
Michael: Oh, I hardly think that's the issue. Daisy may be related to Kevin, but you've been more family to him than she ever could be. Guess what? I have a meeting, because I am the district attorney. Take you out later?
Daniel: (Sighs)
Kevin: I don't know how she does it. It's like Daisy has this force field around her that lets her get away with anything.
Daniel: (Chuckles) You know, the thought of being married to that woman until Lucy's 18, it just... you got anything stronger than coffee in here? Because I think I'm gonna need it.
Avery: I've been worried about you both... (Sighs) Since you canceled the wedding.
Phyllis: Um, yeah, uh...
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Uh, I wanted to talk to you about that.
Avery: Um, well, I-I would have come sooner, but Nick said you needed time. So what's going on?
Nick: Oh, uh... I'm moving in.
Avery: Oh. I would have thought you would hold off on that since you didn't get married.
Phyllis: W-we did. We got married last night.
Avery: Oh.
Phyllis: Um... yeah. I-I'm sorry. We didn't mean to exclude you. It was--
Avery: No. No. No, y-you don't have to explain. Um... congratulations. I-I'm really happy for you. That's good news.
Phyllis: Um, there's-- oh, it's just something else. Uh... um... (Chuckles)
Nick: Yes, uh, I have some stuff to do, so I'll, uh, I'll see you guys later.
Phyllis: Thanks, Baby.
Phyllis: This is hard.
Avery: What is it?
Phyllis: I lost the baby.
Avery: What? (Sighs) Phyllis.
Heather: Yeah, hi. Could I get a tuna melt on rye? Uh-huh. For Heather. Yeah, I'll be there in about ten minutes. Okay, great, thanks.
Ricky: Huh. You didn't waste any time, Sis. It's like I was never here.
Ricky: (Sighs) Law books, self-help chick novels--so could you be any more boring? (Chuckles) Yes, you could. (Sighs) Yeah. (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) Hmm. Happy housewarming, Sis. It may not be what you want, but it is exactly... what I want you to have.
Sharon: Poor boy. Did that mean old bag hurt you?
Nikki: Oh, my God, Sharon. I took him for a ride. I didn't abuse him.
Sharon: Well, he's a racehorse. He's not used to carrying that much weight.
Nikki: Ha, well, I'm surprised Victor bought him for you, then, because you are stuffed with so much silicone, you weigh more than most jockeys do.
Sharon: (Chuckles) Not all the real ones sag.
Nikki: What do you know about real? Nothing about you is real. You're all lipstick and mascara-- a pathetic attempt to try to look young.
Sharon: Not all the makeup in the world could do that for you.
Nikki: You...
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nikki: Are...
Sharon: Oh!
Nikki: A whore. You tramp!
Sharon: You...
Nikki: Don't you touch me.
Sharon: Are a dried-up drunk. Why don't you mount one of Victor's Clydesdales and ride on over to Jimmy's?
Nikki: Oh, oh, that's a good one, Sharon. Yeah, give you an opportunity to jump in the hay with Victor and earn another horse!
Sharon: Well, you don't have enough in the tank to earn yourself a donkey. Hee-haw.
Nikki: You have nothing.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nikki: Get off this ranch.
Sharon: Bessie, would you like some hay?
Nikki: You shut your mouth, you!
Sharon: (Gasps) (Screaming)
Nikki: I've had enough of you all these years! Go ahead. Witch! Aah!
Sharon: (Breathing heavily)
Nikki: Trashy wannabe.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nikki: Oh!
Sharon: (Sighs) You pathetic...
Nikki: (Sighs)
Sharon: Wannabe.
Nikki: (Screams) Oh!
Sharon: (Laughs)
Nikki: How dare you?! How dare you?
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nikki: You want to do a little baking? Yes, domestic Sharon, you want to do a little baking? How about that?!
Sharon: (Sighs) You jealous lush.
Nikki: Come on. Come on. Oh! Get away from me! How dare you? Do you know what you're doing?! Aah!
Sharon: (Breathing heavily)
Nikki: Get away!
Victor: The horse was right here.
Nikki: All right, you want to fight. I can fight.
Victor: What the hell is going on here?
Nikki: I weigh more than you, don't I?
Sharon: (Screams)
Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sharon: Let me go.
Victor: Come here.
Nikki: Ha! Get back. I'm not done. We're not done!
Victor: What are you doing here? What are you doing here?
Nikki: Let go of me, Victor. Let go!
Victor: Will you stop this?
Nikki: (Breathing heavily) I'm not done with you. Not done with you.
Kevin: I wish there was something I could do. (Sighs)
Daniel: (Sighs) Michael's right, man. You're not to blame for what Daisy did to mom.
Kevin: Well, we both had Tom as a father. I guess it was a double whammy for her having Sheila as a mom. At least I had Gloria. It makes a difference, you know, even though she's, well, Gloria.
Daniel: Yeah, Mom can make me crazy, but, you know, she's always there for her kids.
Kevin: Yeah, Phyllis definitely has that mother lioness thing going on. (Chuckles)
Daniel: It sucks. You know, it just-- it hurts thinking about her laying there helpless, losing that baby and having Daisy just... doing nothing.
(Cell phone rings)
Daniel: Hang on. Yo, Nick, what's up? (Sighs)
Nick: Hey, can you meet me at the club?
Daniel: Yeah, man, I'll be right there. I gotta run...
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: But thank you. Thank you for listening.
Kevin: Yeah, any time. Of course.
Daniel: Bye.
Kevin: I'll be back.
Avery: Well, I'm glad Nick made you go to the hospital.
Phyllis: Oh, Nick has been... amazing. He's been amazing. You know, he's hurting. He's just... he's not showing it. H-he was--he was really looking forward to this baby.
Avery: Yeah. So was I. (Sighs) Well, you know, I wasn't there for Daniel and Summer's birth, and, um... I was just looking forward to going through this pregnancy with you, you know, and being an auntie from day one. (Sniffles) (Sighs) I feel cheated. (Sniffles)
Phyllis: Daisy did this to us. Yeah. Daisy cheated us. Well, let's talk about something else.
Avery: Okay. (Gasps) Uh, you know, Paul and I saw something on the news about your old therapist.
Phyllis: Dr. Reid?
Avery: Yeah. Yeah, he's missing.
Paul: Hey, Michael.
Michael: Huh? Oh, hi. Oh, sorry--mm, multitasking.
Paul: So obviously, you're not here to work out. (Sighs)
Michael: Why? Uh... (Chuckles) It's not really on the D.A.'s schedule. Oh, but I did manage to contact my colleague in Kenosha about Tim Reid being missing.
Paul: Right. Did he have any news?
Michael: Mm. No one's heard from him, but there are no signs of foul play. You get any information?
Paul: Well, uh, no more than you. I did, however, make a trip down there.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh, hold. I am so sorry. I-I have to take this. I'm so sorry. Yes? Yes, Michael Baldwin.
Ricky: Hey, Dad.
Paul: Ricky, hi. So those all your things from, uh, Heather's apartment?
Ricky: (Sighs) Yep, just moved out.
Paul: You okay with that?
Ricky: You know, I was bummed at first, but I'm starting to think that everything's gonna work out way better than I thought.
Heather: (Sighs)
Michael: A.D.A. Stevens will be handling the case, so just make sure she has the deposition transcriptions. Uh, yes, I will be in, hopefully, soon. Thank you, Chantal. Good-bye.
Daniel: Michael.
Michael: Hmm?
Daniel: Have you seen Nick?
Michael: Uh, no, but I, uh, spoke to him on the phone. He asked me to meet him here.
Daniel: Yeah, me, too. I'm guessing that, uh, Mom told him Daisy didn't call for help.
Michael: Yeah, he didn't sound happy on the phone, and he doesn't look happy now.
Daniel: Nick. Nick, I'm really sorry about the baby.
Michael: So am I.
Nick: I don't want condolences. I want you to do something. Daisy is responsible for Phyllis' miscarriage.
Michael: My hands are tied.
Nick: Well, mine aren't.
Daniel: Yeah, neither are mine.
Michael: Okay. That kind of talk can get you both in trouble.
Nick: If that's what it takes to get Daisy out of our lives for good, then so be it.
Kevin: You make me sick!
Daisy: Shh! Yeah, come on in, Kevin. Insult me. Welcome.
Kevin: Why shouldn't I, after what you pulled with Phyllis?
Daisy: Oh, yes. So I'm guilty. You haven't even heard my side of the story.
Kevin: You were caught on video.
Daisy: Yeah, that's right. Okay, I was caught on video. Here. (Sighs) All right. There I am, outside of Phyllis' apartment.
Kevin: Yeah, and there you are walking up to her door because you heard her calling out.
Daisy: How do you know I heard her call out? There's no sound. There are no subtitles.
Kevin: Oh, so you were just randomly walking up to her door?
Daisy: No. I was thinking about going back in and apologizing to Phyllis for arguing with her.
Kevin: Innocent and noble.
Daisy: I am just telling you what happened, not what you or Daniel or Phyllis think happened. You all are trying to make me out to be this cold, heartless monster who heard Phyllis losing her baby and then walked away. Nobody can prove that.
Phyllis: So the police don't have any idea what happened to Tim?
Avery: You call him "Tim"?
Phyllis: I--well, I don't call him anything anymore. I haven't been his patient in years.
Avery: Well, do you know that Ricky went to see him recently?
Phyllis: Oh, of course. That does not surprise me.
Avery: It doesn't?
Phyllis: No, it does not, because I saw Ricky, and he said he was writing this unauthorized biography on me, and he's digging up dirt. And when I didn't tell him anything, he made some crack about seeing my court-appointed therapist from before, and I figured he would just end up there, of course.
Avery: Well, you were right. He admitted to Paul that he went to see Dr. Reid, and now Paul is worried.
Phyllis: Why is he worried? He thinks that Ricky had something to do with Dr. Reid's disappearance?
Avery: Uh, Paul does. I don't. I think it's ridiculous. It's not like Dr. Reid has anything on Ricky.
Phyllis: He has a lot on me. That's why I went to see him.
Avery: Phyllis, why?
Phyllis: I needed to find out if he talked to Ricky and if he told Ricky anything about me.
Man: What's the problem, Ladies?
Nikki: Oh, where would you like me to start?
Victor: Will you stop it? This is my ex-wife Nikki Newman.
Nikki: And this is a tramp that has slept with just about every man in my family, yeah, among other things!
Victor: This is the lady I gave the horse to, all right? Will you stop it?
Sharon: Victor was nice enough to allow the former Mrs. Newman to come to the ranch to ride her horse.
Nikki: And to visit my grandchildren. By the way, one of them is her daughter.
Victor: Stop this now!
Man: You mean...
Nikki: Yeah, yeah, you've got the picture, Buddy. This is her former father-in-law.
Victor: Will you stop this? Stop it!
Nikki: I normally don't talk about such unsavory things.
Sharon: Oh, really? Talk about unsavory-- how about you dancing your way up a pole for a living?!
Victor: Both of you, calm down now! That's it!
Nikki: Oh, please. That shows what you know. Victor, let go of me! I want this woman arrested.
Victor: No! I will not let go of you! You stop this now.
Sharon: What?!
Nikki: You assaulted me. I am pressing charges against you.
Sharon: No! You assaulted me, and you stole my horse.
Victor: Nobody is going to get arrested.
Nikki: Victor! It's not up to you, Victor!
Sharon: I want her arrested.
Man: They're right.
Nikki: Take her to jail!
Victor: What do you mean, "They’re right"? Then you do what you have to do, all right?
Man: Sharon Newman, Nikki Newman, you're both under arrest.
Victor: Good.
Nikki: Fine!
Michael: Listen, you have to understand... it is necessary for me to work within the confines of the law. I cannot... bend it in ways that I might have in the past.
Nick: We have Daisy on video. She hears something inside the apartment, ignores it, and walks away.
Michael: And you have no proof that it's Phyllis that she's responding to.
Nick: So that's it? She just gets away with this again? What the hell kind of legal system is this?
Michael: You think I don't want to see Daisy behind bars? You think you're the only one she's hurt? This woman kidnapped and tortured my wife. She's still tormenting Lauren. I am the-- I am the district attorney, for God sakes, and I cannot do a damn thing about putting this woman behind bars.
Daisy: (Chuckles) You're never gonna trust me, are you?
Kevin: Why should I?
Daisy: Because you, more than anyone else, should know that people are capable of change. They just need somebody to believe in them.
Kevin: It takes a long time to get people to trust you. You have to pay your dues. You know, you keep saying that I got this second chance. I earned it. I went to prison. I got my ass kicked. And when I came out, I was nobody's friend, not for a long time. I mean, hell, it wasn't till this past year that Billy Abbott finally forgave me for all the crap I pulled.
Daisy: Yeah, but you had Michael. He stood by you when nobody else would. I mean, without him, you'd--you'd still be the town pariah. You never would have owned your own coffee shop or--or married Chloe or been friends with Mrs. C.
Kevin: Yeah, maybe.
Daisy: He was your lifeline. He was a person you could go to. It would be nice to have a brother like that.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Avery: What did Dr. Reid say when you saw him? Did he admit that he spoke to Ricky?
Phyllis: He wasn't really chatty.
Avery: Okay, well, I-I thought you two were close. You were his patient.
Phyllis: No, we're not-- we're--no, no, no, no, no. We weren't--I was his patient. We weren't--we weren't close. We ended on bad terms.
Avery: Did he mention anything about leaving? Like--like maybe he and Ricky got in a fight or something.
Phyllis: (Clears throat) I don't know. I don't know.
Avery: Phyllis, you have to think about this. If Paul is right and Ricky has something to do with Dr. Reid's disappearance--
Phyllis: He doesn't. He doesn't. He doesn't.
Avery: How do you know that?
Phyllis: Because I did it. I did it. I paid Dr. Reid to leave. I got rid of him.
Ricky: Oh, hey, Dad.
Paul: Hey.
Ricky: (Sighs) Well, I am all checked in to my new home.
Paul: Oh, good. So, uh... you're okay with this?
Ricky: I am. And I hope that Heather is happy in her old place, too... and safe.
Paul: What do you mean?
Ricky: Oh, I found out the reason why she moved there in the first place-- the whole bomb threat.
Paul: That was a-a long time ago.
Ricky: Right, right. And I'm sure that most of those dirty cops who wanted to hurt her are in prison now. But she is back in the D.A.'s office, and people do hold grudges.
Paul: Yeah, people like you?
Ricky: Me? No, no way. (Scoffs) I just told Heather "No hard feelings." In fact, I just left her a housewarming gift to prove it. I can't wait till she finds it.
Paul: Finds it?
Ricky: Yeah, I left it in her apartment. I didn't tell her about it, because I want her to be surprised. But what I would give to see the look on her face when she opens it. (Chuckles) It's gonna blow her away.
Paul: Listen, uh, I gotta run. I'll catch you later.
Ricky: Sure, Dad.
Kevin: You're right. I'd be nowhere if Michael hadn't believed in me. And there is nothing on here that proves that you could hear Phyllis calling out for help.
Daisy: Does that mean that...
Kevin: Yes. I am willing to step up. I will be your Michael.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Kevin: But if I find out you're lying about any of this...
Daisy: Oh, my God. Thank you, Kevin. Finally someone believes in me. (Sighs)
Nick: I know if there was any way you could lock Daisy up, you would do it.
Michael: If she takes one step over the legal line, I will put her away.
Daniel: But the only way we're ever gonna get rid of Daisy is if she just disappears.
Avery: Why would you pay your therapist to leave town?
Phyllis: Dr. Reid knows some things about me.
Phyllis: I didn't want it ending up in Ricky's book.
Avery: Okay, what about doctor/patient confidentiality?
Phyllis: (Sighs) Everyone has a price. I found out what Dr. Reid's price was, and I paid it.
Avery: What does Dr. Reid know about you that you don't want Ricky to find out?
Ricky: All right, Phyllis, time to give up your secrets. Is Doc Reid right? Did something actually happen in December '94? Let's see what you were charging on your card back then. Hmm. A rental car. No repair bills for your own car, so... (Sighs) What would you be doing with a rental car in Genoa City for one day? (Sighs)
Heather: Okay. Yeah. Let's see. "No hard feelings, Sis. Love, Ricky."
Paul: Don't open that, Heather!
Heather: Aah! Paul! (Scoffs) God, you scared me to death.
Paul: (Breathing heavily)
Heather: What?
Paul: Set it down. (Breathing heavily) Let them check it out. I just want to be sure.
Heather: Sure of what?
Paul: (Sighs) Thank God you're okay.
Heather: Yeah, of course I'm okay. What's going on?
Paul: Your brother told me that he left you a gift, and he wanted it to be a surprise.
Heather: Yeah?
Paul: The way he was talking, he made it sound like it was a bomb.
Heather: A bomb?
Paul: (Breathing heavily)
Heather: Dad, are you okay?
Paul: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Michael: Sweetheart, can you meet me at the club? Uh, I need to talk to you. I'll see you soon.
Victor: Hello, Michael.
Michael: Victor.
Victor: I wonder if you can do me a favor?
Michael: You can ask.
Victor: Uh-huh. Nikki and Sharon have been arrested. They're in jail.
Michael: If you need me to pull strings to get them out, Sir--
Victor: No, I would like you to do the very opposite. I would like you to delay the arraignment.
Nikki: Hey, hey, wait a minute. I--no, I'm not sharing a cell with her. Hello? (Groans)
Sharon: Don't worry, Nikki. Victor will be here to bail me out.
Nikki: What do you have to give him for that?
Sharon: Something you couldn't.
Nikki: (Quietly) Such a bitch.
Sharon: I heard that.
Nikki: (Normal voice) I know.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Daisy: I am so ready to jump into operation-- destroy the redheaded shrew.
Avery: What are you gonna do if this ex-therapist comes back?
Phyllis: He's never coming back.
Sharon: He's here for me!
Nikki: He's here for me.
Victor: You're both wrong.
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