Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/13/12
Episode # 9926 ~ Chloe Messes With Genevieve & Kevin's Covert Deal
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sarge: Much smoother. Get your weights.
Jack: Wow. You don't usually let me get off with less than five of those.
Sarge: How many was that?
Jack: Two.
Sarge: Well, then you owe me three more, after you give me some reps.
Jack: Well, gotta get in shape for my honeymoon and all the extra work that Beauty of Nature is gonna bring.
Sarge: And you want to walk again.
Jack: I will walk again.
Sarge: If you work hard enough, anything is possible.
Jack: Boy, you don't give an inch, do you?
Sarge: So come on. 20 reps.
Jack: 20. (Breathing rhythmically)
Neil: So you've already, uh, unpacked?
Sofia: Well, the furniture and boxes are in the apartment. Moses' room is put together.
Neil: Right, okay.
Sofia: But--but everything else is just-- you know, it's gonna take a while.
Neil: Sure. You--you like the new place, or...
Sofia: It's nice.
Neil: Yeah. If you, you know, need any help at all, I'm--I'm here.
Sofia: I got everything covered. Thank you for, uh, watching Moses.
Neil: No, no, no, no. Don't thank me for watching my son. I'm very happy to do that. You know that.
Sofia: (Voice breaking) Is he ready?
Neil: I'll get him.
Sofia: (Sighs)
Ashley: Thanks.
Abby: I'm sorry I'm late. It's been an epically crazy day.
Ashley: And now I have to leave.
Abby: Ohh.
Ashley: So how was the wedding?
Abby: Unbelievable, outrageous, and that was before the ceremony, which, by the way, did not happen.
Ashley: Phyllis and Nick didn't get married?
Abby: Postponed. No deets, just a text from Nick canceling. But I-I actually have something I really need to tell you about.
Ashley: Honey, Honey, can it wait? I have to go over to Tucker's.
Abby: Whoa. What for?
Ashley: (Sighs) Just to get the rest of my things.
Abby: Well, once you extract yourself from your ex-home, totally disinfect, we'll confab.
Ashley: Okay. I'm going over to Jack's after. Do you want to meet me there?
Abby: Perfect.
Ashley: Okey-dokey.
Abby: Okay. (Clears throat) Look at me.
Ashley: Yeah?
Abby: No tears. (Snaps fingers) You strut in... (Snaps fingers) And you strut out.
Ashley: That's the plan.
Tucker: Hey, Devon.
Devon: Hi. I'm kind of in a hurry.
Tucker: Well, I won't keep you, then
Devon: Thanks.
Harmony: Looks like you're not making any better progress with our son than I am.
Tucker: I guess I'll have to hang back until he's ready.
Harmony: (Sighs) You know, everything is such a mess. Devon, Neil and Sofia... things any better with you and Ashley?
Tucker: It's pretty much over.
Harmony: (Sighs)
Tucker: She'll be at our place in a few minutes, packing her last bag.
Harmony: Damn, damn, damn.
Gloria: And since I'm friends with the local bankers, I'm getting the listings for their foreclosures.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Gloria: Why isn't my son on your arm? Doesn't he know he's a newlywed? (Laughs)
Chloe: He's on his way, and we are brainstorming our new project.
Gloria: Are you working on a little, um...
Chloe: No, professional project, thank you.
Gloria: (Laughs)
Chloe: Uh, we're actually creating a web site. Well, it's a public bulletin board where people can instantly purchase items people pin.
Gloria: Oh, really? I could take a fantastic picture of a house, pin it, and sell it like that... what are you calling this web site?
Chloe: Well, we don't know that, exactly, but we do have our very first investor-- Katherine.
Gloria: Is that so?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Gloria: Well, I want to invest.
Chloe: Really?
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Chloe: Yes, thank you, yeah.
Gloria: Yeah. You two make a good team. That little start-up could be worth a bundle in a year.
Chloe: Oh, my God, Kevin is gonna be psyched that we have a new investor. But where is he? Huh.
Genevieve: I can't have an electronic trail linking us, so... here's my account information.
Kevin: Swiss bank, right?
Genevieve: Yes. Find out who's been siphoning off my money.
Kevin: That shouldn't be hard.
Genevieve: Are you changing your mind?
Kevin: (Sighs) I just-- I don't know that I want to be involved in something that might be illegal.
Genevieve: Someone is stealing from me.
Kevin: Money that you're supposed to turn over to the feds.
Genevieve: Is it so wrong for me to want to keep a little something for myself? As I said, you will be paid very well. But if you don't have the skill...
Kevin: No, all I'm gonna be doing is finding out who's stealing your money.
Genevieve: As quickly and as discreetly as possible.
Cane: So the government has frozen my mother's funds, have seized her assets-- the house, the cars, everything.
Lily: Yeah, and she has this expensive suite at the club, and she's living her life the way she always has.
Cane: And how is she affording it?
Lily: I don't know. What are you thinking?
Cane: I think she's lying to the feds, she's lying to me. I think she has money stashed away somewhere.
Lily: So how are you gonna find out?
Cane: I'm gonna confront her and make her tell me the truth.
Adam: (Exhales quickly) Chelsea, have you seen my tablet? Oh, here it is.
Chelsea: Yeah, it's, uh...
Adam: Yeah, no, no, I got it. You're studying for your G.E.D.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Guess my surprise isn't really a surprise anymore.
Adam: You know what? I love that you're actually doing this.
Chelsea: It--why not? I mean, if I don't pass, what's the big deal, right?
Adam: No, you-- you are gonna pass.
Chelsea: I'm good with bartending.
Adam: I think you could be good with anything that you wanted to be.
Chelsea: An actual career might be nice... someday.
Adam: I can help you study, if you want. I'm a good student.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Yes, I know this, "Mr. Ivy league." But don't you have something better to be doing?
Adam: Well, I mean, even us 1% hedge fund investors, we need to take a break every now and then. I'm all yours.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Abby: So we need to set up another arts council meeting.
Chloe: Yeah, I know. Really, really soon. I just have a lot of stuff going on right now.
Abby: Oh, well, yeah, me, too, a-and while I was busy with all my other stuff, I came up with a fab idea for the gala-- signature cocktail, the gla-tini.
Chloe: Yeah, I like it...
Abby: (Laughs) Oh.
Chloe: And here, do you want to see where I'm leaning towards when it comes to décor?
Abby: That's got possibilities.
Chloe: Yeah. I've been really inspired by all these events that I've been finding online
Abby: Oh.
Chloe: Speaking of, um, you know that there's this new social media web site where you can pin things and then sell them?
Abby: That's genius. I'd do that, like, a second.
Chloe: I know!
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: I know, and Kevin and I are building it, and we are looking for enthusiastic investors just like you.
Abby: That's why you're being so agreeable.
Chloe: What? You just said that it was genius. You can't go back on that.
Abby: (Laughing) Um... I am looking to diversify my portfolio.
Chloe: And we are diverse, so how much do you want to put in?
Abby: Unfortunately, a mega-chunk of my liquid funds just got tied up.
Jack: (Grunting rhythmically) (Breathing heavily) Something bugging you?
Sarge: Why?
Jack: I don't know. You're starting to worry me. You've only insulted me twice and yelled at me once.
Sarge: You're the patient here. I don't need therapy of any kind, thank you very much.
Jack: Well, I've just come to think of you as a friend, and you've certainly listened to everything that's going on with me, whether you wanted to or not.
Sarge: Part of the job.
Jack: Just wanted to return the favor.
Sarge: It's just not a-a-a good day for me, all right? Here.
Jack: This have something to do with a woman?
Sarge: I'll see you next time, okay? I'll take the water.
Neil: You are going to love your new room. Yes, you will. I bought you a mobile...
Moses: (Fusses)
Neil: For your-- for your room, just like the one you have here. Yeah, little buddy. Mm-hmm. And be good to your mama.
Moses: (Fusses)
Sofia: Come on, Hon.
Neil: Yeah, you want to go to mommy? Here you go.
Sofia: Thanks. Okay.
Neil: Um, I could-- I could walk you downstairs if you want.
Sofia: Um, we'll be okay. Thank you. (Sniffles)
Neil: Hey. Listen, I know, uh, you're not even out the door yet, but when can I come and see him?
Sofia: Anytime you want, Neil.
Neil: I hate this, watching you both leave like this.
Sofia: I hate it, too, and it is hard to go, but we have to.
Neil: Bye.
Sofia: Say "Bye-bye."
Neil: Bye, buddy. Bye.
Moses: (Fusses)
Sofia: It's okay.
Tucker: Could have used your key.
Ashley: This isn't my home anymore. Anyway, um... I better get my things.
Chloe: Kevin and I drew up a prospectus, and guess what? The numbers are impressive.
Abby: (Sighs) Okay. Get that to me, and I will run it by my people.
Chloe: Your people are... (Laughs) Right, your people. Okay, I will get you a copy.
Abby: Okay, well, uh, do that, and I will get back to you. I've gotta bounce. Hi, Kevin.
Kevin: Hi, Abby.
Abby: Bye, Kevin.
Kevin: Bye, Abby. Hey, Wifey. Mwah!
Chloe: Hey. Guess what? Abby might invest.
Kevin: No way. How did you manage that?
Chloe: Charm, and I got your mother to invest a little, too.
Kevin: (Laughs) Well, somebody's been a busy little bee.
Chloe: Yeah. Where have you been?
Kevin: Uh, you know, just, uh, all over.
Chloe: Don't even.
Kevin: Don't even what?
Chloe: Try to lie.
Kevin: Come with me.
Chloe: Why?
Kevin: I need to keep my voice down. I got a side job, and it is going to make us an extremely tidy bundle for our little start-up.
Chloe: What kind of side job?
Kevin: It's, uh, it's just doing, uh, I.T. work.
Chloe: For who?
Kevin: For Genevieve Atkinson.
Chloe: Why does Genevieve need you to do I.T. work?
Kevin: She, uh, she has this, uh, this Swiss bank account, and somebody's been stealing money from her.
Chloe: And?
Kevin: And I'm gonna figure out who. Isn't that great?
Chloe: Unh-unh.
Lily: So how are you gonna get Genevieve to open up to you?
Cane: I don't know. It's not gonna be easy.
Lily: I just wish that she could understand that we're on her side
Cane: You're talking about a woman who has spent years building up walls around herself.
Lily: Well, yeah, when you've been hurt as badly as she has, it's hard to let people in. But, I mean, she's making an effort, you know, to get close to us and to the kids, and she made a sacrifice by losing Beauty of Nature and her money just to protect you.
Cane: But she's not telling us everything about her finances.
Lily: Well, maybe she's trying to keep you out of anything shady, which, trust me, I have no problem with.
Cane: You think I should back off?
Lily: (Sighs) I mean, I'm just saying that we just got out of all of this mess. It's like, why go looking for trouble?
Cane: Well, unfortunately, that's not gonna be the case, because wherever my mother goes, she brings trouble.
Man: Congratulations on obtaining Beauty of Nature.
Jack: Thank you. It was, uh, a long battle, but I'm thrilled with the outcome.
Man: Even though the former owner was your ex-fiancée?
Jack: Well, things have a way of working out, and now, I am moving forward with every aspect of my life.
Man: Including personally.
Jack: Especially personally. I'm now engaged to Nikki Newman.
Tucker: (Sighs) This just doesn't seem right.
Ashley: No, it doesn't.
Tucker: You sure you can't give us another chance?
Ashley: I already did.
Tucker: So what are you gonna do? You just gonna walk out that door and never look back?
Ashley: I'm gonna walk out that door and try to put the pieces of my life back together. And if you think that's easy for me...
Tucker: I can't help it, Beauty. I want you back.
Ashley: It's too late.
Tucker: Okay.
Ashley: (Sniffles)
Tucker: Well, we haven't talked about how we're proceeding legally.
Ashley: I've filed for divorce.
Neil: Hi. Hi.
Harmony: Hey.
Neil: Hey. You look kind of down. Everything okay?
Harmony: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Neil: Okay, what's going on?
Harmony: I ran into Tucker earlier and found out that I ended more than one marriage.
Neil: Ashley and Tucker?
Harmony: Neil, if I hadn't slept with him...
Neil: He broke his vows, okay? He's a big boy. He knew what he was doing.
Harmony: Friends don't let friends cheat drunk. But no, you let a good time present itself to Harmony, and hey... (Chuckles) She never passes on it.
Neil: Well, you did with me.
Harmony: And still screwed things up for you and Sofia.
Neil: Sofia ended our marriage, a-and Tucker ended his.
Harmony: But I'm the common denominator, and I gotta own that.
Neil: Um, taking responsibility is the first thing. You did that, right? But letting it eat at you so that it drives you to... Harmony, don't let it do that.
Harmony: I won't. I'm gonna keep it together, because I got to earn back my son's respect.
Neil: When-- (Clears throat)
Adam: Oh, yeah, you are going to crush the social studies part of this exam.
Chelsea: Well, you're the smart one here, so I guess I'm gonna have to trust you.
Adam: Why don't you give yourself any credit?
Chelsea: Because this is stuff a 16 year old should know.
Adam: Chelsea, you are very smart.
Chelsea: I am, about scams and cons, grifts...
Adam: Which shows that you are quick on your feet. You have a quick mind.
Chelsea: Hmm. Who knew you were such a "Glass half-full" type of guy? (Laughs)
Adam: You have common sense. You have acuity for analyzing information, and you obviously have excellent math skills.
Chelsea: I can calculate a 15% tip while making drinks with both hands.
Adam: See? That's what I mean. You just study, and you are gonna be fine.
Chelsea: I'm becoming more and more confident by the second.
Adam: Good. You should feel proud of yourself. I am.
Kevin: I thought you would be totally on board with this.
Chloe: With something that may give my husband 10 to 20?
Kevin: Look, all I'm doing is finding out who's stealing money from Genevieve's account.
Chloe: Great. Why hasn't she asked the bank?
Kevin: I-I don't know. Look, who cares? She's paying me. If anything goes wrong, it's on her.
Chloe: No, she is gonna throw you under the bus.
Kevin: Chloe, there isn't gonna be a bus.
Chloe: You cannot trust that woman.
Kevin: I'm not trusting her! I'm--I'm doing a job. That's it. Doing a job.
Chloe: What about what she did to Cane and Lily when she first got here? And they are family.
Kevin: You know, uh, I was thinking that the look and feel of the site should be a lot like FacePlace.
Chloe: Only bolder?
Gloria: Oh, well, don't even think about Genevieve Atkinson as a possible investor.
Kevin: Why would you mention her? That's so random.
Gloria: (Chuckles) Her mansion is one of my listings.
Chloe: Her house was foreclosed?
Gloria: Oh, no. Seized by the government, and not one of her credit cards worked here yesterday. (Tapping finger) They took every last dime. Excuse me.
Chloe: Seized by the government?
Kevin: Yeah, I heard her. These things happen.
Chloe: No, she is having you break into her account because she's not allowed to have an account.
Kevin: Yes, I know that.
Chloe: She told you?
Kevin: Yeah. She told me everything. Look, I can handle this.
Chloe: So you're gonna do this.
Kevin: Yes, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna make us some money, and everything is gonna be fine.
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: Okay?
Chloe: Mm-hmm. Well, you've made your mind up, so now I have to go.
Kevin: But we just had our first real fight as a married couple. Don't we need to talk about it some and then make up?
Chloe: Mm-hmm. When I get home.
Man: Thanks for the interview. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the article.
Jack: I'm sure I will, and you're welcome.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) I haven't s-seen you since Beauty of Nature became yours.
Jack: Am I beaming?
Genevieve: A bit, on the edges, maybe. (Sighs) If I had to lose, I am so glad that you won. Congratulations.
Jack: Thank you.
Genevieve: Uh, I couldn't help but overhear. I, uh, I should congratulate you on your engagement, too.
Jack: Amazing how life turns around, isn't it?
Genevieve: Yes, it is. Oh, Jack. We got so close.
Jack: Yeah, we did. Kind of scary, isn't it?
Genevieve: (Sobbing) (Sniffles)
Neil: Uh, Devon, did, uh... did you tell your mom to stay away from me?
Harmony: No, it wasn't like that. I mean, Devon was just worried about you and wanted to make... (Sighs) He didn't want me to make things more complicated.
Neil: Oh, yeah?
Harmony: And I--and I-- and I told him that I didn't want that, either, and I meant it, Devon.
Devon: Like I said, it's none of my business, okay? Dad, I was about to text you and ask if you wanted to grab a pizza and watch the Brewers game.
Neil: Yeah, sure, I'd--I'd love to do that. What time does the game start?
Devon: It starts soon, so...
Neil: Okay, uh...
Harmony: We're done.
Neil: Yeah, we, uh, we are done. Well, I'll see you around.
Harmony: Sure. And you, too.
Devon: Bye.
Harmony: Bye.
Tucker: How can he keep getting more and more handsome?
Sofia: (Laughs)
Tucker: And he's a happy little boy, too, isn't he? Yes.
Sofia: Yeah. And I want him to stay that way. That's why I'm doing this. It wouldn't be good for Moses if Neil and I had stayed together.
Tucker: Yeah, still, it can't be easy.
Sofia: I'm gonna hate that he's gonna have to shuttle back and forth, but...
Tucker: Well, you and Neil are trying to make things right for Moses. That'll matter to him more than anything when he's old enough to understand.
Sofia: I know. So, Tucker, what's going on with you?
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Ashley's divorcing me.
Sofia: What, no chance you can change her mind?
Tucker: She doesn't trust me. The truth is, she probably shouldn't. Only thing left to do is to say good-bye.
Abby: How are things with Tucker?
Ashley: Ugh, they went just like I thought they would.
Abby: You want to talk about it?
Ashley: No, but thank you.
Abby: So what's next?
Ashley: I filed for divorce, Honey.
Abby: Good. Don't let him off easy.
Ashley: Abby... (Chuckles)
Abby: Just saying.
Ashley: Honestly, don't worry. I intend to get whatever I deserve, okay? Have some coffee.
Abby: Thanks.
Ashley: So what did you want to talk to me about earlier?
Abby: Oh, um, I am now going to be playing an important role at Beauty of Nature.
Ashley: Really?
Abby: Yeah. (Laughs)
Ashley: That's fantastic. Jack told me he was so impressed with the work you've done at Jabot.
Abby: Oh, um, well, that, and Uncle Jack needed a little more liquid cash to make the payment deadline, so I lent it to him.
Ashley: What?
Adam: Okay, so physical science, life science, or earth and space science? What do you want?
Chelsea: Physical.
Adam: Okay. "Clay soil forms a fairly effective barrier against the movements of water."
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: What?
Chelsea: No, I-I mean, as fascinating as that is, when you said "Physical science," a different image popped in my head. That's all. (Laughs)
Adam: (Chuckles) We don't need distractions. This is a very important test.
Chelsea: It is. It is super important, and you've really been amazing, but I think it's time for a break.
Adam: Mm... let's focus, okay?
Chelsea: Oh, I am.
Adam: Let's just focus on the studies.
Chelsea: I'm focused. I'm really focused.
Adam: "Clay soil also swells..."
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: "And shrinks significantly as its water content cha--" okay, okay.
Chelsea: (Squeals, giggles)
Adam: This is what you want, huh?
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Come here. Mmm.
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: Yeah?
Genevieve: Any progress?
Kevin: I'm in.
Genevieve: Wonderful. Who has been accessing the account?
Kevin: Well, I don't know yet, but the weird thing is I can't figure out where any of your money came from.
Genevieve: I hired you to find out who was taking my money, not where I got it. Do we have a problem?
Kevin: I'll keep you posted.
Chloe: Hi. I'm really sorry to bother you, but I just heard something really scary, so I had to come right over.
Lily: What's wrong?
Cane: Is Cordelia okay?
Chloe: Yeah, she's fine. It's your mom. She's up to no good, and she sucked Kevin into it.
Cane: (Sighs) Tell me everything.
Ashley: So Abby helped you purchase Beauty of Nature.
Jack: And I offered her very good rates on the loan.
Abby: That is true. He did.
Ashley: I don't want her to be pulled back into the rivalry you have with Victor. You know that.
Jack: Ash, Ash...
Abby: (Sighs) I made this decision on my own, and I consulted my accountant, and he thought it was a solid choice.
Ashley: What about Victor?
Abby: He wasn't happy, but he didn't scream, "I'm disowning you."
Ashley: Yeah, not on the outside.
Abby: I told him I loved him, and since he already lost the company, this is not a personal attack on him, and I think he's gonna understand that... after some time.
Ashley: Like that's gonna happen.
Abby: Well, then at least support my decision.
Ashley: Oh, you mean, run interference with your father. (Growls) I'll do what I can.
Abby: (Laughs) Thank you. I actually have to run, because I have another possible investment I have to run by my accountant. I am becoming a super-savvy businesswoman, just like you. I love you. Mwah!
Ashley: Look at you. Mm, I love you, too.
Abby: Bye. Bye, you guys.
Ashley: Okay. So you finally own Beauty of Nature. What next?
Tucker: (Breathing rhythmically) Hey.
Genevieve: Tucker, hi.
Tucker: Hello. Why don't you join me for a drink? I'm all alone. (Sighs) Come on.
Genevieve: Okay. Listen, um, I'm sorry. I-I hope that I didn't cause too much of a problem between you and Ashley yesterday.
Tucker: You mean, when she showed up at the apartment and, um, you were there?
Genevieve: Yeah.
Tucker: Nah. She'd still be divorcing me.
Genevieve: Oh, well... uh, maybe you're just not the marrying type.
Tucker: Is that what you thought? Tell me about that loan you needed.
Genevieve: Oh, I don't need it any longer. R-really, I have solved my financial problems.
Chloe: Kevin is sure that he's not gonna get caught, that everything will just be peachy-keen, but I'm not.
Lily: Well, yeah, you have a right to be worried.
Chloe: Well, things between us have been screwed up for so long, and now we are finally together--I mean, it's taken us so long, and I'm just not gonna let anything mess that up for us. I--look, I'm really sorry to be dumping all this on you. I--
Cane: No, no, no. Coming here and telling me this was the right thing to do. Thank you.
Chloe: Well, I had to, for Kevin, and I'm sorry to dis your mom, but... (Chuckles) She is just sneaky.
Cane: Yeah, she is.
Chloe: Okay, well, I have to go, but thanks for talking to me.
Lily: Yeah.
Chloe: Bye.
Lily: Bye. (Sighs)
Cane: What is my mother thinking?
Lily: (Scoffs) I don't know. That she won't get caught.
Cane: Does she have any idea, if she gets caught, this is gonna ruin her deal with the feds and put her in prison?
Lily: And she has someone who's draining this account that she's not even supposed to have. It's like, one guess who that is.
Cane: Oh, it's gotta be my father.
Lily: What are you gonna do?
Cane: I gotta put a stop to it.
Lily: How?
Cane: There's only one way.
Neil: Pizza and baseball, man. Excellent suggestion.
Devon: I figured with Moses and Sofia moving out, this would be a good time for us to hang.
Neil: Yeah, I'm all for that, but first, I want to tell you something about Harmony.
Devon: Okay, go ahead.
Neil: Okay. Harmony, your mom-- she regrets what she did.
Devon: Yeah, that's kind of a theme with her.
Neil: I'm just asking you to cut Harmony some slack. You know, give her the chance to earn your trust again.
Harmony: (Sighs)
Sarge: Well, hello there, Harmony. Haven't seen you in a while.
Harmony: Oh. Yeah, not since I didn't go with you to that barbecue.
Sarge: Which means I owe you a meal. How about now? I could use the company.
Harmony: Yeah, you know, I'm kind of feeling like that myself today. Listen, I appreciate the offer, but I'm on my way to a meeting.
Sarge: Well, why don't I go with you? We can grab a bite afterwards.
Harmony: That'll work. I mean, I don't mind going alone, but it's nice to know that I don't have to.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: That's it.
Chelsea: Best study break ever.
Adam: Yes. Now we need to get some studying done, all right?
Chelsea: You want to work? Really?
Adam: Look, the harder we study, then we can take another one of these little "Breaks"-- soon.
Chelsea: Okay. I'm ready. Bring it.
Adam: (Sighs) All right, enthusiastic. I like it.
Chelsea: Well, the quicker we study, the sooner we'll get to one of those breaks.
Adam: Let's go, then.
Chelsea: Okay. (Sighs)
Chloe: Okay, so before we kiss and make up, we may want to have another fight.
Kevin: Where did you go?
Chloe: I told Cane and Lily everything, and Cane is not happy.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Guess who else isn't happy?
Chloe: Well, you wouldn't listen to me, and I was right, and if I am the voice of reason, then you have seriously gone off the rails.
Kevin: Genevieve is gonna lose it. When she finds out I confided in you and you made a beeline for Cane--
Chloe: Well, I don't care. She's gonna have to deal with it...
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: Because I want to live with you and have you love me forever. So are we gonna kiss and make up?
Kevin: After I'm done lovingly grinding my teeth in frustration.
Chloe: How about just a kiss?
Kevin: (Sighs) We're in the middle of Gloworm.
Chloe: How about here?
Kevin: Okay.
Genevieve: It’s always so nice to hear from you two, but, uh, well, I can't help but be curious why you wanted me to come over.
Cane: So we can talk.
Genevieve: About what?
Cane: About your secret bank account.
Ashley: So I imagine we'll want to merge Jabot with Beauty of Nature as soon as the sale is official.
Jack: I haven wanting to talk to you about that.
Ashley: Isn't it amazing? When you think about it for a second, after all the painful conflict that I had with Tucker and you had with Genevieve, we're finally gonna have the major conglomerate we always dreamed of creating. It's amazing!
Jack: Listen, I have been giving this a lot of thought lately.
Ashley: Oh, I bet you have.
Jack: I'm not sure a merger is the best idea.
Ashley: What are you talking about?
Jack: I'm talking about keeping Beauty of Nature separate.
Ashley: You want to run Jabot and Beauty of Nature as two independent companies?
Jack: So what do you think?
Ashley: I think you need to step down at Jabot.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"
Cane: Colin's out of prison? Why didn't you tell us?
Genevieve: I didn't want to worry you.
Heather: I want you out of my place now.
Ricky: You're no expecting me to move out in a day.
Heather: Yes.
Ashley: It's a huge conflict of interest. You can't have it both ways.
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