Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/12/12
Episode # 9925 ~ Nick & Phyllis Decide to Have an Impromptu Wedding
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: What are you telling me? How did Daisy make you lose the baby?
Phyllis: It was right after she left that it happened. It happened right after she left. It's--it's not a coincidence, and it's--it's... it's what she said to me, you know? She just--she just kept on-- on--on pushing me so hard...
Nick: She--she pushed you?
Phyllis: She didn't push me, literally push me, but I-I just... oh, I was so upset. I-I shouldn't--I should have just closed the door on her face when she showed up with that stupid gift.
Nick: So she was upset she didn't get invited to the wedding?
Phyllis: Not at first, she wasn't upset, but when she knew that she--she wasn't gonna be able to come, she just snapped.
Nick: What'd she say?
Phyllis: She was just saying things to upset me, and--and, you know, we didn't get physical. I mean, there was just a little shoving. I was just trying to get her out of here. I mean, I-I wouldn't... (Voice breaking) I wouldn't- I wouldn't get physical. I mean, I wouldn't put the baby at risk. I did put the baby at risk, just by letting her in.
Nick: (Whispers) Hey. Come here.
Daisy: She says it shouldn't be a problem.
Daniel: What?
Daisy: The babysitter. She can take Lucy for a while.
Daniel: Oh. Okay, good.
Daisy: It's such awful news about your mom.
Daniel: Yeah. Today of all days, too, when she was so happy.
[Daisy remembering]
Daisy: You're wrong about no one loving me now.
Phyllis: Yeah, just get out of my house. Get out--
Daisy: No, you listen to me.
Phyllis: Get out of my house.
Daisy: Lucy loves me. She loves me more than anything in this whole world!
Phyllis: Get-- God, get out! My God!
Daisy: I will always have more than you, no matter how many replacement babies you try to crank out.
Phyllis: Get out. Get out!
Daisy: You are pathetic, woman. Leave me alone!
Phyllis: Get out of my house. Oh, please help me. Oh, the baby, the baby!
(Elevator bell dings)
Phyllis: Help me, please! No, help me! Please, the baby...
Daniel: Well, Mom should be back from the hospital by now, so I'm gonna go check on her.
Daisy: Wait, Daniel. There's something I should tell you about your mom, about what happened.
Noah: Uh, any word from Phyllis?
Avery: Uh, no.
Noah: It is kind of strange, though, canceling a wedding at the last minute without any kind of explanation.
Summer: (Laughs) I bet Mom just decided she'd rather get married in a hot air balloon or something.
Noah: Yeah, we've learned to roll with it.
Summer: After lots of practice.
Avery: Well, then I will learn from your good example. I should be going.
Noah: See you.
Avery: Okay.
Ricky: Wow. Look at you. Are you in someone's wedding or something?
Avery: Uh...
Ricky: Oh. Did Phyllis and Nick--
Avery: No, they-m that was the plan, but, uh, they had to postpone.
Ricky: Ohh. Well, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Avery: (Scoffs) Shut up, Ricky.
Heather: So he says he's gonna take me dancing, which-- it's a great first date, right?
Paul: Yeah.
Heather: Well, what he doesn't say is that the dancing is part of a flash mob in the middle of Times Square.
Paul: (Laughs) Oh, no! Tell me there's video.
Heather: There is a video, but you can't really see me because I come in at the end and its "West Side Story," so I'm mostly just like... (Snapping fingers)
Paul: (Laughs) I can't believe you went along with that.
Heather: The show must go on.
Paul: Yeah. Okay, well, I'm not sure that, um, Genoa City's nightlife will have that much excitement to offer.
Heather: Yeah, that's okay. I mean, it was pretty much the beginning of the end of my professional dancing career, and everyone can be very grateful for that.
Paul: I missed you.
Heather: Yeah, I missed you, too.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Genevieve: Hi.
Lily: Well, this is lucky.
Cane: Yeah, 'cause we were gonna stop by your place later.
Genevieve: Uh, well, this is my place for now. Um, the, uh, feds seized all my assets, including the house.
Lily: Well, I think I'll see if the spa can take me now, if you don't mind keeping Cane company
Genevieve: Happy to.
Lily: Okay, bye.
Cane: Bye, Baby. Bye.
Genevieve: Shall we?
Cane: Sure.
Genevieve: So how are you?
Cane: Uh, I'm great, only because you sacrificed yourself so I wouldn't have to be deported.
Genevieve: I couldn't have lived with that on my conscience.
Cane: But now you have to live with the consequences.
Genevieve: Ethan, we both know that in the past, I've chosen money and security over my children's welfare, and the consequences of that... (Sighs) I've made some really horrible mistakes in life, but I do learn from them... eventually. (Chuckles)
Paul: Well, I'm so glad you took the job.
Heather: You know, the fact that it was Michael offering made the decision a lot easier. I know that he has faith in me.
Paul: Well, the feeling is mutual, obviously.
Heather: Oh, he'll-- he'll be a good D.A. You know, I know there are some people who will think it's, I don't know, ironic, given his history, but I think it's a plus that he understands the darker side of human nature.
Heather: Hey. Where'd you go? Thinking about Ricky?
Paul: Yeah, he's, um, never far from my thoughts these days.
Heather: Look, whether or not he's guilty of any crimes, you're gonna have to accept the fact that he's not capable of being the son nor the brother that we hoped for, and... he probably never was.
Paul: Well, at least your eyes are wide-open about that, and, uh... you'll protect yourself.
Heather: Well, you can feel free to check in on me as much as you want.
Paul: You're going to regret saying that.
Heather: Mnh-mnh. I'm gonna hit the gym.
Paul: Okay. Call you later.
Heather: I know you will.
Paul: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Ricky: (Thinking) "Phyllis Newman exposed: The unauthorized biography." (Strikes key)
Phyllis: It wasn't intentional, right? I mean, Daisy wasn't trying to make me miscarry, right? (Exhales sharply) Pregnant women get upset all the time. They don't lose their babies.
Nick: Look, Daisy never should have been here, pushing your buttons... but this doesn't have to be anyone's fault.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: Tragic things-- they just sometimes happen, without cause, without reason.
Phyllis: I'm never gonna know. (Sighs) If I didn't have to deal with Daisy, I mean, if I... I didn't have all this stress with Daisy and Ricky...
Nick: What about Ricky?
Phyllis: Oh, Ricky. (Sighs) Ricky is writing some tell-all book about me. He's uncovering my past sins...
Phyllis: Which should take him a while.
Nick: Look, he's a jackass, and he doesn't know when to quit. You should not be dealing with this right now.
Daisy: I went to your mom's earlier, and I brought her a wedding gift. No, I wanted-- I wanted to let her know that I wish her well, and I-I also thought maybe she'd let me come to the wedding.
Daniel: So you made an issue out of it, after I asked you not to?
Daisy: I was trying to make peace.
Daniel: Oh, that's-- that's great. How'd that go over?
Daisy: Not well. We got into an argument, and I-- you know, I know it's not one of my brighter ideas, but--
Daniel: No, no, it wasn't one of your brighter ideas, badgering a pregnant woman on her wedding day.
Daisy: I wasn't badgering her. I was being perfectly polite, and then she went off on me.
Daniel: You shouldn't have been there in the-- you shouldn't have been there in the first place. I mean, could you tell that she wasn't feeling well? Did she say anything at that point?
Daisy: No, she didn't say anything. She was perfectly fine when I left her.
Daniel: Oh, God.
Daisy: Daniel! I don't know why you are so angry at me.
Daniel: So angry at you because I can't do this. I can't deal with you, no matter how hard I try.
Daisy: If I'm so impossible to deal with, then why don't you walk away?
Daniel: Because you know that I can't do that!
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. What--what are you doing?
Cane: Thank you very much. So what can we do to help?
Genevieve: Ohh, nothing, nothing. I-I got myself into this one, I will get myself out.
Cane: Mom, you're staying here. It must be expensive.
Genevieve: I withdrew a little cash before I turned myself in.
Cane: Okay, so it's not gonna last that long. Look, I can talk to Lily. You know, maybe you could stay with us.
Genevieve: Please don't worry so much. I-I have things under control, really. But it means a great deal to me to know that I have your support if I need it.
Cane: Okay.
Kevin: What is the problem?
Daniel: Could you maybe, for one second, have just thought about someone other than yourself?
Daisy: You can't blame me for this. It's not like I knew that your mom was gonna lose the baby.
Daniel: No, but you couldn't leave it alone, could you? Even though I asked you to leave her alone, even though I asked you not to go there, even though it was supposed to be one of the happiest days of her life.
Kevin: Okay, you guys, this is not the place for you to be having this conversation.
Daniel: Oh, we're done.
Daisy: What is that supposed to mean?
Daniel: It means-- what that means is Mother needs me right now, or are you thinking maybe we should also be focused on you?
Noah: Dad. Hey, um... I'm just here with Summer. Um, we're calling to see if you and Phyllis are okay.
Nick: Uh, Phyllis wasn't feeling well. We were at the hospital, and now we're home. She's gonna be okay.
Phyllis: (Sniffles)
Nick: He's just telling Summer.
Phyllis: I want to talk to Summer. (Sniffles)
Nick: Okay. Son, can you put Summer on? Phyllis wants to talk to her.
Phyllis: (Sniffles)
Noah: Yeah.
Summer: Mom? You were sick?
Phyllis: (Voice breaking) It just came on suddenly. I'm fine now.
Summer: You want us to bring you anything?
Phyllis: (Normal voice) No, I'm--I'm okay. I'm being well taken care of.
Summer: Maybe this is a message from the universe, telling you to slow down.
Noah: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Yeah, maybe so.
Summer: Okay, be good. She sounds really sad.
Noah: Yeah, well, she had to cancel the wedding.
Summer: Yeah, I guess. So swimming?
Noah: Uh... look, my friends have jobs. They can't just drop everything in the middle of the day to go to a pool party.
Summer: Hmm. Must suck to be old.
Ricky: Hey. Well, look at you two. You look great.
Noah: Hmm. And this is what we look like leaving.
Ricky: Good one, good one. Later, neighbor. (Inhales sharply) (Sighs)
Nick: Was Summer upset?
Phyllis: No, she said it was a message from the universe. (Chuckles) She wasn't talking about the baby. She doesn't know about the baby.
Nick: This was a medical problem. It's--it's not some kind of message.
Phyllis: It's karma.
Nick: How could it be karma?
Phyllis: Daisy is exactly like me. She's doing the things that I did. It's my past sins... (Voice breaking) Coming back to haunt me. Oh, I can't get away from it. (Sniffles) And Danny and Christine coming into town, and Ricky and his tell-all book... oh, it's like-- it's the price I have to pay.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: It's payback for everything I did.
Nick: Look, losing the baby is not some kind of punishment. There is nothing in your life that you ever did that could deserve that.
Phyllis: You don't know that.
Nick: I don't know that? How is that? You saying I don't know you? You're an amazing mother, and you are completely dedicated to loving and protecting your family. Does that sound like someone who deserves to lose a baby? Does it?
Paul: So Nick didn't tell you why the wedding was called off?
Avery: No, but he made it sound like there was no reason to worry. I bumped into Rick on the way out.
Paul: Oh. How was that?
Avery: It was unpleasant. You know, he actually-- he seemed amused to hear the wedding had been canceled.
Paul: Ah. So we can add, uh, "Pettiness" to his list of personal charms.
Avery: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned anything.
Paul: No, it's all right. Heather and I were just talking about that. You know, we can't wear blinders where--where Ricky is concerned.
Avery: You know what you need? A day at the spa.
Paul: (Laughs) The spa?
Avery: Yeah. There's nothing like a deep-tissue massage to eliminate tension and clear the mind.
Paul: Well, I gotta admit, that has appeal for me right now.
Avery: All right, you should come with me. I was just gonna see if they have any last-minute appointments.
Paul: Okay.
Avery: What is it? Do you now this man who's missing?
Paul: Yeah, I used to.
Kevin: You keep pulling the same kind of stunts, you're gonna get the same reaction.
Daisy: I just want to be accepted as a family member, which I am. I--
Kevin: Hey, I'm the voice of experience, right? I hurt people, but I was forgiven, but it took time. You had a chance today to show some patience, some compassion and understanding, and you blew it. You just pushed too hard. But, hey, you want to be a single mom again, you're--I mean, you're practically there. (Scoffs)
Nick: All right. She's upstairs. She's just freshening up.
Daniel: Mm-hmm. How's she doing?
Nick: It's tough. We were both very excited for this baby.
Daniel: Um, Daisy told me that she was here.
Nick: Yeah.
Daniel: It got ugly, didn't it?
Nick: There's no way to connect it to the miscarriage, but to your mother, its cause and effect. The pain started once Daisy left.
Daniel: I'm so furious at her. You know, I really let her have it. Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. Hey.
Daniel: Mom...
Phyllis: Hmm?
Daniel: Come here. I'm so sorry. Hey, come here, sit down. You shouldn't be on your feet. Sit down.
Phyllis: Okay.
Daniel: You, um, you want something to eat? Can you eat anything?
Phyllis: No, I'm okay. I don't have an appetite. I'm okay.
Daniel: I was thinking of maybe getting you some of that frozen yogurt you like...
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Daniel: Or, um, one of those trashy novels you pretend you don't read.
Phyllis: That--that's very sweet. Thanks.
Phyllis: He's amazing, my son.
Nick: Listen, I'm glad, uh, we've got a minute to ourselves here, 'cause there's something I'd really like to ask you.
Paul: Okay, so the employees at the manufacturing plant where Tim was a security guard got concerned when he didn't show up for work. Apparently, he never misses a day. They checked at home, and he wasn't there.
Avery: Any signs of foul play?
Paul: Uh, no, not that they're saying. His boss reported him missing.
Avery: His boss, not his family or his friends? Hmm.
Paul: I better see what I can find out.
Avery: Okay, so no massage for you.
Paul: Rain check.
Avery: Okay. (Laughs)
Avery: Hi, Magda, it's Avery Bailey Clark. I was wondering if you had anything for this afternoon. I'll take it. Pencil me in. Thanks. (Exhales sharply) Heather.
Heather: Huh?
Avery: Hi. Are you looking for your dad?
Heather: Yeah.
Avery: Uh, he just left. He told me that you two were talking about--
Heather: Ricky.
Ricky: Hey.
Avery: (Clears throat)
Heather: I'm--I'm glad I'm running into you. Uh, I understand you're living in my apartment.
Ricky: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's--it's a great place. I'm loving it. (Chuckles)
Heather: Yeah, me, too. In fact, I still hold the lease.
Ricky: I hadn't realized.
Heather: Yeah, the--the manager was renting it out while I was gone, and Daisy didn't get anybody's permission to sublet it again, so now that I'm back, I hope--I hope you'll understand that I-I want my place back.
Ricky: Yeah, yeah, of... (Chuckles) Of course, of course I understand. Um, it--it just might be a little difficult for me to find someplace else right away. Uh...
Heather: Mm-hmm. I-I could see where that would be a problem, but it's not my problem.
Ricky: Right. (Sighs) Okay, well... I'll make the necessary arrangements.
Ricky: (Sighs, clears throat)
Lily: Well, I really hope that your mom understands we weren't just being polite and we really do want to help her.
Cane: Yeah, she knows, and she appreciates it, but I do think, you know, I don't know, maybe she's right, and it would be a bad idea if she stayed with us.
Lily: Yeah, I might need a few more spa days, but I think we could have made it work.
Cane: Mm. I love you for saying that.
Lily: (Laughs) So what is your mother's plan?
Cane: You know what? That is the million-dollar question.
Genevieve: Have you considered my proposal?
Kevin: I don't know enough to consider it, other than the fact that it's a little illegal.
Genevieve: Shh. I need to know that you can be discreet.
Kevin: You already know that, or you wouldn't have told me this much.
Genevieve: Okay, so here's the deal-- most of my assets have been frozen. I do, however, have one account in Switzerland that the feds don't know about, but apparently someone else does, because it is being drained bit by bit. Now I can't go to the authorities for assistance.
Kevin: (Sighs) You want me to hack into the computer system.
Genevieve: Find out where the money is going so I can put a stop to it, so really, if you think about it, you're helping me to prevent crime.
Nick: Depending on how you feel about it, I still would like to marry you today.
Phyllis: Are you sure? (Laughs) Really?
Nick: This has been a tough loss. But we're gonna get through it by facing it together, the way I want us to face everything, good and bad. So why wait? I mean, unless you want, uh, the music and the flowers and the big party.
Phyllis: (Voice breaking) I don't want any of that. I just want you.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: (Normal voice) I don't want to face a big crowd.
Nick: I think the kids should be here.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, of course. Someone to make it official. (Laughs)
Nick: That, I can handle. Here, let's see.
Kay: Nicholas?
Nick: Uh, Katherine, hi.
Kay: How are you? How is Phyllis?
Nick: She is doing okay. (Rubs Phyllis' leg) Listen, um... what are you doing today? We need a favor.
Woman: He was civil, polite. Not much for chitchat. This conversation we're having right now is longer than any I ever had with Mr. Reid.
Paul: Did you notice anything different or unusual lately, either with him or visitors he might have had?
Woman: No--well, actually, there were a couple of cars in the parking lot that I didn't recognize recently and I wondered who they belonged to, but not enough for sure to say it had anything to do with Mr. Reid.
Paul: Right. Can you describe those for me?
Woman: Um, one was an S.U.V., black, big. It was really nice.
Paul: Uh-huh. Make or model?
Woman: Oh, sorry, no. Oh, the other one was an S.U.V., but it was smaller and green.
[Paul remembering]
Paul: I've got an extra car you can use, if you want.
Ricky: Oh, no, no, you don't have to do that.
Paul: It's just sitting there.
Ricky: Okay. Okay, thanks, yeah, thanks.
Paul: Could that have been a-a Toyota, uh, Rav4, like, an older model?
Woman: Ooh, I'm the wrong person to ask. Um, I don't know the difference between cars. I take the bus.
Paul: Oh, well, maybe they got picked up on a security camera.
Woman: A security camera in this neighborhood? That's funny.
Ricky: Part of our deal, Daisy, was you letting me take over your lease. Now I find out you never cleared it with the manager. Now this is a big problem for me, Daisy, which makes it an even bigger problem for you.
Heather: See, I assumed that you and Ricky were still allies.
Avery: (Scoffs) He's not even trying to hide it from me anymore, how Machiavellian he is now.
Heather: You know, it's breaking my dad's heart.
Avery: I know. I know. It's good that you're here. Listen, I hope things work out for you at the D.A.'s office.
Heather: Thanks. Yeah, I'm--I'm looking forward to a fresh start.
Noah: We were playing "Shoe store" in Mom's closet when we picked her up.
Phyllis: Oh, my goodness.
Faith: (Laughs)
Phyllis: (Laughs) I have a lot of shoes in my closet. You can play in there.
Faith: Okay.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Summer: We'll raid my mom's closet a little bit later.
Faith: Okay.
Phyllis: Uh, yeah. We have some things to--to take care of first.
Noah: Let's put some rings on some fingers. Yeah.
Phyllis: Right. Let's do that. Why not? (Laughs)
Nick: Yeah, let's start the final countdown. Let's get going.
Phyllis: Okay. Okay, um--
(Doorbell rings)
Daniel: I'll get the door.
Nick: Okay.
Daniel: Hey.
Kay: (Laughs)
Daniel: Ohh. Mm!
Phyllis: Oh, look at that. You come with flowers.
Kay: Well, yes, of course, my dear. It's a full-service operation I'm running here.
Daniel: A one-stop shop for last-minute weddings, huh?
Kay: Mm-hmm, well, this is becoming my specialty.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, I remember Chloe's wedding, I came in my workout attire. This s a couple steps up.
Kay: Yeah, right.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Summer: You're not gonna wear your dress?
Phyllis: Um.. no, I'm not going to. I had this epiphany that, uh, dresses and nails and hair, all that kind of stuff, it's not important. The only thing that's important is, um... my babies... and my man.
Nick: You have never looked more beautiful to me than you do right now-- not in any dress, in any church, and I've never loved you more than I do right now.
Kay: Unh-unh. Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Save that until the end.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Kay: Oh, come on. Honestly, I mean, you two act like you've never done this before.
Nick: Let's do this.
Kay: All right, all right, then. Okay, now, uh, okay, come on. Here we go, here we go, here we go. All right, everybody, places. You...
Nick: Here?
Kay: Right there.
Nick: All right.
Kay: You're right here, and you stay right there, okay?
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Kay: Yep, we're over there. (Claps hands) Now then. Dearly beloved, and, you know, I-I've been to a lot of weddings where that phrase has never been more apt. This isn't merely a wedding, you know. It's a forming of a family right before my very eyes. Oh, good. Keep 'em handy. We're gonna need 'em.
Cane: You know, Mom did say she has some cash available, but, you know, who knows how much?
Lily: Maybe she'll get a job.
Cane: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Who's gonna trust her after what happened with the feds?
Lily: Well, there's always pouring coffee at Crimson Lights.
Cane: You know what's funny, though? She said she had things under control, okay, but with no obvious legitimate options. I'm just kind of worried about what trouble she's gonna get herself into, you know?
Kevin: (Clears throat) It's not worth the risk.
Genevieve: Name your price.
Kevin: I would be violating international law. I have a family to look out for.
Genevieve: But that's how I know that you'll be very, very careful not to be caught. Okay. You had your chance. I will find someone else who's willing to make a quick fortune. Thank you for the coffee, by the way.
Kevin: Wait, wait, hold on. Uh... I'll--I'll do it.
Paul: Hello, Ricky.
Ricky: Dad. Well, I guess you're here to see Heather, unless someone told you I was here.
Paul: No, actually, I'm working on a case.
Ricky: Oh. Anything interesting?
Paul: Missing person.
Ricky: Huh. Well, that sounds serious. (Pats Paul's shoulder) Good luck.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Nick: I, Nicholas, take you, Phyllis, to be my wife, and I will love you from this day forward, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow.
Phyllis: Continue. Don't stop.
Nick: I will be faithful to you in every sense of the word for as long as we both shall live.
Phyllis: I, Phyllis, take you, Nicholas... (Exhales sharply) To be my husband--again. (Laughs)
Nick: (Laughs)
Phyllis: I will love you from this day forward, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, and I'm not gonna say "In joy and in sorrow." I'm not gonna say it like that because after the sorrow, you--you've shown me there's so much joy. I will always be faithful to you, and... I have faith in you, and in us, as long as we both shall live.
Kay: I, um... I hope you kids are listening, because they... finally get it. Because those promises of faithfulness, uh, that they've just made--they weren't about, uh, limits or self-denial. Faithfulness is that ever-present awareness that you're holding another person's heart right in your hand. Now that means that-- it doesn't mean you have to lock yourself off somewhere and just gaze into one another's souls. (Chuckles) My God, I, uh, I-I-I would be bored-- uh, well, you would, too. You would be bored to death in--in a week's time.
Summer: (Laughs)
Kay: (Laughs) Now it--it's, uh... it's a big, big universe out there. It's beautiful. A lot of exciting people are in it... new ideas. Think about that. Now if you're a happy, healthy married couple, you'll explore it, you'll experience it-- separately and--and together-- and then you will faithfully bring those exciting experiences into your marriage. Outside of that, my dears, um, I only have one more piece of advice to give you.
Nick: And what's that?
Kay: Kiss the bride. (Chuckles) I now pronounce you husband and wife. (Applause) Well...
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ashley: I better get my things.
Cane: I think she has money stashed away somewhere
Lily: So how are you gonna find out?
Kevin: Somebody's been stealing money from her.
Chloe: And?
Kevin: And I'm gonna figure out who. Isn't that great?
Chloe: Unh-unh.
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