Y&R Transcript Friday 6/8/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 6/8/12


Episode # 9923 ~ Loved Ones Gather for Nick and Phyllis's Wedding

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Thank you.

Lauren: Thank you.

Michael: All right.

Lauren: Hey, come on.

Michael: I know, I know.

Lauren: Oh, no, no, no.

Avery: What, no champagne on the big day?

Michael: Hey, hi.

Lauren: I like that idea. You showing up, first day, district attorney, tipsy. (Laughs)

Michael: Look, this is your first day taking over my practice. You want to drink now, just wait until we review the cases.

Avery: No, it has to wait, 'cause I have news--oh.  

Victoria: Thank goodness you're all here. Okay, it's crunch time, people.

Michael: For...

Lauren: What? Huh?

Victoria: Oh, they don't know.

Avery: Unh-unh.

Lauren: Know what?

Victoria: Uh, Phyllis and Nick are getting married today.

Avery: At Gloworm, so you heard her. It's crunch time.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Nick: One marriage license in my grubby paw.

Phyllis: Expedited for a small fee.

Nick: Eh. I gotta call Katherine Chancellor, tell her to get her "You may kiss the bride" speech ready.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) All right, I'm gonna call Daniel.

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Hello.

Phyllis: Hey. This is your mother, whom you love for her spontaneity.

Daniel: Hmm, what now?

Phyllis: Nick and I are getting married today, at Gloworm, and I really, really, really want you and Lucy to be there.

Daniel: Married today, huh? Um... (Laughs) Well, yeah, of course we'll be there. Uh... (Clears throat) And what about my better half?

Phyllis: No, Daniel, please don't do that to me. Don't do that to me today. I don't--I want to be happy, not sad.

Daniel: (Sighs) Okay. Well, listen, I am... I'm really happy for you.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Daisy: Your mom moved up the wedding? Cool. Lucy and I know just what we're gonna wear. Yeah.

Daniel: Actually, you're off the hook for this event.

Daisy: I'm not invited.

Daniel: No, you just get to stay home and relax.

Daisy: Well, Lucy will stay home and relax with me.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Daisy: (Chuckles)

Paul: Yeah, so...

Heather: Oh.

Paul: Hey, you guys.

Heather: Hey.

Noah: Paul. Hey, hi.

Eden: Hey.

Noah: Heather, you're visiting.

Heather: I was about to ask you the same thing. Actually, I'm going to be here for the foreseeable future.

Noah: Yeah, I, uh, I don't know my plans yet, but till then, I'm staying with Eden.

Paul: You are?

Eden: Yes, I needed someone to help pay the rent after Ricky moved out.

Paul: Um, Eden and Ricky were roommates for a short time.

Eden: Yeah, but now he's actually, uh, across the hall in what used to be your place.

Heather: (Laughs) Really?

Paul: So that's--that's great that Noah's gonna be with you. That's good. You guys, uh, take care.

Noah: See you.

Eden: Bye.

Paul: Shall we?

Heather: Yeah.

Paul: Wow.

Heather: Um, you basically just sighed with relief that Eden has a guy roommate. Why?

Paul: Because, Sweetheart, I'm not just worried about what Ricky did to you. I'm afraid of what he might do to anyone.

(Knock on door)

(Pounding on door)

(Rapid knocking on door)

Ricky: Rough night playing rent-a-guard? Too important to answer my calls?

Tim: Phyllis Summers was just an ugly memory until you called, and then she showed up here yesterday. I blame you.

Ricky: Phyllis was here?

Sharon: And I need to check on the progress of that new formula, the eye serum.

Victor: You seem very excited to get to the office.

Sharon: I am. I feel energized, you know? Like life is full of surprises-- the good kind.

Victor: Indeed.

Sharon: Like this little surprise I found waiting under my pillow this morning. I love it.

Victor: I love seeing it there.

Jack: Well, good for you. No sitting at home licking your wounds. You're out in the world. Good for you, though everyone in this place knows that I won Beauty of Nature. You're a real trouper, you know that?

Victor: (Chuckles) Everyone, would you excuse us? Jack and I have to have a few words.

Abby: Ohh, no, no, no, no, no.

Nikki: Yes, of course. Sharon and I need a moment ourselves.

Nick: Scores us an officiant, one Katherine Chancellor. You're welcome.

Phyllis: (Giggles) You are such an eager groom. You're so eager.

Nick: Hey, my wife's on the nest. She wants to get hitched before she starts to show, so let's do it.

Phyllis: That's all good news. There's no bad news.

Nick: Right. So at the wedding, when I give a toast and you are drinking O.J., should we maybe tell everyone that junior's coming? You know, the ones that don't know?

Phyllis: Well, no. I mean there are still calls to make and lines to draw, such as, I don't want Daniel to bring Daisy, and... I don't want your father to bring Sharon.

Nick: What? Why not? (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs) I don't want her there. You know, I don't want people who despise me at my wedding. It's a happy day. I want to feel the love.

Daniel: Daisy, come on.

Daisy: I'm your wife. I'm Lucy's mother. For Phyllis to pretend I don't even exist is ridiculous.

Daniel: Yeah, it's ridiculous, but it's mom. She wants things the way she wants them, and you know what? We don't need to give her any added stress, considering she's pregnant.

Daisy: What? Phyllis is pregnant?

Daniel: Yes, she is.

Daisy: Lucy and that baby are gonna play together. That's all the more reason for her to let me come.

Daniel: Its one day. It's a couple of hours. Come on, you don't want to use Lucy like a pawn. You don't want to do that. We're gonna go, we're gonna have a little bit of cake, see some family members, and then she's gonna come home.

Daisy: You both are gonna come home, all right?

Daniel: All right. Fine. Great. Well, we both are gonna go get ready now. (Clears throat) Ohh, come on, Kid. Time to go play dress-up.

Michael: Today.

Lauren: Here?

Avery: Mm-hmm, so you can see--

Michael: Yeah, no work talk, no files.

Lauren: What is she gonna wear?

Avery: No idea. That's why I need you.

Lauren: Oh, yes, you do.

Victoria: Oh, you two are-- you're gonna go to Fenmore's.

Lauren: Yep. I have become a pro at last-minute weddings. Are you in the wedding?

Avery: I'm the maid of honor.

Lauren: Then I know exactly what I'm pulling for you. Mm, it's fantastic.

Avery: Oh, o-o-okay.

Victoria: Yeah.

Michael: No, don't argue with genius. You'll lose.

Lauren: Yes, it's so true. Let's move.

Michael: Mm!

Lauren: Come on.

Avery: Okay.

Lauren: Bye.

Victoria: Bye.

Michael: (Chuckles) Are you on reception duty?

Victoria: Your mom is wearing her real estate hat today, so I'm meeting with one of her managers. Um, u-until he's ready, uh, Michael, do you mind if I ask your advice on something?

Michael: Of course.

Victoria: Okay, well, I know this might be a little tricky because you worked for Dad, but Jack's getting back Beauty of Nature, and he wants me to run it... (Sighs) And I'm tempted to say yes.

Jack: Smile a little too much? Must be killing you, knowing that you lost to me.

Victor: (Laughs) You know, Jack, no matter how many times you say it, you know it ain't true. You know damn well that the judge has set a deadline by which you have to pay Beauty of Nature in full. So far, I haven't seen a damn penny in my account, hence the company legally still belongs to me.

Jack: For a brief moment, in name only.

Victor: (Chuckles) Your eyes bigger than your bank account? Is that it? Ain't got the cash?

Jack: Relax, old boy. Now that you don't have Beauty of Nature, you'll have plenty of time to count your money.

Victor: (Chuckles) Jack... time is ticking away.

Nikki: Nice necklace.

Sharon: Oh, thank you. Isn't it lovely? It was a gift.

Nikki: I imagine you thanked Victor profusely before or after, or both.

Sharon: Victor is a kind and generous, loving man.

Nikki: My God, you're not even the least bit ashamed, are you?

Sharon: To be friends with someone like Victor? No, I'm not ashamed at all.

Nikki: Congratulations, Sharon. You've managed to sleep your way through two generations of Newmans.

Paul: The coroner labeled it a suicide...

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Paul: And Ricky said that he broke up with Rachel right before, but her friend insisted that Rachel was going to break up with him and leave him.

Heather: It could be as simple as Ricky revising history.

Paul: I was trying to get more information from someone who--who knew Ricky and Rachel, but he never showed. Ricky did.

Heather: Look, trust me, I know more than anyone that Ricky is a creep. I mean, the fact that he was willing to use those photos of me with Adam still makes me bounce between cringing and wanting to pound on him, but none of that means he's physically dangerous.

Paul: (Sighs)

Heather: Have you been able to reach your contact person since then?

Paul: No. There's no point. He's dead. He died coming to talk to me about Ricky.

Ricky: So was Phyllis actually here, or was that just a wine-induced nightmare?

Tim: She was here, just like you are right now.

Ricky: Well, an educated guy like yourself knows enough not to mention my name, right?

Tim: I didn't tell her about your little visit.

Ricky: Good. Smart. Now I need you to tell me about Sasha green. Her name shows up all over Phyllis' file, and it sounds like the redhead was guilty as hell about her death.

Tim: You're not gonna get another word out of me. Get out.

Ricky: I'm sorry, was that your commanding doctor's voice? Because it didn't work, maybe because you're not a doc anymore.

Tim: Yes, but I know a sociopath when I see one.

Jack: Sorry about that.

Abby: You know, my dad lost a gazillion dollars to his kids. He had to go public, and while he was in jail protecting Nikki, he watched Adam sell his pride and joy. I think you could ease up a little bit.

Jack: Well, for what it's worth, that is the plan. When I initially bid on Beauty of Nature, I had all the cash on hand that I needed. Since I was cheated out of it, I have invested some of that money. It's a little tied up.

Abby: So, what, you're not liquid enough to pay the purchase price?

Jack: I'm just a little short, but since you are rolling in dough, I thought this might be a great investment for you. Victor's daughter in a prominent leadership position at Beauty of Nature-- what's not to love about that?

Abby: (Laughs) I think my dad will find lots to not love about that.

Sharon: Sorry I can't waste more time on pointless chatter, Nikki. I have a beauty division to run.

Victor: Why don't we go to the office, okay?

Nikki: Oh, by all means.

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: Ah. Your ex-husband. Hello, Nicholas.

Nick: Hey, Mom. Let me give you the short version. Phyllis and I are getting married today at Gloworm. Any chance you and Jack could make it?

Nikki: Oh. Well, yes, of course. We wouldn't miss it. Now as far as the rest of the guest list, Faith and Noah's mother...

Nick: Um, that would make some very, uh, some very interesting family photos. No.

Nikki: Very wise decision. We'll see you soon. Well, it's very fortunate that you're quite busy with work today, so you don't have to worry about other distractions. Good-bye.

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: Ah. Hello.

Sharon: Was that supposed to mean something?

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Oops. Sorry about that. Hello, Son.

Nick: Hey, Dad. Real quick, can you clear your afternoon? I'm marrying Phyllis today at Gloworm, and I'd like you there.

Victor: I see.

Nick: This is, uh, an invitation for you only, though. It's not a plus-one.

Victor: Well, I think that may be a mistake, Son. Uh, you should reconsider that.

Nick: My wife doesn't need to see my ex-wife at her wedding. Sharon will have to understand that it's not appropriate and that it's not happening.

Victor: Well, if that's the case, it might be that I cannot clear my schedule.

Nick: You're my dad. I'd like you there, but it's your call.

Sharon: Is it a meeting?

Victor: Nicholas and Phyllis are getting married this afternoon.

Sharon: And I'm not invited?

(Knock on door)

Nick: Hey, so we got a minister, we got my parents and Jack.

Phyllis: Hey.

Avery: We have dresses!

Lauren: Yeah, and you, my dear friend, are gonna be the hottest of all the brides I have dressed lately.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Nice.

Nick: All right. I like playing dress-up.

Avery: Uh, you can be forcibly removed.

Lauren: Yeah. Have you seen my biceps? Really, seriously.

Nick: Well, I mean, don't you want me to--

Phyllis: Okay, later. Later.

Nick: Oh, all right, I'll go. I'll--I'll see you at Gloworm.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'll see you at Gloworm. I'll be the hot bride.

Avery: Good-bye.

Nick: Yeah.

Lauren: Bye.

Nick: I mean, I could stay.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, you can go, too.

Lauren: Bye, seriously.

Avery: Good-bye, good-bye.

Nick: Oh, all right, bye.

Lauren: Okay, here we go!

Phyllis: Show me, show me!

Lauren: You will love this. It's so beautiful. This is for after. What do you think?

Phyllis: Oh, oh! Oh! Oh, my God! (Gasps)

Victoria: Beauty of Nature is--it's like, my-- my--my kids, you know? It's like my firstborn, actually. Of course I'm gonna miss being a part of it.

Michael: Well, unfortunately, your firstborn is Victor's crown jewel.

Victoria: (Sighs) Look, I worked at Beauty of Nature the whole five minutes that Genevieve owned it, and Dad survived that just fine.

Michael: (Chuckles) This is Jack. Do yourself a favor-- talk to Victor first, because if he finds out after the fact, that will just send him off the rails.

Victoria: I know. Of course, you're right, you know? But there's a chance that my even thinking about it will drive him nuts. I mean, for Jack to have me and my mom and Beauty of Nature-- there's only so much that Dad can take before he completely flips out.

Jack: In all likelihood, Victoria would be C.E.O. If you came on board, it would be honoring the company's roots...

Abby: (Sighs)

Jack: And ensuring a strong and profitable future. You know the younger demographic. You know social media. I need you.

Abby: And you need my big, fat wallet.

Jack: Abby, I can pay you that money in the next few months, or if you decide, you can stay invested in the company.

Abby: I mean, my accountant has been annoyed I've just been letting the money sit.

Jack: Best investment you could possibly make-- great company, great family. You and Victoria are Abbotts, too, you know.

Abby: I'm in.

Jack: Fantastic.

Abby: (Chuckles) I can make Dad understand this, right?

Jack: No doubt in my mind, but we have to make this transfer happen soon. Why don't we go to the office, huh?

Nikki: Unh-unh, no office. We have a wedding to attend.

Nick: Dude. I was looking all over for you. You, uh, got any plans later?

Noah: I was planning on making some music.

Nick: Oh, I'm just getting married later. I kind of need a best man, but if you're booked, let me just scroll through my contacts, find somebody else.

Noah: Uh, seriously? Yeah, yeah, I'm--I'm down. Uh, hey, hey, do you want to come watch me drop some rings?

Eden: Uh, I'm sure your father wants to handle his own guest list.

Nick: Nah, you're on it now. What's one extra guest?

Victor: I just want you to know that I'm not very happy about the fact that Nicholas doesn't want you at the wedding, but just this once, I'll respect his feelings, okay?

Sharon: It's always going to be something, Victor. That's the reality. No one's ever going to accept that you and I are together.

Victor: But you know something? Eventually, they're gonna have to get used to it, whether they like it or not, but this once, I understand Nicholas' feelings about it, okay? So... that doesn't mean that I wouldn't much rather go there with you by my side.

Phyllis: Okay.

Avery: All right, we have to haul it.

Lauren: (Laughs) Okay.

Avery: Uh, the nail salon is waiting, and Abby and Summer and even Faith.

Phyllis: Okay, um, you guys, why don't you take some pictures for me? Go ahead and take pictures.

Lauren: What-- you're not coming?

Phyllis: Um, no, I-- it's been crazy-- good crazy, but just... I-I need, uh, a minute for myself, right?

Lauren: Okay, all right.

Avery: Okay.

Lauren: But don't mess up your makeup.

Avery: Or your hair.

Phyllis: I won't. Thanks. Thank you. Yeah.

Avery: You were always so pretty it hurt.

Lauren: All right.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Lauren: Call us if you need us, all right?

Avery: Okay.

Lauren: All right, Sweetness.

Phyllis: Group hug. (Laughs)

Lauren: Okay, see you soon.

Phyllis: Thanks. I'll see you there...

Lauren: All right.

Avery: Okay.

Phyllis: In just a second. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: (Exhales slowly)

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: Oh. Come on, Guys, I'm fine.

Daisy: Congratulations.

Heather: Forget the open container of alcohol. In your gut, you feel that Craig's car crash was no accident.

Paul: (Sighs) Before I had confirmation of his death, I knew something was very, very wrong.

Heather: I trust your instincts. I do, but we need more to go on, and it's not like we don't have access to official G.C.P.D. resources.

Paul: Yeah, right, but listen, about that-- I-I told you as your dad, not as an investigator...

Heather: Right.

Paul: And I need to find out more, but I would like you to listen to me as--as family and not as an attorney. Can you keep this to yourself?

Daniel: Hey, Heather.

Heather: Hey.

Daniel: What are you doing back?

Paul: Well, she is, um, back for good, and with the D.A.'s office.

Daniel: Michael hired you. Congratulations.

Heather: Thanks, and look who's here. Lucy's so big now...

Daniel: Yeah.

Heather: And she's with you.

Daniel: And Daisy. We're married.

Heather: Wow. That's news.

Daniel: It is news. It is a very long story that I would love to tell you, but we would definitely need a couple of drinks to do that, and right now, me and this little one-- we have a date for a wedding-- Mom and Nick.

Heather: Mm.

Paul: That's great. Give them my best.

Heather: Yeah, mine, too.

Daniel: Okay. I will, uh, see you later for that beer.

Heather: Okay.

Daniel: Come on.

Paul: (Sighs heavily)

Heather: He thought that marrying Daisy was a good idea? That's like thinking you can win a fight with a rattlesnake or a shark.

Paul: Or someone like Ricky.

Ricky: You have as much reason to hate Phyllis as I do.

Tim: But I don't devote every moment of my life trying to take her down.

Ricky: No... but you would, if you had the guts.

Tim: Get out. Get out before I go public about you stealing my files... to the police and to Phyllis.

Ricky: Now that would be very poor judgment on your part.

Tim: We're done.

Ricky: Tim. Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim. Are you really gonna make this harder than it has to be?

Jack: Well, you ready to pick up Katherine? Hey, what's going on? Is it the wedding, or is it someone else? We both know you and Sharon got into it earlier.

Nikki: Oh, that. Well, I'm relieved. Now I don't have to pretend to care about her social climbing anymore. (Sighs) I can't believe that the men that I loved and trusted actually fell for her charms.

Jack: Are we talking about Victor?

Nikki: And you, and Nicholas. Well, she's got her brass ring now, or should I say, her diamond-encrusted platinum--

Jack: In case you haven't noticed, Nicholas and I both got over her--way over her.

Nikki: I doubt that Victor will have your wisdom in time, but at least she won't be at the wedding.

Jack: Doesn't matter. Even if she came, no one would notice her. People are gonna try to figure out whether to stare at the bride or stare at the beautiful blonde next to me.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Jack: Thank you for asking me to escort you.

Nikki: Well, you may walk me down the aisle today, and I'm going to meet you at the altar not very long from now.

Phyllis: What do you want?

Daisy: Phyllis, please, I'm trying, for Lucy's sake. Okay, well, I know we're not-- I know I'm not invited to the wedding, but we're family, and this is to say... I want you to be happy. I-I want us all to be happy, so...

Phyllis: Great. Thank you. Got it.

Daisy: I have another gift for you.

Phyllis: Strings?

Daisy: No, a real gift. It's something that will allow you to trust me, maybe even enough so that I could go with Daniel and Lucy to your wedding.

Phyllis: Okay, there it is. I knew it. I knew it.

Daisy: I want to tell you about Ricky.

Phyllis: I don't want to hear about Ricky today. I should have slammed the door in your face, obviously. I don't want to hear about him. I don't want to hear you simper on about that freak on what's supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

Daisy: You can't stop being a bitch long enough for me to do you a favor. God, how could Nick even marry you, after he knows what you're like? How could he have another baby with you?

Phyllis: I'm sorry, me? You want to talk to me about having a kid? You're a thug. You're nothing. You've tormented and brutalized people I love, Daisy.

Daisy: I gave Daniel a daughter.

Phyllis: Oh, my God, I don't--I-- you want to talk about how that daughter was conceived? You want to go there with me? Really? Let's talk about that! You want to tell your precious little girl the sweet story about how you put her father in a coma the night she was born?! You--you used that kid! You dangle her around like a carrot! Is that what you want to talk about? You're a loser. You're nothing. You have no soul. You're incapable of love, and no one cares about you. It breaks my heart that Lucy has you as a mother.

Daisy: You hate me so much, Phyllis, you hate me because you're me, only way older and not at all wiser. Okay, so maybe, yeah, I-I didn't have anyone loving me growing up, so I don't know how to love anyone, but you're wrong about no one loving me now.

Phyllis: Yeah, just get out of my house. Get out--

Daisy: No, you listen to me.

Phyllis: Get out of my house.

Daisy: Lucy loves me. She loves me more than anything in this whole world!

Phyllis: Get-- God, get out! My God!

Daisy: I will always have more than you, no matter how many replacement babies you try to crank out.

Phyllis: Get out. Get out!

Daisy: You are pathetic, Woman. Leave me alone!

Phyllis: Get out of my house.

Phyllis: Ohh. Ohh. (Breathing heavily) Aah! My God. Oh, God! (Sobs) Oh, my God.

(Receiver clatters)

Phyllis: Oh! Oh, my God! (Screams) Ow! Oh, my God. (Moans) Oh! Oh, my God! Help! (Moaning) (Screams) Oh. Oh, God. (Breathing heavily) Ohh... (Grunts) (Grunting) (Sobs) (Moaning) Someone help me, please! Someone help me! Please! Help! (Moaning)

Victoria: Ohh, Nick. You know, last-minute surprise weddings are the best.

Nick: I think even your husband would agree. He's gonna be sorry he missed this one.

Victoria: No, he won't, because I brought my laptop, and if he's in between meetings in L.A., I plan on videoconferencing with him, so he can, you know, watch the whole thing.

Nick: Oh, look at that. You are such a nerd.

Victoria: I'm not a nerd.

Nick: Oh, yeah, you are.

Victoria: No, I'm not. (Laughs)

Nick: Let's see it.

Abby: Hello.

Nick: Hey, it's my girls.

Victoria: Ooh.

Faith: Daddy!

Nick: Hey, Beautiful. Supergirl.

Summer: Hey.

Nick: Mwah! I told you this wedding was a done deal.

Summer: Yeah. The Supergirl thing is not old or anything, but you get a pass on your wedding day. Check out Faith's nails.

Faith: Look.

Nick: Wow, that's so fancy.

Victoria: Ooh. (Chuckles)

Nick: Beautiful.

Kay: Aha. Well, it's a glorious day, my friend, so, uh, glad to see you here.

Victor: I hear you're putting your ordination to good use.

Kay: Well, who would have thought I'd ever be stuck being a popular officiant?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: They're lucky to have you.

Kay: (Laughs)

Nikki: Victor.

Victor: Hi.

Jack: Could you give us a moment, please?

Nikki: Oh, sure. Phyllis and Nicholas are probably ready to talk vows.

Jack: I just wanted to soothe your nerves. The cash from the sale of Beauty of Nature will be in your account before the judge's deadline.

Victor: Just remember, the big hand on the clock is moving ever closer to the deadline. Tick tock, tick tock.

Kay: Is Phyllis in the back?

Nick: Uh, she's gonna be here any minute. Uh, once she does get here, we're just gonna go straight to the main event.

Kay: Well, my God, then we better get with it. Okay, um...

Nick: Yeah.

Kay: All right, People. Uh, people, everybody, yeah, yeah, over there, too. Uh, we're just about to start, so, uh, find yourself a seat and, uh, a park it.

Nick: And park it.

Kay: And the bride will be here, uh, momentarily, okay?

Nick: (Snaps fingers) You're up, Dude. Dad didn't bring his shiny plus-one. That is his wedding gift to me today.

Kay: Well, you just stand there and be your magnificent, handsome self...  

(Door opens)

Nick: Mm.

Kay: And prepare yourself to see a vision of glorious womanhood.

Nick: (Laughs)

Heather: Okay. I won't pull in any favors, and I won't have the G.C.P.D. open up a file. For now, I'm just your daughter, a sounding board. If you want to talk to me about Ricky, I can listen.

Paul: Thanks. He's my son, and the thought of him being a danger...who knows? Maybe the whole thing is my fault. (Sighs) Well, let's get out of here.

Heather: Oh, hey. You're a good dad, okay? And I'm sorry I don't say it more often.

Paul: Thanks.

Heather: (Chuckles)

Paul: Hi, Ricky.

Ricky: Hi. We meet up again.

Heather: Hi.

Paul: What's up?

Ricky: Um... am I interrupting something?

Heather: No, no, we're done, and we have somewhere to be.

Ricky: Gotcha. (Chuckles) It's a busy day for all of us.

Paul: You know, if I could go back and do things differently...

Heather: Come on, okay?

Sharon: Hey, congratulations.

Nick: Crashing a wedding-- that's classy. Do I need to escort you out? Because you will not be here when my wife walks in.

Sharon: Nick, I'm Victor's date. I'm here with Victor.

(Footsteps approach)

Avery: Oh, Boy.

Lauren: Yeah.

Nick: (Sighs) Is Phyllis outside?

Lauren: She's actually driving herself.

Avery: I thought she would be here by now.

Nick: She'll be here any second. This day is gonna be perfect for her.

Phyllis: (Moaning) Oh, God. Can't-- please. Can't anyone hear me? (Moans) (Sobs) Oh, my God. Oh, the baby! Oh, oh God! Oh, no! Oh, my-- oh, no! No! No! (Sobs) Oh, please help me. Oh, the baby, the baby! Help me, please! No, help me! Please, the baby... (Screaming) (Sobs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nikki: Nobody wants you here.

Sharon: Well, Victor does.

Daisy: Daniel, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your mom's wedding?

Victor: Jack Abbott and Beauty of Nature. It'd be a dreadful mistake, and I won't allow it.

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