Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/7/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/7/12


Episode # 9922 ~ Phyllis Demands Answers From Dr. Reid

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: You moved in with Eden?

Noah: We're staying together. "Moved in" makes it sound like, you know...

Nick: You two are a couple?

Noah: (Scoffs)

Nick: (Chuckles)

Noah: We're not. Dad, really, Eden and I are friends.

Eden: Um, friends, as in friends, like, separate bedrooms. It's not like a euphemism.

Chloe: Well, Kevin and I were "Just friends." Look at us now.

Eden: (Sighs)

Kevin: Look, I'm just glad you're not alone in that apartment anymore with that slime bucket Ricky across the hall from you.

Eden: So how's the web site coming? Any more good ideas?

Chloe: (Scoffs) I have got so many great ideas.

Kevin: Yeah. What we need is money.

Chloe: Yeah. (Sighs)

Kevin: So if you happen to know any venture capitalists, now would be the time to start coughing up some names.

Kay: There. (Sighs)

Ashley: Hi.

Kay: Oh, Ashley. Oh, well, as you can see, I'm sitting here minding my own business.

Ashley: (Chuckles) Um, I just wanted you to know that I took your advice, and I reached out to Tucker.

Kay: Well, Darling, at least you're talking.

Ashley: Yeah.

Kay: Good.

(Cell phone rings)

Ashley: Excuse me. Hi.

Tucker: I've been thinking about what you said. (Sighs) I understand things can't go back to the way they were.

Ashley: No, they--they can't.

Tucker: So, um, I put together a list of couple’s counselors. And if you're open to it, I was hoping we could maybe choose one together and go.

Ashley: Yeah, I'm open to that. I mean, we can talk about it.

Tucker: Great.

Ashley: I'm free now, actually. Where are you?

Tucker: Uh, well, I'm at home, but if you'd rather meet on neutral territory, I-I would understand.

Ashley: No. I'm on my way.

Ashley: (Sighs) Well... (Sighs) That was Tucker, and we're gonna-- we're gonna meet.

Kay: There might be hope.

Ashley: I'm willing to listen. I mean, that's all I can promise.

Kay: It's a start, Ashley, a start.

Jeff: So... any room left in that captivating figure for a little dessert?

Genevieve: (Laughs) I-I've already paid the check with Gloria.

Jeff: Well... (Sighs) Never too late for a little sugar, sugar.

Gloria: I'll be right with you, Christine. Genevieve, excuse me, but there seems to be a problem with the card. It didn't go through.

Genevieve: Well, that's strange. Um, well, here. Try this one.

Gloria: Excellent.

Chris: I'm afraid that one isn't gonna work, either.

Genevieve: Why not?

Chris: When your assets were frozen, it was duly disclosed with the banks that extended you credit.

Genevieve: I see.

Chris: I should also warn you that a notice of seizure has been posted on your house.

Genevieve: They're taking my house?

Chris: The terms of your deal with the justice department included forfeiture of all assets.

Genevieve: So they have no problem putting a single woman on the streets, penniless?

Gloria: (Clears throat) I'm afraid this one didn't work, either.

Genevieve: Uh... I'll pay cash.

Gloria: Thank you. (Sighs) Jeffrey, will you take care of this, please?

Jeff: Sure thing, Buttercup.

Genevieve: Just a second.

Jeff: Yep.

Michael: Oh, no, no, no, no.

Avery: Give me that.

Michael: No, forget it. Please.

Avery: No, Michael, this is your special day. Let me buy you lunch.

Michael: My invitation, my party.

Avery: (Sighs) Fine, you win. Thank you.

Michael: You're most welcome.

Avery: I hope you're this willing to spring for lunch when we're on opposite sides of the courtroom.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Avery: You do realize, once you're sworn in as D.A. today, everything changes.

Michael: Yeah... (Sighs) It does, which brings me to the reason why I wanted to see you.

Avery: Oh, it wasn't to pick the olives off my salad?

Michael: No, they were delicious. I have no regrets.

Avery: (Chuckles)

Michael: Listen, I know you have a lot of demands on your time as Victor's personal attorney in addition to your pro bono work. But I need a dedicated and highly skilled attorney to take over my practice while I'm in office, and I would like that person to be you.

Heather: Hello, Michael.

Michael: Heather! Heather, it's great to see you. When did you get back from New York?

Heather: I came straight from the airport. I hope I'm not interrupting. Your office said you'd be here.

Michael: No, not at all. Not at all. We were expecting you.

Avery: Hello, Heather. How are you?

Heather: Doing well, thanks, and you?

Avery: I'm good, never better.

Heather: Glad to hear it.

Avery: Uh, thank you for lunch. I will see you at the ceremony later.

Michael: Think about what I said.

Avery: I will. I won't take that offer lightly. Enjoy your visit.

Heather: Thanks. See you around.

Michael: Here, have a seat.

Heather: (Sighs) So... are--are you hiring Avery, too?

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: Still, you know...

Paul: I got it.

Lauren: I have reservations about Michael taking this job. I'm proud of him, don't get me wrong. It's just... I don't know. When I think of down the road, when the criminals that he puts away get released...

Paul: (Sighs)

Lauren: I... (Sighs) Oh, I'm sorry, Honey. I'm all yak, yak, yak, yak, yak.

Paul: Oh, no. It's me. I'm sorry. I'm, uh, I'm afraid I'm lousy company. (Sighs)

Lauren: Why? Is something bothering you?

Paul: I'm just worried about my son and, uh, what he might be capable of.

Lauren: The way you say that, I-is something going on?

Paul: Uh, you know, I-I probably shouldn't get into it. Just, uh, I'll say that there is a-a pattern of behavior that, uh... I'm seriously concerned about. Throw in the fact that he has serious mental illness on both sides of the family...

Lauren: Okay, w-wait. Um... has Ricky done something to make you think this way?

Paul: Well, ever since he arrived in Genoa City... he's given me reason after reason to question his motives. He doesn't seem to have any conscience. He has absolutely no compassion for other people. And at the very least, I find it unsettling. And given the fact that his mother and his aunt are violent psychotics that are institutionalized, you have to admit that the, uh, the odds are definitely stacked against him.

Ricky: Hey, Dad.

Paul: Hey, Ricky.

Ricky: I was just on my way to the gym. I thought I'd stop by and say hi.

Tim: Phyllis.

Phyllis: You weren't easy to find, but lucky for you, I'm better on the computer than ever. And as you know, when I want something, I don't give up.

Tim: I have nothing to say to you, so go away.

Phyllis: You've done well for yourself.

Kay: Well... soft... my picture--uploaded? Yeah, uploaded. Yeah, okay. I just go "Click," "Click." Click, click. There. There we go. I-I can see how I look in any one of these wigs. Hmm.

Eden: Uh, no offense, but I don't think dreads are really your look.

Kay: Maybe not...

Eden: (Laughs)

Kay: But it's a really nifty idea.

Eden: Yeah, no, actually, it is.

Kay: Oh, well.

Eden: I need to talk to you guys, like, now.

Chloe: What?

Kevin: What's-- why, what's up?

Eden: Okay, you need an investor, right? Well, talk to Mrs. Chancellor. She's out on the patio right now surfing the web.

Kevin: You know, Mrs. C. is one of the people I thought about approaching.

Eden: So--so stop thinking and talking about it and go do it.

Michael: Thank you.

Man: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Avery will not be joining us at the D.A.'s office, but I hope that you dropping everything and coming here means what I hope it means.

Heather: I haven't made up my mind yet about taking your offer. I'm not sure how comfortable it'd be for me living back in Genoa City again.

Michael: Fair enough. Here's what I think-- you have what it takes to make a kick-ass A.D.A. who will have my back.

Heather: Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Chris: Oh, you know what? I actually know them, so I'll be right back. Thank you. Heather, hi.

Heather: Hey. How are you, Christine?

Chris: I'm doing well. Does your dad know you're in town?

Heather: I literally just landed.

Chris: (Sighs) He's gonna be thrilled to see you.

Michael: I'm doing everything I can to convince her to stay.

Heather: Michael's offered me a job in the D.A.'s office.

Michael: I need strong people I can trust who can help me get up to speed quickly, and Heather more than fits the bill.

Chris: Well, it'll be really good for Paul to have you here. And I-I do hope that it turns out to be a permanent move.

Heather: I promise I will let you know soon. Right now, I'm gonna go check in at the Athletic Club and freshen up before your swearing-in.

Michael: All right. (Sighs)

Ricky: Oh, I'm sorry. Were the two of you in the middle of something?

Paul: No, we were just gonna have some lunch, so, uh, don't let us keep you from your workout.

Ricky: It's great to have a dad who's so concerned with my health. See you.

Paul: You see what I'm talking about?

Lauren: But the way you dismissed him--

Paul: It's as if he's taunting me, Lauren... (Sighs) That he heard every word that I said about his mother and Patty. And he wants me to know it.

Lauren: Well, I know that Eden was... disturbed enough about his behavior to ask him to move out. But you're just speculating, right? I mean, you don't have any proof that he's going down the same path as Isabella.

Paul: I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt... (Sighs) For a very long time, and now I've come to the point where, uh, I can't afford to do that anymore.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Paul: I don't mind telling you that it's killing me.

Tim: What do you want, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Have you talked to Ricky Williams?

Tim: Who?

Phyllis: Ricky Williams. He's a reporter. He may have used another name.

Tim: I can't help you.

Phyllis: You mean, no one's been here sniffing around, asking questions about me?

Tim: I don't talk to anybody.

Phyllis: Is that so?

Tim: If you'll recall, I'm a very private person. I like to be alone. So... any time you'd like to leave...

Phyllis: I want my patient file.

Tim: What?

Phyllis: My patient file. Hand it over, Tim.

Kevin: Uh, my tech skills combined with Chloe's fashion genius...

Chloe: I mean, come on. The two of us-- we're a perfect team.

Kay: What do you do to make money?

Kevin: We would take a cut of each sale and use the information compiled to gain information on the members...

Chloe: Which the vendors will find extremely valuable. Uh, trends start online these days long before they hit the runway.

Kay: What would be your timetable for the start-up?

Kevin: As soon as we have enough money for the launch.

Chloe: Yeah.

Kay: How much money do you need?

Chloe: (Giggles) (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Genevieve: Hey.

Tucker: No, hey, hey, hey. This isn't a good time.

Genevieve: I don't know if you've heard, but I had to turn myself in. The feds were threatening to deport Ethan, and I just couldn't allow that to happen.

Tucker: Oh. Well, you did the right thing for once. Good for you. What does that have to do with me?

Genevieve: Mm. Well, when I made my plea bargain, uh, they seized my assets, so, uh, temporary setback.

Tucker: Oh, so you're asking for a handout.

Genevieve: A loan, which I promise to pay back with interest.

Tucker: How are you gonna do that?

Genevieve: Well, can't give you all the details on that, but I will have access to more funds in the very near future.

Tucker: Listen, Genevieve, I'm sorry you're in a tough spot, but I can't do this right now. You have to go.

Genevieve: How long does it take to write a check?

Tucker: Listen, I don't need this complication right now. Ashley is on her way over here.

Ashley: Ashley's here.

Gloria: The woman is practically made of money, and she can't afford to pay for a tuna fish sandwich?

Jeff: Yeah, well, fortunately, it wasn't an issue.

Gloria: Yes, because you comped her. And this coming from the guy who has a conniption fit whenever I buy one of our regulars a drink.

Jeff: Let's just say I walked a mile in her high heels... so to speak.

Gloria: Really? So what's the story? Ugh! Why is Genevieve broke all of a sudden?

Chris: (Sighs) You know I'm not at liberty to discuss her legal or financial situation.

Gloria: Fine.

Michael: Take it as a life lesson-- crime doesn't pay.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Gloria: Ah...

Jeff: I told you they wouldn't say anything. Pay up.

Gloria: You pay up, "Mr. Moneybags."

Chris: So...

Michael: (Chuckles) So?

Chris: A momentous day for you.

Michael: Indeed it is.

Chris: We're on the same side again.

Michael: You proud of me?

Chris: Immensely.

Phyllis: I want my file. I want my file right now.

Tim: Those are confidential.

Phyllis: I want my file. I don't care about the other people. I want--I want my file! Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?

Tim: I shredded it... years ago. There was a lot of incriminating stuff in that file about me. I wanted to erase any traces of you. All that's left is in my brain and in my nightmares.

Phyllis: That's not entirely true, is it, because you forgot, didn't you, Tim?

Tim: It is my fervent desire in life to forget that you ever even existed, Phyllis.

Phyllis: This is ridiculous. Listen, if anybody--anyone comes here again or at any time asking about me... call me. Okay? Or else.

Tim: Or else what? I've lost everything in my life because of you. There's nothing left to take.

Phyllis: I wouldn't be too sure about that, Tim.

Tucker: Look, I had no idea Genevieve was coming. She just showed up.

Ashley: I know. She wanted to borrow money. You were asking her to leave when I showed up. You told me.

Tucker: And I'm telling you again, because I can hear the doubt in your voice, and it's breaking my heart.

Ashley: I want to believe you.

Tucker: But you can't.

Chloe: Katherine said "Yes."

Eden: Oh, my God. Are you serious?

Kevin: Yeah. Look, it's just some seed money, but it's certainly enough to get us started.

Chloe: Yeah. And oh--oh, my God. Don't look now, but there's someone else with cash to burn.

Eden: Well, I'd better go take her order. Hello, Mrs. Atkinson. What can I get for you?

Genevieve: Uh, I-- uh, a glass of water would be lovely.

Eden: Okay, sure.

Genevieve: Okay. (Sighs) There we go.

(Keyboard keys clicking)

Genevieve: What? How can that happen? (Sighs) Scroll, scroll.

Paul: Oh, man, it's so great having you here.

Heather: Oh, it's good to be back.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Paul: No kidding.

Heather: (Sighs)

Lauren: I didn't expect you in town so soon! (Chuckles)

Heather: Hi.

Lauren: Ohh.

Paul: Wait, did you know that Heather was coming?

Lauren: Well, I knew that Michael had called her. Um, and I'm gonna go see him right now, so I'm gonna let Heather tell you all about it. (Laughs) Bye.

Heather: Great. Bye.

Paul: So, um, what's going on with you and Michael? (Sniffles)

Heather: Your soon-to-be interim district attorney wants me as his right hand while he's in office.

Paul: You mean, he's reinstating you as A.D.A.? Oh, Honey, that's fantastic! Congratulations.

Heather: Uh, don't--don't get too excited. Uh... I haven't accepted yet.

Paul: Wh-why wouldn't you?

Heather: (Chuckles) Well, after the way I was forced out last time, I'm not entirely sure Genoa City is the place I want to be.

Michael: Well, if D.C. ever gets boring, you'll always have a spot here at the D.A.'s office.

Chris: (Sighs) It's the second offer I've had to abandon my career and home. I think I should get back to Washington before I take someone up on it.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Hey, um, I need to talk to you.

Chris: Oh, that's my cue to leave.

Michael: Well, don't be a stranger.

Chris: I won't.

Michael: Bye.

Chris: Bye. Hi, Phyllis. Bye, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Bye! Bye. So great to see you, Christine.

Michael: All right, what's gotten you wound so tight? You know, anxiety is not good for the baby.

Phyllis: I just saw... Tim Reid.

Michael: Who?

Phyllis: Dr. Tim.

Michael: Oh. Oh. Your old shrink-- why would you be looking him up?

Phyllis: Did you know that Ricky Williams is writing a salacious, tell-all book about me?

Michael: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yeah. (Whispering) The thought of someone digging around my past freaks me out. (Quietly) I heard that he said something about a therapist and then I wondered if he had seen Dr. Tim Reid.

Michael: Had he?

Phyllis: I went and saw Dr. Reid. He lost his license. He lives in a little hovel in Kenosha. He said that no one had come by. (Sighs) I put the fear of God into him. I put the fear of God into him, and I said that if he told anybody about our private confidential sessions, that I--

Michael: All right, all right, all right, all right. Stop right there. I don't want to hear another word.

Ashley: Even if you are telling me the truth...

Tucker: I am.

Ashley: My first instinct is to doubt you.

Tucker: But why wouldn't it be, after what I've put you through? Listen, I-I-isn't this the kind of thing we would work on in the couples therapy? It's gonna take time and commitment, but I know we can get past it.

Ashley: I know we can't.

Tucker: But on the phone, you said that you would try.

Ashley: I was wrong. When I saw Genevieve in here, it just hit me. I'm always gonna be suspicious of you, Tucker. If I see you talking to another woman or a business rival, I'm gonna wonder if you're keeping something from me, that you don't have my back, even if you do.

Tucker: You're selling me short. You're selling yourself short. If we just make the effort--

Ashley: It's not gonna make any difference, Tucker.

Tucker: You don't know that.

Ashley: I do know that. I think it's the first thing that I've actually been certain of since I met you.

Tucker: Certain that I can't change?

Ashley: That I can't change. (Voice cracks) I don't want to live with you and always be questioning you. I don't want you to be somebody that you're not.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: It's not fair to you.

Tucker: Even if it means having you in my life?

Ashley: Especially then.

Tucker: So this is it, huh? No matter what I do, no matter what I want, it's over.

Eden: And here you go.

Genevieve: (Quietly) Damn! (Sighs)

Eden: You know, are you okay?

Genevieve: (Sighs) (Normal voice) I, uh, I-I need to find something out, and I-I-I don't know how to do it. (Chuckles) Yeah, I'm sure there's a way. I'm just not that well-versed at computers.

Eden: Totally understand, but you know what? You should talk to Kevin. He is a whiz at that stuff, and he's actually right inside.

Genevieve: I'm sorry. What did you say his name was?

Eden: Kevin Fisher. Yeah. He actually owns the place.

Genevieve: Kevin Fisher. Thanks.

Eden: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: (Scoffs)

Phyllis: I'm sorry. Did I say something to offend you?

Michael: No. I just don't want to hear any of the gory details.

Phyllis: Why not?

Michael: Because it sounded as if you were about to reveal to me a threat you made to your ex-psychologist. And since I am the incoming district attorney, I'm probably not the best person for you to be saying that to.

Phyllis: Okay, what-- what is it--what is you're-- what are you saying to me?

Michael: I'm saying--

Phyllis: I a--you can't be my friend anymore because...

Michael: No, of course.

Phyllis: You're the D.A.?

Michael: Listen to me. Of course... I can be your friend. But starting today, I really need you to think before you open your mouth around me.

Phyllis: What does that mean? What does that mean? You're gonna--you're gonna haul me off for having a private conversation?

Michael: Repeat that to me or anyone else in law enforcement, then that conversation is no longer private. I'm just giving you fair warning.

Phyllis: My God, Michael, are you kidding me with this?

Michael: (Stammering) Look, if you need legal advice about Ricky, I suggest you go to your sister.

Phyllis: You think I need legal advice?

Michael: No, no. I'm just saying "If." If, if, if, if. You've got to relax. You're gonna give that baby a complex of some sort, really.

Phyllis: Yeah, this is probably nothing.

Michael: (Sighs)

Phyllis: This is-- this is not a big deal. What--what... what can Ricky Williams find out about me anyway?

Paul: As much as I want you back in town, I certainly understand why you're bitter.

Heather: Yeah.

Paul: I mean, your-- Ricky hurt you very badly.

Heather: I-I can handle Ricky. I have his number now.

Paul: (Sighs) I'm afraid your--your brother might be a much bigger concern than either one of us thought.

(Door opens)

Ricky: Dad, you didn't tell me we were having a family reunion.

Paul: Well, actually, Ricky, I didn't know Heather was coming back.

Heather: I ran into Paul on my way to check in.

Ricky: And what brings you to town?

Heather: The D.A. wants me back.

Ricky: (Sighs)

Heather: Yeah, that's right. See, you thought you wrecked my entire life, but surprise. (Scoffs) You didn't.

Ricky: (Sighs) Heather, I never meant--

Heather: Save it, Ricky. Brother or no brother, I will never trust you again.

Kevin: Oh, well.

Noah: It's probably out of practice. Mm, that was a joke.

Eden: Uh, yeah. Well, Kevin's not much of a suit person, so...

Kevin: That's true. Okay, shall we?

Chloe: Yes, we shall.

Genevieve: Excuse me. Um, I was wondering if I might borrow Kevin for a moment. I-I need a little help.

Kevin: Um, well, a-actually, we--we were just about to leave.

Genevieve: Oh, I-- just a minute?

Kevin: Uh... (Chuckles) Okay, uh, I-I'll be right behind you guys.

Chloe: Yeah, okay.

Eden: Okay, sure.

Genevieve: Thank you. Kevin, I've been reading about you. And I think that you are just the guy to assist me with a little problem I'm having.

Kevin: Is it illegal?

Genevieve: (Laughs) I don't--may-- maybe just a little, but, uh, I promise you, it would be worth your while. And no one would have to know. It would just be between the two of us. You could make a bundle. Well, what do you say? Would you like to hear more?

Paul: (Sighs)

Chris: I saw what happened with Ricky and Heather before. I'm so sorry.

Paul: No, I'm the one who's sorry, Chris. You were just trying to help the other day, and I got... (Sighs) All defensive and blew up at you.

Chris: It's okay. I know this is eating you up inside.

Paul: I want to be wrong about Ricky. You know that.

Chris: I know. And maybe Heather can help you get to the truth.

Paul: Well, I can't decide whether I should be happy she's here or I should send her running out of town.

Chris: Well, she can hold her own with Ricky. I-I'm just hoping she can give you a fresh perspective.

Paul: (Sighs)

(Indistinct conversation)

Lauren: So are you nervous?

Michael: Oh, no, not at all.

Lauren: (Chuckles) Liar.

Michael: (Scoffs)

Avery: Okay, I've been thinking. Hello.

Lauren: Hi.

Avery: Maybe it's time to stop calling my coffee table my office.

Gloria: (Gasps)

Avery: I would be honored to take over your practice.

Lauren: (Sighs) (Chuckles)

Michael: That's great. Welcome aboard.

Avery: (Laughs)

Michael: Thank you.

Avery: Thank you.

Lauren: Oh, thank you.

Michael: Thank you so much.

Lauren: Yeah, really. This is such a load off of Michael's mind.

Michael: (Sighs) Oh, that's the best.

Heather: (Sighs) Good. I'm early. Gives me time to let you know I'm taking the job as A.D.A.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: Fantastic. Thank you.

Lauren: Baby, that's 2 for 2.

Michael: Yeah.

Gloria: I am so proud of you, Michael. My son, the district attorney. I guess I can get away with all kinds of things now, right? (Laughs) Just kidding, Mr. Mayor.

Jeff: No, she's not.

Gloria: Mm.

Colaizzo: Ready to head to city hall, make it official?

Gloria: Why not just do it all right here?

Lauren: (Clears throat)

Phillips: In a restaurant?

Gloria: In Gloworm. Everyone's meeting here beforehand. I was going to invite you back for a reception. And the pictures will be beautiful in the newspaper.

Phillips: (Clears throat)

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey. Oh, I'm glad to see you.

Nick: Rough day?

Phyllis: Yeah. (Inhales sharply) It made me realize something. Um, I-I-I want to get married now. I don't want to wait.

Nick: What's the rush?

Phyllis: Because I feel like I'm get--I'm--I'm showing.

Nick: You're...

Phyllis: I am. I-I--

Nick: No, I see nothing but hotness. You're good.

Phyllis: You know, I'm-- no, I'm--I'm--I'm showing. Uh, this is how we feel, you know? I'm starting just to feel big, and--and I just don't want people to start gossiping about our baby. And in our hearts, we're already married, you know? There's no reason to wait and every reason not to.

Tucker: So I guess sometimes love isn't enough, huh?

Ashley: I guess it isn't.

Tucker: Oh, Beauty.

Ashley: I'll be in touch.

(Door closes)

Tucker: (Sighs)

Nick: You know what? Every wedding we've had has been unconventional. Why should this one be any different?

Phyllis: I know.

Nick: Honestly, how fast can we plan a wedding?

Phyllis: Uh, I want to get married tomorrow.

Nick: Seriously? That soon?

Phyllis: I don't care where we get married. I don't care who does it. I just... I want to marry you.

Nick: Let's do it tomorrow then.

Paul: I sure hate to see you go.

Chris: I know. I'm needed in D.C. Uh... (Sighs) Can you keep a cool head when it comes to Ricky?

Paul: If I say I'll try...

Chris: I just don't want to see you hurt.

Paul: Too late.

Chris: I'm a phone call away, okay? I-I'll help you however I can.

Paul: I know. I appreciate that. I just worry and--and... wonder how dangerous Ricky really is.

(Indistinct conversation)

Michael: Thank you.

Gloria: (Sighs)

Chloe: ...Stay outside and then we can get back in.

Gloria: And where is Kevin?

Chloe: Oh, I don't-- I don't know. He was right behind us.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Eden: Hey.

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: Hey.

Eden: Um, I invited Noah. I hope you don't mind.

Michael: Of course not. The more, the merrier.

Phillips: Michael, we're ready to begin.

Michael: Okay, uh, oh, right. Where do you want me?

Lauren: Okay. Yeah, I got it.

Phillips: Right this way.

Michael: All right. All right. Mwah.

Gloria: (Sighs)

Michael: (Sighs) I, Michael Baldwin, do solemnly swear to faithfully execute the duties of the office of district attorney of Genoa City and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution and the laws of the united states and of the state of Wisconsin against all enemies foreign and domestic. I take this obligation freely and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. I will acquit myself as an attorney and counselor uprightly and accordingly to law.

Colaizzo: So help you, God.

Michael: So help me, God. (Chuckles)

Lauren: (Laughs)

Colaizzo: Group photo.

Michael: Uh...

Lauren: (Laughs) (Sighs)

Lauren: (Giggles)

Gloria: Oh. Mm.

Jeff: I'm trying to wrap my mind around having a son-in-law who could prosecute both of us into the ground.

Gloria: (Chuckles) Oh, we'd have to do something very naughty.

Jeff: Ooh. Well, you first, Kitten.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Michael: (Sighs) Thanks again, Mr. Mayor. Thank you so much. Oh!

Kevin: Congratulations.

Michael: Ohh! Oh, I'm glad you made it.

Kevin: Hi. Mwah.

Lauren: Hi, Baby.

Gloria: Can you believe this?

Lauren: Come here. Congratulations, Mr. District Attorney.


Lauren: (Laughs)

Kevin: Whoo-hoo!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nikki: You've managed to sleep your way through two generations of Newmans.

Phyllis: Nick and I are getting married today. I really want you and Lucy to be there.

Ricky: You're not a doc anymore.

Tim: But I know a sociopath when I see one.

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