Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/5/12
Episode # 9920 ~ Sofia Does Not Accept Neil's Custody Plans
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Good morning.
Jack: I will never get tired of waking up to hearing those words.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Jack: Come here.
Nikki: Mm. Well, if that is so, why did you rush out of bed so early this morning?
Jack: Oh, I had a couple calls to make.
Nikki: And you didn't want me to notice that something might be wrong?
Jack: Had an urgent message from my attorney. The court's decision regarding Beauty of Nature-- it's definitely coming down today.
Nikki: Well, why aren't you excited?
Jack: Nikk, it looks like I'm gonna lose.
Victor: But we are making progress?
(Knock on door)
Victor: Uh, h-hang on for a minute, please.
Sharon: Good morning.
Victor: I'm on the phone, okay? Yeah. So anything else, then? All right, keep me posted. Bye.
Sharon: Was that Beauty of Nature?
Victor: The decision will be made today.
Sharon: (Gasps) Wow. That's huge. Finally!
Victor: Yes, it is, indeed.
Sharon: I can keep you company while you wait.
Victor: Uh, no, that's not necessary. Thank you.
Sharon: Victor, everything was fine between us the other night, and then suddenly, it wasn’t. What happened?
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: How many times did we start kissing like this last night?
Billy: I don't know. I lost count.
Victoria: Hmm.
Billy: Hmm. Are all babies born with an alarm system?
Victoria: Oh, you mean the one that makes them start crying whenever their parents are making out?
Billy: Yeah, that one, and it must only work when we're in a certain radius. Otherwise, the babysitter would have already called.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. So then let's keep kissing.
Billy: Okay. Fine with me. Works for me. So are we cool?
Victoria: Yeah. We're so cool.
Billy: Okay. I love you, wife.
Victoria: Any particular reason why?
Billy: Because you're secure enough to get past that "Long, long, long ago, before I was even with you" thing that I had with Sharon. (Clears throat)
Victoria: Oh... that. Well, you know, I've learned not to get mad, but just get even.
Sofia: I thought you left for working.
Neil: I, uh, I took the morning off.
Sofia: Mm.
Neil: He's asleep, and, uh, since we never see each other anymore, I...
Sofia: Well, you know why I moved into the other bedroom.
Neil: And why you never call me unless it's about Moses, and whenever I'm playing with him, you disappear.
Sofia: We're getting a divorce.
Neil: We still--we still need to put Moses first.
Sofia: You think I don't?
Neil: I think that I don't want to break our family apart, and maybe I have a solution.
Tucker: You on your way out?
Harmony: Yeah, I, uh, just finished breakfast.
Tucker: How you doin'?
Harmony: Not great.
Tucker: Well, sorry to hear that. (Sighs)
Harmony: Are things, uh, any better with you and your wife?
Tucker: No change there
Harmony: Listen, I'm sorry to hear that, too. I mean, I did what I could. I-I went and I tried to talk to her.
Tucker: You went to see Ashley?
Harmony: I-I tried to fix things.
Tucker: Damn it, Harmony, stay the hell away from her!
Kay: Oh, Ashley.
Ashley: Hi, Katherine.
Kay: I'm so glad I ran into you. Darling, I have been so concerned.
Ashley: About me?
Kay: Yes.
Ashley: Oh, well, you don't have to be worried about me. I'm fine.
Kay: Tucker is just sick about what has happened.
Ashley: You know what? Can we please drop this? I'm not comfortable speaking with you about my marriage, Katherine, really. I mean, it's not anybody's business but Tucker’s and mine.
Kay: I disagree. Someone we both love very much made this my business.
Neil: Sit down for a second.
Sofia: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Um, okay, one of our neighbors is selling his apartment in this building.
Sofia: (Chuckles) So? What does that have to do with us?
Neil: I know a couple who got separated when their children were very young. They made it work by buying two residences in the same building. They didn't want the kids to have this constant huge move back and forth.
Sofia: So you think that would be ideal for us? That’s completely unrealistic.
Neil: Wh-what are you talking about? You--you need a place to live, I need a place. Why is buying something in this building unrealistic?
Sofia: Because you don't love me, Neil. You don't have to apologize. That's just the way it is.
Neil: (Sighs)
Sofia: But it is my job to be a good mother to Moses, to teach him to live with integrity, and if I'm not gonna settle for a loveless marriage with you, why on earth would I move down the hall?
Neil: Sofia, I-I thought you liked the layout of this building. I...
Sofia: (Laughs) Neil, we would see each other constantly-- in the lobby, on the elevator, at the mailboxes.
Neil: Okay, and what's wrong with that?
Sofia: (Laughs) Well, without intending to meddle, we would be all in each other's business, noticing when we're coming or going, and with whom.
Neil: (Clears throat)
Sofia: My living in this building is not a solution for either of us.
Jack: And my lawyer heard it from a credible source, he feels that the judge intends to rule in Victor's favor.
Nikki: Wow. So he wasn't blowing smoke last night.
Jack: No, afraid not.
Nikki: Jack, I know how anxious you are to blend Beauty of Nature and Jabot, and make it a force to be reckoned with.
Jack: Who wants to be on top anyway? Nowhere to go but down-- too much pressure.
Nikki: Will you stop that and start thinking about the good things that you've got going?
Jack: Oh, you're right I've got my family...
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Jack: The possibility I could walk again.
Nikki: Yes. Continue with the list.
Jack: Oh, uh, I got Jabot.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: Oh, there's something I'm forgetting, I just know it.
Nikki: I'm gonna have to punch you.
Jack: Wait! I'm also getting married to a warm, funny, sexy, incredibly bright, heart-stoppingly gorgeous woman.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Jack: I m so lucky.
Nikki: So am I. Okay. I am gonna go get something for you.
Jack: Oh? Is it something you wear, something that's see-through?
Nikki: Oh, well, now that you mention it. I could pick something like that up.
Jack: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Victoria: I'm not planning on getting even with you about Sharon.
Billy: Then why do I have a feeling I'm about to get smacked?
Victoria: I'm not mad at you. I'm--I'm just--I mean, I'm a little grossed out. You and Sharon...
Billy: Okay, Victoria, this conversation is lasting longer than her and me.
Victoria: All right, I believe you. It's in the past.
Billy: Then what did you mean about getting even?
Victoria: Well, um, I--
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Billy: Oh, sorry. (Growls) It’s Jack.
Victoria: Oh.
Billy: But, you know, we should finish this.
Victoria: Well, it so happens, Jack's expecting you, and I can fill you in on my sinister plot later.
Billy: Hmm. Okay, it's a date. Sneaky. (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Sharon: I was only out of the room for a few minutes, and when I came back, there was this... tension.
Victor: Oh, that's because the lawsuit has been on my mind, okay?
Sharon: Well, didn't you get a phone call when I checked on dinner?
Victor: Don't think that is any of your business.
Sharon: Someone or something has upset you to the point that your whole attitude towards me has changed.
Victor: Listen, I don't have time nor the inclination to discuss any of this.
Sharon: Victor, please, what's going on?
(Telephone rings)
Victor: Yep. I got to take this.
Sharon: Okay, go ahead. I'll just keep myself occupied.
Victor: We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay? So... yeah? Come again?
Sharon: If you won't tell me who called... (Gasps) Victoria.
Neil: You know, Sofia, it's, uh, it's amazing to me that every day, there's something new with him, right?
Sofia: (Chuckles)
Neil: You're having coffee and you glance over at him, and, you know, Moses gives you a smile that you've never, ever seen before.
Sofia: (Laughs) Yeah, or some little gurgle that we pretend is some new word. You know, I'm not trying to take him away from you. I would never do that.
Neil: And I'm not trying to make your life just about Moses and me. You’ll want to date and have privacy.
Sofia: It's just space... and time to think about a different future than the one I was planning. (Sighs)
Neil: And you think, by moving further away, that's gonna help?
Sofia: Neil, my love for you complicates things. You know, for a moment, for one crazy moment, when you said you were thinking, I thought you were gonna say that you realized that you love me, too.
Neil: (Groans) Sofia, I-I-I hate this. I do. I--every time I try to describe what I feel for you, how I feel about you, you know, it--the words, they're--they're just small. I-I care about you, I like you, when the truth is... I owe you.
Sofia: No, you don’t.
Neil: You--you gave us Moses.
Sonia: It was just one night, just one night we spent together.
Neil: Yeah, but listen to me. What you gave, what you gave after the birth-- you gave spirit, generosity, and love. That has enriched my life.
Sofia: Way to make me fall even harder, Winters.
Neil: I wish that I--
Sofia: Me, too. You know, Harmony-- she doesn't deserve you.
Neil: Okay, Sofia, I don't want to talk about her. (Clears throat)
Sofia: Well, she slept with Tucker, Neil. Fine. Subject dropped.
Neil: I have to go.
Sofia: Yeah. Well, at least we can stop avoiding the issue now. We'll iron out the details of the divorce when you get home. (Sighs shakily)
Tucker: Harmony, my wife caught us in bed together. Do you think she needs to be reminded of that by having you in her face?
Tucker: (Sighs) I'm sorry.
Harmony: No, it's okay.
Tucker: It's not okay. I shouldn't be coming down on you like that. I'm the one who put my marriage in jeopardy not you.
Harmony: Tuck, listen. Maybe there is some way--
Tucker: Some way to get Ashley to forgive me? Oh, believe me, I've tried.
Harmony: You're just gonna give up?
Tucker: You think I want to give up? You think I haven't been racking my brain, trying to come up with a way to make things right between us again? I will do whatever it takes-- whatever it takes. And Ashley’s not having any of it. She won't talk to me. She won't answer my calls. (Sighs) I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What, go over there, kick the door down, make her listen to me? That wouldn't work. No, man, I just-- I failed her that's the bottom line. I failed her, and I've gotta learn to live with that.
Harmony: (Chuckles) You know, I don't know. I guess maybe I'm just a lot more stubborn than you, 'cause I can't just let things go like that, 'cause they weigh on my mind. They keep me up at night. When I think about how I came back to Genoa City to make amends and all I ended up doing was making a mess, and not just for you and your wife, but for our son.
Tucker: (Sighs) Yeah, it was--it was good for a while, wasn't it, with Devon? He was working with us.
Harmony: (Sighs)
Tucker: Maybe even respected us little.
Harmony: I just can't throw up my hands and write Devon off like that. I have got to find a way to reconnect with him.
Tucker: Well, let me know if I can help, 'cause if he lets you in, maybe there'll be a chance for me.
Harmony: Yeah, I will.
Tucker: All right.
(Cell phone keys clicking) (Cell phone alert chimes)
Sofia: (Scoffs)
Ashley: Tucker asked you to plead his case with me. I find it very difficult to believe that he would do that.
Kay: No, he didn’t.
Ashley: Okay, so then who did?
Kay: Well, John did. Ash, sit down.
Kay: (Sighs) (Sighs) Ashley. Whatever problems you and I have had in the past, I've never, ever, once forgotten whose daughter you are. John was my oldest and dearest friend. Now I cannot possibly remain silent when you need to hear what he would say.
Ashley: I'm listening.
Kay: By hiding out at your daughter's, not talking about this with your family or Tucker, what you are doing is not deciding anything.
Ashley: Don't I have the right to take a moment to recover, Kay?
Kay: Are you recovering? Tucker did a horrible, terrible, dreadful, reckless thing, cheating with Harmony. That was simply a throwback to the past. And having said that, you must know, right now, he's kicking himself for letting both you down, and he would give anything for another chance to earn back your respect. So for heaven's sakes, end both you’re suffering and figure it out. Can you forgive him, or can't you?
Ashley: Well, I wish I could figure it out. I really wish I could. So... W.W.J.D.?
Kay: What would John do?
Ashley: Yeah.
Kay: (Chuckles) He would say, "Let love guide you." He wouldn't want you to, um, sacrifice the possibilities of--of happiness or companionship, not without a fight.
Ashley: I’ll think about it.
Kay: Listen, wasting time in limbo is simply punishing yourself... and your father wouldn't want that for you. No one who loves you would.
Victoria: How's Johnny? Well, he, um, he sort of had a rough night last night, so if he's been fussy at all-- oh, good. Okay. Well, I'm gonna run a few more errands, and if there's any problems, just give me a call. Okay, bye.
(Door opens)
Sharon: You bitch.
Billy: So this round goes to "Lurch," huh?
Jack: It's not a golf game, Billy. There are huge ramifications if this judge sides with Victor.
Billy: Okay. Jack... (Chuckles) It's not like Jabot is gonna fold. We'll find another Beauty of Nature.
Jack: Why does no one seem to understand this? I have fought for years to secure that company, Billy. It would change everything. It would put us up there with a select few, make our names part of the collective consciousness.
Billy: Yeah, certainly Victor's consciousness.
Jack: Well, there's that, too.
Billy: Yeah, uh-huh
Jack: But if he wins-- I mean, losing is one thing. Losing to him...
Billy: (Sighs) Jack, it's not over till the judge makes a ruling.
Jack: Yeah, well--
Billy: I mean, even if it goes south--
Jack: Yeah, well, which it might well.
Billy: Jack, even if it goes south, here's the deal-- you can't let Victor win twice.
Jack: What does that mean?
Billy: If the judge hands him Beauty of Nature, so be it. It is what it is, but if you can't laugh your head off over the fact that you stole Nikki from him, and greater still, that you might have the possibility to walk again-- well, then Victor, he gets a slam dunk, and that is not acceptable.
Jack: You’re right. You're right. Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.
Billy: All right.
Jack: How are things going with you? Tell me about home. How's Johnny? How's Victoria?
Billy: Johnny's great, Johnny’s great. Uh, Victoria, she's, you know, she's been--
Jack: Wait. Something wrong?
Billy: No's-- last night, there was an issue, but that's over now.
Jack: Good.
Sharon: You told your father didn't you?
Victoria: Told him?
Sharon: That ancient history about Billy and me sleeping together.
Victoria: I hope he tossed you out.
Sharon: What gives you the right to judge me? And how dare you interfere in my relationship?
Victoria: How dare you insert yourself in my mother's house?
Sharon: It's Victor's house.
Victoria: You know, just because you made it to my father’s bed doesn't mean that he'll ever feel one-tenth for you what he feels for my mother.
Sharon: Nikki has nothing to do with Victor and me, and neither do you.
Victoria: If you think I'm just gonna sit by and watch while you go through my entire family, hurting everyone that you touch--
Sharon: I've been hurt, too.
Victoria: I'm not gonna let my father become your latest Newman victim.
Sharon: You're the one who keeps hurting Victor over and over again.
Victoria: We're done here.
Sharon: No, we're not done until I say we are.
Nikki: Waiting for an important call?
Victor: I’m sure you've heard that the ruling regarding Beauty of Nature is imminent.
Nikki: And I'm sure that you still think that you will win.
Victor: You bet.
Nikki: The fact that it means so much to you, it makes me very, very sad.
Victor: So what about Jack Abbott? The fact that Beauty of Nature means so much for him-- does that make you sad, as well?
Nikki: I think that both of you should get over it.
Victor: Right. So he will have to get over it once the judge makes a final decision.
Nikki: And if you do best Jack, then what? What happens? You start another vendetta. I-it's pointless, Victor. You have nothing to gain by doing that.
Victor: I have millions of dollars in revenue to gain, okay?
Nikki: Victor, you and I both know why you want Beauty of Nature. It has nothing to do with business.
Victor: Then what the hell do you think it has to do with?
Nikki: It's about the control you think you've lost since the lawsuit with the children, which forced you to take the company public.
Victor: (Sighs heavily)
Nikki: Look, I did not approve of Abby and Victoria doing that, and I still don’t.
Victor: What's done is done, all right?
Nikki: No matter what the ruling, you can't control everything in life. You--you can't control Adam. You can't control any of us.
Victor: You have a nice day, okay? Good-bye.
Sharon: You're--you're disgusting, you know that? You're--you're-- you're disgusting, and--and--and you're cruel.
Victoria: Oh, because I told Dad the truth?
Sharon: Because you dredged up what happened between Billy and me all those years ago just to strike back at me using your father.
Victoria: The same way that you used Billy and betrayed Chloe.
Sharon: I didn't use Billy. Did you tell your father that, too, that it happened the night before Billy married Chloe?
Victoria: I wouldn't have known any of this if you hadn't had thrown it in my face.
Sharon: I was being honest with you, but look at you. You trashed your own husband to Victor, just to try to hurt me!
Billy: (Clears throat) What?
Sharon: Yeah. When Victoria found out about us she couldn't wait to tell her father.
Sofia: Oh. Sorry, I didn't realize you were here.
Harmony: Well, you were busy with Moses. How's he doing?
Sofia: I'm just so grateful to be a mother, oh, by the way, I'm sure Neil got your message.
Harmony: My m-message?
Sofia: I saw your little text message before I left the house with Moses.
Harmony: Listen, Sofia, I only wanted to talk to Neil about Devon.
Sofia: There is no reason to explain you can talk to Neil about whatever you want, whenever you want... 'cause we're getting a divorce.
Tucker: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Tucker: Ashley.
Ashley: I've made a decision.
Neil: (Clears throat) Sofia, hi. I-I didn't know you were heading over here.
Sofia: Since we're here and on the same page I'm sure you two want to talk. I'm gonna go. I have some things I need to take care of myself.
Neil: Let me say good-bye to Moses. Bye, Buddy.
Moses: (Fusses)
Neil: I love you. Bye.
Moses: (Fussing)
Sofia: Come on.
Neil: Hey. Harmony, you all right?
Harmony: I sent you that text because I wanted to talk to you about Devon, but I never would have done that if I had known... you're getting a divorce?!
Neil: Okay, okay, shh. That is not your fault
Tucker: Well, by the look on your face, I, uh... I bet you're here to tell me you never want to speak to me again.
Ashley: You hurt me very much.
Tucker: I can never apologize enough for that, and... (Sighs) It was impulsive. It was stupid.
Ashley: You know, if you're gonna give me the speech about how you've never been married before and I need to cut you some slack, I've heard it.
Tucker: I don't know what to say. I, uh, I love you. I love you so much.
Ashley: You have a very strange way of showing it, Tucker.
Tucker: What happened with Harmony was--
Ashley: No, no, no, no, no. No. It's more than what happened between the two of you. It's going after Beauty of Nature when I begged you not to, and you certainly didn't need the money. It's not telling me that Emily was your therapist. It's not telling me that you've known Genevieve for decades.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: All these secrets that you kept, and I still don't understand why.
Tucker: Well, defending myself would just be more of that, uh, "I'm new at this marriage stuff." It's a cop-out. I won't insult either one of us with that anymore.
Ashley: I appreciate that.
Tucker: So this decision of yours... what is it?
Ashley: I do love you. I don't think we have a real marriage. I'm not even sure if we ever really did.
Tucker: So you're saying it's over.
Ashley: Actually, that depends on you.
Billy: Could you excuse us, please?
Sharon: Gladly.
Billy: Thanks.
Sharon: Obviously, you two have a lot to talk about.
Billy: You told your father?
Victoria: What's wrong with that?
Billy: Obviously, you think something's wrong. Otherwise, you would have told me.
Victoria: Well, I tried to tell you, but we got interrupted. You remember?
Billy: (Sighs) So this is your getting even?
Victoria: Yes. Yes, and I am not sorry that I did it.
Billy: Even though you made everything worse.
Victoria: There is nothing worse than my father being with Sharron.
Billy: This isn't you. You sound just like Victor.
Victoria: I do not.
Billy: (Chuckles) You're justifying going after her the same way your dad does me.
Victoria: It is not the same.
Billy: Well, I think it is.
(Door closes)
Nikki: Surprise. I brought you your favorite lunch from the Athletic Club.
Jack: Wow. Catering, literally, to my every whim.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Jack: Thank you.
Nikki: You're welcome. Still no word?
Jack: Not yet.
Nikki: Oh, Jack, in spite of what you just told me earlier, if you lose, it's really gonna eat you up.
Jack: I'm afraid so.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: It's so sweet of you to come by.
Kay: Uh-huh.
Victor: Now to what do I owe his pleasure?
Kay: Well, my dear, I learned, uh, a decision in Jack's lawsuit is coming down today.
Victor: Eh-huh. Yep.
Kay: You don't seem very concerned.
Victor: Unh-unh, I'm not.
Kay: Well, you might lose.
Victor: You want some coffee?
Kay: Uh, no.
Victor: Okay.
Kay: What I would-- yeah, I'll have a cup.
Victor: All right.
Kay: Uh, what I would like is for to listen to this, and I am speaking from experience, my friend. All the companies you own, al... the positions you hold-- they don't really matter.
Victor: You know, I appreciate your advice, okay? But in this case, it is misplaced, because my lawyer Avery has a plan, has an argument.
Kay: (Clears throat)
Victor: I'm going to prevail.
(Telephone rings)
Victor: Hold up one second.
Kay: What?
Victor: Yep. So how does it look?
Neil: Sofia and I decided to end our marriage for a lot of reasons.
Harmony: Yeah, and this isn't my fault. There's someplace I need to be.
Neil: What, you suddenly remembered that after texting me?
Harmony: That text was about Devon.
Neil: Okay, then let's talk.
Harmony: Not today, and not alone, okay?
Sofia: Yes. (Sighs) (Voice breaking) I did it, Moses. (Sniffles) (Sighs) I finally let your daddy go...and there's nothing left for me here. And now for your sake and mine... I think it's time for me to start packing.
Tucker: Oh, are you saying us getting back together is up to me? Oh, Ashley...did I misunderstand?
Ashley: I really do love you, but it can't be the way that it was.
Tucker: It won't be. I promise you, I will never hurt you like that again.
Ashley: Well, for that to happen you'd have to be a completely different man. I mean, you'd have to make some kind of a miraculous change, and I'm not sure I believe in those kind of miracles anymore.
Tucker: Believe me, I can do it.
Ashley: Well, then I guess you're gonna have to prove it, or it really is over.
Sharon: Oh--
Adam: Whoa, hey.
Sharon: Sorry.
Adam: It's all right. Nothing's broken. Are you okay?
Billy: I understand that you're upset about Sharon and your dad, but for you to try to sabotage it the way that you did--
Victoria: He needs to know who he's sleeping with.
Billy: Even at the risk of making me look bad?
Victoria: This isn't about you. I'm protecting my family.
Billy: Oh, now you're gonna tell me that doesn't sound like Victor?
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: I did what I had to do, okay?
Billy: (Sighs) Wow.
Victoria: Hello. Already?
Billy: What?
Victoria: The judge came back with his decision on Beauty of Nature.
Jack: Thanks for letting me know.
Nikki: Well, what did your attorney say?
Victor: (Exhales slowly) Jack Abbott won Beauty of Nature.
Next on “The Young and the Restless"
Sharon: Can you believe Victoria would be that petty?
Adam: I may have done the same thing.
Nikki: Ohh.
Victoria: Tell me this is a joke.
Ricky: I'm writing a story about you. One hell of a tell-all.
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