Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/31/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/31/12


Episode # 9917 ~ Michael's Job Offer Causes Conflict Between Avery & Lauren

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Hey.

Nick: Hey. How was the pool party? Did you have fun?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Mm, I got to spend time with Jack. That was okay. Uh, you know, Daniel and I tried to have fun.

Nick: You tried?

Phyllis: Yeah, we tried. Daisy was there. She had to come since she was here when I got invited.

Nick: So she brought Lucy by for another visit.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm, yep. She's trying to make nice with me so she could score points with Daniel.

Nick: (Chuckles) And is that working?

Phyllis: No, it's not. I liked spending time with Lucy, though.

Nick: Okay. How come you left early, then?

Phyllis: Um... Avery called me. She was with Paul, and they had questions about Ricky.

Nick: (Sighs) Well, it must be tough, hearing your son is--

Phyllis: Is a flake?

Nick: I want you to stay away from him, okay?

Phyllis: (Laughs) Listen, if "Ricky the Reptile" comes near me or my family, I will step on him with my very sharp and pointy stilettos. (Laughs)

Nick: And I'll be right there with you.

Phyllis: You will?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: And you'll make me forget all about Ricky and Daisy and everything that drives me crazy?

Nick: Yes.

Phyllis: Mm, and all I have to do is think about my very sexy and hot fiancé.

Danny: You know, I'm kind of glad that Daisy had to run that errand.

Daniel: Why? Got some fatherly advice for me?

Danny: Yeah, I do... about your wife.

Ricky: What took you so long? I texted you over an hour ago.

Daisy: You're lucky I even came over here. I had to make some dumb excuse to get away from Daniel and his father, who already hates me, by the way.

Ricky: Oh, poor baby.

Daisy: And you almost got me caught breaking into Phyllis'. Don't you understand? I have to be really careful.

Ricky: I dug up Phyllis' old shrink. I'm gonna see him today.

Daisy: Where?

Ricky: Not far. Kenosha.

Daisy: Does he have any real dirt on Phyllis?

Ricky: Her former psychologist? What do you think?

Daisy: Well, isn't that confidential?

Ricky: He got slammed when Phyllis and Danny were headed for divorce, and good old Tim admitted that he hated her, just before he hung up on me.

Daisy: Hung up on you? You're so full of it. The guy's never gonna see you, and if Phyllis finds out, who's she gonna come after? Me. I'll lose everything.

Ricky: Oh, he'll talk. He'll talk because I'm smarter than you or Phyllis, and because I have this.

Daisy: (Sighs) A psychology magazine did an article on him?

Ricky: Yeah, back in the '90s...

Daisy: Big deal.

Ricky: Before he crashed and burned.

Daisy: Is there anything in here on Phyllis?

Ricky: Stop looking for the obvious and go to the end.

Daisy: (Sighs) Okay. "Dr. Reid decompresses on the golf course and considers himself a connoisseur of fine wine." So what?

Ricky: That's my way in.

Paul: Thanks. No, no, this helps.

Chris: The IDs been confirmed?

Paul: The victim was Craig Hunt.

Chris: It was a car accident, Paul.

Paul: Was it an accident? I mean, the guy was on his way with proof that Ricky killed his ex-girlfriend, and now Craig Hunt is dead, too.

Lauren: You know, we're finally back in our home. We are bringing Fen here. We're going back to our normal life.

Michael: How does this job affect any of that?

Lauren: I told you this-- the media. If they don't like the way you're handling a case, they are loud and they are mean.

Michael: Just like in high-profile cases I've handled in the private sector.

Lauren: Unh-unh, unh-unh. When you're the D.A., it's different.

Michael: Interim-- interim D.A.

Lauren: You're gonna be working with felons.

Michael: All right, yeah, who hold a grudge.

Lauren: They do.

Michael: Well... other people have managed to come out of that office in one piece.

Lauren: You know, I just don't find that funny.

(Knock on door)

Lauren: (Sighs)

Avery: Hi. Sorry to drop by.

Lauren: It must be important.

Avery: Well, a while back, Michael mentioned...

Michael: Hi.

Avery: A Newman file that should be passed to me.

Michael: Yes, yes! No, I know. I'm so sorry. Come on in, come on in. I got it.

Avery: Thank you.

Michael: Uh...

Lauren: How are you?

Avery: I'm fine. I'm busy.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Whoa, whoa. Sorry, sorry, excuse me. Yes. Uh, yes, hello, Mr. Mayor. Hi. Yes, I do appreciate that. Uh, I will accept or decline by the end of the day. Yes. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Avery: What's the mayor offering you?

Michael: Well, the cat is halfway out of the bag, right? He wants me to step in as interim D.A

Very: Michael, that's great! You have to take it!

Danny: I watched Daisy today, Daniel. I watched you and her, and despite your best intentions, I just don't see how you can maintain this marriage.

Daniel: I have to.

Danny: But you're obviously struggling with Daisy.

Daniel: Yeah, but while that's happening, I'm at least getting to be Lucy's dad.

Danny: But you'll have a relationship with your daughter forever, but that doesn't mean that this marriage has to last nearly that long.

Daniel: Daisy, she's, um... no. No, I can't risk divorcing her. Being with Daisy is the only way I'm gonna be able to stay with Lucy.

Danny: Okay. Do what you have to do now, but when you can get out, Daniel, you get out.

Daisy: Ohh. I'm sorry I took so long. I can't believe I forgot these things earlier when I got diapers. (Chuckles)

Daniel: Let me give you a hand with that.

Phyllis: It's gorgeous outside. What do you want to do?

Nick: I have, uh, an idea.

Phyllis: (Laughs) We could do that after dark. Let's go outside. Come on. Let's get out of here.

Nick: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm gonna veto that. We have a very urgent matter to discuss.

Phyllis: And what's urgent?

Nick: You are the one who wanted to get married before this baby bump became more baby than bump. We really need to start making some wedding plans.

Ricky: Dr. Tm Reid. Wait, wait, wait. Please, please, I drove a long way because you're one of the very few people that can shed light on the real Phyllis for my book.

Tim: I told you over the phone, I'm not interested.

Ricky: But you should be. It's only fair that people get to hear your side of the story.

Paul: Craig had an open container of alcohol in his car. He, uh, drove off the road at a high rate of speed and hit a pole.

Chris: It could be a classic case of drunk driving.

Paul: You honestly believe that it's a coincidence that he died coming to talk to me?

Chris: Well, as opposed to what? Ricky found out that the two of you were gonna meet and he drove to Evanston and forced this guy to drink, and then he messed with his car or he ran him off the road, leaving no trace that he was ever there?

Paul: Okay, you lay it out like that, it sounds a bit farfetched, but you have to admit, it's very strange-- me at Jimmy's waiting for the guy, and Ricky just happens to show up there. Craig Hunt just happens to die in a car accident Chris, I'm telling you, it doesn't feel right.

Chris: That doesn't mean that Ricky had a motive.

Paul: Well, you're defending Ricky now?

Chris: No, no, I'm-- I'm defending you. With every swipe you take at your son, it's like you're blaming yourself for failing him, and you haven't.

Paul: I have evidence to the contrary.

Chris: Yes, he's done some awful things, but there is nothing tangible that points Ricky to causing this accident or his girlfriend's death.

Paul: Craig Hunt had proof that Ricky hurt this girl.

Chris: Or so he claimed. Or maybe he disliked Ricky and wanted to cause trouble for him, but without facts--

Paul: Well, then let's get some.

Lauren: So how do you like working for Victor?

Avery: Uh, it's challenging, but in a good way.

Michael: Got it, got it. I found the file. There you go.

Avery: Ah, then you can answer my earlier question. Are you gonna be the next district attorney?

Michael: Well, Lauren and I are still discussing it. Anyway, everything you need should be in there.

Avery: Thank you. Michael, you would be so perfect for the job. I mean, everybody knows what a great lawyer you are, and you're not a guy to be messed with.

Michael: Oh, thank you. There are a lot of things to consider, though.

Lauren: Yes, like increased time demands, being accountable to politicians.

Avery: Well, at least he wouldn't shill for them, like other DAs I've gone up against. You'd work for the people, no matter what their status or net worth (Sighs) Michael, of all the cases you've taken on, this would be the most important work of your life.

Michael: (Sighs) I was thinking that, too.

Daniel: Mm.

Danny: You take care of yourself, my son.

Daniel: Okay.

Danny: And you, my sweet granddaughter... just know that I love you.

Lucy: (Crying)

Danny: Come here, come here. Oh, no, no, no. Here's daddy.

Daniel: Oh, hey.

Danny: Don't cry, don't cry.

Daniel: Its okay, it's okay.

Danny: Don't cry.

Daniel: You'll get to now him.

Lucy: (Cries)

Danny: I love you.

Daisy: Here you go. Shh, shh.

Daniel: Look at this.

Danny: I'm really glad that I got to meet you, Daisy.

Daisy: Yeah, it's too bad you have to leave so soon.

Lucy: (Crying)

Danny: Well, I'll be sure to keep in better touch from now on.

Lucy: (Crying)

Daisy: Shh.

Daniel: (Breathing rhythmically)

Danny: Take care.

Daniel: See you

Daisy: (Exhales slowly)

Daniel: You okay?

(Door closes)

Chris: My contact did review the medical examiner's and police report on the death of Ricky's ex.

Paul: What were the details?

Chris: Rachel Dalton was found dead in her bathtub. She overdosed on a sedative, passed out, and drowned.

Paul: Oh, my God, Chris. You don't think that's strange? That's exactly how Isabella tried to kill you.

Chris: It wasn't exactly similar.

Paul: What do you mean?

Chris: Rachel's bathroom door was locked from the inside.

Paul: Oh, so that's what they're basing their certainty on?

Chris: Look, I know that Rachel's friends were suspicious of Ricky, but--

Paul: All the people that get to know Ricky think there is something off with him.

Chris: I know, but the police and the coroner are impartial fact finders. We have to trust their conclusions.

Paul: How can you ignore that there may be a pattern here, that the people that cross Ricky have a way of disappearing?

Phyllis: Um, so... we can do... formal.

Nick: Or informal.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Or something in between.

Nick: Yeah. Traditional service?

Phyllis: Or maybe something on the lake.

Nick: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs) This isn't wedding planning.

Nick: Yeah, it's wedding not-planning.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's unplanning a wedding, right? Um, well, what do we agree on?

Nick: We agree that, uh, we want it in town.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: We're definitely not eloping.

Phyllis: Yeah, we want it in town with just close friends, right?

Nick: Yeah, yeah.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: This is good. We're on something here. We've got two very crucial details down.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: What else?

Phyllis: There is something else I definitely want.

Ricky: How long you lived here?

Tim: Three years. You think the place is a dump.

Ricky: No, no.

Tim: Don't try to placate a former shrink. The only reason I'm here is 'cause it's close to the industrial plant where I work.

Ricky: As a security guard.

Tim: (Sighs) My life isn't what it used o be.

Ricky: Because of her.

Tim: As much as I despise Phyllis, I really shouldn't talk about a patient.

Ricky: A former patient. You're no longer practicing, correct? So... gray area.

Tim: The idea of being grilled about when my life went to hell does not--

Ricky: How about we just sit down, I'll uncork this, and we can have a friendly little chat?

Tim: Is that a 1982?

Ricky: I guess it is.

Tim: (Sighs) Uh, I've never tried this vintage, and I'm gonna need a drink to...you won't believe the things Phyllis did.

Ricky: I can't wait to hear.

Lauren: Michael and I really appreciate your support, but we're still sorting things through.

Avery: Of course, of course. I'm just so excited about the idea.

Lauren: Oh, well, maybe you should call the mayor and volunteer.

Avery: It's just that defending the wrongfully accused is my passion. You know that. People that have been lost in the system, victim’s of other people's ambition and prejudices and indifferences, and--and with someone like Michael as the D.A., injustices like that could be prevented.

Michael: (Chuckles) If you had said those words to me years ago, I would have laughed in your face. I wanted justice, sure, but most of all, I wanted to win. I wanted to win and to make partner at my firm, and the more money and women they threw at me, the better. Lauren knows. I don't think it was until I met Lauren that I started to even look at the bigger picture. Fairness matters. Honor is something to be proud of. And then Fenmore came along. I want my son to be proud of me. I want to leave behind a world for him that's better than the one I came into. The chance to do meaningful work... I've made my name. I've made my money. Now... I could make a real difference.

Chris: Are you really ready to call your son a double murderer with nothing to substantiate that?

Paul: No, but I can't ignore what I know, either. He ruined his own sister's career and practically drove her out of town without batting an eye. He manipulated his mentally ill aunt for a story. I'm telling you, Chris, he's got no conscience.

Chris: That doesn't mean he's capable of killing someone.

Paul: I don't want to think this way, but there is something in my gut that is telling me my worst fears about Ricky are true. I can't run from that.

Ricky: It sounds like you held yourself to the highest professional standards... until you encountered Phyllis.

Tim: (Scoffs) She was like a siren, drawing me in closer and closer before I was wrecked by her.

Ricky: It sounds like she used you.

Tim: (Scoffs) Many times in many ways. Pretended to care about me so I'd do whatever she wanted. We were even engaged. I was a fool to think she could ever love me.

Ricky: But how did she destroy your career?

Tim: By driving me to rage, revenge, and jealousy... when all she ever wanted was Danny. (Sets down glass) Danny, Danny, Danny.

Danny: So you guys are getting married again.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm

Danny: Wow, that's...

Nick: Yep.

Danny: (Sets glass down) It's great. Congratulations.

Nick: Thank you, Danny.

Phyllis: Thanks. Um, I would have told you before, but, you know, I just-- there wasn't a time to bring it up.

Danny: Yeah.

Phyllis: So, uh, why did you come by?

Danny: (Puts hands together) Well, I had a chance to spend a little time with Daniel and Daisy.

Phyllis: How'd that go?

Danny: I owe you an apology for coming down so hard on you before. I didn't have all the facts. Daisy is way more screwed up than I ever realized. You were right to try to keep Daniel away from her.

Phyllis: Thank you. I accept your apology... and I think I owe you one in return for--for getting defensive after you brought up Daisy and Daniel's marriage and saying there were similarities to ours, just...

Nick: You two pushed the envelope back when you were together, but Daisy's in a whole other league.

Phyllis: Is she? I... I hate Daisy. I hate her. She's trapping our son in a marriage similar to what I did to you. I hate that woman because she's the worst of me.

Daisy: Bye, Lucy.

Daniel: Why did you have the sitter come get Lucy?

Daisy: Well... I thought we needed some private time.

Daniel: Uh, okay. You know what? I-I can't-- I can't do this right now.

Daisy: (Sighs) What's your excuse this time? Do you suddenly have to meet a friend or-- oh, I know. You have to paint, or you're tired.

Daniel: What are you getting so upset about?

Daisy: Because we haven't slept together since you asked me to marry you. You keep putting me off. Do you want out of this marriage?

Daniel: No.

Daisy: Okay, well-- oh, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking no sex since before the wedding equals an annulment, right? Well, if you like seeing your daughter, that's not very smart.

Daniel: Daisy, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you and Lucy.

Daisy: Yeah, I believed that when you promised we'd be a real family.

Daniel: (Chuckles) We are.

Daisy: Well, that means acting like a real husband and wife, not just you being a father.

Daniel: I know.

Daisy: Then why-- why do you keep pushing me away? It hurts me, Daniel. I want to feel what its like--

Daniel: I-I want to be with you.

Daisy: You keep saying that, but--

Danny: This situation with Daniel has triggered a lot of old memories, but you know what? It's not gonna do him or us any good getting all torn up about the past. We really have to stand united.

Phyllis: Right. I agree with you 100%.

Nick: Yeah. How long are you staying?

Danny: Well, that's the other reason I stopped by. I'm actually headed back out on the road. But listen, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need any backup with Daniel and Daisy, okay?

Phyllis: Okay, you know, the phone lines run both ways, Danny. You know that.

Danny: (Chuckles) Well, now that I do, I will definitely keep in touch.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: We'll keep you in the loop.

Danny: Thank you.

Phyllis: So anyway, I thought that you would want to stay and, you know, continue things with Christine.

Danny: (Clears throat) Oh, boy, here it comes.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Um, Danny and Christine hooked up.

Nick: Did they?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Uh, Paul and I saw them, um, walking down into, uh, the--the restaurant from--from the rooms at the Athletic Club.

Nick: Oh, okay.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Danny: Yeah. (Clears throat)

Nick: Well, they're two single people. There's nothing wrong with, uh, them hooking up.

Phyllis: No, of course not.

Danny: Wow, look at the time. You know what? I've gotta go.

Nick: (Chuckles)

Danny: Really. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Danny: All right, so we'll, uh, we'll talk?

Phyllis: Okay.

Danny: Okay. Thank you.

Nick: Sure.

Tim: Phyllis couldn't cope with Danny's ex-wife.

Ricky: But what kind of things would Phyllis do?

Tim: What was her name again? Uh, the insect, the bug, Cricket--Christine. Oh, my God, how many times I used to hear that name in our early sessions. (Chuckles) "Oh, she's taking Danny away from me, everybody loves her, Danny and Paul and..." blah, blah, blah, blah.

Ricky: But what would Phyllis do?

Tim: You know, that was a really good wine, but I gotta go splash some water on my face and get ready for work.

Ricky: Sure, I'll-- I'll wait right here.

Tim: Yeah.

Ricky: Got some follow-up questions.

Tim: Sure.

Paul: You were practically panicked when I told you that Ricky was becoming more and more like his mother.

Chris: Yeah, I don't deny that.

Paul: And you told me you thought he was broken, just like Isabella.

Chris: I-I don't deny that he has problems. I am just advising caution.

Paul: I don't want to think these things about my son, but I have to recognize what I've witnessed after months of watching him and dealing with him. I need to pursue this.

Chris: But you're not the one to do this.

Paul: I'm a detective.

Chris: You're his father. You need to get the police involved.

Paul: No.

Chris: For God sake, if you are right about Ricky, it's safer.

Paul: I'm not bringing the cops into this.

Chris: Would you listen to me?

Paul: This is my son we're talking about, and despite all my suspicions, I hope to God I'm wrong about him.

Chris: Please listen to me. Please--

Paul: Stop it. Just-- I'm sorry I mentioned anything. Just stay out of it, please. I'll take it from here.

Chris: (Sighs)

Ricky: So where were we?

Tim: You know, I'm sorry, but I-I really should take a nap before I go to work.

Ricky: Oh, you know, I just have a couple more follow-up questions.

Tim: Honestly, I've probably said way too much already. Well, a wonderful wine will do that to me.

Ricky: (Chuckles) Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for your time, Dr. Reid. I can't tell you how very helpful this visit has been.

Phyllis: Uh, I just-- I'm--I'm glad that you could come by.

Nick: Yes, we wanted to talk to you about our wedding.

Avery: Oh. Have you set a date?

Phyllis: Almost, almost. I just, uh, I've had... (Chuckles) Many weddings, and, um... (Laughs) Well, uh, I've--I've never had my sister at any of them.

Avery: Well, I'd love to be there.

Phyllis: Great. Good. Um... (Laughs) (Voice breaking) We've kind of, you know, been a roller coaster, right, our relationship? And I just, you know, I'd like to-- like it to be smooth and for us to be family, um, you know, like we always hoped for.

Avery: I would like that, too.

Phyllis: (Gulps) So stupid, I... will you be my maid of honor?

Michael: Didn't sound like you'd been on the phone with your office this whole Time.

Lauren: Yeah, um, I've been thinking.

Michael: (Sighs) The way Avery interjected herself into the discussion-- I should have politely given her the boot. I'm sorry.

Lauren: (Laughs) Yeah, I kind of wanted to tell her to take her suggestions and put 'em where the sun don't shine.

Michael: Yeah, I picked up on that bit.

Lauren: (Laughs) Yeah, but then, uh... something pretty amazing happened. I heard her... and most importantly, I heard you.

Michael: (Chuckles) What did I say that was so compelling?

Lauren: You know, let me ask you something first. You're at a place in your life where you can really step back and you can relax. (Sighs) Do you really want a job that has this kind of time constraints?

Michael: I never even considered becoming the district attorney... but now that it's a possibility, I think I can do a really good job.

Lauren: There's no doubt about that, Baby.

Michael: I heard you earlier. You're worried about me being a target.

Lauren: I am. It's a public office. People are just gonna hate you because, and some of those people have guns and knives and bombs.

Michael: I'll be careful.

Lauren: Can we handle it?

Michael: We're stronger than you think. Look at everything we've managed to face down together.

Lauren: It's just-- it's, you know, it's a big adjustment.

Michael: Yeah. I understand.

Lauren: But I'm willing to do it. Nice to meet you, Mr. District Attorney.

Chris: Danny.

Danny: Hey. I thought you might still be here with, um... Paul.

Chris: Oh, yeah, we were just, um... yeah, uh, a-are you looking for me?

Danny: Yeah, I'm leaving town, and I just-- I wanted to say good-bye.

Michael: I accept your offer, Mr. Mayor.

Colaizzo: Splendid. Glad to hear it.

Michael: Thank you.

Lauren: (Chuckles) I think Michael is gonna do wonderful things for the city.

Colaizzo: Couldn't agree more. We'll get the transition under way. You'll need to meet with your staff.

Michael: All right. About the staff, one of the first things I want to do I to bring Heather Stevens back to the D.A.'s office.

Ricky, Hey, Dad how's it going?

Paul: All right. What are you up to?

Ricky: Just grabbing some coffee on my way home.

Paul: Ah.

Ricky: Well, see you around.

Tim: What the hell? (Sighs) Oh, well. The bitch deserves whatever she gets.

Phyllis: Well, I-I expected you to be shocked, but--but not speechless.

Nick: Can I get you something to drink?

Avery: No, I'm sorry. I'm--I'm...

Phyllis: Well, you're turning me down. It's okay.

Avery: No, no, I'm--

Phyllis: It doesn't matter. It's--I just--

Avery: Yes, a-I would love to be your maid of honor. Yes.

Phyllis: Thank you. This wedding means so much. For you and me, for me and Nick, this is really a new beginning.

Avery: (Sighs) Okay, so what are we wearing? (Laughs)

Phyllis: Um, I-I haven't decided yet.

Avery: Okay, um, uh, uh, do you have a venue?

Phyllis: Um... (Laughs)

Avery: Do you have rings? Um, a date?

Nick: Mm.

Avery: I already asked you that.

Nick: No, no, nothing like that yet.

Phyllis: No, not yet.

Avery: Okay, well, this is gonna be fun. (Laughs)

Phyllis: It is. It is gonna be fun. It is.

Nick: It's gonna be fun.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Victoria: Billy and I are building a life together. You're just the flavor of the week.

Paul: Phyllis is Phyllis.

Avery: She's crossed Ricky more than once. She may be in the line of fire.

Tim: You want to expose Phyllis? Look into Christmas of 1994.

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