Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/30/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/30/12


Episode # 9916 ~ Daisy & Ricky Search Phyllis' Apartment

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: I'm telling you, you want to tear some more pages, we just tape 'em up again, you could tear it one more time.

Nikki: Great advice you're giving her. Great.

Jack: Oh, that's nothing, that's nothing. Wait till you see me with little Johnny. Another little Abbott in the house.

Nikki: Yeah. Another baby boy Abbott.

Jack: Ours would have been an amazing kid, Nikk, with your beautiful smile.

Nikki: Well, we still have wonderful families.

Jack: We do, indeed, and combined, they're amazing. I cannot wait to make this official. Thank you again for saying yes, and I know I can't go around bragging about it yet.

Nikki: Mm, no. Uh, there is one person, however, you don't need to worry about telling-- Victor.

Jack: You already told him?

Nikki: He overheard us at physical therapy. I hadn't officially accepted yet, but he misunderstood.

Jack: And you decided not to straighten him out?

Nikki: Well, by the time I realized what he thought, it was true, so here we are. The last person who needs to know knows, so it's not gonna be a secret for much longer.

Jack: Poor Victor. He probably doesn't know what to do first-- gnash his teeth that he doesn't have you to take for granted, or jump for joy because he can announce the news to Kyle.

Noah: Move in with you, like--

Eden: Like roommates.

Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah... no.

Eden: Oh, and it's better for you to crash on some guy's couch? Haven't you heard of bedbugs, or, um, sofa bugs?

Abby: He can stay with me and my mom if he needs a place.

Eden: Fine, then. Do you want to move in with me?

Noah: (Scoffs)

Abby: I'm sorry. Do I look deranged?

Eden: Well, I need a roommate.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Eden: Look, I booted Ricky out, saying that I had a new roommate coming, okay, a girl from California, which is great, right? A convenient lie, except now Ricky's living across the hall from me, asking where my new roomie is.

Kyle: Is he bothering you? Do you want me to talk to him?

Eden: No, it's not like he's done anything to me. He just really creeps me out. But, look, the point is, I have a spare room with its own bath and you need a place to stay, so just say yes already.

Noah: (Sighs) Just for a little while.

Eden: Good enough.

Michael: Yes. Ohh!

Lauren: Drinks with the mayor and the president of the city council! I mean, my goodness, both of us? That's very intriguing.

Michael: Yeah, well, it feels like a fund-raising bushwhack.

Lauren: Yeah, probably right.

Michael: So I'm gonna wear a pleasant smile on my face, and I'm gonna keep one hand on my wallet. Yeah. Let's go. Let's go heck the drinks.

Lauren: Would you? (Laughs) Come on. Okay.

Paul: Uh... well, you two, Danny, good to have you back in town. Um, come, sit down.

Phyllis: Well, maybe--

Chris: No, no, we don't want to interrupt. No.

Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, yeah, next time.

Paul: Actually, we were, um, talking about Ricky.

Chris: Do you have any news?

Paul: Well, this isn't really a, um, middle-of-the-room conversation.

Phyllis: Yeah, but we don't want to interrupt you.

Paul: Do you mind?

Paul: Oh, here, Danny.

Danny: Yeah, sure, got it. Thank you. Thanks. (Sighs) (Clears throat) So... I guess you told him that Ricky visited me, right?

Chris: He what?

Danny: Yeah. It was supposed to be an interview about my tour. I-I didn't know Ricky Williams was your son. You know, the name seemed common enough, and he kept steering the conversation towards Phyllis, asking me all these questions about her. I'm sorry, why didn't you tell Paul this?

Phyllis: (Sighs) I was getting there, but then you guys walked into the room, so jovial that I got sidetracked.

Chris: What did you tell Ricky?

Danny: I cut him off, you know? Shut it down. Felt the interview wasn't what it seemed.

Paul: Unfortunately, I'm beginning to learn that, um, very little about Rick is what it seems.

Daisy: (Sighs) Come on. (Exhales slowly)

(Opens cabinet)

(Objects rattling)

Ricky: (Sighs) Okay.

(Objects clinking)

(Metal clangs)

Daisy: (Sighs) You know, I doubt Phyllis keeps a diary-- "Bad stuff I've done to people so everyone can use it against me."

Ricky: No, but she keeps business cards from two plumbers, a car repair shop, and a Dr. Tim Reid, a psychologist.

Daisy: Well, clearly he sucks, 'cause grandma's still insane.

(Key turning in lock)

Ricky: Go. Come on, come on. Up there.

(Keys jingling)

Daniel: (Sighs) Man, this is why parents get their kids off of pacifiers. (Sighs) Because when you lose the one that your kid decides they can't live without, you are completely screwed.

Daniel: Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on. (Sighs)

(Object thumps)

(Papers shuffle)

Daniel: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I did some of my own research, and Ricky is not on assignment. He could be doing a story on spec and expects to sell I later, or he could just be so obsessed with me that he wants to make my life hell. It's a toss-up.

(Footsteps approach)

Michael: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry.

Lauren: Wait a minute. Ohh. (Laughs)

Michael: Christine.

Chris: Oh, my God. (Laughing) Hey.

Danny: Hey.

Michael: Oh, mwah! Oh, you never call, you never write.

Chris: I'll stop.

Lauren: How are you? You don't send autographed albums. Hi, Honey.

Chris: Hi. Mwah

Michael: How are you doing?

Danny: How are you? Do you accept, uh, mp3 files?

Lauren: Yeah, I do, actually.

Michael: Oh, so a little private party we weren't invited to, Phyllis?

Lauren: Yeah, really.

Phyllis: It's not a party.

Chris: Yeah, we're just taking care of a few things. I've been thinking a lot about both of you.

Danny: Yeah, how are you guys doing?

Lauren: Um, we're okay.

Michael: Oh, you know, um, hey. Uh, uh, as much as we'd both like to know what you're both up to, I have a meeting. It's very important.

Chris: It's okay. I promise I'll call.

Michael: All right.

Lauren: Okay, don't make me have to see your face on Viewclick, okay? Mwah! Bye.

Danny: Okay, you got it. Bye.

Lauren: See you later. Bye.

Michael: Mayor Colaizzo.

Colaizzo: Michael. Good to see you.

Michael: Hello, and Councilwoman Phillips.

Phillips: Hi.

Michael: May I present my wife, Lauren Fenmore Baldwin.

Lauren: Hello.

Colaizzo: Pleasure.

Phillips: I think we've met at various events.

Michael: Probably so.

Lauren: Yes, we have. So nice to see you again.

Michael: So is this the more intimate version of a smile, a handshake, and a shakedown?

Lauren: Because we are very happy to support worthwhile campaigns.

Phillips: Well, that's good to know, and we are hitting you up, but not for money.

Colaizzo: You have something we need more.

Michael: So if it's not my checkbook you want...

Phillips: Did you know Spencer Walsh is leaving the D.A.'s office?

Lauren: Well, we certainly think he mishandled some critical cases this year.

Michael: Oh, and won some other very important ones.

Phillips: Well, he's accepted a gubernatorial appointment to a position in Madison, and now the council has to appoint an interim district attorney A.S.A.P. to fill the spot until elections this fall.

Michael: Hmm.

Lauren: So what are you saying?

Colaizzo: There's very short list of potential D.A.'s.

Phillips: And Michael's name is at the top.

Eden: Okay, so, um, the rent is decent, but seriously, stay away from my yogurt and my coffee.

Noah: Mm, yeah. I didn't pick up on that in Paris.

Abby: But this is very different than Paris. It's--it's infinitely different.

Eden: An, I, um, already have a spare key, but you lose it, and you pay for the copy.

Noah: Okay. See you later. Going.

Abby: Mm.

Noah: Love you.

Eden: Hey, and thank you so much for inviting me. I mean, this-- this worked out great.

Kyle: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Eden: Bye.

Abby: They just, uh...

Kyle: Yeah, yeah, I now, I was standing right there. Uh-huh.

Abby: They just-- how could you let that happen?

Kyle: What did I do?!

Abby: Those two people have no business being in the same town, never mind the same apartment.

Kyle: (Sighs)

Jack: What Lucy just did to that book, Victor would like to do to my relationship with Kyle.

Nikki: Mm. (Gasps) Oh, well, thank you very much. I cannot disagree with that, um... although I don't really see that topic being brought up.

Jack: Oh, no, all is fair in all-out hatred. Besides, the fact that Kyle and I have made some headway here, I'm sure, is sticking in "Voldemort's" craw.

Nikki: If he even knows. I mean, yes, he's living at the ranch, but somehow, I can't really see those two bonding over beer and nachos.

Jack: No, that wouldn't be Victor's style. No, he'd buy him a car...

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Jack: Or a horse, or any of a number of bribes he usually falls back on. I wanted to hold off, but now I've gotta tell Kyle about us.

Paul: You know, I saw this coming, and I just-- I just kept shaking it off. Remember that conversation that you, Michael, and I had about, uh, Ricky being too much like Isabella?

Phyllis: Yeah, but not that bad, right? I mean, once I'm the one that he's fixated on, I should be watching my back every two seconds?

Paul: Well, we do know that Ricky has no compunction about emotionally wounding those people he should... care most about.

Danny: So what exactly do you think is going on now?

Paul: You know, Danny, I-I-I can't tell you. He's very hard to get to know, and the truth of the matter is, I... I haven't put the time in. He doesn't trust me, and I haven't given him a reason to. So anyway, um... if any of you have any contact with him, uh, no matter what it is, uh, would you let me know?

Chris: Of course.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Danny: Absolutely.

Phyllis: Of course. Definitely. Um, listen, I have to go. Uh, Nick is coming home with Summer, and I'm gonna go hug the one kid that I can keep away from the whack jobs.

Daniel: (Sighs) Jackpot! Ohh. (Inhales sharply) Binky, binky, binky, binky. I gotta get a whole case of you. Okay.

(Lock turning)

Ricky: (Sighs) It's hard to believe you're still in love with that dweeb.

Daisy: But he's a good father. Come on, let's go.

Ricky: What? The coast is clear. Phyllis has tons of secrets just waiting for me to find.

Daisy: Fine, you stay here, you get busted. I gotta get back to the barbecue and put the key back in Phyllis' purse.

Ricky: How did you ever get a rep for having any guts? I'm gonna stay, but you go on. Go. Scamper off, but make sure you get a copy of that key before you get back to the party. You never know when we might want to use it again. Ughhh.

Michael: You do realize that I'm the enemy. I'm a defense attorney. It's my job to keep people out of jail.

Phillips: Which means you know all the angles. You know, it's like those computer companies who hire hackers to shore up their firewalls.

Lauren: (Chuckles) You're a hacker now.

Michael: I feel so young and hip.

Phillips: We think you're the right person for the job, but there is a clock on this offer. We'll need an answer by the end of the day.

Colaizzo: This will be good for Genoa City and for you, Michael.

Phillips: We look forward to hearing from you--soon.

Michael: Thank you very much.

Phillips: Of course.

Lauren: So lovely to see you.

Michael: Mr. Mayor.

Colaizzo: Michael.

Phillips: Bye, now.

Lauren: Bye, now.

Phillips: Take care.

Lauren: Wow.

Michael: I know.

Lauren: No way in hell.

Michael: I kind of like the idea--

Kyle: Look, what happened back there, Eden and Noah moving in--that's not my fault. Obviously, there's some history there.

Abby: It's a big, dopey romance, and then some kind of ugly breakup. Noah did the dumping, that I know for sure.

Kyle: Well, maybe he has seller's remorse.

Abby: Okay, ew, that's a gross way to say it. You really think that Noah wants Eden back?

Kyle: I don't usually move in with my ex-girlfriends.

Abby: I can't imagine what's worse-- Noah shacking up with Eden or you caring. Ohh.

Kyle: Oh, yeah, I'm deeply concerned.

Abby: Oh, yeah.

Kyle: I really plan on losing loads of sleep over it.

Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, you are sucking the fun out of my day.

Kyle: How?

Abby: Because you like Eden, even if you won't admit it. Hang your head in shame.

Kyle: (Scoffs)

Ricky: Oh, hey, Eden. How's it going?

Eden: Noah, do you know Ricky?

Ricky: Yea, uh, Sharon Newman's son, right? We met when I was helping free your mom.

Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah, it looks like we're neighbors now.

Ricky: Really? You don't strike me as a California girl.

Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah, um, that fell through, but thankfully, Eden here is helping me out with a place to crash.

Ricky: Great. Well, it looks like things are working out for everyone. Welcome to the building.

Jack: I knew it. After all that work, she doesn't even want it.

Daniel: Mm.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Daniel: Well, thank you for watching her.

Nikki: Oh, she's a doll.

Jack: You have done an amazing job, Daniel, after all that little girl has been through.

Daniel: Is Daisy out by the pool?

Jack: Oh, there she is.

Daisy: Uh, did I miss anything when I was out getting diapers?

Nikki: Oh, not really. We just had a fabulous time with your daughter.

Jack: I think the party's pretty much over. I know Phyllis left a while ago.

Daisy: Uh, where'd she go?

Daniel: I think she headed home, and we should probably do the same.

Phyllis: I know you're in there. Come on, you have to be in here somewhere. Oh, no.

Eden: So you have your own sink, and hence, your own space for your male beauty sundries.

Noah: Yeah, I don't have any male beauty sundries, but I have a duffel bag over at my buddy's house I could grab.

Eden: You, uh, you really didn't want to move in here, huh?

Noah: Oh, you think this is a good idea?

Eden: Well, you saw the bad idea in the hallway, so yeah, this works for me.

Noah: Well, Ricky knows I'm here now, and since I'm big and imposing... (Chuckles) I'm sure he'll back off.

Eden: (Chuckles)

Noah: But seriously, don't be alone with that guy. I got a weird vibe off of him when he was working with Avery to help my mom.

Eden: I know, right? Which is crazy, 'cause his dad is so nice.

Noah: (Scoffs) That guy isn't Paul. At least if he's across the hall, we can keep an eye on him.

Eden: Got it.

Noah: Like this.

Ricky: All right. (Sighs) Let's play "Getting to know you, Dr. Tim... Reid..."

Ricky: And Phyllis, too.

Daniel: Here we go.

Daisy: Thanks for having us.

Jack: Oh, Lucy is a joy. You two take care.

Daniel: (Chuckles) What are you doing here?

Phyllis: Yeah, you know, it's--it's kind of hard to get into your house without a house key.

Nikki: Oh, no.

Jack: Wait, it went missing?

Phyllis: Yeah, I-I think it just fell out of my purse.

Daniel: Well, I'll help you look for it.

Daisy: No, no, no, you have Lucy. I'll--I'll look. Uh, where--where'd you last leave your--your purse?

Phyllis: Uh, up there, but it didn't-- it didn't fall out up there.

Nikki: Well, Lucy's gonna think this is a grand game.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Daisy: Here it is.

Phyllis: What-- that's--that's weird.

Daisy: Uh, thank goodness Lucy didn't find it and put it in her mouth. Kids will chew on anything. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Weird.

Daisy: You're welcome.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Daniel: Okay, well, we should go.

Phyllis: Yeah, um, thanks, Guys. It was a great time.

Nikki: Oh, you're welcome.

Jack: Happy to have you.

Nikki: So good to see you.

Daisy: (Chuckles)

Nikki: (Sighs)

Jack: Well, the party's over.

Nikki: There are still a few guests.

Jack: Oh, well, let's go out there. Here.

Kyle: Well, it looks like I got the grill all to myself out here.

Nikki: I'm gonna start cleaning up.

Kyle: She just leaves to give us some bonding time?

Jack: Yeah, I think she left to give us a chance to talk. I have some news for you. I asked Nikki to marry me. She said yes.

Lauren: Are you serious? You are really considering becoming district attorney?

Michael: Interim district attorney, just till the election.

Lauren: Oh, great. That means you're already thinking about it.

Michael: But I shouldn't because what-- I'm--I'm sorry, I must be missing something here.

Lauren: Michael, this is a public office. It's a very public office, with a lot of public attention. You saw what Spencer Walsh went through, the pressure from the mayor and the beatings from the press.

Michael: No, no, it doesn't have to be that way. Obviously, Spencer had a political agenda. He saw this job as a stepping-stone. I won't see it that way.

Lauren: Oh, because you're thinking about this for the long haul?

Michael: I won't be looking for convictions. I will be looking for justice.

Lauren: It's like you've already said yes.

Michael: All right, listen, we're just... we're just talking, all right? What are you worried about? You're worried about that-- what, they'll maybe look into my not-so-pristine past? Because you know it's already all out there.

Lauren: Well, your past, my past, your present, my present, which already includes a resident psycho who's hell-bent on making our life miserable.

Michael: Is that what you're worried about, the people I might convict?

Lauren: Michael, if you become D.A., every person that you indict or convict could hold a grudge. Now I've had enough. I won't be a target anymore.

Jack: I was hoping you and I would have a little more time before we got into--

Kyle: You're engaged... to Nikki Newman. (Scoffs) Wasn't it, like, week ago, you two weren't even seeing each other?

Jack: That was out of respect for your feelings, Kyle, but our feelings, Nikki's and mine, didn't change just because we were apart. I--

Kyle: All right, tell me this. How long ago was it that she was with Victor?

Jack: Victor and Nikki have history. That is it.

Kyle: (Stammers) What is the rush here?

Jack: I love her...

Kyle: (Scoffs)

Jack: And I learned from recent experience that life changes in a heartbeat. You find someone you love, tat you can trust, that you can count on, you stick with her.

Kyle: Oh, right, right. Because Nikki's not at all unpredictable. She doesn't have the tendency to drink too much and black out.

Jack: Kyle, there is a sweetness about her I wish you could see.

Kyle: (Scoffs)

Jack: She has giant regrets over what happened to your mother. Could you just--

Kyle: I-is this because I said I wanted you to be happy? Because, trust me, I didn't expect you to run off and get engaged.

Jack: Does that mean you changed your mind about that?

Kyle: Dad, I do want you to be happy, but... that wasn't me giving a big thumbs-up for Nikki.

Jack: I love both of you. With time, with a little effort, we can make this work.

Kyle: Every time I look at Nikki... I'm never gonna forget, Dad. So... sure, get married, but I won't throw rice, and I won't dance with the bride.

Daisy: (Sighs) I'm starving. I was so busy getting diapers, I couldn't even eat a hot dog there.

Daniel: Well, we might have to get something just to go, 'cause I'm not sure how much time Lucy's gonna have in her big day. Whoa.

Daisy: O, my God, it's Danny Romalotti. I-I mean, your dad. What... (Chuckles) Lucy, look. Come on.

Daniel: No, no, no, he looks busy.

Daisy: We're family. Huh? Yeah, yeah.

Paul: Um...

Danny: Oh, Daniel, Lucy. Hi, Guys.

Daniel: Hey.

Daisy: Uh, I'm Lucy's mother, Daisy. It's so nice to finally meet you.

Danny: Nice to meet you, too, Daisy. Uh, do you know Christine Blair and--and Paul Williams?

Paul: Hi.

Daisy: Hi.

Chris: Lucy is adorable. Hey.

Daisy: Yeah, we love her very much.

Danny: Hey, why don't we, sit over here? We can talk, huh?

Daisy: See? He looks happy.

Paul: So, um, it must be nice to catch up with Danny again.

Chris: Yeah, I-- it was a surprise for both of us to be here-- in town, I mean. So you didn't tell Phyllis or Danny about Rachel's death?

Paul: No. I didn't think it really made much sense without, uh, getting more information. I would really love to get my hands on that case file and autopsy report. At least I would know what my son has done... or not done.

Chris: Isn't there anyone else you can ask for help?

Paul: Perhaps a very dear friend who would know what it means to me.

Ricky: Dr. Reid, what an unsavory past you have. Hmm, but where do you hang your hat now? Nothing. Unless you just go by plain old Tim Reid now. Well, howdy there, Tim.

Phyllis: Oh, Summer's having fun? Oh, yeah, okay, well-- well, great, then let her just have a sleepover at Mia's. That's fine, right? Okay. Hey, do you have Faith? Oh, all right. Well, then I'll see you when you get here. Hey, uh, can--can you... get something sweet for me? 'Cause I'm trying to keep these pregnancy cravings on the down-low, you know. Okay. Thanks, Baby. Bye. I didn't leave this here.

Noah: (Sighs) Are you sure about this? You can still kick me out.

Eden: Except I had to basically beg you to move in in the first place.

Noah: Hmm.

Eden: Come on, it'll be fine.

Noah: I know. I know. This is good. Ricky got the hint to stay away. But just so we're clear, um, I'm glad about you and Kyle. Just hang a sock on the door, and I'll stay away.

Eden: Oh, my God, this is not a frat house.

Noah: (Scoffs) Whatever. I mean, I just want you to be happy.

Eden: Well, it's not like Kyle and I had this great romance. And it's not like this is some plan for us to get back together, obviously. Wait, can we just, um, what happened in Paris stays in Paris, okay?

Noah: Okay.

Kyle: (Sighs)

Nikki: Hey, Kyle. I suppose your father told you our news. You know, we're not a package deal. When--when you need your father, just know that I won't be hanging around, so...

Kyle: It's funny, I pretty much just made Dad the same promise. So I guess it's a deal. (Chuckles)

Kyle: (Scoffs)

Abby: You look... dark and broody.

Kyle: (Chuckles)

Abby: Kinda like my dad, not yours.

Kyle: Let's move this party somewhere else.

Abby: (Sighs)

Nikki: Kyle was very polite with me just now. How was he with you?

Jack: Oh, I think my dream of "One big happy family" may have been a little, uh, premature. Go figure.

Nikki: Listen, Jack, none of this has to happen. Nothing has happened that we can't undo yet.

Jack: No, no, no, no, listen to me. If Kyle were any younger, that would be different. He'd need more from me. I can be a perfectly good father to Kyle, and be a wonderful husband to you.

Nikki: I find that optimism to be...

Jack: (Kisses Nikki's hand)

Nikki: Very sexy.

Jack: (Kisses Nikki's hand) You know what this means, don't you?

Nikki: Hmm?

Jack: Kyle knows about us, the rest of the world can know about us. I think it might be time... to go shopping for that ring I promised you.

Nikki: Ohh. Yes. (Laughs)

Jack: Mm.

Nikki: Mwah!

Danny: I hear you're a champion finger painter. Is that true?

Daisy: (Gasps) She also, ohh, she loves music. She's crazy for it. She must get that from you. (Gasps) W-we should play his CDs at bedtime. It'll be like her grandfather is singing her to sleep.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Daisy: You know, Lucy is not just a big fan of you like Hemmy, but... she is your legacy.

Daniel: I think...

Daisy: Huh?

Daniel: He already likes her, so you can ease up a little bit.

Daisy: Right. Uh, I'm... (Chuckles) I'm so sorry. I'm overexcited. It's just the first time I'm meeting my father-in-law.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

(Cell phone rings)

Daisy: (Chuckles)

Daniel: Oh, you know what? I better get this.

Daisy: (Sighs) I'm--I'm sorry I'm talking so much. It's just, to be honest, Lucy is... the best thing that's ever happened to me in my whole life. (Chuckles)

Danny: You know, I knew a girl once that was just like you.

Daisy: (Laughs) Oh, I, uh, I don't know why everyone is always comparing me to Phyllis. I never lied about whose baby this is. And Lucy, she deserves a real family. And that is exactly what we're gonna give her.

Daniel: Wait, what'd you say?

Phyllis: Um, my menu file was there instead of the drawer. Um, I didn't move it. Did you move it?

Daniel: Uh, I don't know. Maybe. I-I mean, I was kind of digging around like a madman looking for Lucy's binky.

Phyllis: Oh, all right. All right, good. Well, I mean, that's better than saying "I lost my mind."

Daniel: Well, I didn't say you weren't, so there's that.

Phyllis: Yeah, there's that. Um, you're funny. Talk to you later.

Daniel: Huh. (Chuckles)

Michael: I understand your concerns.

Lauren: Which you're just gonna dismiss, right?

Michael: Let's discuss this at home.

Lauren: You know I'm right. You know the more people that you indict or convict, the more people who are gonna want payback.

Michael: All right, all right, if I may... in jail, those people won't be able to do anything to us. And for that reason alone, I'd love to take the position of D.A. and press charges against Sheila's little... demon.

Lauren: If you could lock Daisy up, then it would almost be worth you taking the job. Almost.

Tim: Hello?

Ricky: Dr. Tim Reid?

Tim: Nobody calls me that anymore. Who is this?

Ricky: This is Ricky Williams, Mr. Reid. I'm a journalist working on a book on Phyllis Summers. It's an unauthorized biography, actually.

Tim: You're better off handling a rattlesnake. Good luck with that.

Ricky: Oh, I've already been bitten, and it sounds like so have you. We should meet.

Tim: If you think that this is amusing, then you don't know Phyllis by a long shot. I never want to hear that woman's name again.

Ricky: Oh, I know Phyllis, but you don't know me... yet.

Chris: Okay, thank you so much. I'll tell him. Okay, bye-bye.

Paul: Seriously? Your contact's willing to help me get the autopsy report and case file?

Chris: Yeah, and I'm gonna give you his number so you can contact him directly.

Paul: (Chuckles) You are amazing. I'll plug it directly into my contacts.

Chris: (Sighs) What? What's wrong?

Paul: "State patrol is reporting a fatality on Highway 12. Single car, male occupant. Name withheld, pending notification of next of kin. Resident of Evanston, Illinois."

Chris: Paul, no, I--

Paul: Chris, it could be Craig Hunt. If he was going to Jimmy's, he would take Highway 12.

Chris: No, there's no reason to think that this is your contact.

Paul: No, but Craig Hunt didn't show up at the meeting. A man is dead, and I can't shake the gut feeling that Ricky might have something to do with this.

Next on "The Young and The Restless" ...

Daniel: Some fatherly advice for me?

Danny: Yeah, I do, about your wife.

Tim: You won't believe the things Phyllis did.

Ricky: I can't wait to hear.

Chris: It was a car accident, Paul.

Paul: Was it an accident?

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