Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/29/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/29/12


Episode # 9915 ~ Sparks Fly When Danny & Christine Reunite

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Paul: I'm having a drink. What are you doing?

Ricky: Burger and fries. The place is a dump, but it's got pretty good eats.

Paul: Yeah, I guess.

Ricky: Thanks. It's a little early for you, though, isn't it?

Paul: Early for what?

Ricky: To be hanging out in a bar.

Paul: Oh. Depends on the kind of day I'm having.

Ricky: You're not waiting for someone, are you?

Paul: As a matter of fact, I am. Doesn't look like they're gonna show, though.

Ricky: Oh, Dad, don't tell me you got stood up. (Chuckles)

Paul: It was a business meeting.

Ricky: Ahh.

Chris: Danny.

Danny: Cricket. Wow. I mean, it's, uh, so good to see you.

Chris: Yeah, it's good to see you, too.

Danny: I didn't know you were in town. Uh--

Chris: Yeah, I-I got here a few days ago o-on business.

Danny: Oh.

Chris: What brings you to Genoa City?

Danny: Well, uh, Daniel's going through some stuff right now, and, uh...

Chris: Is he okay?

Danny: Yeah. He just needs his dad. Are you in a hurry? Uh, I mean, could I buy you a drink?

Chris: Sure. (Chuckles)

Danny: Great. Come on.

Phyllis: Hey.

Daniel: Hey. Daisy left me a n-note, said that she was coming here with Lucy.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah, she's here. We're building a tower.

Daniel: Okay.

Daisy: (Gasps) Look who's here. It's daddy.

Daniel: Hey, Sweet Girl. How you doin', hm?

Daisy: (Gasps)

Daniel: Thank you.

Daisy: We are having the best time with your mom. (Chuckles) Yeah.

Phyllis: Yep, sure are.

Daniel: That's fantastic.

Daisy: Oh, uh-oh. I think she's wet. I'm gonna-- I'll go change her. Here.

Daniel: Two days in a row?

Phyllis: Yeah, two days in a row... she's come to me. (Pops lips) Wonder why.

Abby: Well, everything is all set for the barbecue, and it looks awesome!

Jack: Well, this is gonna be great for Ashley--getting out, seeing other people.

Abby: Well, I totally agree.

Jack: So where is she?

Abby: Oh, she'll show up later. I threatened to drag her here if she didn't show up.

Jack: Okay, well, we gotta get back on the phones, turn this into a real party, okay?

Abby: Okay.

Jack: Hello?

Nikki: Well, hello, you two.

Abby: Hey.

Jack: Oh, please tell me that's my favorite potato salad.

Nikki: It is, indeed, with extra dill, just the way you like it. Mwah!

Jack: Ooh. Mwah. You spoil me.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Abby: Okay, okay, let's--guest list. (Laughs)

Jack: Okay, um, uh, let's see. Uh, Murphy and Katherine can't make it, they're busy. Um...

Abby: Uh, wait, should I call Billy?

Jack: Yeah.

Abby: Okay.

Nikki: Uh, well, he and Victoria took the kids up to the cabin.

Abby: Oh, that's too bad. I mean, I'm sure they'll have a blast, though. (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Oh, excuse me.

Abby: Oh. Uh...

Nikki: I'm gonna set this down.

Jack: Hello.

Sarge: Uh, when are your tests? Are you on the schedule yet?

Jack: Nag, nag, nag.

Sarge: Is that a yes or a no?

Jack: Yes, Sarge, I am keeping up with my exercises, but right now, we are planning a barbecue-- family and close friends.

Sarge: Let me guess-- Nikki's there, and you still haven't told her about the returning sensation to your foot.

Jack: You got that right. Hey, why don't you come over? Seriously, we're doing-- we're opening the pool we got a ton of food here. You can bring anybody you want.

Sarge: Let me see what my day looks like. Uh, if I, uh, can make it over, I will.

(Knock on door)

Eden: Hey, what's up?

Kyle: Hey, I was hoping you'd be home. Do you have plans for the day?

Roxanne: (Laughs) So how do you like New York?

Devon: A little too much, or else he'd get back home more often.

Noah: Oh! Well, it's nice to be missed.

Devon: Oh, please, who said anybody missed you? (Laughs)

Roxanne: Well, Devon says that you guys are working on a music thing together.

Noah: We are, uh, only not today. Abby called. Apparently, they're having a pool party over at Jack's, and we're all invited. They're grilling out. Yeah.

Roxanne: Oh, that's awesome.

Devon: Nice.

Roxanne: It'd be so good to see everybody.

Devon: I know it's gonna be fun. That's cool.

Roxanne: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: Noah. Hi!

Noah: Hey, it's good to see you.

Ashley: I know. I heard you were back. How have you been?

Noah: I've been well.

Ashley: Good. Well, hello.

Roxanne and Devon: Hi.

Ashley: You look beautiful, Roxanne. When did you get in?

Roxanne: Late last night. It feels really good to be home for a while.

Ashley: Oh, I bet.

Devon: How have you been, Ashley? I hope you're doing all right.

Ashley: You know, I'm fine. I-I'm okay. Thanks for asking.

Devon: Excuse me. Come on.

Harmony: Hey!

Devon: I'm sorry. I just wanted to get you out of there, 'cause I think Ashley's been through enough 'cause of what you and Tucker did.

Harmony: The last thing I want to do is cause that woman more pain. I was getting ready to turn around and walk out, but you didn't give me a chance.

Devon: Okay, do me a favor and just stay here till wave? Thank you. Hey.

Roxanne: Everything all right?

Devon: Yeah, everything's fine. How about, uh, what do you say we head to Jack's?

Ashley: That's a great idea.

Noah: Let's go.

Ashley: Okay.

Devon: All right.

Ashley: Thank you.

Devon: Sure.

Chris: Poor Daniel.

Danny: Tough spot to be in.

Chris: I'm glad he has you to talk to. (Chuckles) Well, this explains a lot.

Danny: What do you mean?

Chris: Well, I-I-I saw Phyllis earlier, and not that we've ever been friends, but she was even nastier to me than ever.

Danny: Well, she hates that that girl used a baby to get Daniel to marry her.

Chris: Karma's a bitch, eh, Phyllis?

Danny: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Listen, I'm not complaining. I like spending time with Lucy. I'm never gonna turn down a chance to spend time with Lucy.

Daniel: Well, no offense here, but I don't think that your company is the big draw.

Phyllis: Well, okay, yeah. Yeah. (Sighs) Really? You think she's up to something?

Daniel: When isn't she?

Phyllis: She's trying to get to me, so she could chip away at your defenses.

Daniel: Mm, right, 'cause that's gonna make me forget about everything else and fall madly in love with her, huh?

Phyllis: Well, we're not dealing with a rational person. She's not rational. (Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Oh, Jack. Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hey, you! What are you doing?

Phyllis: Uh, right this second, um, I'm standing in my living room. Why?

Jack: Well, it's such a gorgeous day outside, Abby and I decided we're gonna have a little barbecue. You, Nicholas, and Summer are cordially invited.

Phyllis: Oh, that's sweet. Okay, um, well, Nick is out with Summer and Faith right now, and, um, I'm here with Daniel and Lucy.

Jack: So bring them.

Phyllis: Great, okay. Thanks for the invitation.

Daniel: What invitation?

Phyllis: Um, Jack is having a barbecue, and we're all invited.

Daniel: All of us, huh? Like, as in, um... (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Yeah, well, mnh, you tell me.

Daisy: A barbecue! (Gasps) (Laughs) Ohh, what fun! Lucy will love it.

Ricky: So this meeting-- anything interesting? A new case?

Paul: I'm not gonna talk to you about it.

Ricky: Oh, got it. Guess that's why I call you a private investigator, so that nosy guys like me won't blow all your secrets.

Paul: Well, you know what? It looks like my client is not gonna show, so, um... I'm gonna take off. Enjoy your hamburger.

Ricky: Thanks, Dad.

Paul: (Sighs)

Avery: Hey. I was hoping you'd call. What's the latest on Ricky? Any progress?

Paul: I just had a-a really unnerving encounter with him. I'd like to use you as a sounding board.

Avery: Sure. I'm at the club, about to order some lunch. You want to join me?

Paul: Okay, um, I'm on my way.

Chris: Daniel realizing how much his little girl means to him, that-- that's such a positive thing. It... it shows that he's a good man, just like his father.

Danny: You still have a-a way of finding the silver lining in everything, don't you?

Chris: (Chuckles) Well, you were pretty good at that, too, if I recall.

Danny: Hey, I was good at a lot of things. I still am.

Chris: Really, Grandpa? (Chuckles)

Danny: Just try me. So are you, uh... seeing anyone?

Danny: (Breathes heavily)

Chris: Mm (breathing heavily)

Chris: (Breathing heavily)

Nikki: Oh, that might be Sarge.

Jack: Yep.

Daniel: Ohh.

Nikki: Oh, hi!

Jack: Hey.

Nikki: Phyllis.

Jack: Well, we are so glad you could make it, especially this little charmer.

Daniel: Yeah.

Daisy: Don't forget me. Hi.

Nikki: Oh, hi.

Jack: Hi.

Nikki: Glad you could come. Everybody's putting their purses right here.

Phyllis: Oh. All right.

Jack: I, uh, hope you brought a bathing suit for Lucy.

Daniel: (Chuckles) Yeah, she loves swimming, but I think she's a little more interested in chowing down right now, aren't you? You want to strap on that feed bag, kid, huh? Huh?

Daisy: Thank you so much for having us. We're super excited.

Jack: All righty, then. Uh, everybody's down at the pool. Shall we head there?

Phyllis: Yeah, great.

Daniel: Yeah.

Abby: Okay, well, you can get dressed in the pool house, and if you forgot your suit, we have plenty of extras, so help yourself.

Roxanne: Mm-hmm.

Abby: And hamburgers and dogs are over there. Everyone enjoy.

Noah: Hi, Guys.

Ashley: Hi!

Jack: Everybody just make yourselves at home, okay?

Phyllis: Hey! Okay, don't mind if I do. I'll go over there.

Roxanne: Oh, this must be Lucy! Hello.

Abby: Oh, it is. Isn't she a cutie?

Ashley: Oh, my gosh, she's getting so big.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Devon: She has a great smile, too.

Daniel: Nhh, keep it coming, Guys. She loves being the center of attention.

Daisy: Sure does. Uh, I want to put sunscreen on her.

Daniel: Oh, okeydoke.

Daisy: Come on.

Daniel: Here you go.

Daisy: Mm. (Laughs)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Devon: No ideas.

Abby: Why in God's name would you bring her here?

Jack: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey.

Jack: With Daisy here, I thought maybe you could use a friendly face.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you. You're very sweet.

Jack: How you feelin'?

Phyllis: I'm okay I get morning sickness at night... (Chuckles) But overall, I'm--I'm o-okay. I'm doing good.

Jack: Good.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Jack: I'm glad to hear that, Phyllis.

Kyle: Hey, Dad.

Jack: Kyle, um... hi, Eden. Welcome.

Eden: Thanks.

Jack: Hey, it's good to see you.

Kyle: Good to see you, too.

Phyllis: Um, Eden, I-I hear that your brother and Lauren moved back home.

Eden: Yeah, yeah. They're pretty psyched to be back in their own place again.

Abby: So I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if Kyle was really gonna come, so...

Jack: Well, this is about as good a surprise as I could have had.

Kyle: (Clears throat)

Nikki: Kyle, good to see you.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Kyle: Yeah, well, I wouldn't want to miss one of Dad's parties you know, let's go get in our suits.

Eden: Yeah, sure.

Eden: Hey. Didn't know you were back.

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, I just got in town.

Eden: Uh, guess I'll see you around.

Abby: Sorry. If I knew he was bringing "It," I would have warned you in advance.

Noah: (Chuckles) Claws in, Abs.

Abby: You're too nice.

Noah: Not really. Eden and I broke up because of me.

Abby: (Laughs)

Jack: You gonna take a swim?

Phyllis: Yeah. (Laughs)

Jack: (Chuckles)

Ashley: It's so great to see Kyle here.

Jack: Isn't it, though?

Nikki: Yeah, let's hope it's a sign of things to come.

Ashley: To be honest, I wasn't that thrilled about coming here today, but I have to say, I'm starting to think it's gonna be a good day after all.

Sarge: Harmony, how are you?

Harmony: Hey. Staying clean. (Chuckles)

Sarge: That's good. Attagirl.

Harmony: Listen, I-I never really thanked you that day at Jimmy's, when I was having a weak moment.

Sarge: But you didn't have a weak moment. You stayed strong. You became what you are made of.

Harmony: Yeah, well, you were a real friend when I needed one, so... thank you.

Sarge: So... how are things?

Harmony: Some days better than others today... eh, not so good.

Sarge: Well, it's early. Plenty of time to turn things around. As it occurs, I was invited to a-a cookout, and, uh, they said I could bring a friend. If you would like to come along, you're more than welcome.

Harmony: You know what? I think I would love that. I mean, who knows? I might even have fun for a change.

Sarge: Heaven forbid.

Harmony: (Laughs)

Ashley: (Exhales slowly)

Nikki: Oh, I was just coming in for those.

Ashley: Oh, I could have saved you a trip.

Nikki: So how are you?

Ashley: I'm okay. How are you?

Nikki: Can't complain, thanks to your brother.

Ashley: Yeah. I know you've been there for him, Nikki, and I'm really grateful for that. I'm also really grateful that he wasn't forced to choose between you and Kyle.

Nikki: I would never come between Jack and his son. In fact, I was ready to walk away, but then Kyle came to terms with our relationship.

Ashley: Well, that was very generous of you.

Nikki: The last thing I ever want to do is to hurt Jack.

Ashley: Well, excuse me for being so blunt, but, I mean, you have done that in the past.

Nikki: Well, I've been through a lot since then. I have a different perspective. My priorities have changed. Now I know who and what is good for me.

Ashley: I hope it all works out.

Nikki: Well, you take it easy, Ashley. I-I am so, so sorry about what happened with Tucker. It isn't easy.

Ashley: Yeah, it isn't. Thanks.

Sarge: Did you want to, uh, stop by your place to pick up a bathing suit?

Harmony: Bathing suit? I thought you said it was a cookout.

Sarge: They have a pool. Yeah, but it's up to you.

Harmony: Well, excuse you, travelin' all in high-up circles. (Laughs)

Sarge: It's a client of mine, Jack Abbott.

Harmony: Oh, man.

Sarge: I think you know the family through Mrs. Chancellor.

Harmony: Uh, no, that-- that's--that's a real bad idea.

Sarge: How so?

Harmony: Listen, a long, long time ago, I was involved with Mick-- I was involved with this man named Tucker McCall, who happens to be Ashley Abbott's husband, and he's also my son Devon's father.

Sarge: I didn't realize that.

Harmony: Yeah, well, last week, I had another moment of weakness, and that time, I gave in. M-Mick and I were together, and it was made a whole lot worse when Ashley walked in on us.

Sarge: Well, then I guess it's safe to assume that you are persona non grata... with the Abbotts, right?

Harmony: And with my own family, too.

Sarge: I'm sorry to hear that.

Harmony: You know, it's all right. I mean, it is what it is. It's my own damn fault. It's not like I can undo what I've done. I mean, all I can do is just go for it, and... you know, and try to do right from here on out, you know? Make amends where I can.

Sarge: Well put.

Harmony: (Sighs) Anyway, listen, I-it was kind of you to invite me along. I-I appreciate it, but I plan to stay far away from the Abbotts.

Roxanne: What did you say to your mom at the coffeehouse?

Devon: Oh, it's-- it's still so messed up. I...

Noah: What is?

Roxanne: Um, I think I'm gonna go in the pool.

Devon: Okay. It's nothing you want to know about. Trust me, man.

Noah: Okay. So where's Tucker? I asked a few people, and they were all like, "I'll fill you in later."

Devon: Yeah. That's--that's not a fun story to be telling at party, either. (Laughs)

Noah: Uh. You'll fill me in later?

Devon: That's a good idea, yes.

Noah: Cool.

Devon: Do me a favor, though, and don't mention his name in front of Ashley, okay?

Noah: Gotcha.

Devon: All right. But hey, how are you doing? Are you all right with Eden going out with Kyle?

Noah: Sure, yeah. I'm gonna hit the pool.

Devon: All right, let's do it.

Eden: Okay, who came up with the guest list?

Abby: (Chuckles) Don't look at me.

Eden: She screwed me over so bad.

Daisy: Lucy just went down for a nap. I put her in the pool house, where it's cool and shady.

Daniel: Good thinking.

Eden: What the hell is wrong with you?

Daisy: Excuse me?

Eden: Well, how could you rent your apartment out to Ricky after I threw him out?

Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What'd you do?

Daisy: I needed a sublet. Ricky likes the building. Wait, you're the one who wanted to move so fast. It was quick and easy.

Daniel: Okay, but I don't like Ricky. The guy is... (Shudders) (Chuckles) I don't like him living that close to Eden, either.

Daisy: Has Ricky ever done anything wrong to you?

Eden: Well, no, but I just have a really bad feeling about him.

Daisy: Well, you give me a really bad feeling, too.

Eden: Nice.

(Cell phone rings)

Daisy: Oh.

Daisy: (Exhales slowly)

Avery: So this other friend of Rachel's from Chicago--

Paul: Craig Hunt.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Paul: We talked on the phone. He claimed that he knew that Ricky was responsible for Rachel's death and he can prove it.

Avery: Oh, my God. Paul, if that's true...

Paul: S supposed to meet me at Jimmy's, but Craig never showed up. Ricky did.

Avery: And you still don't know what happened.

Paul: I've been trying to get a hold of Craig on the phone. Nothing.

Avery: Could he have gotten lost?

Paul: Oh, man. I gave him really good directions. He didn't strike me as the flaky type.

Avery: Okay, well, maybe he just got cold feet, and Ricky is a regular at Jimmy's, so, you know, this could all be one big coincidence.

Paul: What if it isn't?

(Michael Damian's "Was It Nothing At All" playing)

Driving in my car with the wind moving through your hair I reach for you now but you're not there it was the perfect time perfect place for us to be the nights were so warm move close to me was it nothing at all? No more hope of holding your body in the moonlight did I fall in love for nothing?

Daisy: I can't talk now. This isn't a good time.

Ricky: Did you get any dirt on Phyllis?

Daisy: I tried, okay? I-I went to Phyllis'. I managed to snoop a little bit while I was changing Lucy, but Daniel and Phyllis were there, and then we got invited to this barbecue and I'm here now, surrounded by people. You get the picture?

Ricky: I'm not gonna sit around and wait while you socialize. This is what I need you to do.

Daniel: Listen, I owe you an apology.

Eden: Just one?

Daniel: Daisy's judgment wasn't the best, and I'm sorry if she upset you.

Eden: Yeah. Is that it?

Daniel: No. I want you to call me if Ricky gives you any trouble.

Eden: I have plenty of other people looking out for me, thanks.

Daisy: Uh, here's the baby monitor. Lucy needs to be changed right when she wakes up and we're out of diapers, so I'm gonna go get some.

Daniel: Did you need any money?

Daisy: No, I'm good.

(Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Hey, Avery. What's up?

Avery: I'm at the club with Paul. We'd like to talk to you

Phyllis: About?

Avery: Ricky. Can you join us?

Phyllis: Uh, I'm--I'm at a barbecue right now, and I already talked to Paul about this.

Avery: We have some more questions, and it won't take long, okay? It's important, and then you can get back to your party. Please.

Phyllis: Okay, I'm--I'm on my way.

Avery: (Sighs) Phyllis is coming.

Paul: Good. I just tried to reach Craig Hunt again. Still no answer.

Avery: You think Ricky got to him?

Paul: Well, something happened, and I'd be willing to bet it isn't good.

Avery: Okay, well, maybe Phyllis can give us some background about when he worked for her, and if you're right and he's dangerous, I want to warn her.

Paul: Yeah. I'd really like to get my hands on the coroner's report and whatever the police have on Rachel Dalton's death.

Avery: I'm surprised you don't have that information already.

Paul: Well, I tried to go through a buddy of mine at the Evanston P.D. No luck. He told me that the case files at the university are still sealed, even from the police.

Avery: Hmm. So how are you gonna get past that wall of silence?

Paul: I guess I'll have to get creative.

Daisy: (Exhales slowly)

Jack: I'm telling you, Sarge, it just ain't a party without you.

Sarge: So I've been told.

Nikki: We'll introduce you around. Who don't you know?

Sarge: Uh, a few of the kids, I guess.

Noah: I'm not getting it. Not it.

Sarge: Oop.

Jack: Hey, how are you?

Devon: Hey, sorry about that.

Jack: Uh, Devon Winters...

Nikki: That's okay.

Jack: This is Sarge. Devon is my sister Ashley's stepson. Uh, this is Sarge, my physical therapist. He's in the music business.

Devon: It's nice to met you.

Sarge: Likewise.

Devon: Uh, we'll talk soon.

Jack: Good.

Ashley: Hey, Sarge. How are you? It's great to see you.

Sarge: Ashley. How are you?

Ashley: I'm good, thanks.

Sarge: Good, good.

Ashley: Have I told you lately how much I appreciate what you've done for my brother?

Sarge: Well, he's the one doing all the work. I'm just there to give him a rough time.

Jack: Oh, what I wouldn't give for a tape recorder right now.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Sarge: (Chuckles)

Danny: (Sighs) I don't have to ask you if you're okay, 'cause you're not. You're incredible. (Chuckles)

Chris: (Chuckles) I mean, we always were good together.

Danny: In so many ways.

Chris: So then, why did--never mind. I'm gonna grab us something to drink.

Danny: Hey, forget it, Beautiful. You're not going anywhere. At least, not right now.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Man: There you go. Sure.

Phyllis: So, um, what do you want to know about my ex-employee that I didn't tell you before?

Paul: Um, did Ricky ever mention an ex-girlfriend or any names, uh, from the period when he was in college?

Phyllis: No.

Avery: You sound pretty certain.

Phyllis: Well, yeah. He didn't talk about his personal life with me.

Paul: Okay, would you mind if I took a look at the computers that, uh, Ricky might have use at the office, and maybe the phone records from that period he was employed there?

Phyllis: What are you guys after?

Avery: We're just trying to learn a little more about his character.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, I could tell you about his character, or lack thereof. He's amoral.

Paul: You've said that before.

Phyllis: Listen, Paul. I'm sorry, I really am. But, you know, Ricky pulled a lot of stuff, and one thing that he did caused Daniel to marry Daisy. I can't prove that it's him, but I'm pretty sure it is. It was pretty underhanded, so I don't trust your son, and I never will.

Ricky: About time. Give me the key.

Daisy: (Scoffs) Would you chill? I couldn't exactly ask for it. I had to wait for the right opportunity to swipe it from Phyllis' purse.

Ricky: Come to Papa.

Abby: (Sighs) Really?

Ashley: What?

Abby: Do you have to go?

Ashley: I do, Honey. I've gotta check on some things at the lab, but you were right. This was fun.

Abby: Oh, good. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

Ashley: I really did, and you know what? It was great seeing you.

Noah: It's good to see you too. Mwah! Don't work too hard.

Ashley: Ugh, now he tells me. Bye, Honey.

Abby: Bye. Mwah.

Ashley: See you.

Abby: So how long you stayin'?

Noah: Well, at least until the food's gone.

Abby: No, I mean in town, you goof.

Noah: I don't know yet. Devon and I are working on a couple things, so...

Abby: Mm-hmm. Oh, is there something wrong with your neck?

Noah: Yeah, I got a crink in it, probably from sleeping on a couch these past few nights.

Abby: Whose couch?

Noah: Well, I wasn't up for being hovered over at the ranch, so, I've been crashing with a buddy of mine from high school.

Abby: Oh, I mean, you could stay with me, but my mom is there right now.

Noah: Hmm.

Devon: Hey, we have a room.

Abby: Hey.

Noah: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Noah: Uh, I mean, Roxy just got back in town. I don't want to cramp your style.

Roxanne: You wouldn't be, really.

Devon: No, not at all, but look, we have to hit the road.

Abby: Party poopers.

Kyle: Where you guys heading to?

Devon: Yeah. Um, I'm actually going down to Chicago. I'm checking out a new band. Yeah, but if you--seriously, if you change your mind, let me know, man, all right?

Noah: Will do.

Devon: Okay, see you.

Noah: Good to see you.

Abby: Yeah.

Roxanne: Bye-bye.

Devon: See you, Guys.

Eden: Move in with me. I mean, I have an empty bedroom and I actually need a roommate.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Jack: So this is so secretive that you had to drag me in here?

Sarge: Well, you're the one keeping the secret. I'm just obliging.

Jack: Oh, then it's gonna be a talk about that.

Sarge: You didn't actually think I'd come over here without bringing it up, did you? I mean, you never answered my question before.

Jack: I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow.

Sarge: And?

Jack: And what?

Sarge: Are you going to keep it or not?

Jack: Well, I have every intention of going.

Sarge: Yeah. Intentions, eh...

Jack: Okay, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm definitely going in. They can run tests to their hearts' content.

Nikki: Tests? What, you're having tests?

Jack: Yeah, just routine, uh, you know the hospital.

Sarge: Doctors love to be thorough.

Nikki: Oh. Well, in that case, I'm all for it.

Jack: (Whispers) Thank you.

Sarge: Not that it's any of my business or anything...

Jack: (Normal voice) Nikki is bound to have a million questions. I want to know everything I can before I tell her my legs may be coming back.

Phyllis: Well, I'm not shocked to hear that Ricky is holding a grudge. He's totally the type.

Avery: Just promise me that you'll keep your guard up.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Of course.

Avery: Thank you. I have a meeting to get to. You'll keep me posted?

Paul: You got it.

Avery: You be careful.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Yeah.

Avery: (Sighs) Bye.

Paul: See you.

Phyllis: Are you gonna tell me what you guys are looking for?

Paul: I'll know it when I see it.

Phyllis: Well, trust your instincts. You have access to whatever you want at "Restless Style."

Paul: Thank you. I appreciate that. It just might be for your own protection. (Sighs) It breaks my heart to say this, but... I am worried for your safety.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, there--there's actually somebody else you should talk to. You should actually-- you should talk to--to Danny.

Chris: (Laughs) I know. I had totally forgotten about that.

Danny: (Laughs)

Chris: How long ago was that? That was way too long ago.

Danny: A long time ago. (Laughs)

Danny: Hi.

Ricky: You haven't left anything out of place, have you?

Daisy: No. What are we looking for?

Ricky: Think... exposé. Whatever we could use to humiliate Phyllis the way that she did me.

Daisy: Got it.

Ricky: That bitch messed with the wrong guy, because I don't just get mad, I get even.

Daisy: (Exhales slowly)

Daniel: Baby girl, I'm sorry. I don't know where it is.

Nikki: Oh, what's going on? Can I help?

Daniel: Uh, her pacifier. It’s her favorite one, and I can't find it.

Nikki: Ohh, I know how that is.

Daniel: Oh, crap. (Sighs) It's at my mom's.

Nikki: Well, if you want to go over there and pick it up, go ahead. I can watch her.

Daniel: Seriously? You're awesome.

Nikki: Absolutely.

Daniel: (Grunts)

Nikki: I'd love to watch Lucy, my loo-loo-loo. Yes.

Daniel: Yeah. Well, the penthouse isn't far, so I should be right back.

Nikki: Say "Bye-bye."

Daniel: Be right back.

Nikki: Bye-bye. See you soon.

Daniel: All right.

Nikki: That's right. Now what can we do while he's gone? You want to read a book? (Gasps) You want to play with the froggie? Yeah? Okay.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Danny: You've told him that Ricky visited me, right?

Chris: He what?

Man: There's a very short list of potential D.A.'s.

Woman: And Michael's name is at the top.

Ricky: Dr. Tim Reid, psychologist.

Daisy: Grandma's still insane.

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