Y&R Transcript Friday 5/25/12
Episode # 9914 ~ Cane Has to Decide What to Do About Genevieve
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Paul: Right, Jimmy's is a, uh, just a local hangout. Right. I'll see you there.
Chris: Is that the kid who knew Ricky's ex-girlfriend?
Paul: Yeah, Craig Hunt. He is one of the few guys willing to talk to me about what happened to her.
Chris: And I said this before--be careful.
Paul: Mm-hmm. Have a seat. I will, because it could get back to Ricky that someone's asking a lot of questions. But if I didn't ask the questions, I wouldn't be talking to this guy. He claims to have proof that Ricky is directly responsible for Rachel's death.
Ricky: You're new.
Stacey: Summer intern. Stacey.
Ricky: Wow, they've got you covering the phones all by yourself. Someone must be impressed. I bet you'll move up quick. It's a great place to work. You're gonna love it. Sometimes, wish I had never left.
Stacey: You used to work here?
Ricky: Oh, yeah, just until recently. My boss just called me and told me I left some stuff behind. Figure it'd give me a good excuse to stop by and visit. Phyllis isn't in yet, is she?
(Telephone rings)
Stacey: Oh, excuse me. Good morning, "Restless Style." Sure, I can get you those proofs. No problem. (Chuckles)
Ricky: Art department? It's that way. Go ahead. I'll watch the phones.
Ricky: All right.
Ricky: (Sighs)
(Laptop keys clicking)
Daniel: Green ones? Ohh, are we going through a yellow and green phase? Is that what you're trying to tell me here, huh? What color you want to put on there next, hmm? One of these? How about this one? This one? We're gonna go with more green. Excellent choice. Yes... (Makes kissing sound) Right there. (Gasps)
Daisy: (Gasps) So what do we think? A budding genius? (Chuckles) I can understand why you were uncomfortable yesterday, about telling me what happened with Cassie.
Daniel: What?
Daisy: I-I asked around. I found out about it. I'm so sorry, but if there's anyone who understands what it's like to make a terrible mistake and live to regret it, it’s me, and maybe this is something that... could bring us closer.
(Bell tinkles)
Victoria: Oh, look, look, look, look! It's Bumpy the Camel en español.
Billy: Oh, yeah, you know, I never really liked his friend Sam, always trying to get Bumpy into a contest to see who can go the longest without water. If you ask me, he had some major hump envy.
Victoria: Well, in the Spanish version, his name isn't Sam. It's Juan, like Johnny.
Billy: And we will add this to the list, or right here, to the pile.
John: (Fusses)
Victoria: Oh, are you thirsty? You're thirsty. Tienes sed? Tienes sed?
Billy: Yeah, he definitely doesn't take after a camel, the way he guzzles.
Victoria: Would you hand me his bottle? It's in my purse.
Billy: Yeah. Let's see here. Here we go. Oh.
Victoria: Are you thirsty?
Billy: Here. What's, uh, what's this?
Victoria: Uh, that's my resignation letter.
Billy: To Beauty of Nature? You never turned it in?
Genevieve: Well, what a pleasant surprise to hear that you wanted to see me.
Victor: Yeah. We have a lot to discuss, Genevieve.
Genevieve: Do we?
Victor: Yeah.
Genevieve: That wasn't your position the last time we spoke. Honestly, you could give a girl whiplash, changing directions as fast as you do.
Victor: Last time we spoke, you didn't apprise me of pour situation.
Genevieve: You knew my situation perfectly well. You didn't realize how it might impact your situation. You see, if I lose my case or... (Chuckles) Either of my cases against Jack or the justice department, you lose Beauty of Nature-- again. I mean, that's the only reason that you are deigning to speak to me now, Victor. It's self-interest. You know what? It--it's fine. In a way, it's, uh, it's reassuring.
Victor: How's that?
Genevieve: Well I would never forget your friendship or your loyalty.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: But your lust for power-- oh, yeah, I can count on that. We both know that if you didn't need my cooperation, I wouldn't be here right now. We wouldn't be having this conversation.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You got it all figured out, haven't you? It is you that is facing a prison sentence, so it's safe to say you need me more than I need you.
Lily: Cane, I know that your tendency is to try to protect me and handle everything on your own.
Cane: Christine said if I don't respond to the subpoena and I don't testify at the grand jury hearing today against my mother, then he feds are gonna consider I'm just reneging on my deal.
Lily: Yeah, but you got Colin convicted. That's all that you agreed to do.
Cane: They have the leverage, and they're gonna use it.
Lily: Well, by "Leverage," you mean... they're threatening to deport you?
Cane: Yeah.
Phyllis: No, I gotta reschedule that. Yeah. Yeah, Thursday at 2:00 is good. Thanks. Oh. (Sighs)
Stacey: Someone's here to see you.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. I'm glad-- I'm glad you're here. I wish it were for different reasons, but I'm glad you're here.
Danny: When I saw Daniel, he was, uh, well, he was overwhelmed. I mean, I-I tried to give him what advice I could with what little time I had--
Phyllis: Well, he is. He is overwhelmed. He married a crazy person. (Chuckles) Right? He's trying to be noble. He's trying to do the right thing. I understand that. I-it--but he's tied himself to that... woman. He's put himself at her mercy. I mean, that's the worst thing he could do.
Daniel: I noticed we were a little low on baby formula, so I'm gonna head out to the store and get some.
Daisy: No. That can wait until after breakfast. And, Daniel, I'm not gonna ask you about any of the awful details about Cassie, but I need you to know that I'm here for you.
Daniel: Well, I appreciate it, but...
Daisy: But you're not ready to open up to me, because you haven't forgiven yourself for the things you've done in the past, and you haven't forgiven me, either, for what I've done, but I'm really hoping that we could get past that.
Daniel: The only way to get past it is to focus on the present and not dwell on things that happened a long, long time ago, and right now, in the present, we need baby formula.
Chris: Did Hunt take this evidence, whatever it is, to the police?
Paul: Um, no, I don't think so. He didn't want to get into the specifics on the phone, but he did tell me that there wasn't much of an investigation after Rachel's death. He knew her. He lived in the same building as she did, but the police never contacted him. Her death, to them, appeared to be a suicide.
Chris: Okay, but if he has proof--
Paul: Maybe he was afraid to come forward.
Chris: Afraid of Ricky, you mean. Well, does he even know Ricky?
Paul: He had the same impression of him that his roommate did, that he was charming... and dangerous.
Chris: Like his mother.
Paul: Like his mother.
Chris: (Sighs) Paul, I think it's time you got the police involved.
Lily: Listen, f you decide that you can't testify against your mother, I will support you, even if that means moving to Australia.
Cane: I can't ask you to do that.
Lily: Well, you're not asking me. I'm offering.
Cane: So basically, uh, if a woman who failed me as a mother, you would be prepared to move away from your dad and Devon, and they wouldn't get to see the kids. I can't do it. It means too much to me. It means too much to you.
Lily: No, Dad and Devon will always be a part of our lives. We will make sure of that, and I'm not doing this for Genevieve. I'm doing this for you.
Cane: I feel that's wrong. I don't know what to do.
Billy: I'm just surprised that you're okay with being on daddy's payroll.
Victoria: I'm not, okay? I haven't drawn a paycheck, I haven't done any work for Beauty of Nature since Genevieve sold it to my father. I just don't think I should officially cut ties before I see how things shake out.
Billy: What "Things"?
Victoria: Legal things. The sale might be reversed. Your brother might end up owning the company.
Billy it's not that you're considering going back to work for your father?
Victoria: God, no! Billy, how could you even think that I would?
Billy: The man knows how to get to you, he knows what buttons to push, and Beauty of Nature is the bait that's worked before. Come on, he's used it to manipulate Sharon, Genevieve, Nick. Why not you?
Victoria: You know, I think I should be insulted right now.
Billy: Well, I have the right to be a little bit paranoid when it comes to father dearest.
Victoria: That's true.
Danny: It's really hard to see Daniel go through this.
Phyllis: Ohh, it's so hard. Listen, he was targeted. He had a big bull's-eye on his back. He's my son. Of course he did, you know? Oh, we really-- we really didn't clearly see the situation at first, but, I mean, this is Sheila's daughter. Daisy's Sheila's daughter. She's just like her mom.
Danny: Yeah, but she wasn't raised by Sheila.
Phyllis: Well, no, she wasn't raised by Sheila, but it's in the D.N.A., of course.
Danny: Well, you don't feel this way about Lucy, though.
Phyllis: N-no, no, no, no. No, not about Lucy. She's... an angel.
Danny: Okay, good, yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Danny: She's--she's adorable.
Phyllis: She is, isn't she?
Danny: I mean, I can understand why Daniel would be willing to--to do anything to, you know, protect her.
Phyllis: But what-- what he's doing is wrong. This is a catastrophe, the three of them living together. I mean, all it does is get Daisy's hopes up, and that's--that's a disaster.
Danny: Yeah, but you wouldn't want this to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, though, right?
Phyllis: What does that mean? What are you saying to le?
Danny: Well, I-I'm just saying, if you push someone like Daisy too hard, you know, I... I get the feeling that it's come to this point because of that reason.
Phyllis: Who pushed her too hard? (Chuckles) Are you saying I did? Is that what you're saying?
Danny: I--
Phyllis: You're saying that I pushed her hard? Is it-- because it couldn't be you. It wouldn't be you, because you haven't been here in--in, what, forever, so it couldn't be you, but all of a sudden, now you have the words of wisdom, you know?
Danny: Phyllis, please, I--
Phyllis: And--and it got to this point-- let me tell you something. It got to this point because I saw what Daisy was doing to our son, and I called her out on it and I got in her face, all right? Because what I'm trying to do is protect our son, and it's really more than you're willing to do.
Danny: I'm just saying, it might have been counterproductive. That's all.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, you're blaming me for this?!
Danny: Look, I'm just trying to figure some way to help our son. That's all.
Phyllis: Oh, great, good. Better late than never, right? Good for you!
Danny: You know, Phyllis, you can't have it both ways. You're upset with me for being not supportive. Now I'm trying to be involved and you tell me to back off. Which is it, huh?
Phyllis: Because, yeah, well, you don't know the situation. That's what I'm telling you. You don't know what you're talking about.
Danny: Oh, I think I have a much better understanding than you do about what it's like to be in Daniel's shoes.
Phyllis: Really? Are you gonna go there? Are you gonna make this about us? Are you gonna make this about Christine?
Paul: I don't have anything to take to the police, unless Craig Hunt's evidence turns out to be something.
Chris: And will you be able to evaluate it objectively? You're Ricky's father. You love him.
Paul: I am also Patty's brother, and I'm able to face that. Do you think I'd even be looking into this at all if I couldn't face it?
Chris: (Scoffs) I can see what it's doing to you, and it's only gonna get harder.
Paul: You don't know that.
Chris: (Scoffs) Well, I trust my instincts, and when I talked to Ricky earlier, something is definitely broken inside.
Paul: Oh, come on, Chris. You can't be any more objective about this than I can. His mother tried to kill you.
Chris: (Sighs) Okay, so you see this proof of Hunt's, and it's convincing. What then?
Paul: Why don't we just wait and see what happens?
Victor: Do you need a ride home?
Victoria: Uh, no, actually, Billy's coming back for us.
Victor: Oh. Well, not till I'm gone, I hope.
Victoria: Well, I think it was really considerate of him to give us some time to ourselves.
Victor: No complaints from me. So, little Johnny... is he napping?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Victor: You can add this to your library, okay? And then I will read it to you.
Victoria: You know, that's mommy's favorite book.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I'm gonna love reading that to you.
Victor: I signed it, you know.
Victoria: You did?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: "To Johnny, with love. Grandfather." Thank you.
Cane: Thanks for, uh, taking the time out of your busy morning. I appreciate you meeting with me.
Billy: No problem. I had a place where I needed not to be. So what did you want to ask me?
Cane: You know, you and I have a, uh... a lot in common when it comes to our moms. You know, we were both estranged from them for a while, and now we're trying to figure out, you know, if we can get along, and, um...
Billy: Okay, hold on. Did you ask me here to ask advice about your mother, the woman who stole a company from my brother and then left him at the altar?
Cane: And I know that she's not your favorite person, okay, and she wasn't my favorite person for quite a while, but she's trying to make a change. She's trying to fix the damage she caused, all right? Not just with me, but with Lily and the twins, so...
Billy: Okay. Then what's the problem?
Cane: The problem is the department of justice, and they want to know-- they are inquiring how she got the money to buy Beauty of Nature, and they're asking me a lot of questions.
Billy: Questions you don't want to answer. Okay, easy. Fine, don't answer 'em. Lawyer up. (Chuckles) Plead the fifth.
Cane: Well, if I do that, they're gonna deport me.
Billy: Seriously?
Cane: I've told Lily everything, and she's okay with whatever I choose to do, even if it means emigrating.
Billy: You're not sitting here telling me that you're willing to take Lily away from her family and her friends, just to support and protect your backstabbing--
Cane: No, no, I'm not gonna-- I'm not gonna do it, all right? I know that's not fair.
Billy: Well, then you have your answer. That's easy. Throw mama to the wolves.
Cane: (Exhales slowly)
Lily: Cane isn't here.
Genevieve: Oh. Well, that's too bad. Uh, his office said that he hadn't come in yet, so I just thought that I'd stop by in case I could catch him before he went to work.
Lily: Well, he's meeting with a friend, and by "Friend," that's not code for federal agent, in case you're worried. I know about the investigation.
Genevieve: Just when we thought it was safe to put all of the unpleasantness with Colin behind us.
Lily: Did you really think that you could do that?
Genevieve: (Chuckles) I guess it was sort of unrealistic of me, but, uh, I guess you're right. You know, I-I'll probably be dealing with the hangover of my marriage for a very long time, but you and Cane are a different story. You can just refuse to have anything to do with this, and I hope that you will.
Lily: I'm sure you do, although there's one little problem with that plan, is that Cane will get deported.
Genevieve: No. (Laughs)
Lily: Yes. He found out a couple days go that if he doesn't testify against you, then his deal with immigration will be revoked.
Genevieve: I'm sure they're bluffing.
Lily: Yeah, you know, I'm sure they're not. (Chuckles) You know, Cane put his life on the line to put Colin away and to make sure that all of us would be safe, and the least that you could have done was help him.
Genevieve: I did help.
Lily: Yeah, after you got your hands on the money. You know, it seems like all you cared about then was winning, and now all you care about is not getting caught. I really hope that you could just sit and think for a couple of minutes about the impossible situation that you've put your son in.
Danny: Arguing about us and our past isn't going to help Daniel.
Phyllis: Did you tell Daniel about our past? Did you tell him everything, Danny?
Danny: He asked if I had any regrets, and... I had to be honest.
Phyllis: Which means you told him to get out of the marriage. That's what you told him, right?
Danny: I really don't see this situation exactly the way you do.
Phyllis: So you encouraged him to stay in the marriage?
Danny: I just want to be supportive. I'm--I just--I know he needs that right now.
Phyllis: Right, because you know what he's going through, and you're feeling sorry for yourself, and you can't forgive me.
Danny: Can we please keep the focus on Daniel?
Phyllis: Well, do you-- do you--do you even see Daniel in any of this, or are you just sort of reliving your own history? Is that what you're doing?
Danny: I want him to handle things better than I did.
Phyllis: Better than I handled things. That's what you're saying, because--because I would just screw it up, wouldn't I? I would just screw it up like-- like I-I screwed up your life and ruined your life, right?
Danny: You didn't screw up my life. You screwed up my chance at a life with Cricket, okay?
Phyllis: (Scoffs)
Danny: She loved me, I loved her, and if it weren't for you--
Phyllis: I did not do that.
Danny: No, it's true. It--
Phyllis: No, I did not do that. I did not do that. I did not do that. I don't want to hear that.
Ricky: (Whispers) I do.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Let me tell you something. None of us were saints-- not you, not me, not Cricket-- who goes by Christine, by the way. Well, she's clearly moved on. Maybe you should, too.
Danny: Have you, really? Because I still hear that hate and anger in your voice when you talk about Christine. She's been out of your life for years. You know, maybe you're the one stuck in the past.
Phyllis: (Sighs) I still hate that bug.
Cane: So is that what you would do? Would you throw Jill to the wolves?
Billy: O-okay, it's a little bit different. My mom was not married to an international crime lord. Okay, she was, but briefly, and she didn't realize that it-- it's just different, okay?
Cane: Would you help your mom if she was in trouble, even if it wasn't her fault?
Billy: (Sighs) (Chuckles) I don't know. I-I'd like to, but if it hurt my wife, who stood by me even when I didn't deserve it, that's a bit of a tougher call.
Cane: Yeah, it is, though.
Billy: Don't think I helped you very much here, Buddy. (Raps knuckles on table)
Cane: No, you helped me. You did. Thank you.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Billy: All right, whoa, excuse me. Uh, Victoria.
Cane: All right. (Taps table)
Billy: Good luck to you, you know, no matter what you decide. See you, Bud.
Cane: Thanks, man. Thank you.
(Footsteps approach)
Chris: Hi, vodka tonic with lemon. Thank you.
Man: Of course.
Chris: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Excuse me. I don't believe that we've been formally introduced.
Chris: I know who you are.
Genevieve: Good. Let's talk.
Ricky: All right, I need you to start sucking up to Phyllis.
Daisy: (Laughs) What? Why?
Ricky: Well, because I need as much dirt as I possibly can get on this woman, especially about her marriage-- her marriage to Danny and this weird rivalry with Christine. Now I know that you can do this. You can get her to open up.
Daisy: But I don't--
Ricky: Do you know why? Because if you don't, then I'll open up, and I'll tell everyone how I helped you get custody of Lucy, and that way, you'll lose your daughter and your marriage.
Daisy: You're a weasel. You know that?
Ricky: You've been to her house, haven't you? All right, extra credit if you can get your hands on diaries, financial statements, bank record--
Daisy: Seriously?
(Cell phone rings)
Ricky: Hold on. You're the best. I'll be in touch.
Daisy: (Scoffs)
Ricky: Hey. Well, thank you for the heads-up.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: I expect the situation with Beauty of Nature to be resolved very soon.
Victoria: In your favor?
Victor: Of course there'll be a position for you, if you want it.
Victoria: Uh... I don't.
Victor: Then maybe... somewhere else at Newman Enterprises?
Victoria: I really appreciate you taking the steps to reach out to Johnny, you know? It's really meaningful and everything, but... um, that's all I'm ready for.
Victor: Well, you know, we could keep our professional and personal lives separate.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. No, that's never been true.
Victoria: You know, I really wanted to believe, when I... fought you in the lawsuit, and I fought hard and I won my independence, I wanted to believe that you would treat me differently, like an equal. So I came back, and you took that as a license to sabotage my marriage, all in the name of protecting me.
Victor: I don't want to rehash all my feelings about your marriage to Billy Abbott... but I miss you.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. There are some things that I miss, too, and there are some things that I don't. (Sighs) So, please, just don't push on this, okay? 'Cause it's not gonna happen.
Victor: All right. (Exhales slowly) You know the way you feel about that little boy, boundless love? That is what I feel, I've always felt, for you...and I'm convinced that in time, we will overcome all of our differences.
Genevieve: What you're threatening to do to my son is so much worse than anything I've been accused of. I-it's such irony, these tactics being used by the department of justice.
Chris: Well, you wanted to play in the big leagues, so congratulations, you've arrived.
Genevieve: So you feel good about this, do you? Tearing an innocent man away from his family.
Chris: "Innocent" is a relative term, isn't it?
Genevieve: No, not in this case.
Chris: If--if Cane is shielding a criminal from prosecution, even if that person happens to be his mother--
Genevieve: I've done nothing illegal.
Chris: Then I have a hard time wondering why you won't open your books to us. It would spare Cane from having to testify.
Genevieve: Because I know you're looking for a scapegoat. I don't need to volunteer.
Chris: (Sighs) You know something? I like Cane. He and Lily make a great couple. They have adorable kids. I think it would be a real sad thing if you decide to take them down with you.
Daisy: (Gasps) Hope you don't mind.
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Daisy: Uh, Lucy made this for you... well, with a little help from daddy.
Phyllis: Um--
Daisy: Can we come in?
Phyllis: This is a setup. I'm on to you. Really. This is two days in a row you've let me spend time with Lucy. Come on.
Daisy: Uh, I thought you'd be happy, but if I makes you uncomfortable--
Phyllis: No, come in. No, no, come in.
Daisy: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Hey, Sweetie. Where's Daniel?
Daisy: He's out running errands. Oh, I've been so happy with him helping out with everything. It's given us more time for fun things, like visits to Grandma.
Chris: Maybe traffic's holding him up, or he's lost.
Paul: Well, you'd think if that were the case, he'd call.
Chris: Are you worried that Hunt's having second thoughts about talking to you?
Paul: Well, I suppose it is possible he looked into my cover story and, uh, figured out I'm not who I said I was, but who knows? He could walk in the door at any moment.
Chris: Just let me know what happens. Okay.
(Revolving door swings open)
(Footsteps approach)
Danny: (Chuckles)
Chris: (Gasps)
Ricky: Hey, when you got a second...
Man: Yeah.
Ricky: (Sighs) Hey, Dad.
Paul: Ricky.
Ricky: What you doin'?
Paul: (Chuckles)
Ricky: (Sighs)
Billy: So Victor's already trying to reel you back in.
Victoria: Told him that I wasn't interested.
Billy: He's not gonna give up. You know that, don't you?
Victoria: Yes, well, I'm not gonna give in.
Billy: Oh, you're not gonna give in? That's excellent news. You made the right choice. Come here. Mm. (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Cane: How was my mom? Was she scared?
Lily: (Chuckles) Yeah, and self-absorbed.
Cane: (Sighs) That's a big surprise.
Lily: I just told her to back off, and that you don't need the pressure.
Cane: I called Christine. I told her not to expect my cooperation at the hearing.
Lily: What did she say?
Cane: They're gonna move my deportation hearing forward.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: Sweetheart.
Lily: No, I mean, it's--it's... its fine, you know? (Chuckles) Its fine. I-I just--I think that, um, you know, moving to Australia will be an adventure, so it's fine.
Cane: I'm gonna do what I can--whatever I can do to fight it. I'm gonna do that. I-I just--I can't. I can't be the one that brings down my mom.
Victor: Hello.
Genevieve: Ah. Thank you for coming.
Victor: Yep. Your text made it sound rather urgent.
Genevieve: Mm. Well, after your generous offer to help me with my legal problems, I thought that, well, it's only fair to let you know that... (Sighs) I've decided to turn myself in.
Victor: Huh?
Genevieve: You can take partial credit if you like. I am following your example. I've seen you do extraordinary things to protect the people you love.
Victor: You can't be serious.
Genevieve: I'm a little amazed myself.
Victor: Do you realize that you're gonna lose every penny you have made on the sale of Beauty of Nature and you're facing a prison sentence?
Genevieve: Yes... but I won't lose my family.
Victor: You're a bigger fool than I thought you were.
Genevieve: Ahh. (Sets glass down) Have a nice day.
Victor: Thank you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Danny: Could I buy you a drink?
Chris: Sure.
Ricky: You're not waiting for someone, are you?
Abby: I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if Kyle was really gonna come.
Nikki: Kyle, good to see you.
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