Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/24/12
Episode # 9913 ~ Family & Friends Reflect on the Anniversary of Cassie's Death
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: I miss you so much, Cassie.
Sharon: I hope you don't mind. When I was driving back from the cemetery, I saw you walking in.
Nick: All right, sit down.
Sharon: When I saw that teddy bear at Cassie's grave site, I knew you'd been there.
Nick: Our little girl loved her some bears.
Sharon: Yeah, she did. Remember that time when she first came to live with us and you brought her that bear that was bigger than she was?
Nick: (Chuckles) Yeah, she was, uh, she was scared of that thing.
Sharon: (Laughs) Well, until you told her that it was a guardian bear and it would protect her from all of the monsters under her bed. You were always so good at giving her what she needed.
Nick: Well, not at first.
Sharon: Well... it was a big adjustment, finding my daughter, having her come live with us.
Nick: Still... I shouldn't have waited so long to adopt her. I mean, all that wasted time...and I really wish that Faith... could have known Cassie. The little girl that Cassie predicted we'd have one day.
Sharon: Oh, Nick. (Sniffles)
Kevin: Here you go.
Noah: Thanks. Ahh. Feels like home. Lots of good memories here.
Kevin: From back when your parents owned the place?
Noah: (Chuckles) Then and after. You know, I remember when Cassie used to do her homework over there after school. I was the annoying little brother always begging her to buy me a coffee. She was always like, "No, you don't need any more caffeine. You're already wired as it is."
Kevin: (Chuckles) So how long are you back in town this trip?
Noah: I'm not sure yet. I had some stuff to take care of and, uh, you know, I wanted to be back for today. Cassie's anniversary of the day she died.
Kevin: Wow, that's today. I-I knew it was coming up. I guess I just spaced on the date.
Noah: (Scoffs) Yeah, for me, it's the date that everything changed.
Kevin: I'm sorry, Dude. I'm sure today is a tough day for a lot of people.
Daniel: We didn't really talk about you stopping by.
Phyllis: I know we didn't talk about it, but, you know, I just wanted to know if you wanted to get a bite to eat or take a drive or just talk to somebody.
Daniel: It's nice of you, but I'm fine. I'm okay.
Phyllis: Yeah, really?
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: I know it's a hard day for you...
Daisy: What--
Phyllis: But you don't have to go through it alone.
Daisy: What's going on? Why is it a hard day? Did something happen?
Phyllis: It--it has nothing to do with you, Daisy, okay?
Daisy: I'm Daniel's wife. Shouldn't I be allowed to know?
Daniel: Somebody died, Daisy. Somebody died a long time ago today, and it was my fault, okay.
Phyllis: It wasn't--isn't your fault. It wasn't--
Daniel: Is that enough information for you?
Phyllis: Daniel. Daniel.
Jack: Uh, just get back to me when you have some numbers. Yeah.
Mrs. Martinez: The delivery you were expecting, Sir.
Jack: Oh, yeah, the packaging samples. You can set 'em here on the table. You know--you know what? Put 'em right here next to me.
Mrs. Martinez: Okay. Ooh, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry.
Jack: Ow!
Mrs. Martinez: I-I didn't mean to step on your foot.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't be sorry. I felt that!
Mrs. Martinez: Oh, my goodness. Um--
Jack: Where's my cell phone? It's got Sarge's number in it. Um, try the dining room table. Hurry!
Daisy: Who died? And why do you think it's your fault?
Daniel: I'd really rather not get into it right now.
Lucy: (Stirs)
Phyllis: You're being paged. You're being paged. You're a mom. Come do your job.
Daisy: Hey, uh, why don't you take her back to your place for a while?
Phyllis: What are you up to?
Daisy: Nothing. She's your family. Hmm?
Daniel: You know, Mom, you want to do something for me? Go spend some time with Lucy. It'd be good for both of you. I-I think that is a great idea.
Nick: I still can't believe how many years have gone by since we lost her.
Sharon: Yeah. Our little girl would have been all grown up by now.
Nick: She'd be out of college. (Chuckles) Building a life of her own, learning how to... just live. You think she'd be in love?
Sharon: There are so many things that she'll never get to do, that we'll never get to watch... seeing her graduate, get married, have kids of her own one day. (Sniffles) If Cassie had never gone out that night...
Nick: (Inhales slowly)
Sharon: A lot of things would've been different.
Victor: Yellow was her favorite color, you know.
Nikki: Yeah. Looks like we both remembered that.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: You know, uh, I still look up at the stars and think of her.
Victor: I do, too. She was taken from us much too soon.
Nikki: Makes you realize how short life really is.
Victor: It does, doesn't it?
Nikki: I'll give you some time alone, okay?
Victor: Good-bye, Sweet Girl. You'll always be in my heart.
Sarge: I got here as soon as I could. What's going on?
Jack: It happened again.
Sarge: What happened?
Jack: Mrs. Martinez was delivering a box to me. As she was setting it down, she stepped on my foot. Ordinarily I wouldn't feel that. I got two tree trunks here! But I felt pressure, and as a matter of fact, it kind of hurt.
Sarge: Which foot?
Jack: Same one, where the--where I felt the toe.
Sarge: You feel that?
Jack: No.
Sarge: Come on. You feel that?
Jack: Y-yes, I definitely feel that.
Sarge: Wh-what are you feeling?
Jack: Um, pressure.
Sarge: A little pressure, a lot of pressure?
Jack: Enough to know I'm not imagining this.
Sarge: I'm calling Dr. Isaacs. Once could have been a fluke, just a reflex, like he said, but it's time to order some tests.
Jack: Bring them on! (Exhales slowly) (Chuckles)
Sarge: Thank you, I will tell him. Well, Dr. Isaacs is expecting us. We can head over to the Memorial right now.
Jack: Oh, my God. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up this high. (Sighs)
Sarge: It's hard not to.
Jack: This is the miracle I've been hoping for. This, on top of so many other things going so well in my life. I-I'm about to acquire a company I've been after for years. I'm about to get married. This would make the perfect trifecta.
Sarge: Well, congratulations on all counts.
Jack: I cannot believe it. A possible breakthrough.
Sarge: One step at a time, Jack. You've been working really hard, and I agree now, there is reason for big hope, but let's get these tests run to see what exactly is going on, okay?
Jack: Great. Let's get going.
Nikki: Oh, uh, I hope I'm not interrupting
Jack: No, not at all. Sarge was just telling me-- hey, is something wrong? You okay?
Nikki: Oh, I'll be fine.
Jack: You're not fine. You look like you've been crying.
Nikki: I was just at the cemetery. It's the anniversary of Cassie's death. (Sniffles)
Jack: Ohh, Nikk. I am so, so sorry.
Noah: Hey, Sis. (Chuckles) It's me. Well, it looks like you've had a lot of company today. It's pretty cool that people bring you stuff. I, um, didn't bring you anything. Just me. (Chuckles) I really need to talk to you, Cassie. You're my guardian angel, and... I could use your advice.
Daisy: What?
Daniel: That nice thing you did earlier-- letting my mom take Lucy for a while.
Daisy: Yeah, well, we're a family now. It's time to put the past behind us. (Chuckles)
Daniel: It's not always that easy.
Daisy: I wish you would talk to me about what happened, the person who died.
Daniel: You should get dressed.
Daisy: Um, okay, okay. Well, then maybe we could go for a walk or get something to eat, you know, whatever.
Daniel: Yeah, we'll see.
Daisy: Yeah. Okay. (Sighs)
Daniel: Hey, man, it's me. (Clears throat) What's up? Yea. (Sighs) Yeah, the day's been a little tough, now that you mention it. What about you? Wh-what are you up to? What's--what's your day look like? Are you free? Yes. (Chuckles) That sounds great. I would love to get out of here. Okay. I'll, um, I'll see you there in a few.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Ooh.
Nick: Yo.
Phyllis: Hello. (Singsong voice) Look who I have--Lucy!
Nick: Well, hello, pretty girl.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) (Normal voice) You want to say-- you want to say hi to Nick?
Nick: Hi, hi.
Phyllis: Say, "Hi, Nick."
Nick: How about high fives? Do you do that yet?
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Nick: Close enough. Daniel upstairs?
Phyllis: No. No, no, it's just us. I went--I went by to see him today, and, uh, Daisy actually suggested that I take Lucy.
Nick: Well, that's a 180.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I'm not complaining. So... you okay?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Have you seen Sharon today?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Good.
Nick: You're cool with that?
Phyllis: Uh-huh. I think that you guys should connect and remember your daughter together.
Victor: I took the liberty of letting myself in. I asked cook to bring over lunch.
Sharon: Oh, well, that's--that's really very sweet of you...
Victor: Let me sit you down.
Sharon: But you didn't have to do that.
Victor: Well, I wanted to.
Sharon: You know, I'm really not very hungry.
Victor: I wanted to. Well, but I think you should have at least a bite. Look at this now-- fried chicken, macaroni, and beans.
Sharon: That's Cassie's favorite meal.
Victor: Let's enjoy it together.
Sarge: Cassie sounds like a terrific young lady, and I'm very sorry for your loss.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jack: Sarge, I, uh, I'm gonna spend the day with Nikki, okay? I'll be in touch about rescheduling.
Nikki: Uh, uh, no, don't do that, Jack. Don't cancel your session because of me.
Jack: No, this-- this isn't physical therapy. This is just, uh, a routine thing, a-a test I need to have done.
Sarge: It can wait, but not too long, okay?
Jack: Okay. I promise, I'll be in touch.
Sarge: All right, then. I, uh, will talk to you later.
Nikki: Bye, Sarge.
Sarge: Okay. Take care, Nikki.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: I am so sorry this slipped my mind. I wish you would have said something to me. I'd have gone to the cemetery with you.
Nikki: Jack, don't worry about it. It's fine. I'm just glad that you're here now.
Jack: So am I, and I'm all yours... for as long as you need me.
Nikki: Mm.
Kevin: Hey. I'm glad you called.
Daniel: Well, I figured if anybody knew what day it was--
Kevin: I actually spaced on the date. Noah reminded me. How are you?
Daniel: Sometimes I feel like I just got off too easy. Maybe they should have just locked me up.
Kevin: Dude, it was an accident.
Daniel: Still, you know, if I hadn't been crushing beer until I passed out, maybe--maybe she wouldn't have tried to drive.
Kevin: Yeah, but did you ask her for a ride? Did you give her the keys to your car? Were you even conscious? No. Cassie took your keys while you were passed out and she got behind the wheel. It was a bad, bad decision, but it was hers.
Daniel: You know, right after it happened... I couldn't imagine not thinking about her every second of every day, and now, sometimes days, weeks go by where Cassie doesn't even cross my mind.
Kevin: It's nothing for you to feel guilty about. Life goes on.
Daniel: Not for Cassie, it doesn't. (Clicks lips) (Taps foot)
Phyllis: She's a perfect angel. She just drifts off to sleep. It's amazing.
Nick: It's a good thing you kept that crib.
Phyllis: Yeah. (Laughs) I know. It's a great thing. You know, I never, ever, ever thought, in my wildest dreams, when we were going through all that drama and all that pain with Cassie and Daniel that we would end up like this... with our own little girl and another one on the way.
Nick: I'm not proud of the way I handled some things back then.
Phyllis: Me, neither.
Nick: (Chuckles) But considering all the obstacles we've overcome, I honestly believe that we are exactly where we're supposed to be.
Victor: I hope I haven't upset you by doing this.
Sharon: No, not at all. Um, you really did it all. You remembered everything, even the ketchup for the mac and cheese. (Chuckles)
Victor: And... her favorite dessert.
Sharon: Oh, chocolate chocolate chip cookies!
Victor: Do you know they're my favorite?
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Victor: I love chocolate chocolate chip cookies. I love them. She had good taste.
Sharon: You know, after Cassie died, it felt like the world was underwater...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Like everything moved in slow motion. There were days where I-- I felt paralyzed, like, I-I couldn't move in any direction, and looking back, um, I'm surprised I was able to get out of bed.
Victor: I can't imagine anything worse than... (Sighs) Your--your child dying.
Sharon: I still miss my daughter every single day, but I've gotten to the point where I can smile at some of the memories, and I can think about her without wanting to cry, and I have gratitude that I had her in my life when I did.
Victor: Come here. Just remember how happy she made me when I saw her, you know? And she continues to bring happiness to everyone.
Daniel: You know, Kev, now that I actually know what it means to have a kid, just--everything's changed. You know, the whole world's different. Things that I used to think, or things that used to seem like they were really, really important, they just aren't anymore, not compared to Lucy.
Kevin: I may only be Delia's stepdad, but there is nothing I wouldn't do for her.
Daniel: I know, right?
Kevin: Yeah, like when she was sick, I would have gotten into that hospital bed and traded places with her in a heartbeat.
Daniel: Then maybe you can understand that-- what I mean when I--when I say that what happened with Cassie and what Nick and Sharon went through is just hitting me on a whole, totally different level than it ever has before.
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: Whoa, it's your home number.
Daniel: Daisy.
Kevin: (Groans) What should I tell her?
Daniel: Whatever you want. Look, I'm gonna take off, man. Thanks for listening.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, anytime.
Daniel: Thanks, man.
Kevin: Hello.
Daisy: Kevin, hi, it's Daisy.
Kevin: What's up?
Daisy: I, uh, I just hit the redial button to see who Daniel called earlier. Uh, he left without saying where he was going.
Kevin: Huh.
Daisy: Is Daniel with you?
Kevin: Nope.
Daisy: Do you know where he is?
Kevin: Nope.
Daisy: Were are you?
Kevin: Uh, I'm at Jimmy's.
Daisy: Are you lying to me? Is Daniel sitting next to you? 'Cause I-I heard him say that he was gonna meet you.
Kevin: Look, daisy, he was here, but he left. I don't know where he is and if I were you, I wouldn't push him today.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Noah: I wish I could come by more often, but at least when I'm in new York, I don't have to be around Mom and Dad. They're both acting crazy, especially Mom. (Chuckles) But what's new, right? You know, the truth is, things never really went back to normal after you left us. I guess I should be used to that by now, but it's hard. You know, our--our parents, they're supposed to be the sane ones, the grown-ups, but instead, I-it's just all this drama, all the time. (Sighs) I know. I know, I-I shouldn't let it bother me. Going around judging people all the time isn't good or them or me. (Chuckles) You know, I used to think it was my job to let them know the stupid things they were doing so they would stop, but all it did was cause more tension. You don't have that anymore-- no tension, no weirdness or negativity to deal with. I guess that's why people say "They're in a better place" when someone dies. But it doesn't make the people you leave behind feel... any less lost sometimes.
Victor: Have you seen Noah again?
Sharon: No. I left him a message earlier but I haven't heard back yet.
Victor: And that worries you?
Sharon: Yes, because even though he said that he's okay with us seeing each other, I... I think that maybe you were right and that was just a cover. Why else would he keep this distance?
Victor: Maybe he just needed some time, you know, to remember his sister.
Sharon: I hope that's all it is.
Victor: I think he'll come around. Don't you worry about it.
Sharon: Thank you. That, um, brings me to the other thing that...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: I've been concerned about, an... do you--how do you think Cassie would feel about the two of us? Do you think she would approve?
Victor: I think Cassie would want you to be happy.
Daisy: Still here, I see.
Kevin: Did you come here to make sure I wasn't lying when I said Daniel wasn't with me?
Daisy: Daniel and I are married now. We have a daughter together. What affect him affects Lucy
Kevin: I don't even know what that means.
Daisy: He told me that somebody died and he was responsible, but that's all he said, and then he took off without another word. Now I could se was upset. Don't you think I deserve to know the story, too?
Kevin: I think that if Daniel wanted to open up to you, he would.
Daisy: This marriage was his idea. I didn't trap him into it. He came to me, and now that we're married, he keeps shutting me out, and I'm trying so hard to make it work, but it isn't possible when he won't even confide in me. Now I don't think it's a big deal...
Kevin: (Clears throat)
Daisy: To want to know what's going on with my own husband. Damn it, look at me! I'm your sister. Why can't you be straight with me? If you don't support me and Daniel as a couple, why did you even bother standing up at our wedding? Tell me, who died, and why does Daniel blame himself?
Kevin: (Sighs) Come here. Have a seat.
Daniel: Looks like you've had a busy day. I can't believe it's been even years, how much has changed since then.
Nick: Yeah, I love you, too, Vick, and I know Cassie would be proud to know that you kept your promise to look after your kid brother. All right, bye.
Phyllis: Sweet of Victoria to check up on you.
Nick: Despite all of my family's faults, we're always there for each other when it really counts.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I know. Oh, I hope Daniel feels the same way. You know, I tried to reach out to him. He didn't want to get into it, so... I backed off.
Nick: You made the effort to swing by and see him, which I know he appreciates, and now you're watching Lucy so he can have some time to clear his head. If that isn't supportive, I don't know what is.
Phyllis: Now I'm here, and you're here. That's what's happening now.
Nick: That makes me very happy.
Victor: Those flowers are beautiful.
Sharon: Yeah. My mom sent them. They came with this little angel figurine and I took it and I brought it to the cemetery.
Victor: I saw it.
Sharon: You were there?
Victor: I was at the cemetery. I saw Nikki as I was leaving.
Sharon: You two were always so wonderful to Cassie, and I'll always be grateful to you for that.
Victor: She brought nothing but joy to our lives.
Victor: Anything else I can do for you?
Sharon: Yeah, there is.
Victor: Yeah? Name it.
Sharon: (Sighs) Do you think your chef could make us more of that lunch?
Victor: (Laughing)
Sharon: (Laughing)
Victor: You liked it that much? It's no problem. I'll talk him into it. (Laughs)
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Daisy: (Sighs) Wow. Poor Daniel.
Kevin: It's one of those things you never really get over.
Daisy: Yeah, but I wish he would have told me, so I could comfort him.
Kevin: It's a nice thought, Daisy.
Daisy: What, you don't think I'm caring enough? You don't think I have feelings? I'm a human being, Kevin. I'm capable of being compassionate, just like anyone else. Maybe even more, because I know what it's like to screw up like Daniel did, trash your whole life over one mistake, something you didn't even mean.
Kevin: Well, we've all been there. At least, I have.
Daisy: So why has everyone forgiven Daniel and you, by the way, but no one can even think to forgive me? I mean, it's like this whole town has decided I'm some evil monster with no redeeming qualities, but I mean, maybe if someone gave me a little bit of love, like, a real chance... who knows what kind of person I could become?
Kevin: Daisy, forgiveness-- it doesn't happen overnight. It's something you have to earn.
Victor: All right? Yep. Okay. Thank you. Everything is arranged. You sure about this?
Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure.
(Only love goes on forever" playing)
After all these years after all the tears the time has come to heal the heart we shattered to let the pain subside feel the emptiness we hide an rise above what truly doesn't matter only love goes on forever I know that now out here on my own I need you more than ever to open up your heart and your love will bring me home it's hard to carry on when happiness seems gone when you blame yourself it's hard to be forgiving you hold on to your pride and bury deep inside the very thing that makes your life worth living letting go will set you free if I could find a way to show you if I could only make you see only love goes on forever I know that now out here on my own I need you more than ever so open up your heart and your love will bring me home please open up your heart and your love will bring me home
Sharon: For all the things that tear us apart, some things will always hold us together.
Nick: To Cassie.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"..
Paul: He claims to have proof that Ricky is responsible for Rachel's death.
Phyllis: I wish it were for different reasons, but I'm glad you're here.
Billy: Fine, don't answer 'em. Plead the fifth.
Cane: But if I do that, they're gonna deport me.
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