Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/23/12
Episode # 9912 ~ Sofia Makes a Decision About Her Marriage
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: We have got complications regarding Beauty of Nature.
Nick: Is that why Genevieve's not at this meeting?
Victor: She won't be participating. Not until issues-- legal issues-- surrounding the sale of the company have been resolved.
Nick: Any progress with that?
Victor: The justice department right now is pursuing the case, and Jack Abbott's lawsuit is accelerating.
Nick: Are you worried at all about losing the company?
Victor: No. Let's talk about this here.
Nick: Here's the report.
Victor: All right. You'll need to be in touch with Sharon, since she won't be in today.
Nick: Sure. Let's get to work.
Sharon: What a lovely surprise.
Noah: It was a spontaneous decision.
Sharon: Well, it's a welcome one.
Noah: Yeah? Are you sure?
Sharon: Of course. I'm always thrilled to see my handsome son. So catch me up. How's New York?
Noah: Been keeping busy.
Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, what am I thinking? We should be talking in the kitchen. You've gotta be starving.
Noah: I'm not really hungry.
Sharon: What, that morning flight? You're lucky if they give you peanuts. When was the last time you ate?
Noah: Mom, I got in late last night.
Sharon: So you know that I'm just now getting home.
Noah: (Sighs)
Sharon: Um, Noah, it's not what you think.
Noah: Please, just tell me. Are--are you back with Adam?
Sharon: Not Adam. I was hoping to ease you into this.
Noah: What is it?
Sharon: The truth is, I've been seeing Victor.
Chelsea: Are you sure you're sleeping okay on the couch?
Adam: Yes.
Chelsea: We can switch, Adam.
Adam: No.
Chelsea: (Laughs) You're paying for the room. You should get the bed.
Adam: You want to go to Lake Michigan after breakfast?
Chelsea: Don't think you've won this argument just because you changed the subject, and, yes, I would love to, but I can't.
Adam: Oh, you have much more important plans than that?
Chelsea: I got a job.
Adam: You wha--
Chelsea: (Giggles)
Adam: Okay, so when did this happen, and why have you not told me?
Chelsea: (Laughs) Well, I was gonna surprise you and treat you to dinner. I didn't know you were gonna play hooky today.
Adam: Rain check for Lake Michigan on your day off.
Chelsea: Deal.
Adam: Okay, tell me, what's the job?
Chelsea: I am bartending and waiting tables at Jimmy's.
Adam: Okay, blow it up.
Chelsea: Damn!
Adam: Good stuff.
Kevin: Okay, I-I thought we were just getting together for lunch.
Abby: Well, to eat and to brainstorm.
Chloe: Yeah, and we need a male's perspective on the arts council gala.
Kevin: You want a male perspective? Check it out. It goes like this. Whatever works for you, Honey.
Kyle: I'm with him.
Kevin: Thank you.
Kyle: Foosball?
Kevin: Yes.
Chloe: Nuh-unh-unh-unh. We need your input, and remember, husband who vowed to support me.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: Hey, I, uh... (Sighs)
Kyle: We're cousins. You can't guilt me into this.
Abby: Ooh, until you need that kidney, huh?
Kyle: (Groans)
Chloe: Great. Okay, so let's start with the seating arrangement.
Abby: Oh, that's a great idea. Let's start with the most boring item. That'll really grab their attention.
Kyle: You two gonna argue?
Kevin: Again?
Chloe: Actually, Abby and I have been agreeing on some things.
Abby: Like, uh, not to hold the event in a stuffy ballroom.
Chloe: Yeah, we're gonna have it at this really, really awesome loft downtown.
Abby: Yeah. It was uptown.
Chloe: No, it wasn't.
Abby: Uh, excuse me, I think I know my directions. It was definitely uptown.
Chloe: Down.
Abby: You're wrong.
Chloe: Right.
Neil: Come in, Katherine. It is always a pleasure to see you, um, but this paperwork here, I could have had a messenger come and pick them up and drop them off to you.
Kay: Oh, no, no, come on. I, uh, I wanted to speak to you. Is, um, Sofia home?
Neil: Uh, no, she's--she's not. She's out with the baby.
Kay: Have you heard from Harmony?
Neil: No, not at all.
Kay: Well, neither have I, but that's no surprise, considering the way I treated her.
Neil: Well, to be honest with you, you just found out that she'd slept with your son. I mean, it's understandable that you wouldn't want her living in your house.
Kay: Oh, no, nonsense. Come on. Tucker’s a grown man. I just totally overreacted, uh, probably because it came on the heel of--
Neil: Of thinking that I was the man that Harmony had been with.
Kay: Anyway, I, uh, I apologize for coming to that conclusion.
Neil: No, no, don't, don't do that. Actually, Katherine, you're... you're not very far off base.
Harmony: Devon, hi.
Devon: Hey.
Harmony: Uh, you got a minute?
Devon: No, actually, I'm meeting friends.
Harmony: (Stammers) So you--you're just gonna keep running from me, huh?
Devon: I'm not running at all. I've said everything I need to say.
Harmony: Well, then give me a turn.
Devon: Mom--
Harmony: Please.
Victor: Well, I think these are excellent choices. You and Sharon ought to be commended.
Nick: Thank you. Okay, are we done here?
Victor: Why are you leaving so suddenly?
Nick: Did you have more questions for me?
Victor: (Sighs)
Victor: Talking about the elephant in the room, you and I have already discussed my relationship with Sharon.
Nick: Yes, we have. I don't want to do it again.
Victor: But there seems to be... some further questions that you have. Want to talk about it?
Nick: I ran into Sharon at your house this morning.
Victor: (Sighs) Hopefully you weren't... unpleasant with her.
Sharon: The reason that I hadn't told you about what was happening with Victor was because, um, well, I mean, it was new and isn't really sure where it was going.
Noah: Okay.
Sharon: Is that all you have to say?
Noah: You're dating my grandfather.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Noah: Yeah. Do I think that's a good choice? No, but I'm not gonna give you grief about it.
Sharon: Why not?
Noah: You have your own personal life, Mom, and so does Dad, and me getting worked up about who you guys date is a complete waste.
Sharon: So you're saying you don't care?
Noah: Care. I just don't want any screaming or yelling.
Sharon: Well, I never yell at you.
Noah: I yelled, and I regretted it. So this time, you and Dad and Phyllis and Grandpa will do what you do, and I'll just roll with it.
Sofia: (Sighs) Oh, sweet baby Moses. Do you know how much your daddy and I love you? Huh? (Chuckles)
[Sofia remembering]
Neil: We have two different homes, right? Moses has two different rooms, and that makes me a part-time dad, and I don't want that.
Sofia: (Chuckles) What are you saying?
Neil: Maybe... we should get married.
Neil: I, uh, I told Harmony that I had feelings for her.
Kay: And she--
Neil: Returned those feelings.
Kay: Uh, well, I-I suspected.
Neil: And we knew that it couldn't go beyond that.
Kay: So her sleeping with Tucker begins to make more sense.
Neil: You know, when I heard about that, I wondered if it was a sign that I should put the brakes on before I did something that I'd regret.
Kay: What about Sofia?
Neil: Sofia knows everything.
Kay: Oh, God, how awful for her.
Neil: (Sighs) Y-you know, marrying Sofia-- you know, I--Katherine, I told myself that I was doing the right thing, creating a family for our son. I thought that we would make it work, that we would find a way to be happy, and to be honest, we-- we've been... happy.
Kay: But not quite entirely.
Neil: You got any advice?
Kay: (Sighs) You know, Neil, the heart has a way of giving good intentions a swift kick, so whatever choice you make, you stick to it this time, before you cause more damage to everybody involved, including yourself, my friend.
Harmony: Listen, uh, I've--I've made a whole lot of bad moves, and whether I was here being your mother or of somewhere by myself, every single mess that I made hurt you, but I know that this one, it just--it... (Sighs) Listen, I'm not even gonna say that I wish I could go back and change things, 'cause what's the point?
Devon: So what are you saying?
Harmony: What I'm saying is that I'm starting fresh, and I'm gonna get myself back together, and I'm gonna try and make things right again.
Devon: I hope, for your sake, you do get things together, but don't bother trying to make things right with me.
Abby: Okay, so... imagine this-- a rainbow of lights across the room. Magical.
Chloe: (Sighs) Twee.
Abby: Twee?
Kyle: It means quaint.
Abby: I know what it means, and it's not. I mean, it's inspired. (Scoffs)
Chloe: Okay. Uh, let's just move on to the entertainment.
Abby: Okay, uh, well, that's one thing we know is not twee.
Chloe: Yes, and you're gonna want to listen up, because I lined up the sickest quartet from New Orleans to play.
Abby: Well, and I got Devon to contact Angelina, and she's in.
Kevin: Whoa, Angelina's coming back, and you're not arguing this?
Chloe: Well, now that I'm married to you and she's not, she can sing. Plus, it's a part of "Operation get rid of Carmine."
Abby: Yeah.
Kyle: Who's Carmine?
Kevin: Angie's ex.
Abby: He came to town with a grudge... (Pouty voice) Over his poor broken heart.
Kevin: And he decided to stay.
Chloe: And stay.
Abby: (Normal voice) And stay...
Chloe: So bringing back Angelina is great P.R. for the gala...
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: And it's also an exit strategy for Carmine.
Kevin: (Clicks lips)
Kyle: How does that work?
Abby: Oh, well, uh, Carmine sees Angelina, falls for her all over again, and then they leave town to be together.
Kyle: Come up with that all by yourself, huh? Great. (Laughs)
Kevin: Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. 'Cause the last we heard, Angelina wasn't even taking Carmine's phone calls.
Chloe: Okay, well, even if it's one-sided, Carmine needs to believe that he has a shot at his ex for this to work.
Abby: Mm-hmm, and I have got the most stupendously perfect idea to make sure that Carmine and Angelina have a very close encounter.
Kyle: What?
Abby: Hey, Carmine. It's Abby Newman.
Carmine: Yeah? And who do I have to thank for you calling me?
Abby: Uh, me, so why don't you come thank me in person?
Harmony: You don't trust me.
Devon: No, you know what, Mom? It's not that. I know you have a good heart, 'cause I've seen it, and that's why I let you get close, despite history.
Harmony: And then I screwed it up again. I am so sorry, Devon.
Devon: Well--
Harmony: I-I love you, Boo.
Devon: I know you do. It's just loving you back, I can't--I can't go there right now.
Harmony: Well, thank you for listening, and, um... take care of yourself, okay?
Devon: Mom, hold on a second. Neil told me that he has feelings for you, and it's got me worried about him.
Harmony: Right.
Devon: So tell me, where does he come into all this for you?
Kay: You either commit to a marriage or you get out of it.
Neil: I will.
Kay: I'm talking about now, Neil. It has to happen now. My God, you can't expect Sofia to settle for a husband who-- who is not devoted to her. And you won't be doing Moses any favor in the long run, either.
Neil: Yeah. You're absolutely right, Katherine. It is time for me to hold my feet to the fire. Sofia and I, we cannot go on like this.
Chelsea: I may not be able to carry a full half of our expenses, since I'm not starting a hedge fund like some people, but, um...
Adam: I have plenty of money, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Still, I want to do my part, and you might be surprised to hear this, but I make a lot of money in tips. I am a damn good bartender.
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: When am I gonna see you in action?
Chelsea: Well, never, if I don't leave now, so I should get going.
Adam: Okay. Kiss for luck?
Adam: Awkward. Hey, Sharon.
Sharon: How are you doing, Adam? Chelsea.
Chelsea: Great, thanks. I was actually just headed out. See you.
Sharon: Oh, were you just headed out, too?
Adam: I, um, I'm in no hurry.
Victor: I'll get back to you later, all right? Yep, thank you. (Exhales slowly) It's unfortunate that you and Sharon ran into each other.
Nick: Well, she explained to me what didn't happen between the two of you, but clearly, you are getting more serious.
Victor: And that bothers you?
Nick: I'm worried about my kids, Dad.
Victor: Mm.
(Knock on door)
Noah: Your assistant said you wouldn't mind.
Victor: Hey.
Nick: Hey. (Chuckles)
Victor: Come in, Noah. How the hell are you?
Noah: Very well.
Victor: Nice to see you.
Noah: Nice to see you, too.
Victor: Yeah.
Nick: I mean, I just left a message for you a little while ago.
Noah: Yeah. (Grunts)
Nick: (Grunts)
Noah: I got it, and I just saw Mom.
Nick: Oh. What'd you two talk about?
Noah: Everything, which is why I'm checking in with you and Grandpa.
Victor: This conversation is not something I'm looking forward to, but... go for it. Let me hear it.
Abby: So what do you think?
Chloe: Well, I think it's a good idea, but why didn't you just play it out on the phone with Carmine?
Abby: (Stammers) It'll work better in person, and then I have my reinforcements here in case I need to convince him.
Chloe: Mm.
Kyle: There's gotta be a better way to convince a guy with no friends and no family here to leave.
Kevin: You would think so, right?
Chloe: He is relentless.
Kevin: Yeah.
Abby: (Gasps) Speaking of someone I never, ever want to see again, look behind you, quick.
Kevin: Do you, uh, do you know the story--
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, I've heard.
Chelsea: Enjoying your lunch?
Chloe: We would love for you to join, except we don't want you to.
Chelsea: Oh, thanks anyway, but I'm not here to eat. I'm here to work, so I'd be glad to get you all anything else you need, unless, of course, you want to go somewhere else, where you like the service better. Okay.
Abby: (Groans)
Chloe: (Groans)
Sharon: (Clears throat) So, I, uh... I'm not proud of the way I behaved last time we saw each other.
Adam: No, it wasn't on our better moments.
Sharon: Yeah, it's just that, I mean, even though we were broken up, you moving in with Chelsea was...
Adam: Unexpected. Yeah, I know.
Sharon: Exactly. Exactly, but I guess, um, things are going well?
Adam: They are, actually. They're very well. Thanks for asking. And, um, my dad-- um, how's that going? I'm sure Nicholas went ballistic.
Sharon: Um, he's handling it better than you'd think he would.
Adam: Hmm. Well, that's good, actually I don't think anybody should be coming down on you.
Sharon: So I guess it's good that we're both moving on.
Adam: Yeah. You know, I prefer that it not be with my father, but, uh...
Sharon: But now you're coming down on me, too?
Adam: No. No, no, no, no. I'm--look, if-- if it's working for you, being with my dad, that's what counts.
Sharon: Yeah, it is. I-it--it's great.
Adam: Good. Yeah, maybe we'll both have a happy ending after all.
Sharon: Looks that way.
Nick: Son, I didn't want you to be blindsided by all this, which is why I called you and left a message telling you to speak to your mother.
Noah: Its okay, Dad.
Victor: Do you want to discuss any of this, Noah?
Noah: Not really. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not upset or mad or anything, and that I'm back and Mom filled me in. That's it.
Victor: Just know, if you have any questions, which I'm sure you do, feel free to come to me and talk bout it, okay?
Harmony: I don't know. You know, I was--I was spending so much time around Neil and seeing what a good man he is, what a--what a great father he is to you. Listen, I'm not gonna lie. I just started falling... hard.
Devon: But he's married.
Harmony: Which is why I fought the feeling, and then I ran into Tucker that night, and I-I-I got stupid and--and got myself into a mess of trouble, but I never wanted to make trouble for Neil. I respect that he's got a wife and a baby, and I'm keeping my distance.
Devon: Well, let's keep it that way, all right? I have to go.
Harmony: Yeah.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Harmony: Hello?
Kay: Thank you for picking up this time.
Harmony: Um, Katherine, listen, c-can I call you back?
Kay: What--wait a minute. What--what's wrong?
Harmony: (Sniffles) My son-- he's so mad at me.
Kay: Harmony, I know you haven't wanted to see me, but for God sake, please, please come and meet me.
Chelsea: Hi. What can I get you?
Devon: Could I get a burger and a beer?
Chelsea: Medium and what's on draft?
Devon: Yes and yes.
Chelsea: Okay.
Devon: Thanks. She's working here?
Abby: (Sighs)
Chloe: Well, at least now they can legitimately call the bar a dive.
Kevin: Yowch.
Devon: Yeah.
Kevin: So, uh, Angelina's definitely coming back, yeah?
Devon: Yeah, she didn't hesitate. She's excited to come back to where it all started and help with the art people.
Kevin: Oh. How's she doing?
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Devon: Thanks, man.
Carmine: What's with the crowd?
Abby: Oh, I'm, um, just finishing up a little business. Just excuse us.
Carmine: Mm. I never expected to hear from you.
Abby: (Clears throat)
Carmine: Who gave you my number, anyway?
Abby: Oh, I called your boss, Gloria.
Carmine: Mm.
Abby: I have a proposition for you.
Carmine: I'm listening.
Abby: Um, Chloe and I are in charge of this year's arts council gala, and I would, uh, like you to bartend.
Carmine: (Chuckles) Me?
Abby: Yeah. You have a great rep.
Carmine: And how would you know?
Abby: Well, I've been checking you out.
Carmine: (Chuckles) Have you?
Abby: I--people say that you are a great mixologist and that you are great with a crowd and are charming. Charm the customer. Can--that you are great with a crowd and you can charm the customers.
Carmine: Uh-huh. I just give 'em what they want.
Abby: Right. Well... that's what we need for this super mega-important event, so do you want the gig or not?
Neil: Sofia, I've been doing a lot of thinking about us.
Sofia: So have I, a-and I've come to some conclusions, but--
Neil: And I want to hear them. I do. I really do, but if it's okay, may I go first?
Sofia: Yeah.
Neil: You were absolutely right when you said that I'd better realize what I got before its too late. What I've got is a wonderful wife. I-I want-- I want this marriage to work. I really do. And I know that I haven't done my best to make it work, but I promise you, Sofia, I will. From now on, I will be the husband that I always should have been.
Kay: Harmony, I have been very concerned. Where have you been staying?
Harmony: At a motel.
Kay: God, I apologize. I... you should have never left my home.
Harmony: No, you had a right.
Kay: No, no. I acted rashly. But I, uh, I do have a better understanding of things now.
Harmony: You talked to Mick?
Kay: No. To Neil. I have the full picture now, Harmony, and now that I do, I--all I want to tell you, Dear, listen to me-- I'm here to support you in any way I can.
Harmony: Katherine, I knew that I couldn't be with Neil, and I did right. I walked away... and straight into Mick, and I have just messed everybody up so bad.
Kay: Did you talk to Devon?
Harmony: My son-- he doesn't have any respect for me anymore. I did everything I could to stay clean, and my son even started loving me again, and I managed to wipe all of that out in one night.
Victor: I saw Noah.
Sharon: (Clears throat) What did he say to you?
Victor: Not what I had anticipated. I thought he might be upset about finding out about you and me... (Purses lips) But he seemed to... be accepting of it.
Sharon: "Seemed to"?
Victor: I don't know if I can believe him.
Nick: Here you go.
Noah: (Clears throat)
Nick: So back at the office, um, you didn't say much about what's going on. What's your thinking?
Noah: (Clears throat)
Nick: Look, Son, I realize that with, uh, with your grandfather there, you probably didn't want to get into it, but I think you're bottling things up inside, and I'd rally like to hear what you're thinking.
Kay: Well, after everything you've been through, did, um... did you start using?
Harmony: I... almost did.
Kay: But you didn't.
Harmony: No.
Kay: Oh, God, I'm so proud of you for finding the strength just to resist.
Harmony: Well, I'm gonna have to find a lot more strength to keep going, and not just for myself, but for my son.
Kay: What did Devon say?
Harmony: Not what I wanted. You know, I-I wanted to ask his forgiveness, but I couldn't.
Kay: Why not?
Harmony: Because I-I just think it's--it's more than I have a right to expect of him now. First, I've--I've--I've-- I've gotta make amends...
Kay: Yes.
Harmony: By proving to him what's in my heart.
Neil: Sofia... I'm asking you, I'm asking you to please give me a chance to show you how much I mean this.
Sofia: Show me? Neil, I believe you. You said you wanted this to work for our family.
Neil: And I do. I-I do. I swear I do. You're an exceptional person and--and an incredible mother, and I-I haven't appreciated you enough.
Sofia: The thing is, you can act like the perfect husband, but there will always be one thing missing. You have never once-- not even now-- told me that you love me.
Neil: I want to be honest with you.
Sofia: And you have been. Neil, you have been honest with me from the day you asked me to marry you. You said you wanted us to raise our son together. You never made any romantic promises, but... I was in love with you. I hoped.
Neil: Sofia, we can survive this.
Sofia: How? By living together, sleeping together, rising our little boy together, and you're still attracted to somebody else?
Neil: No, n-no. I--Harmony will not be an issue. I promise that.
Sofia: Even if you never see her again... how you feel about me... will that ever change?
Neil: A-as much as I care for you, Sofia, I... I'm not sure that I can love you like that.
Abby: I don't understand why you're not all over this. It's a bartending job. Yes or no, Dude?
Carmine: I'm still wondering what your game is.
Abby: There's no game.
Carmine: Mm-hmm. There's something up with you... but you, uh, got me interested, so... yeah, I'm in.
Abby: Great. I'll, uh, forward you the details.
Carmine: All right.
Abby: Okay.
Kevin: She's playing games 'cause she's...
Devon: Yeah, I know.
Abby: (Singsong voice) Mission accomplished.
Chloe: Mm-hmm. (Clears throat)
Abby: (Sighs) (Normal voice) What?
Chloe: You are so into him.
Kyle: (Groans)
Abby: What? No, I am not! What? Ew!
Kyle: Totally, totally.
Abby: No, shut up. Shut up!
Chloe: Ugh.
Adam: Pardon me, Ma'am. What's good here?
Chelsea: Oh, you know, everything I make. I didn't expect you to stop by so soon.
Adam: Eh, well, I figured as long as I was playing hooky, I might as well play with you. Bet you loved serving that crew back behind me.
Chelsea: Whatever. Not much bothers me these days, although I did get a bit of a twinge earlier.
Adam: Mm. Sharon, yeah. You took off pretty fast.
Chelsea: The way she was looking at us, it-- it's very telling. She's not fully over you yet.
Adam: You need to get your bartender intuition checked.
Chelsea: And you still have feelings for her, too. I-I-I'm not jealous, Adam, seriously. I completely get it. I do. When you love somebody that much, at one point in time, you-- it doesn't just go away.
Adam: You want to know what I told her? I told her that I wanted her to be happy and that I wanted her to move on.
Chelsea: Really?
Adam: I didn't just say it, Chelsea. I meant it... 'cause of how I feel about you.
Neil: What is this?
Sofia: I'm... (Sniffles) I'm filing for a divorce.
Kay: Now, uh, you're not the only one who needs to make amends. I want you to move back into my home.
Harmony: No, I can't do that.
Kay: No, I insist.
Harmony: No, you've already done too much for me.
Kay: (Laughs)
Harmony: I'm making my own money. I don't need to put you out.
Kay: Oh, Harmony. For God sake! You're not an imposition. I mean, I never should have let you leave my home in the first place. Well, you couldn't be alone because you're in a very vulnerable state, and, um, you need a safe place to be, and I can provide that. All right, let's, um... (Clears throat) Look at it as a two-way street. We can look out for each other. Sound good? Come on. I mean, let's swing by that motel and pick up your things and... um, we can even go to a meeting. Hmm?
Harmony: Yeah, it, um... that sounds really good.
Kay: (Laughs) Attagirl.
Noah: Look, I guess I could bang my head against the wall, but why? You want to be with Phyllis again, and Mom wants to be with Grandpa. Do I think that that's a good choice? Is it easy for me to think about them together? No, but people fall for who they fall for. They--they can't help it.
Nick: You being straight with me?
Noah: (Laughs) Yes, yes. Are you surprised?
Nick: (Chuckles) No. I'm relieved, but I'm also damn proud of the man you've become, Son.
Sharon: Noah doesn't like me being with you, but he didn't give me too much trouble about it.
Victor: Well, that's kind of reassuring.
Sharon: Same with Nick.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: You know, his main concern was the kids. Even Adam wished me well. So everyone's fine, so they say.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You know, Sharon, if this is too much for you, tell me.
Sharon: Being with you is what I want.
Victor: All right. It's what I want, okay? Come here.
Next on "The Young and the Restless" --
Daisy: I'm Daniel's wife. Shouldn't I be allowed to know?
Daniel: Somebody died a long time ago today, and it was my fault.
Sharon: If Cassie had never gone out that night, a lot of things would have been different.
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