Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/22/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/22/12


Episode # 9911 ~ Victor Is Angry Over Jack's Success

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Good morning.

Nikki: Good morning. How long have you been up?

Jack: Oh, a little while.

Nikki: I had forgotten what an early riser you are.

Jack: I do my very best work in the morning.

Nikki: Yeah, it's coming back to me.

Jack: Yeah? We can always go upstairs. I could remind you some more.

Nikki: Mm, that is so tempting, but it looks like you've got a busy day ahead of you.

Jack: Yeah, always, but yes, particularly today.

Nikki: Well, just think of it this way-- when we get married, you can give me a wake-up call every morning.

Jack: Ooh, I like the sound of that.

Nikki: Mm.

Jack: Mm, mm. You know what? I want to get a ring on that finger. I want the whole world to know you're gonna be my wife.

Nikki: Jack...

Jack: What? You're not having second thoughts?

Nikki: No, no, of course not. It's just--do you mind if we waited a little bit before we tell people we are engaged?

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Sharon: Victor, hello.

Victor: Well, how do you do? Did you sleep well on the sofa?

Sharon: Yeah, fine.

Victor: I'm sorry I had to leave, but I was called to an unexpected business meeting.

Sharon: Oh, I-I didn't even hear you leave. I-I guess I must have been really tired from our talk last night.

Victor: We covered a lot of ground, didn't we?

Sharon: So... do you still agree we should move slowly?

Victor: Absolutely.

Sharon: Yeah, but there's just so much to consider.

Victor: (Breathes deeply) Why don't you take a day off, think about it all?

Sharon: Oh, no, no, I should go in and work on the line.

Victor: Well, Nicholas can handle that. I suggest you take a day off and just imagine the kind of life we can have together.

Sharon: If you're sure...

Victor: I'm absolutely certain. Talk to you later.

Sharon: Okay, bye.

(Footsteps approach)

Nick: Sharon? What are you doing here?

Genevieve: Hey. I ordered you a nonfat vanilla latte.

Leslie: Thanks, but I'm not sure we're gonna have time for coffee.

Genevieve: More inquiries from the S.E.C. about where I got the funds to buy Beauty of Nature?

Leslie: I haven't heard from them lately.

Genevieve: That's good news.

Leslie: I thought so, but I heard from someone else this morning. It's not good, Genevieve. In fact, it could be very bad.

Victor: How'd you find out about this?

Avery: I have my sources.

Victor: Uh-huh. I thought it was the S.E.C. that was gonna give Genevieve trouble.

Avery: This is more than trouble. This could be a disaster for Genevieve.

Victor: And a windfall for Jack.

Cane: Hey, Baby, can you come out here for a second? (Clears throat)

Lily: I am so glad that Dad took the twins for the day. What is this?

Cane: Hmm. This is what you call breakfast for two, Parisian style.

Lily: Ohh, Honey...

Cane: (Chuckles)

Lily: You're so sweet and romantic.

Cane: Hmm. I hope you don't mind it's here instead of our room at the club.

Lily: Oh, I know. (Sighs) That room is like our escape, where we could go when we felt like the whole world was against us.

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Lily: But I like doing it at home, you know? There's no pretense and no worrying. Just you and me.

Cane: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Lily: Is that my favorite French roast coffee?

Cane: Mais oui. I, uh, I got a couple of extra bags, uh, when we were in, you know, Paris on our honeymoon...

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Cane: For mornings just like this. Hmm?

Lily: It pays to have a husband that's so prepared.

Cane: Thank you, and look what else your husband has prepared.

Lily: (Gasps) Fraises la crème! Oh, my gosh. Wait, is that--

Cane: Voila!

Lily: (Laughing) Butter croissants.

Cane: Uh-huh. You know, they're not exactly like the ones we got from Le Grenier Pain...

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Cane: But hey, what can I say? It's, uh... the thought that counts.

Lily: I'm so happy that you thought of me.

Cane: I think about you every day, and do you know what I'm thinking about right now?

Lily: I don't know. That breakfast can wait?

Cane: Mnh-mnh. That I can't wait.

Lily: (Chuckles)

(Knock on door)

Lily: Mm. I should probably get that.

Cane: No, no, no.

Lily: Yes, I need to.

Cane: No, no, we're not home. There's no one home. We're not home.

Lily: Well, it might be Dad, who--maybe he forgot something.

Cane: Shh.

Lily: Yeah, okay? I'm sorry. (Laughs) I'm sorry.

Cane: If it's a solicitor selling magazines, we don't want any, okay?

Lily: Hi, Christine.

Chris: Hi. Lily, how are you?

Lily: Good. I didn't know that you were in town.

Chris: Yeah. I know I haven't been back in a while. Uh, can I come in?

Lily: Yeah, I mean, of course, yes.

Chris: Thank you. Hello, Cane.

Cane: How are you, Chris?

Chris: Good.

Lily: (Chuckles) Uh, would you like some coffee, or--

Chris: No, no, thank you.

Lily: Okay. So wh-what are you doing here in Genoa City?

Chris: Work, unfortunately. Um, that's really why I'm here, Cane, to talk to you.

Cane: Um, what do you want to talk to me about?

Chris: The department of justice is conducting an investigation of your mother and any illegal activities she may be involved in.

Nick: I came by to see Dad. Connie told me he wasn't coming in this morning, so I assumed he was working at home.

Sharon: Oh, um... he got called into a meeting.

Nick: Hmm. Well, I dropped off some papers on the new cosmetics line. I was hoping he'd take a look at 'em. Did he mention anything about that to you?

Sharon: No. Uh, we didn't talk about business.

Nick: Oh, here they are. Looks like he made some notes. Interesting. Okay, we'll go over this when you come into the office.

Sharon: Oh, actually, I-I'm not coming in today. Victor told me to take the day off.

Nick: Okay, then I'll see you when I see you.

Sharon: Nick, wait. Don't leave like this.

Lily: I thought the S.E.C. was investigating Genevieve.

Chris: They were.

Cane: And now it's gone beyond that?

Chris: Yes.

Lily: Well, Cane told the agents that he doesn't know anything about his mother's activities.

Chris: The S.E.C. was looking into the legality of the business transaction. We're more interested in the events that took place prior to the purchase of Beauty of Nature.

Cane: And you want to know how my father made his money and if my mother had anything to do with that. Is that what it is?

Chris: And what you know about both.

Cane: Well, Lily already told you I don't know anything.

Chris: Cane... (Sighs) I don't like doing this any more than you do, but we have to talk. It can be down at the federal building or it can be here, but not cooperating isn't an option.

Victor: So any idea why the justice department got involved in investigating Genevieve?

Avery: They're probably still burning because they didn't nail her husband.

Victor: Wow. So we have gone from possibly Genevieve losing all of her money to her potentially going to prison for a long time.

Avery: You don't seem broken up about either prospect.

Victor: One less obstacle in retaining Beauty of Nature. Now all we have left to do is to make sure that Adam's sale is invalidated.

(Footsteps approach)

Genevieve: Victor. Sorry to interrupt your meeting, but, uh, we have some urgent business to discuss.

Victor: Do we, now? All right. What do you have to say?

Nikki: It is tea.

Jack: Uh, listen. If you don't want to tell anyone about our engagement, that's fine.

Nikki: I don't want you to think that I'm getting cold feet, because I am not.

Jack: You said you love me. You said you want to marry me.

Nikki: I do, and I do.

Jack: Then we will keep it to ourselves. Maybe better anyway, considering Kyle.

Nikki: Well, you know, just being together is one thing, but I don't know that he's ready to hear that we're getting married.

Jack: He will come around. I promise. In the meantime, this could be fun. You know, secret rendezvous with my fiancée.

Nikki: Mm, yes. Nothing like a few clandestine encounters to spice things up.

Jack: Ooh. Let this be the first.

Nikki: Mm. (Aristocratic accent) But no, someone might catch us! We cannot!

Jack: (Aristocratic accent) Oh, I don't care. I have to have you now.

Nikki: (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: (Normal voice) Damn it!

Jack: (Normal voice) This is Jack.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Jack: Are you sure? E-mail me the details and stay in touch with me, okay? Good.

Nikki: Wow. Good news?

Jack: The best news I have had in years.

Lily: I think you should get a lawyer.

Cane: (Sighs)

Chris: Either way, we're gonna have to do this.

Cane: Can I have a minute?

Chris: Sure.

Cane: Baby, let's, uh, let's go outside for a second. Come here.

Lily: (Sighs) I don't like this. I really don't.

Cane: I don't like this, either, but I'm thinking, if I go along with her, I'll find out how far they want to take this, you know? And I'll find out what she wants from me.

Lily: Well, she's acting like you're one of the bad guys.

Cane: Well, I have to prove to her I'm not one of the ad guys.

Lily: Cane, that's not gonna be easy. She obviously thinks that you have information. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here.

Cane: (Sighs) What can I say? My parents don't trust me, so they didn't say anything incriminating in front of me, so there's nothing I can really even say to her.

Lily: Yeah, but Chris-- Christine could pick up on your suspicions.

Cane: Well, if it gets funky, I'll stop the interview, okay?

Lily: (Sighs) Okay. Fine. I guess I'll... get some coffee, even though that French roast smells amazing.

Cane: I'll put on another pot for you when you get back. It's gonna be okay.

Lily: (Chuckles) Okay. (Sighs)

Cane: (Groans) (Inhales deeply) (Exhales quickly)

Chris: You ready?

Cane: I have a question first. You're not just investigating my mother, are you? You're investigating me, as well.

Chris: Yea.

Avery: I'm gonna see what I can find out about that matter we were discussing.

Victor: You do that. Thank you.

Avery: Mm-hmm. Excuse me.

Victor: Have a seat, Genevieve. Leslie. Yeah?

Genevieve: Victor...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Has the department of justice contacted you?

Victor: Mm, no. Why?

Leslie: Well, apparently, they were alerted to alleged discrepancies in Genevieve's accounting ledgers.

Victor: Are you referring to Genevieve's purchase of Beauty of Nature?

Genevieve: Well, since the S.E.C. is investigating that already, we assume so, yes.

Victor: So what does that have to do with me? How can I be involved?

Genevieve: The justice department could broaden its investigation. They could look into your purchase of Beauty of Nature and my role at Newman Enterprises. It--this could be really bad for both of us.

Victor: Hmm. I don't see that way. I think this is your problem.

Genevieve: You assured me...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: That if I sold you Beauty of Nature, that you would protect me and my interests.

Victor: With the emphasis on interest--business interests, not your legal problems, which you incurred long before you and made our deal, all right? So, frankly, I don't see how my getting involved will serve either of us.

Genevieve: You want me to go down. You do! 'Cause then, you would have Beauty of Nature free and clear. You would not have to live up to your obligation to give me a job at Newman Enterprises. Very clever. Really clever. Sic the S.E.C. on me, knowing full well that it would turn into something much worse.

Victor: You're beginning to sound paranoid.

Genevieve: Do you think I'm gonna let the department of justice take me down? I went up against Colin and I won, and I will beat the feds, too.

Victor: Mm-hmm. You're on your own.

Jack: Ash, call me as soon as you can. I've got some good news. It might even cheer you up.

Nikki: I recognize that look. That is your "I outwitted Victor Newman" look.

Jack: Oh, no, this is better. I'm about to beat everyone-- Victor, Genevieve, the S.E.C. and guess what first prize is?

Nikki: I-I'm almost afraid to.

Jack: Something I have wanted for so long, and finally, it is gonna be mine.

Nikki: Will you tell me what it is?

Jack: Beauty of Nature.

Nick: (Exhales slowly)

Sharon: Thanks for waiting.

Nick: I really need to get to the office.

Sharon: Okay. Yeah, I won't keep you. I just wanted to let you know that I, um, I fell asleep on the couch, and that's where I spent the night, alone.

Nick: Well, you don't have to explain anything to me.

Sharon: No, I-I know I don't. I just thought there's no, you know, point to letting you think something that isn't true.

Nick: Okay. You're not sleeping with my dad. I got it.

Sharon: I'm not. W-we are seeing each other, but w-we're not-- I mean, we're-- we're taking it slow.

Nick: What happens between you and my dad is between the two of you.

Sharon: I just thought that you and I could move on with our lives without bitterness and resentment.

Nick: I want that, too. That's what I'm doing with Phyllis. We're building something healthy, happy, and strong, for us and for our kids.

Sharon: And you're saying I'm not?

Nick: I think you're doing what's best for you.

Genevieve: I should have known when you set me up with that federal agent in Japan that I couldn't trust you.

Victor: Your son rescued you then. Maybe he'll do it again.

Genevieve: You're hoping not.

Victor: What I know is that everyone should fight their own battles, you know?

Genevieve: I think the same thing--if the playing field is level, and it never is with you.

Victor: Maybe I'm just better at playing the game.

Genevieve: We'll see.

Victor: Good luck to you.

Genevieve: Luck? No, skill. Outwitting your opponent. That's what it takes to win, not luck.

Victor: You have a nice day.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Leslie: Oh, no. (Sighs)

Genevieve: What? More bad news?

Leslie: (Sighs) Nothing we need to worry about right now. Figuring out how we're gonna handle the justice department is our top priority.

Genevieve: Any thoughts?

Leslie: Is there anyone else who'd be willing to help you, someone who could help refute the claims the feds are making?

Genevieve: There's only one person I can think of.

Avery: I just got some news you're not gonna like.

Victor: About the justice department's investigation?

Avery: About Jack's lawsuit against Genevieve.

Victor: What about it?

Avery: The judge just made a ruling. I'm afraid there might be a huge setback in your quest to, uh, retain ownership of Beauty of Nature and a huge victory for Jack.

Jack: Bigger than huge. If things go as I hope, this will be a victory of epic proportion.

Nikki: Wow. I have not seen you this happy since... well, since I accepted your proposal. (Chuckles)

Jack: Nothing could compare to that, but I'm telling you, just the thought of taking Beauty of Nature away from Victor and Genevieve--

Nikki: Now why are you suddenly so sure that this is gonna happen?

Jack: That was my lawyer on the phone earlier. He was leaving the courthouse. The judge was ruling on a motion that Genevieve filed to have my lawsuit dismissed, because she felt it was groundless.

Nikki: But the judge denied her request?

Jack: The judge ruled in my favor. She also declared that Adam's sale of Beauty of Nature was totally legal, which means I can move ahead with my lawsuit, which is totally winnable-- more than winnable. I can't lose this.

Nikki: Well, you are confident.

Jack: Honey, this will give me a chance to sit in front of a jury and tell them what Genevieve is really about-- how she pretended to love me, how she got me to open up about my deepest feelings, and then used that closeness to find out what my bid for Beauty of Nature was gonna be. Now once they hear from me, they will have no choice but to void that sale and award the company to me.

Nikki: It still hurts doesn't it, what she did to you?

Jack: No, this is-- this is business. I should have had that company a long time ago. Now it'll be mine.

Nikki: Well, personally, I thought this lawsuit would take years, so I am thrilled. I-I hope it--it works out exactly the way you want it to.

Jack: Yeah, you do seem happy for me, but you also seem a little troubled by it.

Nikki: I was just wondering, um, who else knows about the judge's ruling?

Jack: I have no idea. It just came down. Why do you ask?

Nikki: I don't know. I'm just curious.

Jack: You're worried about how Victor's gonna react.

Nikki: Well, yes, I am.

Nick: What you do with your life is no longer any of my business, Sharon. I'm not interested in how you feel about my marrying Phyllis or that we're having another baby, with one exception-- how that affects Noah and Faith.

Sharon: (Scoffs) You think I haven't considered how my seeing Victor will affect the children?

Nick: I think if you had, you wouldn't be getting involved with him.

Sharon: (Scoffs) Nick, we've already been through this. Victor is a good man, and I'm not embarrassed or ashamed to be with him.

Nick: He's my dad, he's your ex-father-in-law, and he's your children's grandfather. You really don't think a relationship with him is going to affect our kids?

Sharon: Of course, I do. That's why Victor and I spent a lot of time talking about it last night. We know that this is going to be very difficult on the children.

Nick: Yet that's not enough to stop you two from being together.

Sharon: I will help Noah and Faith navigate through a complex situation.

Nick: Oh, it's complex?

Sharon: Nick, life's messy. I want my kids to know that and be able to deal with it, not live in some fairy-tale land where they can't even face reality.

Nick: That sounds good, in theory. Have you spoken to Noah?

Sharon: No.

Nick: He's gonna hear about you and Dad.

Sharon: There's nothing to hear. I told you, Victor and I are taking it slow

Nick: You're out in public together. Noah's gonna read about this on some web site or hear about it from Abby or Kyle. Maybe you're the one who's living in a fairy tale.

Avery: I sent a junior staffer looking for Jack's lawsuit against Genevieve. Now Judge Shaughnessy made a number of critical rulings, most of them in Jack's favor.

Victor: How does that impact Newman Enterprises specifically?

Avery: Not favorably. First of all, she denied Genevieve's request to have the lawsuit thrown out. Next, she declared the original sale of Beauty of Nature as being legal and valid.

Victor: So if Jack can prove that Genevieve's bid was made fraudulently--

Avery: Which is likely, then Beauty of Nature would go to the next-highest bidder, and that's Jack.

Victor: That can't happen.

Avery: Okay, look. Right now, you own the company, and if Genevieve could get out of this legal mess that she's in, it would stay that way.

Victor: Then let's help her get out of her legal trouble.

Avery: Well, you're talking about winning a lawsuit and making the S.E.C. and the justice department allegations just go away.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Avery: I don't know if that's possible.

Victor: You make it possible, okay? I don't care what it takes. Jack Abbott ain't gonna win this.

Nikki: Are you upset with me?

Jack: I love you. I believe you when you say you love me.

Nikki: You know that I do.

Jack: Then what's to be upset about?

Nikki: You're really not worried at all, are you? You're not threatened over my concern for Victor.

Jack: One day soon, you will be my wife. That means you will wake up in my bed, in my arms, every day. Soon, you won't even think of Victor, and once I have Beauty of Nature, I won't, either.

Nikki: Yeah, well, don't kid yourself. You and Victor will always have something to battle over.

Jack: Once this lawsuit is over and you and I are married, there will be nothing to fight about. I'll have everything I want, and Victor Newman will be nothing but a bad memory... for both of us.

Lily: Maximum sentence for money laundering is 14 years. Drug trafficking is not less than five years, not more than 40 years. Obstruction of justice is 25. (Sighs) Cane, God...

Cane: So why are you really here?

Chris: To warn you.

Cane: Because of the sins of my father?

Chris: (Scoffs) The mother this time.

Cane: Last year, I risked my family to help the FBI bust my dad and make sure he gets arrested, deported, and imprisoned, and now you're gonna come here and you're gonna talk to me like I'm a criminal.

Chris: Your father's in prison, but the millions he made illegally have never been recovered.

Cane: Your mates at the S.E.C. think that my mother used that money to buy Beauty of Nature. Now I told them I don't know anything about that.

Chris: Well, my coworkers at the department of justice aren't nearly as easygoing as their S.E.C. counterparts. They believe that Genevieve was as involved in your father's operation as he was, and she should pay the same price.

Cane: So you want to put my mother in prison?

Chris: They'll have no reservations about taking you down to get to her...

Cane: I haven't done anything.

Chris: And they can put a spin on any situation.

Cane: Oh, really? And what does that mean?

Chris: They want you to help them, and they will do whatever they have to convince you to do that.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Cane: (Sighs)

Chris: It's her? Cane, don't do-- Cane, don't.

Cane: Hello, Mom.

Genevieve: Ethan. We need to talk.

Cane: Yeah, we do, don't we? You know, it's funny, uh, you called, 'cause you were just on my mind.

Genevieve: Well, I'm glad, because I really do need to see you.

Cane: Well, unfortunately, I'm with someone right now, so, uh, how about we meet later, um, in the park, maybe

Genevieve: I was thinking something a little bit more private.

Cane: Well, it's such a beautiful day, so let's take advantage of that, 'cause you never know when it's going to rain this time of year, and you know what Samantha said.

Genevieve: That rain brought bad luck?

Cane: That's right, and we want to avoid that at all costs, don't we? So I'll see you in the park. I'll call you.

Genevieve: Sure.

Genevieve: That was strange.

Leslie: What?

Genevieve: For Ethan to have brought up Samantha not liking the rain, 'cause she thought it brought bad luck. He hardly ever talks about her, and for him to say that... he's trying to tell me something.

Leslie: What else did he say?

Genevieve: Um, he said that he was with someone.

Leslie: Maybe the feds got to him already.

Genevieve: He wouldn't turn against me.

Leslie: You have to start thinking realistically.

Genevieve: No, you have to figure out a way to get me out of this mess, Leslie. That is your job. Now you call Vance and figure something out.

Leslie: (Sighs) All right, I will call you if I come up with something.

Genevieve: When you come up with something.

Chris: You are making a terrible mistake, Cane.

Cane: Well, I appreciate the warning, but we're done.

Chris: No, we're not, not until you understand what can happen to you and your family if you don't cooperate.

Jack: Lily?

Lily: Hi. How are you?

Jack: I'm fine. Are you all right? You look a little upset.

Lily: Um... (Chuckles) Yeah, just, uh, family problems.

Jack: Genevieve.

Lily: You know about it?

Jack: My lawyer called.

Lily: Right. Well, I'm sure everyone will know soon enough.

Jack: She's going down, Lily. She brought this on herself.

Lily: I know. I... I know, I just-- I don't want her to take Cane down with her, you know?

Avery: How angry was Genevieve when she left?

Victor: She's not usually someone to let you know that.

Avery: What recourse does she have, in terms of people that would want to help her?

Victor: There's Jack, and then there's her son.

Avery: Well, she's not on good terms with any of them.

Victor: Well, but, you know, she's kind of... persuasive and can be seductive, so usually, she gets what she wants.

Avery: So do I.

Victor: That's why I hired you.

Avery: Well, I've got our legal team working on the justice department and Jack's lawsuit.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Avery: Now it's time for me to work my magic on Mrs. Atkinson.

Victor: All right, Avery, you keep me posted.

Avery: I will.

Nikki: Hello, Victor.

Victor: I'm busy.

Nikki: Yes, I'm sure you are, but I have some news, and I think its best you heard it from me.

Victor: I don't give a damn about your news. You're gonna marry Jack Abbott, aren't you?

Nick: Noah, hey, what's up? It's your dad. Uh, I haven't talked to you in a couple days. I wanted to see how you're doing. I suppose you haven't talked to your mother lately, either. You should probably give her a call. I'm sure she'd like to hear from you.

Noah: Hey, Mom.

Sharon: (Gasps) (Exhales sharply)

Cane: You know, that actually sounded like a threat.

Chris: Okay, you know what? I like you. I think you're a good man, but this is out of my hands, and you know how investigations like this work.

Cane: That's right, with threats and intimidation. I've seen it all before.

Chris: You know what? There's gonna be a federal grand jury hearing to determine whether your mother was involved in your father's illegal activities.

Cane: (Laughs) A subpoena?

Chris: They're calling you to testify.

Cane: Well, I can't tell them what I don't know, so...

Chris: If you don't give them the information they want to indict your mother, they will deport you.

Cane: So I either have to put my mother in prison or lose my family.

Jack: Wait, why would Genevieve's problems affect Cane?

Lily: Well, Christine Blair came by our place this morning and wanted to talk to Cane ab-- you know, never mind. It... (Chuckles)

Jack: Lily, I... justice department? Sentencing guidelines? Is Genevieve being investigated by the justice department?

Genevieve: I want it made clear that the allegations made against me by the S.E.C. and the justice department are baseless, and I want to read that report before it goes out. Today. Good. Thanks.

Genevieve: Ms. Clark.

Avery: I was told I'd find you here.

Genevieve: Did Victor send you?

Avery: I'm here on his behalf.

Genevieve: That's funny, because he just told m that we had nothing further to discuss.

Avery: Well, things have changed.

Nikki: You know. How do you know this?

Victor: I was at the hospital and I heard Jack Abbott propose, and I heard you say that you loved him and always will.

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Victor: Do you deny it? Are you gonna marry that obnoxious son of a bitch?

Nikki: Yes, but that's not--

Victor: Then we are done. Are you out of your mind?

Nikki: So he thinks... oh, my God, that's why he's with Sharon. (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless" --.

Noah: Are you back with Adam?

Sharon: I've been seeing Victor.

Chloe: We would love for you to join, except we don't want you to.

Chelsea: Thanks anyway, but I'm not here to eat. I'm here to work.

Devon: It's just loving you back, I can't go there right now.

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