Y&R Transcript Friday 5/18/12
Episode # 9909 ~ Danny Meets Lucy for the First Time
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Daniel: Oh, hey, come on in.
Phyllis: No. No. No. We're gonna talk about this marriage. Oh, God, it even kills me to say that word. (Sighs) At least you're here, right? You're here alone, away from the freak.
Daisy: (Gasps) Phyllis, hi. Lucy, look who came to congratulate us on moving in!
Paul: I know. It scares the hell out of me, too, but maybe Ricky... maybe Ricky is like his mother after all.
Chris: Oh, my God. Did--did he hurt someone?
Ricky: Getting ready for your new roommate?
Eden: (Gasps) Uh, what are you doing here?
Ricky: I used to live here.
Eden: Yeah, now you don't, and that door was locked.
(Lock clicks)
Ricky: And now it is again.
Chelsea: I can carry my own stuff, you know.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no, no. Why should the bellman have all the fun? Would you grab my key for me?
Chelsea: Which is where?
Adam: The hindquarters.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Ooh! Hey-o!
Adam: Don't be shy. I won't watch.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Ah.
Adam: Really?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: I felt nothing. Do I detect some pickpocket experience?
Chelsea: Don't expect me to tell you all my secrets just 'cause we're roommates now.
Adam: (Chuckles)
Sharon: Are you two living together?
Adam: (Sighs) That would be a yes.
(Footsteps approach)
Victor: Bonnie, I wanted the staff to take off. Why are you still here?
Nick: I'm not staff.
Victor: Oh, Son.
Nick: Maybe I should be. Just wanted to drop some papers off. Good night.
Victor: Sorry. Uh, Nicholas... do you have any idea where your mother is now?
Jack: I am in love with you. Now I can be with you. Marry me, so this never has to end.
Sharon: I didn't realize that you would be staying in town.
Chelsea: Well, it's not like you and I have really chatted a whole lot.
Sharon: No, I-I just supposed-- I mean, I guess I-I imagined that it would be hard for you to be in Genoa City.
Chelsea: It's gotten easier. Here, uh, let me take this.
Adam: Yeah, okay. Um, I'll bring the box in in a minute.
Chelsea: Take your time.
Adam: (Sighs) What brings you to the neighborhood?
Sharon: Um, there's, um, an applicant in from Sweden for a position at Newman Enterprises, for Newman Cosmetics.
Adam: Oh, okay. Just dropping off samples or paperwork or something?
Sharon: Adam, last time we saw each other, I was with Victor, and now you're living with Chelsea?
Adam: You think there's a connection, Victor being your quid and Chelsea being my pro quo? (Exhales slowly) Sharon, um, if you're concerned about me, don't be. I-I'm not your concern. O-officially, we're in the ex phase and soon to be ancient history, and if you think there's-- if you think there's anything left between us, you're wrong.
Nick: If you're looking for Mom, why don't you just call her?
Victor: She's probably playing nursemaid to Jack, hand-holding him through his rehab.
Nick: So Jack's taking advantage of her? Dad, Mom and Jack enjoy each other's company. And besides, aren't you romancing my ex-wife right now, or are you two done?
Victor: No, we are still seeing each other.
Nick: Then what do you care who Mom spends her time with or how she does it?
Victor: I don't give a damn what your mother's doing.
Nick: All right. Good night.
Nikki: Marry you? A-as in--
Jack: As in husband and wife, hearts and flowers, love and promises.
Nikki: Oh, but, Jack, we decided we shouldn't even date right now because of Kyle.
Jack: Wait a minute. Kyle is a grown man now, Nikki.
Nikki: Yes, but I took something very precious from him, and every time he looks at me, he's going to remember that.
Jack: He might, but he's trying to get beyond that. He is. He does not want to be an angry young man, ticked off at the world. He said as much to me. He also said, in no uncertain terms, he wants me to be happy.
Nikki: I doubt if he meant with me.
Jack: That is precisely what he meant. That's how far he's come. I had no hand in it. That was his doing, but it gives me hope, and, yes... maybe makes me a little greedy. I want to think I can have my son and have you, too. Okay, before you say anything, when I woke up in that hospital and realized I couldn't feel my legs, I was pretty angry-- angry at the world, angry at God for keeping me here just to keep me down. Nikk, I'm not down. I'm not down by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I feel like I'm starting my life over, and I don't want to waste another second of it apart from you.
Nikki: Marriage, Jack, though? It--it's a huge leap.
Jack: I'm living in a wheelchair these days. A huge leap sounds pretty good to me.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Jack: So do baby steps and everything in between. Look, I-I want to say this, too. I'm going to get these legs back. You're not gonna be pushing me around in a chair. One day, we are going to be walking side by side, I promise you. Marry me. I am in love with you. You're not saying anything. That mean you don't want to marry me?
Daisy: Daniel insisted we move in. He thought it's what's best for our family, away from distractions and interruptions.
Lucy: (Popping lips)
Daisy: That way, he can focus on his art, and I can focus on him and Lucy.
Daniel: (Pops lips)
Phyllis: That's news.
Daisy: Oh, Daniel, I forgot her favorite CD. She loves to dance.
Phyllis: I know she loves to dance.
Daisy: Honey, do you mind?
Daniel: Come on, I'll walk you out.
Phyllis: No, you go.
Daisy: It's fine, honestly.
(Door closes)
Phyllis: Hey, Lucy. Hi, Lucy. Hi, Sweetie.
Lucy: (Pops lips)
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Daisy: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: How are you?
Daisy: She's happier than ever.
Lucy: (Pops lips)
Daisy: (Sighs) Phyllis, this isn't good for you-- stopping by, hanging on. I mean, Lucy-- she has let you go. It's like you never even met. Don't you think it's time that you let her go?
Phyllis: Lucy is my family, and Daniel is my son.
Daisy: Well, you know what they say-- a son's a son until he takes a wife. That's me. And he's putting his family first. I think he got that from his dad, 'cause you just seem to...
Lucy: (Vibrates lips)
Daisy: Oh! Only think about yourself. (Inhales sharply) Hmm?
Lucy: (Pops lips)
Paul: Melissa insisted that Rachel tried to break up with Ricky for ages. She told me that he talked her into staying together. Melissa also said that Rachel was scared of Ricky. I-I-I can't ask her. She's dead.
Chris: Wait, a suicide? Unless you think there's another explanation, I... (Sighs) Paul, I know you've been thinking a lot about Isabella, and you have ever since Ricky got back to town, but I thought we agreed that just because his mom isn't well, it doesn't mean that he's like her.
Paul: You know, when I heard that his ex-girlfriend committed suicide, I felt terrible for her. And then I thought, you know, uh, maybe that's the--the-- the reason that-- that Ricky is so shut down. Look in his eyes. There's nothing there. There's not a flicker of empathy. That's not right. Even Melissa said that she's known the whole time that there's something wrong with him.
Chris: And none of that is evidence that he's anything more than a young man with problems, some manageable problems.
Paul: Mm, I'm not just talking about Isabella. What about Patty? Patty is part of Ricky's bloodline. Patty has no connection with reality. She has no concept of that. Ricky... he knows exactly what he's doing, and he doesn't seem to care.
Chris: But he's never done anything violent, right?
Paul: That we know of.
Chris: (Sighs)
Paul: Chris, a girl is dead. What if Ricky is...? If he's responsible? What's to keep him from hurting somebody else?
Eden: Okay, so now you walk through locked doors?
Ricky: You think I'm a ghost, or magic? That's pretty interesting, Eden. Or maybe I just still have my key. Here. Well, take it. Your new roommate's gonna need it.
Eden: Thanks.
Ricky: Well, where is she? I'm dying to meet her.
Eden: Uh, she kind of does her own thing.
Ricky: I'm sure I'll run into her at some point, now that I'm living across the hall.
Eden: Yeah. Well, if that's it, then I actually--
Ricky: Uh, I-it--it isn't. You and I aren't finished.
Adam: There was a long time where everything that we did led back to each other. Some of it was amazing. A lot of it was terrible, destructive, and I'm still sorry for all of it. I-I always will be, but now, I... (Sighs)
Sharon: You've moved on, with Chelsea.
Adam: Sharon, I... I like her. She's funny. She makes me smile. I--she's twisted, but she's trying. I...
Sharon: So this is you trying to find a reflection of yourself?
Adam: So what are you finding with my father? Are you finding yourself, who you want to be? 'Cause I gotta tell you, the idea of anybody going to Victor Newman to find answers is nightmarish. But you know what? It's--it is none of my business, and I'm gonna stay out of it.
Sharon: Well, that's obvious.
Adam: Maybe Victor's the one for you. Maybe... (Chuckles) Maybe he's your soul mate, okay? Maybe he can... make everything better for you. But maybe, just maybe, it’s a big mistake. (Sighs) But either way, Sharon, you and I, we're-- we're done. I know it. We both know it. Well, at least I know it. (Exhales sharply) I gotta help her out, help her unpack. Good-bye, Sharon.
(Door closes)
Nikki: I-it's not yes or no. I-- it's "How did we get here?" I'm just trying to catch up.
Jack: Okay, I-I-I know it's a lot, and I'm probably crazy to even ask you, but--but it's a good crazy. At least, it feels good. Okay, so let's back off. Let's take it one step at a time, so to speak.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Jack: How do you feel about the idea of marrying me? Take your time. I'm not going anywhere.
Nikki: This is how I feel about you. I love you, too, and I always will. (Chuckles) Go ahead.
Jack: Wow, this is a banner day, much better than I ever expected. We need to celebrate.
Nikki: Well, now-- now wait a minute. I, uh, you might have misunderstood.
Jack: If that was your version of "No," I am totally confused.
Nikki: Jack, I love you very much.
Jack: But your answer is no.
Nikki: My answer is... I don't know.
Chris: I'm so sorry.
Paul: It's what you're not saying. You think Ricky might be involved in his ex-girlfriend's death, don't you?
Chris: What will you do next?
Paul: I don't know. I really have no idea. Talk to Ricky, I guess, and maybe, uh... (Exhales slowly) See if I can talk to Melissa, the roommate, again, track down anybody that might have any idea or be able to shed some light on the kind of relationship that he had with Rachel.
Chris: Just be careful.
Paul: Yeah, I will.
Chris: I mean it. If you're right and Ricky did hurt that girl, we have to make sure that he will never do anything like that again.
Eden: You're wrong, Ricky. You and I are definitely done.
Ricky: We are-- we were roommates. Friends, I thought, and then everything seemed to go downhill when I started running my mouth about Phyllis, the whole "Wanting to bring her down" thing. I guess that's why you kicked me out.
Eden: I told you, a friend of mine from the west coast--
Ricky: Needed a place to stay. Yes, I-I do remember that, but it seems that maybe you got the dates mixed up, because, well, she's still not here. (Chuckles) But that is beside the point. The fact of the matter is that we are still neighbors, and I do mean what I said about that whole Phyllis thing. I was just running my mouth. You're getting worked up over nothing, and it would be silly of you to get anyone else worked up, like your brother Michael, by telling him that I'm after Phyllis or something, because I'm not. (Chuckles)
Eden: You know what? Unless you want to put on some rubber gloves and do these dishes yourself, you should go.
Ricky: Okay. Okay, I'm out. (Tapping hand) But I'll see you. I'll see you soon.
Nick: I thought I'd put us in the mood to--
Phyllis: I screamed at three drivers on the way over here, a couple pedestrians, and two birds, okay? I'm--I'm out of my mind right now. I'm so hormonal I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out! I swear, I could cry at a dog food commercial, so take the flowers and--
Nick: Okay, okay, okay, let's-- listen, this is a family joint. Let's try and keep it clean.
Phyllis: Don't tell me to keep it clean. I can do what I want. Give those flowers to someone nice, okay? Give them to someone who isn't insane, because I'm clearly insane right now, and, you know, apparently my son is, too, because he married Daisy. He married... Daisy... Carter. He married her, and when I tried to talk him out of it, he just walked away!
Nick: Look, your son is a grown man who has made a decision to try and be in his daughter's life.
Phyllis: I hate it. He doesn't deserve to be with Daisy. He deserves to be with his daughter Lucy and not in this-- this tiny studio apartment version of hell.
Daniel: Anything go down with you and my mom? I didn't see her leave.
Daisy: I guess, uh, she just wanted to give us some space. That's sweet, right?
Daniel: Yeah, that's sweet. Well, this is basically done here. (Chuckles) I think that I'm going to take Lucy for a little drive.
Lucy: (Babbling)
Daisy: Oh, uh, perfect. I'll--I'll go get my purse. (Chuckles)
Daniel: Actually, this is going to be a daddy/Lucy drive, isn't it? Yeah, come on, Kid. Let's motor.
Daisy: Wh-what are you doing? Where are you going?
Daniel: (Sighs) Gonna go and do something that I should have done a long time ago. Hmm?
Lucy: (Babbles)
Daniel: Yeah? Come on. Uh oh!!
Chelsea: (Sighs) You used to this?
Adam: What, you being here? Yeah, the novelty wore off around minute two.
Chelsea: No, I mean living in a hotel suite. Not a home, an apartment, the back room of a stinky, smelly bar-- oh, wait, no, that was me. Ugh, tell me again why I told Billy and Victoria to stop paying my bills! (Exhales deeply)
Adam: Well, because Chelsea is a little birdie who's flown the nest, and because you're such a delicate, frail little bird, I will be on the couch.
Chelsea: (Scoffs) Please. You were just afraid that I would arm-wrestle you for the bed and I would win.
Adam: Thank you for protecting my dignity, seriously.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Mm-hmm.
Adam: So you did not ask about Sharon.
Chelsea: Not my business.
Adam: (Laughs) Hey. Now we know.
Chelsea: Know what?
Adam: Now we know from whence your penchant for bad boys was birthed.
Chelsea: Was that even English?
Adam: (Chuckles)
Chelsea: And do not make fun of my fave. I will take you down.
Adam: Oh. Uh, this is one of my faves, too-- the book and the movie.
Chelsea: You're a fan?
Adam: This is basically my blueprint for adolescence. You should have seen the way I gave attitude to the cows back home in Kansas. Man, I had them running scared.
Chelsea: Okay, okay, stop lying just to humor me, please, okay?
Adam: Lying, huh, to humor you?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Excuse me, my delicate little birdie.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Excuse me for a second.
Chelsea: What--
Adam: Let me go through my collection.
Adam: "You want to Rumble"?
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Phyllis: I-I want big, colorful, crazy flowers and, um... and crazy loud and fun music.
Nick: "Crazy."
Phyllis: Are you calling me crazy right now?
Nick: No. No. No, you just-- y-you said "Crazy" twice in a--
Phyllis: No, no, no, no. You--you just said "Crazy," like, "Crazy," to me. I'm like this right now because of you, okay? Because of you and your swimmers.
Nick: Yes, and I accept full responsibility for that...
Phyllis: Good, good.
Nick: And I apologize.
Phyllis: Thank you. Can you get me a brownie? Like, a massive brownie that they have... (Chuckles) W-with whipped cream and chocolate sauce?
Nick: Yes.
Phyllis: No, wait a second. Mocha sauce.
Nick: Mocha sauce, sure--
Phyllis: No, raspberry sauce.
Nick: Yes, raspberry sauce...
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: 'Cause we are definitely not crazy. We are--
Phyllis: I'm--don't do that to me, please.
Nick: I know. I'm sorry.
Phyllis: Don't do that to me.
Nick: I'm sorry. Let me get you a brownie.
Phyllis: I just want chocolate. I just want chocolate, okay?
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: From my very sexy, hot fiancé.
Nick: I'll get you a brownie.
Daisy: As soon as I saw your car outside, I knew Daniel brought Lucy over, just 'cause you asked him to.
Phyllis: Look around. He's not here. You're freaking out. Wow, you don't know where Daniel or Lucy are. That's shocking. Wow, this is, uh, sort of opposite from the--the "Happy family" you were gloating about earlier on.
Daisy: Where is he?
Phyllis: I have no clue.
Daisy: If you're lying to me--
Phyllis: Don't you threaten me! You don't know who you're dealing with. I told you before that this was your life. He doesn't love you. Your first night together, and you have no clue where he is. Expect more nights like this, Sweetie. Enjoy. (Sighs)
Jack: Then that wasn't a no.
Nikki: No, it was not.
Jack: But you need more time.
Nikki: Yes, that would help, a-and maybe I just need to take a walk, clear my head, or maybe I need longer.
Jack: Whatever it takes. I got some more work to do here. Will I see you later?
Nikki: Yes, you will.
Jack: Wait, um... even if Victor hadn't taken up with Sharon, he still couldn't make you happy. Not anymore.
Victor: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
Nick: What's going on?
Daisy: How can you stand her? She's hateful.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm hateful? Really, I'm the hateful one?
Daisy: Lucy-- Lucy is my daughter, and only people who respect me are allowed to see her.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: Why is it you're not with your family?
Phyllis: Well, she doesn't know where Daniel and Lucy are.
Daisy: He didn't tell me where he was gonna go.
Nick: Well, I'm sure he's on his way home now, so I suggest you go home and wait for them.
Nick: Really?
Phyllis: What?
Nick: Phyllis, you are pregnant. You can't--you have gotta walk away from that. Besides, if you get engaged with Daisy, you're only gonna piss Daniel off.
Phyllis: Do you--do you think that it was brilliant that Daniel is missing right now? And part of me wishes he'd just change his name and leave the country.
Nick: This is helping. (Claps hands once)
Phyllis: Voice mail. It's his voice mail.
Nick: Look, I'm sure he really is on his way home, okay? But I will go and check it out-- by myself, without you.
Phyllis: Y-you know that this isn't really me, right, Baby? You know it's just the hormones, right?
Nick: I know...
Phyllis: Yeah?
Nick: And I love you...
Phyllis: I love you.
Nick: And you're welcome.
Phyllis: I love you.
Nick: Okay. Enjoy your brownie.
Paul: Melissa, yeah, this is Paul Williams calling again. I, uh, want you to know the foundation is still interested in getting more information on Rachel, so I would surely appreciate it if you could point me in the direction of, uh, any teachers or mentors that, uh, that knew her well. Um, it would be very helpful. Um, you've got my number, and, uh, thanks again.
(Revolving door swings open)
Paul: Eden, hi. Good to see you.
Eden: Hey. You, too.
Paul: How are you doing? Um, I was going to stop by later and see Ricky.
Eden: Um, Ricky doesn't live with me anymore. He moved out last night.
Paul: That's kind of sudden. I-I hope he didn't leave without a reason.
Eden: Um, actually, I asked him to move out.
Paul: Was there a problem?
Eden: Well... (Sighs) He faked this card from his mom, a birthday card, and then he just ripped it up and threw it away. I-it's like he's--he's got all this--this anger you don't expect, and--and it's all about Phyllis.
Paul: Well, it sounds like you had, uh, every reason in the world to ask him to move out.
Eden: Well, if I didn't, then I do now.
Paul: Why?
(Lock clicks)
Ricky: Good, it still works. Always handy to have a spare key.
(Lock clicks)
Sharon: I just-- I want to leave it all out there.
Victor: That's a wonderful idea.
Sharon: (Sighs) Hey...
Victor: What?
Sharon: When did you...
Victor: Oh. Well, it was delivered while I was out.
Sharon: You know you don't have to do things like that.
Victor: When I saw it, it made me smile. When I think of you, it makes me smile.
Sharon: I, uh, I really meant what I said the other day. I like how I feel when I'm with you. I-I like who I am.
Victor: That makes me happy to hear. Why don't you go upstairs and open it there, okay?
Sharon: Okay. You know, when I came over here, I felt like crying, and now I don't know why I would waste my time on tears.
(Knock on door)
Daisy: Did Phyllis send you to go off on me?
Nick: Is Daniel back?
Daisy: No. He has our baby and he's not picking up my phone calls.
Danny: (Sighs, claps hands) Whoo! (Laughs) All right.
Daniel: Hey. I know it's a little out of the blue, right? But Lucy and I had to come.
Danny: No. No, are you kidding? This is great! It's great. She is gorgeous.
Daniel: Yeah, she is, isn't she? Hmm. How'd you do it, hmm? How'd you marry Mom, get through every second of every day with someone you didn't love, just so you could be with me?
Eden: So then I turn around, and there he is. He just let himself in, like it was no big deal.
Paul: Did he give you back the key?
Eden: Yes, yes, and, um, I finally got him to leave. But Ricky freaks me out. If I'm wrong...
Paul: I'm not sure that you are. Eden, stay far away from my son.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, look, Christine. Back in town. Super, super nice to see you.
Chris: How convincing... and so sincere.
Phyllis: Well, I'm off my game today. Next time, I'll add another "Super."
Chris: (Chuckles) You do that.
Phyllis: Yeah. (Whispering) Bug off to you, too, Bitch.
Adam: Thanks again. Okay.
Chelsea: Who knew room service makes popcorn?
Adam: You know, I have a question-- are you going to be talking throughout the entire movie, or are we good to go?
Chelsea: You're just jealous that I'm gonna know more of the lines than you do.
Adam: (Chuckles) Oh! It is on.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: On, it is.
Jack: (Exhales slowly) (Inhales deeply, exhales slowly)
Victor: Oh, my God.
[Nikki steps in the door]
Sharon: How do you do it? You get something that I would have never thought of, and yet, it's perfect.
[Nikki remembers]
Nikki: How do you do that? After all these years, make my heart flutter.
Victor: Breathtakingly beautiful.
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Chris: Calling me a bitch under your breath?
Phyllis: I should have said it to your face.
Danny: Phyllis was Phyllis, but you were my son, and I wouldn't have traded it for anything.
Victor: Are we wise in pursuing this?
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