Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/17/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/17/12


Episode # 9908 ~ Christine Returns to Town

Provided By Suzanne

Kay: So what are you gonna do about it?

Nikki: Nothing. Katherine... (exhales sharply) I know you're concerned, and normally, your instincts are dead-on, but you are wrong about this. Jack is not in love with me.

Kay: I saw the way he looked at you. Now come on.

Nikki: You are reading into it. I mean, yes, jack and I are friends.

Kay: Well, it was even more serious until Kyle's reaction disrupted everything.

Nikki: We reconnected for a moment. I mean, not even long enough to call it an affair. It's over.

Kay: (Chuckles) over? Even, uh, when victor's moving on with Sharon?

Nikki: Yeah, well, that's his problem.

Kay: Well, you can't deny this is a horrible mess. This whole situation, for heaven sakes, and I want to tell you, young lady, you tread carefully, because some innocent bystander is going to be hurt.

Victor: So, Kyle, are you ready to go to work?

Kyle: Yeah, just about. I've gone over the reading materials you sent a couple times. I've done some research on my own.

Victor: I'll be damned. I'm impressed.

Kyle: But what I really want is to--to get an overall view of this place.

Victor: You mean, as in a tour?

Kyle: Yeah, yeah, that would be great. Who do I talk to about that?

Victor: You talk to me about that.

Kyle: No, no, I didn't mean to impose and--

Victor: Don't you worry. I have a few minutes, so let me show you around. Let's do it right now.

Kyle: Okay, great.

Victor: All right. There you go.

Kyle: Thank you.

Paul: (Breathing rhythmically) hey, Ricky. How are you?

Ricky: Busy, so if you're gonna go off on me again--

Paul: No, no, no, no, no. Uh, listen, I, uh, I want to apologize. I'm sorry that, uh, we left on bad terms on your birthday.

Ricky: Like that's something new. You pulling the disappointed father act is becoming same-old, same-old with us, so if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do.

Avery: Oh. If you want to eat with Ricky, I can get something to go.

Paul: Oh, no, no. He doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

Avery: So you haven't said anything to him about the old girlfriend?

Paul: No, not yet... although hearing that his old girlfriend committed suicide has, uh, made me see things differently, though. I can't help but, um... feel for my son.

Avery: But you still didn't want to approach him?

Paul: No, not yet, not until I have more information, which I am going to get today.

Lauren: So did Ricky give you any trouble when--oh, here.

Eden: Yeah.

Lauren: When you asked him to leave?

Eden: Um, not really, no, um, which is a relief.

Michael: But daisy's still there?

Eden: With Daniel. I'm not letting that bother me.

Lauren: Yeah. I can't believe he married her.

Michael: And they're living right across the hall from you? They're living right across the hall?

Eden: I'll be fine, okay?

Michael: I don't think you're gonna be fine. That's--

Lauren: All right, honey, let's believe her, okay?

Michael: Okay, got it. Not a problem. Fine.

Eden: And who knows? I mean, maybe being with Daniel will mellow daisy out and you guys can finally move back into the building.

Lauren: (Scoffs) wish I could count on that.

Michael: No. No, we're not moving back. We're not moving back...

Lauren: Look--

Michael: Until daisy moves out.

Lauren: We can't keep putting our life on hold and give daisy all the power.

Eden: Well, I mean, what can you do?

Michael: We can get a home of our own again and we can bring our son back to town.

Lauren: You know what? We're gonna start on that today.

Daisy: Thank you so much for running to the drugstore.

Daniel: Yeah.

Daisy: Mm.

Daniel: (Chuckles) you know, you gotta stop doing that.

Daisy: What, kissing you?

Daniel: No, thanking me for getting stuff for our daughter or for yourself. You know, I mean, we're a family, right?

Daisy: You know what? I was thinking, actually, about different ways we could make this place feel more like a home.

Daniel: Yeah, I was thinking about our living situation, too.

Daisy: Good. You want to redecorate?

Daniel: I want to move.

This is my mom.

She makes things fun.

Avery: Who's in Chicago?

Paul: The best friend of Ricky's ex. I'm hoping that she'll be able to provide some, uh... insight as to what happened and how Ricky handled the suicide.

Avery: Does she know that you're Ricky's father?

Paul: I held back on that. Do you think that's a bad idea?

Avery: No, not if you're looking for an unbiased perspective, but she may think that Ricky set things in motion when he broke up with the girl.

Paul: Or he could be completely blameless. The girl could have been suffering from depression all along.

Avery: And when you know more?

Paul: When I know more, I-I hope that, uh... I'll be able to reach out to my son and help him heal.

Avery: All this from one conversation?

Paul: A stretch, huh?

Avery: Well, maybe a little.

Paul: I just think that if... (sighs) I can get Ricky to know that he can count on me, that maybe he won't take the hurt and anger out on everybody else.

Avery: Well, I hope that it all plays out the way you want.

Paul: I think I should get this young woman's take on things first, yeah.

Avery: I think that's a good idea.

Ricky: (Tapping finger) come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Daisy: (Sighs) move where?

Daniel: My place.

Daisy: Is this because Eden lives 5 feet away from us?

Daniel: Partly.

Daisy: Oh.

Daniel: It's not...

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daniel: Because of me. It's for you. I made the mistake of kissing her.

Daisy: You don't have to apologize again for that.

Daniel: I mean, you shouldn't have to see her almost every day.

Daisy: I really wouldn't miss that at all, but wh-why-- why did you think of this?

Daniel: Well, I've gotta keep the garret, so I figure, why bother paying for two places?

Daisy: It'd be more money for Lucy, for maybe a college fund.

Daniel: And this place isn't big enough to do my artwork, and working over there means that I'd be away from you and Lucy most of the time, and I-I don't-- I don't like that idea. I mean, the whole point of us getting married was so we'd all be together, right?

Daisy: Wouldn't it be weird for you?

Daniel: Weird how?

Daisy: Okay, well, the last time I lived with you... (chuckles) I pulled some crap you weren't too happy about.

Daniel: If I couldn't get over that, I wouldn't be here. Look, life didn't start out so great for Lucy or for us, but... we can make a better life now.

Daisy: Okay. Yeah, we'll move. (Chuckles) (sniffles)

Michael: Listen, we appreciate you and Jill taking us in on such short notice.

Lauren: Yeah. It was very generous of you.

Kay: Oh, no bother at all.

Lauren: Thanks for saying that.

Michael: But we're gonna be looking for a place of our own.

Kay: I-I know that the two of you would like a place of your own...

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Kay: But I--or we-- are going to miss you very much.

Lauren: Aw, well, we're gonna miss you too, but thank you very much for understanding.

Eden: Oh, you know what? I'm sorry. I need to get going.

Michael: What? Okay.

Eden: Yeah, um, keep me posted on your new digs?

Lauren: Yeah, absolutely.

Eden: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah, absolutely. Uh, c-call when you get home.

Eden: Okay.

Abby: You better not be rushing off to throw yourself at Kyle again.

Eden: I don't need to throw myself at guys. They're automatically attracted to me.

Abby: (Laughs) um, deluded much?

Eden: Right, you probably don't understand the whole "being lusted after" thing.

Abby: Oh, p-lease.

Eden: Then why haven't you been with a guy, any guy, since I came back to town?

Abby: That's by choice. I'm picky.

Eden: Uh-huh. If a girl is known for running around town naked and still can't get a guy... (inhales sharply) yikes.

Abby: I have very discriminating taste!

Nikki: So it was one of my very first charity events. There's 50 society women all in couture and serious jewels. I mean, heirloom tea service, chamber music, wafting water lilies, you get the picture. Anyway, it's 100 degrees with 110% humidity.

Jack: So what'd you do?

Nikki: I did what every one of those women wanted to do and didn't have the guts to.

Jack: You--you jumped in the pool?

Nikki: (Imitates splashing) cannonball.

Jack: (Laughing)

Nikki: (Laughing)

Jack: You always make me smile.

Nikki: (Laughs) so where are you off to?

Jack: Well, I'm off to physical therapy, but that story's gonna keep me smiling through the whole thing.

Nikki: (Chuckles) well...

Jack: I hope we can do this again soon.

Nikki: Well, have a wonderful day.

Jack: You, too. Katherine, good to see you.

Kay: Same to you, my darling.

Nikki: I have gotta get going myself.

Kay: Now you tell me you can't see it.

Nikki: Katherine, jack and I have been friends for a long time. It's only natural that he would look at me with affection.

Kay: With a dash of yearning.

Nikki: Look, it doesn't matter what jack may or may not feel about me.

Kay: Why on earth not?

Nikki: Because we're not going to do anything about it. We can't, so you have nothing to worry about.

Kay: Nikki--

Michael: All right. When you called, you said something had happened with daisy.

Daniel: Yeah, I didn't mean to be so mysterious, but I just had to make it quick.

Michael: All right. Are you looking for legal counsel?

Lauren: Did you change your mind about the marriage?

Daniel: No, no, this is something more personal, something for the two of you.

Lauren: For us? How could that be?

Daniel: Daisy, Lucy, and I are moving out of her apartment and into mine.

Lauren: Oh, my-- that's fabulous.

Michael: How'd that happen?

Daniel: Daisy thinks it's for a lot of other reasons, but I'm doing this for you guys.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Michael: Ohh.

Daisy: Oh, I thought Daniel was coming home. I thought I heard him.

Eden: Well, obviously, it isn't him.

Daisy: No, it's okay. I wanted to see you, Eden.

Eden: Is that right?

Daisy: Yeah, Daniel and I are moving.

Eden: Wow, the building won't be the same without you, but that's a good thing.

Daisy: It was Daniel's idea, so you're lucky that you made out with my husband when you had the chance, because he wants to get as far away from you as quickly as he can. (Humming)

(knock on door)

Daisy: fafa I it, he's all l mi!!

Ricky: U can n veveim. Is he e me?

Daisy: Daniel and I told you not to come around here, okay?

Ricky: And now I'm telling you you're gonna let me in.

Daisy: Why?

Ricky: Because I've got an offer for you--one that you'd better not refuse.

Paul: Please, call me Paul.

Melissa: I'm Melissa.

Paul: Well, thanks for, uh, meeting with me. You know, I'm sure it can't be easy talking about your friend.

Melissa: I almost bailed, but the only thing I can still do for Rachel is remember her.

Paul: Well, she sounds like a friend worthy of your loyalty.

Melissa: She was.

Paul: What can you tell me about her?

Jack: (Exhales slowly) hey, Sarge. I hope you don't mind. I got a jump on things. We gonna start with the weights?

Sarge: No, I'm going to, uh, move you on to something a little more challenging.

Jack: Oh, you found a new torture for me, did you?

Sarge: Yeah, well, from chair to cane takes some pain.

Jack: (Chuckles) how many times have you told me that?

Sarge: Once you start walking, you will never hear it again.

Jack: Okay, whatever you got, bring it on. Help me get in the chair, will you?

Sarge: How about getting your own butt in the chair? How about that for the next challenge? (Elevator bell dings)

Kyle: Reading about Newman did not even begin to scratch the surface. I mean, meeting the staff, getting to see the different products and divisions...

Victor: Quite impressive, isn't it?

Kyle: I am so psyched to get to be a part of this company.

Victor: Well, I'm glad you feel that way. Uh, hello, Nikki.

Nikki: Victor. Kyle.

Victor: Just showing Kyle around, preparing him for his first day at work.

Kyle: Victor, thanks for taking the time to show me around.

Victor: You're quite welcome. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, okay?

Kyle: You got it.

Victor: Thank you. So what can I do for you?

Nikki: I was supposed to meet Nicholas.

Victor: Nicholas is out of the office. You're gonna have to reach him later.

Nikki: You know, I don't understand how you can live with yourself, trying to turn Kyle against jack. Uh oh!!

Avery: So you get to move back into your home? How did that happen?

Lauren: (Chuckles) yes.

Michael: It happened because your amazing nephew convinced daisy to move out of the building.

Avery: That's very kind of you.

Daniel: Mm.

Lauren: Yes, it was, and it is certainly gonna make our lives and Eden's so much easier. Thank you, Daniel.

Daniel: A lot of people have suffered because of daisy, so I'm just trying to make things right.

Ricky: Why are you packing?

Daisy: What do you want, Ricky?

Ricky: The more polite you are, the quicker I'm gone.

Daisy: Okay. We're moving.

Ricky: And just like that, the stars align.

Daisy: What are you talking about?

Ricky: I came here to get you to pay the rent on my new apartment, but now that this place is available, I'll just live here.

Daisy: For free?

Ricky: Yeah, unless I decide to charge you.

Daisy: Okay, why would I go along with that?

Ricky: Because you owe me, daisy, and unless you start to play nice, I'm gonna tell the court and the whole town.

Daisy: What? What is there to tell?

Ricky: That you had Lucy kidnapped on Daniel's watch so that you could retain custody.

Melissa: Rachel and I were good friends. Your foundation is associated with the university?

Paul: Yes, we, um, we reach out to families who suffer student tragedies, and, uh, I was unable to locate any member of Rachel Dalton's family.

Melissa: Rachel was in foster care, and then on her own.

Paul: Oh.

Melissa: So if there's money involved, there's no one to give it to.

Paul: Maybe there's something else we can do to help?

Melissa: What Rachel deserves is justice.

Paul: Justice? Why would you say that?

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Sarge: Come on. You need a break?

Jack: No, I don't need a break. Tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Sarge: You're hesitating. Jack, you've got the strength. What you need is power.

Jack: Tell me what that means.

Sarge: What the... (sighs) you know all that negative energy you walk around with that I'm trying to get you to dump? Well, this is where that can work for you. Are you angry? Are you frustrated, jack?

Jack: Yes. Yes! Yes!

Sarge: Well, then put it in your arms and lift.

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Sarge: Come on. Head down, butt up. Lift.

Jack: (Vibrates lips)

Sarge: Can... (sighs)

Jack: (Grunts)

Nikki: You drafted Kyle to work here so that you could inflict pain on jack.

Victor: I have better things to do than thinking about jack Abbott, okay?

Nikki: Hasn't he been through enough? I mean, while he is fighting to walk again, you're escorting his son around here like some V.I.P., Trying to win him over.

Victor: Did you come here to plead the case of jack Abbott? Do you think I give a damn? For your information, that boy came here asking me for a job, asking me if he could stay at the ranch.

Nikki: So you claim.

Victor: Do you know how furious I am with you? I shouldn't even talk to you, you're now trying to blame me for the mistakes jack Abbott made with his son? Are you kidding?!

Kyle: Don't be that way. Working at Newman is a great opportunity for me.

Abby: It's the opportunity to get caught between uncle jack and my father. And you don't want to go there.

Kyle: I can handle it.

Abby: Okay, that is what messes you up-- thinking you can handle it...

Kyle: (Laughs)

Abby: You can work it, you can rule it, and then you get smushed.

Kyle: I won't, because working with victor has got nothing to do with my dad.

Abby: (Laughs) oh, oh, oh, yeah, I-I have two letters for you--"b" and "S."

Kyle: Hey, hey--

Abby: Things are messed up with you and uncle jack. I get it, but don't go running to victor Newman and pretend that's not a total passive-aggressive attack on your part.

Kyle: I was angry, yes, but now, I'm over it.

Abby: I've got two letters for you.

Kyle: I swear, I am not looking to get even.

Abby: Then come with me to see uncle jack right now and tell him that.

Nikki: Do not turn what you are doing around on me, or on jack.

Victor: Then you stop criticizing me for my choices. They're none of your concern, all right?

Nikki: Yes, you have made that abundantly clear. I will always look after the people that I-- the people that I care about.

Victor: Bring me the violins. Go take care of jack Abbott.

Jack: (Grunts) (grunts) (breathing heavily) (grunts)

Sarge: (Growls)

Jack: (Breathing heavily) (laughs) we're gonna have to tape a cushion to my rear end here.

Sarge: Should have taken that break.

Jack: No.

Sarge: But you're gonna get this.

Jack: No. (Grunts) come on.

Sarge: All right, come on, come on.

Jack: (Grunting)

Sarge: Okay. (Chuckles) okay.

Jack: That was it.

Sarge: Okay, okay.

Jack: Hey. How long have you guys been here?

Kyle: Oh, we just-- we just got here.

Abby: Yeah.

Jack: Uh, Sarge, this is my niece Abby and my son Kyle.

Sarge: Well...

Abby: We've heard great things.

Kyle: (Clears throat)

Sarge: All lies, I'm sure.

Abby: (Laughs)

Sarge: It's nice to meet both of you. Listen, take a break.

Jack: So what brings you by?

Kyle: Well, Abby and I were just--

Jack: Y-you want to try to catch up with her?

Kyle: No, no, that's, uh, that's okay. I got some time.

Daisy: You can't pin Lucy's disappearance on me.

Ricky: Think about it objectively. I found the kid, and I got her safely back into her daddy's loving arms.

Daisy: Because you took her.

Ricky: And what would I gain from your little girl going missing for a while? Nothing, but you-- you got full custody, and you're a known kidnapper.

Daisy: But I--

Ricky: And the proof can be created, daisy. Do you really want Daniel setting a world record for getting a divorce while you go back to prison?

Daisy: Fine. You can have the place. I'm done with it anyway.

Ricky: (Chuckles) see? Was that so hard? There is no reason why the two of us can't get along... and it'd be very smart of you to remember that.

Paul: Rachel committed suicide after her boyfriend broke up with her.

Melissa: That's what Ricky, uh, the boyfriend, wanted everyone to think-- that she was devastated because he left her.

Paul: But that's not what happened?

Melissa: Rachel kept trying to break things off, and he kept convincing her not to.

Paul: How?

Melissa: He wouldn't give up. He could be so charming and appealing. Then he would get moody. That relationship should never have gone on as long as it did.

Paul: Who ended it?

Melissa: She did. I was so happy when Rachel finally told him that they were over. I never thought that he...

Melissa: Rachel had no family and just a few friends, so when she died, when they said she killed herself, it was just... accepted.

Paul: But not by you.

Paul: Look, Melissa, forgive me for saying this, but it had to be extremely difficult and painful to realize that your best friend chose to end her own life.

Melissa: She worked so hard. Rachel was a gat student. She had a job lined up. Why would someone who beat all of the odds even to get to college choose to die the week of graduation? She wouldn't. She didn't. I know what it looked like, but it wasn't a suicide.

Paul: Okay, so do you have any proof of this, or...

Melissa: No. But I never trusted Ricky. There's something wrong with him.

Paul: So you think her--her boyfriend, um, had something to do with her death?

Melissa: I can't prove it, but in my heart, I know he did. Uh oh!!

Michael: Yes, my wife and I would like to cancel our appointment today. Yeah, I'm sorry. We will no longer be needing a place after all. No. Thank you.

Avery: Daniel couldn't have had better timing.

Lauren: He's looking out for Lucy and for us. I just--I can't believe what he's doing to his own life.

Michael: He loves his daughter.

Lauren: Well, clearly, but setting up house with daisy? I mean, that's its own circle of hell. (Knock on door)

Daniel: Hey, what are you doin' here?

Daisy: Can we move in?

Daniel: Uh, yeah. Um, I thought that we were gonna meet back over at your place and, uh, finish packing up the rest of the stuff.

Daisy: Well, I mean, I have all the necessities in the car, and I can get the rest later. Just Lucy and I were so excited to be here with you, we couldn't wait.

Kay: Yeah, victor.

Victor: I did not expect to see you again today. What brings you by?

Kay: You are not listening to me, victor, and neither is Nikki.

Victor: So this is about Nikki.

Kay: You know, once and for all, the two of you need to stop the crap!

Victor: (Laughs) I like that.

Kay: Yeah?

Victor: Uh-huh, to cut the crap. You and I don't mince words, do we, Katherine?

Kay: (Sighs)

Jack: (Exhaling rhythmically) (grunts) (panting)

Kyle: Wow, so your physical therapy gets pretty intense, huh?

Jack: When you want something bad enough, you--you do whatever it takes to get it. I'm not quitting.

Kyle: Yeah, it looks that way.

Jack: You never returned my phone calls.

Kyle: I've been busy.

Jack: Nikki and I have called it quits. It's--it's over. We're friends, nothing more.

Kyle: (Scoffs) god. I have had a lot of people think I was an ass, but this is the first time in a long time I've actually felt like one.

Jack: Wait, wait, what does that mean?

Kyle: Look at what you're dealing with, dad. You're paralyzed. You're putting this epic effort into walking again, here comes your punk kid-- shows up and opens his big mouth--

Jack: Don't call my kid "a punk."

Kyle: Don't wreck your life over something that I... don't like.

Jack: My going out with Nikki is obviously more than just a dislike for you.

Kyle: Well, dad--

Jack: I did something because what matters to you matters.

Kyle: Well, knowing that is--is good, but I still... I don't know, I'm just kind of taking this day by day.

Jack: Okay, you're saying you can't make any promises.

Kyle: I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to seeing you with Nikki. But if you want to see her, y-you should. You just... do whatever makes you happy.

Jack: You mean that?

Kyle: Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Jack: Then why'd you move out?

Kyle: Sometimes when I feel like decisions are being made about my life, I gotta pull away, just escape the noise, you know? But I wasn't trying to... I don't want to make decisions about your life, either. I just want my life to be mine, and... (chuckles) and to not be an ass.

Jack: I think I can live with that.

(Footsteps approach)

Kyle: (Sighs)

Nikki: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry for interrupting.

Kyle: No, you didn't. I'll see you later, dad.

Jack: Kyle. Kyle. Thanks for stopping by.

Jack: (Exhales deeply)

Nikki: Well, am I wrong, or did things seem to be okay between the two of you?

Jack: Oh, I'd say things are better than "okay." And, boy, am I glad you dropped by.

Lauren: (Chuckles) eating in our own kitchen-- oh, I can't wait!

Michael: Yeah, sleeping in our own bed, being annoyed by the creak in our own hallway, and eating--that's good.

Lauren: Eating is so good.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Lauren: (Chuckles) ohh.

Michael: Avery!

Avery: Hmm?

Lauren: I'm sorry. We're boring you.

Avery: No, no, I'm-- I'm happy for you. I was just hoping to get a call by now.

Paul: (Sighs)

Chris: Paul?

Paul: Chris! Oh, my god.

Chris: Hi.

Paul: Ohh, you're like my angel. What are you doing here?

Chris: Uh, last-minute trip. Never mind that. What's wrong?

Paul: I heard something today, and it started me wondering... how much Ricky might be like Isabella. (Elevator bell dings)

Eden: Uh, I thought you got all of your things out of my place.

Ricky: I did. This is for moving into my new place.

Ricky: I'll see you around, neighbor. (Suitcase rolls) (door closes)

Daniel: I can, uh, post an ad to sublet your apartment.

Daisy: Uh, no, that's okay. It's already taken care of.

Daniel: That fast?

Daisy: Done and done. All that matters is we're here, and we are so happy.

Daniel: Hmm. Why is she making that face?

Daisy: Hmm?

Daniel: Why are you making that face?

Daisy: Ohh. She's trying to tell her daddy she wants a snack.

Daniel: Oh. Okay, well, I'll make it.

Daisy: No, you hold her. She likes when you hold her. Like mommy, like daughter. I'll make it.

Daniel: (Quietly) hey. Welcome home, Lucy Romalotti. Welcome home.

Kyle: So I owned up to being a jerk, and I told my dad he can see whoever he wants. (Crunching potato chip)

Abby: Including Nikki?

Kyle: "Whoever" means whoever, so yeah. Hey.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Kyle: Why did you do that?

Abby: 'Cause you made it sound like it was nothing when you just did something huge!

Kyle: (Groans)

Abby: I'm proud of you.

Kyle: All right, let's go eat.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Nikki: That is wonderful. I'm so glad Kyle finally reached out to you.

Jack: Oh, it's actually better than that.

Nikki: Tell me.

Jack: He told me he wants me to be happy.

Nikki: Ohh, how sweet.

Jack: Yeah. You know what the first thing came to my mind was? I am happy... when I'm with you. I am happiest when we're together.

Jack: I think you know where I'm going with this. I'm in love with you, Nikk.

Kay: Darling, look, you cannot afford to wait around because Nikki has found someone else, someone who appreciates her and wants to be with her.

Victor: (Sighs) Katherine, if you are pleading the case for that... boy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth-- jack Abbott-- you know, if Nikki wants to be with him, so be it. Couldn't care less.

Kay: Oh, come on. Come on, victor. You're--you're so blasé about everything. I mean, I-I was with both of them earlier today, and my god, it was an eye-opener.

Victor: Really? How touching. In what way?

Kay: Well, I think jack is in love with Nikki, and I think Nikki is very vulnerable to him. And why shouldn't she be? I mean, jack is kind, he's open, and--and he treats her damn well.

Victor: So what are you getting at?

Kay: I know the both of you have been hurt. I know that. But that doesn't mean there's any less love between you. So come on, the both of you, get your act together before you cause more damage and you drag a lot of lovely people down with you. Uh, victor, just, you know, go to her. I mean, like now go to her.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Sharon: Are you two living together?

Adam: (Sighs) that would be a yes.

Chris: But he's never done anything violent, right?

Paul: That we know of.

Nikki: This is how I feel about you...

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