Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/16/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/16/12


Episode # 9907 ~ Ashley Refuses to Forgive Tucker

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Let me know when Ashley can have some coffee with me.

Billy: Yeah, I just saw her at Abby’s. She's hurt, mad as hell, but she's hanging tough.

Jack: Well, that's encouraging.

Billy: Yeah, and, um, I asked about her stress level and wondered if maybe we should have a shrink on speed dial.

Jack: I hope you were a little more tactful than that.

Billy: Yeah, I was a little more tactful than that, but she knew what I was getting at. And according to our sister, she's far less fragile than she has been in, say, the past.

Jack: Well, let’s take her at her word, and keep an eye on her anyway.

Billy: Sounds like a plan.

Harmony: (Sobbing)

Tucker: Ashley.

Ashley: The two of you just can't keep your hands off of each other, can you? At least you got your clothes on. I guess I should be grateful for that.

Tucker: Ashley, you don't understand.

Harmony: No, no, Devon--

Ashley: I think I do understand.

Harmony: Devon just left. I-I was crying, and--and Mick was--he was comforting me.

Ashley: Save it!

Harmony: Nothing was going on!

Ashley: Save it. I'll just get my things.

Harmony: Ashley, I never meant--

Tucker: Ashley, listen. Come here, come here, come here, come here.

(Door slams)

Tucker: Okay. Please, just let me explain. (Sighs)

(Drawer slams)

Kay: Victoria.

Nikki: Hey! Hi.

Victoria: Oh, hey. Hi. Hi.

Kay: Victoria, how's that precious little baby of yours?

Victoria: Oh, he's doing great, thank you. He's at the sitter right now. Um, you know, I try to avoid bringing him here.

Nikki: Since, uh, Chelsea’s living upstairs.

Kay: Oh.

Victoria: Yeah, exactly.

Kay: Uh, um, oh, there's a member of the hospital board that I really must talk to. Would you excuse me?

Victoria: Yeah. It was good seeing you.

Kay: Um, likewise.

Victoria: Okay.

Kay: Give my love to Billy.

Victoria: I will.

Kay: I'll call you later, okay?

Nikki: Yeah, okay.

Victoria: Okay, bye.

Nikki: So how did the rest of your visit with your father go?

Victoria: Well, he behaved himself.

Nikki: That's progress.

Victoria: Mom, do you realize that today is the first day that Dad's ever held the baby?

Nikki: (Gasps) I wondered if that was the case. Well... I suppose it turned into quite an amazing moment with your father.

Victoria: Yeah, well, he has them from time to time, but I doubt that that's ever gonna be enough to fix the damage that he's done.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Man: Pardon me. I hope I'm not intruding, but I was about to mail this and I saw you, so I thought I would save a stamp.

Victoria: Oh, of course. Thank you.

Nikki: What is that?

Victoria: (Clears throat) It's the latest bill from Chelsea’s stay. Mm.

Nikki: Well...

Victoria: (Sighs) Honestly, I thought that she'd be gone by now.

(Knock on door)

Chelsea: (Exhales slowly)

Adam: Howdy.

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Want to grab lunch?

Chelsea: I'm looking for a job. (Sighs)

Adam: Ah, so you're starting to regret your decision to turn my father down, huh?

Chelsea: Yep. It's not easy to go straight.

Adam: (Chuckles) Oh, boy. Don't I know it?

Neil: (Sighs) Hey, Sof-- hey, Acacia.

Acacia: (Laughs) Oh, hey, Mr. Winters.

Neil: Hi. I wasn't expecting to see you. Sofia told me she was working from home today.

Acacia: Well, she called and asked me to come in, said she had to cover something for her boss.

Neil: Oh, all right. Moses napping?

Acacia: He just went down.

Neil: Well, thanks for helping out. Um, you can go now. I'm just gonna wait for Sofia to get home. Thanks.

Kay: Sofia.

Sofia: Oh.

Kay: How are you, Dear? For heaven's sakes, I haven't seen you in a while.

Sofia: Oh, I'm fine. I was just handling a lunch meeting for Tucker.

Kay: Well, I imagine my son, um, needs a little personal time right now.

Sofia: You know?

Kay: Yes. Tucker filled me in, and, uh... he's finding himself in a rather delicate situation.

Sofia: Yeah.

Kay: At first, I, um, laid all the blame on, uh, Harmony, but as Neil reminded me, it does take two.

Sofia: Hmm. Yes, it does.

Kay: Only the people in a marriage knows what's going on in it.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Kay: And I do hope, for, uh, Tucker's sake that he and Ashley can work things out, because they're the only ones who can decide if a marriage is worth fighting for.

Sofia: Hmm.

Kay: Nice seeing you, Dear.

Sofia: (Sighs) (Scoffs)

Sofia: Well, Harmony. So how are things going with Sarge these days? (Laughs)

Harmony: Sarge and I are just friends. But then, you already knew that.

Sofia: Yeah, the whole "I don't want to put a 'Label' on our relationship" thing-- dead giveaway.

Harmony: Listen, you know what? Neil should have never told you that he had feelings for me.

Sofia: Oh, would you prefer to have acted in secret?

Harmony: There is nothing between us, Sofia.

Sofia: If that were the truth, you wouldn't have needed to make up a pretend boyfriend. Frankly, I'm glad it wasn't my husband you took to bed. (Chuckles) But it's already spreading like wildfire through this town you destroyed one marriage. I don't think you want to make it two, so let me just keep it real with you, Harmony. Stay... away... from Neil. Excuse me.

Ashley: You knew I was coming over. You talked me into it.

Tucker: That's right. Listen, this is not what you think. I know how that sounds, but it's the truth. Now I was expecting you. I wasn't expecting Devon, and he called Harmony over here.

Ashley: He must be thrilled, huh? (Sniffles) I mean, isn't that every kid's dream, to see their parents get back together?

Tucker: Th-that's ridiculous. Harmony and I are not getting back together. In fact, Devon is disgusted with both of us. Whatever progress we made is out the window.

Ashley: Well, you should have thought of that before you jumped in the sack together, right?

Tucker: You're right!

Ashley: You know what? I don't even care. You two can comfort each other all you want. I'll come back and get the rest of my things later.

Tucker: Ashley. Come on.

(Door slams)

Tucker: Come on!

(Tray clatters)

Tucker: (Exhales sharply)

Jack: She should take Tucker back? What--how can you even suggest such a thing?

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Because I was that guy. I messed up like Tucker did, and where would I be if Victoria hadn't forgiven me?

Jack: Your situation was completely different. Chelsea slipped you a Mickey. You had no idea what you were doing.

Billy: All right, all I'm saying is we need to support Ashley whatever she decides, even if it's a decision that we don't appreciate, okay? So how are you doing? How's the foot? You feel anything else?

Jack: (Exhales sharply) Nope.

Billy: I'm sorry.

Jack: Well, it turns out Dr. Isaacs was right. All the toe-twitching was in my head.

Sarge: Jack. Hey, Billy.

Billy: Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Sarge: I was driving by, I saw your car outside, and I-I know we're meeting up later, but Dr. Isaacs, uh, told me about what happened after our session. I wanted to talk to you about it.

Jack: You stopped by to talk about my phantom toe? Something tells me this could have waited. We both know it was nothing.

Sarge: Your words, Jack. I didn't say that.

Victoria: Anyplace in the world that Chelsea wanted to go, I mean, Billy and I said that we would pay for her trip. I mean, we were gonna help her get settled in.

Nikki: That s a very generous offer.

Victoria: I thought so, and I just figured, you know, she'd be moseying along by now. And I changed the locks.

Nikki: That was wise.

Victoria: (Sighs) It's just that... I don't know, Mom. I mean, after everything that happened with Lucy--

Nikki: Well, you don't want to be running into the woman every time you turn around. That’s perfectly reasonable.

Victoria: I'm calling Billy. I'm gonna let him handle this.

Sarge: So then you haven't had any more sensations?

Jack: No, no. What do you think happened? Dr. Isaacs thinks it was my imagination. I-I'm telling you, it felt so real.

Sarge: Well, he could be right, and it was an involuntary reflex, or you could be right, and it was real.

Jack: Oh, man, to have even the slightest bit of hope...

Sarge: Well, either way, it's not gonna change what we're doing. We're gonna continue to work hard, and if it wasn't real this time, maybe next time, it will be.

Billy: Wow. (Clears throat) Well, at least she's not cleaning out the minibar every day.

Victoria: (Sighs) It's not about the money.

Billy: I know, I know. I'm sorry. I-I know.

Victoria: No, okay, I'm--I'm sorry, too, all right? It's not your fault. I just-- I just want the woman gone.

Nikki: Maybe she has nowhere else to go.

Victoria: Well, call me cynical...

Nikki: I understand. You're afraid that she's lingering because of the baby.

Victoria: I'm not afraid. I'm--I-I'm just--

Billy: Okay, all right. Enough speculating. Let's go up and talk to Chelsea, see what's keeping her here, okay?

Adam: A job will turn up. You just gotta keep looking.

Chelsea: All I know how to do is pour drinks and swindle people.

Adam: Well, "A drink-pouring, swindling con artist." Yeah, I'm not sure you're gonna find many ads for that in the "Chronicle."

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: So you--look, you-- you learn something else, you figure out what you want to do. What--what would you want to do?

Chelsea: I don't know.

Adam: Well, I mean, when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Chelsea: Not my mother.

Adam: (Laughs) Well, congratulations. You succeeded. Look, you just gotta figure out your hobbies, what you love. You gotta know what you love, and then find a way to make money at it.

Chelsea: Well, wh-what made you get into finance?

Adam: Actually, when I was a little kid, uh, one of the farmhands taught me how to play chess. We had a little board set up in the barn, and, uh, every day-- Joe was his name-- every time he'd-- he'd leave for work, go home, he'd move one of the pieces and, you know, I'd come home from school, and I'd just race on into there. I couldn't wait to make my move. Joe was, uh, that guy was a hell of a player, actually, usually pummeled me. Every now and then, we--there'd be a draw, but, uh... yeah, I will never, ever forget that first time I got checkmate. It was unbelievable.

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: (Laughs) I-I ran out of that barn, uh, screamin', hootin', hollerin'. My mom, she stumbles on out of the kitchen, onto the patio. She thought for sure something was burning down, and the way I was carrying on, and... yeah. I was 11 years old, and that's when I knew what I wanted to be.

Chelsea: Wow.

Adam: I wanted to be someone who, no matter what I did, I would always use strategy.

Chelsea: Hmm. Lucky you, to actually figure that out at such a young age.

Adam: Anyway, I-I was drawn to business, you know, the art of the deal, the research, the predicting the market before anyone else does, that kind of thing. You know, after all these years, I still get a kick out of it.

Chelsea: I envy that.

Adam: Well, why don't you do something about it? I mean, you can--you can do anything you want to do.

Chelsea: You went to Harvard. I didn't finish high school. I dropped out when I was 16 to help run scams with my mother.

Adam: Well, there's your starting point. Okay, you go, you get a G.E.D., you go to college, go to a trade school. Hell, you go to a convent, if you want. I mean, that would be a-a major loss for humanity.

Chelsea: (Laughing)

Adam: But... I don't know. I-I-I know your mom is-- she's done a number on you, as has my father to me. I think it's about time that we just get out from underneath that, don't you? They don't need to be dictating our future anymore.

(Door opens)

Sofia: Hey. (Laughs) Neil, wh-what-- what are you doing here?

Neil: I let the nanny go home. Moses is napping.

Sofia: Well, are you hungry? I can fix us some lunch.

Neil: Hold on a second. You know, don't you? You talked to Tucker.

Kay: I, uh, know why you think I'm here, but, uh, you can relax, Tucker. No judgment calls or lectures. I'm--I'm just here if you need me.

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Is there anybody in this town who doesn't know, uh, what happened?

Kay: Well, I assume so, but, uh... (Chuckles) Word does travel rapidly.

Tucker: (Sighs) I can't stand that I'm putting Ashley through this.

Kay: Well, it's not going to be easy for either of you. You must know that. Does Devon know?

Tucker: (Sighs) Yeah. He was here earlier. He let his mother and me know exactly what he thinks of us.

Kay: Well, I've mad some mistakes with him myself. I, uh, can only say I hope you reach him. Tucker, don't let all of your wonderful progress with that boy fall by the wayside.

Tucker: That might not be up to me. Devon has a mind of his own, you know.

Kay: It's going to take time, Tucker. Just don't give up.

Tucker: It's such a mess. I don't know what to do. (Exhales slowly) You know, most people my age have already been through something like this with a spouse or with their families it's completely new to me.

Kay: Are you asking for your mother's help?

Tucker: Yeah.

Harmony: We need to talk.

Ashley: I don’t think so.

Harmony: Listen, I'm no leaving until you hear what I've got to say. Tucker loves you, Ashley. He's waited his whole life for you. Don't throw away your marriage over a stupid mistake, because that is what it was-- a bad mistake. I mean, it--it wasn't anything that we--we planned. I-it just happened.

Ashley: Nothing just "Happens," Harmony.

Harmony: Well, in this case, that's exactly--

Ashley: Forgetting to put a stamp on an envelope-- that's a mistake. You consciously chose to sleep with my husband, and if I live to be 100 years old, I will never forget what assaulted my eyeballs when I walked into my bedroom and caught the two of you.

Harmony: There is no excuse for what I did.

Ashley: No, there isn't, and I will not forgive you, so if that's why you're here, you're just wasting your time.

Harmony: No, I-I'm here to ask you to forgive your husband.

Ashley: What happens between me and Tucker is none of your business. Why did you come back to Genoa City, anyway? Did you come back to make amends, to reconnect with your son? And this is how you do it, huh? Good job, jumping in the sack with a married man. You want to make amends? You stay the hell away from me.

Kay: I've been where Ashley is-- you know, the wife gutted by another woman, and then I've been where you are, except, um, my husband never learned that I cheated on him and, uh... had a child while he was away. I don't know, there had to be other issues in your marriage before all of this happened, because there usually, uh, there usually are.

Tucker: Yeah, Ashley and I weren't in a very good place.

Kay: Well, then, son, um, you need to, uh, work on those other things, too, because they, uh... they probably led up to your temporarily forgetting your marriage vows.

Tucker: You know, I told Sofia a while back that I wasn't sure if I was cut out for marriage.

Kay: Uh...

Tucker: But now that Ashley’s gone, it's all I want. I just want to get her back.

Kay: Now were I you, I would just let things simmer down right now, because Ashley does not want you in her face, and she needs her space.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: And then you, uh, tell her that you're willing to, uh, work on whatever problems you were having, and all that aside, you tell her you're sorry, you tell her that you love her, and that you will never cheat on her ever again. But listen to me well. You cannot make her forgive you.

Sofia: Yes, I know about Tucker and Harmony.

Neil: Thank you for being truthful.

Sofia: You didn't lie to me when I asked you about Harmony, so I'm not gonna lie to you now.

Neil: When did you find out?

Sofia: The night it happened. Tucker called me.

Neil: You didn't say anything.

Sofia: Well, I'm not gonna betray his confidence or go run to you to tattle on Harmony. It's not my place.

Jack: Well, glad you're--

Nikki: Hey, you two don't normally meet here. Is everything okay?

Jack: Uh, yeah, actually, we were just discussing our next session.

Sarge: Speaking of which, I've gotta run, and I will see you later.

Jack: And I will be there.

Nikki: Well, um, I am just getting coffee to go.

Jack: I-if you're not in a rush, grab a seat. We can catch up.

Nikki: Well, I don't know if that's a good idea, Jack. What if Kyle comes in?

Jack: (Sighs)

Chelsea: Hi.

Victoria: Hi. I hope we're not disturbing you.

Billy: We were hoping that we could have a word, if now's a good time.

Adam: Time? Yeah, it's, uh, 1:10.

Billy: We'll come back when we can speak in private.

Chelsea: No, it's okay. Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Adam.

Sofia: So when did you find out?

Neil: Um, I found out this morning. Harmony told me.

Sofia: You know, I ran into her, too, this afternoon, before I came home.

Neil: (Clears throat) Really? What happened?

Sofia: Oh, it wasn't pleasant... but don't worry. Harmony walked away in one piece.

Moses: (Crying)

Neil: Um, I'll--

Sofia: I'll get him.

Billy: Vicki and I are wondering what your plans were. You know, um, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Adam: That's funny, we were just talking about that.

Billy: Yeah, well, we're happy to pay for your schooling, set you up with a job, put you into a business, whatever you want.

Chelsea: Just as long as it's really, really far away from here, right?

Victoria: Listen, you're a really reasonable person. I'm sure you can understand why we feel that way.

Chelsea: Thank you for being so nice about it, but I'm gonna have to pass. There's really nowhere else that I want to go. Besides, your father already offered me more money than I could ever possibly imagine to leave town permanently, and I turned him down, so...

Victoria: Oh, wait a minute. My father offered you money to leave? When was that?

Chelsea: The first time was when I was in the hospital, and then he did it again just a couple days ago. It was a lot of money, too... (Chuckles) $10 million, but I turned him down.

Billy: You must really like it here.

Chelsea: I like that I've realized that I can't be bribed by Victor Newman, or anybody else, for that matter.

Adam: Yeah. I mean, even after the novelty wears off, you end up feeling pretty good about yourself.

Victoria: Just, please, put yourself in our place. I mean, we have-- we have a new baby--

Chelsea: Right, this little boy that I gave birth to. I also remember that you made me a promise when I signed him off to you. You said that I could always be a part of his life.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, I know.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: We did. It's just--

Chelsea: It's just that you were hoping that I wouldn't hold you to it. (Sighs) Look maybe when John is older, I'll want him to know who I am, but for now, no worries. You're good parents. You're giving him a great life, and I don't want to meddle with that, okay? (Sighs) And as far as our arrangement goes, our business is done. I'm not your responsibility anymore. I can pay my own bills from here on out, so... so go raise your kid. Have a great life. I'll see you around.

Jack: I know we agreed to back away from each other, but we're connected. We--we always will be. We got friends in common. We have family. We have history.

Nikki: Yeah, but none of that matters to Kyle.

Jack: Well, Kyle has tunnel vision where you're concerned, but that's my project, and I’ll deal with that. I will help Kyle through this. But I'm not gonna bolt in the opposite direction whenever our paths cross. That's ridiculous, and it's unfair, and it's not how I want to live my life. I know I was supposed to back away from you. What I'm saying is I can't do it.

Victoria: God, I really wish that we hadn't been forced to promise Chelsea that she could have contact with our son. (Exhales sharply)

Billy: You know why I did it.

Victoria: Yes, I know why you did it. She wouldn't have signed the paperwork otherwise. I know. Look, I'm not blaming you, Billy. If that's what you think, then--

Billy: Okay, who, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not-- that--let--whoa. Ah, deep breath. (Inhales and exhales deeply)

Victoria: (Exhales deeply)

Billy: Let's not get this all blown out of proportion.

Victoria: You're right. You're right. I guess it was just wishful thinking that Chelsea would want to move on with her life, but she's here to stay, and there's absolutely nothing that we can do about it.

Billy: Well, if your father couldn't pry her out with his offer, what can I possibly do?

Victoria: I know. I mean, can you believe that offer?

Billy: Yeah, I can believe it. It's Victor. He throws money at all his problems.

Victoria: I guess so. I mean, maybe he was trying to right a wrong, but $10 million tax-free? That's a breathtaking amount of money, Billy.

Billy: That's a lot of money, especially to somebody like Chelsea, who struggled her entire life.

Victoria: Yes, and yet, she turned it down, supposedly on principle.

Billy: Think she's holding out for more?

Victoria: I don't know. I-I don't know what to think. I mean... (Sighs) Do you think she could have been influenced by Adam? He's sort of turned over a new leaf lately.

Billy: Yeah, but you don't trust him.

Victoria: It just makes me very, very nervous that he and Chelsea have gotten so close.

Chelsea: Why are you looking at me like that?

Adam: Like what? Like I'm proud of you? Because I am. How's it feel, huh, not to be beholden to anyone?

Chelsea: Terrifying. What the hell have I just done?

Adam: (Chuckles) Are you--you're serious?

Chelsea: Yeah, I am totally serious! What am I supposed to do now? I mean, $8 an hour plus tips can't really pay for a place like this.

Adam: Well, maybe you don't have to.

Chelsea: N-no. (Chuckles) No way. Forget it, Adam. I'm not letting you pay my rent.

Adam: No, no, no, no, that's not-- that's not what I was offering.

Chelsea: It's not?

Adam: My suite costs the same amount of money as it does if it were just me, or me plus ten. Come stay with me.

Harmony: Ginger ale, please.

Man: Hey, heard you were back. Looking good, Baby.

Harmony: Yeah, well, I ain't feelin' so good right now.

Man: I know what you need to feel better.

Harmony: I don't do that no more.

Man: Come on over to my table so we can... catch up.

Harmony: Yeah, all right.

Man: Give you a taste for old times sake. No charge.

(Knock on door)

Ashley: What?!

(Door bangs on wall) (Door rattles)

Tucker: I packed up the rest of your things. Tell me where you want 'em, and I'll go.

Victoria: (Squeals) Who is your mama, huh? Is it me? Is it me? (Gasps) Look at that smile. You've got a good smile. You do! I think he understands every single word that I am saying to hm. Look at him.

Billy: You're not really worried about that, are you?

John: (Fussing)

Victoria: Why?

Billy: Well, little Johnny being confused if Chelsea’s still around.

John: (Fusses)

Victoria: I'm his mother.

John: (Fussing)

Victoria: There's not gonna be any confusion.

Billy: You're right. And if-- I'm saying if—Chelsea changes her mind, she's going to run into a brick wall so high and so wide that she'll never get past it, and that's a promise.

John: (Fussing)

Billy: And as for you, little buddy...

John: (Fussing)

Billy: As for you, you're not going anywhere. Nope. Well, maybe to college, but we can talk about that in, like, a couple of years...

John: (Crying)

Billy: Two or three. Oh, yeah!

John: (Fusses)

Billy: Tell me about it.

Chelsea: Move in with you? Um... Adam, I don't know.

Adam: What's not to know?

Chelsea: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Maybe I'm crazy for staying in this town altogether. It's just... I've never had a real home or anyone I could count on.

Adam: And now you have both.

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: Look, I, uh, I come with a hell of a lot of baggage, and you and I are both coming off some really huge stuff. But I'm just-- just asking you to be roomies, friends.

Chelsea: I can't remember the last real one I had.

Adam: Ha! Well, I am certain you're the only one that I have in this town.

Chelsea: (Laughing)

Adam: And as for that, um, other little situation we have, the "Friends with benefits," whatever you want to call it, I... it was... really nice, and I'm not saying that I don't want it to ever happen again. It-- we would both have to agree. Uh, just... it's not a condition of you moving into my suite. There are no strings attached. I would be on the couch. What do you say?

Chelsea: I guess I have to start packing.

Tucker: Can I take 'em upstairs for you?

Ashley: Just inside there is fine.

Tucker: I know I can't force you to come back to me, even though that's what I want more than anything. I'm truly sorry. I love you.

Sofia: Moses drifted back to sleep.

Neil: Sofia, for the record, I was concerned about you and Harmony both.

Sofia: Really?

Neil: Whatever else you might think of her, she is Devon’s mother, and what happens to her affects him. You know that.

Sofia: Well, I am your wife, and we have a baby together, and that woman is not worthy of you. I am. For whatever reason, Neil Winters, you can't seem to see what is right in front of you. Keep it up, and you are gonna blow it. You are gonna lose the best thing that has ever happened to you. And by the time you realize it, it’s gonna be too late.

Harmony: Thanks, but no, thanks.

Man: You change your mind, you know where to find me.

Harmony: I won’t.

Harmony: (Sighs)

Sarge: Strong woman, Harmony. You didn't give in to temptation.

Harmony: Yeah, well, it wasn't easy.

Sarge: Still, no matter what your problems are, you add that crap to it, it's just gonna make it worse.

Harmony: Uh, you know what? I think I'm just gonna take myself to a meeting. There's one up the street that starts in a few minutes.

Sarge: Well, I don't have to be back to work for a while. You finish up your soda, I'll go with you.

Harmony: What, you don't trust me?

Sarge: It's always better to walk into these things with someone with a... friend.

Harmony: (Chuckles)

Jack: Ladies, I am getting myself some more coffee. Can I get you anything?

Nikki: I'll go.

Jack: No, no, no, no, no. Sarge will kick my butt if I let other people do my work for me.

Nikki: I admire that man so much.

Kay: Well, he's very much in love with you. You do realize that.

Nikki: Oh, shh! Katherine, stop that. I told you, Jack and I agreed--

Kay: Oh, rubbish. Your heads may agree, but, my dear, what you're saying or you’re--or doing or what you're not saying or you're not doing, I'm telling you, Nicole, the man is absolutely cra-- the man is crazy about you.

Next on “The Young and the Restless" --

Daniel: A lot of people have suffered because of Daisy. I'm just trying to make things right.

Ricky: Unless you start to play nice, I'm gonna tell the court that you had Lucy kidnapped.

Avery: You haven't said anything to him about the old girlfriend?

Paul: Not until I have more information which I am going to get today.

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