Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/15/12
Episode # 9906 ~ Victoria is Impressed when Victor Bonds with Baby John
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Abby: I am so glad that we're going to be getting your input, 'cause I know you listen to all new artists. It's just... (Sighs) I'm sorry. Can we meet at the coffeehouse? I could really use a change of scenery.
Devon: Yeah, no problem.
Lily: Yeah.
Abby: (Sighs) Ugh, I left my purse upstairs. I'm sorry, actually, can you go outside and wait in the car?
Devon: Sure. Abby, hey...
Abby: Yeah.
Devon: If this is a bad time, we can--
Abby: No, no, it's fine. I-I could use a distraction.
Ashley: I'm sorry. I-I didn't know you had company. I'll just get out of your way.
Abby: Oh, no, it's okay. I, uh, was just gonna grab my purse, and then--and then we're out, right? Uh, B.R.B. (Chuckles)
Devon: Ashley, hang on. Uh, are you staying here now? Did something happen with you and Tucker?
Tucker: No, no, no, Harmony. You don't have to leave. I'll go.
Harmony: (Sighs) Deep breath. Just take a deep breath, Girl.
Neil: Hey, you.
Victoria: Ohh. You know, I'm so glad that Johnny and Reed had a chance to bond before he had to go back to his dad’s. It's so nice. That's so nice!
Billy: Yeah. I miss the little guy already.
Victoria: I know. I miss him, too. (Sighs) Oh, well. It is what it is.
Billy: Hey, would you be upset if I wanted to go check in on Ashley, make sure she's okay?
Victoria: No, not at all.
John: (Fussing)
Victoria: Take your time. I'm sure that she's, uh, hurting, after what she walked in on last night.
Billy: Yeah, walking in on Tucker and Harmony doin' the dirty-dirty.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: That's a trip.
Victoria: Yeah, that's a-- that's kind of a bad trip` but, uh, well, you know, give her my love and tell her I'm thinking about her, okay?
Billy: I will, I will. (Silly voice) Good-bye, little man! Mm! (Normal voice) Good-bye.
Victoria: Mm.
John: (Fussing)
Victoria: Oh, look, somebody's so sleepy, huh? Are you so sleepy? Oh, yes, you're tied. Go to sleep. Go to sleep.
(Doorbell rings)
John: (Fusses)
Victoria: Oh, shh. (Clicks tongue)
Victoria: Hi. Come in. Mom, what's wrong?
Nikki: (Scoffs) What else? Your father.
Victor: You and I have been friends for many years...
Kay: Mm.
Victor: So there's something personal I want to discuss with you.
Kay: Oh?
Victor: I'm seeing Sharon again.
Kay: Seeing, as in... dating?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Kay: (Clears throat) Well, I--no, I-- I have not heard that tidbit.
Victor: Mm-hmm. But knowing you, I'm sure you have a comment to make about that
Kay: Dear, dear friend... (Chuckles) Oh, Victor, what in the hell are you doing? Is, um, this, you know, retribution because Nikki's seeing Jack?
Victor: Nothing to do with retribution, nothing to do with that at all. She can see whoever the hell she wants to. So can I.
Kay: She's dating Victor Newman’s mortal enemy Jack Abbott. Now you look me straight in the eye and tell me that doesn't ruffle your tail feathers just a smidge.
Victor: She can do what the hell she wants to do. I'm finished with her.
Kay: No, come on.
Victor: Yes!
Kay: No, you know, come on. You know that love story between you and Nikki-- uh, come on, it's still being written, and with no end in sight.
Victor: (Exhales slowly)
Victoria: Dad and Sharon, again, as if first time wasn't special enough.
Nikki: Ugh. Tell me about it.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Can you even believe it?
Victoria: Yes, actually, I can. I saw them at Gloworm acting all intimate and giddy and...
Nikki: Ugh.
Victoria: (Shudders) I asked Sharon what the deal was.
Nikki: Oh, really? What did she say?
Victoria: Well, she said that she was encouraging Dad to reach out to Johnny and me, which he did, but...
Nikki: You got the feeling it was something more?
Victoria: (Sighs) Yes. Sharon said I was reading way more into it than necessary.
Nikki: (Scoffs) Oh, well, of course she did, because she doesn't want people to realize what she's doing.
Victoria: How did you find out? I mean, did Dad tell you that he was reconnecting with her?
Nikki: Oh, no, no, I got to see it firsthand. I walked right into a romantic evening he had set up for Sharon at the ranch.
Victoria: Oh, God, this is just disturbing on so many different levels, and now Nick and the kids have to be subjected to this awkward situation all over again. I mean, unless you think that something else is going on, like last time. I mean, the prison wedding-- that was for your benefit.
Nikki: They have made it very clear that they are involved because they want to be.
Victoria: Dad's not gonna stop seeing Sharon just because we don't like it. (Chuckles) You know, in fact, that might even make it last longer.
Nikki: What is so upsetting is that your father cannot stop disappointing you and your brother.
Victoria: Don't worry about me, okay? I'm good.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: What about you? I mean, are you okay, really? You're all fight and fury right now, but once this really sinks in-- I mean, are you really gonna be all right?
Abby: I am so ready for a grande mocha anything. I, uh, I could drive.
Devon: Abby, you're trying awfully hard not to tell me something. Why wouldn't you let me talk to your mom earlier? Did something happen with Tucker?
Abby: Uh, I-- she just doesn't want to-- 20 questions, you know? Especially about him.
Lily: So something did happen.
Abby: (Sighs) I really don't think I should be the one to-- to tell you this. I-I hate breaking bad news to people. When I had to go tell Kyle that Jack had been shot, I had, like, 14 cups of coffee before I could get the words out, and right now, I've had, like--like, zero cups of coffee.
Devon: Abby... wh-what did Tucker do to your mom?
Abby: She caught him in bed with another woman.
Devon: Gosh. That's why she was upset the other day, when I was over here?
Abby: Okay... (Sighs) Coffee, coffee.
Lily: Wait, wait, wait. Who--who did he sleep with?
Abby: I don't feel like we should get into the details.
Devon: Who was it, Abby?
Abby: It was, uh... he... it was your mother.
Devon: I don't believe this.
Abby: Um, I--you know what? Um, I just-- I don't want my mom to hear us talking about this, okay? Can wet talk about it more at Crimson Lights, please?
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Tucker: Ashley. I'm so glad you called.
Ashley: I only want to find out when you're not gonna be there so I can come and pick up my things.
Tucker: Well, um, you think you could come by now, so we could talk?
Ashley: You really think that I want to rehash everything?
Tucker: You know, I've been going over and over what we talked about last night, and... you know, the things I should have said just keep rattling around in my head. I'd like a chance to say them, if you'll let me. Ashley, you still there?
Ashley: I'll see you soon.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Harmony: We are not supposed to be around each other.
Neil: Hey, hold on a sec. It's okay. We don't have to be all awkward ever again. I-I told Sofia.
Harmony: You told her what?
Neil: I told her that I have feelings for you. We got it all out in the open.
Harmony: Oh, da-- you are a damn fool.
Neil: Why are you calling me that? What are you talking about?
Harmony: You're gonna give up a good woman for me, a home-wrecking slut?
Neil: Now whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. That's-- that's not how I see you.
Harmony: Yeah, well, you will, and if you got any sense in that brain of yours, you will get out of here and run as fast and as far away from me as you can.
Neil: Harmony, whatever it is that you've done, it ca--it can't be that bad.
Harmony: I had sex with Tucker.
Ashley: So you don't seem that surprised to find me here.
Billy: Eh, Jack told me where you were.
Ashley: Mm.
Billy: (Clears throat) So if Tucker needs a beat down, you just tell me. I will beat him...
Ashley: I appreciate the offer, but I'd-- I'd rather have you here.
Billy: So how you doin'?
Ashley: I'm okay. Abby's been great. You know, last night, she, um--sit.
Billy: Thanks.
Ashley: She, uh, planned this whole spa-cation thing for us, so we're sitting here in our jammies and doing girly-girl things, and... yeah, it was nice, you know it was the perfect way to block out the world after a very rough day. Of course, when I woke up this morning and I put on the news and I realized that the world had not stopped turning just because my heart was broken, I got up and I got a cup of coffee and I made to-do list.
Billy: So what did you have to to-do?
Ashley: (Laughs) I gotta call Traci. I want her to hear it from me that my marriage is kaput. I gotta check in with the office, and then I gotta get some healthy food in Abby's refrigerator. Any food would be good, actually, because she does not like to grocery shop, let me tell you.
Billy: Well, it sounds like you've got the ship steady on some pretty rough waters.
Ashley: That's me, Captain Ashley. I guess there's gonna be good days, Billy, and bad days, you know?
Billy: Well, maybe we should line up somebody to help you out when those bad days come.
Ashley: Are you volunteering? You want to be my co-captain?
Billy: (Laughs) Yes, um, but I was thinking, you know, somebody other than family, maybe somebody with a little bit more experience there.
Ashley: Oh. You think I'm gonna steer my ship into an iceberg and sink down into the dark abyss, don't you?
Billy: I--mm. (Chuckles)
Neil: You and Tucker--
Harmony: Got busy, and his wife caught us.
Neil: Oh, my God. Ashley.
Harmony: Yeah, so I have, uh, ruined a marriage, and possibly two, since you're standing here telling me that you told your wife that you got feelings for me. You need to go beg that woman to forget she ever heard the name "Harmony." (Laughs) Harmony. Like changing my name was gonna make me a different person. I mean, what a joke. You know, all this time, I've been trying to fit into your world, into Devon's, and the whole time, Yolanda--she just been waitin', waitin' to come out. And now that she has, I mean, you know, you ain't gonna want her. You go on back to your perfect little world, okay? 'Cause I ain't mad at you. I'm gonna go be the me that I know how to be.
Lily: Hey, Dad.
Neil: Hey.
Abby: Hey.
Neil: Abby, how's, uh, how's your mom doing?
Abby: Oh, you know. Wait, you know about Tucker and Harmony?
Neil: Yeah. Yeah, when'd you find out?
Abby: Uh, right after. Mom came to my house, and, uh, she stayed.
Lily: Yeah, Devon and I went over there this morning, and Abby told us.
Neil: So where's Devon now?
Tucker: Listen, I'm-- I'm, uh, I'm glad you came by. I have something to talk to you about.
Devon: Look, look. I-I heard what happened with you and my mom. What I used to think about you is true. You're a lowlife skeez, man.
Nikki: I've had a lot of practice with this sort of thing with Victor over the years, but I have to say, this one really stings.
Victoria: Mm, yeah, because it's Sharon?
Nikki: Yeah, because it's Sharon, and because of her long history with our family.
Victoria: Yeah. (Sighs) I don't know, Mom. Maybe this is Dad's twisted way of getting back at you for getting together with Jack.
Nikki: No, I really think that he has amorous feelings for his former daughter-in-law.
Victoria: I really don't think it's that serious. I really don’t. I mean, if the world were ending tomorrow, you are the only woman that Dad would want by his side, and you would want him by your side, too. I know that.
Nikki: Well...
Victoria: Oh, good grief. Is this what it's gonna take for you two to finally get it right-- the apocalypse?
(Doorbell rings)
Victoria: Ay-yi-yi. (Sighs)
Neil: Oh, Katherine, I am so sorry. Which--what contract are we talking about here?
Kay: Neil, Neil, you are-- you seem a little distracted.
Neil: It's just-- it's just that, uh, yeah, there is something that-- that-that's going on between my son, Tucker, and Harmony.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Neil: I'm trying not to get in the middle of it until I hear from Devon, which I haven't yet. You know, I placed a-a couple of calls to him, but he hasn't returned those calls, and I'm--I'm getting-- I'm getting worried, which is why I'm not focused. (Sighs)
Kay: I think we can have a frank discussion about my son and Harmony.
Neil: I'm assuming that, because she lives with you, that she probably confided in you. Um... I ran into her earlier, and she wasn't well. You know, she was self-degrading and full of shame. The way she was talking, I'm a little worried that she might be tempted to start using again. And see, Katherine, its--it's a good thing, a very good thing that she's staying with you because, that way, you can keep an eye on her.
Kay: Well, actually, um... when I found out what she had done and with whom, I asked her to leave. She no longer lives with me.
Tucker: It was a one-time mistake.
Devon: All right. So what was it? You were just using her, then, like back in the day?
Tucker: No, no, I never meant any disrespect.
Devon: What about how you disrespected Ashley?
Tucker: Look, man, I don't have any answers right now. I just have a whole lot of regret, okay?
(Knock on door)
Tucker: I think that's Ashley now. Harmony, what are you doing here?
Devon: I asked her to come over, 'cause there's some things that I'd like to say to the two of you about your "One-time mistake."
Ashley: You don't have to worry about me. I'm not gonna have another breakdown.
Billy: I mean... (Sighs) How can you be so sure? It's not like you can plan for it. It just happens when you're super stressed, right?
Ashley: I was in a very different place when I lost the baby, Billy. I'm not as fragile as I was then.
Billy: I-I-I don't mean to suggest that you can't handle yourself. I-I'm just--I worry about you.
Ashley: I know. I know. I love you for it, too. Do you think it was me? Do you think maybe I-I didn’t... bring something to the relationship?
Billy: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, look. Stop, all right? No. Don't--listen to me. Don't do that. Don't blame yourself for something he did. This has nothing to do with you, believe me. Trust me. Look at me. I know something about this.
Victor: I would like to discuss a private matter with you... except, of course, your mother probably has already given you her skewed view.
Nikki: If you're referring to the fact that you are dating your grandchildren's mother, yeah, that could have slipped out.
Victor: I would like to talk to Victoria alone, all right?
Nikki: You can't dismiss me. I was here first. You go.
Victor: Enough of this nonsense.
Nikki: That's exactly what I wanted to say when I first saw you with Sharon.
Victoria: Stop. Both of you, stop. Just--you're being so childish.
Victor: I think she's talking to you.
Nikki: Ohh. (Laughs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Since your mother has decided to stay, you my as well express freely what you want to say to me.
Victoria: Okay. Yes, okay? Mom told me that you're dating Sharon, and did that come as a big shock to me? No, it didn't, and, you know, while I appreciate you coming here to speak with me face-to-face, I don't really understand what sort of a reaction you think you were gonna get. I mean, I don’t... (Laughs) I'm not gonna give you my blessing. I'm certainly not gonna throw some sort of tizzy fit about it, either. I mean, let's face it, Dad-- you have a girlfriend that I don't like, and I'm married to a man that you don't like, so I guess we're even, aren't we? However, there is one difference-- I wouldn't hire some gigolo to come between you and Sharon the way that you hired Chelsea to come between Billy and me. I just wouldn't do something like that.
Nikki: Well, you know, you really wouldn't even have to hire anybody, Dear. There are plenty of new ranch hands that Sharon hasn't met yet.
Victoria: You know what, Mom? You're just as much to blame as Dad is.
Nikki: I am not.
Victoria: Yes, you are. You knew exactly how Dad would react when you started up with Jack again, and yet, you did it. You did it, and you should have expected an eye for an eye. You should have known that that's what was gonna happen, and that--and that's what you did, huh? You gave her a real eyeful, Dad. God, you guys, when? When are you ever gonna, you know, make this work? Y-y-you're just always on two opposite ends. It's--it's-- it's like love and hate. It's like, wh-when are you ever going to bring it together? I mean, I am so sick and tired of seeing you guys do this to each other over and over. I'm just so tired of it! When is it ever gonna stop?
John: (Crying)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: Oh, Baby, I'm sorry. Shh. I'm sorry. Mama didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry. Oh, you're such a sweet angel.
Victor: Give him to me.
Victoria: Yes. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Victor: Give him to me.
John: (Grunting)
Victor: Yeah. Yes, attaboy. Look at that. That's right. That's right. Are you just waking up? Are you just waking up, hmm?
John: (Fusses)
Abby: My mom finally understands what kind of man Tucker is.
Lily: Yeah, no, I feel bad for your mom, I-I really, really do, but I... (Sighs) I just--I can't stop worrying about Devon. You know, it's like he and Tucker and Harmony were finally in a good place, and then this happens.
Abby: I know. Your dad is really upset, too.
Lily: Yeah, I think he's just worried about Devon.
Abby: Yeah, probably. Or, I mean, since we've been sharing all morning... do you think something else is going on?
Kay: When I heard that, uh, Harmony had slept with a married man, I just assumed that it was you.
Neil: No, Katherine...
Kay: Well, no, no, no.
Neil: No, I-I wouldn’t.
Kay: Well, I-- I always suspected there was an attraction. I did. But when I heard it was Tucker, I also realized that, uh, his marriage might be destroyed. I-I-it was, uh, probably a knee-jerking reaction, but... I simply thought it was best if I stopped putting a roof over her head any longer.
Neil: Yes, but, Katherine, if you could have heard Harmony earlier, the way she was tearing herself up, berating herself. Listen, I know from my own experience, this is the time when she needs her friends the most, and you are one of the few that she has to lean on, you know? Who really understands what's at stake here.
Devon: So first of all, h-how did this happen? All I've been hearing since you two turned up in town is how much you've changed, and what a load of bull that is, 'cause you went after a married man, and you took the bait.
Tucker: No, no, no. Hold on, Devon. It wasn't anything like that. None of this is Harmony's fault. I-I was in a bad place, and--and--and she was trying to help me out.
Devon: By sleeping with you?
Tucker: No, by--by being supportive, by listening to me, man. I was--I don't know, I was crying on her shoulder. I was so damn drunk, I don't even remember half of what happened. (Sighs) May--maybe because we have history together, it felt familiar, it felt safe, and a-at some point, I crossed the line, and--and now my marriage is in a shambles because of it. But let me tell you something-- I take full responsibility for what happened.
Harmony: No, you're not. It takes two, and we both knew that what we were doing was wrong.
Devon: You guys don't get it. You don't--you don't get it that I was beginning to believe we had a shot at being a family, just--a real family. I was letting myself believe that, and what you two did is you made me feel stupid for even wanting it.
John: (Grunting)
Victor: Yeah? That's right. That's right.
Nikki: I'm gonna get going.
Victoria: Okay. Mom, I love you.
Victor: That's a good boy.
Victoria: Um, listen, you know, what I said earlier, I just--it's--
Nikki: Don't apologize. You weren't wrong.
Victor: That's a good boy. That's a good boy.
John: (Grunting)
Victor: That's right.
Nikki: Good-bye, Victor.
Victor: Yes, that's right. That's right. You're trying to talk to me now, aren't you? You're trying to talk to me, that's all.
John: (Grunting)
Victor: That's right. That's right, yes. When you grow up, I'll tell you stories, okay?
Victoria: Gosh.
Victor: Yeah.
Victoria: How do you do it?
Victor: Yes! Do what?
John: (Cooing)
Victoria: Just infuriate me one minute, and then the next minute...
Victor: Yes. Oh, yes.
Victoria: You can just be so sweet and kind and loving to Johnny.
Victor: Yes, yes. Oh, yes, you're telling me a story.
Victor: No matter what happens...
John: (Fussing)
Victor: Love never dies.
John: (Crying)
Victor: You know that better than anyone. Yes, my baby boy! (Humming)
Victoria: I hope you know that those words apply to you and Mom, too, right?
John: (Fussing)
Billy: I am not defending Tucker at all... at all, but, um, I am living proof that a husband can, say, slip up and still love his wife.
Ashley: Yeah, but, you know, a completely different set of circumstances. You don't even remember being with Chelsea, and Tucker was completely cognizant when he chose to take Harmony into our bed. I mean, come on. You know, the fact that I was out of town just made it more convenient.
Billy: I doubt Victoria would say there is a difference, but she did take me back.
Ashley: Yeah, I respect her for that, Billy. I really do, that she can just kind of move on and--and overcome that, but how am I supposed to do that? This hurts too much... (Sighs) And it's way too familiar.
Billy: Diane.
Ashley: Mm-hmm, Diane. Now he got off on a technicality that time, because we weren't "Officially" a couple, but I was led to believe that we were in a monogamous relationship. How am I supposed to forgive and forget? In the back of my head, I'm always gonna wonder when the next time is, and the next time, and the next time.
Billy: I understand. I understand. I understand. (Sighs) Look. (Clears throat) I'm not privy to everything that took place, and even if you guys did have some problems, I do know that it can’t have all been your fault. I also know this-- Tucker still loves you, and it's gonna be up to you whether you, uh, keep your marriage alive or not.
Tucker: Devon, don't push your mom away. She's worked hard to be the kind of mother you deserve. What happened between us-- it doesn't change that.
Devon: It does. I've lost so much respect for the two of you, I really don't know how I'm ever gonna believe another word that comes out of your mouths.
Tucker: I think once the shock wears off, he'll come around.
Harmony: Did you see the look of disgust on his face? We did that to him, and he is never gonna forgive us-- never, ever.
Victoria: Okay, so how's Ashley?
Billy: She's better than expected.
Victoria: Has she made a decision about staying married?
Billy: She's leaning towards ending it.
Victoria: (Inhales deeply)
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: (Sighs heavily
Billy: Which got me thinking how that could have happened to us.
Victoria: Billy, come on. You know we're past all that.
Billy: I know well, I can apologize every and it wouldn't be enough, so let me say this. I love you, and I thank you for finding it in your heart to forgive my little slipup with Chelsea, and to agreeing to raising Johnny as our own.
Victoria: But, Billy, you know he's our son. That's how I'm always gonna see him.
Billy: (Chuckles) Well, I will never, ever take you for granted. I love you.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: Talking to Ashley also made me realize something else.
Victoria: Hmm? What's that?
Billy: I placed the blame of Myanmar solely on your father's shoulders, and it wasn't entirely Victor's fault, and I need to own up to that. When I was talking to Ash about Tucker's actions, it made her feel as if she'd done something wrong, and I couldn't help but think how you must have felt when you heard what a screw-up I had been, and for the first time in my life, I understood why Victor hates me so much.
(Footsteps approach)
Victor: Well, I'm finished with my phone call. I'll leave the two of you alone.
Victor: Bye-bye, Johnny. Bye-bye.
(Door closes)
Billy: You couldn’t have told me he was here in the middle of my big epiphany?
Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I-I thought he was in the backyard on the phone. I didn't know you were gonna talk about him!
Billy: Oh, please tell me he didn't hear what I just said.
Kay: Uh, uh, Nikki, um, I need your advice about Harmony.
Nikki: Oh, how is she? She was so upset at that meeting the other day.
Kay: Well, I know, but, uh, things came to light when she arrived home, and you know the marred man she spoke about?
Nikki: Yeah.
Kay: My son Tucker.
Nikki: (Gasps)
Kay: Yeah.
Nikki: Oh, Katherine, no.
Kay: Oh.
Nikki: Oh, you must have been stunned.
Kay: Oh, my God, I-I was furious. I mean, just totally unforgiving, an... (Sighs) I asked her to find another place to live.
Nikki: And let me guess, you now think that that was a little harsh.
Kay: Well, my God, we've both been there.
Nikki: Oh, yes, and when you have messed up like Harmony...
Kay: It's a very dangerous time for an addict. You know that.
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Kay: Uh, Darling, would you be willing to reach out to her with me, make sure continues the program?
Nikki: Well, yes, absolutely.
Kay: Wonderful. All right, let's, um, ask her to go to a meeting with us and let her know she's not alone.
Neil: So... (Clears throat) I heard you went over to Tucker's today.
Lily: Yeah, how'd that go?
Devon: I called my mom on the way over, and I told her and Tucker both how repulsive I thought the whole deal was. I guess you dodged the Harmony bullet, huh?
Neil: Well, I-I confided in Devon that I had feelings for his mother.
Lily: Yeah, I kind of figured that.
Neil: And then I also told Sofia.
Lily: What?
Neil: (Clears throat)
Lily: How did she respond?
Neil: Well, at first, she was very angry, understandably so, and then it's kind of strange. She turned on a dime and acted very normal. Given everything that's happened today, maybe I should do the same.
Devon: That's probably a good idea. You don't want to get caught up in any more of my mom's drama.
Lily: No, I mean... (Scoffs) Wh-what are you gonna do, just ignore your feelings for Harmony, and just pretend like nothing's changed with Sofia?
Tucker: You know what? It'll take some time, but I think that we'll be able to regain Devon's trust.
Harmony: (Drumming fingers)
Tucker: I can't believe that after all the progress we've made, that's just gonna be down the drain because of one mistake.
Harmony: (Sniffles) You're wrong, Mick. We've lost him. And after working so hard, my... (Sniffles) (Voice breaking) My son h-hates me. (Sobbing)
Tucker: No, come on.
Harmony: (Sniffles)
Tucker: He doesn't hate you.
Harmony: (Sobbing)
Tucker: Come on.
Harmony: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless” --
Chelsea: You made me a promise when I signed him off to you. You said that I could always be a part of his life.
Kay: Are you asking for your mother's help?
Tucker: Yeah.
Sofia: You destroyed one marriage. I don't think you want to make it two. Stay away from Neil.
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