Y&R Transcript Monday 5/14/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 5/14/12


Episode # 9905 ~ Eden is Shocked that Daisy & Daniel Are Married

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Door opens)

Phyllis: Um, I--Daisy, I'll--

Daisy: No, no, I got this. Excuse me.

Daniel: Daisy.

Daisy: Hello, Daniel.

Eden: What do you want?

Daisy: I don't really know you that well, but you don't look like the kind of girl who would make out with a man if you knew he was married.

Eden: Ma-- you married her?

Abby: No way.

Daisy: Tell her, Daniel.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Ashley.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Ashley, I need to talk to you.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Ashley. Come on, baby.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Come on, open up.

Jack: Sarge! Sarge, are you out there?

Billy: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Sar--

Billy: Jack.

Jack: Billy.

Billy: Mrs. Martinez told me that you had, uh, physical therapy. I thought I'd come down and ask if you wanted a beer.

Jack: Did you see Sarge out in the hall just now?

Billy: No. Are you okay? Are you in pain? What's going on?

Jack: Fine, I'm f-- I felt something, Billy.

Billy: What, like, in your leg?

Jack: My toe. My toe moved!

(Persistent knocking on door)

Tucker: Ashley. Come on, I know you're in there. I see your car in the driveway.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Come on. I'm not leaving until we talk. I'll stay out here all night if I have to.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: You know I will. Come on. I mean it.

(Pounding on door)

Tucker: You can't avoid me forever. You might as well open up.

Ashley: I have nothing to say to you.

Tucker: I have a lot to say. The most important thing is that I love you.

Ashley: Don’t...

Tucker: Just-- just let me in for a minute.

Phyllis: Yeah, let's just-- come on over here for a sec, okay, okay? Come on over here for a sec.

Daisy: Shh, shh, shh.

Daniel: Okay, okay, okay.

Phyllis: Are you drunk, or have you completely lost your mind?

Daniel: I had, like, a beer, not even.

Phyllis: So, uh, you're telling me you were sober when you married Daisy and you were sober when you left your wife on your wedding night to come here and make out with Eden? So you did those two things out of sheer stupidity?

Daniel: I wasn't planning on making out with Eden.

Phyllis: You know, I really wish you were wasted.

Daniel: (Scoffs) Me, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, that would make more sense.

Daniel: You're not-- you're not helping the situation right now.

Phyllis: I'm--I'm not--

Daniel: Stop.

Phyllis: I'm not helping the situation? You're not helping the situ--what's-- we need to talk. This is very, very serious. We need to talk, and we're not doing it here.

Daniel: Fine. Just give me a second.

Daisy: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Daniel: Eden, I'm--I'm sorry. I should have said something.

Eden: Yeah, you mean like, "Actually, Eden, I am married"? Something like that?

Daniel: Yeah.

Abby: Wait, Daniel, wait. Hey, hey!

Daniel: What?

Abby: What is going on?

Daniel: Stay out of it, Abby.

Abby: Well, I'm worried about you.

Daniel: Don't worry about it. My mom's got that covered.

Phyllis: Come on. Let--let's go.

Daisy: In case I wasn't clear before, stay away from my husband.

Abby: Ohh!

Eden: One word, Abby, I swear I'll deck you.

Abby: Whoa, no! I'm as blown away by this as you are.

Eden: Well, I-I seriously doubt that.

Abby: Why would Daniel marry that head case? I mean, unless-- unless he was forced to.

Eden: Well, I don't care if she held a gun to his head. There is no excuse for what Daniel did to me.

Jack: My big toe moved, inside the shoe. Come on, do it again!

Billy: Jack, why don't you just relax and tell me what you felt?

Jack: I don't know. It's like--it's like... it's a weird sensation. It's very hard to describe.

Billy: Like a reflex?

Jack: Maybe. Uh, m-more like a twitch. It moved, though. I know that.

Billy: Okay, all right, but you didn't see it.

Jack: No, I felt it. Come on, do it again! Billy, uh, believe me, this happened. You gotta believe this.

Billy: Jack, I believe you, okay, but I'm not a doctor. Where's Sarge? I need to get Sarge.

Jack: I think he just went home.

Billy: Okay, then I'll go find him, and if I can't find him, I'll get somebody else.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait. S-see if my neurologist is on call. Dr. Isaacs.

Billy: Isaacs? Okay.

Jack: This is it-- the miracle I have been praying for.

Eden: I am starting to think that all men are jerks.

Abby: Wow. Daniel has got issues.

Eden: (Sighs) I asked him straight out what his deal was with Daisy, and he said, "I'm not gonna marry her."

Abby: So technically, he didn't lie.

Eden: Oh, if you try and defend him--

Abby: No, no, I'm just saying that you asked if he was going to marry her, not if he had married her.

Eden: Well, he should have told me the truth. Guess that's impossible for guys.

Kyle: Whoa, don't put me in the same category as "Mr. Cheater."

Abby: You might want to steer clear of this one.

Kyle: Nah, I brought beer. You okay?

Eden: For someone who's just been publicly humiliated, yeah, I'm great.

Kyle: Romalotti is the one who looks like an idiot here.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Eden: You're taking my side?

Kyle: Hey, I will always have your back. One of the benefits I was talking about before.

Abby: Wait.

Kyle: (Clears throat)

Abby: As in "Friends with benefits"?

Eden: As in none of your business.

Abby: Oh, God, are you serious? What, Noah, Daniel, and now Kyle? Is--is there anyone you haven't hooked up with yet?

Eden: Oh, my--shut it, Abby.

Abby: No, I was just feeling sorry for you...

Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Abby: And you got exactly what you deserved tonight!

Kyle: Whoa, Abs. Abs, chill.

Eden: You know what? Its okay, Kyle. I can handle your perfidious, self-righteous cousin. Oh, are those words too big for you? Well, here's some you'll understand. Back off, Bitch.

Abby: (Gasps) (Scoffs)

Eden: And I thought this night couldn't get any worse.

Ricky: I'm just grabbing some food to go, then I'm heading back to your place to clear out the rest of my stuff.

Eden: Well, hurry up, 'cause I just want to go home.

Ricky: (Chuckles)

Daniel: Thanks for the ride, Mom.

Phyllis: We need to finish our talk.

Daniel: I'm gonna put Lucy to bed.

Daisy: Oh, thanks, Honey. Here. Now mommy and daddy will see you in the morning, Sweetie, okay?

Daniel: Come on, yeah.

Daisy: (Giggles) (Sighs) Yeah, you know, I'm pretty wiped, too, so...

Phyllis: Too bad. We need to talk.

Daisy: Maybe tomorrow.

Phyllis: Uh, no, not tomorrow. We're talking now.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Tucker: There's no excuse for what I did. I-I know I can't expect you to forgive me... but I hate more than anything that I hurt you. I know that saying I'm sorry can't take that away, but I am. I am so... sorry.

Ashley: Well, you said from the very beginning that you didn't think you were cut out for marriage, and I should have listened to you, 'cause you were right.

Tucker: No, Ashley, listen.

Ashley: (Sniffles) No, you know, I think back, when you were in the hospital, and, uh, I sat by your bedside every day and every night, and I just-- I prayed for you. I just loved you. And Jack and Abby and even Traci said that you weren't good for me, but I told them, "No, he's changed from the accident. He's different."

Tucker: Did change.

Ashley: You didn’t. You did not. How can you say that to me?

Tucker: This thing with Harmony, we--

Ashley: It's how you live your life, Tucker. I've seen it. It's exactly how you are in business, too. In one day, you have the deal of a lifetime, and then the next day, something better comes along and you just toss it out.

Tucker: You mean more to me than anything or anyone in this world.

Ashley: It doesn't even matter, because... nothing lasts in your world, Tucker. (Laughs) And I don't know what ever made me think that we could.

Tucker: Our love, that's what. You believed it could help us overcome anything.

Ashley: Clearly, I was wrong.

Tucker: Oh, don't say that.

Ashley: Look, we can't, Tucker. We cannot overcome this. Not ever.

Jack: I'm telling you both, I felt my toe move.

Dr. Isaacs: Well, let's run a few tests, see what we can find out, hmm? Close your eyes. Tell me if you feel anything. Anything?

Jack: No.

Dr. Isaacs: All right. How about now?

Jack: D-d-do it again.

Dr. Isaacs: Let's try something else. Keep your eyes closed. You feel that?

Jack: No.

Dr. Isaacs: That?

Jack: No. Damn it!

Billy: Jack, take it easy.

Jack: I know what I felt!

Dr. Isaacs: I know. You think you felt something.

Jack: What, are you saying I'm crazy, that I'm hallucinating?

Dr. Isaacs: Not at all. I've seen this many times in patients with spinal cord injuries.

Billy: Seen what, Doc?

Dr. Isaacs: Similar to an amputee feeling a limb that's no longer there.

Jack: You're saying I didn't feel my toe move?

Dr. Isaacs: More likely, it's your brain's recollection of a sensory input you experienced before your spinal cord was damaged.

Jack: I'm drawing on an old memory.

Dr. Isaacs: Essentially, yes.

Billy: There's isn't another possible explanation?

Dr. Isaacs: If you had seen the toe move, there might be more to this.

Billy: Okay, but just because Jack didn't see his toe move, it doesn't mean it didn't move, right?

Dr. Isaacs: True.

Billy: So this could be good news in terms of his recovery.

Dr. Isaacs: From what I know of your brother's case, the chance of this leading to a meaningful change in his condition is unlikely. I'm sorry.

Billy: Thank you, Dr. Isaacs.

Jack: I thought this was it. I thought this was a beginning, that I'd walk again.

Billy: I know.

Tucker: Ashley, listen. I screwed up. I know that. I also know it's gonna take some time to make things right again.

Ashley: You can't make things right again.

Tucker: I can. You're angry now. I understand that. You go ahead and be angry, despise me if you want to, but I'm begging you, don't make any decisions right now.

Ashley: It's too late, Tucker. I'm done.

Tucker: We can get past this.

Ashley: You're right. I can get past this, but we're not doing it together. It's over.

Tucker: Oh, Baby.

Ashley: Don’t.

Tucker: Please...

Ashley: It's over.

Tucker: Give me another chance.

Ashley: I'm done giving you chances, Tucker.

Tucker: Don’t do this.

Ashley: I didn't do this. You did this! All by yourself. You single-handedly destroyed our marriage. You did it! And if you love me like you say you love me, then you'll admit it and you'll walk away.

Billy: Talk to me, Jack. I know you gotta be really mad here, so you, uh, you can yell, scram, throw something, whatever you like. I'm here for you.

Jack: Oh, I don't want to throw anything. I want to... I want to stick this foot through that wall, prove these worthless legs are worth something.

Billy: Good. That's a start. We can let it out there.

Jack: Amazing how fast the mind works. In those few minutes between feeling my toe move and the doctor telling me it was all in my head, I convinced myself I was gonna walk again. No more therapy, no more reps, no more Sarge, no more wheelchair. I am so sick of this chair.

Billy: I know you are. I know it's rough.

Jack: You have no idea what it's like to be trapped in this thing.

Billy: You are right, I do not.

Jack: I am Jack Abbott. I have stood toe-to-toe with the most powerful businessmen in the world. I can't stand on my own two feet now.

Billy: Okay, Jack Abbott, is that it? You gonna give up? You gonna throw yourself a pity party?

Jack: Billy, Billy, Billy. This--this is a reality check. You heard the doctor.

Billy: Yeah, I heard that doctor. I heard one doctor give you one prognosis. (Chuckles) Are you gonna just take that, huh? You know what you felt.

Jack: It doesn't matter. I can't walk. Dr. Isaacs’s thinks I'm never gonna walk again.

Billy: Well, then prove him wrong. Make your toe move. You are Jack Abbott. You are Jack Abbott, John Abbott's son. You gonna let some doctor tell you what you can and can't do?

Daisy: Daniel's back home with Lucy and me, so if you'll get lost...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Daisy: And let us enjoy our wedding night--

Phyllis: Not only are you drunk, but you're completely brainless. Daniel is not enjoying anything about this farce of a marriage that you forced him into. He's making out with another woman on your wedding night. Does that not tell you something?

Daisy: That we need to get to know each other.

Phyllis: No, no. He's never going to want you, Daisy, not if you keep him trapped here for a million years.

Daisy: How the hell do you know that?

Phyllis: I played out the same scenario when Daniel was a baby, with Danny. Even before Daniel was born, I used him to force a man into marrying me. That's what I did. I kept on convincing myself that if we were a family, he would come to love me. I was wrong. He loves Daniel, but he never loved me, not the way I wanted him to.

Daisy: Well, I'm not you.

Phyllis: That situation at Jimmy's tonight, with another woman-- that's your future. Daniel's always gonna be looking for another woman. He's always going to want someone else besides you.

Daisy: Daniel's not like that.

Phyllis: He is like that. He's a man, okay? You force a good man into a situation that he doesn't want, and you are in for a lot of pain. Woman to woman, don't do this.

Abby: Listen to me, Kyle. You do not want to get mixed up with Eden. I know stuff about her that you don’t.

Kyle: I know plenty about her.

Abby: Well, then you know that she is bad news.

Kyle: Yeah, I know she's bad, in a really good way. (Laughs)

Abby: Oh, my God. Oh, no. Do guys ever think with their brains?

Kyle: Not if we can help it.

Abby: Fine, but when she's stalking you, don't come to me, okay?

Kyle: Okay, thanks for the warning.

Abby: Great.

Kyle: You know what? I see somebody I know... somebody I want to know. I'll be--

Abby: (Stammering) (Scoffs) (Sighs) You know, I've heard...

Eden: Don’t.

Abby: Having sex burns calories, so this must be win-win for you. Kyle, Daniel... you're living with Ricky, so that’s... (Muttering) Gotta be 5 pounds right there.

Eden: You know, what's the matter, Abby? Are you jealous?

Abby: (Laughs) I am really rich, I'm beautiful, and I don't have to use sex as a weight-loss program, but you? I mean, you're just, I mean, you're you. Ashram-reject, stick-figured Eden, who got dumped by my very smart cousin and then became a sleazy bed-hopper.

Eden: Okay, you have no idea what happened between Noah and me.

Abby: I know you're here and Noah’s in New York. 1 plus 1 is not equaling 2.

Eden: Oh, you never were any good at complicated math.

Abby: I gave Kyle a heads-up about you. I just wish I could warn the gazillion guys you're gonna try to get in the sack. Oh, you know? Mm. Think I might make that my next crusade. P.S., remember, lay off the peanuts. Salt, water retention-- muffin top, so not in style.

Patrons: (Gasping)

Abby: (Fumes) Ohh!

Eden: (Chuckles)

Ricky: Hmm. Well, I heard what happened at Jimmy’s.

Daisy: Daniel will come around.

Ricky: (Taps box) You are either the dumbest girl I've ever met, or the most persistent.

Daisy: Yeah, well, I have Lucy and this...

Ricky: Yeah.

Daisy: So, hmm.

Ricky: Like I said.

Daisy: Okay, well, we were both dumped by our families, and I went out and I got myself a new one, and what did you do? Oh, yeah, nothing.

Ricky: Well, if things are going so great for you, what are you doing out here?

Daisy: I'm avoiding "Dragon Lady," also know as the mother-in-law from hell.

Ricky: (Chuckles)

Daisy: (Chuckles)

Ricky: Not afraid of Phyllis, are we?

Daisy: No, I'm just sick of her comparing her pathetic life to mine, as if we have anything in common. (Sighs)

Ricky: Really? Where does Phyllis see the lines intersecting?

Daisy: Oh, well, she thinks because she used Daniel to trap Danny Romalotti into marrying her and he wound up cheating on her that the same thing is gonna happen to me, but it's not. I won't let it.

Daniel: Oh, great. You're still here. Where's Daisy?

Phyllis: She's in the hall, hopefully realizing the same thing you're about to.

Daniel: What's that?

Phyllis: That this is the biggest mistake of your life, and you're getting this marriage annulled.

Jack: I can tie-- I can tie my shoe.

Billy: Okay, fine, tie your shoe. You know, Sarge is gonna get you to move that toe again. I bet he will put you through a fresh hell to get you there, but, uh, it'll happen.

Jack: I have been fighting what every doctor, every therapist has been telling me all along. Maybe it's time to get real.

Billy: Jack Abbott the quitter-- never thought I'd see the day.

Jack: I am not quitting. I'm adjusting to the reality.

Billy: You call it what you want. It sucks. You suck.

Jack: Back off, Billy.

Billy: I'm gonna back off, like you backed off every time that I, uh, I got lazy or discouraged or tried to quit, because I can't remember one time that you ever stopped and backed off from me.

Jack: You needed your butt kicked at the time.

Billy: I did need my butt kicked, and now you need your butt kicked.

Jack: Not tonight, okay?

Billy: Yeah, tonight and tomorrow and the day after that, until you realize I'm not giving up on you until you can understand that just because some doctor doesn't believe that you understand your own body, you don't quit.

Jack: This is my problem, Billy, not yours.

Billy: Don't you tell me this is not my problem. You're my brother, Man, and I need you here. If it wasn't for you sticking your nose into my business, I'd be dead, drunk somewhere in a ditch. I wouldn't have my daughter in my life, I wouldn't have Vicki, so don't you tell me I'm not... (Sniffles) Don't you tell me you're not my business, because you are my business whether you like it or not, and I'm gonna kick your ass from here to the moon if that's what it takes for you to realize you're not gonna quit.

Jack: You finished?

Billy: Depends. You done feeling sorry for yourself?

Jack: My toe moved once. I'm gonna get it to move again... and we'll see who's gonna kick whose ass.

Billy: Fine. Good. I accept. I'm looking forward to it.

Ashley: I need you to go, Tucker.

Tucker: So this is it? We're done?

Ashley: I didn't do it. You did it. This is who you are.

Tucker: Yeah, maybe you're right. This is just who I am. If it is, you deserve better.

Ashley: I wanted you. I loved you. (Sniffles) I loved you.

(Door slams)

Tucker: I love you, Baby. Come on.

Abby: What are you doing here? Get out. Out! My mother doesn't need you, okay? She doesn't need you for anything. Out!

Tucker: That's up to your mother.

Ashley: You need to go. Don't come back.

Abby: Ugh! I hate him.

(Door closes)

Ashley: I hate him, too.

Phyllis: Listen, Daniel, I totally understand you're trying to protect Lucy. I get that.

Daniel: Well, if I can convince Daisy that I'm on her side, then maybe I'll be able to do it.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, no, you can't try to manipulate someone like-- she's too unpredictable.

Daniel: That's all the more reason why I can't let Daisy raise her by herself.

Phyllis: Daniel, you can't do this, okay? Listen, we're gonna go back to court. We're gonna go back to court. We're--we're--we're gonna get a different lawyer, someone who specializes in custody cases.

Daniel: I'm staying married to Daisy. It's what's best for Lucy.

Phyllis: What's best for Lucy? A life without love?

Daniel: I love my daughter. I love her. I'd do anything for her. Isn't that what you always wanted?

Phyllis: No, no, not like this!

Daniel: You should go.

Phyllis: I'm coming back.

Daisy: Oh, I can hardly wait.

Daisy: Now what?

Jack: Well, I just called Sarge, told him I want to meet with him earlier tomorrow.

Billy: Good. Did you tell him you moved your toe?

Jack: I'm gonna show him.

Billy: That's what I'm talking about.

Jack: Thanks. Thanks for helping me see things more clearly. Doesn't mean I'm not still gonna kick your butt.

Billy: Hey, I'm looking forward to it.

Jack: Listen, uh, can we, uh, not tell anyone about this, about my toe?

Billy: Not even Trace and Ash?

Jack: (Scoffs) Traci’s gonna get on the first flight here. Ashley... Ashley’s got enough going on right now. She doesn't need to worry about me, with everything she's dealing with.

Billy: What's going on with Ashley?

Jack: I thought you knew. Ashley caught Tucker in bed with Harmony.

Billy: Wow.

Ashley: What's all this?

Abby: Well, it's everything you need for a "We deserve it" night.

Ashley: Also known as "Let me help you forget your lying, cheating, lousy husband"?

Abby: God, I wanted to smack those stupid retro glasses right off of his lying face.

Ashley: I know, know. I almost did.

Abby: I wish you had. He so deserves it. (Stammering) We are not talking about him. Tonight, it is about you, okay? And I want you to relax...

Ashley: Okay.

Abby: And have fun. "Vampire Black" or "Passionate Plum"?

Ashley: (Sighs) Which one says, um, "Screw you, Tucker" better?

Abby: (Laughs) Uh, ooh, mm. That would be the "Raging Red."

Ashley: Okay, Raging Red it is.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Tucker: Hey, bourbon. (Sighs) Unh-unh. Leave that.

Woman: Tucker McCall in a dump like this... alone. (Chuckles) It must be my lucky night.

Kyle: Come here often?

Eden: Really?

Kyle: Oh, yeah, right, how about... is it hot in here, or is it just you?

Eden: You don't actually use those lines, do you?

Kyle: No, you know, I really don't even have to. (Laughs) Look, I'm sorry about my coz. She can get a little--

Eden: "The universe revolves around me"?

Kyle: Yeah.

Eden: Mm. Kind of runs in the family.

Kyle: (Scoffs) So you are mad that I left with those two girls earlier. 'Cause you didn't seem too mad when I got back.

Eden: I don't want to talk about what happened with Daniel.

Kyle: Okay, all right, that's fine, that's fine. We can just kick back, have a couple brewskis, see where the night takes us.

Eden: You know, I'm pretty beat. I think I'll head home.

Kyle: Turn this down?

Eden: Hard as it is to believe.

Kyle: (Sighs) Okay, well, at least let me give you a ride home. It's getting late.

Eden: No, thanks. I have my car.

Kyle: All right, well, I'll call you then... soon.

Eden: Sure.

Kyle: (Sighs)

Billy: When I think of what this must be doing to Ashley...

Jack: Makes you wonder how many times she can come back from having her heart broken.

Billy: That's what I was thinking.

Jack: Well, she's gonna need our help to get through this.

Billy: Yeah, of course, but first, I vote that we beat the crap out of Tucker.

Jack: Now there's a good reason for me to get out of this chair.

Billy: Oh, are you gonna stop me?

Jack: No, I want to help you.

Woman: A guy like you comes to a place like this 'cause he wants to be alone... or he doesn’t. (Chuckles)

Tucker: You know... you're a beautiful woman.

Woman: (Chuckles)

Tucker: But right now, the only company I want is this.

Woman: Your loss.

(Door opens)

Tucker: Yeah, that's right. I lost.

Ashley: This is really nice. Thank you.

Abby: (Chuckles) You know, I was thinking...

Ashley: I wasn’t. I've pushed all thoughts out of my mind.

Abby: About Tucker.

Ashley: Especially about Tucker.

Abby: What's the most important thing in the world to that sleaze?

Ashley: Well, I know what isn’t.

Abby: His money. Nothing matters more to him than his fortune.

Ashley: I hope it keeps him warm at night, Abby.

Abby: You didn't sign a prenup, did you?

Ashley: No. I don't need his money.

Abby: Well, I know you don't need it. Make taking it all that much more fun.

Ashley: Abby.

Abby: What? He hurt you. You should hurt him back. I can't think of any better way than taking the jerk-wad for all he's worth.

Daisy: (Sighs) I know you don't love me, but I love you enough for the both of us, and eventually, I know you'll feel the same way. I'm willing to wait. What happened tonight can never happen again. We have to make this marriage work... for Lucy.

Phyllis: Hey, Danny, it's me. Um, unpack. You don't need to come. The deed is already done. He married Daisy. I suggested an annulment. He--he won't have it, so... I-I know. I-I'm not--I'm-- I'm not gonna give up.

(Elevator bell dings)

Phyllis: I--just the thought of him marrying that freak... anyway, I'll keep you posted. Bye. (Sighs)

Ricky: Hold up. Thanks. (Sighs)

(Elevator stops)

(Keys jingle)

Ricky: (Chuckles) Thought I forgot my keys.

(Elevator starts)

Next on "The Young and the Restless”...

Victor: I'm seeing Sharon again.

Kay: What in the hell are you doing?

Devon: What did Tucker do to your mom?

Abby: He cheated on her.

Ashley: I'm not gonna have another breakdown.

Billy: How can you be so sure? I worry about you.

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