Y&R Transcript Friday 5/11/12
Episode # 9904 ~ Phyllis & Daisy Become Allies
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sarge: First real workout in a while, huh? You're gonna be sore tomorrow.
Jack: Well, let's get started. You were right--my deciding not to have the surgery just means I've got a lot of lost time to make up for.
Sarge: Yeah, well, motivation is key.
Jack: Believe me, I'm motivated. To tell you the truth, this physical therapy is a great distraction. I've got stuff going on in my personal life I've got no control over. At least here, I can set goals and focus on them, and hopefully, make some progress.
Sarge: Right on. Let's focus. Let's go.
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Kyle: Hey there.
Eden: (Gasps) Kyle, hey. What's up?
Kyle: I found this in my room. (Laughs)
Eden: Oh, my bracelet. Yeah, it's--thanks. I was actually looking everywhere for this. (Laughs)
Kyle: Yeah, well, I was hoping to run into you so I could give it back to you, and because I wanted to see you.
Eden: Well, it's-- it's good to see you, too.
Kyle: You been here long?
Eden: Um, my creepy roommate is moving out, so, um, I kind of have to stay away un-until he's gone. It's a long story.
Kyle: I'll buy you a beer, you can tell me all about it, if that's cool with you.
Eden: Sure.
Kyle: All right. (Chuckles)
Eden: (Chuckles)
Kyle: (Clears throat)
Chelsea: $10 million to leave town and never come back. If Victor is serious--
Adam: Oh, he's serious, all right.
Chelsea: When you said that you could turn it into $100 million, did you mean it?
Adam: I could help you choose the right investments, but you know that would mean you'd have to leave Genoa City-- for good.
Chelsea: You could come with me. I mean, it's not like there's anything keeping you here.
Adam: Well, as--as touched as I am by that--that offer...
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: I-I don't think that would be the answer.
Chelsea: What is?
Adam: Well, if--if cash weren't a factor, where would you want to be?
Chelsea: Cash is a factor.
Adam: Only if you let it be.
Chelsea: How many people ever get a shot at money like this? I certainly never have, and in a way, maybe your family owes it to me for giving up my baby.
Adam: When it comes to pressuring people with money, Dad's the champ. Believe me, I know. So you have to ask yourself, Chelsea-- do you want the freedom to do what you want, go where you want when you want, or do you want your life dictated by 10 million Victor Newman dollars? Not to mention the odds of seeing your-- your baby ever again will be slim to none.
Chelsea: Well, since you put it that way... (Chuckles) I guess, um, being bought off and pushed around and treated like crap is kind of getting old.
Adam: (Clicks lips) Kind of.
Chelsea: I can't take this offer, can I?
Adam: (Sighs) Not if having self-respect matters to you.
Chelsea: And shockingly enough, I think I actually have some.
Adam: (Chuckles) Okay. So what next?
Chelsea: Well, I guess I go and tell Victor the bad news.
Adam: You need some company?
Chelsea: I'd love some.
Sharon: Your text sounded urgent.
Victor: Yes, because I would like to make up for last night by taking you to dinner.
Sharon: Nikki showing up here last night wasn't your fault.
Victor: It was a damn damper she put on everything, okay? I'd like to rectify that by taking you to my favorite restaurant in Chicago. We take my private jet, and no one can interfere.
Sharon: You know, Nikki's reaction...
Victor: Yes?
Sharon: To seeing us together-- it's made me think about this, us, and I'm--I don't know if it's a good idea.
Daisy: I hope you like bubbly.
Daniel: That's okay. I'm not really much of a drinker.
Daisy: Me on. We're celebrating our marriage and our first mother's day with our daughter.
(Champagne cork pops)
Daniel: Ohh.
Daisy: (Giggles)
Daniel: Careful. You don't want to wake up Lucy.
Daisy: Oh, come on. That little girl could sleep through a hurricane, which means... we will not be interrupted on our wedding night.
Daniel: Great. (Laughs)
Daisy: Okay, let me make a toast. Uh, here's to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Romalotti. May tonight be the start of a very long and happy marriage, as a family.
(Glasses clink)
Daniel: Cheers. Daisy: Oh, look at you go. You haven't even worked up a thirst yet.
Daniel: Mm, mm. I think I'm gonna get a refill, hmm?
Daisy: Oh... (Chuckles) Mm, mm. Pour me one, too...
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Daisy: Lover.
Phyllis: Daniel, please, please call me when you get this. You--I just want to talk to you some more. It's urgent. Please call me. I-I can't--I can't let him do this. I can't let him throw his life away like this. I can't do it.
Nick: Look, Daniel's a very smart guy. I'm sure once he's really thought about this--
Phyllis: No, it's not about being smart, though. It--it--he panicked. He's convinced himself that the only way he could be close to Lucy is by marrying Daisy. I--he's wro-- I have to talk to him. I-I-I-I can't just sit here.
Nick: I'll come-- let's go find him together.
Phyllis: Really?
Nick: Okay, yes. Come on.
Phyllis: Oh.
Nick: Oh.
Nikki: Oh, hi.
Phyllis: Hi.
Nick: Hey, Mom.
Nikki: I-I-I'm sorry, I-I know that it's late. I needed to talk to you.
Phyllis: Oh, o-okay. Go ahead and do that.
Nick: Yeah?
Phyllis: I-I can do this on my own.
Nick: Okay, call me.
Phyllis: Okay? All right.
Nikki: Is she okay?
Nick: She's worried about Daniel. Come on in.
Nikki: Well... (Sighs)
Nick: What's going on?
Nikki: I saw something last night that was extremely disturbing-- your father and Sharon having a romantic nightcap.
Nick: (Exhales slowly)
(Sets down glass)
Nick: So Dad and Sharon-- you don't think it was...
Nikki: What, a date? What else could it have been? I mean, soft music, candlelight, his best champagne. He even bought her a gift, and I stupidly thought the whole thing was some surprise for me, until Sharon strutted in from the next room like the queen of the manor. I felt like an idiot.
Nick: I'm sorry you had to see that.
Nikki: You don't seem very surpri-- oh, my God, does everybody know this except me?
Nick: Vick had told me she ran into Dad and Sharon at the coffeehouse and that they looked, you know, a little chummy.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Nick: I didn't want to believe it because, mostly, I knew how it'd affect you.
Nikki: Well, what about you?
Nick: Worrying about Sharon is a waste of time. If it doesn't endanger Faith, I don't care who she chooses to spend her time with, and frankly, if these are the choices she's gonna be making, I feel more pity for her than anything.
Victor: I see no reason to let Nikki or anyone else prevent us from spending time together.
Sharon: (Sighs) Look, I'm--I'm really flattered, and I wish things were different, but I-I really don't see this-- this working out. It affects way too many people, and... (Sighs) The scarf you gave me is lovely, but I wouldn't feel right keeping it, and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say no to dinner.
Victor: Are you afraid of getting flak?
Sharon: Aren't you?
Victor: No, I'm not. I'm a free man. I do what the hell I want to, okay? And I think you're much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I mean, you know how to make choices that are good for you.
Sharon: Yeah, you think this is one of 'em?
Victor: Please keep this.
Sharon: (Tsks) Victor.
Victor: It's gonna look beautiful on you. Look at this. Now my plane leaves in a few hours. I would very much like you to be on it.
(Doorbell rings)
Chelsea: Hello, Victor.
Adam: I hope it's not a bad time.
Victor: Come in.
Sharon: (Clears throat) I was just leaving.
Victor: I'll be at the club later, so kindly let me know, all right?
Sharon: I will.
Victor: Okay. (Exhales deeply)
Victor: So... glad you came by. I have the check ready for you.
Chelsea: You can keep it. I'm not accepting your offer.
Victor: You're not willing to leave this town in exchange for $10 million?
Chelsea: I have my reasons.
Victor: I'll be damned.
Eden: Have you seen your father lately?
Kyle: No. No plans to, either. I don't like the company he keeps.
Eden: Well, it's gonna be a tough weekend for you, huh? Mother's day.
Kyle: (Scoffs) Uh, no different than any other day out of the year.
Eden: Well, I always make a card. I mean, my mom's been gone for so long now, but, you know, I write her a message, and then I drop it at the post office. It's stupid, I know. (Laughs)
Kyle: No, no, no, that's not stupid at all.
Woman: Brandon, what are you-- oh, oops, sorry, you're not Brandon. (Laughs)
Woman: (Laughs) Pay up. Uh, you look exactly like this guy that I went to college with.
Kyle: Oh, yeah, only cuter?
Woman: Way cuter. Sorry to bother you guys.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Kyle: No problem. (Laughs) (Clears throat)
Eden: So, uh, where were we?
Kyle: You know what? I don't, um... I'm gonna go get us another round.
Kyle: Hey.
Woman: Hi.
Kyle: What are you guys drinking? No, it is.
Daniel: More, uh, champagne?
Daisy: More you.
Daniel: Oh, whoa. (Chuckles)
Daisy: Mm, mm, mm.
Daniel: (Laughing)
Daisy: Shh!
Daniel: That tickles.
Daisy: Yeah, but in a good way, right?
Daniel: Yeah. (Laughs)
Daisy: Mm.
Daniel: Uh, I-is that Lucy? Did I hear her? You hear her?
Daisy: Huh? Mm. (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Daisy: Nope. (Giggles) Our little angel is sleeping.
Daniel: Mm, mm.
Daisy: (Sighs) Oh, oh, look at this. Your glass is empty, and mine's full.
Daniel: Wow. You better fix that.
Daisy: Like this? Mmm.
Daniel: (Chuckles) Ohh, good girl.
Daisy: Ooh. (Exhales sharply) Ohh, here, put these down. Come here. Mm.
Daniel: Okay.
Daisy: Now I know that you could still be tricking me, but, um, that little beautiful baby in there-- she makes us have a real family. Oh, that champagne's yummy, isn't it?
Daniel: Yeah.
Daisy: Now I--ooh. (Laughs) I never thought that I'd have a normal family--ever. I mean, this isn't really normal, but you know what I meant. Oh, I love your shoulders. Mm, mm. Mwah! (Sighs)
Daniel: (Grunts)
Daisy: Mm.
Daniel: (Grunts)
Daisy: Mm.
Daniel: (Grunts)
Daisy: (Murmurs)
Daniel: There you go.
Daisy: Mm.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Daisy: Mm.
(Keys jingling)
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Sarge: That's right. Good job, good job.
Jack: Is that a compliment from Augie? Say it ain't so. (Exhales slowly)
Sarge: Just for calling me that, three extra sets of dips before I let you go home.
Jack: (Laughing) Bring it on.
Nikki: Looking good.
Jack: Hey.
Nikki: I'm sorry. Don't let me interrupt you.
Jack: No, no, no, not at all. S--uh, stay. You can-- you can cheer me on. Sarge, you've got this lady to thank for my being here, allowing you to abuse me.
Nikki: Yes.
Sarge: Sounds like I owe you one.
(Cell phone rings)
Sarge: Oh, excuse me, I've gotta get this.
Nikki: Yeah, sure.
Sarge: Sarge.
Jack: What a nice surprise.
Nikki: I-I know we decided to keep our distance, but I need to see you. I-I have some news. (Sighs)
Jack: Wait, this sounds serious.
Nikki: Victor and Sharon...
Jack: Wait, they're together again?
Nikki: (Sighs) I walked in on them the other night.
Jack: Do I even want to hear this?
Nikki: Probably not. They're having drinks. There's a real seduction scene, the kind that Victor does so well. Now I wish I had left town, like I had planned. Then I wouldn't have that image seared into my brain.
Jack: Maybe seeing that will make you finally let go of that jerk. Even if I can't have you, I want you to be free of Victor, for your sake.
Victor: Did he put you up to this?
Chelsea: I'm a big girl, Victor. I make my own decisions, and I am tired of being the kind of person that can be bought. I'm staying in Genoa City because I like it here, so you can dangle all the cash you want in front of me. I'm not leaving.
Victor: Whatever you do, you stay away from Victoria's child.
Adam: You can't just order people around like that. It's a little ridiculous.
Victor: Do you realize who you're getting mixed up with?
Chelsea: I know the man Adam is now a lot better than you do.
Adam: Chelsea, will you just give us a minute, please?
Chelsea: I'll be in the car.
Victor: I can think of only one reason you encouraged that little con artist to stay. You're trying to get back at your dad for getting involved with Sharon. Is that it?
Adam: Sharon's a big girl.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: You do what you want with her. Have at her, Pops, but you should think about how getting naked with her is gonna affect Nicholas and their kids, your grandchildren.
Victor: You get out of here now. Don't you ever presume to tell me how to deal with my family.
Sharon: Looks like we had the same idea.
Nick: I guess so.
Sharon: Obviously, you've been talking to Nikki, so I guess I'm in for a lecture.
Nick: I don't have anything to say to you about you and my dad that I didn't tell you last time, when you married him in prison.
Sharon: Nick, I just-- I had one drink with him. It was just one drink.
Nick: Sharon, we both know, whatever my dad wants, he usually gets. I just hope for your sake that you can see what's ahead on the tracks, and be able to get out of the way before the train wrecks. Then again, maybe you won't, but either way, good luck.
Kyle: Would you believe that Jen and Jillian have never been to Crimson Lights? I thought we'd all head over there, grab some dessert, load up on sugar before we hit our next bar.
Eden: Sounds fabulous. Um, you three enjoy.
Kyle: All right, fine. Suit yourself. Ladies.
Jen: Mm-hmm.
Jillian: (Chuckles)
Daniel: Man, am I glad to see you. Hey, come here.
Eden: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, down, boy.
Daniel: What's the matter? You don't kiss your friends hello?
Eden: Uh, not when that friend's about to get married.
Daniel: Ohh, heard about that, huh?
Eden: Yeah, yeah. It kind of threw me, like, a lot. You're not--you're not really gonna marry that... person?
Daniel: I'm, uh, not going to.
(Knock on door)
Daisy: (Groans)
(Pounding on door)
Daisy: What? Shh. Phyllis, what--why are you here?
Phyllis: Ohh, okay, you're drunk. Where's the baby?
Daisy: Uh, she's asleep, I think.
Phyllis: You think? You think she's asleep?
Daisy: (Whispering) Keep your voice down, okay?
Phyllis: Where's Daniel?
Daisy: (Normal voice) He's in there with Lucy. I-I don't know. Uh, we drank just a little bit, which kind of gets in the way of your wedding night. (Giggles) Ohh. Hmm?
Phyllis: Your what?
Daisy: Oh, Daniel and I just got married, so it's official. You're my mother-in-law! (Laughs)
Phyllis: Oh, oh, my-- oh, oh, no. Oh, no. You eloped with Daniel.
Daisy: What? Why are you being so hateful? Daniel and I want the exact same thing-- a family for our baby.
Phyllis: Oh, my-- he doesn't want that. You've been throwing that in his face for the last few months. He figured the only way around it was marrying you so he could see Lucy.
Daisy: No, I mean, that-- it might have changed his mind a little bit, but that's--I mean-- listen, I'll be a good wife to him. I'll prove it to you. You'll see.
Phyllis: You're completely delusional.
Daisy: Okay, it'll take some time, I admit... (Laughs) But pretty soon, he's gonna realize this is exactly what he wants.
Phyllis: Do you need to be hit over the head with this? My son doesn't love you. He doesn't want you. It's your wedding night, and he's not here.
Daisy: You're mean.
Phyllis: I am not mean. I am telling the truth. You know it's true. He doesn't love you. He'll never love you.
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Phyllis: You were an impediment to him seeing his daughter. He figured the only way around that was marrying you. (Sighs)
Daisy: (Gasps) It's a sham. Oh, he--he lied to me. I feel so stupid.
Phyllis: Good, now you're making sense, finally.
Daisy: I'm gonna go bring him home.
Phyllis: No, no.
Daisy: I'm gonna get him.
Phyllis: No, no. You are not getting in the car in this condition with your daughter.
Daisy: I'll take a cab.
Phyllis: You're not taking a cab. I'm not letting you alone with her.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You're coming with me to find Daniel.
Daisy: No, I don't think so.
Phyllis: Yes! You know what? You're not in the condition to think. I call the shots. Do you understand that? Get your stuff together. You're a mom. Get it together. I'm getting your daughter. Go.
Jack: (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) Oh, thanks.
Nikki: I mean, it was just so far beyond inappropriate.
Jack: Nothing that man does surprises me anymore. I guess the same could be said for Sharon.
Nikki: Well, Sharon rejected Adam, probably hoping she could have another chance with Nicholas, but he and Phyllis are making things work again, so Sharon's on the prowl again, and Victor was only too happy to oblige.
Jack: Ever since she took up with Adam, I have stopped trying to figure that woman out. I do not understand her. I don't mean to be harsh, but whatever is drawing those two together, they deserve each other.
Adam: I'm just gonna get some sugar...
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: And I think some cream.
Sharon: Hi.
Chelsea: Hello.
Adam: Hey.
Sharon: Can I talk to you for a moment--alone?
Adam: Anything you want to say to me, you can say in front of Chelsea.
Sharon: Oh, okay. Well, I just wanted to explain to you about your father and me.
Adam: You know what? That's not necessary. It doesn't matter what you do or who you do it with. I don't need to know. The fact that I do know, I should tell you, I think its-- its pretty messed up.
Sharon: Look, I don't know what you heard or who you heard it from, but--
Adam: You know what, Sharon? I'm sorry. We're on our way out. Have a nice evening.
Man: I suppose.
Victor: All right.
Nick: Dad.
Victor: Uh, give me a minute. Yeah, Son? Glad you came by. I wanted to talk to you.
Nick: About Sharon?
Victor: Yeah, before the rumor mill starts, I wanted you to hear it from me. She and I are gonna see each other socially, all right?
Nick: Obviously, I'm... not pleased with it, but I came here to tell you that I'm not getting involved.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: I have enough going on in my own life-- getting remarried, I'm having another kid, launching a new product line.
Victor: What do you mean, getting--you and Phyllis are expecting, or what?
Eden: I am so relieved you're not marrying Daisy. I mean, forever is a really long time.
Daniel: Tell me about it.
Eden: (Sighs) Especially in that tiny apartment with one bed.
Daniel: (Laughs) Let's not even go there.
Eden: Uh, where should we go?
Daniel: That booth over there looks pretty private.
Eden: It does, doesn't it?
Daniel: Come on.
Jen: So I was like, "Seriously, are you kidding me? Do you not want hot girls to come inside of your stupid club, or what?"
Jillian: (Laughs)
Kyle: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that just sounds like a serious injustice. Anyway, listen, girls, this has just been a slice of--
Jillian: Chocolate cake! (Laughs)
Jen: (Laughs)
Kyle: (Laughs sarcastically) Yeah, right, right, right.
Jen: Mmm.
Kyle: Anyway, listen, I think I'm just gonna head back to Jimmy's for another round. Are you interested?
Jillian: No, but, uh, Nefarious Whiskey is playing at Hardware later. Want to come?
Kyle: Oh, clubs. Yeah, not really my thing, but maybe I'll see you again sometime. All right, have fun.
Nick: Yes, Phyllis and I are expecting.
Victor: So that is why you're gonna get married again?
Nick: We were talking about getting remarried before we found out she was pregnant.
Victor: I see. Okay.
Nick: I know you don't approve of the engagement. Considering your constant negative attitude towards Phyllis and this thing that you have with Sharon...
Victor: (Exhales slowly)
Nick: You haven't really been showing me a great deal of consideration lately. Maybe that's why I didn't rush off to tell you the news.
Victor: I understand the feelings you have about me and Sharon. I really do, okay? But you're gonna get remarried to Phyllis?
Nick: Yeah, well, this thing with Sharon-- it affects a lot more people than you realize, most of all Mom, but you don't care how anyone else feels.
Man: That's good. Roll. Let it rip.
Victor: (Yelling)
Man: That's it. Boom. Let's go.
Victor: (Yelling)
Man: That's good. Bring it up.
Victor: (Yelling)
Nikki: Oh, well, look who's here. Tell me, Sharon. Is it really Victor that you're after, or do you just want to be me?
Sharon: Excuse me?
Nikki: I remember the first time you came to the ranch. Ooh, you had stars in your eyes. You took one look at my lifestyle, and you wanted it--badly.
Sharon: What I wanted, what I loved, was Nicholas.
Nikki: And then you wanted Adam, and now this thing with Victor. And they wanted you, too... for a little while. You know, after a while, they got tired of you, and it won't be too long, Victor won't want you, either, but you are going to have a struggle, trying to have a life with that man. I mean, sure, you'll have all the money in the world, but when he wakes up every morning and looks to his side and sees you instead of me... (Laughs)
Sharon: You took your clothes off for men for a living, because that's the only thing you had going for you. You started on a pole, and you wound up in a bottle. Why in God's name would I want to emulate that??
Sarge: Steady, steady.
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: Jack, come on, steady. You gotta engage the core, okay? Got a little wobbly since we last worked out.
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Sarge: Too bad you can't pay somebody else to do this for you, huh?
Jack: What?
Sarge: I've seen statues make more effort.
Jack: Sorry. I'm a little distracted. Got a lot on my mind.
Sarge: Is there anything you can do about it?
Jack: No, not right now.
Sarge: Then may I suggest you pour your energy into something that you can control, like getting back on your feet?
Jack: Okay. Problem?
Sarge: No, I was just... I've been there. Personal problems, issues. I know how it can really screw up your mind, mess with your head.
Jack: Wait, you've got a life outside of this room? How'd that happen?
Chelsea: I just said no to more cash than I could ever hope to see in my entire lifetime.
Adam: How's it feel?
Chelsea: Surprisingly okay, which is kind of freaking me out. Maybe I have changed.
Adam: It sneaks up on you, doesn't it? You'll get used to it, and by the way, you're not gonna be destitute. If I can turn $10 million into $100 million, I can do the same thing with 10 bucks. It'll just take me a little bit longer.
Chelsea: I'm glad I turned Victor down. I really am. I guess now I'm just wondering... now what? (Chuckles)
Victor: Oh, wait a minute. You're no longer even saying hello? Is that it?
Nikki: Wasn't planning on it.
Victor: Don't have to guess why you're so cold, do I?
Nikki: You know, a month ago, you were asking me to be a part of your life, and now, you're doing this...
Victor: I'm doing this because of the damn company you keep, okay?
Nikki: Well, you were with Genevieve, or so you would have us believe.
Victor: Who the hell are you talking about, cavorting around with Jack Abbott, of all people? Whether I'm with Genevieve Atkinson or Sharon, who the hell cares?
Nikki: I don't.
Victor: Good.
Nikki: I'm quite content. I'm quite happy with the choice I made.
Victor: Good.
Daisy: Daniel?
Jack: (Grunts)
Sarge: Come here.
Jack: (Grunts) All right. (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: Good work today, Private. Yeah, here we go.
Jack: Oh, Lieutenant, Lieutenant.
Sarge: Not in here.
Jack: (Chuckles)
Sarge: No, seriously...
Jack: (Grunts)
Sarge: Excellent work. I'll see you next time, Jack.
Jack: Wow. That's two compliments in one day. I'm gonna faint.
Sarge: Real men don't faint.
Jack: (Laughing)
Sarge: See you.
Jack: Oh, my God. Sarge? Sarge!
Nick: So what do you say?
Nikki: To celebrating Mother's day with you and the new mother-to-be? I would love to.
Nick: Good.
Victor: Well, my goodness.
Sharon: Hi.
Nikki: She has no shame at all.
Nick: Well, just do what I do-- try not to care.
Nikki: (Exhales slowly)
Chelsea: Those two aren't actually...
Adam: Yep, I think they are.
Chelsea: You okay?
Adam: You decide what you want to have yet?
Chelsea: When in doubt, go straight for dessert.
Victor: You look stunning.
Sharon: Oh, thank you. I look the same as I did at the ranch earlier.
Victor: But I mean it again.
Sharon: (Laughs) Listen, I am-- I came here...
Victor: Why?
Sharon: To give you this scarf back...
Victor: Oh.
Sharon: And to say no to your dinner invitation.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Sharon: But the way that my day has gone, I could use some pleasant company.
Victor: Well, I am glad you're saying that. So could I.
Sharon: You know, I was really afraid of what people would think...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: But... they think it anyway, so what the hell? Chicago, here we come.
Victor: My sentiments.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Eden: You married her?
Abby: No way.
Daisy: Tell her, Daniel.
Tucker: I'm not leaving until we talk. I'll stay out here all night if I have to.
Phyllis: He's never going to want you, Daisy.
Daisy: How the hell do you know that?
Phyllis: I've played out the same scenario.
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