Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/10/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/10/12


Episode # 9903 ~ Paul Looks Into Ricky's Past

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Daisy: Aren't you gonna congratulate me?

Michael: All right, I'll bite. Who's your imaginary husband?

Daisy: He's not imaginary, and neither is this.

Michael: You could have bought that anywhere.

Daisy: I could have, but didn't.

Lauren: Who would want you for a wife?

Daisy: Daniel.

Michael: (Chuckles) Now I know you're lying. He's not even in town.

Daisy: He just got back, and the very first thing he did was propose to me. (Laughs)

Lauren: In your dreams.

Daisy: No, I mean what I said, Lauren. I don't want to be at war with you.

Michael: Then stay the hell away from her.

Daisy: Now I'm sorry I caught you off guard the other day at the boutique, but I will be back there to register, and I don't want you to freak out.

Lauren: All right, now why, under any circumstances, would you want to go back to the boutique?

Daisy: You have the coolest wedding gifts.

Michael: I'm warning you.

Daisy: My to-go order is probably ready. See you. Hey.

Kevin: Hey. I thought you invited me here to Lauren not getting jail time.

Lauren: We did.

Kevin: So why were you just talking to my crazy sister? What's that about?

Michael: Wait till you hear what she said about Daniel. Talk about delusional.

Nick: Hey, good-looking. Thought we were meeting for lunch. Where are you?

Phyllis: You're not marrying Daisy.

Daniel: I have to.

Phyllis: Why?

Daniel: For Lucy.

Phyllis: No. No, no, no you're not doing this. I'm not allowing it.

Daniel: I didn't come here to ask you for your permission.

Phyllis: I'm not allowing this to happen. No, no, no, you're not doing this. You're not doing this. This is insane.

Daniel: I already asked Daisy, she already accepted, and I'm only telling you this 'cause I don't want you to be blindsided.

Phyllis: But--

Daniel: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no "Buts." I made up my mind.

Eden: You're--you're gonna bring that bitch down? What does that mean?

Ricky: Nothing. I was just venting.

Eden: Well, it sounded serious to me.

Ricky: I have every right to be mad at Phyllis. She stole one of my bylines. Then she promised me a big and she fired me instead.

Eden: So now you're gonna get payback?

Ricky: Yea, by-- by showcasing my talents at a different magazine and making her see what a fool she was for getting rid of me.

Eden: Yeah, right.

Ricky: Why, what'd you think I meant-- that I kill her in her sleep? (Laughs) Oh, stop watching those cop shows, Eden.

Eden: Well, that kind of talk creeps me out.

Ricky: Relax, I was just joking.

Eden: Yeah? Well, here's the punch line--move out of the apartment--tonight.

Paul: (Sighs) So you think my son is amoral.

Avery: I shouldn't be so blunt. No parent wants to hear that.

Paul: No, they don't. (Sighs) But, uh, I appreciate your honesty.

Avery: You don't seem surprised.

Paul: Well, I don't know if you've heard or not, but, uh, Ricky and I have been having a lot of problems. I mean, even today, his birthday, he tried to play me.

Avery: I'm sorry.

Paul: Yeah, me, too. You know, when he reached out to me, I thought, well, maybe we can start over again, and then I realized he was only trying to use me to dig up dirt on Phyllis.

Avery: Oh, well, he must be furious about that since it didn't work out with "Restless Style," but, you know, if she can't trust him--

Paul: He's my son, and I don't trust him. Friends, family-- it really doesn't matter. He will do anything he possibly can to get ahead.

Avery: Yes, and God help whoever stands in his way.

Paul: You know, honestly, I've--I've tried to make things right, but he has so much resentment towards me. And he--we can't seem to get past it.

Avery: You know, I used to feel this way about someone in my family, and I did some pretty terrible things, but the difference between Ricky and me is that I regret my actions, and I don't think he does.

Paul: Well, I'd be interested to find out how you came about to hire him in the first place and what your first impressions were, unless, you know, you're busy.

Avery: No, I have time. I was looking to hire a grad student at Northwestern to, um, intern at the center for unjust convictions, and I received, gosh, numerous applications, but Ricky's really stood out.

Paul: How?

Avery: Well, usually, applicants are recommended from this journalism professor that I know, but Ricky bypassed him. He came straight to me.

Paul: So you hired him without a recommendation?

Avery: I did. I did. Getting the wrongfully accused out of prison and off of death row requires a very strong team that need to put together, and Ricky was passionate. He was determined, tenacious. His writing samples were outstanding, and his research skills were even more impressive than that. He has a real gift for reading people, and I him found valuable when I was selecting a jury. On top of all that, he was willing to work day and night if need be.

Paul: Doesn't leave much time for a social life, does it?

Avery: No, but given what happened with his ex-girlfriend...

Paul: What happened?

Avery: Ricky never told you?

Paul: Told me what?

Avery: Paul, it was a terrible tragedy.

Ricky: You're kicking me out because I made a bad joke?

Eden: No, it's not just that. Us being roommates--it's just not working for me, okay?

Ricky: Since when? I pay on time, I clean up after myself, I don't have any crazy parties, I give you plenty of space--

Eden: I-I'd be more comfortable living with a girl.

Ricky: You lived with Kevin.

Eden: That's different. He's like a brother.

Ricky: When did you have this little epiphany?

Eden: A girlfriend from California called. She's moving here. She needs a place to stay.

Ricky: Okay... (Clears throat) But you're not serious about me being out by this evening, right?

Eden: Y-yeah, I kind of am.

Ricky: And how do you expect me to find a place that fast? Fine. I'll be gone evening.

Kevin: They're getting married? Are you kidding me?

Lauren: That woman would say anything to mess with my mind. (Sighs)

Michael: Well, I'm proud of the way you handled it.

Lauren: Thank you. The last thing to do is let that bitch see me lose it again. (Sighs)

Michael: When she said she was gonna register at Fenmore's, I mean, she was--it was such a--   

Lauren: Yeah.

Michael: It was such an obvious attempt to provoke you.

Lauren: Well, what else is new? Ugh, the thought of Daniel marrying that woman who assaulted him, who he detests, who was in on the plot to kill his mother? I mean, please! (Scoffs)

Kevin: I agree. It sounds insane. You know, Daniel's been so strung out over what's going on with Lucy, losing any chance to get custody for at least six months. I mean, what if he thinks this is the best way to protect his daughter?

Michael: Have you spoken to him since he left town?

Kevin: No, I haven't. I'm gonna call him, find out what's going on.

Kevin: Hey, it's Kevin. Um, look, so, uh... Daisy is spreading this really bizarre rumor about you guys. Will you give me a call back and, uh, let me know what's going on? Bye.

Phyllis: Come on. (Scoffs) Please, please reconsider marrying this psychopath.

Daniel: You know, when I was in New York, considered not even coming back here.

Phyllis: Why?

Daniel: (Scoffs) Why? (Laughs) 'Cause I'm sick of it. You know, I'm--I of this custody mess. No matter how hard I try, I getting smacked back down.

Phyllis: I-I-I understand. I understand, but you did come back, right?

Daniel: Yeah, I did, 'cause it's my fault that she was born into this craziness, and I don't see it ending anytime soon. Daisy's never gonna be a stable parent that Lucy deserves.

Phyllis: That's right... (Chuckles) And marrying her is not gonna change anything. Wh-wh-why are you-- why do you want to be tied down to that woman?

Daniel: What did I get, hmm? I got visitation, supervised by Daisy, subject to her mood swings.

Phyllis: Okay--

Daniel: I mean, if I can't be around my own daughter, how am I supposed to keep her safe?

Phyllis: Okay, listen, the courts are revisiting the case. That can change.

Daniel: Lucy needs me now.

Phyllis: Listen, Daisy is gonna screw up.

Daniel: I can't wait for that. I can't wait--I can't wait that she might screw up, and I can't sit around for six more months and hope that the courts just decide in my favor next time.

Phyllis: Daniel. Daniel.

Daniel: I should not have lost the first time, but I did. I lost the first time, and now what if they-- what if it happens again, huh?

Phyllis: Okay, listen, I love this little girl as much as you do...

Daniel: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!

Phyllis: But--but what you're d...

Daniel: Okay, you know what? A long time ago, you told me that someday, I wanna understand what it meant and what it felt like to be a parent. I do. I get it.

Phyllis: This is not what I meant. Being a parent isn't-- it doesn't mean throwing your life away. God, Daniel, please, please, please. Come on. Don't do this.

Daniel: I gotta go.

Avery: Evidently, Ricky and this girl were quite serious. They had dated a number of years, and at the end of spring quarter last year, Ricky broke up with her. She killed herself before the graduation.

Paul: Oh, my God. Ricky must have been devastated.

Avery: You know, I barely knew him then and he didn't discuss it, so I didn't push.

Paul: Yeah, but still, he must--he must have wondered.

Avery: If she did it because he broke things off? Sure.

Paul: She couldn't have been very stable. I mean, most people don't commit suicide over a failed relationship.

Avery: Anyway, Ricky joined my team. He threw himself into his work that summer, and when I needed someone to come to Genoa City, I thought the change of scenery would do him good.

Paul: So you didn't know he had family here?

Avery: I didn't. Paul, I'm--I'm sorry. I feel awful that I just dropped this on you.

Paul: No, I'm glad you told me. It makes me realize even more how much Ricky must have bottled up inside.

Ricky: Hey.

Daisy: Mm, now is not a good time. I just put Lucy down for a nap.

Ricky: Please. I really need a friend, and you're the only one I've got.

Daisy: Just for a minute.

Ricky: (Sighs) My life is a train wreck.

Daisy: Why, 'cause you got canned?

Ricky: And now Eden just kicked me out of the apartment. Hey, do you mind if I stay here, just until I get back on my feet?

Daisy: Oh, I wish I could help you, but--

Ricky: You--you--you wish, meaning, no? You seem to be forgetting that I am the reason that you have full custody of that kid in there.

Daisy: I know. I-I'm grateful for that.

Ricky: So grateful, you won't let me crash on your couch? You owe me, Daisy.

Daisy: I know I owe you, but you living here-- that won't work.

Ricky: Why not?

Daisy: Because Daniel just asked me to marry him.

Ricky: If you're lying, you should at least try to make it believable.

Daisy: I'm not lying. Look.

Ricky: (Laughing)

Daisy: What is so funny?

Ricky: He's clearly scamming you.

Daisy: No, he's not!

Ricky: Yes, he is. Daisy, Daisy. If you're gonna fall for this, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

Michael: What? What's wrong?

Eden: Well... (Sighs) I told Ricky he had to be out of the apartment by tonight. Oh, look at me, I'm shaking.

Michael: Why, what did he do? What did he do? Did he do anything? What happened?

Eden: No, no, no, but the guy's demented.

Lauren: What happened?

Eden: Well, he--he made up this fake birthday card from his mom, and--and when I asked why, he said it was about Phyllis. He was--he was "Gonna bring that bitch down."

Lauren: Do you think he's planning something?

Eden: You know, he swore it was just talk, you know, but if you'd heard how he said it... I-I should have never let him room with me.

Michael: Yeah. I've had my doubts about Ricky's behavior. So has Paul. I was hoping they'd be proven unfounded, but apparently not.

Eden: I mean, at first, I thought- he was just upset about losing, but today, it was very obvious to me-- he is not right in the head.

Lauren: So what excuse did you give him for wanting him gone?

Eden: Um, I-I just made up a lie about a girlfriend needing a place to stay.

Michael: Did he agree?

Eden: Yeah, but... (Exhales sharply) He wasn't happy about it, since I gave him, like, zero notice.

Michael: All right, just listen to me. You don’t go back to that apartment until I make sure he has moved out. You understand me?

Eden: Yeah. Thank you. (Sighs) What a day. From normal to wacko in, like, 60 seconds.

Michael: Yeah. Tell us about it.

Lauren: Yeah. Crazy's bustin' out all over the place.

Eden: Wait, has something else happened?

Lauren: According to Daisy, Daniel has big plans for the two of them.

Kevin: Hey, man. Why weren't you answering your phone?

Daniel: In the middle of dealing with my mom.

Kevin: So Daisy says that you guys are getting married.

Daniel: We are, and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't give me any grief about it.

Phyllis: Hey.

Nick: Something's wrong. What's wrong? It's--is it the baby?

Phyllis: No Daniel just told me that he's marrying Daisy Carter.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: I'm dumbfounded. I don't know-- I don't know what to say. I mean, he stood here calmly and told me how he was gonna throw his life away.

Nick: Did you try and talk reason?

Phyllis: He would-- he wouldn't budge. (Voice breaking) I saw my son crumbling before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it. (Normal voice) This marriage isn't gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. I'm not gonna let it.

Paul: (Sighs) I should have spent more time with Ricky when he was growing up.

Avery: Why didn't you?

Paul: Always meant to. He just lived in California, I had a career-- you know, life got in the way. I was a lousy father, admittedly.

Avery: So that's what you meant when you said Ricky resents you?

Paul: Yeah, I'm sure he feels that I abandoned him. And you know about his mother, right?

Avery: Mm-hmm. You mean, that she's mentally ill?

Paul: Yeah, she'll probably spend the rest of her life in an institution.

Avery: So who raised him?

Paul: His grandparents.

Avery: His mother's parents?

Paul: Yeah. They did the best they could.

Avery: But that's not the same as having a mom and a dad.

Paul: No. To hear that Ricky finally found love, only to have the woman kill herself when the relationship ends--

Avery: He put up walls.

Paul: I mean, it doesn't excuse me for being an absentee father, but it goes a long way to explaining why he is carrying round so much anger since he got here.

Avery: So are you gonna talk to him?

Paul: I think I should find out more about the girlfriend.

Avery: Well, I know where you can start.

Ricky: Daniel doesn't win at the custody hearing, so he takes off, and he comes back, and suddenly, he wants to marry you. I mean, I think it's pretty obviously is manipulating you.

Daisy: No. He realized what's best for all of us, for Lucy, is that we re a family.

Ricky: Mm-hmm, but there's one minor detail.

Daisy: What?

Ricky: That Daniel doesn't love you; in fact, he despises you.

Daisy: Okay, I was suspicious at first, too, but Daniel promised me he would be a husband in every way. You know what? Just had the best sex of my life.

Ricky: Well, it's gonna come at a huge cost. His vile mother will see to that.

Phyllis: The idea of Daniel marrying that lunatic-- oh, my God. (Sighs)

Nick: I'm gonna talk to him, okay?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I'm gonna talk some sense into him, but you have got to calm down.

Phyllis: Okay, good, you talk to him, and maybe he'll realize what a nightmare it is.

Nick: All right, now listen to me. I know you don't want to hear this, but if we can't convince Daniel to look at another solution where Lucy is concerned, then we're gonna have to respect his decision.

Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, res-- respect his decision?

Nick: I don't like any more than you do, but I also understand why he's doing it. He wants to look after his child.

Phyllis: I'm-- I'm looking after my child.

Nick: Look, Phyllis, Daniel's always gonna be your baby, but he's a man now, and a father, and if he's gonna go through with this marriage, he's gonna need all the support he can get.

Eden: Kevin's with Daniel now. It's true.

Michael: What?

Lauren: Oh, my God.

Eden: Yeah.

Lauren: Daisy wasn't lying.

Michael: Are you okay?

Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I-I'm more concerned about Phyllis. Assuming that she knows, must--she must be a wreck.

Michael: No doubt.

Lauren: Honey, that you're angry at her...

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: Because she didn't tell you that I had a gun, but she's your best friend. Go to her. Go to her.

Michael: She's probably gonna slam the door in my face.

Lauren: No, she's not. Go on, Baby. Don't let her down-- not now.

Michael: (Sighs)

Daniel: So... now that your family knows, you can all join my mother in telling me how stupid I am.

Kevin: What, do you think I don't know what it's like, marrying a girl you don't love to protect the one that you do?

Daniel: (Scoffs) I really am stupid. Of course you do. You're practically an expert the subject.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Well, just know that I am here for you.

Daniel: You know what, Man? Maybe there is something you could do.

Nick: You're not here to dump on Phyllis some more, are you?

Michael: No, I'm not.

Nick: Why are you here?

Michael: Well, I just thought you'd like to know that Lauren will not be wearing an orange jumpsuit after all.

Nick: She got probation?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Good.

Phyllis: Good for her. It's still a conviction, but, you know, no jail time.

Michael: Uh, now that that's all behind us, uh, I was just wondering if, um... (Clears throat) Mm... we could kiss and make up, pretty please?

Phyllis: Yeah, sure.

Michael: Well, uh, I hate to spoil that magical moment, but, uh, listen to me. Eden told me that Ricky's been mouthing off. He seems to really have it in for you.

Phyllis: Ricky Williams is the least of my worries right now.

Michael: Lauren and I heard about Daniel's proposal.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Nick: From whom?

Michael: Oh, from the heart of darkness herself.

Phyllis: Oh, my-- are you kidding me? That must be so hard for Lauren, to come face-to-face with Daisy all the time.

Michael: Well, you know what? She was a little rattled, but she hid it like a trooper, all right? Unfortunately, Daisy made it clear that she's not finished playing games with my wife.

Phyllis: Lovely. (Sighs)

Nick: Well, she's determined to torment all of us.

Michael: We'll have each other's back. We'll handle this. We'll handle it. We'll handle it together. Hmm?

Phyllis: I-I missed you.

Michael: (Laughing) I-I missed you, too.

Avery: This article was posted on "The Daily Northwestern" site. The school newspaper.

Paul: "Rachel Dalton, a senior at the college of arts & sciences, found dead in her off-campus apartment this morning... alleged suicide... rumors of a breakup with her boyfriend." So here I was, going about my business, when... less than a hundred miles away, this poor woman ends her life, and my son is going through hell. (Sighs)

Ricky: I bet you this marriage was all Phyllis' idea.

Daisy: Hi. All right, go in.

Ricky: This way, Daniel could build a case against you, proving somehow that you're a bad mother.

Daisy: Oh, ohh. No, you know what? I already thought about that, and Daniel would never do that to Lucy. Hey! (Chuckles)

Ricky: Oh, come on! Of course he would. All he wants to do is get the baby back, bring it to his mother, and he's going to drop you so fast.

Daisy: You are wrong. You don't even know Daniel.

Ricky: But I know Phyllis, and to know her is to loathe her.

Daisy: Okay, fine, go write your big tell-all. Humiliate her all you want. Just leave us out of it.

Daniel: What's he doing here?

Ricky: I was just leaving. But, Daniel... congratulations. You really hit the jackpot on that one.

Daisy: (Scoffs)

Daniel: You need to stay away from him. The guy's trouble.

Daisy: He just showed up on my doorstep.

Daniel: What did he want?

Daisy: Nothing important. Forget about Ricky. Let's talk about the wedding, like you promised.

Daniel: Okay, me first.

Daisy: What?

Daniel: I want us to elope.

Daisy: When?

Daniel: Now.

Michael: Thank you.

Nick: Thank God you two are back to normal.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Michael: I can actually hear the choir of angels singing "Hallelujah."

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Now that Michael and I are friends again, uh, should we tell him our news?

Michael: Tell me what?

Phyllis: Um...

Nick: We're, uh, giving it another shot.

Phyllis: (Giggles)

Michael: Shot at what?

Phyllis: (Laughs) A shot--

Nick: (Laughs)

Michael: Oh, my G-- are you--really?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Michael: Congratulations. I could not--I could not be happier for you two.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Thank you.

Nick: Thanks, Man.

Phyllis: Thanks. Uh, there's-- there's other news, too.

Michael: What, did you win the lottery? What?

Phyllis: I--well, uh, no, better.

Michael: You're hungry. You're getting a tummy tuck. You're--

Phyllis: No, I'm not get--

Michael: Oh, my God.

Phyllis: I'm--I'm pregnant. I'm not getting a tummy tuck. That's ridiculous.

Michael: Oh, my God. Really?!

Phyllis: Ah, really.

Michael: Really? This is-- it's another miracle baby. I don't believe this. Congratulations!

Phyllis: Okay, uh, thank you. It's not a miracle, but thank you very much for--

Michael: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs) We haven't told Summer yet. I'm sure she's gonna be over the moon, so just, you know...

Michael: Oh, I hope she doesn't give Fenmore any ideas, huh?

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Nick: Whoa, we're only a couple months ahead. You can catch up.

Michael: Yeah. (Chuckles) Well, um, who else knows?

Phyllis: Uh, mm, just a couple of people.

Nick: Yeah. We're trying to keep it on he down-low...

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Since it's so early.

Michael: Uh, call Lauren, right? Huh?

Phyllis: Of course you can tell Lauren.

Michael: Look... I know you guys are really worried about Daniel, but please, don't let that overshadow you about this baby.

Nick: Nothing could.

Michael: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Eden: Daisy's gonna be Daniel's wife?

Lauren: I-I mean, the only thing that I can think of is that he's hoping that this will guarantee him access to Lucy.

Eden: (Sighs) Well, it might, if Daisy wasn't totally whacked.

Lauren: And volatile. I mean, this is the worst idea I've ever heard, for Daniel and for Lucy. That little girl should just be with her father alone, and get Daisy completely out of the picture. Of course, the judge doesn't see it that way, and I don't get a vote, so...

Eden: I mean, maybe--maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I don’t believe he would actually marry her.

Lauren: I know the two of you had a little something going.

Eden: No, no, it's not about that. It's, uh, mostly, we're just friends. I'm just worried about him.

Lauren: You should be. That woman is dangerous, and Daniel is just feeding into her delusions. It's like he's walking around with a hand grenade. If this should go through... I-I'm just terrified as to what could happen.

Daisy: You never said anything about eloping.

Daniel: I had to be sure that I could make it happen.

Daisy: What's the rush?

Daniel: Are you having second thoughts about this?

Daisy: No, I just-- I always imagined my wedding. I'd be in a lace gown, and there'd be a cake with that cute little plastic couple on top-- a-and a big cake, and pretty flowers and lots of people watching our first dance, uh...

Daniel: Look, okay, I thought that you said the most important thing was just for the three of us to be together. You know, like a family-- a real family, all under the same roof. I don't know how many times you've said that to me, and I just figured, since the decision had been already made, what's the point in waiting?

Daisy: You're right.

Daniel: Good, 'cause I've got a justice of the peace on standby, and Kevin is waiting in the car.

Daisy: Kevin?

Daniel: Yes, he's gonna be our witness.

Daisy: Is he all right with that?

Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. It'd be nice to have a friendly face there. So let's go. (Chuckles)

Daisy: Well, give me a minute to change and fix my face.

Daniel: Okay. I'll get the baby ready.

Daisy: Daniel, you are too much. (Chuckles)

Daniel: (Sighs) Hey. Hmm?

Lucy: Hi.

Daniel: Yeah. Hi. Hey.

Lauren: Ohh. So you and Phyllis are good?

Daniel: With your encouragement, yes.

Lauren: Good. If only all of our problems could be so easy.

Eden: Ah, I know, right? Like life wasn't complicated enough.

Lauren: Hmm.

Eden: Now Daniel's marrying a nutcase, and, well, Ricky's acting like one.

Michael: All right, listen to me. Listen to me carefully. All this time, we've had our hands full with Daisy, and now, we have Ricky to worry about, but we're not gonna let these people keep us from living our lives. That being said, we are all gonna have each other's backs, right? Okay.

Eden: Yeah.

Paul: She's beautiful.

Avery: Hmm.

Paul: Was beautiful.

Avery: Look at this. It's so sad. Her FacePlace page has been turned into a memorial-- pictures, postings.

Paul: Yeah, mostly from, uh, M-Melissa Townsend.

Avery: Uh-huh. Looks like that was her best friend. She kept posting and posting (Sniffles)

Paul: I should track her down.

Avery: That's not a bad idea. She could probably give you some insight to the breakup and why someone who seemed to have everything chose to end her life.

Paul: Yeah, maybe give me some insight to Ricky.

Avery: Can't be easy, having to go to a stranger to find out about your own child.

Paul: It's more than I had before. At least I have somewhere to go.

Ricky: Danny Romalotti. You're the guy with the answers I need.

Nick: You feel better?

Phyllis: About Michael. About Daniel, no. (Exhales slowly) Listen, I know you're with me on this. I love you for that. Um, but, uh, there's actually somebody else I need, too. Um... just...

Phyllis: Hey, uh, Danny. This is Phyllis. Um... listen, I'm calling because we have a little bit of an emergency. Um, our son is marrying Daisy Carter, and... together, we have to stop that from happening.

Clarice: Do you, Daisy, take Daniel to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?

Daisy: I do.

Clarice: Daniel, take Daisy to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?

Daniel: I do.

Clarice: By the power vested in me state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Daniel: Hey. Ohh, yeah. All right, okay. (Chuckles)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: Glad you came by. I wanted to talk to you.

Nick: About Sharon?

Adam: If cash weren't a factor--

Chelsea: Cash is.

Adam: Only if you let it be.

Daisy: Daniel and I just got married. You're my mother-in-law!

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