Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/9/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/9/12


Episode # 9902 ~ Jill & Genevieve's Relationship Hits a New Low

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Genevieve: Ethan. I heard about what you did for me, and I just want you to know that I am very grateful.

Ricky: (Sighs) I wasn't sure I was gonna get the birthday call this year.

Paul: I was thinking about you. I think about you a lot.

Ricky: About how disappointed you are?

Paul: (Sighs) Worried.

Ricky: Well, that's something we have in common.

Paul: What's that?

Ricky: It's why I asked you here, Dad. I need your help. I don't know who else to turn to.

Kyle: There's nobody home.

Eden: Shh, shh, shh, shh! Victor could be in the study with my brother.

Kyle: Well, let's go see.

Eden: No. Oh, my God.

(Door closes)

Eden: (Quietly) Okay, okay, okay.

Kyle: Y--

Bonnie: Oh, good morning, Mr. Abbott.

Kyle: Hey, Bonnie, good morning.

Bonnie: Would you like some breakfast?

Kyle: No, no, thanks, I'm good.

Bonnie: How are you enjoying living back here at the ranch?

Kyle: Uh, well, so far, it's been, uh... tremendous.

Billy: (Humming) Whoo!

Delia: Hi, Daddy!

Billy: Hey, Honey. No, wait, no, you can't wear that dress. You're way too cute to see grandma. She'll try to take you, put her in a bag, take her to Australia. No.

Delia: I'm going to a party.

Billy: Ohh.

Chloe: After I get her.

Billy: Okay, well, just hold my hand in case Grandma tries to snatch you.

Chloe: Hey, where's-- where's Reed?

Billy: Uh, a little quality time with his mom. He goes back to J.T. in a couple of days.

Chloe: So listen, Delia understands that she's not allowed to go to the playground. She can't go down the slide, or eat or drink anything that is gonna get on this dress.

Billy: You must be a slave to fashion already, huh? (Singsong voice) Just like your daddy.

Chloe: Yeah, someone's looking very, very fashionable. (Laughing)

Delia: (Laughing)

Avery: Is there some new development with Daisy and Lucy?

Phyllis: Oh, unh-unh, no, no, no. I-I didn't call you over here for legal advice. Um, I just... I wanted to talk to my sister.

Avery: Well, you weren't so eager to do that the other day.

Phyllis: You know, I had some news that I wanted to share with someone. Um... (Chuckles)

Avery: Oh, wow.

Phyllis: A-and there's more. Nick and I are--are expecting.

Michael: We had a deal.

Spencer: You discussed a deal with the A.D.A., subject to my approval.

Lauren: But this is a win for you. I'm going to plead guilty.

Spencer: If you get off with a slap on the wrist.

Michael: Anger management classes and probation are a typical, perfectly appropriate sentence for a weapons charge.

Spencer: The charge is now felony assault with intent to do bodily harm.

Lauren: What?

Michael: You're overreaching, yet again.

Spencer: (Chuckles) I have multiple witnesses who saw everything that went down. Here's one now, ready to make her statement.

Daniel: Can we talk?

Daisy: You know, we could have been talking this whole time if you even bothered to return any of my phone calls.

Daniel: I needed time to think about the situation, um, and I have.

Daisy: Okay. So...

Daniel: Will you marry me?

Ricky: I got this today. It's, uh... (Sighs) It's from mom.

Paul: (Sighs)

Ricky: You can barely make out what she's saying. Her writing, it's-- well, it's indicative of her mental state. It's all over the place, but what comes out loud and clear is the anger and the blame. Everything that she ever did was someone else's fault. And reading this, it just hit me that... maybe I inherited some of that. I mean, I-I'm not crazy. I'm not--I'm not saying that I'm crazy. I don't... (Laughs) I don't hear voices, Dad. It's just... I just carry around a lot of resentment.

Paul: Toward me, because I wasn't around when you were growing up.

Ricky: I think I used that to justify the things that I've done-- taking those pictures of Heather, destroying her career, writing that story about Aunt Patty.

Paul: To hurt me, because you felt I deserved it?

Ricky: No, no, no. It was never conscious. I never deliberately set out to hurt anybody with my actions...

Paul: Ricky.

Ricky: But I-I know I did, and I don't blame you for pulling away and protecting yourself. But, Dad, I-I need you to know that I'm working on it. I'm gonna find help somewhere. I'll find it. I just need to know that it's not too late for the two of us to start over.

Jill: If you think I'm testifying against my sister, you're out of your mind.

Spencer: What you're saying is that if you were to tell the truth about what happened in the store that day, it'd be damaging to Lauren?

Michael: No need to answer that.

Jill: Well, I wasn't gonna answer that or any other question, and please feel free to cite me for contempt--of you and this whole process, okay? Because that is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Spencer: No worries, Ms. Fenmore. As I was pointing out to your brother-in-law, there are plenty of other witnesses who will be willing to take the stand.

Lauren: Why are you on this crusade?

Spencer: Should I wait to take action until you gun down Daisy? You may think there's no price to pay even then, but--

Michael: This is about Nikki Newman. She didn't pay your price for killing Diane, and you blame me.

Spencer: Don't confuse the issue.

Jill: Oh, you are the one who's confusing the issue. You couldn't make the case against Nikki, so you're trying to save face by going after my sister.

Spencer: You want to help Lauren? I suggest you make arrangements to run the family business while she's in prison.

Avery: A baby. Um, that's--that's-- that's wonderful.

Phyllis: Oh.

Avery: That--that's sweet.

Phyllis: Um, anyway, what-- I just called you over 'cause when you said that there was something going on with me--

Avery: Yes, yes!

Phyllis: Yes, remember? Yeah, um, I-I just didn't want to say anything 'cause it was still too early to spread the news.

Avery: Oh, of course. I-I know women don't like to say anything until after the first trimester, right?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Avery: Yeah. Is Nick happy?

Phyllis: Uh, yes, he's ecstatic.

Avery: Great.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Avery: Oh, excuse me. Oh. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Oh, okay, um, do you have to go? You have to go.

Avery: I-I do. It's an emergency.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, no prob-- listen, no problem, no problem. I just, you know, I just wanted to tell you that, so, uh, thanks. Um, anyway, can you just keep it to yourself?

Avery: Oh, my-- of course, yes.

Phyllis: Great. You know, we--we haven't told a lot of people. Daniel doesn't even know.

Avery: Daniel-- is he still out of town?

Daisy: Who put you up to this? Your mother? Avery? They want you to get close to me so you can spy? You won't catch me being a bad mother. I take good care of our daughter, Daniel.

Daniel: I know that. I know that. I just needed some time to get over everything that happened before.

Daisy: And get over being disgusted by me?

Daniel: How many times have you told me that you've changed, hmm? How many times have you said that, and you know what? I-I-I get it now, and I realize what--what a huge sacrifice you've made for our daughter, and--and I respect that. I respect you, and now I'm trying to do the same thing here. I mean, this is what you wanted, isn't it? Daisy, I want to have a real marriage with you.

Daisy: (Laughs) Okay, now I know you're full of it. You need to go.

Daniel: Can you just listen to me for a second? Can you hear me out?

Daisy: If you can't be honest with me, you need to leave us both alone.

Cane: So how much did your contact inside the S.E.C. tell you?

Genevieve: Just that you would not cooperate with the investigation.

Cane: Well, I couldn't really tell them that much even if I wanted to, 'cause you--you kept me in the dark on your purchase of Beauty of Nature.

Genevieve: But you didn't know much about your father's dealings, either, and you kept digging until you found enough on him to put him away.

Cane: Are you saying if I kept digging, I would have found something incriminating against you?

Genevieve: No. I am not saying that at all.

Cane: Do you want to tell me how bad this is going to be?

Genevieve: It's really sweet of you to worry about me.

Cane: I have every reason to be worried about you. You've burned your bridge with Jack. Your alliance with Victor is on shaky ground. The S.E.C. will not back down. Have you thought about cutting your losses, unloading Beauty of Nature, just making a fresh start somewhere else?

Genevieve: (Sighs)

Billy: Thanks, John. That's a little better, right? Yeah? Yeah.

Chloe: You know what? I think, um, I think I'm just gonna take Delia with me to the gala meeting, you know?

Billy: Oh, come on. Mom really wants to see her before she goes.

Chloe: Okay, but you have to promise me that she's going to look exactly like that when I come to pick her up.

Billy: Not a hair out of place.

Chloe: Okay. I'll see you later. Good-bye. Mwah! Be good. Stay clean.

Billy: You, too.

Delia: (Giggles)

Billy: (Chuckles) All right, let's clean--

Delia: Oh!

Billy: Mnh-mnh. Nice. All right. Let's get going. We don't need that.

Kyle: So what's good?

Eden: Okay, um, well, the cheese Danish.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Eden: Oh, and the apple fritters.

Kyle: The what?

Eden: What, fritter?

Kyle: Fritter? What... (Chuckles) Who had naming rights there? Did the person that invented those just have, like, incredibly low self-esteem? (Laughs) I spent all morning baking these complete wastes of time. (Laughs)

Eden: "Fritter" is from "Fried." Frictura, actually--Latin.

Kyle: You speak Latin?

Eden: Um, some.

Kyle: Say something naughty for me in Latin.

Eden: Vos es sic leviculus.

Kyle: Ohh, that is so hot.

Billy: (Humming) Oh, hello, Nephew.

Kyle: (Clears throat) Hi.

Billy: Hi, how's it going?

Kyle: It's going good.

Billy: Yeah.

Eden: I'm just gonna, um, yeah, okay.

Kyle: Yeah, just...

Billy: Mm.

Kyle: Still P.O.'d about the Victor thing?

Billy: Oh, let's not talk about that. I got my kids here and you're on a, uh, a date...

Kyle: (Laughs)

Billy: At this hour. That's, um, that's nice that you're making new friends. Just make sure that you're not making any new Abbotts. As cute as they may be, the accidental ones, trust me, this is not the way--

Kyle: Yeah, we are on the same page there, trust me.

Billy: All right.

Kyle: Although I am digging this little manly man-purse thing you got going. Where do I get one of those?

Paul: Okay, I, um... I could try and help. I could--I could, uh, see if any of Patty's doctors could recommend someone that--that might be right for you to talk to.

Ricky: Yeah, that would be great...

Paul: Okay.

Ricky: But it--it would have to be someone that'd be willing to let me pay on a sliding scale, since I'm not working right now.

Paul: Oh. Thanks.

Ricky: Thanks.

Paul: Why? Wh-what happened with your work?

Ricky: Mm. Well, uh, Phyllis and I rubbed each other the wrong way. I'm not making any excuses, but she's really going through it right now. I think losing Lucy dredged up some... (Inhales sharply) Issues for her, family stuff.

Paul: What kind of family stuff?

Ricky: I don't know. That's part of the problem.

Paul: Hmm.

Ricky: I kept stumbling onto sore subjects without even realizing I was doing it. I didn't mean to be insensitive. I just don't know the woman's personal history, you know?

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Ricky: Next job I get, I'm gonna hire you to give me the rundown on everyone first. (Laughs) Wish I'd have thought about that before. You could have helped me with Phyllis before it was too late.

Paul: How so?

Ricky: Well, you two run in the same circles, right? And you have the same friends. I'm sure you know her whole story.

Paul: I know some of it.

Ricky: Like, uh, for instance, what's the story with her and Daniel? I'm picking up on a lot of tension there, and I have a funny feeling...

Paul: Mm.

Ricky: That goes back further than this whole Lucy thing.

Paul: Oh, well... (Sets glass down) Let me ask you something, Ricky. Is that why you asked me over here-- because you want me to dig up dirt for you on Phyllis? Is that it?

Ricky: No, wait, no, it's my--it-- Dad, what would ever give you that idea?

Paul: Really?

Phyllis: Hey, Daniel, um, it's me. So, listen, I need to talk to you about something. It's sort of... important. Um, so could you call me back? And, um, listen, I know you need a break from the Daisy situation. We're--we don't even have to talk about that.

Daisy: Mm. Mm.

Michael: Walsh is still holding a grudge against me for helping Victor and Nikki. Avery has earned his respect.

Lauren: Quite frankly, I wouldn't be here if she hadn't gotten Daisy out of prison.

Jill: Isn't there anybody else you can call?

Michael: Not with Avery's expertise.

Avery: You were right, Lauren, when you said that I would live to regret helping Daisy. I do, so please let me try and make amends now.

Michael: Look, if Avery can talk Walsh into making a plea deal, then that ends it. You won't have to work together.

Jill: If she can't, we've still got enough time to find somebody else before the trial.

Lauren: (Sighs) Okay. Okay, fine.

Avery: All right. Get me up to speed.

Michael: Here you go.

Jill: All right, I'm gonna call Phillip and tell him I can't come.

Lauren: No, no, you don't have to do that.

Jill: Well, it's okay. He won't care. He'll probably be relieved.

Lauren: Jill, I have Michael. I have his entire family. I'm fine, and in fact, if you're out of the country, they won't be able to have you testify.

Jill: It just kills me to leave you at a time like this.

Lauren: Thank you so much for all your support. Ohh, I'm gonna miss you.

Jill: (Laughs) Who would have thunk it, huh?

Lauren: I know, I know.

Jill: Michael, if there's anything that I can do, anything at all, you will call me?

Michael: You bet. I will.

Jill: Okay.

Michael: Come on, I'll walk you out.

Jill: Okay.

Lauren: Okay... (Sighs) So what's the plan? How are you gonna keep me out of prison?

Kyle: It's so funny hearing you give fatherly advice.

Billy: Yeah, well, I just don't want you to become fatherly before it's your time.

Kyle: No way, man. Not my scene.

Billy: Yeah, well, believe me, it wasn't mine, either.

Kyle: It is going to be a long time before I get serious with anybody.

Billy: Okay, well, I'm gonna let you two enjoy your breakfast, and, um, there's multiple places I need to be right now, so good luck. (Clears throat) Honey, let's go.

Kyle: So what did we decide on? Fritters?

Eden: (Chuckles) You know, I should really get home.

Kyle: Uh, o-okay.

Eden: I, um, I heard what you said to Billy, and its fine, you know? I'm not serious, either, but, you know, I thought we were at least open to the possibility. I've--I've done the whole "Friends with benefits" thing recently, and it was, uh, not good. I ended up really liking the guy, so, yeah. You know what I'm saying. Um, so look, maybe we'll see each other again. I hope so.

Kyle: (Sighs)

Daniel: I'm sorry for all the stuff that I said before.

Daisy: Yeah, I have to apologize for a lot, too, but, you know, we can make it up to each other. This was a really good start. Mm.

Daniel: Hey, hey.

Daisy: Mm.

Daniel: I can't stay right now. I promised someone that I'd meet them.

Daisy: Oh.

Daniel: Can I, um, can I see Lucy before I go?

Daisy: Yeah, you know what? I was gonna get her up anyway. We have one of those "Mommy & Me" classes.

Daniel: (Grunts)

Daisy: Mm.

Cane: Well... (Sighs) I gotta get to work.

Genevieve: All right.

Cane: Okay?

Genevieve: Mm-hmm. Ethan, thank you again.

Cane: I'll see you.

Genevieve: Okay.

Jill: I thought we had an understanding. You were gonna keep your distance from Cane for his own good.

Genevieve: I didn't make you any promises, and I don't happen to agree with you that that is what's best for Ethan.

Jill: (Laughs) Ethan. Yeah, it's much better for Ethan to be reminded on a daily basis of the myriad ways that you failed him.

Genevieve: I don't know why I waste any time talking to you. It is absolutely none of your business, and you know what? For the record, I was a better mother to Ethan than you ever were to Billy, not that you set the bar real high.

Billy: Yes, Honey-baby, they are very pretty, but they are permanent. It's like a magnet for anything indelible. Do you have a place where I could put these, safely?

Phyllis: Um, over there somewhere, just--

Billy: Over here? All right.

Phyllis: I don't know, put 'em in--

Billy: Like, this box? Will this work? All right, cool. Oh, hi. A little light reading.

Phyllis: Oh. (Chuckles)

Billy: Does this mean that, uh, we're gonna be in-laws again?

Phyllis: Um, yeah, it actually does. All right, that--I'll take that.

Billy: Oh, wow.

Phyllis: Give it here. Um, so what--what is the reason that you came over?

Billy: Ricky. Wow. Ricky.

Phyllis: What about Ricky?

Billy: Well, he filed for unemployment. Do we even bother fighting it? I mean, we'd win. We fired him because of his misconduct, and between--

Phyllis: Yeah, creepiness.

Billy: Yep.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Well, um, between you and me, of course, uh, I think we should just let him fade away.

Paul: What is your agenda with Phyllis?

Ricky: No, Dad, you are totally misreading what I just said.

Paul: Really? I don't think so.

Ricky: Yes! If it's about the card--

Paul: Whatever you're-- you're--you're doing, whatever you're up to, I don't want any part of it. (Sighs) Happy birthday, Ricky.

(Door opens)

Ricky: Damn it!

(Door closes)

Ricky: (Exhales sharply) (Inhales quickly) (Sighs) Well, that didn't fly.

Daisy: This is how I pictured us all along, even before she was born. You do know how right this feels.

Daniel: I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

Daisy: (Sighs) Oh, I know you said you had to get going.

Daniel: Ohh, I do.

Daisy: Okay, well, maybe when you get back, we could start making plans.

Daniel: (Sniffles) Um... yeah. It should be about an hour. Isn't that gonna interfere with your class?

Daisy: Um, no, it's okay. We'll--we'll skip it. We'll be here.

Daniel: Okay, I should go.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Daisy: (Sniffles)

Daniel: Um, okay, I'll-- I'll--I'll see you later. Bye.

Daisy: Bye.

Daniel: (Sighs) (Whispers) Bye, baby girl.

Daisy: (Chuckles)

Genevieve: That was a big mistake.

Jill: (Inhales quickly) Ah! What are you gonna do, throw me off a balcony? Or maybe you're gonna lock me in a wine cellar.

Genevieve: Well, if I did, no one would miss you, and certainly not your own son.

Jill: (Sighs) My son didn't feel the need to deny that he was my son, or didn't have to change his name or run off to a foreign country to get away from me.

Genevieve: You just go ahead and sling all the mud you want. None of it is gonna stick to me.

Jill: (Chuckles) Really?

Genevieve: Really.

Jill: Well, let's just see about that.

Genevieve: Oh, my God.

Jill: (Laughs)

Genevieve: Damn!

Delia: Daddy, look!

Both: (Arguing indistinctly)

Billy: Whoa, whoa. All right, um, you--you stay right here. You stay right here. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Cane: Let it go, let it go!

Jill: You stupid woman!

Billy: Hey!

Genevieve: You know, I should have you arrested.

Jill: You are the one who belongs in jail. It's only a matter of time.

Cane: All right, let her go!

Genevieve: How dare you?!

Cane: Come here!

Billy: No, no! Aah!

Cane: Get your purse.

Genevieve: Oh, my purse! My purse! Oh!

Cane: Get your purse, and let's go. Let's go.

Jill: I'm fine, I'm fine!

Billy: Yeah, you're fine. Calm down.

Jill: I'm fine, fine. (Sighs)

Billy: What in the hell is wrong with you?

Jill: Don't even start with me. You don't know what she said.

Delia: Look, I'm like Grandma!

Billy: Oh, come on. What--

Eden: Hey.

Ricky: Hey.

Eden: This was on the floor. Is this--this yours?

Ricky: (Chuckles)

Avery: Lauren is a respected-- uh, let me correct myself-- beloved member of this community. There isn't a jury in the world that's gonna see her as anything except the victim in this case, especially when I describe to them, in excruciating detail, the hell that Daisy Carter put her through.

Spencer: Whatever sympathy they feel won't change the facts.

Avery: No, but it might change the verdict. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Daisy Carter is trying to put Lauren back in that cage, and the state, which should be protecting her, is instead acting as Daisy's accomplice.

Michael: And while you're dealing with that, I'll be appearing before the state bar's ethics committee, requesting that they open an investigation. I think the public deserves to know how much of your limited budget and man-hours you've devoted to harassing a single family and their associates.

Avery: Makes for some interesting headlines, especially during a-an election year, don't you think? I assume you're willing to share your story with the press.

Lauren: Absolutely.

Spencer: The deal's too lenient.

Avery: Okay, but you are willing to make a deal, then? What if we tack on some community service hours?

Spencer: Fine.

Avery: Excellent. Nice doing business with you.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: (Laughs)

Lauren: Ohh! (Laughs) Ohh, thank you.

Avery: No thanks necessary. I-I'm gonna go call Jill and Scotty, okay?

Michael: Okay, okay. Oh! That was--that-- you were--ohh! Mwah! Ohh! Oh! (Sighs)

Phyllis: I was not trying to be a pain. I, um, have actual news.

Daniel: I'm almost afraid to ask.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Um, I'm almost afraid to tell you...

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: All of a sudden. Um... Nick and I are getting married. Uh, what, he--

Daniel: I'm--I--

Phyllis: He asked me to marry him, and I said yes.

Daniel: That's great, e-especially if you're happy. I mean, you look happy.

Phyllis: I am! Oh, God, I am.

Daniel: Then why would you be nervous to tell me that?

Phyllis: Um, well, because that's not the funny part. Um, actually, well, the-- this part isn't funny at all. Um, it's just-- it's unexpected, um...

Daniel: What? What is it?

Phyllis: I'm pregnant. (Laughs)

Daniel: Huh?

Phyllis: What-- why does everybody keep on reacting like that? "Huh."

Daniel: No, I'm--I'm--I'm--

Phyllis: I mean, what-- what is that?

Daniel: No, I'm sorry. That--that's--that's great news.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean-- oh, I--its amazing news.

Daniel: Congratulations. Lucy will have someone to play with.

Phyllis: Oh, I--yes, yes. Hey, have you seen her, by the way?

Daniel: I have. I just came from there. Um, I actually kind of have some news for you, too.

Billy: (Groans)

Jill: Honey, Honey, Honey, you're just making it worse.

Billy: I--but look, it's everywhere!

Jill: I know.

Billy: It's everywhere.

Jill: I know. She's gonna need a--

Chloe: Oh, my God. Oh, do I even want to know?

Billy: Someday, this is gonna be very funny. It's gonna be--

Chloe: Yeah, someday. Baby, come on. Daddy's lucky. I have another dress in the car. Let's go.

Billy: (Gasps) Look how smart Mommy is. Okay, kiss Grandma good-bye, and--

Jill: Ohh. Good-bye, my little munchkin. Mwah! I'm gonna miss you.

Delia: Whoa, that's not happening. (Laughs)

Jill: Okay. Bye.

Chloe: Wa-watch the mud!

Jill: Ohh.

Chloe: Ohh, come on. Let's go.

Jill: Bye, Honey. Bye.

Chloe: Get in the car.

Billy: Have fun.

Chloe: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Billy: Mm, yeah. (Clears throat) So... do you want to tell me what that was all about?

Jill: Uh, Genevieve was impugning my parenting skills.

Billy: Oh, really? You should have told me. I would have held her down for you.

Jill: Well, she didn't say anything that you haven't said.

Billy: That's different. I'm allowed. You're my family.

Jill: You're allowed because there's truth in it.

Billy: Come on, Mom. I don't even think about that stuff anymore.

Jill: Really?

Billy: Really? You flew to Myanmar for me. That's love.

Jill: (Voice breaking) I do love you, Billy. No, no, I'm a mess.

Billy: Oh, you're a mess. You are a big, fat mess, but you are my big, fat mess. Come here. Bring it in.

Jill: (Laughs)

Billy: Let's go. Oh, yeah, get in there. Now you have fun in Australia, okay?

Jill: Oh, Baby.

Cane: (Clears throat)

Genevieve: This is as good as it's gonna get for now.

Cane: (Chuckles) (Clears throat) It is?

Genevieve: Thank you.

Cane: (Clears throat)

Genevieve: What?

Cane: You know, I'm just thinking maybe you should take up, like, kickboxing or something, you know, to get your frustrations out, 'cause, see, that way, you won't have to pick fights with everyone in Genoa City.

Genevieve: Jill fired the first shot.

Cane: Yeah. I bet it was completely unprovoked.

Genevieve: Can I help it if she is oversensitive?

Cane: Anyway, um, I gotta go, so you do your best to stay out of trouble, okay?

Genevieve: Yeah, sure.

Cane: Okay.

Genevieve: Thank you.

Cane: Anytime.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Genevieve: Hello?

Colin: Mission accomplished.

Genevieve: You've been released?

Colin: Mm. Thanks to you.

Genevieve: Where are you now?

Colin: Somewhere quite lovely, and that's all you need to know.

Genevieve: (Exhales slowly)

Avery: Hey.

Paul: Hi. Um, Avery... do you have a second?

Avery: Sure.

Paul: Thanks. Um... listen, there's--there's maybe something you can help me with. Um, you worked very closely with my son Ricky on Sharon's trial. Did you get to know him well?

Avery: Well, we mostly just talked about work.

Paul: But you saw enough to f-form an impression of his character? Look, I-I'm trying, and admittedly, it's a bit of a belated attempt, to know my son better.

Avery: Your son is a very smart young man.

Paul: I guess I'm talking more about his... principles and ethics, or, uh, a lack thereof. Look... I want your honest opinion.

Avery: Well, Paul, you've hit it on the head. I think your son is... amoral.

Eden: So are you not close to your mom?

Ricky: The card wasn't real. I wrote it myself.

Eden: Oh.

(Game table clicks)

Ricky: I was trying to get sympathy from someone, and it did not work.

Eden: You tried to trick them into feeling sorry for you?

Ricky: I'm gonna have to use every trick in the book if I want to bring Phyllis down, and I am gonna bring that bitch down.

Lauren: Mm.

Michael: Sometimes, the most brilliant thing a lawyer can do is to bring in another lawyer.

Lauren: Well, then I would like to toast to your brilliance.

(Glasses clink)

Michael: (Laughs)

Lauren: (Laughs)

Michael: All right, all right. You are not going to bother my wife. You're gonna turn around, and you're gonna walk out of here.

Daisy: It's not like I followed you here. I just saw you here, and I want to tell you, I don't want to fight. I don't want to cause you any more trouble. In fact, I'd really love it if you would help me register at Fenmore's.

Lauren: Register for what?

Daisy: My wedding.

Daniel: Why don't we sit down? (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Mm.

Daniel: Daisy and I are getting married.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: He will do anything he possibly can to get ahead.

Avery: And God help whoever stands in his way.

Ricky: What'd you think I meant? That I was gonna kill her in her sleep?

Daniel: I want us to elope.

Daisy: When?

Daniel: Now.

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