Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/8/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/8/12


Episode # 9901 ~ Ashley Is Hurt By Tucker's Betrayal

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: Katherine. When I told you I was on my way here, I didn't mean you had to meet me.

Kay: Well, uh, Darling, after all these years, uh, meetings still do me good.

Nikki: Oh.

Kay: And if it allows me to spend some time with my dearest friend, it's an added bonus.

Nikki: You knew I was feeling down, so you came to me. I love you for that.

Kay: Listen, I'm-- I'm so sorry that things couldn't work out between Jack and you.

Nikki: Well, I just couldn't get in between him and his son. It wouldn't have been fair to either of them.

Kay: There's a little bit more than, uh, just, uh, Kyle stopping your relationship with his father, wasn't it? You--you will never really be over Victor, and Victor will never really be over you.

Victor: Thank you very much for the invitation. I'd love to have a drink with you.

Sharon: Well, let's go, then.

Victor: But, Sharon... in private.

Sharon: Are you saying you want to be alone with me?

Victor: Yes. Let's go to the ranch.

Abby: You ready to do this?

Devon: Mmm! Now I am.

Abby: Here you go. (Chuckles)

Devon: Can't watch the competition's music videos without some fortification.

Abby: These will help.

Devon: Oh, thank you.

Abby: Not that you have to worry about this, 'cause they are the ones that are gonna be sweating when you start putting out videos of your own.

Devon: That said like the investor she is.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Devon: Mmm. This is good popcorn.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Devon: This is the best popcorn I've ever had, actually. What'd you do to it?

Abby: I added maple and bacon.

Devon: Really?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: You have to talk to Roxanne, 'cause she doesn't even put butter on the popcorn.

Abby: You--let's call her, get her over here. I will teach her the fine art of popcorn seasoning...

Devon: Mm.

Abby: And she can help us critique these "Vids."

Devon: No, she can't. She's out of the country on business.

Abby: Oh. Mm, that sucks.

Devon: Yeah, I know. It's all right. She likes everything anyway. She doesn't have the discerning eye and ear for this kind of stuff.

Abby: Yeah, not like "Mr. Bionic Hearing" over here.

Devon: Bionic hearing?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: That's nice. (Laughs)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Devon: This is gonna be fun tonight, being able to make out all the subtleties in the music, you know? Man, who would have thought I-I'd owe it all to Tucker?

Abby: "Bio-dad" really came through with this whole surgery thing, huh?

Devon: He did. I know we both had our issues with him.

Abby: Ugh, big-time.

Devon: He's starting to grow on me a little bit, though.

Abby: Ohh, me, too.

Devon: (Laughs)

Abby: Come on, business, business. Let's do it.

Devon: Okay, all right. Which one do we watch first?

Abby: That one.

Devon: There we go.

Jill: I thought we already said our good-byes.

Lily: We did, but we've been working on a little bon voyage gift.

Jill: Ohh.

Cane: Mm-hmm. You know, to help, uh, you help Phillip while he recuperates from his knee surgery, so...

Lily: Yes.

Jill: I hope there are pictures in there, of you two and the twins.

Lily: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and there's a lot in-- on a flash drive, as well.

Cane: And we can send more if we want, you know, and we can, uh, video-chat, so don't worry.

Jill: I'll try not to worry, 'cause you're in good hands, aren't you? I mean, Devon and Neil and Sofia and...

Cane: I'm gonna miss you. Come here.

Neil: Sofia... I-I didn't mean to hurt you.

Sofia: I sensed that there was something going on between the two of you, but... hearing that you have feelings for Harmony--

Neil: Wait--wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. I didn't want to lie to you, and I-I swear to you, I haven't acted on those feelings... except--

Sofia: Except?

Neil: There was a kiss.

Mrs. Martinez: Mr. Abbott, will there be anything else before I go?

Jack: No. Thank you for staying late, Mrs. Martinez. I appreciate it.

Mrs. Martinez: Should I stop at the pool house and make sure your sister is comfortable?

Jack: Why don't we let her get some rest? She's had a pretty rough day.

Tucker: Ashley. I'm so sorry. Baby. Ashley.

(Door slams)

Tucker: Ashley! (Sighs) Jeez!

Jill: Ohh! It's artwork from the twins. Pure genius, as usual.

Lily: (Laughs) I know.

Jill: Oh, and root beer?

Cane: Yeah, it's, uh, it's Wisconsin-made. Uh, I know that Phillip liked it as a kid, and you can't get it in Australia, so...

Jill: Oh, great.

Lily: Mm-hmm. And there's a Packers jersey in there, too.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Jill: Oh, God, he is gonna love these things!

Lily: (Chuckles)

Jill: You know what he'd like even better? Is if you all came to visit us while I was still there.

Cane: Well, you know, we've talked about going there when the kids get older, so maybe, yeah.

Lily: Yeah, 'cause the kids should see where their dad grew up.

Jill: (Laughs)

Cane: Yeah. Aw. Hey, listen, like I said, right, don't worry about work, all right? Take care of Phillip. We, uh, we'll take care of things while you're gone, okay?

Jill: Okay.

Sofia: I wish I never would have started this conversation.

Neil: As uncomfortable as it is, I'm--I'm glad that you did.

Sofia: Why? What, because you want to go be with her?

Neil: No, no, because you deserve the truth. If the situation were reversed, I... you would be honest with me, wouldn't you? Listen, we... (Sighs) We got married because we wanted to provide our son, my little man, Moses, with a family and--and a home, not... because... we're in love.

Sofia: But, Neil, I am. I am in love with you. I've loved you since before we got married, since the night we made Moses, maybe even before that. I would have never betrayed Malcolm otherwise.

Neil: You didn't say anything.

Sofia: I was hoping, since we were together in this home that we shared, that maybe you would come around and feel the same.

Harmony: (Voice breaking) Damn it. I don't know what I was thinking. Oh, God. (Sobs) Mick, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to mess things up for you.

Tucker: I gotta find Ashley.

Harmony: (Sobbing) Damn it, damn it! Damn it! (Sighs)

Devon: They're such memorable lyrics.

Abby: Uh-huh, and you could dance to it. You can dance to it.

Devon: (Laughs) You can and I can, but him, not so much.

Abby: Oh, he was so beautiful until he opened his mouth.

Devon: No, he was never beautiful.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

(Doorbell rings)

Devon: You expecting somebody?

Abby: Oh, no, actually. Mm, mm-hmm.

Devon: Hit the porch light.

Abby: I know.

Devon: Okay.

Abby: Oh, it's my mom. Hey.

Ashley: Oh, hi. I'm sorry to barge in.

Devon: Oh, we were just wrapping up some work.

Ashley: Oh, I didn't want to interrupt. Sorry about that.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Devon: No, you didn't interrupt at all. I'm gonna take off, and I'll call you tomorrow, okay?

Abby: Okay, see you. See you.

Devon: See you.

Ashley: See you.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Abby: What's wrong?

Ashley: You were right. Everything you said was true. (Voice breaking) You were right all along about Tucker, Abby. (Voice breaks)

Abby: (Quietly) Oh, my God.

Ashley: (Sobs) Do the talking.

Abby: Here, sit. I thought you were spending the night in New York.

Ashley: I finished my work early. There was no point in--in staying, so I caught the last flight out.

Abby: Well, why didn't you go home first?

Ashley: Because Tucker and I had a fight, and I didn't want to deal with it, so I just decided to spend the night at Jack's. And then I couldn't sleep, because I was... (Sighs) I was missing my husband. I'm sorry. I decided that I wanted to try to work things out with him, so I went home, and when I opened... (Laughs)

Abby: Oh, no.

Ashley: When I opened the bedroom door--

Abby: Please don't tell me. (Sighs)

Ashley: He was in bed with Harmony.

Abby: Harmony? Devon's mom Harmony? Oh, Mom.

Tucker: Ashley! Jack, where's my wife?

Jack: Hey, you don't come in here making demands, not after what you pulled.

Tucker: She told you already.

Jack: She shouldn't have found out the way she did.

Tucker: I didn't have a choice.

Jack: What do you mean, you didn't have a choice?

Tucker: God, the look on Ashley's face when she saw Harmony--

Jack: Harmony? What the hell are you talking about?

Neil: I didn't know.

Sofia: We have meals together, we take care of little Moses together, and we've slept together since the wedding. I...

Neil: Um, I didn't see... I didn't, uh, I didn't want to see how deep your feelings went, Sofia. Wh-why didn't you say anything before now?

Sofia: Would it have made a difference?

Neil: (Sighs)

Sofia: God. (Sniffles) Okay. So, uh, these feelings you have for Harmony...

Neil: But I have no intention of breaking our marriage vows.

Sofia: Wasn't there something in our vows about being true to each other, or--or am I just making this up?

Neil: And I honor our vows. Sofia, we can get past this.

Sofia: (Scoffs) Can we?

Neil: Yes, we can, if we remember that it's about Moses and what's best for him.

Sofia: The best thing a father can do for a child is to love their mother.

Neil: Wait a minute. Sofia, no, don't do that. Don't take Moses--

Sofia: Don't talk to me, Neil.

Devon: Hey.

Neil: Oh, m--

Devon: Why is Sofia so upset?

Kay: Well, I personally think you need a 12-step program just to get over Victor.

Nikki: Mm. Well, I wish there was such a thing.

Kay: Do you really?

Nikki: You know... (Sighs) I think I have loved loving Victor, and on some level, I always will. But wouldn't you think, at this point, we would be wise enough and fed up enough to just end it?

Kay: I-I-I just don't know how to advise you any longer. No, really, I-I've told you to stick with him as many times as I have said, "Leave him," and nothing, nothing, nothing ever works.

Nikki: I mean, how many times do we have to keep trying...

Kay: (Sighs)

Nikki: And failing, and we hurt each other again, before we just forget it?

Kay: How many times do I have to tell you Victor will never, ever change?

Nikki: The infuriating thing is that he will do something to drive me away, and then... (Sighs) His strength, his kindness, even his stubbornness-- they all make me go back to him.

Sharon: Victor, it's--

Victor: For you.

Sharon: How did you pull this together? I'm--I'm the one who asked you out.

Victor: I just made a phone call.

Sharon: Oh. Yeah, I've gotta get that phone number from you.

Victor: Uh-huh. This is the world that I wanted you to experience when we were married, but unfortunately, I was in jail, thus indisposed, so I never had an opportunity to... do this for you.

Sharon: Well, it's all so beautiful and extravagant. What should I do first?

Victor: Make yourself comfortable.

Sharon: Oh, well, you know, I'd love to, but Faith is with the nanny, and I can't stay long. She's--

Victor: Well, that has been taken care of, as well.

Sharon: Another phone call?

Victor: (Chuckles) She's in very good hands, trust me. You have all the time in the world.

Jack: You're not getting anywhere near my sister till I find out what happened.

Tucker: (Sighs) Ashley showed up unexpectedly. I-I--she ran out before I could stop her.

Jack: Wait, this just happened tonight?

Tucker: Jack, come on. Ple-please, just tell me where she is.

Jack: I haven't seen Ashley for a couple of hours. She stopped through here, told me all about your plans to make a play for Beauty of Nature, about your secret life with Genevieve--

Tucker: I don't want to talk about Genevieve.

Jack: Fine, let's talk about Harmony. Tell me what happened to my sister.

Tucker: I had way too much to drink. I ran into Harmony. She ended up driving me home. I don't remember much after that. I guess one thing led to another, and--

Jack: You son of a-- (Breathes heavily) If I could get out of this chair right now, I would tear you apart.

Tucker: I'd let you, if I thought it would make things easier for Ashley.

Jack: Easier for you, you mean. We all thought you were wrong for her, but Ashley defended you. She trusted you. She married you! And now you've cheated on her?!

Tucker: Please, Jack, if you hear from her, will you just tell her I need to s--

Jack: No, I-I'm not gonna tell her anything, except to dump you as fast as possible and not look back.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Abby: Who'd you slap first, him or her?

Ashley: (Sniffles) I didn't do anything. I didn't say anything. I just... I just left.

Abby: It's probably better than bursting into tears. I know you probably wanted to.

Ashley: Yeah. I did that in the car, leaving there. (Sighs) I just keep seeing the man that I married, and hearing him tell me all the-- how much I meant to him, Abby. How can he do this to me?

Abby: He's a rat.

Ashley: I should have seen it all along, Honey.

Abby: Oh, God.

Ashley: I was blind, and I'm so sorry. I never should have believed him over you, not ever.

Abby: Oh, please stop. Stop beating yourself up, okay? He--he started to fool me. I-I-I was really just beginning to feel like he... like he really had changed.

Ashley: (Sniffles)

Abby: And I was just talking about it with Devon. Devon is gonna flip out.

Ashley: (Sniffles) No, no, no, no, no, no. Please don't say anything, not until I figure out exactly what I'm gonna do, okay?

Abby: Good, yeah, no, I won't say a word. What are you thinking? I mean, what are you gonna do?

Ashley: I wish I knew. (Inhales shakily)

Man: Thank you.

Man: Does anyone else have something they'd like to share?

Harmony: I do. My name is Harmony, and I'm an addict in need of a meeting.

All: Hello, Harmony.

Harmony: I did something horrible tonight, and I was not high, I wasn't drunk, but I did fall into another old habit, and it's one that does the same kind of damage.

Cane: (Clears throat)

Lily: Well, have a great time with your son.

Jill: Yeah.

Cane: We're gonna miss you.

Jill: Don't start me blubbering.

Cane: Mm, I haven't told you how much I love you yet.

Jill: Yeah, I love you, too, and you, my little darling.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Jill: (Chuckles) Take care of those twins and each other.

Lily: Okay, I will.

Jill: Okay.

Lily: Have a safe flight, okay?

Jill: Thank you. I will.

Cane: Bye.

Jill: (Exhales sharply) Good-bye.

Cane: Okay.

Jill: Okay.

Lily: Bye, Jill.

Jill: Bye.

Cane: (Sighs)

(Door closes)

Jill: (Sobs) (Sighs) (Exhales sharply)

Sofia: (Sighs)

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Sofia: Hey, Tucker. What's wrong?

Tucker: Oh, man, I didn't think about the time. Did I wake you?

Sofia: Uh, no, uh, but what is it?

Tucker: I'm looking for Ashley.

Sofia: Well, I thought she was out of town.

Tucker: No, um... have you heard from her?

Sofia: Why would I hear fr-- Tucker, what's going on?

Tucker: (Sighs) Ashley walked out on me.

Sofia: Why?

Tucker: She came home and found me with Harmony.

Sofia: Harmony? Tucker... wh-when did this happen?

Tucker: Tonight. It was a stupid, stupid mistake. I've wrecked my marriage, Sof.

Neil: I, uh, I-I love Sofia, right, as--as a, uh, as a dear friend and as Moses' mother, but not in the way that a man should love his wife.

Devon: So did you just tell her that, out of the blue? Is that why she was crying?

Neil: Uh, no, it--it really-- it wasn't like that. It, um...

Devon: Well, look--

Neil: She asked, and I--

Devon: Dad, if you don't-- you don't have to get into this if you don't want to.

Neil: No, no, you--no, you--

Devon: It's personal.

Neil: You--you need to know, right, that... (Exhales sharply) How do I explain this? Um, I honestly believed that with Sofia and I coming together to raise Moses, it would be enough.

Devon: But it isn't?

Neil: I've unexpectedly developed feelings for someone else.

Harmony: You know, it's bad enough being lonely, but when you're an addict, lonely just makes you want, makes you crave. And there he was, this guy from my past, and I just wanted the needing to stop, so... I hooked up with him. I didn't mean for it to happen. I mean, I n--I never meant to hurt anyone. I... (Laughing) I didn't mean it. How many times have I said that after stealing and lying and using? 'Cause that's what I did. I used him. He's married, this guy that I was with, and his wife, she walked in and she caught us, and... you know, her face wasn't even angry. It was just like... somebody had died, and I did that, and I--and I wish I could take it back, but I can't. I can't. I just--I-I have to move on, which is something that I should have done tonight instead of doing damage to myself and to a marriage. I, uh... I just want to say thank you for listening, and I wish that I had come to a meeting in--instead of...

Man: So... shall we take a little break?

Nikki: Do you know who Harmony was talking about?

Kay: I might.

Nikki: Well, she's right. I mean, we all need to just move on and stop making the same mistakes we make over and over.

Kay: Where are you going?

Nikki: I'm gonna put the past to rest.

Victor: Something to remember the evening by.

Sharon: Oh, you didn't have to do this, but, um, I can't wait to open it.

Victor: Please do.

Sharon: Okay.

Sharon: (Gasps) Wow. It's beautiful.

Victor: I'm glad you like it. I think... you will like this, as well.

(Glasses clink)

Sharon: Mmm. Gosh, I don't think I've ever tasted anything quite that exquisite.

Victor: You know what that is? It's a Clos d'Ambonnay... (In French) 1995. Very rare.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure it's very expensive.

Victor: Kind of.

Sharon: (Laughs)

Victor: (Laughing) There were a few bottles on sale a few years ago, so I bought several, but didn't open them, any of 'em, until tonight.

Sharon: Well, you should have saved it for a special occasion.

Victor: I think I did.

(Glasses clink)

Devon: So this other woman-- did you sleep with her?

Neil: I thought about it, but no, I didn't.

Devon: I bet that didn't make Sofia feel any better, though.

Neil: See, I-I can control my actions, but-- and--and that's true.

Devon: But the heart goes where it goes.

Neil: Yeah.

Devon: Tell me something, when Sofia asked you--

Neil: Mm. I, uh, I told her the truth.

Devon: Oh.

Neil: What have I always told you and your sister, huh? That the consequences of telling the truth are never as bad as the consequences of telling a lie. Well, this is that one time that I should not have told the truth.

(Door opens)

Lily: Hi.

Cane: Hey. What's up?

Devon: Hey, guys.

Neil: Hey, hey.

Lily: What's going on?

Neil: (Chuckles)

Devon: We were just, uh, we're just talking--the usual. Come and join the party. Grab a seat.

Cane: Sure.

Lily: Okay, yeah. Thank you.

Cane: Hey, no problem.

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: Hey.

Jill: By the way, I hope you don't have any ideas about taking over my room while I'm gone.

Harmony: Oh, like I really want your stuff anywhere near me.

Kay: Oh, listen, I heard you. Are you two at it again?

Jill: Mm. Katherine, I hope that you and your new best friend have a real good time while I'm gone.

Kay: Well, I, um, I take it, uh, it was a rough night tonight.

Harmony: Yeah. Yeah, it was, so, um, listen, I'm just gonna go crash and--and pull the covers over my head, okay?

Kay: That man you were with-- that man was Neil, wasn't it?

Harmony: Listen, it--it wasn't him.

Kay: Yeah, but, Harmony, you knew him before. He's married.

Harmony: It wasn't Neil.

Kay: Well, then you must have been with...

Kay: You were with my son?

Abby: Tucker. Figured you'd show up.

Tucker: I need to talk to Ashley.

Abby: My mom doesn't have anything to say to you.

Tucker: Where is she?

Abby: Hey!

Tucker: Where is she, Abby?

Abby: Hey! She's not talking to you, 'cause your actions-- they spoke way louder than words.

Tucker: This is between me and my wife, and I need to see her!

Abby: Well, that's too bad, because she's not here.

Ashley: Thank you for the call. (Sniffles)

Jack: I wanted to get to you before Tucker did.

Ashley: I'm so glad you did, Jack. I couldn't bear to see him right now.

Jack: I wish there was more I could do. I fixed us a couple of strong drinks here.

Ashley: Thanks.

Jack: So what made you decide to go back to your place?

Ashley: Oh... (Sniffles) (Sighs) I don't know. I spent so much of my life running away from my problems and it never fixed anything, so I figured it was time to... (Sniffles) Stop fighting with Tucker and start fighting for my marriage. So much for that.

Jack: I'm so sorry.

Ashley: Sometimes, the only way to really see the truth is to... just be smacked right across the face with it.

Nikki: (Sighs) If Katherine told you I was coming, you misunderstood.

Victor: What are you talking about? Um, you need to go.

(Footsteps approach)

Sharon: Nikki, hello.

Lily: Well, it's getting late. We should probably go. This has been fun.

Cane: Yeah, we should go.

Neil: Yeah, it has.

Cane: Uh, nanny's waiting, so, um, let's go.

Lily: Yeah. Yeah. All right, good night. Mwah! Love you guys.

Neil: Good night. Mwah!

Devon: Good to see you guys.

Cane: All right, guys, uh, you be cool, all right?

Neil: Yeah, you, too. Mm-hmm. Drive safe.

Lily: Bye. Thanks.

Cane: Thank you. Bye-bye.

Neil: Hey, thanks.

Devon: Yeah, it's not my place to broadcast your business, you know? This is between you and Sofia.

Neil: Well, that's... not exactly true. Devon... I don't want you hearing this from anyone else but me. That other woman that I was telling you about--

Devon: Man, Dad, I don't know the other woman. I don't need to know her, okay?

Neil: Yes, yes, you-- you do. (Sighs) Son... its Harmony.

Sofia: Don't worry, Moses. Things have changed. After all this, maybe daddy will realize that his heart is safest...

Moses: (Fussing)

Sofia: Right here with us. Hmm? We're gonna be just fine.

Kay: Ashley caught the two of you?

Harmony: She was supposed to be out of town.

Kay: Well, that still doesn't make it right.

Harmony: No. No, it doesn't. It's just that-- that Tucker and I, we were both in a bad place.

Kay: Bad place? You're even in a worse place now, by your actions.

Harmony: My actions, yeah. I'm not proud of it.

Kay: Well, then I think you better leave this home.

Ashley: I feel like such an idiot, Jack.

Jack: Hey. Get over it.

Ashley: Why? Because you say so?

Jack: No, because you're not an idiot. The only mistake you made was trusting Tucker.

Ashley: I chose him.

Jack: You loved him. He's the loser here. He's the idiot. He never deserved you, Ashley.

Abby: My mom wanted me to come with her when she left, but I told her I was looking for Devon.

Tucker: You told my son about this?

Abby: No, I lied, because I wanted to be here when you showed up so that I could tell you that you are scum, and I knew it the whole time! I-I can't even believe that you almost snowed me. I should have trusted my gut about you.

Tucker: Well, you're not saying anything about me I haven't already said to myself. I made a terrible mistake, Abby.

Abby: Ohh, man. Is--is that your big excuse?

Tucker: No, there's no excuse. Just the facts. I had too much to drink.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Tucker: I made a huge error in judgment. Now you, of all people, should understand that.

Abby: Yeah.

Tucker: I forgave you, remember?

Abby: I do. I do remember that, and I appreciate it, but you know what? It didn't give you a "Get out of jail free" card to cheat on my mother!

Tucker: Abby, it's just-- will you just help me out? Just tell me, how can I make this right?

Abby: You can't. God, you--you don't even know how much you hurt my mom. I just pray, pray that she never wants anything to do with you ever again.

Nikki: I can't believe you two are doing this again, after the disaster of your jailhouse marriage.

Victor: There was nothing disastrous about that-- not for me, not for Sharon. And since you are now close friends with Jack Abbott again, I'm a free man.

Nikki: What are you doing here, huh? What are you doing? Is this--is this you trying to lash out at me because Nicholas is remarrying?

Sharon: Oh, no. This has nothing to do with that.

Victor: That's enough, okay?

Nikki: Yeah. You know what? It is. It finally is.

Victor: You say hello to Jack Abbott.

(Door slams)

Sharon: (Sighs)

Victor: I'm sorry. Sharon. (Exhales deeply) I had a great time. It was wonderful.

Sharon: Sweet dreams.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Spencer: You want to help Lauren? Run the family business while she's in prison.

Daniel: I needed time to think about the situation, and I have.

Paul: Is that why you asked me over here-- because you want me to dig up dirt for you on Phyllis?

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