Y&R Transcript Monday 5/7/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 5/7/12


Episode # 9900 ~ Nick & Phyllis Face a Crisis

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: Hi, it's me.

Jack: I'm glad.

Nikki: Well, I was thinking of coming by in a while... just to talk, if that's okay?

Jack: It's more than okay. I'll see you soon.

Jack: Hey, you.

Ashley: Hi.

Jack: What, the New York meeting got rescheduled?

Ashley: No, it was fine. Actually, the meeting was great, but it was all handled, so there was no point in spending the night.

Jack: Well, you sure seem thrilled about that.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Ashley: (Exhales slowly) (Tosses down cell phone)

Jack: Is that the reason you're so glum... dodging Tucker?

Ashley: You've reached my cell phone. Please leave a message.

Tucker: Not again. (Sets down glass) No thanks, Baby.

Kyle: Beer. Thanks.

Eden: Shouldn't you be drinking brandy from snifter at the Newman place?

Kyle: You just want to see my ascot. (Chuckles)

Neil: Hey.

Harmony: Hey.

Neil: Uh, late night... (Clears throat) Working. I just need a jolt to get me through. A little coffee, you know. That's all.

Harmony: Yeah, well, whatever it takes.

Neil: You want to, uh, sit down for a minute?

Harmony: Why would I do that, and why would you ask me?

Neil: Because... I don't want you to go.

Phyllis: I'm spotting. Uh, you know, the baby...

Nick: Okay, come on, let's get you to the hospital.

Phyllis: Hospital.

Harmony: I told you, I need you on one side of the room and me on the other, not like this. I mean, even right now, talking about all this-- Neil, this is a bad idea.

Neil: Oh, really? Then what's a good idea? We just avoid each other?

Harmony: You want to kill a plant, watering it. This here is just more water.

Neil: Oh, goodness gracious. Or maybe we sit in same room, we have a conversation, and things will get back to normal.

(Cell phone rings)

Harmony: (Sighs) I gotta take this.

Neil: Yep.

Harmony: I'll be back.

Neil: (Groans) (Clears throat)

Sofia: Ohh. Well, hello there. (Laughs)

Neil: Hey. Hey! Are things okay with Moses?

Sofia: Oh, he's fine.

Neil: Yeah? Hey, Buddy.

Sofia: But when you're working late, he thinks it's a free pass to do his night owl thing. Oh, say hi to your daddy.

Neil: Hey, Buddy. Yeah.

Sofia: Or maybe he just misses you.

Neil: Yeah, is that right? Is that right? Yeah?

Sofia: He likes having you at home instead of out and about.

Neil: Do you, Buddy? Is that right? Do you miss me when I'm not around? Yeah?

Sofia: Yeah. (Laughs)

Neil: Look at you, man. Can I have that?

Sofia: Yes.

Neil: What's that? You want that? You want your rattle?

Sofia: Hey, Sweetie.

Neil: My man, my man. I love this color on him.

Sofia: He looks so handsome.

Neil: It's such a beautiful color. Come on, man.

Jack: Can I pour you a drink? Some tea?

Ashley: No, thanks. I'm fine.

Jack: Okay, let's work with that. What's so rosy and cheery in your life right now?

Ashley: Actually, maybe I will have a glass of water.

Jack: Yeah, I thought maybe you would. So can you still pour and talk?

Ashley: Yeah, but I can't drink and talk. So what's going on with Kyle, any headway?

Jack: Headway. Let's see. Uh, he's not only living with Victor, he's now working for Victor. Spectacular, huh?

Eden: So, how's your mission to boldly work for Victor Newman, opinions be damned?

Kyle: Sounds heroic. I'm gonna need a cape. You got a thing for capes?

Eden: (Sighs)

Kyle: 'Cause I'll run out, I'll get a cape at the cape store and--

Eden: Okay, and how about your dad?

Kyle: He looks terrible in a cape. I would not recommend it.

Eden: So we are not going to talk about your father.

Kyle: Nope. This conversation is strictly about us... and the drink I'm gonna buy you.

Eden: Uh, getting ahead of yourself just a little.

Kyle: Is there somebody else?

Eden: Nothing serious.

Kyle: Bartender.

(Knock on door)

Victor: (Sighs)

Sharon: I doubt they're gonna go away.

Victor: They will if I tell them.

Nikki: This won't take long. I just had to come and--

Neil: ...Have all that love. Here you go, Buddy. Who's that?

Harmony: Hey, Handsome. Look at you! (Laughs) That smile.

Neil: (Chuckles)

Harmony: Well, you must fall in love all over again six times a day.

Sofia: Yeah, I must admit, I am a sucker, and when I fall, I fall hard. Mm-hmm.

Harmony: Uh, listen, I just got a call from a friend of mine who needs some backup staying on the program, so, um... (Clicks tongue)

Neil: Nice. Good thing she has you.

Harmony: Yeah, well, listen, you three take care of each other, okay? I'm sure you realize how lucky you are. Excuse me.

Victor: If this is about Nicholas getting married to Phyllis, then Sharon already told me.

Nikki: Ah, yes, of course she did. Sharon, I'm so sorry. I'm sure this has come as quite a blow.

Sharon: Why would it be a blow to me, Nikki?

Nikki: And I imagine you're not too happy with it yourself, Victor. Personally, I have mixed emotions about it, but this marriage will happen, regardless of what others think.

Sharon: And again, you look at me.

Nikki: Look, if you have given up vision of a life with Nicholas, I'm very happy for you, because given his commitment to Phyllis, the best thing you can do for yourself is to finally, truly move on.

Jack: I look back on Kyle's whole life and all I can think is, was there ever a time that I wasn't screwing things up? I mean, I was absent, and then--then I hovered. I wanted him to be with his mother, then I didn't want him to be with his mother, and now I'm paying the price for it.

Ashley: It's Nikki.

Jack: Believe me, Kyle's reminded me of that, even tried to on darts to make his point. He did a pretty damn good job of it, too. I think he saw my face in that dartboard to aim that well.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Jack: Okay, enough about me. Why are you dodging Tucker?

Ashley: Instead of Genevieve and Tucker being complete strangers, Jackie... (Laughs)

Jack: What--

Ashley: They've known each other for years, for decades.

Jack: Gen and Tu--no. Are you sure?

Ashley: I'm positive. I saw the photographic evidence, even. Now that was adorable.

Jack: I took Genevieve to your wedding to Tucker. I mean, they were minutes away from being in-laws.

Ashley: I guess they didn't think it was worth mentioning.

Jack: Why the hell not?

Ashley: I don't know. But he is the same man who didn't tell me that Emily was his therapist, who kept pursuing Beauty of Nature no matter how many times I begged him not to. I don't understand it myself. What exactly does he think marriage is?

Jack: I think you need to ask him that.

Ashley: I can't. (Sighs) To do that, I'd have to see him, and I... I'm just not up to it right now.

Tucker: (Sighs) (Sighs) Keep 'em coming. (Sighs)

Nick: Look, the tests are gonna come back, and it's gonna be okay.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I--we'll get through it.

Nick: Yes, we will...

Phyllis: (Clears throat)

Nick: 'Cause we're fine. We all are.

Phyllis: You have to be realistic.

Nick: (Sighs) Now look, I know that things happen, Phyllis. But not this time.

Phyllis: Okay. Exactly, because the truth is, maybe I was never pregnant at all.

Nick: What do you mean, not pregnant?

Phyllis: Maybe I was wrong.

Nick: (Chuckles) Phyllis, you took a pregnancy test.

Phyllis: Yeah, but maybe...maybe I really wasn't. I mean, maybe I just saw what I wanted to see. Maybe it didn't see-- say pregnancy at all. I'm just--I'm--I'm sorry that I dragged you into this. I'm sorry...

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: That I--    

Nick: No, no, listen-- listen to me. Everything you're saying and feeling right now is because you are scared. You're saying this is before it's even started. You're gonna have to trust me on this. No matter what that doctor comes in and says, everything is gonna be all right.

Nikki: When you speak to Nicholas, please respect the fact that he's going to do exactly as he pleases, regardless of what others think.

Victor: With all due respect, I think I know how to talk to my son.

Nikki: All right. Well, then I will let the two of you get back to... your business. Oh, Sharon, I think it's great that you have a project to concentrate on. The distraction will make things easier, I'm sure. Good night.

Victor: (Exhales slowly) Sharon, you and I forget about what just happened?

Sharon: I kissed you, and I don't regret it.

Jack: You don't want to see Tucker? Tonight or ever? I mean, I know you're upset with him, but I just--

Ashley: No, no, no, no, I'm gonna see him eventually, just not when I'm feeling like this. (Sighs) You know, he thinks I'm in new York, I’m gonna stay in the pool house tonight, okay?

Jack: Yeah.

Ashley: Talk to him tomorrow, when I won't say anything that I'll regret.

Jack: Lies... lies of omission. Destroyed more than one of my marriages. I've been on both sides of this. May Tucker learn his lesson faster than I did.

Ashley: (Sighs) Ugh, this water's not doing it. Maybe some tea?

Jack: Uh, how about I bring you some in the pool house?

Ashley: Did you just throw me out?

Jack: Nikki's coming over-- uh, as a friend. We've agreed not to let it go any further than that for Kyle's sake.

Ashley: Diane was Kyle's mom. I mean, no matter how people felt about her, was the one constant in Kyle's life. Whenever he sees Nikki, he must see the person that took that away from him.

Jack: I know.

Ashley: Well, hopefully, you and Kyle are gonna work things out, but you know what? It's not gonna happen quickly, and it's not gonna be easy with Nikki in your life, in whatever capacity.

Jack: (Sighs)

Eden: Seriously? You took money, put it in the jukebox, lifted your finger, and picked that song on purpose.

Kyle: Is it too sophisticated for you? That's it, isn't it? It's too sop. Don't worry, its okay. One day, you're gonna be cool.

Eden: Really? One day--that is so sweet.

Kyle: (Laughs)

Eden: You know, could you give me a lesson in coolness? Hey, I can pay you for it, and then you can spend more hard-earned money on crap music.

Kyle: Well, that's a win-win. All right, first lesson in cool. I'm sorry. That wasn't cool. That was hot. (Laughs)

Eden: Wow, you're-- you're really embracing the "Dudebro" thing, aren't you?

Kyle: It's the irony that sells it. Don't forget the irony.

Eden: Oh, yeah, yeah. Irony is hot, very.

Kyle: Lesson two-- the difference between sarcasm and irony... but not here. It's a little loud.

Eden: Oh, you want to take a walk, get some air--

Kyle: Don't make me play the ranch card. The Newman ranch? You can see my wing.

Eden: Oh, yeah, I'm sure Victor Newman would just love that.

Kyle: I'll sneak you up the back.

Eden: You'd risk that for me?

Kyle: Yes, I would. I really, really would.

Harmony: Okay, but you're sure you're fine? Because I can come with you to a meeting. All right, good for you, Sweet Girl. Lord knows, I mean, trying not to give in to an urge is like fighting the fight of a lifetime, but you're winning. Me? Uh, I'm fine. No, no, for real, though. I'm--I'm fine. All right, now you take care, bye-bye.

Tucker: Well, looky who it is.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Neil: Little man is down for the count.

Sofia: (Chuckles) Daddy has the magic touch, huh?

Neil: Oh, come on. I think he's got a soft spot for his mama.

Sofia: Well, he knows how much his mommy and daddy love him.

Neil: (Sighs) Yeah.

Sofia: Neil. Are you thinking about her?

Neil: What?

Sofia: Were you thinking about Harmony?

Neil: Wh-why would I be?

Sofia: You walked out before... I saw the look in your eyes. Now I am your wife... (Voice breaking) And I'm asking you, do you have feelings for Harmony?

Tucker: I'll be over here.

Harmony: Are you okay? Other than the obvious buzz you have on.

Tucker: (Sighs) Okay? Okay... hmm. Let's ponder the concept of okay."

Harmony: Is Ashley here?

Tucker: My wife. My wife Ashley is in New York. She's not answering my calls. Oh, go ahead, ask me that "Okay" question again.

Harmony: I take it the answer is no.

Tucker: (Sighs) You know... you get your act together, you do you try to be who everyone wants you to be, because being yourself is not good enough. So you make the changes. Doesn't matter. The universe doesn't care. Universe just does its own thing. And, no, I'm not okay.

Harmony: Why don't you tell me how not okay and why?

Tucker: I miss my wife. What are you doing up in here anyway?

Harmony: I had a friend who was on the edge of a crack pipe, and I was ready to, you know, help her pull back if she needed it.

Tucker: (Exhales sharply) I like that. That's your thing now, isn't it? Y-you step up. You do the right thing.

Harmony: Yeah.

Tucker: (Laughs) That's great. I'm proud of you. I'm happy for you.

Harmony: Good, good. Yeah, right.

Tucker: Yeah, yeah, yeah, ah. Shut up and go home. Is that what you want me to do? Okay, I'll do that.

Harmony: Uh, yeah, like I'm gonna let you drive like this.

Tucker: Oh, come on, now. I got a car. Do you want to--?

Harmony: Mnh-mnh.

Tucker: You want to hold me hostage in a bar? That's okay. I could do that too, 'cause I could just...

Harmony: Yeah--

Tucker: Keep on drinking. I can live with that.

Harmony: No, I'm gonna drive you home, and so you're just gonna have to live with that instead, all right? Come on, let's go. Come on.

Tucker: Put that on my tab. (Sighs)

Harmony: Like old times, huh?

Tucker: Oh, I can walk. Come on, Candykane. Let me walk. Watch me, watch me. How's that, huh?

Harmony: Yeah, yeah.

Tucker: Night.

Harmony: You're doing real good, real good.

Ashley: Hello, Nikki.

Nikki: Oh, hi, Ashley.

Ashley: Bye-bye.

Nikki: Good--good to see you. Is she all right?

Jack: Tucker is instant source of surprises for my sister. This is about Genevieve.

Nikki: What about you? When I called, it didn't seem like it was your best night, either.

Jack: Everybody in my life seems to want to hold a mirror up to my face right now and tell me to take a good, hard look or face the consequences. Not pretty either way.

Phyllis: We just-- we have to face this. We just have to prepare for whatever the doctor says. (Clears throat)

Nick: That's true.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: 'Cause the doctor could walk in here and say we're gonna have triplets.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Nick, look, just--

Nick: Listen to me. I hear you, okay? I do. But the one thing that I know for sure is I love you. So no matter what that doctor says, nothing is gonna change that. Ok so we're gonna leave here and we're gonna plan our wedding and we're gonna say our vows. We're probably gonna fight. But then we get to make up.

Phyllis: (Giggles)

Nick: And then we're gonna make out all the time...

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Nick: And we're gonna order takeout and we're gonna play video games, 'cause no matter what, we're gonna be fine.

(Knock on door) (Door opens)

Nick: Doctor.

Phyllis: Hi, um...

Nick: Hello.

Phyllis: Okay, listen, just--just say the thing. Just--just go ahead and say it, and if that means I'm not pregnant, that's--

Doctor: What? That's not what I was about to say.

Phyllis: So I am pregnant?

Nick: Just like we knew you were.

Phyllis: But that doesn't mean I'm going to be pregnant tomorrow, does it? Am I losing the baby?

(Door closes)

Eden: Shh. So I think the dog saw us.

Kyle: Segundo?

Eden: Yeah, he's gonna rat us out.

Kyle: No, no. I got him a steak. Everything's gonna be okay.

Eden: Buy him a steak!

Kyle: (Laughs)

Eden: Well, what about the housekeeper?

Kyle: What, Bonnie? She loves me, we're good friends.

Eden: Oh, well, maybe she's jealous.

Kyle: Jealous? Jealous of what? We're just here, hanging out.

Eden: Um, in the dark, on your bed.

Kyle: Yes, well, there is that.

Eden: Wait, did you-- did you hear that?

Kyle: What?

Eden: Segundo told Bonnie not to come a-knockin'.

Kyle: Ah!

Jack: I have watched Victor jerk you around for years I've hated him for every moment of it. Here I am doing the same thing to you. In Vegas, then we're not. Sleeping together, then we're not. We're private, then we're not, and--

Nikki: Las Vegas was my idea, as well, just like every other decision we've made since then.

Jack: I should just say the hell with it, do whatever we want to do, the world be damned.

Nikki: Well, the world is one thing. Your son is quite another.

Jack: Nikki, he sees me as a man who walked in and out of his life his entire life, who didn't care enough to stay, who still doesn't care enough.

Nikki: But he's wrong about that.

Jack: He's not gonna listen. I have to show him. He's a grown man, but he's my son, and if I don't take this one chance to be a real father to him, it may be too late.

Nikki: I'm the one who took his mother from him. Yes, I-I know all of the reasons, self-defense, but as I've said, he looks at me and sees the person who cost him a mother. The last thing I need is for him to think I cost him his father.

Jack: We're saying the same thing. Public, private, lovers, friends... it doesn't matter.

Nikki: We can't see each other anymore.

Victor: I'm glad you don't regret that kiss, but let's just say that this was a one-time... thing, and, um, we just move on forget about things, okay?

Sharon: And what if it wasn't one time?

Victor: When I was in jail, you and I got married. We both benefited from that marriage. It was platonic.

Sharon: And still, everyone was furious-- Nicholas, Victoria, Nikki.

Victor: Yeah, they very upset.

Sharon: There was a lot of fallout, and the funny thing about that was it taught me that I should do exactly what I want to do, because they are going to criticize me and rip me apart anyway, so...

Victor: (Sighs)

Sharon: I might as well make it worth my while.

Victor: (Sighs)

Sharon: I kissed you. I didn't propose marriage, and... this is no--it's none of anyone else's business.

Victor: (Sighs) But you know a lot of people are gonna get hurt, and most of all, I don't want you to get hurt.

Sharon: Let me tell you what I don't want-- I don't want to be with someone who is trying to rescue me. I don't want to be with someone who claims that they're the only person who sees me for who I really am. And I like being with you, so you know what? Let's freak 'em out. Who cares what they think? You know, honestly, I really don't want to waste any more time worrying about what they think. Do you?

Victor: (Sighs) What do we do now?

Harmony: Let me help you. Okay, come here. Look. Oh, Lord.

Tucker: (Breathing heavily) Nothing. Not even a text to tell me to get lost.

Harmony: Ashley's in New York. She's probably asleep, Mick.

Tucker: Sheesh! No. Man, there's a lot of passion in that woman. When she shuts down, you really feel it.

Harmony: No, you know, if you want to talk to her so bad, why don't you just have your pilot fire up the jet or something. I mean, that's what you rich people do, right?

Tucker: (Sighs)

Harmony: Or maybe you could just wait until you're sober and call her in the morning.

Tucker: What do I say to her?

Harmony: I don't-- that's between you and your wife.

Tucker: My wife. (Laughing) My wife. Come on. What the hell was I thinking, getting married, huh?

Harmony: You were probably thinking that you loved her.

Tucker: I do. I do love her. (Exhales sharply) But does that mean I have to tell her every move I make, every--every second of my past, every... every bit of my business? Huh?

Harmony: Some people see honesty as a plus, yeah.

Tucker: You want honesty? Loving someone, that doesn't mean it'll work. It doesn't mean you should be together. It doesn't mean you won't end up all by yourself. You know? Hell, we're all by ourselves at the end anyway, aren't we? All of us.

Harmony: Um... hey, listen, why don't you just stop now, okay?

Tucker: No.

Harmony: Stop and drink yourself some water.

Tucker: I don't want water.

Harmony: Take an aspirin and--and get some sleep, okay? It's-- it's gotta be better.

Tucker: You really think so?

Harmony: Night, Mick.

Tucker: Why are you so sad? Oh, Candy Cane, I don't like to see you so sad. Come here. Come here. There.

Harmony: Okay.

Tucker: Wait a...

Harmony: Oh, come on, Mick. Come on. You're drunk.

Tucker: (Sighs) Come on.

Harmony: Listen, I gotta go.

Tucker: Ohh. Come on.

Harmony: No.

Tucker: Come here.

Harmony: Hmm.

Harmony: Okay.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Doctor: You've been pregnant before. You probably know that spotting in the first trimester isn't uncommon, and yes, in some instances, that means the pregnancy isn't viable.

Phyllis: Right, right, but--but this pregnancy, this particular pregnancy--

Doctor: Blood work says H.C.G. is increasing as expected, pelvic exam ruled out any infections or polyps, and I've ordered an ultrasound to prove to you once and for all that you're indeed pregnant. You'll hear a heartbeat and what you see on the screen should be about the size of a blueberry. If all's well, which I expect it will be, after that, you'll go home, get some rest, and go to your regular O.B. appointment in the morning. You're fine. So is the baby.

Nick: (Sighs) Thank you, Doctor.

Phyllis: Thanks.

Nick: It's a blueberry.

Phyllis: (Laughing) It's a healthy blueberry.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Kyle: Hear that?

Eden: What? I already pulled that.

Kyle: (Chuckles)

Eden: What, are you trying to get rid of me?

Kyle: Yeah, maybe I just want to make sure you're okay.

Eden: What, do I not look okay?

Kyle: No, no, you look awesome. I just, um, you know...

Eden: Ah, you're being a gentleman.

Kyle: Well, don't make me blush. And F.Y.I., a real gentleman has protection, so if you're worried about that, then...

Eden: (Laughs) Uh, well, a real lady has protection, as well, but, um, I'm glad you put the brakes on.

Kyle: (Groans) Does that mean you're gonna go for the door?

Eden: Well, maybe there is a problem.

Kyle: (Groans)

Eden: Problem solved.

Kyle: (Chuckles)

Eden: (Chuckles)

Kyle: (Sighs)

Victor: Since neither one of us want to forget about what happened tonight, what do you think we should do next?

Sharon: Why don't we go and have a drink, talk about it, and we'll figure it out-- together?

Jack: I hate this.

Nikki: I know.

Nikki: Good-bye, Jack.

Sofia: The waitress is gone, Moses is asleep, and I still deserve an answer. Neil, please. You're a good man. (Laughs) You're... an honest man. So just be honest now. Do you have feelings for Harmony?

Neil: Yes.

Sofia: (Inhales shakily) (Sighs)

Ashley: (Gasps)

Harmony: Ohh!

Tucker: Oh, God. Oh, God.

Next on "The Young and the Restless”...

Jack: You don't come in here making demands, not after what you pulled.

Sofia: Wasn't there something in our marriage vows about being honest with each other?

Harmony: He's married, this guy that I was with. I used him.

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