Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/2/12
Episode # 9897 ~ Ashley Asks Tucker About His History With Genevieve
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Do not turn this job down on my account. With everything I've got going on, Victor cutting me loose may be a positive.
Avery: Well, it’s a lot to consider. I mean, if I become his personal counsel, will I still be able to take on outside cases, defend the wrongfully accused?
Michael: That will depend on your time management skills. Some days are more intense than others. Sometimes, whole minutes went by without Victor summoning me to his office.
Avery: Well, I've worked for him before, so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm in for.
Michael: Listen, I have always been able to maintain an outside practice. I've never had to turn down anything I really wanted or needed to do.
Avery: I just wish I didn't have to give him an answer right away.
Michael: Yeah, well, Victor-
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Sorry. Hello. Michael.
Jill: Hi, it's Jill. Is Lauren with you?
Michael: No. Why?
Jill: There are two S.E.C. agents here, and they'd like to talk to Lauren. Um, Esther told me that she saw her pulling out of the driveway a little while ago. I tried her on her cell, but she's not picking up. Michael, you don't think she'd go near Daisy, do you?
Michael: Well, that would land her back in jail. Let's hope not. Uh, I've gotta go.
Avery: Okay.
Michael: Um, where do you think? Where could she be?
Lauren: I’m not gonna sit on the board of a man who has so little loyalty.
Victor: It's not a question of loyalty. Your husband's inaction caused a great loss of revenue for my company.
Lauren: (Sighs) Michael is one of your closest friends! He has given you and this company his life's blood. He makes one mistake-- one mistake, and he's willing to rectify it-- and--and this is how you pay him back, by firing him?! Well, now I'm done.
Victor: Why don't you go home and rethink your decision, and then come back when you're less emotional, all right?
Lauren: If anybody is emotional around here, it is you. You are completely irrational when it comes to Beauty of Nature.
Victor: I did what I had to do.
Lauren: Well, you know what? Now I'm doing what I have to do.
Victor: All right.
Lauren: Excuse me, Nick.
Nick: Is everything all right?
Lauren: It is now. I'll talk to you later.
Victor: (Chuckles dryly)
Nick: What was that about?
Victor: Well, she just resigned from the board of directors.
Nick: Why would she do that?
Victor: Because I fired her husband.
Nick: For what?
Victor: He didn't do something that I wanted him to do, which ended up costing our company millions of dollars.
Eden: Oh, break's almost over. Bummer.
(Cell phone rings)
Kyle: Is that you or me?
Eden: Uh, nope, that's you.
Kyle: (Groans) Whatever, Dad.
Jack: Hey, Kyle, it's your father again. Uh, look, I know we got a lot of stuff to straighten out. It's not gonna happen overnight, but it's never gonna happen if we don't talk, so give me a call, will you? Thanks.
Eden: So when are you gonna give Jack the good news about going to work for his biggest enemy?
Kyle: You know, he was never in a hurry to tell me anything.
Chelsea: Yeah, I'm not supposed to say it, too.
Adam: It’s the best...I've ever eaten. Yeah, okay. Hey, look who's back.
Chelsea: Who?
Adam: Kyle Abbott. That's Jack's son.
Chelsea: Ah, Billy’s nephew, the baby's cousin.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, poor guy. He's been jerked around by the Newmans and Abbotts almost as much as we have. Do you mind?
Chelsea: No, of course not.
Adam: Kyle. Hey, sorry to interrupt, Guys.
Kyle: Hey, Adam.
Adam: Hi, man. Welcome back. Good to see you. Uh, this is, uh, Chelsea Lawson. She's the, uh, mother of Billy’s baby.
Chelsea: It's a long story.
Kyle: My life is full of those. (Laughs)
Chelsea: (Laughs) Uh, if you guys will excuse me, I'm gonna grab some tea. I have to get to a doctor's appointment.
Eden: Oh, I can get it for you.
Chelsea: Oh, great.
Eden: Yeah.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Adam: I'll see you soon.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: So, uh, got time for a cup of coffee?
Kyle: With the most popular guy in Genoa City? (Chuckles) Sure, why not?
Ashley: Hello there.
Cane: Hey.
Ashley: Martin Stanwyck-- have you heard of him?
Cane: No.
Ashley: You will. He's an up-and-coming designer, and he's debuting his first fashion collection this September at fashion week, and I am this close to getting him to agree to only using Jabot products on his runway models. That way, we can unveil our holiday palette during the show.
Cane: That is a brilliant idea.
Ashley: Thank you very much. I want to wrap it up, though, before the competition gets wind of it. Did you get the file from Rhonda? She was gonna shoot one over.
Cane: Um... got it.
Ashley: Great. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the deal points, because you're meeting with Martin tonight and having dinner with him in New York.
Cane: Okay.
Ashley: Yeah?
(Cell phone rings)
Ashley: Oh, all right, excuse me a second.
Cane: All right.
Ashley: Hi. What do you need?
Tucker: You. (Sighs) I was asleep by the time you got home last night. You didn’t wake me up like you usually do. When I got up pretty early, you were already gone.
Ashley: Yeah, work's kind of busy right now.
Tucker: I think you're avoiding me.
Ashley: Um, I really can't do this now.
Tucker: Okay, well, then have lunch with me. Come on, Beauty, we need to talk this out.
(Knock on door)
Tucker: Uh, someone's at the door. Can you hold on a second?
Ashley: I'm in the middle of something. I'll have to go.
Tucker: Yeah?
Genevieve: Bad time?
Tucker: What are you doing here?
Genevieve: I thought we could pick up where we left off.
Ashley: So you'll only have to be gone one night, just long enough to get the contract signed.
Cane: That's okay. I can handle it.
Ashley: Great. Rhonda's gonna make all your travel arrangements. If you want to go over the file, you and I can talk a little bit later, before you go.
Cane: Okay. I'll be an expert on the deal and, uh, Stanwyck designs by lunch.
Ashley: Fantastic. If I haven't told you before, it's great to have you back.
Cane: Thank you. You know, I feel bad about, uh, what happened with Beauty of Nature. You know, a lot of...
Ashley: Hmm.
Cane: You know, went down just because of my mother.
Ashley: The problem wasn't entirely your mother.
Genevieve: Our government friends found me yesterday at the club, and they grilled me for two solid hours.
Tucker: Hmm. Sounds like fun.
Genevieve: It wasn’t. I need to know that you're still on board as my silent partner. Tucker, please. These guys kept hounding me and hounding me about where I got the funds to buy this company.
Tucker: Uh-huh. It was dirty, right? You got it from your ex somehow.
Genevieve: Colin owed me.
Tucker: Oh, yeah?
Genevieve: Yeah. I consider it a settlement that's long overdue.
Tucker: Mm. But you knew how he made his living, right?
Genevieve: (Sighs) It doesn't matter, as long as I can convince the S.E.C. that the funds that I used are legit. I need you to say that you gave me the money, and I will agree to whatever terms you want.
Tucker: You're scared, aren't you?
Genevieve: (Chuckles) I'm just covering my bases.
Tucker: You're talking about defrauding the U.S. Government. Now if I got caught, the fines alone would be in the millions. That's not advisable if I want to keep doing business in this country. Mnh. The more think about it, it just wouldn't work.
Genevieve: We can dummy something up.
Tucker: Nothing that any bank transaction would corroborate. Besides, I bid on Beauty of Nature too, which means I would have to tell those guys that I didn't know what you were using the money for. That's not the way I do things.
Genevieve: So what are you saying here? Are you gonna renege?
Tucker: That's exactly what I'm saying.
Michael: So you have no idea where Lauren is?
Jill: No, none.
Michael: She told you nothing?
Jill: No. The last time I talked to her, she was blaming herself for you losing your job.
Michael: What? Wait, I know exactly where she went. Hold on.
Jill: Who are you calling?
Michael: Yes, this is Michael Baldwin. I was wondering if--
(Footsteps approach)
Jill: (Gasps)
Michael: Never mind.
Jill: Thank God.
Michael: Hey.
Lauren: Hi.
Michael: We've been trying to get in touch with you.
Lauren: Why?
Littleton: Are you Ms. Fenmore?
Lauren: Y-yes, I am.
Littleton: I'm Agent Littleton. This is Agent Blaine, S.E.C.
Michael: And they've been waiting to talk to you.
Lauren: Uh, wh-what about?
Littleton: We're interviewing Newman board members about the Beauty of Nature sale.
Blaine: We've already spoken to Mr. Lemon and Mr. Holloway. We're hoping you'll answer a few questions.
Lauren: I'd be happy to, but as a former member of the board. I just handed Victor my resignation.
Nick: I was at the police station after Lauren was arrested. Michael wanted to be there for his wife.
Victor: That's neither here nor there.
Nick: How can you say that? Think about everything you did when you found out Mom could go to prison for Diane’s death. How can you not understand Michael needing to be there for Lauren?
Victor: Son, well before she got into trouble, I asked him to make a phone call. He didn't, okay?
Nick: Well, did you give him another chance?
Victor: You bet I did. I gave him a phone number to call someone higher up in the hierarchy of the S.E.C. again, he blew me off.
Nick: Well, knowing Michael the way I do, I'm sure he was about to pick up the phone once he got word about Lauren.
Victor: She wasn't arraigned until the next morning. Are you telling me he didn't have ten minutes to make a phone call? That's ridiculous.
Nick: Maybe his mind was on other things, Dad.
Victor: It will be for the foreseeable future, Son. When you work for me as my counsel, you pay 100% attention at all times.
Nick: You know, Michael knows this business inside and out. How are you going to replace him?
Victor: Don't worry about it. I already made an offer to someone else.
Nick: To who?
(Knock on door)
Victor: Come in. Hi, Avery.
Avery: Hello.
Victor: I hope you accepted my offer to become my lawyer.
Lauren: I voted against Adam becoming C.E.O. and the sale of Beauty of Nature, although both motions were approved by the board.
Blaine: And to your knowledge, all processes and procedures laid out in the bylaws were followed?
Lauren: Oh, yes.
Littleton: So nothing you experienced would support a claim that the sale was questionable?
Lauren: Oh, not at all. I may not have approved of the outcome, but believe me, the board proceedings were by the book.
Littleton: Okay, thank you for your time, Ms. Fenmore.
Lauren: Absolutely. Thank you.
Michael: I will show you out.
Littleton: Thank you.
Lauren: Thank you. (Sighs)
Jill: Everything okay?
Lauren: Yeah. They just wanted to talk about the sale of Beauty of Nature. I have the feeling that Victor is gonna try and claim that it was invalid.
Jill: Was it?
Lauren: Not at all.
Jill: Great. I hope the feds really put the screws to him. After what he's done to our family, he deserves every bad thing that happens to him.
Lauren: Exactly. I agree. You know, with all this going on, he's gonna regret firing you.
Michael: Oh, no. Actually, I think he's already found a replacement. (Sighs)
Avery: Nick looked very surprised to see me, and none too happy.
Victor: Well, my son is not in charge of hiring my legal counsel. I am. Have you decided to take the job?
Avery: Well, I went over your offer. I made a few tweaks, and if you agree, we have a deal.
Victor: Well... looks like... you've come on board. Welcome.
Avery: Thank you. I do have one conflict of interest I need to take care of before we can make this official.
Victor: If you're worried about Jack Abbott’s reaction, don't, all right? Once he finds out that you are working for me, he will not want you anywhere near his company.
(Door closes)
Ashley: (Sighs) Glad you're here. I need to talk to my big bro.
Jack: Sure. What's going on?
Ashley: Tucker's been lying to me again.
Jack: Oh, Boy.
Ashley: Sometimes I feel like he just completely disregards my feelings. I begged him not to pursue Beauty of Nature, but he did it anyway. (Laughs) And you know that falling-out he had with Sofia?
Jack: Yeah.
Ashley: That was just a big scam they cooked up together for her to get into the company so she could spy for him. He led me to believe they weren't even speaking, so there I was, trying to console my husband, thinking he'd lost his closest friend, and he just played along. He didn't even trust me enough to confide in me.
Jack: I can see why you're upset.
Ashley: (Voice breaking) Sometimes I feel like I don't even know who he is. And you know what really makes me crazy? (Normal voice) He doesn't get it, Jack. He doesn't understand that it's not okay for him to keep things from his wife.
Genevieve: You promised me. You can't back out now.
Tucker: I believe I just did, and I never promised you anything.
Genevieve. Hmm. You did. You told me that you would always be there for me. Do you remember that?
Tucker: (Laughs) (Sighs) Such a long, long time ago.
Genevieve: Yeah. We were just kids, and we had big dreams, and we talked about going out into the world and making our fortunes. But we agreed that, no matter what happened, that we would always be the best of friends.
Tucker: Yeah. And then you ran off and found yourself a rich crime lord.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Tucker: Hmm? Easier to marry a fortune than make one, right?
Genevieve: I never stopped thinking about you.
Tucker: How was I supposed to know that? As far as I could tell, you became Mrs. Colin Atkinson, settled down in Australia, never looked back.
Kyle: See, I don't know what Victor's gonna have me doing, but whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love working at Newman.
Adam: Because it's not Jabot and you'd be upsetting your father?
Kyle: (Laughs) He'll get over it.
Adam: Listen, I'm no fan of Jack's, and I know, uh, what's going down between he and Nikki is a little messed up where you're concerned...
Kyle: (Laughs)
Adam: But, uh, my father is no prize, either, Kyle.
Kyle: Look, I know he and my mom had some issues... but he's always been straight with me.
Adam: Your mother was my friend. A lot of people didn't behave too admirably, including myself, where she was concerned. God knows she had her faults, but she loved you very much. I want you to know that she always put you first.
Kyle: Yeah, whereas Dad... (Chuckles) Not so much.
Adam: Well, Jack Abbott is a self-absorbed guy. He's got a short attention span, doesn't make for good parenting material, but then again, I'm not so sure my father would elevate your faith in humanity. (Exhales sharply) Uh, who knows? There's always a first time for everything, right? Maybe you could have luck with him where I had none.
Ashley: Tucker warned me, before we got married... (Sighs) That he'd never been in a committed relationship before, and believe me, it shows. He has this marriage, you know. That's his personal life, and he's got his work. That’s his professional life, and he wants to keep them completely separate, nothing his wife needs to be privy to.
Jack: And yet, you are all in.
Ashley: (Voice breaking) Am I wrong, Jack? Should I not feel betrayed by him? Am I expecting too much from my husband?
Jack: A-Ash, I-I hate to say it, it-- Tucker is sounding more and more like someone else you were married to.
Ashley: (Scoffs)
Victor: For want of a simple phone call from your predecessor, my defensive strategy to save Beauty of Nature was blown to bits. Now the S.E.C. is breathing down my neck, so we have our work cut out for us.
Avery: Well, the ideal solution is to void the original sale. Beauty of Nature reverts to Newman, regardless of where Genevieve’s money came from or whether she illegally topped Jack's bid. From your point of view, it's the least messy outcome.
Victor: You're very smart.
Avery: (Chuckles)
Victor: Very good. That's what I'm hoping for-- a ruling that Adam wrongfully sold the company while I was in prison.
Avery: Mm-hmm. A lot of this is gonna depend on Genevieve, how she handles questioning from the S.E.C.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Between the two of us, I think the money she used to purchase Beauty of Nature was tainted, so whatever the S.E.C. decides to do with her is their business, not mine, okay?
Genevieve: Tucker, you're one of the smartest people I know. Can you come up with another solution before I have to face these guys again?
(Knock on door)
Tucker: Excuse me.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Tucker: Can I help you?
Littleton: Yes. I'm Agent Littleton. This is Agent Blaine. We're with the S.E.C. Ms. Atkinson.
Tucker: Well, come on in.
Littleton: Thank you.
Tucker: Ms. Atkinson and I were just finishing up.
Blaine: If you don't mind my asking, what was the nature of your meeting?
Tucker: A business proposal. I was just explaining to her that it's not something McCall, Unlimited, is interested in at this time.
Genevieve: Sorry to bother you.
Tucker: It's all right.
Genevieve: Excuse me.
Tucker: In my capacity as a board member, I saw nothing illegal at any of the meetings.
Littleton: Was there any board discussion about the source of funds Genevieve Atkinson used to purchase Beauty of Nature?
Tucker: Not at all. The board only approved its sale to the highest bidder.
Ashley: Excuse me, I didn't know that you were in a meeting. I'm sorry.
Tucker: Ah, my wife Ashley. Uh, these gentlemen are from the S.E.C. They had some routine questions, but I believe we're all finished.
Littleton: Yes. Thank you for your time, Mr. McCall.
Tucker: You're welcome.
Littleton: Are you certain that there's nothing else to add about what you and Ms. Atkinson were discussing when we arrived?
Tucker: Nothing at all.
Littleton: Okay.
Ashley: Genevieve was here?
Tucker: She wanted to know if I was still interested in Beauty of Nature. I told her I wasn’t.
Ashley: Really?
Tucker: Really.
Ashley: Well, I was hoping maybe we could have that lunch date after all and...
Tucker: Okay.
Ashley: Okay?
Tucker: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: What's that?
Tucker: Oh, that's nothing. It's just an old photo.
Ashley: No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is that you and Genevieve?
Tucker: Yeah, it is.
Ashley: Where is this from?
Tucker: We knew each other when we were kids. We were friends for a while. Then she took off to travel the world.
Ashley: It never occurred to you that I should know about this?
Tucker: (Laughs) It was such a long time ago, I didn't think it mattered.
Ashley: You didn't think it mattered? She almost married my brother. She's been involved with my family and my family's business. I can't believe you've been hiding this from me.
Adam: So how did things-- how'd things end up going with the doctor?
Chelsea: (Sighs) My last checkup. I have officially been released from care... (Sighs) As if the baby never happened.
(Knock on door)
Adam: Dad.
Victor: I'm sorry. Need to speak with you privately, Son.
Chelsea: Later.
Adam: I'll be here, Chelsea. So... I'm assuming you're pissed at me for telling Victoria that you recruited Chelsea to break her marriage up, huh?
Victor: I'm sure, eventually, Nikki would have told her or you would have told her.
Adam: So you're not mad?
Victor: That's not why I'm here, Son. I'm here because the S.E.C. is breathing down my neck regarding the sale of Beauty of Nature. I would like it to be ruled a wrongful sale.
Adam: Well, you may not have liked it, you may not have agreed with it, but it wasn't a wrongful sale, wasn't invalid.
Victor: Perhaps you remember that you leaned on someone to make them vote your way, or, you know, you had a conversation with someone, or some event occurred that you forgot about, later on, was misinterpreted.
Adam: Fictional events and conversations, huh? You're asking me to lie.
Victor: I'm asking you to help me get back Beauty of Nature without being beholden to Genevieve Atkinson. If we succeed in doing that, you'll be compensated very well.
Adam: That's not how I'm living my life anymore, Dad. I thought you understood that.
Victor: Back then, when you engineered the sale of Beauty of Nature while I was imprisoned, you certainly had no compunction about ethics now, did you? So now I'm giving you a chance to atone for your sins.
Adam: By compounding them. No, thanks.
Victor: You think about what I said, all right? I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Adam: Hello.
Littleton: Adam Newman, please.
Adam: Speaking.
Littleton: This is Agent Littleton with the Securities and Exchange Commission. My partner and I would like to speak with you about Newman’s sale of Beauty of Nature
Adam: When and where?
Jack: Mrs. Martinez said you were here.
Genevieve: You son of a bitch. This is all your fault.
Ashley: (Voice cracking) More secrets. Why do you insist on keeping things from me, Tucker, over and over again for no apparent reason?
Tucker: (Exhales sharply) Listen, I-I don't care who you were friends with when you were a kid. It doesn't matter to me at all.
Ashley: It would matter if they were involved in our lives. I just can’t believe that you didn't know this would be important to me. (Voice breaks)
Tucker: Oh, Ashley, listen--
Ashley: (Cries) Just save it.
(Cell phone rings)
Ashley: (Sighs) Ashley Abbott.
Cane: Hey, uh, it's me. Um, I've gone through the file and I just have a couple of questions I want to run by you.
Ashley: (Normal voice) I'm gonna go to New York myself and handle the meeting.
Cane: You know, I don't really mind making the trip.
Ashley: (Voice breaking) I need to go.
(Door slams)
Nick: So the rumors are true.
Kyle: (Laughs) Nick!
Nick: What's up, Buddy?
Kyle: Hey, great to see you.
Nick: You, too, man. How long you back in town for?
Kyle: Uh, we'll see how it goes. How's that for an answer? (Chuckles)
Nick: Sounds good to me. Why don't you come by the house? We'll have some dinner, catch up,
Kyle: Yeah, sounds great. I'll just stroll down from the main house.
Nick: Say again?
Kyle: I'm living at the ranch again, and Victor gave me a job.
Nick: At Newman?
Kyle: Yeah, I'm looking forward to the challenge.
Nick: Well, I guess you have your reasons.
Kyle: Yeah, for hanging out with your dad instead of mine?
Nick: (Laughs)
Littleton: Nicholas Newman?
Nick: Yeah.
Littleton: S.E.C. We'd like to talk to you.
Genevieve: I made a mistake, and then I tried to put it right, and now I have the S.E.C. all over me. So is this your revenge, Jack? Is it payback?
Jack: I was wronged. I'm merely seeking recompense. If that comes with a little karmic justice, so be it.
Genevieve: You humiliated me when we were in Vegas. Can't that be enough?
Jack: When I pulled out of that marriage, it was an act of decency. This is simply business.
Genevieve: You're not gonna get away with it. I will find a way through this.
(Door opens)
Avery: Jack, are you busy? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm interrupting. I can come back.
Genevieve: No, don't bother. I am so done here.
(Door slams)
Jack: Well, it would seem we have them on the ropes.
Avery: Actually, you and I need to talk about that.
Michael: Yeah, I know.
Lauren: (Laughs) No. Aw.
Jill: Here go.
Michael: Ooh.
Lauren: Oh. Hey, only two cups? Aren't you joining us?
Jill: I have some phone calls to make. You two enjoy.
Michael: Thanks, Sis.
Lauren: Thanks.
Michael: Make mine a double.
Lauren: Oh, Honey. I know you've had such a rough day.
Michael: You know, uh... uh, I was very moved by what you did.
Lauren: You mean my resigning from the board?
Michael: Lauren, you didn't have to do that, you know.
Lauren: Nobody messes with my man and gets away with it.
Michael: (Laughs)
Tucker: Listen, I-I-I know I keep making stupid mistakes, but I'm not deliberately trying to hurt you.
Ashley: (Sighs) You know, keeping things from me-- that hurts me.
Tucker: Ashley, just listen.
Ashley: Uh, I need some space, Tucker.
Tucker: No, please. Please don't go.
Tucker: (Exhales slowly)
Nick: Sorry about that.
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, no worries.
Nick: Listen, I got some stuff I gotta take care of, but if you need anything at Newman or at the ranch, just get a hold of me, okay?
Kyle: Hey, appreciate it.
Nick: Good to see you, Bud.
Kyle: You, too.
Eden: Well, aren't you a popular guy?
Kyle: Yeah, I guess. Ohh, it's not easy being back, running into all these people who knew my mom.
Eden: Aw. You miss her, huh?
Kyle: My entire life, she never trusted herself to take care of the two of us. She was always looking for some rich guy to do it for her. I'm not gonna be like that, you know? Always relying on other people who just turn around and try and control you. (Tapping finger on countertop) I am gonna be in charge of my destiny.
Jack: Well, such is life. You've been a great attorney.
Avery: Thank you, Jack.
Jack: I hope you know what you're getting into, teaming up with "The Black Knight."
Avery: We've worked together before when I defended Sharon.
Jack: Well, you weren't his personal lackey then.
Avery: And I won't be now, either.
Jack: The job does require a certain, uh, how shall I say this? Moral ambiguity. You gonna be okay with that?
Avery: Look, I'm willing to bend the law as far as it will bend, but I won't break it. If it comes to that, I'll walk away.
Jack: Famous last words.
Avery: In your case, I'm happy to recommend a replacement, if you'd like.
Jack: No, no. Thank you. Very kind of you. I'll be fine. I may not even need an attorney, now that the S.E.C. is running with the ball.
Chelsea: So why was Victor here?
Adam: Well... some big business thing is going down. He, uh... (Laughs) He wants to offer me a reward for remembering things the way he wants people to believe they happened.
Chelsea: What did you say?
Adam: I told him I wasn't gonna lie for him.
Chelsea: Good for you.
Adam: Long ago are the days where you and I are being manipulated by my dear old dad.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Victor: I was wondering how long it would take you to have nerve to face me.
Genevieve: Not long at all, as it turns out.
Victor: Mm-hmm. (Sighs) We have a problem, or rather, you have a problem, which has become my problem.
Genevieve: It's under control.
Victor: So you think the S.E.C. is gonna drop its investigation?
Genevieve: The S.E.C. is not going to find any proof. I gave them nothing, and certainly Colin is not about to talk. We have nothing to worry about.
Victor: That's what worries me about you. You're more naive than I thought you were.
Cane: Hey, Baby, I have some good news. I, uh, don't have to go out of town after all. Yeah, Ashley’s gonna go herself, so I'll be home soon. I love you.
(Knock on door)
Cane: Come in.
Littleton: Ethan Atkinson?
Cane: Uh, that was another life, my friend. It's now Cane Ashby.
Littleton: S.E.C. We need to talk about that other life.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"
Kay: Where are we going?
Murphy: You will find out when we get there.
Genevieve: How did you handle the agents?
Cane: Are you asking if I told them anything?
Summer: Mom and Dad are getting married again.
Phyllis: Well--oh. Oh.
Nikki: What a surprise!
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