Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/1/12
Episode # 9896 ~ Kyle's Anger Could Tear Jack & Nikki Apart
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: Thank you for coming by.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Victor: I have followed your career since you came to Genoa City. You have made quite an impression.
Avery: Well, you get partial credit for that. I wouldn't be here if you hadn't brought me to town for Sharon's trial.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I simply provided the opportunity, and you, the talent. That's why I wanted to speak with you. I want to hire you as my lawyer.
Avery: I haven't seen anything on the news. I had no idea you had a criminal case pending.
Victor: Nothing of the sort. I'd just like you to be my personal counsel.
Avery: Isn't that Michael Baldwin's job?
Victor: Not any longer.
Jill: So how's your room?
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: Room?
Lauren: Yeah, really.
Michael: We practically have a whole wing to ourselves.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Lauren: And Esther put those fabulous towels in there. I feel like I'm in a five-star hotel.
Jill: Well, we wanted you to be comfortable, and you can stay as long as you like.
Lauren: Thank you. Thank you for everything that you're doing for us.
Jill: Oh, Lauren, we're family. This old house is big enough for all of us, including, I might add, Fen.
Lauren: Um, I don't think it's a good idea for him to be coming home just yet.
Jill: I thought you finally agreed to it.
Lauren: I did, but, you know, with everything that happened with Daisy at the boutique, I-I don't want to chance it.
Jill: And you're on board with this?
Michael: Oh, absolutely. I was gonna fly up there this afternoon to bring him back, but now's not the best time.
Lauren: This afternoon? I thought your schedule was packed.
Michael: It opened up.
Jill: Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time that you didn't have your nose buried in your phone, e-mailing or texting or something.
Lauren: And he didn't run out the door to court or the office. I mean, not that I'm complaining, believe me, but I thought Victor had you very busy with this Beauty of Nature mess.
Michael: Not anymore.
Jeff: Wish I had your noggin for numbers, Kev.
Kevin: Well, I'm guessing you have other skills, Jeffrey.
Jeff: Hey. And you wouldn't be interested in taking over the books again, would you? You know, like the old days? Keep them nice and toasty.
Kevin: Have you lost your mind?
Jeff: No, no, no. Just think about it. Angelo's in L.A. I could be the big cheese again. I wouldn't even have to share my earnings with anyone. Oh, but I-I'd give you a small stipend for any help you might give me.
Kevin: No. Forget it. My bookie days are over, and you know what? I think it would be a good idea for you to keep your nose clean, too.
Jeff: (Scoffs)
Gloria: Do you know, still not one response for my online ad for a bartender, so you are pouring again, "Lover Man."
Jeff: No problem, "Honey Bunny."
Gloria: (Sighs) Have you spoken to your brother?
Kevin: Uh, no, not this morning.
Chloe: Oh, my mom said that they're all settled in at the mansion.
Gloria: Yeah, it's just such a shame that they had to move out of their house because of that witch.
Chloe: Well, what about-- I mean, Daisy, she's the bona fide criminal, and poor Lauren, she's the one being vilified?
Carmine: Hey, Guys.
Chloe: Speaking of criminals...
Gloria: I'm sorry, but we're not open yet.
Carmine: I'm not here for the chow. I, uh, I saw you. You still need a bartender?
Abby: Kyle's not here, huh?
Jack: He's ensconced in your father's ranch by now.
Abby: (Sighs) I was hoping I got him to reconsider the move.
Jack: Eh, I appreciate the effort, I really do. I don't think there's any stopping him now. I gave it a shot myself.
Abby: I'm so sorry.
Jack: You know, the crazy thing is, Diane tried like hell to isolate Kyle from me before she died. If he stays out at the ranch, she will have posthumously succeeded, and I will have inadvertently helped.
Abby: Maybe living there will be good for him-- on a temporary basis, naturally.
Jack: How do you figure that?
Abby: Fresh air, all the animals. It could be totally Zen for him.
Jack: Give him some time to calm down.
Abby: Exactly. And seeing you with Nikki made him act a little cray cray, the same way I acted when Mom was dating Tucker, and that all worked out... eventually.
Jack: Well, seeing me with Nikki is not gonna be an issue.
Abby: Well, why not?
Jack: She's decided to leave town in order to give Kyle and I some time together.
Abby: Ugh.
Jack: Yeah, "Ugh." So if he stays out at the ranch, I have neither one of them in my life. Kind of a double whammy.
Nikki: Hello, Kyle.
Kyle: Nikki. What, no boyfriend today?
Nikki: Uh, do you mean your father?
Kyle: Is there someone besides him?
Nikki: Jack is at home, and I thought I would come down here and get a coffee-- you know, none of this really is very important.
Kyle: Oh, let me guess-- picking up something sweet for Dad, something to lift his spirits?
Nikki: Would that be wrong?
Kyle: Trust me, you don't want me to answer that.
Nikki: Actually, yes, I do.
Kyle: Just get in line, Nikki.
Nikki: Kyle, I really need--
Kyle: Save it for Dad. I'm not interested. And, hey, when you order your coffee, you better make it decaf. We all know how you get when you're wired.
Nikki: Kyle...
Kyle: Just can't stay away, huh? Is that, like, theme with you and my family?
Nikki: I want to apologize to you for your mother's death.
Kyle: (Scoffs)
Nikki: It was a horrible situation, and there's absolutely no way to make amends for it.
Kyle: Great, something we can agree on.
Nikki: I am sorry, deeply and truly sorry.
Kyle: Okay, so you kill my mom, and then you apologized. As long as you take my advice on the decaf, we should be good.
Nikki: Look, you have every right to be furious about what happened. But be angry with me, not your father. He needs your support.
Kyle: He seems to be getting plenty of that from you.
Nikki: Look, being paralyzed has been extremely difficult for Jack, physically and emotionally. Now I've tried to make things easier, but there's a very big part of his life that's missing, and that part is you. And since you've come back to town, you have lifted his spirits unbelievably. Now I saw his face when you walked into that church. He wants to-- no, he needs to spend time with you.
Kyle: Look, I, uh, I got a lot of catching up to do here, so, um, I'm sure I'll see you and Dad around--
Nikki: Actually, no, you won't. I've decided to go away for a few days and give you a chance to be with your father and not worry about me interrupting.
Kyle: Don't-- don't leave on my account. Look, I'm really sorry that Dad is in that wheelchair. Really, I am, but... I don't plan on going over there anytime soon for father/son bonding.
Abby: You've been through so much. You deserve happy times with a lady friend. You do, but Kyle's been through a lot, too. It is gonna take him such a long time to get over Diane's death. I mean, it was-- you know it was totally gruesome.
Jack: I know. I honestly think, if we could just sit down and talk, we could work through so much of this stuff, but he's so headstrong and stubborn.
Abby: Where does he get that from? (Groans) Darn it! I have to go meet Chloe. You and I are so not close to an answer, are we?
Jack: Kyle's my son his happiness is more important than anything else.
Abby: Well, that is a chill attitude, but I don't think it has to be all or nothing. How cool would it be if Nikki stayed in town and Kyle moved back in?
Jack: Very cool.
Abby: Well, I think you can make it happen. Start by telling Nikki that leaving town-- its way extreme, even for her. Start there.
Carmine: And I worked a lot of parties back in Jersey as a freelance mixologist.
Gloria: Mm.
Carmine: There's not a drink out there I can't make.
Gloria: Would you, um, give us a minute, please?
Gloria: Hmm.
Kevin: Mom--
Chloe: Do not hire him.
Jeff: That goombah is one degree of separation away from Angelo.
Gloria: Now what makes you think he's part of that world?
Chloe: Guilt by association.
Jeff: (Scoffs)
Gloria: Angelo wasn't that bad.
Jeff: He framed me for stealing all your money, and then he shipped me off to an island to rot.
Gloria: Oh, yeah, that.
Lauren: Fired?
Jill: What was Victor thinking?
Lauren: Why, Michael?
Michael: Well, I was supposed to be running interference with the S.E.C. regarding a possible investigation of Beauty of Nature, and I just forgot to make the phone call, because I-I had my--
Lauren: Because of my arrest.
Jill: (Sighs)
Lauren: You know, that is a ridiculous reason to let you go.
Jill: What did he expect you to do, let your wife sit in jail? I mean, how could he be so heartless?
Michael: This is business.
Jill: And he's ruthless.
Lauren: You know something? You have worked your butt off for years for him, and I-I-I just can't believe that he repays you by showing you the door.
Jill: Why are we even surprised? I mean, look how he shuffles his own children in and out of the family business. Why should the hired help be any different?
Michael: All right, all right, all right! I appreciate you ladies being so irate on my behalf, but I truly believe this was a knee-jerk reaction. I'm going to go over to Victor's office shortly, I'm going to apologize to him again, and I will hopefully calm the stormy seas.
Lauren: Do you think that will help?
Michael: He's a smart man. I'm sure he'll see the error of his ways.
Avery: Why are you replacing Michael?
Victor: Let’s just say that he prioritized some personal commitments, which ended up costing me and my company millions of dollars.
Avery: So you're saying, if I accept the offer, I need to make this my number one priority.
Victor: I would say so, yes.
Avery: I appreciate the offer, but I'm representing Jack Abbott in a lawsuit involving Beauty of Nature. That's a clear conflict of interest.
Victor: Why don't you hand the case to someone else?
Avery: Is that why you've made this offer-- to disrupt the lawsuit?
Victor: I need a lead counsel, and your work has impressed me. Simple as that.
Avery: You know my specialty is criminal law, not corporate.
Victor: I have a staff of corporate lawyers I'll surround you with. Anyway, think about it. This is a contract, which you'll find out about the compensation I'm offering.
Avery: I'm sure it's very generous, but amassing great wealth has never been my M.O.
Victor: So you're turning me down?
Avery: (Sighs) I would be a fool to turn down an opportunity like this without giving it careful consideration. I will get back to you soon.
Victor: Tell you what, I'll give you till the end of the day to make up your mind.
Victor: Thank you for coming by.
Avery: Thank you.
Nikki: I hope you change your mind about spending time with your father while I'm gone
Kyle: You are persistent, I gotta give you that.
Nikki: If it would help, I could stay longer.
Kyle: It wouldn't.
Nikki: What can I do?
Kyle: Can you bring my mom back?
Nikki: No.
Kyle: Then nothing.
Eden: Looks like you're having a rough day. Anything I can do to make it better?
Kyle: I can think of a few things.
Carmine: Go on, give 'em a try.
Gloria: (Laughs)
Gloria: Delish.
Jeff: Mm, it's, um... drinkable.
Chloe: What is it?
Carmine: Uh, I created it back when I worked at my pop's social club. I call it "The bump off."
Jeff: (Chuckling)
Chloe: Mm.
Abby: Hey, Chloe. Hello.
Chloe: Hi. Um, I've gotta go talk to Abby. We're going over gala stuff.
Carmine: You want me to make anything else?
Gloria: Mm-hmm. A Moscow mule-- our signature drink.
Carmine: Not a problem.
Jeff: Yeah? Good luck. Took me a while to perfect the recipe.
Kevin: Well...
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Chloe: (Sighs) So did you see who's behind the bar?
Abby: What is he doing here?
Chloe: Trolling for a job.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Kevin: (Sighs)
Gloria: I think that's the finest mule I've ever tasted.
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Kevin: I know that look in her eye. She's gonna hire this guy. You have to talk to her. Otherwise, this place is gonna be crawling with goodfellas again.
Jeff: I'll do what I can, but whatever "Globug" wants, she gets.
Kevin: (Exhales sharply)
Gloria: (Clears throat) Hmm, that's the one. I think I've seen everything I need to see. You're hired.
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Gloria: Welcome to Gloworm.
Lauren: This is my fault.
Jill: Oh, don't you dare blame yourself. You can't control what Victor does.
Lauren: (Sighs) You heard Michael. He was so preoccupied bailing me out of jail that he didn't do his job.
Jill: (Sighs)
Lauren: If I hadn't pulled that gun on Daisy, none of this would have happened.
Jill: She was taunting you. You have warned her repeatedly to stay away from you, and she just won't. All right, look, I don't advocate waving a gun around, but... (Scoffs) She needed a wake-up call, and you gave her one.
Lauren: Fen isn't coming home, and Michael lost his job because of me.
Jill: Number one, Fen is temporarily away from home, okay? And number two, you don't know that Michael lost his job. Didn't you hear what he said? Victor will probably let this whole thing blow over and welcome Michael back with open arms.
Lauren: Your lips... to Victor's ears.
Victor: What can I do for you?
Michael: Oh, uh... I was hoping to get back to work.
Victor: You're asking me to rehire you?
Michael: Actually, I thought we could forget that you ever fired me.
Victor: Perhaps you'll remember, in the last conversation we had about this issue, there is no and will not be a need for your services at Newman Enterprises.
Michael: Victor, you can't be serious.
Victor: You failed to carry out a simple task, which jeopardized my pursuit of Beauty of Nature.
Michael: The company's still in play. You haven't lost anything. I've maneuvered my way out of tighter spots in the past. Give me the chance-- give me the chance to correct a mistake.
Victor: My decision stands.
Michael: Listen to me. All these years-- all these years, I've put your needs ahead of my family. You called, I've come running, no questions asked. The one time--the one time I have a genuine emergency and I have to take care of my family, you're ready to shove me out the door. Victor, you never even asked about Lauren. You never even offered to help her. I thought we were more than colleagues. We're friends, Victor. We're friends, and because I forgot to make one phone call-- just one phone call...
Victor: That one phone call cost me millions of dollars!
Michael: All right, should I just walk out that door and never look back?
Victor: Yes, I think you should!
Michael: Victor.
Victor: I wish you the best, Michael.
Jill: If Victor doesn't change his mind and Michael is out of a job, this might be a blessing in disguise.
Lauren: How so?
Jill: Because you and Michael can spend some quality time, and he can devote himself to your case. Plus, he'll have the time to go visit Fen, since--
Lauren: Since I can't leave the state.
Jill: Well, that's not gonna last long. Michael will see to that, and pretty soon, you two can both go get Fen and bring him home.
Lauren: No. No, I am not bringing him home while Daisy's here.
Jill: With Michael by your side, Daisy won't be as brazen in her attempts to terrorize you.
Lauren: What do you think I need, a babysitter?
Jill: Oh, Lord, that's not what I meant!
Lauren: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just this whole situation has me so tense, and... (Sighs) I just have this knot between my shoulders, and...
Jill: Oh, Honey. That, I can help you with. I'll be right back.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Lauren: Oh, damn.
Eden: Jenkins, Jenkins... Jenkins.
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, that one.
Eden: Oh, I am so sorry. Um... I lost my mom, too. Not like you did. Um, oh, I-I don't know why I just said that. I'm so sorry.
Kyle: The way my mom died was pretty dark and twisted. A lot of people tend to say the wrong thing around me.
Eden: Well, it's the same way when they find out your dad's a crook.
Kyle: A crook? A crook like Al Capone or like Bernie Madoff?
Eden: Well, my dad, uh, who called himself "River," was a guru on an ashram in Malibu.
Kyle: Oh, is that where you grew up?
Eden: Yeah, until I found out River was actually Lowell Baldwin, A.K.A. a few other aliases, and, uh, he was wanted by the FBI.
Kyle: Whoa. That'll mess a kid up. (Chuckles)
Eden: Yeah, I've had my issues. Went to Europe to get away from it all, and, uh, that didn't really work out. And when I came back, you know, there were still the whispers and stares from people who knew my story, but, you know, it doesn't bother me anymore.
Kyle: How'd you deal?
Eden: Um, I stopped caring about what people thought about me or my dad, and started living my life. Made me feel a whole lot better.
Kyle: So working here is "Living your life"?
Eden: You know, I-I get to meet and talk to a lot of interesting people.
Kyle: Are you speaking about anyone in particular?
Eden: And I guess it's kind of hard to think about what my dad did when people are ordering lattes with an antioxidant boost or whatever the latest ad is.
Kyle: So you're saying, I need a distraction.
Eden: It might help. Do you want an application?
Kyle: (Chuckles) Uh, no. I think I've got someplace else in mind are you gonna be here for a little bit?
Eden: Yeah, I'll be here for a few hours.
Kyle: Cool, I'll come back and we can celebrate over an antioxidant latte.
Eden: Celebrate what? Hey! (Sighs)
Nikki: For you... mm.
Jack: Wow, a kiss from a beautiful woman and a piece of cake. How did I get so lucky?
Nikki: (Laughs) Well, I went to Crimson Lights to get your favorite, and, um, I ran into Kyle.
Jack: Seeing as the box is not from the coffeehouse, I'm guessing that didn't go so well.
Nikki: I did leave rather abruptly, yes.
Jack: What happened?
Nikki: I reached out to him, almost got my hand bit off.
Jack: Ohh, Nikk, I'm sorry.
Nikki: No, no. It just made me realize that my decision to leave town was the right one.
Jack: Actually, I've been giving that some thought myself.
Nikki: Okay, so then you agree it's for the best.
Jack: No, I don't. I think you should stay here, with me.
Chloe: Okay, well, I will check with Esteban-- you know, he writes for the music blog on "Restless Style"-- and I'm sure that he can hook us up with some band's booking agent.
Abby: Um, hello, I am an investor in Devon's label.
Chloe: Oh, so you think that he knows someone who knows someone?
Abby: Duh, Angelina.
Chloe: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Abby: Oh, come on. She would be a total get for us.
Chloe: No. I would rather set up a karaoke machine and have you screech out a song.
Abby: Well, you're going to eat those words when my album drops.
Chloe: You're working on an album?
Abby: Well, not at this exact moment, but its part of my five-year plan for the Naked Heiress franchise.
Chloe: Wow. Back to the gala.
Abby: Angelina is the perfect solution.
Chloe: Ohh, forget it. If our theme called for pink tacky print, leopard, I would call her, but since she is a man-stealing, lying... person who probably thinks that art is glow-in-the-dark dogs playing poker, I'm sorry, she's not coming anywhere near our gala.
Jeff: You don't have to make a decision today.
Gloria: No one else answered the ad.
Kevin: Well, then, I'll post another one.
Gloria: I need a bartender today.
Jeff: His drinks weren't all that good.
Gloria: Nonsense. They're a heck of a lot better than what you make, and don't think I haven't noticed how much water you put in them.
Jeff: That's standard practice in most establishments.
Kevin: Or a cheap way to stiff the customers.
Jeff: Whose side are you on?
Kevin: Huh.
Gloria: Listen, you two. The ladies who lunch need a reason to stay and drink. That's the reason. Look at that body, that smile, those movie-star good looks.
Jeff: Do I need to hose you down?
Gloria: Kevin, I want to put something on the web site introducing me to our customers. Would you do it for me?
Kevin: Do I have a choice?
Gloria: No, you don't. I think I'll post a picture, too. Remind me to find the camera.
Jeff: (Exhales slowly)
Carmine: All done, Boss.
Jeff: Oh, um... (Scoffs) Call me Jeffrey. Um, we're kind of a family here at Gloworm. Not the kind of family you're used to, but you know...
Carmine: (Chuckles) Well, I'm goin' legit, like you. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two.
Jeff: First, we gotta figure out what your strengths are.
Carmine: Making drinks.
Jeff: Yeah, well, Gloria likes for her employees to be cross-trained in all aspects of Gloworm. Um, any other skills you bring to the table?
Carmine: I can make gnocchi from scratch-- my mama's, uh, famous recipe.
Jeff: Yeah, um, what about the back office? You know, like, um, ordering supplies or, uh... (Vibrates lips) accounting?
Carmine: (Chuckles) I used to look over the, uh, books at my pop's place.
Jeff: No kidding.
Carmine: Yeah, it was sort of my specialty. I like all those numbers and stuff.
Jeff: (Laughs) Oh, Carmine, I-I think you might be just what we need here at Gloworm.
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Jeff: "Numbers and stuff."
Kyle: Connie told me to come on in. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Victor: Not at all, Kyle. So how was your first night at the ranch?
Kyle: Oh, it was great.
Victor: Oh, yeah? What can I do for you?
Kyle: Actually, there's something I was hoping to do for you.
Victor: Hmm.
Nikki: Jack, we have to look at this realistically. Our relationship is upsetting to your son. If you had seen the look in his eyes earlier... you wouldn't hesitate (Snaps fingers) To send me packing.
Jack: I would never do that to you.
Nikki: Kyle lost his mother because of me, and I don't want to be the reason he loses his father.
Jack: Not even in the realm of possibilities. I'm not gonna turn my back on my son. I'm not gonna allow him to do that to me. I can help Kyle deal with the emotions that coming home brings up, from Diane's death to you being a part of our lives.
Nikki: Which he is adamantly against.
Jack: Okay, you asked me to be realistic. He's not a child anymore. He's a young adult, and sooner or later, he's gonna have to face the facts. Genoa City is your home. Our families' lives are intertwined forever. He's going to run into you, and even if you left for a few days, it's only gonna delay the inevitable. I'm not saying he needs to flip some switch and suddenly be okay with us, but... but you make me happy, and asking me to give up on that right now is not going to quell Kyle's anger. Eventually, he's gonna see that, so stay. Let's work through this together.
Michael: Avery. A friendly face.
Avery: Oh, I'm glad to see you. There's something we need to discuss.
Michael: No, wait, but first, I wa--I... (Sighs) I appreciate you handling the Abbott adoption, and I was hoping that I'd be able to toss a few more cases your way, but, uh, things have eased up considerably.
Avery: I heard.
Michael: From?
Avery: Victor, when he offered me your job... which I'm not going to take.
Michael: I think you should reconsider.
Avery: I'm sorry, what?
Michael: Take the job.
Kyle: Well, thank you very much, Victor. (Intercom buzzes)
Kyle: (Chuckles)
Victor: Thank you. I'm glad you liked what I proposed.
Kyle: I do.
Victor: Excuse me. Yes. Uh, send her in.
Lauren: Victor, we need to talk. Uh, Kyle.
Kyle: Hey, Lauren.
Lauren: Hi. I-I didn't realize you were back.
Kyle: I got back yesterday.
Victor: Kyle, why don't you, uh, think about all that and we'll discuss it later, okay?
Kyle: I'm looking forward to it.
Victor: Thank you.
Kyle: It was good seeing you.
Lauren: Good to see you, too.
Victor: So, Lauren... I presume you came to discuss your husband's dismissal.
Lauren: How could you, Victor?
Victor: (Exhales slowly) You've known me long enough to realize that I never make a decision without careful thought.
Lauren: Family first, for better or worse-- that has always been your creed.
Victor: And I respect Michael's decision...
Lauren: Well, you know, it just doesn't seem that way.
Victor: But his decision has cost me and my company millions of dollars, and I cannot let that go without consequences.
Lauren: You're supposed to have compassion.
Victor: I do have compassion for you and your ordeal, and I will help any way I can... but his not giving me and my company 100% of his time, I cannot let go by without consequences.
Lauren: And there's no changing your mind? That's it?
Victor: That's it.
Chloe: Okay, hi, we're planning a party here. Will you stop looking at him like that?
Abby: I'm not! Ew.
Chloe: Okay.
Abby: Oh, God! Whatever! I'm sorry, what is he even doing here, anyway? Shouldn't he be in L.A. chasing Angelina around or something?
Chloe: That is a brilliant idea. Yes! Call Devon and see if he can book Angelina for us.
Abby: I'm--I'm sorry. You--you--you thought that was a terrible idea, like, a minute ago.
Chloe: Think about it-- we'll have her go to the gala. We'll make sure that Carmine's there. They'll see each other, sparks will fly, and then the Jersey jerks will leave together forever and go far, far away-- far away from Genoa City.
Kevin: (Clears throat) Dude, its one thing for you to come to town looking for your ex. It's another thing for you to stay, but you are really pushing your luck when you decide to come and work at my mom's place. It's a little too close for comfort.
Carmine: Oh, come on, Kevin. I thought we were good.
Kevin: Yeah, we are, but it's--
Carmine: Then believe me. I'm only here 'cause I need a job. That's it.
Gloria: That boy is going to bring in the broads and the bucks.
Jeff: I hope you're right, Honey Bunny.
Nikki: You're making it very hard for me to say no to you.
Jack: So don't say no. Stay here. Work this through with me.
Nikki: Not if it means more pain for Kyle.
Jack: Okay, we'll compromise. We'll cool down. We'll go back to being just friends.
Nikki: Without benefits? I just need to know.
Jack: For now. Look, we can even arrange time together, but we just let Kyle know, so he doesn't have to run into us. I just don't want you walking out of my life entirely. You mean too much to me.
Nikki: You mean the world to me, too, Jack.
Jack: So we have a deal?
Nikki: All right, I'll cancel my reservations.
Jack: That's my girl.
Nikki: Mm. No talk like that around Kyle.
Jack: Okay, okay, okay. Hopefully, this is just a temporary situation, but it will give me the opportunity to talk to Kyle, to sit with him, to work through this, to mend some fences, and--and for that, I am eternally grateful to you.
Kyle: Hey, there.
Eden: Hey, perfect timing. I just started my break. What put that smile on your face?
Kyle: You mean, besides your beautiful eyes? (Laughs) I got a job.
Eden: Really? Wow, that was fast. Where?
Kyle: Newman Enterprises.
Avery: You want me to take the job-- your job?
Michael: Sit down. Listen, until Victor comes to his senses and rehires me, I need a lawyer who can step in and not screw up everything I've laid the groundwork for, and I think that lawyer is you.
Avery: Michael, I'm flattered.
Michael: No, listen to me. I'm only speaking the truth. Now the job can be tricky sometimes, your boss can be volatile, but it's an amazing opportunity.
Avery: (Sighs) He wants an answer today.
Michael: Sounds like Victor. What are you gonna do?
Jill: Sorry it took me so long, but I think you're gonna really-- Lauren? Lauren!
Jill: Oh, Dear. Where did she go?
Lauren: I cannot believe you are being so inflexible about firing Michael! The one thing that makes this easier for me to handle is that my husband has his priorities straight. He has shown you remarkable loyalty, and it's just not a two-way street. (Pen scratching)
Victor: I appreciate the fact that you're fighting for your husband's professional career, and I hold him in the highest regard, although we no longer work together, but this has nothing to do with my personal feelings. It's a business decision. His action, or the lack thereof, cost the company millions of dollars.
Lauren: You say Michael's actions have consequences?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: Well, so do yours. Here's my resignation from the Newman board.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: What's going on?
Ashley: Tucker's been lying to me again.
Tucker: I bid on Beauty of Nature, too.
Genevieve: So what are you saying here? Are you gonna renege?
Jill: There are two S.E.C. agents here, and they'd like to talk to Lauren.
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