Y&R Transcript Monday 4/30/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 4/30/12


Episode # 9895 ~ News About Phyllis & Nick Dismays Sharon

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Knock on door)

Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sniffles)

Adam: Must be room service.

Chelsea: Right, right. The cake, the cake. (Exhales slowly)

Adam: Sharon.

Billy: You want to see a handsome guy? I'll show you one right here. Look at you, holding your little brother. Yep, told you, Handsome. (High-pitched voice) Handsome! (Laughs in normal voice)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey. Johnny asleep?

Victoria: Finally! You know, you would think that being adopted and christened all in one day would wear the little guy out, but, oh, he just would not shut his eyes.

Billy: Well, he's probably just too excited. It was an awesome day.

Victoria: Awesome, and totally exhausting. Whew, I think I could use a nap.

Billy: (Chuckles)

John: (Crying)

Victoria: Or not.

Reed: When's he gonna stop doing that?

Billy: Oh, Buddy, not for a while.

Jack: Hey, Kyle. It's Dad. I was hoping we could get together and talk, just the two of us. Give me a call when you get a chance.

Abby: Knock, knock.

Jack: Hey, Abby, come on in.

Abby: You alone?

Jack: Meaning, have I heard from Kyle since he laid into me at Gloworm?

Abby: I probably should have told you he was coming to Johnny's christening.

Jack: Wasn't exactly the reunion I had hoped for.

Abby: I didn't even think about you and Nikki. I am so sorry.

Jack: Hey, now wait a minute. It's not your fault.

Abby: He didn't mean the stuff he said.

Jack: Oh, I think he did, but you know what? He'll calm down and we will work through this together.

Abby: I hope so.

Jack: He's gotta come back here to crash, doesn't he? Where else is he gonna stay?

Victor: Have a seat, Kyle.

Kyle: Thank you.

Victor: So... you want to live at the ranch?

Kyle: Yeah, well, I heard you right before I left town, didn't I? I was always welcome at your place.

Victor: Yeah, but a lot of things have happened since.

Kyle: Uh, well, hey, if, uh, if you've changed your mind, then--

Victor: What does your father think about your plans?

Kyle: I haven't told him.

Victor: Huh.

Ricky: Best seller, I guarantee it. Why? Why, because I know everything there is to know about Phyllis Newman-- the good, the bad, and the really juicy. Uh, let me give you a call right back.

Avery: (Scoffs) What was that about Phyllis?

Ricky: Uh, that was a private conversation, Avery.

Avery: In a public place, Ricky.

Ricky: What happened to us? We used to be so close, when we were working on Sharon's case.

Avery: Yes, that's before I realized what you were capable of.

Ricky: Oh, come on. You knew, but it was serving your purpose back then. Now you've chose your sister's side in Lucy's custody battle, and I just happen to think that the child belongs with her mother.

Avery: I know what you did to make that happen, and you are not gonna get away with it.

Nick: I-I-I cannot believe this. We're gonna have... a baby. I...

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yeah, I'm happy. Are you--are you--are you happy?

Nick: I'm so happy... uh, and--and shocked and surprised. I almost forgot.

Phyllis: What?

Nick: You never answered me. Will you marry me?

Phyllis: Oh there are so many things going through my head right now. (Sighs)

Nick: (Laughing) So is that--

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Nick: Is that a yes?

Phyllis: Uh... yeah, I guess.

Nick: Oh, you gue--you guess.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Yeah. I'll marry you.

Nick: Okay.

Billy: Who's the man? Who's the coolest, most awesome dad in the world? Huh?

Victoria: Mm... Jim Anderson.

Billy: Jim? Were you listening to that monitor? The second I stepped in this little man's room, boom! Out like a light. That's right. That's right. This father knows best. Hmm? Tell 'em, Johnny. Tell 'em what you--

Johnny: (Spits up)

Victoria: Oh, yeah.

Billy: That is not cool.

Victoria: Yeah, you-- you definitely know best.

Billy: Uh-oh. Okay, well, um... I'll be right back.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: Then you and I, we're gonna go catch some fly balls.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: Look, man, that's not cool.

Victoria: (Laughs) That's funny.

Billy: Why'd you gotta go and do that, huh? It's just mean. It's just mean. Mean, mean, mean, mean.

Victoria: Ooh, boy. (Sighs) There have been a lot of changes around here, huh? Yeah. Lucy came to live with us. Then she left. Now John's here, but this isn't gonna be like Lucy, okay? I promise you that.

Reed: Yeah.

Victoria: John is here to stay, and you're gonna be a big brother, just like you are to Dylan.

Reed: I'm not the only boy at Daddy's or here.

Victoria: Oh, come here, you. Oh, poor baby. Oh, you come up here. (Grunts) Ohh. (Tsks) Oh.

Ricky: Are you really buying Phyllis' wack story that I had something to do with Lucy's disappearance? Because I thought you were smarter than that.

Avery: I'm smart enough to recognize a liar when I see one. I should have never hired you for Sharon's case.

Ricky: But you did, and that was the first time I ever heard of Phyllis Newman-- horrible Phyllis Newman. You didn't have one good thing to say about your sister back then.

Avery: I was unfair.

Ricky: When? When you got Daisy out of jail, or when you helped restore her parental big was that when you were unfair? You want to blame me for Phyllis losing Lucy, but the person most responsible-- now that would be you, Avery. So regrets-- yeah. Yeah, I'd definitely have some. I'll see you around.

Avery: (Scoffs)

Phyllis: A couple minutes ago, there was no kid, and now--now-- now there's a kid, and we're getting married. This is crazy. It doesn't seem real.

Nick: Then let's get after it and make it real.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) How?

Nick: Get in front of a minister, go see J.P.

Phyllis: (Laughs) J.P.?

Nick: Yeah, that's the cool way to say it now.

Phyllis: (Laughs) You mean now?

Nick: Yeah, right after we talk to the kids.

Phyllis: That's right. We have to tell the kids.

Nick: Yeah, they should know. Uh, yeah, we can tell Summer together, then I'll call Noah.

Phyllis: I'll tell Daniel.

Nick: I'll have to explain things to Faith.

Phyllis: Yeah. Uh, and there-- there's somebody else you--you probably should tell.

Nick: (Sighs)

Sharon: Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Adam: (Clears throat) You, uh, you didn't. You were just, uh, you just surprised me, that's all.

Chelsea: Well, that's what... (Chuckles) Birthdays are all about, right? Surprises.

Adam: Chelsea's just helping me celebrate my birthday.

Sharon: Well, that's why I-I came. I came to give you this. I didn't want you to think, um, that no one was thinking of you, but I see that's not a problem, so... (Laughs)

Adam: You don't have to go, Chelsea. Just--just because Sharon showed up, it doesn't have to spoil our little party.

Chelsea: I'm not really in a mood to celebrate.

Adam: Is it because of this?

Chelsea: No. No, that's between you and Sharon. (Sighs) It's just giving your kid up for adoption doesn't really go with balloons and party hats.

Adam: I thought you were trying to put all that stuff behind you.

Chelsea: No offense, I'm just... I'm not really ready to party yet. (Sighs)

Adam: I know what you mean.

Chelsea: Happy birthday, Adam.

Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Victor: Thank you. Sorry about that, Kyle.

Kyle: No, no, you're busy. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.

Victor: (Sighs) I will always take time for that, okay?

Kyle: Does that mean I can move to the ranch?

Victor: Why don't you want to live with your father?

Kyle: You know, it's like you said earlier. A lot's happened since I left town. Some of it, I... I just don't think it'd be a good idea for me to move in with Dad right now.

Victor: Huh.

Kyle: If you and my dad are--are in some kind of fight, then I guess I can--

Victor: Well, as you know, your father and I... always--always in a fight.

Kyle: (Laughs) Yeah, that's true. I-I just remember you made a real effort for me when Mom and I first came to Genoa City, and it meant a lot.

Victor: Mm-hmm. And I will always make an effort for you, okay?

Kyle: Does that mean I can hang at the ranch?

Victor: Well, Kyle... don't you think you should discuss that with your dad?

Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sure.

Victor: All right. Then, um, if that's what you want to do...

Kyle: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Newman.

Victor: All right, Kyle. You call me "Victor," okay?

Kyle: Okay. I mean, thank you, Victor.

Victor: All right. You have a nice day, Kyle. Nice to see you again.

Kyle: Thanks again. You, too.

Victor: All right.

Jack: Thank you.

Abby: It's a great day for Billy and his family. I mean, how cool is it that he named the baby after Grandpa?

Jack: They could not have picked a better name.

Abby: Did you see that grin on Billy's face? I mean, Delia's his little princess, but he is diggin' having a son.

Jack: Yeah, boys can be terrific, if a little frustrating sometimes.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Abby: (Sighs)

Jack: What is it? What's wrong?

Abby: Uh, it's Kyle. He wants me to meet him.

Jack: So meet him.

Abby: Oh, I'm so sorry, Uncle Jack.

Jack: Hey, Abby, it's fine.

Abby: It's just not fine.

Jack: Who wants to get together with their old man when he can get together with his friends? I'm gonna hear from Kyle when Kyle's good and ready, or I'm gonna see him when he gets home.

Abby: Yeah, see, that's it. Um, you're not. He's moving in with my dad.

Victoria: (Sighs) You sit over here for a second, okay? (Sighs) You know what? You have been a fantastic big brother to Dylan. You know how I know that? Your dad told me. And you're gonna be a terrific brother for John, too. I just really hope that... (Sighs) I mean, I hope that you still have time to do all the things that we used to do together, like play ball, go to the park, get ice cream...

Reed: We can still do all that, Mommy.

Victoria: Oh, phew! I am so glad to hear that, because if you didn't have time for Billy and me, we would be so sad.

Reed: I'll always have time for you, Mommy.

Victoria: I love you. Oh, that's so good. And I promise you, I will always have time for you, too, okay? I love you. Oh, you little stinker, you little stinker.

Reed: (Laughing)

Victoria: (Laughing)

Billy: Hmm. Everything good?

Victoria: It's perfect.

Phyllis: If you came to apologize, it doesn't--

Avery: You were right when you said that I was like George.

Phyllis: Avery, I don't-- I don't want to talk about it.

Avery: Just--will you let me say this, please? Please? I don't want to be like him. I don't want to make the same mistakes that he made. I'm responsible for Ricky coming to Genoa City, and I am also responsible for getting Daisy released from prison, so it is entirely my fault that she has custody of Lucy.

Phyllis: Okay, it--it doesn't matter to me anymore. It doesn't--

Avery: But this matters to me, okay? Please. I know that this doesn't change what I've done, but I need to say it. I was wrong to come here and blame you for anything. I was afraid. I was afraid that if it was all on me, you wouldn't want to be my sister anymore, and... (Sighs) I just--I-I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.

Phyllis: I miss Lucy. (Voice breaking) It kills me that she's not here anymore... (Normal voice) But I don't--I don't hate you.

Avery: You don't?

Phyllis: Things are gonna change around all of us.

Avery: Something is different.

Sharon: Make it a decaf, please.

Nick: (Sighs) Too much caffeine?

Sharon: Ohh, too much of something.

Nick: Is it anything I can help with?

Sharon: No. Your text said that you needed to talk to me. Is it important?

Nick: Yeah. Can we sit down?

Sharon: Okay. It sounded a little-- I don't know, is everything okay?

Nick: Yeah, everything's fine.

Sharon: Mm, is it about Faith?

Nick: Kind of.

Sharon: Okay, you're scaring me. Is something wrong? Are you sick?

Nick: No, Sharon, I'm totally fine. I asked Phyllis to marry me, and she said yes.

Kyle: For you, skinny latte with soy milk.

Abby: How did you know that?

Kyle: It's the American woman's drink of choice, at least in my experience.

Abby: Ohh. Oh, we've been very busy.

Kyle: (Laughs)

Abby: Is there someone special, too?

Kyle: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna tell you one with 5,000 FacePlace friends.

Abby: (Scoffs) It's 7,000, actually, but you can trust me.

Kyle: Oh, I do. I trust you to tell the world my business.

Abby: You're awful!

Kyle: Hey, it can be a good thing, being the family gossip. Makes you my go-to person for info.

Abby: Yeah. It's too bad I didn't give you a heads-up about your dad with Nikki. Could have avoided that awkward scene here earlier.

Kyle: Well, you're not the one who screwed up.

Abby: Uncle Jack should have told you.

Kyle: He should have stayed away from Nikki.

Abby: Look, this thing with Nikki-- it's about my dad as much as it's about her.

Kyle: That makes me feel better?

Abby: Look, you're pissed with your dad, okay? I get that. Do you really think moving in with my dad is the best way to get back at him?

Jack: What the hell are you trying to do with my son?

Victor: What do you mean, what am I trying to do with Kyle?

Chelsea: (Sighs) What was I thinking? (Sighs) Why would Adam be interested in me? (Sighs) Why would anyone? (Exhales sharply) (Sighs heavily)

Adam: "Adam, you deserve someone in your life. I hope you find what you're looking for. Happy birthday. Sharon." (Exhales sharply)

Sharon: You and Phyllis are getting married... again.

Nick: Yeah.

Sharon: You didn't say anything when I saw you earlier.

Nick: Well, it just, uh, it just happened a little while ago.

Sharon: (Clears throat) Can I ask you something?

Nick: Absolutely.

Sharon: Are you marrying her because she lost Lucy?

Nick: I'm marrying her because it's right.

Sharon: Like it was right when you married her because she was pregnant with Summer?

Nick: Look, I told you that I'm marrying Phyllis because it affects Noah and Faith. I'm not looking for advice or your opinion, and I definitely don't want to fight about it.

Sharon: Okay, well, um... (Clears throat) I'm happy for you. I mean, if you're marrying her for the right reason--

Nick: I am. I love her.

Sharon: I... (Laughs) Congratulations. I-I-I couldn't be happier for you.

Nick: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone until I have a chance to talk to Noah about it.

Sharon: Oh, of course.

Nick: Okay. So I'll, uh, I'll see you at the office, then.

Sharon: Absolutely.

Phyllis: Uh, you know, I-I have, uh, a lot on my mind. I-I don't--I don't want to talk about it.

Avery: To anyone or just me?

Avery: You remember when you wanted to read my diary and I told you, oh, that was all of my most private thoughts, my hopes and dreams and fears?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I remember. I said that, um... if you told me, it wouldn't be so scary.

Avery: Right. Right, and--and you were right. I wasn't afraid after that.

Phyllis: We were kids.

Avery: I know that we can't go back... but I'm hoping we can go forward.

Phyllis: (Sighs I'm so sorry, Avery.

Avery: Okay. Me, too.

Abby: So you're really gonna move in with my dad, even though you know what it's gonna do to yours?

Kyle: Why should I care? He didn't ask me what I thought about him hooking up with Nikki.

Abby: Well, you told him, in front of the whole family and a couple strangers.

Kyle: Yeah, well, that wasn't planned.

Abby: Living on the ranch is.

Kyle: Abby, you and I pretty much got here the same way. When Victor found out you were his kid, he stepped up. My dad--

Abby: Uncle Jack loves you.

Kyle: (Scoffs) He doesn't even know me.

Abby: Look, you're furious with him, okay? You have every right to be but moving in with my dad? You couldn't hurt yours more if you tried.

Victor: Well, you try her again. It's imperative that I meet with her, all right? Yep. Well, Jack, your visit proves once again what I've always said about you. You are predictable, if nothing else.

Jack: Oh, then you've been expecting me.

Victor: Well, otherwise, you wouldn't have been allowed into the office.

Jack: Yeah, that did come as a bit of a surprise.

Victor: It seems you've been surprised a lot lately. First... your son Kyle tells you that he wants to live at the ranch, and then he finds out about you and Nikki.

Jack: I'm not here to discuss that.

Victor: Any discussion about your son has to include a discussion about you... and your relationship with Nikki.

Jack: You and I both know Nikki killed Diane in self-defense.

Victor: And I will defend her in that regard to my dying day, but you should have told Kyle about your relationship with my wife.

Jack: Ex-wife.

Victor: He needs to be informed about that. If you had informed him, he wouldn't have come to me.

Jack: You have been trying to come between me and Kyle for years now.

Victor: He came to me, for your information, Jack.

Jack: You are using him to get to me. It's not going to happen! I am not going to let you use him as a pawn.

Victor: He's a grown man now. If he wants to come here and live with me at the ranch, it's not because of what I've done to him-- because of what you haven't done.

Jack: You are not going to get away with this.

Victor: As usual, Jack, you're going about it the wrong way. You should be talking to Kyle and not to me.

Jack: Believe me, I intend to.

Victor: I suspect that won't do any good, because your son and I have something in common. We both see you for who you really are.

(Knock on door)

Adam: (Exhales slowly)

Man: I believe someone ordered a cake.

Avery: Sharon? Hi.

Sharon: Avery. (Chuckles)

Avery: Look at you. (Laughs) Who would have thought six months ago, you would be knee-deep in starting a major cosmetics line?

Sharon: If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be in prison.

Avery: Well, I've done one good thing since I came to Genoa City. Michael tells me that you and Nick are about to launch your new line.

Sharon: Thank goodness I have my work to keep me busy. (Chuckles)

Avery: Well, work can fill up the emptiness in a person's life.

Sharon: Not all of it.

Avery: No. Definitely not all of it.

(Doorbell rings)

Phyllis: I'm sorry. I didn't hear the bell.

Nick: It's okay.

Phyllis: Um, did you-- did you, uh, see Sharon?

Nick: Yes, I told her we were getting married.

Phyllis: Oh. Oh. And?

Nick: And she seemed fine.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. No tears?

Nick: Nope. Just a simple "Congratulations."

Phyllis: Uh, did you tell her about my pregnancy?

Nick: I did not tell her about that.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, I think its best. We should just, um, keep it between us-- us and the kids, right?

Nick: Yeah, I think we should hold off telling people that. Yeah, there's one more thing I have to do anyway, so...

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: (Sighs) Where's Reed?

Billy: Well, a christening, a party, and an hour of shagging flies makes for one tired little man. Where's Johnny?

Victoria: Well, you may be really good at getting him to stop crying, but when it comes to getting him down for a nap, mother knows best.

Billy: Oh, really?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: So it's just the two of us.

Victoria: Hmm. What exactly are we supposed to do, just the two of us, all alone on this couch?

Billy: I don't know. Hmm... mm.

John: (Crying)

Billy: (Groans) (Laughs)

Victoria: I'll go.

Billy: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's my turn. It's my turn.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Besides, I need to have a little conversation with "John Boy" about his timing. (Chuckles)

(Doorbell rings)

Billy: Uh, if that's Mr. Babcock, tell him that we do have insurance. Reed missed a pop fly. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Well, hold on a second. The Babcocks live four houses down the street.

Billy: I-I know. I-I might have hit it just a little too far. (Chuckles) Good luck.

Victoria: (Groans) Oh, Abby.

Abby: You forgot your phone at Gloworm.

Victoria: Oh, thank you. Things have been so crazy around here. I didn't even realize it was missing.

Abby: Yeah, well, it's even crazier out there.

Kyle: I just came by to pick up a few things I left.

Jack: Yeah, I left things pretty much as--as you had 'em.

Kyle: You're really learning to get around in that thing, huh?

Jack: Eh, not too hard.

Kyle: Saw the new car out front. Modified?

Jack: Yeah, just t-till I get back on my feet.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I hope that happens real soon. I like a fair fight.

Jack: I'd rather not fight with you at all.

Kyle: Yeah, well, that's not how I remember it. You know, Maple Leafs versus Blackhawks, rap or jazz, ski or snowboard...

Jack: I was talking about your decision to move in with Victor.

Kyle: Yeah, well, that was a no-brainer.

Jack: If you did that to get back at me, Kyle--

Kyle: No, hey, I'm just living my life.

Jack: I know you're upset about my relationship with Nikki.

Kyle: Oh, you mean because she killed my mom? (Scoffs)

Jack: In self-defense.

Kyle: Yeah, so she says. Look, it doesn't really matter.

Jack: It does matter! (Sighs) Kyle... I was going to tell you about Nikki. I was.

Kyle: (Laughs)

Jack: You just kind of showed up out of nowhere.

Kyle: Yeah, and you were hoping I wouldn't. It's a lot easier to ignore me when I'm not around, like you have most of my life.

Jack: No, I wanted to be more a part of your life... and you know--

Kyle: Hey, don't-- you know what? Don't worry about it. I did just fine without you. Learned that "Smilin' Jack" thing long-distance. You ought to see me in a bar.

Jack: Kyle, damn it, don't do this!

Kyle: Oh, here we go. Here we go, round 2.

Jack: I don't want to fight with you. I love you.

Kyle: Yeah, well, hooking up with Nikki is a hell of a way to show it. But, hey, you do your thing, I'll do mine.

Jack: Moving in with Victor is not going to help solve our problems. It's only going to make things worse.

Kyle: Yeah, for you, Dad. Only for you.

Billy: Hey, "Abs." What, you didn't get enough of us today?

Abby: (Chuckles)

Victoria: Uh, she just came from seeing Kyle. (Clears throat)

Billy: Oh, yeah? How's he doing after that touching reunion with Jack at the christening party?

Abby: I'm afraid that was just the warm-up.

Billy: The warm-up? What, something else happened?

Abby: Um... (Clicks tongue in cheek)

Victoria: Abby...

Abby: (Sighs)

Victoria: Come on. What is it?

Abby: Um, Kyle decided to reach out to the last person on earth that Uncle Jack would want him associating with.

Victoria: He went to Dad.

Billy: Oh, wow. Damn it! (Clears throat) An alliance with "Snidely"-- just what Jack needs. Good work, Kyle.

Jack: Kyle, wait. Look, you did not come here to pick up your old gym shoes. This is your home. I'm your Pop and I'm not perfect, but you know I'm trying, and you know I love you. Kyle, we can make this right. We can. You just have to give me another chance.

Kyle: You used up all your chances, Dad.

(Knock on door)

Adam: Thought you were gonna help celebrate my birthday.

Chelsea: But you and Sharon--

Adam: Uh, she just-- she gave me a card. That's all it was-- just a card. So... you want to help light my candle? (Laughs)

Chelsea: (Laughs) Adam, I'm not ready to--

Adam: Look, will you just have a damn piece of cake with me? That's all I'm asking.

Chelsea: Did you bring forks?

Sharon: Damn it.

Victor: Oh, let me help you. There we go.

Nick: Your eyes still closed?

Phyllis: (Laughs) Yes. Oh, hurry up and do this, whatever you're doing, so we can tell the kids that we're getting married.

Nick: Okay, you can open 'em.

Phyllis: What is it? (Laughs)

Nick: Well, I don't know. Let's, uh... let's see.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Nick...

Nick: Now we can tell 'em.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"

Carmine: I saw your ad. You still need a bartender?

Jill: What was Victor thinking?

Michael: He's a smart man. I'm sure he'll see the error of his ways.

Victor: I'd just like you to be my personal counsel.

Avery: Isn't that Michael Baldwin's job?

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