Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/26/12
Episode # 9893 ~ Michael's Distractions Have Consequences
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Cane: So is, uh, has word gotten out about Lauren pulling a gun on Daisy yet?
Jill: No, luckily none of the details have gone beyond family.
Cane: That's good.
Lily: It's just so unfair that Daisy provokes the situation, and then Lauren's the one who gets arrested.
Jill: Anyway, Michael said he'd let us know if there's any news.
Genevieve: News about what?
Jill: (Stomps foot) (Chuckles) And here you are, butting in again.
Genevieve: I'd like to speak to my son.
Jill: Well, Lily and Cane have plans.
Genevieve: And what are you, their social director?
Cane: Um, Sweetie, you're gonna miss your spin class, and okay, we'll talk later. It's okay.
Lily: Okay, sounds good.
Cane: All right? All right.
Jill: I'll call you later.
Cane: I love you. Bye.
Genevieve: Well, I imagine that you have questions.
Cane: How are things going with Jack, trying to patch that up? Because, uh, when you announced that you were gonna sell Beauty of Nature to Victor, I can't imagine it went too well.
Victor: Michael, where the hell are you? How many messages do I have to leave before you get back to me? (Slams down receiver)
Michael: I'm waiting for them to bring Lauren up for her arraignment. Um, I have a hearing in about an hour. Uh, Chelsea Lawson-- she's surrendering her parental rights...
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Michael: So that Victoria can adopt Billy's boy. It should be completely straightforward.
Avery: I'm happy to cover it.
Michael: Okay. (Sighs)
Avery: You look like hell, by the way.
Michael: Yeah? That bad, huh? (Laughs)
Avery: Where's the file?
Michael: Uh... damn it. All right, um, go by my office.
Avery: Okay.
Michael: I'm gonna let Chantal know, and you're a lifesaver. Thank you. I cannot--
Avery: Okay. Don't worry about this. Anytime. I mean it.
Michael: Okay, all right. Thank you so much.
Lauren: Michael.
Michael: Sweetheart.
Lauren: What are you doing here? Representing Daisy?
Avery: (Sighs) Good luck today.
Michael: I'm supposed to be in court this morning. Avery's handling my case for me.
Lauren: I guess it's the least she can do, seeing that none of us would be here if she just left Daisy in prison, where she belonged.
Man: Time to go, Folks.
Michael: All right, just-- okay, I'm gonna meet you in the courtroom. The judge is gonna set bail and then we're gonna get you out of here. It's gonna be okay.
Lauren: I don't think anything's ever gonna be okay again.
Mrs. Martinez: Mr. Abbott, there are some federal agents here to see you.
Littleton: I'm Agent Littleton. This is Agent Blaine with the S.E.C. We're here to discuss Beauty of Nature and some concerns we have about its original sale.
Jack: Mrs. Martinez, could you bring us some coffee, please?
Mrs. Martinez: Of course.
Jack: Well, come in, Gentlemen. Have a seat. I think you'll find I have plenty to say on that subject.
Nikki: Hello.
Victor: Hello.
Nikki: Well, today's the day. Victoria's about to adopt her son.
Victor: And you're telling me this, why?
Abby: Oh, precious fingers.
Billy: I'm telling you, he was smiling, just like...
Victoria: He's not smiling.
Billy: He's smiling.
Victoria: No, he's not. They don't smile at this age.
Abby: Oh, you know what? Maybe he got a look at Reed's giant cookie.
Reed: Think he wants some?
Billy: Ooh, he's got no chompers, Buddy. How's he gonna chew it?
Reed: We could throw it in a blender with some milk.
Abby: (Gasps) Ooh, a cookies and milk shake. Reed, you're a genius. I love it.
Reed: Now that's a cookie.
Abby: Yeah.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-- mnh-mnh.
Victoria: Oh, you know, we should probably get going.
Billy: Yeah, about that time.
Victoria: It's getting a little bit late.
Billy: Hey, hi. Uh, we were just leaving.
Victoria: The diaper bag is all zipped up over here. Just a little...
Reed: Okay.
Chelsea: I didn't mean to upset anyone. I was just gonna grab some coffee before the hearing. I'll go.
Billy: (Stammering)
Reed: Oh, yeah, the--the diaper bag.
Billy: Okay.
Chelsea: (Sniffles)
Adam: Oh, hey!
Chelsea: (Sobbing)
Chelsea: (Sniffles) I walked in, and there were Billy and Victoria and Abby and Reed, all just having the best time together playing with Johnny.
Adam: You saw him.
Chelsea: I've been trying so hard not to think about him, and then all of a sudden, there he was, in the middle of this... happy family.
Adam: That's what you wanted.
Chelsea: Still, though, that--that baby-- he's a part of me, Adam, and it made me wonder, you know, maybe it's a sign, you know, that I saw him the day that I'm supposed to give him up. God, I just... (Sighs) I feel so alone.
Adam: You're not.
Victoria: Oh, we shouldn't have taken Johnny out. What if Chelsea changes her mind?
Billy: Let's try not to stress over it, okay?
Abby: Yeah. I mean, she knows that you guys are gonna give her kid the best possible home.
Victoria: Well, I know that's what she says, but we have no clue what she's actually thinking.
Reed: What happened? Are we gonna have to give John back, like we did Lucy?
Billy: No, Buddy, uh, this isn't the same. I'm the baby's father.
Abby: Hey, you know what?
Reed: Mm-hmm?
Abby: Uh, let's go let Keely out, and then we could, uh, you know, we could play your new video game while your mom and Billy go talk to the judge.
Reed: Okay.
Abby: Okay, come on.
Billy: It's not the same. It's not the same as Lucy. This is my kid.
Victoria: I know, but did you see the way that she was looking at him?
Billy: Yes. Okay, I think that maybe Chelsea was just surprised to see us there. That's all. Let's get to court. Soon, this will be over.
Victoria: Yeah, but is it gonna turn out the way we want it to?
Nikki: I'm going to the courthouse. Come with me.
Victor: What would be the point?
Nikki: I realize you and our daughter are estranged, and I also know how painful that is for both of you, no matter how tough you try to be.
Victor: You heard Victoria-- I am not welcome in her home.
Nikki: The adoption hearing is in Room 3160. Here's all the information. Victor, if you want to salvage things, you will acknowledge this child. That would go a long way with Victoria, and me, as well.
Victor: I'll take it under advisement. Thank you.
Jack: So I guess my lawsuit against Genevieve Atkinson got the notice of the S.E.C.
Littleton: Well, yours wasn't the only one. Victor Newman also sued to challenge the original sale. Now that suit has been withdrawn and papers have been filed to sell Beauty of Nature back to Newman.
Jack: That brings to mind the word "Fishy."
Littleton: We were interested in the word "Illegal"-- whether anything transpired that's against U.S. Securities regulations.
Jack: Well, as you probably read in my complaint, I was engaged to Ms. Atkinson when Beauty of Nature first went on the block.
Littleton: Mm-hmm.
Jack: I showed her the bid that I was submitting, never dreaming for a moment that she was secretly planning to make a play for the company herself. She used that inside information to outbid me and to acquire the company.
Blaine: What about Mr. Newman's contention that the original sale was unauthorized?
Jack: Adam was elected by the Newman board to run the company while his father was in the state penitentiary. He had every right to sell Beauty of Nature. He had board approval. Just because Victor doesn't like it doesn't mean it's illegal.
Blaine: If there's no basis, why would he sue Ms. Atkinson?
Jack: To intimidate her into selling the company back to him, just for sport-- you never know with Newman.
Littleton: Can you give us any insight into Ms. Atkinson's personal finances, like where she would have gotten the cash to make a purchase of that magnitude?
Jack: She's a wealthy woman with some offshore accounts. Frankly, we never discussed where her money came from. Here's what I know for a fact-- she used inside information to outbid me to acquire Beauty of Nature. Mine was the second-highest bid. It was a perfectly legitimate bid, and I'm still interested in acquiring Beauty of Nature.
Genevieve: I offered Beauty of Nature to Jack first, um, but he couldn't accept my conditions.
Cane: Which were...?
Genevieve: Marriage.
Cane: Oh, okay.
Genevieve: A real marriage, not some kind of an arrangement. I asked him for a second chance with him.
Cane: Well, we talked about that and I encouraged you to do it, but I didn't really encourage you to, uh, use Beauty of Nature to blackmail him.
Genevieve: That's such an ugly word. I-it's true, I have s-something that he wanted, but I also wanted to be with him. I believed that if he really gave me a second chance, we could work things out.
Cane: Okay. And what was, uh, his reaction to your, uh, proposal?
Genevieve: He agreed... at first. We even went to Vegas to get married.
Cane: (Clears throat)
Genevieve: And then he just, um... he backed out at the last minute. He can't forgive me.
Cane: I'm sorry.
Genevieve: Its okay, Ethan. Really, it is. It's probably all for the best.
Cane: Don't hide your feelings like that. I know you loved Jack, all right? I know it hurts he rejected you. You want my take on this? You were going for too much, too soon.
Avery: I've read the file. I'm up to speed. Everything is in order, so there shouldn't be any surprises.
Victoria: Okay. Um, thank you so much for filling in.
Avery: Michael asked me to tell you he appreciates, very much, your flexibility.
Billy: Hey.
Nikki: Hi.
Victoria: Oh, Mom, hi.
Nikki: I hope you don't mind. I couldn't stay away.
Victoria: No. Gosh, no. I'm so glad you came.
Nikki: Mm.
Victoria: Ohh, thank you.
Nikki: Are you worried?
Billy: It--we... ran into Chelsea, and she looked at Johnny like--
Victoria: Like she wants him. She couldn't stop staring at him. You know, she could still legally change her mind.
Victoria: What is he doing here?
Jill: So have you talked to Billy at all?
Jack: This morning. He and Victoria are pretty excited about this hearing.
Jill: (Laughs) I know. I'm so thrilled at the way things turned out, in spite of Victor's nastiness.
Jack: Oh, you mean, his siccing Chelsea on Billy?
Jill: Oh, you know about that?
Jack: Oh, yeah. Nikki told me.
Jill: I was in Myanmar. I know how things are there. It's very, very possible Billy could have been killed in prison.
Jack: Well, he wasn't.
Jill: No, but that doesn't let Victor off the hook.
Jack: Look at it this way-- Victor's already lost. He tried to use Chelsea to break Billy and Victoria up. Now they are stronger than ever, and they have a new child. If that ain't karma, I don't know what is.
Michael: All right, so I've posted your bail. As soon as you are processed out, we can leave.
Lauren: Oh, thank goodness.
Man: I'll bring her right back.
Lauren: Michael--
Michael: No, it's fine. It's fine. I will be right here waiting for you, I promise.
Lauren: Oh.
Michael: (Sighs) 17 messages. Man.
Victor: Hello, Michael. Since I still haven't heard from you, I'm going to assume you took care of that call to the commissioner.
Michael: (Whispering) Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn.
Victor: Kindly confirm that as soon as possible, all right? I don't want the S.E.C. or anyone else to interfere with my deal with Genevieve.
Victor: Connie, please have my driver pull up in front of the building, okay? Yep, I'm leaving shortly.
Littleton: Mr. Newman?
Victor: Yes?
Littleton: I'm Agent Littleton. This is Agent Blaine, S.E.C. we need to talk to you.
Victor: I happen to be on the way to somewhere. Can this wait?
Littleton: This is not a request for an appointment, Mr. Newman. We are here now, and we would appreciate your cooperation.
Victor: All right, Gentlemen, let's get it over with. Please come to my office. There you go.
Littleton: Thank you.
Victor: Yep.
Judge: Do you have a lawyer, Ms. Lawson?
Chelsea: Uh, no, your honor. I don't need one.
Judge: Very well. This is a petition for the adoption of a stepchild by Victoria Newman, who is now married to the infant's father, William Abbott. Is that correct?
Chelsea: Yes.
Judge: The consent of both biological parents is required. As the birth mother, this will be your last chance to claim the infant for your own, which you have every right to do under Wisconsin law.
Chelsea: I understand.
Judge: Do you wish to make that claim?
Chelsea: No. No, I don't, your honor.
Judge: This is your intent, of your own free will?
Chelsea: Yes.
Judge: Do you further understand that by giving your consent, you're giving up all parental rights and responsibilities, including child support?
Chelsea: (Sighs) Yes, your honor. I am fully aware of what I'm giving up, but I want this adoption to go through. My son is in a strong... (Sighs) Loving family, who is giving him all the things that I never had.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Michael: Where the hell is that number Victor gave me?
Lauren: Michael.
Michael: Hey. (Chuckles) Hey!
Lauren: Hi.
Man: All right, here you go.
Michael: Mm.
Man: (Clears throat)
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Where are her personal effects?
Man: I'll be right back with them.
Lauren: Oh, please, please, please take me home. I am just-- I'm so exhausted.
Michael: All right, I booked a room for us at the club...
Lauren: Oh.
Michael: And our bags are in my car. I thought, given what transpired, you should stay as far away from Daisy as possible, right?
Lauren: Yeah, no, you're right. No arguments from me, that's for sure.
Michael: Um, and I wish that I could take you there myself, check you in, and make sure you're comfortable, but I was supposed to take care of something for Victor and I screwed up badly, and I need to fix it as soon as I can.
Lauren: Well, okay. I mean, the club is only a couple blocks away, you know? I can walk. I can walk.
Michael: I just hate to leave you alone. I--you know?
Lauren: No, I'm, uh, I'm okay. I'm not--I'm not a kid who needs to be watched, and I'm not gonna lose it. I'm not gonna lose it, and the police took my gun away anyway, remember?
Michael: (Chuckles) Ohh. You've just been through an ordeal. I, uh, I want to make sure that you're looked after and--and have everything you need.
Lauren: I have everything I need.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Jack: You know what this little meeting could mean? Jabot isn't out of the running yet for Beauty of Nature.
Jill: You really think the S.E.C. will force Genevieve to sell to you?
Jack: Maybe. You never know. Save me the trouble of suing her.
Jill: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Jill: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I gotta take this. Michael, how's Lauren? Is she okay?
Michael: Uh, she had a rough night. I don't think either of us slept much. I bailed her out, but I have to take care of something, and I can't stay with her. We're still at the station.
Jill: Michael, tell Lauren I'm on my way.
Victor: Well, Gentlemen, my plan to repurchase Beauty of Nature is totally on the up-and-up.
Littleton: Until we finish our investigation, those plans will have to stay on hold.
Victor: So what exactly are you investigating?
Littleton: When Newman auctioned off the company, we have reason to believe that Ms. Atkinson had inside access to a competing bid.
Victor: For your information, Jack Abbott is a very bitter man who has it in for a number of people. So whatever comes out of his mouth, I would take not only with a grain of salt, but with a pound of salt.
Littleton: Given her former husband's criminal record, we'd also like to know where the money to purchase the company came from.
Blaine: Yeah, what can you tell us about the source of Ms. Atkinson's funding?
Victor: I gotta tell you that I was as surprised as anyone when I found out that Genevieve Atkinson had purchased the company.
Blaine: Well, until we're satisfied that there was no wrongdoing, all transactions will be suspended.
Victor: Well, if you have no further questions, that, I guess, ends the session here, so, um... I need to get back to other things, okay? Thank you.
Littleton: Thank you.
Genevieve: It's no use dwelling on my failures. It's, uh, time to move on.
Cane: Well, what's the hurry? I mean, you caused so much upheaval when you bought Beauty of Nature, so why do you want to sell it so quickly?
Genevieve: For a lot of reasons.
Cane: Well, that doesn't really tell me anything.
Genevieve: Well, uh, I guess owning and running my own business didn't provide me with the satisfaction that I hoped it would, and I guess I had to reprioritize. Um, this solution, selling it back to Victor and running the company for him, sort of made sense to me.
Cane: You know what I think you should do? I think you should slow down. You know, give things just a little more thought and stop rushing into these life-altering decisions like this.
Genevieve: It's done. I've signed the papers.
Cane: (Sighs) So once again, when things don't go your way, you have a knee-jerk reaction.
Michael: We're just waiting for the officer to come back with Lauren's personal effects, and after he does, we can leave.
Jill: So what's next? With the case, I mean.
Michael: Well, I had a little talk with the assistant D.A. I'm hoping to make some kind of deal. Instead of assault with a deadly weapon, Lauren can plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for probation and anger management classes.
Lauren: Probation?
Michael: No, you know, it's a sight better than jail time. Trust me, Sweetie.
Lauren: Wait a minute. Y-you don't see any way around having a-- having a record?
Jill: Wait, let me get this straight. Daisy can torment Lauren all she wants, but Lauren's the one paying the price?
Lauren: And--and because she's chosen to live in our building, we're gonna be moving out, temporarily.
Jill: No, no, that's a good idea. You shouldn't have to see any more of her than you have to.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Mm, I'm sorry. Oh, God. I'm sorry. Hello.
Victor: It's about damn time.
Michael: I'm sorry, Victor. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get back to you. I've been dealing with a-a family emergency.
Victor: Listen, the S.E.C. was just here.
Michael: Where are you?
Victor: In my office.
Jill: What, a problem?
Michael: Uh, no, um, uh, there's something I have to take care of with Victor right away. Are you sure you have time enough to take Lauren over to the club and help her settle in?
Jill: Of course, Michael. Don't even think about it. You know I'll take care of her.
Michael: All right, thank you. Thank you very much. Sweetie. Mm, mm. I love you.
Lauren: I love you.
Jill: Oh, the poor man.
Lauren: Yeah. (Sighs)
Judge: Ms. Lawson's maternal rights are terminated. I hereby grant the order of adoption. (Pen writing)
Victoria: (Chuckles)
(Stamp thumps)
Judge: Your lawyer can file the order, and the vital records office will issue an amended birth certificate.
Avery: We'll do that right away, your honor. Thank you.
Judge: Congratulations, Mrs. Abbott. You have a son. We're adjourned. (Bangs gavel)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Mwah!
Billy: I know.
Victoria: (Chuckles) Mwah!
Nikki: Congratulations, Sweetheart. Mwah!
Victoria: Thank you, Mom. Thank you. Mwah! Thank you.
Billy: Well, somebody could pinch me. That would--that would--that would help. (Laughs)
Nikki: You've waited for this day for so long. I'm just thrilled for both of you.
Billy: Well, uh, seriously, thank you guys for being here.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Avery, couldn't do it without you.
Avery: It's my pleasure. I'll take care of the paperwork.
Victoria: Yeah, really, thank you. Okay, excellent. Thank you.
Billy: Now, um, if you'll excuse us for just a moment-- sorry. Come here. Mm.
Victoria: Huh? Mm. Mm. Mm!
Nikki: Ohh, I'll be by later to hug my beautiful grandsons.
Victoria: Okay, Mom. I'll see you then, okay?
Nikki: Yeah. Bye, Billy.
Billy: Bye.
Victoria: Bye. (Sighs)
Billy: Mm. Hey, uh, you guys have a second? I don't know how I could thank you enough.
Victoria: Really, it's true. Johnny means everything to us.
Chelsea: I just want what's best for him.
Victoria: Um, I imagine that you've been thinking a lot about, you know, where you'll go after this, and wherever it is, I mean, we--we'll help.
Billy: Feel like getting on a long board again?
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Chelsea: (Chuckles) I, um... maybe. Almost. (Laughs)
Billy: That's all right. Well, whenever you are, just, uh, let us know.
Victoria: Yeah.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Genevieve: I wish I had the words to tell you how grateful I am to you for reaching out to me the way that you did. (Sighs) And I wish I could be the person that you want me to be, but realistically, I... I don't think I can. Ethan... it doesn't mean that I don't love you. I do.
Cane: Yeah, okay.
Lily: Wow. You guys are still here?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, we are.
Genevieve: I think I've said all I need to say right now. I hope we can do this again sometime, Ethan.
Genevieve: Good-bye, you two.
Lily: Bye.
Cane: Bye.
Lily: So you guys talked for a while. Is that a good thing?
Cane: (Vibrates lips) Well, I don't know. To be honest with you, I don't know what it is. You know, on one hand, she tells me that she, uh, she's incapable of being a better person... and, uh, and then on the other hand, it's probably the most honest conversation I've ever had with my mother.
Avery: Sorry I couldn't get here right away. I was filling in for Michael in court. I don't know if you've heard the news, but the adoption went through.
Jack: Yes!
Avery: The baby is officially Billy and Victoria's.
Jack: Excellent news. Thank you for sharing that with me.
Avery: Oh, everyone is thrilled. It felt really good to be a part of it, especially after watching Daniel and Phyllis lose custody of Lucy.
Jack: Temporarily.
Avery: Yes, that is the plan. So what is the big news?
Jack: Well, two agents from the S.E.C. came to visit me earlier. It seems our lawsuit against Genevieve has sparked a federal investigation.
Victor: What the hell happened? Why weren't you able to reach Commissioner Ramsey?
Michael: I didn't get a chance to make the call.
Victor: (Sighs) Why the hell not?
Michael: (Sighs) I was gonna do it this morning, but I couldn't find the number you gave me, and I swear to you, I will get on it right now.
Victor: It's too late. You know that, don't you? You missed the opportunity to talk to the commissioner, who could have deflected this whole case. Now the S.E.C. is gonna investigate me, okay? And they may stop the sale of Beauty of Nature.
Michael: I apologize. My wife needed me.
Victor: Michael, you didn't have ten minutes to make a call? What's the matter with you? What were you doing all night?
Michael: Pacing and worrying.
Victor: You told me you would take care of this, and you didn't. Why the hell not?
Michael: You're right, and I apologize.
Victor: Do you know what this may cost me? Millions and millions of dollars in revenue, because you didn't make a damn call. It is not like you! What's the matter with you?! It may even cost me Beauty of Nature!
Abby: So... how did it go at the courthouse?
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: It's official. John is ours!
Billy: Ours, little man. (Growls)
Victoria: He's truly, really ours!
Abby: Ohh! Oh, my God, that's fantastic! Congratulations!
Victoria: I know! Thank you so much. I'm so happy.
Abby: (Laughs)
Billy: I take it the little guy slept through the whole thing?
Abby: Uh, he went down right after you left. He hasn't made a peep. (Laughs)
Victoria: Oh, I've gotta hold him! I want to hold him. I want to hold him.
Billy: Yeah, and him over here. There you go.
Reed: Wait for me!
Victoria: Oh, come with me. Let's go. Come on.
Abby: (Laughs)
Billy: Wow.
Abby: I've gotta tell you, after Chelsea saw the baby at the coffeehouse-- I mean, I was honestly worried.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, me, too, but, uh, I gotta say, she was very stand-up about the whole thing, and I know that was hard for her, but...
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Guess who was there to help her? Adam.
Abby: Okay.
Billy: Yeah.
Abby: (Stammers) Whatever it takes, right?
Billy: Right, I guess. You know, I guess they're becoming good friends.
Abby: Mm.
Billy: Mm.
Abby: Okay, I'm giving you some time alone, but can you tell Vicki that I'll call her later?
Billy: Yes, will do.
Abby: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Abby: Congratulations!
Billy: (Growls) Thanks. (Breathing rhythmically)
(Door opens)
Billy: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
John: (Fussing)
Victoria: That's right.
Billy: Whoa! (Laughs)
Victoria: Oh, yes. I know, its okay.
John: (Grunting)
Billy: Hello.
Victoria: Hello. (Sighs) Do you know what Reed just said upstairs?
Billy: What? What'd you say?
Victoria: He said that even though John didn't grow in my tummy, he grew in my heart, and that they're always gonna be best, best brothers.
Billy: (Chuckles) You bet you. You bet you.
Reed: (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: What do you think about that? He likes it.
Chelsea: Hi. (Exhales deeply) I know I did the right thing. (Sighs) (Exhales quickly) So why do I feel so bad? (Sniffles)
Adam: Doing the right thing is usually the-- the harder thing to do, especially when people don't think you're capable of it. What can I say? The people in this town, they--they always expect a sinister motive.
Chelsea: I don't think I can stand it. (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Adam: You'll get used to it.
Chelsea: I'm not as strong as you. (Sniffles) I don't know. Billy and Victoria, earlier, they said, um... they said they would set me up anyplace I want to go-- just like Victor did... (Chuckles) Except they were a lot nicer about it. (Sighs) Anyway, I'm thinking... maybe I should take them up on it.
Lauren: I'm so sorry for dragging you into this. I swear, if I just hadn't have lost it with Daisy yesterday--
Jill: Don't. Don't you dare apologize to me. If I'd been in your situation, I would have probably done exactly the same thing. Oh, Darling, we're gonna get through this, I promise. Here's your stuff.
Man: Here are your things.
Lauren: Oh.
Man: Sorry for the delay.
Lauren: Thank you, 0fficer.
Jill: Okay, good. So we'll get you out of here, we'll get you a good meal, a hot bath--
Lauren: Oh, that sounds heavenly.
Jill: Yeah, only not at the club. No, I don't want you staying at a hotel. You're gonna stay with me out at the estate, okay? You and Michael are welcome to stay there until you can find a more suitable place.
Lauren: Thank you so much.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Lily: Well, if your mother's right and this is the best she can do, then--
Cane: Yeah, but is it enough? I mean, can I trust her? Can I have a real relationship with her?
Lily: Well, you said yourself that she was being honest with you, and for someone like Genevieve, that is a challenge.
Cane: This is true.
Lily: So, you know, take it one day at a time. Trust, but verify, you know? That's the saying, right?
Cane: I must be a really smart man, you know, to have married a woman as wise as you.
Lily: Oh, yeah--twice. Twice, we did it. (Chuckles)
Cane: (Chuckles)
Littleton: Genevieve Atkinson?
Genevieve: Yes?
Littleton: We're with the S.E.C. got some questions for you.
Jack: Well, I am delighted that things are sewn up for Billy and Victoria. Nice to know something finally ran smoothly for them.
Nikki: Amen. (Sighs)
Jack: That's not the only good news I got today. Had a little visit from the S.E.C.
Nikki: Oh?
Jack: It seems they're investigating the original sale of Beauty of Nature to Genevieve.
Nikki: (Gasps) Wow.
Jack: "Wow," indeed. Best-case scenario-- I could still get Beauty of Nature, finally merge it with Jabot. Worst case-- worst case, it still screws up Victor's plans, and in my book, that makes for a good day.
Nikki: (Sighs) Jack, I understand why you would feel that way, but I just wish you and Victor wouldn't take such perverse delight in each other's misfortune.
Michael: You have every right to be disappointed in me. I have let you down terribly. But, Victor, I swear to you, nothing like this will ever happen again.
Victor: You're damn right it won't. You're the best damn lawyer I ever had. What the hell were you thinking? It's gonna cost me millions of dollars. Millions of dollars! And I don't like to lose! You're fired.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: Would you two like to be godparents to John?
Chloe: Us?
Chelsea: I think that we--we really need to discuss some things.
Abby: I have a surprise guest.
Victoria: Really?
Abby: He really, really wanted to be here.
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