Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/24/12
Episode # 9891 ~ Lauren Reacts to Daisy's Taunts
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Genevieve: Good morning.
Victor: Good morning to you.
Genevieve: (Chuckles)
Victor: Sorry to call you all the way out here.
Genevieve: Oh, please. There are worse fates than coming to a place as beautiful as this to do business.
Victor: Yeah, it is beautiful, isn't it?
Genevieve: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Did you bring the projections I asked you for?
Genevieve: Uh, before we get to that, I had my own personal P.R. manager call "Bardinger's Investor Weekly," and they agreed to do a piece on us, so I've got a reporter and a photographer right outside.
Victor: So you did this without consulting me?
Genevieve: Victor, this is incredible press for us. I mean, come on, you and me, side by side, announcing to Wall Street and the world that I sold Beauty of Nature--
Victor: But, Genevieve, the answer is no, okay? No press interview, no photographs. Nothing about the fact that you sold me Beauty of Nature, all right?
Lauren: Hi.
Michael: Hey. You left for work early.
Lauren: Yeah. I, uh, didn't want to wake you.
Michael: Last night, you didn't want to keep me up.
Lauren: Well, we were both tired, and I was jet-lagged. It was a very bumpy flight.
Michael: And a lonely one.
Lauren: You're not gonna make me feel guilty for leaving Fen. I mean, it is better than having Daisy kidnap him or worse.
Michael: Oh, okay. Oh, come on, Lauren. Daisy just won a-a huge judgment in court to retain custody of Lucy. Why would she jeopardize that? Why?
Lauren: Oh, who knows why she does anything?
Michael: If she really wanted to hurt Fenmore, nothing is stopping her from going up to Canada and doing it. Wouldn't it be better if he were here...?
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Protected by the two people who love him the most? You know I left Kevin. I left Kevin to deal with his father on his own. I've made my peace with that, but it will not happen again. I want my son at my side so I can look over him.
Lauren: (Sighs) Okay, all right.
Michael: Yeah?
Lauren: Yeah.
Michael: Yeah?
Lauren: Let's go get him.
Michael: Then I'll make the arrangements. We can-- we could be there almost--
Lauren: All right.
Michael: We could be there tomorrow, all right?
Lauren: Okay, yes. Okay.
Michael: Yeah, it-- it'll be okay, huh? All right? Mm, yes. (Laughs)
Jill: Ohh.
Michael: Oh.
Jill: I'm sorry.
Lauren: Oh. (Chuckles)
Michael: Gotta go to work. Mwah, mwah, mwah. See you, Sis.
Jill: Bye-bye. (Singsong voice) Okay, you two are back on track.
Lauren: Yeah, yeah. Wow, that felt weird, being off, you know? It's so rare for us.
Jill: (Normal voice) Well, considering all you've been through...
Lauren: I let Daisy get to me, and I'm not gonna allow that to happen again.
Phyllis: Wow, six months until we can even attempt to get Lucy away from Daisy. Six months.
Nick: (Sighs) Do you, uh, do you want to go see a movie or something? Maybe play some video games?
Phyllis: I want to hit something.
Nick: Then let's go to the gym. You can hit stuff there. What do you say? Huh?
(Doorbell rings)
Nick: I want to hit stuff. Let's go.
Phyllis: (Laughs) That's not what I had in mind, really, going to the gym, but...
Avery: Uh--
Nick: Hey.
Avery: May I come in?
Nick: Of course.
Avery: How are you?
Phyllis: Great.
Avery: I am going to fix this.
Phyllis: Ohh. (Exhales slowly) Like you fixed things when you got Daisy released from prison?
Harmony: Oh, man, that sounds even better than before, and it was already da bomb.
Devon: Yeah?
Harmony: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Well, thank you. Lily told me that you and my dad were breaking it down to the original version. I heard that--
Harmony: Well... (Stammering) It was just a little dance.
Devon: (Laughs)
Roxanne: (Laughs)
Devon: All right, well, you know, Baby, we can't let the old folks show us up.
Harmony: Uh...
Neil: What--wait, who are you calling "Old," Son?
Devon: I'm just say--hey...
Neil: Huh?
Devon: Bring it.
Neil: Bring what?
Devon: You want to dance?
Neil: No, you bring it. You.
Devon: I'll bring it.
Neil: Do it. Dance.
Devon: We'll dance.
Roxanne: What?
Devon: How about you, Tucker?
Tucker: How about me?
Devon: Yeah, how about you?
Tucker: I never turn down a challenge, or a chance to be close to my wife.
Ashley: Aw.
Devon: There you go.
Tucker: Here we go.
Ashley: We're dancing.
Devon: Come on, Dad, don't be shy. My mom doesn't bite.
Roxanne: (Laughs) ("Live to Love" playing)
Victor: Uh, there are some reporters on the property. Kindly escort them off, okay? And make sure they don't come back. Thank you.
Genevieve: Victor, that was one of the most influential journalists in the business world that you just sent away.
Victor: Yeah. Genevieve, for your information, I do my own P.R., okay? And we cannot publicize the fact that I purchased Beauty of Nature until the S.E.C. has approved of the purchase.
Genevieve: Why not?
Victor: Because we may end up looking like fools.
Genevieve: Our deal was completely aboveboard.
Victor: Mm-hmm, but there's the question of whether Adam had the authority to sell Beauty of Nature in the first place.
Genevieve: As acting C.E.O., he was completely within his legal rights to divest Newman Enterprises of one of its assets.
Victor: Uh-huh, but more importantly, they're curious as to where you got the funds to obtain Beauty of Nature in the first place.
("Live to Love" playing)
Neil: Hey. I figured it was best not to make a big deal out of this.
Harmony: Hey, it's just a dance.
Neil: That's right.
Ashley: So isn't it nice? Just being "Mr. and Mrs." for a change, and not worrying about being corporate moguls.
Tucker: Yeah. Give it five minutes, and somebody's gonna be calling us from the office.
Ashley: At least I don't have to worry about you doing business with Genevieve anymore. What do you think she's gonna do with herself now that she doesn't have Beauty of Nature to torture you and Jack with?
Tucker: No more work talk until someone's phone rings.
Ashley: Sorry. Okay.
Tucker: Okay? Hmm?
Ashley: Okay. Sorry.
Tucker: Ohh, look at Devon.
Ashley: I know.
Tucker: He looks so happy.
Ashley: It's because he's got his hearing back completely, and you did that for him. Mm.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Devon: Baby, I want to take you away somewhere, somewhere romantic.
Roxanne: Are you sure you can afford that? I mean, you're just getting this place off the ground.
Devon: I know. I got another check from, uh, from Angie's last song, and it was a nice-size one. I want to spend it on us, on you.
Roxanne: Devon.
Devon: Is that a yes?
Roxanne: Yes. (Laughing)
Devon: Hmm?
Tucker: All right. (Applause)
Tucker: (Laughs)
Harmony: Okay. (Laughs)
Tucker: Beautiful.
Devon: Oh, gosh. (Laughs)
Ashley: (Laughs)
Roxanne: Oh, my God.
Devon: I'm sorry. I got a little carried away.
Tucker: Well, you're entitled. A beautiful woman...
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: Definitely another chart-topper here, man.
Harmony: Yeah, a gold record, Boo. Count on it.
Devon: Oh, thank you, Guys. You know what? Let's--let's go and celebrate.
Ashley: Let us take you out, okay?
Tucker: We'll do it up right, yeah.
Devon: No, you know what? We are gonna do it up right, but I'm buying.
Ashley: Aw.
Neil: Well, look at you, my son, the big spender.
Devon: Oh, okay. Let me shut this down.
Neil: (Sighs) Hey, S-Sofia.
Sofia: Hey.
Neil: Come on in. Hi.
Sofia: Am I too late?
Devon: No, not to celebrate. You should come with us.
Sofia: Oh, I'd love to.
Tucker: Well, let's do it.
Ashley: Okay.
Devon: Let's go.
Roxanne: I'm ready.
Harmony: Uh, listen, um, you know what? I just realized that it's deadline day. I gotta get up to "Restless Style."
Devon: Really? You can't come for just a little while?
Harmony: Ohh, I-I-I-- I would love to, Boo, really, but I-I-I can't. I really can't. But later...
Devon: All right.
Harmony: Just me and you.
Devon: Promise.
Harmony: Okay? Okay.
Devon: See you. Ready?
Roxanne: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Is she coming?
Devon: No, she has to go up, uh, do some work.
Tucker: All right, come on.
Devon: All right, here you go.
Neil: Come on, let's go, everybody.
Avery: I did everything I could to help Daniel in court.
Phyllis: A lot of good that did.
Avery: Okay, I know you want to blame me for everything, but you are the one who lured Daisy back to town.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Excuse me, excuse me. You don't know what you're talking about. I brought Daisy back into town to protect Lucy.
Avery: No, you used her. You--you pretended to be her friend, and then you dumped her in jail, making her furious and more determined to get back at you, and what better way to do that than to go after Lucy?
Phyllis: With your help! With your help.
Nick: Okay. Okay, okay. Let's--let's just calm down--
Phyllis: No, no, no, I'm not gonna calm down! You're not gonna pull that lawyer crap on me, Avery. You got Daisy out of prison. You did that. You encouraged her to go for full custody, didn't you? And you brought Ricky into town. If Ricky hadn't pulled that stunt at Crimson Lights, we wouldn't even be talking about this, and Lucy would be back with Daniel, where she belongs.
Avery: Wait a minute. You can't hold me responsible for what Ricky might--might have done.
Phyllis: Oh, what he might have done! He absolutely did it. He absolutely did it. You have no idea what you're talking about. I can't even expect you to take responsibility for any of this, can I? Can I? Like father, like daughter.
Avery: I am not like daddy.
Phyllis: You're exactly-- you're exactly like him.
Avery: I'm gonna do everything I can to help Daniel regain custody.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Lauren: What are you doing here?
Jill: It doesn't matter what she's doing here. Leave.
Daisy: I'm here to shop.
Lauren: You can't afford to shop here.
Daisy: Thanks to the ladies of the United Baptist Church, I can. They run a group that helps single moms who are also ex-cons-- very big on forgiveness. You should join them.
Jill: You should leave.
Daisy: What, and let this go to waste?
Jill: It's legit. That's my signature. I had no idea--
Lauren: Yeah, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I'm not honoring it.
Daisy: You have to.
Lauren: No, I don't. I have the right to refuse service to anyone.
Daisy: What will all your customers think, that you refused to help an innocent baby 'cause you have a grudge against her mother? That'll damage your reputation.
Jill: I will give you twice the value of this. Just shop somewhere else.
Daisy: Oh, but I love your stuff. It's so great. You know, it looks really good on Fen when I see him at school or hanging out with his friends.
Lauren: You're watching Fen?
Daisy: You know what? I haven't seen him in a while. I'm sure I will. I mean, we live in the same building. Or maybe I'll catch him here. I have to come back. I have so much money to spend.
Jill: I know what you're doing.
Daisy: I'm trying to find clothes for my daughter.
Jill: Then shop online.
Daisy: I like to look at the merchandise. I like to feel it, imagine what my baby will look like in all the clothes.
Jill: Leave, before you push my sister too far.
Daisy: I'm not afraid of Lauren.
Lauren: You should be.
Jill: Lauren, put the gun down.
Lauren: If you ever mention my son's name again, I will end this with one shot!
Daisy: I'm calling the cops.
Jill: Get out of here.
Daisy: This isn't over.
Jill: Oh, my God, Lauren. Give it to me.
Jill: Oh, Honey.
Lauren: (Breathing shakily)
Jill: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.
Phyllis: She's trying to pin this on me. She's--she's trying to make it sound like I did this, that--that this was me. (Voice cracks)
Nick: Phyllis, I don't think Avery's the person you're really mad at.
Phyllis: Oh, God. Oh, don't get me started on Daisy. I can't talk about Daisy. I can't talk about Daisy. I mean, the thought of her having that beautiful little baby girl... she ripped that beautiful little girl out of her home. I mean, I just think of Lucy and how confused she must be and how-- how--how lost she must feel, and then I want to see her. I want to go-- I want to see her and make it right, and I just--I want to hold her, but I'm afraid to see Daisy, that--I'm afraid to see her.
Nick: I know. I know. I know.
Phyllis: I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose my mind on her!
Nick: You can't do that. You're right.
Phyllis: I can't--I'm like-- I'm going crazy over this. (Sobs)
Phyllis: (Sobs)
Nick: Come on.
Phyllis: (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Neil: Yeah. Oh. You know, yeah... (Speaking indistinctly)
Sofia: You should know... I told Neil that we-- that you didn't fire me, that we've been faking our fight.
Tucker: About that-- I told Katherine the truth, too.
Sofia: Oh, thank God. Now we don't have to keep up the charade.
Tucker: Well, looks like you and Neil are already back on track.
Neil: Yeah, no thanks to you.
Devon: I gotta go. All right.
Neil: Thank you so much.
Tucker: Ah, perfect timing.
Neil: Well...
Ashley: You really are going all out.
Devon: Oh, yeah, well...
Neil: Very nice.
Tucker: Well...
Devon: Thank you.
Tucker: I would like to make a toast.
Sofia: Great.
Ashley: Okay.
Tucker: To Devon.
Sofia: Mm.
Tucker: I am so proud of you. I can't imagine how proud this man is of you...
Sofia: (Chuckles)
Tucker: 'Cause he raised you, helped make you who you are today-- an incredibly decent, awesomely talented, overly generous...
Devon: Yeah, okay.
Neil: Right?
Tucker: So here's to your golden-- no, let's make that your platinum future.
Sofia: Yes, mm-hmm.
Tucker: To Devon.
Neil: To Devon.
Ashley: To Devon.
Roxanne: To Devon. (Glasses clinking)
Neil: My man.
Devon: Thank you. All right. Hang on, hang on. It's my turn, though. It's my turn. Um, I know you all are getting a kick out of giving me a hard time for laying down the cash tonight, but, uh, I just want you to know, I'm not doing it to impress you. You guys-- all of you-- you stuck by me. You believed that, uh, a kid with hearing problems could be successful in the music business, and, uh, when I was faced with surgery, you guys were right there through it all. So, uh, this is to you. This is all to you. Thank you.
Ashley: That's sweet.
Sofia: Oh, Sweetheart.
(Glasses clinking)
Ashley: Cheers.
Sofia: Cheers.
Roxanne: Let's order!
Ashley: All right.
Neil: You know, if you'll excuse me, I forgot, I have to make a very important business call.
Sofia: Sure.
Neil: Excuse me.
Victor: So tell me, how does a woman who has no obvious access to capital outbid all competitors to purchase a multimillion-dollar cosmetics firm?
Genevieve: Well... (Laughs) You obviously believe that you have the answer, so don't let me deprive you of telling me.
Victor: Your ex-husband.
Genevieve: Oh, wow. (Laughs) If that weren't so laughable, I would be insulted.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: I see what you're doing here. You're looking for a way to renege on our deal.
Victor: No. I'm just trying to keep the S.E.C. out of my business and my business out of the papers.
Genevieve: What are you afraid of? You already have Beauty of Nature.
Victor: And if I lose it, rest assured... I would do anything to get it back.
(Indistinct conversations)
Ashley: (Sighs) Just who I did not want to see. Are you kidding me? Did she just motion for you to come over there? I'm gonna go talk to her.
Tucker: No, no, no, no, no.
Ashley: Tucker, are you kidding?
Tucker: I'll--I'll talk to her. It's--its okay.
(Telephone rings)
Harmony: Chancellor residence.
Neil: Harmony?
Harmony: Neil?
Neil: I thought you were at work.
Harmony: They didn't need me. Uh, uh, uh, were you calling to talk to Katherine?
Neil: Yeah, yeah, I am. Uh, is she in?
Harmony: No, she's not. I'm sorry.
Neil: Well, could you ask her to call me?
Harmony: Are you at home?
Neil: No, uh, we're still out. (Sighs) You didn't have to back out, you know, just because Sofia showed up.
Harmony: That's not why I decided--
Neil: That's bull, and we both know that. If you keep bailing on Devon, you're cheating him out of being with you.
Harmony: Is Devon the only one you're worried about?
Neil: We cleared all this up.
Harmony: Yeah, well, who's full of it now? Listen, I'm gonna tell you something-- until you decide to be real with me, don't bother me anymore.
(Slams receiver down)
Kay: Harmony? Who was that on the phone?
Victor: Did you speak to my contact at the S.E.C.?
Michael: Oh, uh, no, not yet.
Victor: Why the hell not? That's why this happened.
Michael: What happened?
Victor: The S.E.C. is now investigating it, okay? For heaven's sake, I asked you to make that call. Why the hell didn't you?
Michael: (Sighs) Sometimes you move too quickly on these things, and it raises a red flag.
Victor: (Sighs) Listen, I asked you to do this, so please, in the future, do as I ask, okay? Now we have to go higher up, to someone else in the S.E.C. This is a commissioner that I know, and he owes me a favor, okay? Please make that call. We gotta make sure that I don't lose the company because of the S.E.C. investigation, all right? Make sure that you do it today.
Michael: All right, I'll take care of it.
Victor: Please do.
Man: Lauren Fenmore?
Lauren: Yes.
Man: Did you point a gun at Daisy Carter earlier today?
Genevieve: Your wife isn't upset that you're over here talking to me, is she?
Tucker: What do you want, Genevieve?
Genevieve: I have a proposition for you.
Tucker: I'm not interested.
Genevieve: A business proposition, regarding Beauty of Nature.
Tucker: You sold it to Victor.
Genevieve: Yes, but you could profit from that sale.
Tucker: How?
Genevieve: I think that Victor might be trying to get the S.E.C. to investigate my purchase of the company, and I may need to prove that the money that I used to buy it wasn't...
Tucker: Ill-gotten gains.
Genevieve: I need you to say that you loaned it to me.
Tucker: Listen. I was working with the S.E.C. to trap Adam when he sold Beauty of Nature. Now if I say I gave you the money to make your purchase, they'll be all over me.
Genevieve: Not if you didn't know what it was for.
Tucker: And what do I get in exchange for lying to the feds?
Genevieve: A percentage of the sale of Beauty of Nature-- a generous percentage.
Victor: Listen, I'm very sorry about what happened to Lucy, and I wish I could have helped.
Phyllis: You asked your dad to help?
Nick: Yeah, Dad's got a lot of connections with judges. I thought he might be able to put in a good word for Daniel.
Victor: I would have done that, had I known sooner, okay? So I understand it's gonna be revisited by the courts in six months?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Victor: When that is the case, you call me and tell me, all right? I will do anything I can do to help, all right?
Phyllis: Thank you.
Victor: Okay. Anyway, I'll leave the two of you alone. Yeah, Son?
Nick: Thanks for stopping by, Dad.
Victor: I understand what it means to fight for family, okay?
Phyllis: You asked your dad to help me.
Avery: Oh, excuse me.
Michael: Oh, a large coffee, cream, four sugars, please.
Avery: I'd get you one, but I don't work here.
Michael: (Chuckles) Sorry, sorry. Got a lot on my mind. Johnny Abbott adoption, I've gotta make this call to the S.E.C., and I am trying to cram it all in because-- wait for it-- I'm going with Lauren to pick up Fenmore.
Avery: Oh! I'm glad to hear that. I know how much you want him home.
Michael: Yeah, so... how are things on your front?
Avery: (Exhales slowly) Well, I went to see my sister this morning. (Sighs) It's like all the progress we've made since my dad died-- it's like it never happened.
Michael: You know your sister.
Avery: You warned me. You warned me what would happen if I got Daisy released from prison.
Michael: There's no use going over that now.
Avery: Well, I can't stop going over it, Michael. I've hurt a lot of people. Lucy... and Daniel and Phyllis. You know, I wouldn't admit this, but I came to town to make things right with my sister. Instead, I think I've lost her forever.
Avery: I'm sorry.
Michael: Well... uh, I am expert at picking up the pieces of other people's lives.
Avery: Well, it's nice to have someone to talk to. Originally, I thought that person would be Phyllis.
Michael: I'll talk to her if you want.
Avery: Really? Put yourself in that line of fire? (Laughs)
Michael: No, no, I know, that's not what--
Avery: You are a good friend.
Michael: I know what it's like to try to help family...
Avery: Ohh.
Michael: And things go wrong.
Avery: Michael, I let them down-- all of them.
Michael: We're lawyers. We're not gods. I mean, not-- you know, we're god-adjacent, but not all-caps gods. I mean, demigods, small gods.
Avery: Okay. Okay, I got it. Well, you may not be a god, but you're a good man and you're a good friend. (Laughs)
Jill: She has a permit for that.
Man: Doesn't mean you can point it at someone.
Jill: Even if someone is threatening you?
Lauren: And Daisy was. That is why I got the gun-- to protect myself.
Man: Bring it up in court.
Lauren: Court?
Man: You're under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon.
Jill: Oh, my God.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Nick: I know how worried you were when Lucy went missing, and I thought Dad could push things into Daniel's favor.
Phyllis: But you don't do that. You don't--you don't... work the system. You--you went out of your comfort zone for me.
Nick: Sorry it didn't work.
Phyllis: Thank you. So I took a hit, right? I just, you know, I get up and I fight again, right?
Nick: Daisy has no idea what she's up against.
(Doorbell rings)
Kay: Well, was that phone call for me?
Harmony: Uh, it--it was Neil. He was calling about work.
Kay: Oh, I-- it sounded as though the two of you were quarreling.
Harmony: Just talking about Devon. You know, he's putting a new song out, and it's gonna be a mad hit, just like the others.
Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, you didn't sound too happy about it on the phone.
Harmony: Oh, Katherine, Neil is just pissed because I wasn't able to go out and celebrate with all of them. That's all.
Kay: Yeah, well, why couldn't you?
Harmony: I had to work.
Kay: And yet, you're here. (Chuckles) Um, that's why Neil's so upset, right?
Harmony: I don't know. I, you know, I mean, the man just shouldn't be all up in my business.
Kay: All right, young lady, what is really going on between you and Neil?
Roxanne: (Laughs)
Devon: All right, Guys, I need help--romantic places to take Roxanne here. Top five.
Neil: (Clears throat) Top five. Um, let's see here--
Devon: Yeah, somewhere you'd take your lady.
Neil: Hmm. Wow.
Roxanne: What about-- no, look, look, nothing-- nothing too expensive.
Devon: No, don't listen to her.
Ashley: Oh, I really-- I love Chicago. There's great hotels on the lake and there's so much to do in the city-- unless you want something more exotic.
Roxanne: Yes! Ooh, like the Caribbean.
Devon: Oh, that'd be nice.
Ashley: So, Neil, what was that place you told me about, on St. John's?
Sofia: Neil.
Neil: Hmm?
Sofia: She's talking to you.
Neil: Hey, I'm sorry. Um, I-I was just thinking about my phone call. I need--you know, I-- there's something that I have to take care of. I'm terribly sorry. I gotta--
Sofia: Now? You have to go?
Neil: Yeah, r-right now. Um, I'll see you at home, okay? Mm. I am so sorry, Kiddo.
Devon: You all right?
Neil: Thanks, yeah, everything's good.
Roxanne: Bye.
Neil: Bye.
Sofia: Neil.
Neil: Yeah?
Sofia: Your phone.
Neil: Oh, thanks.
Roxanne: Have I told you lately that you're awesome?
Devon: Not within the last hour.
Roxanne: Well, I don't want to put your head too far in the clouds, you know? You might forget about me.
Devon: That's not gonna happen.
Sofia: Ohh. (Laughs)
Devon: (Laughs)
Roxanne: (Laughs)
Sofia: Ashley said we could just go ahead and go.
Devon: Oh, really? Okay.
Roxanne: Oh, okay.
Devon: All right. Hey, are you all right? You've been a little quiet.
Sofia: (Laughs) No, I am fine. It was a great party. I couldn't be happier for you.
Devon: Oh, thank you. I have to admit, it-- it feels really--really good, riding high like this.
Sofia: Well, Honey, enjoy it, all of it-- the good times, the, uh, complicated ones.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Sofia: That's all you have, really.
Roxanne: Hmm. Girl, that sounds like a song.
Devon: It does sound like a song. Can I steal it?
Sofia: Of course. My contribution to your success.
Devon: Oh, thank you. (Laughs)
Sofia: Have fun, you two.
Devon: We'll see you.
Roxanne: Night.
Harmony: Katherine, I-it's just that Neil and I are having this little issue of seeing eye to eye on some things. That's all.
Kay: Uh-huh, "Things," just things... concerning Devon.
Harmony: Y-you know, we--we just come from different places. I mean, you know, I-I-I've been tryin' to fluff up and everything, but, you know, I'm--I'm-- I'm from the street. I mean, Neil is--suit.
Kay: Not always such a bad thing.
Harmony: Yeah, but it can make for some wicked fireworks.
Kay: Oh, yes, but fireworks can be so exciting... sometimes dangerous.
(Doorbell rings)
Harmony: Uh, I'll--I'll get that.
Kay: Well, um... thank you.
Harmony: Hey. So what--
Neil: We need to talk.
Harmony: Neil!
Neil: Katherine.
Kay: Hello, Neil. I take it you're not here to see me.
Genevieve: So are you willing to take a risk?
Tucker: Be your silent partner. Yeah, I'll do it.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Feels good, doesn't it? Living life on the edge.
Ashley: What is going on?
Nick: Whoa, whoa. What--what do you want?
Daisy: I need to find Daniel. I've been calling him, and he won't pick up.
Phyllis: Is everything okay with Lucy?
Daisy: No, she's fine. I just--I need to see him. He's the only one I can talk to.
Nick: About what?
Daisy: Lauren pulled a gun on me.
Michael: You okay?
Avery: Yes! Yes, I am. Let me do something nice for you. What do you need? Um, go over the Abbott adoption papers, or make the call to the S.E.C.?
Michael: Uh, ooh, the S.E.C. call. Yeah, I gotta do that. I'm gonna do that now. Yes, Ma'am. Thank you.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Mm, oh, sorry. Michael.
Jill: Michael, its Jill.
Michael: Yeah, Jill, you know what? I'm kind of busy right now. If you would just, um...
Jill: Stop. Lauren's been arrested.
Michael: What?
Jill: She pulled a gun on Daisy.
Michael: Damn it! Y-yeah. Okay. Thank you.
Avery: What happened?
Michael: Lauren's been arrested.
Avery: What?
Michael: I have to get down to the police station right now.
Avery: I'll come with you.
Victor: Why the hell aren't you picking up, Michael? Did you call the S.E.C. commissioner, as I asked? Please call me back as soon as possible.
Jill: Michael's gonna meet us at the station. Everything's gonna be okay.
Lauren: (Sniffles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tucker: Sofia and I never had a falling-out. It was all a ploy.
Neil: That kiss-- it meant something to me, too.
Michael: You lost control today.
Lauren: It's like something snapped.
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