Y&R Transcript Monday 4/23/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 4/23/12


Episode # 9890 ~ Daniel Fights for Custody of His Daughter

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Nikki: Work can wait. I've got treats.

Jack: And a limp. What happened?

Nikki: Ohh... I thought a night ride would clear my head. Instead, I ran into Victor.

Nick: Dad.

Victor: Hey, Son. What is it?

Nick: Today is Lucy's custody hearing. In fact, it's right now, but after last night, things could get off track.

Victor: What happened last night?

Nick: During visitation with Daniel, Lucy went missing for a few minutes. I-it--she's totally fine, but it was enough to get the cops called in, and now...

Victor: Wow, the judge might hold that against Daniel, right?

Nick: Yes, so can you do whatever you can, call whoever, to make sure that Daniel can get Lucy?

Victor: Sorry, Son, but I can't do that right now.

Woman: Daisy, you've told us about your daily routine with Lucy, your finances, and her medical reports. Now tell us, what is it you want in the way of a family for Lucy?

Daisy: I want her to have everything I didn't-- a mom and a dad, as much love as possible.

Woman: And so Daniel is fighting for full custody, even though you helped him regain parental rights in the first place, didn't you?

Daisy: Lucy deserves two parents who love her. Anyone who loves their child would want the exact same thing.

Ricky: Hey, man, you know the bailiff on the Romalotti custody case, right? Well, you heard anything about the hearing? I heard the kid went missing last night. (Sighs) Okay. Well, if you hear anything, I just need-- cool. Thanks. (Exhales sharply)

Daisy: I just want Lucy to have the best life possible.

Woman: Thank you, Daisy.

Daisy: May I add one more thing?

Judge: Go ahead.

Daisy: You should know that none of this is Daniel's fault. His mother has been trying to get Lucy since before she was born. She even wanted Lucy to call her "Mom," pretending I didn't exist. Now I know, back in the day, Phyllis lost custody of Daniel, so maybe she's just trying to make up for it, but you can't fix the past by taking away someone else's baby. Thank you.

Neil: Moses, my man, you want your bottle? You want your bottle, hmm?

Sofia: Mm, you better be careful. He's eyeing your scone.

Moses: (Babbling)

Neil: Mm.

Sofia: Mm. Um... I'm really sorry about faking that split between Tucker and me.

Neil: It's okay. Sofia, we're, uh... we're past it.

Sofia: I didn't hear you come in last night. It must have been pretty late if I was already asleep.

Neil: Well, I, uh, was waiting for Devon at the studio, to listen to Angelina's new track. Uh, he got tied up in a meeting, and, uh, he never-- he never showed up, so...

Moses: (Babbling)

Sofia: Mm. So you just sat there waiting the whole time?

Neil: Um... (Stammering) Cane, uh, Cane and Lily-- they stopped by.

Sofia: And Harmony? Well, I'm sure she wanted to hear the track, too, right?

Neil: Yeah, we sat there and listened to the track without Devon. It's a great track, too. It's gonna be a hit.

Moses: (Fussing)

Neil: Moses, um... here, let me-- (Clears throat) Let me refill your coffee, all right?

Sofia: All right, yeah. Your daddy knows how to treat a lady. You better take notes.

Moses: (Fussing)

Sofia: Yes, he does.

Neil: (Clears throat)

Moses: (Fussing)

Neil: Will you please top that off for me? Uh, house blend, if you will. Thanks. Thanks so much. Perfect.

Harmony: (Gasps) Oh! Ohh.

Neil: Sorry about that.

Harmony: No, it-- it was my fault.

Neil: Looks like you're next in line.

Sofia: Oh!

Neil: Here's your coffee. (Clears throat)

Sofia: Here... (Scoffs) Let me. Well, things look really tense over there with you and Harmony. Did you two get into it last night? An, uh, argument, I mean?

Neil: I'll be right back.

Sofia: Mm.

Sofia: You got off easy.

Harmony: Excuse me?

Sofia: Well, your little run-in with Neil. But I love that man no matter what a mess he is. And Neil and I have our hands full with our son, so why don't you do me a favor? Next time, don't keep my husband out late at night. He has a family to come home to.

Harmony: Sofia, whatever you think--

Sofia: Look, just don't. Don't even.

Phyllis: I want to rip her face of. I want to rip her face off.

Avery: I don't think that's the best plan.

Phyllis: Did you see that look that she gave me? Did you see it? I mean, after her "Good mommy, bad Phyllis" speech. Did you see it? No, you-- of course you didn't...

Avery: Okay, right.

Phyllis: Of course you didn't, and neither did that judge, who doesn't know what a lunatic Daisy is.

Avery: Judge Brown has a reputation for being fair.

Phyllis: Okay. (Sighs) Daniel's up now.

Avery: No, no, no, you are not going in there, for Daniel, okay? No, if you go in and flip out like you're flipping out here--

Phyllis: I'm not-- I'm not gonna flip out. I'm gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine.

Avery: Michael has prepped Daniel, okay? Will you trust that your son can prove he loves his daughter?

Phyllis: He has to win. Oh, my God, he has to win.

Daniel: Yes, Lucy and I were separate for a brief period, but she is safe and sound now.

Woman: Not every child neglected by a parent is so lucky.

Michael: All right. Your honor, "Neglected," really?

Judge Brown: Move on, Counselor.

Woman: Do you plan to dump Lucy with your mother, uh, Phyllis Newman, like Ms. Carter fears, as if she's luggage and not a child?

Michael: Objection!

Woman: All right, never mind. We're done.

Michael: Let's get this over with. Daniel, why are you fighting for custody of Lucy?

Daniel: Because I love her, and I want her to grow up in the best environment possible.

Michael: With you or your mother?

Daniel: With me.

Michael: You previously stated that you had no interest in raising Lucy.

Daniel: My mother did urge me to fight for Lucy, but it's because she believed that someday, I would want to be the dad that Lucy deserved... and she was right.

Michael: And last night-- was that you being a good father?

Daniel: You know, there was a commotion, and I looked away for one brief second, and--

Michael: And when you lost sight of Lucy, in that moment...

Daniel: You ever been scared for your kid?

Michael: I have.

Daniel: Love is-- is one thing. Uh, but, I mean, anyone can hang out with Lucy, or they--they can't help but fall in love with Lucy when they hang out with her. And in that moment that I lost sight of her and I didn't know where she was, it was fear and--and panic and just sheer terror, and every awful thought ripping through my mind. Thinking that I might never be with Lucy again-- I-I-I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen.

Michael: No further questions, your honor.

Judge Brown: I have heard both sides now. I am going to call a short recess, make my decision.

Daniel: (Whispering) I think Daisy killed us up there with that stuff about the coffeehouse and Mom.

Michael: (Whispering) Oh, no, no, no, no. You were great up there. Now we just have to wait.

Jack: So what happened? Did "Lurch" spook your horse?

Nikki: Oh, Victor was his sunny self. We had choice words. Then I fell off my horse all by myself.

Jack: And how did he react to that?

Nikki: Bandaged my ankle, had a driver take me home.

Jack: Oh, cuddly Victor. Ever the soft heart. He got to you, though, just like he got to you at baby John's party, when he walked in with Genevieve. We promised ourselves-- we just finished saying we were gonna take things slow, and suddenly, there we were, announcing to the whole world that we were together. Maybe that was a mistake. Maybe it isn't our time.

Harmony: Oh... (Scoffs) (Grunts)

Sarge: Need any help?

Harmony: Do I look helpless? I have things going on, okay?

Sarge: Well, I won't ask what.

Harmony: And I sure as hell won't tell.

Neil: Hey. (Clears throat)

Harmony: You know what? You need to get out more, meet people. Maybe then you wouldn't feel that you have to make conversation with me. Come on. Um, Neil, Sofia, there's someone I want you to meet. Sarge, this is Neil Winters and his wife Sofia and their gorgeous son Moses. Winters family, this is Sarge, my, um... oh, hell, you know what? I-I-I hate putting labels on things. Uh, you get the idea.

Neil: Where are my manners? Sarge, Neil. Nice to meet you.

Sarge: Pleasure.

Harmony: And that baby, is-- is--is he not the sweetest ever? (Chuckles) You know, everyone should be so lucky.

Nikki: I am going to stay far away from Victor from now on, and I told him as much.

Jack: And that's why you went for a late-night ride-- to avoid him, at his own ranch.

Nikki: Imply all you want, Jack. He knows that I won't make the same mistake again.

Jack: It's okay that you're not over him yet.

Nikki: When I'm with you, I don't have to look over my shoulder, and I care about you very much.

Jack: But you love him, whether he deserves it or not.

Nick: Daniel is Lucy's best shot at a decent life. Maybe you can call Judge Brown.

Victor: Son, because of the ongoing investigation by the S.E.C., I can't do a damn thing. I can't help you.

Nick: So this is not about you and Phyllis butting heads.

Victor: Nothing to do with that.

Nick: Not about all the times I've told you to back off-- you're not trying to teach me a lesson.

Victor: Son, I'm not trying to teach you a lesson. I just can't do anything right now, all right? The S.E.C. is breathing down my neck. I can't do anything.

Phyllis: You're not that tough. I can actually get past you.

Avery: Yes, I know you can. I learned how to fight dirty. I learned from the master. Now sit.

Phyllis: (Sighs) (Exhales slowly) Listen, about yesterday--

Avery: Oh, I, um... I'm just all over the place about Dad, okay? And the will and that book he gave you. One minute, I'm defending him, and the next minute, I can't stand him.

Phyllis: Listen, I-- uh, listen, I'm... Daniel has the book. You know, he can read it to Lucy if he wants.

Avery: Daniel deserves to raise Lucy, and that judge is gonna see it...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Avery: And when he does, I would really like to know her. I-I'd like to be a part of Lucy's life.

Phyllis: You will.

Judge Brown: I have made myself familiar with both parties' past and present handling of parental responsibilities, and while both parents have made strides, it appears that the father has yet to prove that he can or should have full or even shared custody of the minor child, Lucy. I am stipulating that custody arrangements be revisited in six months, but for now, the court finds that Daisy Carter will retain full physical custody of the child. (Bangs gavel)

Daisy: Thank you.

Michael: Good day, yeah?

Woman: In golf? Yeah.

Michael: All right.

Phyllis: No.

Michael: I am sorry...

Phyllis: No. Oh, my God.

Michael: I'm sorry. Daisy retains custody. Daniel still has visitation... at daisy's discretion.

Phyllis: Oh, my god.

Avery: We knew this was a possibility, but, Michael--

Phyllis: So--so what-- wait a second. So Daisy... (Stammering) Retains custody, so Lucy is stuck with that psychopath. That's all she's ever gonna know.

Avery: Well, Daniel will still be able to see her.

Michael: The judge wants to revisit in six months.

Phyllis: Six months? Wha--what happened in there?

Michael: The incident last night came up.

Avery: Oh.

Michael: I think the six months was the judge's way of giving Daniel a way to prove himself.

Phyllis: Daisy kidnaps two women and she leaves her baby just on the street, and my son has to prove himself? (Sighs)

Michael: We're gonna fight it, Phyllis. We're--

Phyllis: She won, she won.

Daisy: Back when I was pregnant, at your apartment, even then I hoped we could be a family. Guess I was stupid. You just wouldn't let yourself love me.

Daisy: Hi, Lucy. Ready to go home with Mom?

Woman: Oh, she was a doll.

Daisy: She always is. Hey. Ohh.

Daniel: When can I see her?

Daisy: Maybe when you accept who I am and how much I love our baby.

Phyllis: Hey, Lucy, hi!

Nick: Okay, let her go.

Phyllis: Hey.

Daniel: (Sighs) It's my fault.

Michael: No, no. Its six months. We can work on visitation. You work on being consistent and up to the task.

Daniel: Six months, and she's not gonna let me miss a day of it.

Michael: Mistakes were made-- a lot of them. It is your priority to fix what went wrong in that room today, for Lucy's sake.

Phyllis: Okay, all right, you can ease up. It's fine now.

Daniel: It's okay. It's okay. He's right. Thank you for everything that you've done, both of you.

Phyllis: What? What, this is all about what happened in the coffeehouse?

Michael: We would have had a better shot if that hadn't happened, yeah.

Avery: Phyllis, I'm sorry, but Michael's right. We can try to fix some of this.

Phyllis: Yeah, we're gonna fix it. We're gonna fix it, for sure. We have to go.

Sofia: Well, it is nice to meet you, Sarge. So--so how do you two know each other?

Harmony: Well, uh, we met at a meeting. Uh, you don't mind my saying that, do you?

Sarge: Well, honesty is a big part of group, so, no, I don't mind you telling the truth here.

Harmony: (Chuckles)

Sarge: We did meet at A.A.

Neil: Have they changed the policy recently? Because, uh, last I heard, they advised people not to hook up in the first year of recovery.

Sofia: Neil.

Harmony: Well, I-it was just one of those things, you know? And besides, Sarge, he isn't even actually  in the program, so, you know, it's all good.

Sofia: Well, you look happy, Harmony, and that's all that matters.

Harmony: (Laughs) Yes, well, listen, uh, we're gonna leave you two back to your family time. I just wanted you to know, if you see Sarge around, that you would know why.

Moses: (Fusses)

Sofia: Oh. Oh, Moses knows it's time for Mommy and Me at the club.

Sarge: Well, that's a handsome little fella you got there.

Neil: Thank you.

Sofia: Well, he has some handsome genes.

Neil: Well, aren't you sweet, Honey?

Sofia: (Chuckles) See you around.

Sarge: Well, I, uh, better take off, too-- gotta get back to work, but we will catch up later.

Harmony: Oh, yeah. Can't wait.

Sarge: Mm-hmm.

Harmony: (Laughs)

Neil: Sarge.

Harmony: Uh, so I guess I'll get mine to go now.

Neil: Oh.

Neil: What was that? I'm supposed to believe that you and--you and Sarge are--are a thing now?

Harmony: I never said that.

Neil: Well, you didn't have to. You were batting your eyelashes enough to whip up a cyclone. Last night wouldn't have happened if you were seeing someone.

Harmony: It was a kiss, Neil. Just a kiss. You need to keep your mind on that wife who loves you and that baby who needs you, 'cause my mind is on Sarge.

(Cell phone rings)

Harmony: You should take that.

Neil: Yeah. It's work.

Neil: Neil Winters. Yeah.

Michael: That was a lovely slice of hell.

Avery: (Exhales slowly)

Michael: Hey. Hey. You know that was not your fault, right? You did everything you could as a lawyer and as a sister.

Avery: Oh, well, clearly I'm stellar on both fronts.

Michael: Oh, no, no. God knows Phyllis doesn't make it easy, but as soon as you understood the truth about Daisy and as soon as you understood the truth about your father, you were there for Phyllis, just like you were there for Daniel.

Avery: Yes, for such a smart girl, I'm really an idiot.

Michael: This whole thing was a mess long before you got involved, and we had a shot before last night. There was nothing either one of us could have done about Lucy wandering off. That... that was something entirely different.

Phyllis: Ricky. Hey, Ricky.

Ricky: What's up, Boss?

Phyllis: Yeah, you're fired. I'm not your boss.

Ricky: (Laughs) Again? What'd I do this time? Hey!

Phyllis: You set this up, didn't you?

Ricky: Is this about another leak? Because I already told you, I had nothing--

Phyllis: No, no. You know what it's about. You lured Lucy out of that coffeehouse and brought her back just in time to ruin my son's case. So what'd you get for it? Because Lord knows you don't do anything unless there's a payoff, so what'd you get for it, Ricky, huh? Wh-what did--what did Daisy offer you? What?

Ricky: Look, I saw a child all alone outside of Crimson Lights. I brought it back inside. I was being a decent human being.

Nick: For someone who lies as much as you do, you sure aren't very good at it.

Ricky: Wait, is this about the hearing? Oh, did--did Daisy win?

Phyllis: You know she did. So what did you two do? Put your little heads together and figure out how to ruin my son's case?

Ricky: Out of you, Daniel, and Daisy, Daisy was the only one that the judge thought was fit to raise a child. Now that's gotta sting.

Nick: Listen, you can just-- just get out. Don't come back.

Jack: If this isn't our time, then it's not.

Nikki: (Sighs) As usual, you and Victor make everything about each other.

Jack: (Sighs)

Nikki: Why the two of you haven't married, I will never understand.

Jack: O-obviously, I have touched a nerve here.

Nikki: Look, if you're not interested in being with me, just say so, okay? Don't use my ankle and Victor as a smokescreen.

Jack: I think I've made it very clear I want to be with you, but you and I are in the same place. Genevieve is not my Victor, and I doubt your going out to the ranch had anything to do with horses.

Nikki: Jack, you are approaching annoying. Stop.

Jack: Why, because I know you?

Nikki: It's not a good kind of love with Victor. It's exhausting and it's destructive, and I know better now.

Jack: Your being here will not do you any good if you're just running from Victor.

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: Oh, I-I have to take this. Just a second.

Jack: Yeah.

Nikki: Ow.

(Doorbell rings)

Jack: Coming.

Nikki: Hi.

Jack: (Grunts) (Grunts)

Ricky: What, no thank-you call? Way to keep a guy hanging. How's the kid?

Daisy: She's perfect. She's all mine still.

Ricky: Well, it's a good thing, then, that I rescued her from Daniel's crappy parenting. (Chuckles) You should have seen Phyllis just now.

Daisy: I just did, in court.

Ricky: Yeah, but have you ever seen it when her face turns the same color as her hair? (Laughs) Is that it? I mean, I just, uh, I just got fired because of you today, and still no "Thank you."

Daisy: (Chuckles) Thank you, really, but, you know, you wanted to stick it to Phyllis, and you did, so... we're done.

Ricky: (Chuckles) No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not a chance. (Sighs) Daisy, I'm just getting started.

Phyllis: Because of that slimeball, Lucy has to stay with that psycho for six months.

Nick: Well, that's six months to get Daniel in position to get Lucy back, and that's where she belongs.

(Elevator door opens)

Phyllis: Hey, how-- oh, I'm glad you're here, I'm glad you're here. Come here, come here, come here.

Daniel: Yeah, I am a real joy to be around right now.

Phyllis: Well, listen, I'm so sorry. Michael was a little rough with you on the stand. I know that.

Daniel: No, Mom, you know what? Michael was right. I need to get myself straight, so that means I need to leave Genoa City for a while.

Phyllis: No, no, no.

Daniel: Yes.

Phyllis: No, no, no. No, you're not leaving town.

Jack: Now why would you be ringing my doorbell? You have cookies to sell?

Victor: I'm here because of Nikki. Whatever is going on between the two of you is not helping her, all right? I saw her last night. I'm very concerned.

Jack: Well, that's very touching.

Victor: If anything happens to her sobriety, it's on your head.

Jack: Can I just make the point that the only problems Nikki's had with the booze lately is when you're involved? The mess with Deacon-- you pushed her to that. The nightmare with Diane-- that was on you, too.

Nikki: Victor.

Jack: Nikki does just fine if she's away from you--

Nikki: What's going on here? What's this?

Jack: Excuse me.

Victor: You seem to be walking well.

Nikki: Yes, I am, so if that's the only reason you came out, you wasted a trip.

Victor: We didn't finish our conversation last night.

Nikki: Well, that's what happens when you walk away.

Victor: I'm concerned about you.

Nikki: You don't need to be. As you can see, I am well taken care of.

Victor: I don't want anything to happen to you. Do you understand that?

Nikki: Good-bye, Victor.

Victor: Remember, this was your choice.

(Door slams)

Nikki: (Exhales slowly)

Harmony: Hey! Oh, yeah, funny. Whatever.

Sarge: You know, if you were into me, all you had to do was say so. No need to rub all over my arm, pretend it was just for show.

Harmony: Oh, it was for show.

Sarge: So you're working the program but putting on an act. What would your sponsor say?

Harmony: My sponsor would say, "If you don't want knee to your business, back the hell up."

Neil: Hey. Sofia, what's wrong? What's the emergency?

Sofia: This...

Sofia: I got a sitter for Moses, and I got us a room upstairs... and right now, I don't want to talk.

Neil: Come on.

Ricky: That righteous tone of hers... hypocrite. Phyllis' dad was nothing more than a white-collar con, and she's got a rap sheet at least a mile long, and that's just stuff that she's been busted for. But what has she done that the cops don't even know about yet?

Daisy: What are you thinking?

Ricky: I'm thinking a first run of at least 200,000. A knock-down, drag-out, tell-all book. It's time for someone to shine the light on Phyllis' sins.

Phyllis: You can't leave town. It'll look like you're running, and we have six months-- only six months to prove what great father you are.

Daniel: I'm not going forever. It's gonna be one week-- week, week and a half. Mom, I got--just want to meet with my art dealer, get some financial stuff figured out, get my head on straight, and then I'm gonna come back here and figure out how to fight for my daughter.

Phyllis: Your daughter. You called her your daughter. I'm gonna cry.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Oh, my God, that's so beautiful. Daniel!

Daniel: Well, she is my daughter. She's my daughter. You were right, she's my daughter. I love her, and I want to fight for her. I want to be her dad. I want to raise her. You were right.

Phyllis: I was right? Can I hear that again...?

Daniel: (Clears throat)

Phyllis: That I was right? (Laughs) Don't make me cry when I'm so mad at you.

Daniel: Ohh, you're not mad at me.

Phyllis: Yeah, I am.

Daniel: No, you're not. You're just freaked out.

Phyllis: (Sniffles)

Daniel: Look, I'm gonna be fine. I'm gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine. And when I get back here and I fight for my daughter and I get her back with me, Lucy's gonna be fine, too.

Phyllis: I love you so much. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much. I love you so much.

Daniel: (Exhales quickly) I love you, too.

Phyllis: Him...   

(Elevator door closes)

Phyllis: He's so amazing. It shouldn't be like that.

Michael: You can keep talking, you know. I owe you at least a half-hour after you listening to me go on yesterday.

Avery: Oh, no, I am done. Bad idea to dump too much on your friends, especially when you only have one.

Michael: (Chuckles) It's the curse of the workaholic. Who else you gonna meet except people you work with?

Avery: That doesn't apply to you. You have lots of friends-- Nick, Phyllis-- and you don't judge.

Michael: I live in a 6-story glass house.

Avery: (Chuckles)

Michael: Judging is not my thing.

Avery: Phyllis is very lucky to have you.

Michael: Well... do not fret, little lady, because there is plenty of "Superfriend" Michael to go around. (Laughing)

Avery: Oh. (Laughs) Hey.

Michael: Listen to me. You take care of yourself.

Jack: It would appear someone else is thinking about your run-in last night at the stables.

Nikki: Victor is always thinking about one thing-- himself. The rest of us-- we're just furniture he likes to rearrange.

Jack: He doesn't want you here, Nikk.

Nikki: It's not his choice, is it?

Jack: I'm just saying, it could be a little more difficult than you thought.

Nikki: You tried to get rid of me already once today. I'm not going to beg to stay in your presence. That's not my life anymore, but I do want to be here, Jack. But if you don't mind, could you please... just don't mention Victor and concentrate on me?

Jack: Now why didn't I think of that?

Nikki: Mm.

Victor: (Exhales sharply) (Sighs heavily)

Next on "The Young and the Restless" --

Phyllis: Like father, like daughter.

Avery: I am not like Dad.

Phyllis: You're exactly like him.

Genevieve: You're looking for a way to renege on our deal. What are you afraid of, Victor?

Daisy: I'm not afraid of Lauren.

Lauren: You should be.

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