Y&R Transcript Friday 4/20/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 4/20/12


Episode # 9889 ~ Ricky Helps Daisy Get Lucy Away From Daniel

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: Victoria, I have ridden at night dozens of times. Blue Smoke and I know our way around this ranch, trust me. Oh, no, I'm--I'm not here to see your father. Honey, it will be fine. Don't worry about it. Okay, I have my key, so don't wait up for me, all right? And don't worry. I can handle this.

Victor: Michael, have you had a chance to look at the sales contract for Beauty of Nature? Mm-hmm. Why don't you come out to the ranch? Let's just-- right, let's discuss it, okay? I want to finalize it. Yep. Bye. (Sighs) (Sighs)

Harmony: You still thinking about that person who disappointed you?

Neil: Can't help it.

Harmony: Hmm. Well, so much for my pep talk earlier.

Neil: Oh, come on, now. I appreciated the sentiment.

Harmony: But...

Neil: But, um, maybe... maybe I'm expecting too much of people, you know?

Harmony: Oh, Lord. You went from one extreme to the other.

Neil: No, seriously, do you think that that's what I'm doing?

Harmony: You know what? The first couple of times after I got clean, I decided that I was gonna be the best at everything. I was gonna be the best worker the best mother, the best recovering addict. You know, I figured that it would keep me from relapsing. All it did was just really set me up for disappointment.

Neil: So you do think that's what I'm doing.

Harmony: Nobody's perfect. (Laughs) I ought to know.

Neil: Hmm.

Lily: Oh, hi.

Cane: Hey, guys.

Neil: Hey.

Lily: What a nice surprise.

Neil: Hi, Honey.

Lily: Hi.

Neil: Why don't you join us?

Lily: Oh, we're getting our coffees to go.

Cane: Yeah, and then we're gonna go to, uh, Devon's studio, 'cause Angelina's in L.A. She's recorded a new song.

Lily: Yep, and if he likes it, he's gonna remix it and then release it as her third single.

Neil: Wow.

Lily: I know.

Harmony: Oh, wow, those two are really on a roll. Listen, do you think we could come with you?

Lily: Um, yeah, I'm sure Devon won’t mind.

Cane: Sure, yeah.

Harmony: You want to go?

Neil: Do I want to-- yeah, sure, let's go. Let's go.

Cane: All right, then let's do it. All right.

Lily: Okay.

Michael: Duty, also known as Victor, calls.

Avery: Oh, that means you can't stay for another? Oh! Oh. Oh.

Michael: Uh... (Laughs) Maybe we've both had enough.

Avery: No, I'm fine I'm just clumsy.

Michael: You? You always seem so together.

Avery: Yes, I am, in the courtroom. Outside the courtroom is a different story.

Michael: Well's been nice to get to know the other, more human side of you.

Avery: (Sighs) Thanks.

Michael: (Laughs)

Avery: You, too. I hope that, uh, everything works out with Lauren. I'm sure she'll be home soon, and with Fen.

Michael: Ohh, I'm counting the days. And you-- don't give up on Phyllis. She acts tough, but deep down, she wants her sister in her life.

Avery: (Laughs) Yeah, I'll remember that the next time she slams a door in my face.

Michael: Oh, no, no, no, she's--look, she's just upset because this whole situation with Lucy and Daisy and... (Shudders) Once Lucy's back where she belongs, you and Phyllis will find your way back to each other, too.

Ricky: You're doing the right thing. You're letting me help you get custody of Lucy.

Daisy: Well, it'd be great if you could tell me how you're doing that.

Ricky: No. No, it wouldn't. The less you know, the better. That way, you can honestly say that you had no idea what I was up to.

Daisy: Well, the hearing's tomorrow. When are you putting your secret plan into action?

(Bottles clink)

Ricky: Now.

Daisy: It better work.

Ricky: Let's just say, by the end of the night, you'll be well on your way to having full custody of your daughter.

Daniel: Where's Summer?

Phyllis: Uh, she is at Stella's house. She's gonna be very sad, because she likes putting puzzles together with you. (Gasps) Where does this go? You're putting it in the right pla-- ooh! (Gasps) Genius. Genius.

Daniel: Yes, she's a genius. She'll be doing quantum physics by next week.

Phyllis: Yes, she will. (Gasps) Thank you. Thank you, brilliant girl.

(Doorbell rings)

Daniel: I'll get it. (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Oh. Oh, tell them we're very busy and to go away.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

(Door opens)

Daniel: Hey, Nick. You're here to see Mom?

Nick: Yeah, we're going out.

Phyllis: Oh, hey. Uh, I forgot.

Daniel: Yeah, she forgot.

Nick: Oh.

Daniel: Don't take it personally. Ever since I showed up with Lucy, the entire world's just kind of disappeared...

Nick: (Chuckles)

Daniel: But we're taking off, so don't worry about it.

Phyllis: Oh, uh, really? Don't--you don't have to go. Please don't go.

Daniel: Yeah, I actually do have to go. I have stuff to do, and I have to get Lucy back to Daisy.

Phyllis: Can you just leave Lucy here?

Daniel: I think that leaving Lucy here with you is probably a bad idea...

Phyllis: Okay.

Daniel: Because Daisy could use that against me in court. Come here, ohh.

Nick: One more night. That's all.

Phyllis: Okay. And then, Lucy, you're going to be back with your family, where you belong, and I get to see you every single day. Every single day, okay? Okay, pretty head? All right, you should go.

Daniel: Okay. Bye.

Phyllis: Bye.

Daniel: (Grunts)

Phyllis: Hey, hey.

Daniel: Thank you. Later, Nick.

Nick: See you, Dude. Good luck tomorrow.

Daniel: Thanks. Come on.

Phyllis: Bye, Lucy.

Daniel: Bye. Say "Bye." (Growls) Watch out. Come here with me.

Nick: You okay?

Phyllis: I don't feel like going out.

Nick: Cool. Let's stay home, then.

Phyllis: You don't have to stay.

Nick: I want to stay, so don't argue with me.

Michael: Well, everything looks in order.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Michael: There are some interesting provisos regarding Genevieve's role in running Newman's cosmetics line.

Victor: It's a small price to pay for getting Beauty of Nature back.

Michael: Do Nicholas and Sharon agree?

Victor: I think, eventually, they'll realize it's in everyone's best interest.

Michael: Well, all that's left is filing the papers and the transfer of money.

Victor: You can handle that?

Michael: Of course.

Victor: Quietly and discreetly.

Michael: You anticipating problems?

Victor: Well... there is the matter of where Genevieve Atkinson got the money to buy Beauty of Nature in the first place.

Michael: You think she acquired it illegally?

Victor: If the money comes from her ex-husband, then I'm almost willing to bet it's illegal.

Michael: And you're afraid our friends at the S.E.C. will cause us trouble.

Victor: You bet, and I want to avoid that like the plague, okay? You see the card I gave you?

Michael: Mm-hmm. "Charles Goodwin, S.E.C. Investigator."

Victor: Now he's a friend of mine, all right? So you go to him and, uh, ask him to be so kind as to put this matter at the bottom of a large pile of business they have to deal with, okay?

Michael: (Chuckles)

Victor: All right?

Michael: I'll take care of it. Where's Nikki?

Victor: She no longer lives here.

Michael: I saw her car outside. She's probably visiting Nick or Faith.

Victor: Probably. She ain't here for me.

Michael: Right. I'll talk to you later.

Victor: Thank you for coming by, and--and deal with the S.E.C., all right?

Michael: You got it.

Victor: Uh, Mrs. Newman's car is on my property. Would you kindly tell me where she is? Okay. Right. Call me back.

Lily: Yeah, that's fine, we'll just hang out. Are you sure?

Cane: Wow.

Neil: Right. Yours.

Lily: Okay, wait, let me-- let me write this down. Hold on.

Neil: What do you think?

Cane: Nice.

Neil: I know, right?

Lily: Um, okay, go ahead.

Neil: Beautiful.

Lily: Okay. Okay. (Laughs) All right, I will try not to blow the place up. Okay, we'll see you later. Bye.

Harmony: What'd he say?

Lily: Um, Devon's meeting ran late, so we can hang out here and listen to Angelina's song while we wait for him.

Harmony: Oh, cool.

Cane: Oh, really?

Lily: Yeah.

Neil: All right.

Cane: So does anyone know how to work this stuff?

Lily: Um, sorry, not really, but he said it's pretty simple.

Neil: There's a million and one buttons over there. It doesn't look very simple.

Harmony: Yeah.

Lily: I know. Can you try to find this button that he was talking about?

Harmony: Did Devon say who he's meeting with?

Lily: Um, some young rapper and his manager.

Harmony: Oh, cool. A new artist.

Neil: Mm. Can't make a living just working with Angelina now, can he?

Harmony: Yeah, well, hopefully, the kid he's meeting with is just as hot as she.

Neil: Right.

Lily: Oh, I really hope I'm doing this right.

Cane: It's all right.

Lily: All right, here we go.

("Live to Love" playing)

Lily: Oh, it's working.

Neil: It is?

Lily: Yeah.

Angelina: Ohh, mm

Neil: It sure is.

Cane: Wow. That's nice.

Angelina: Its 3:00 a.m. wide awake in my bed...

Lily: Oh, I like this song.

Cane: I like this song, too.

Lily: Honey, do you want to dance?

Cane: I thought you would never ask.

Lily: (Laughs)

Harmony: (Laughs)

Cane: Excuse me, Dad, uh...

Lily: Don't mind us, okay?

Cane: Don't mind us, please.

Neil: All right, okay.

Cane: This is gonna be what they call an intimate moment.

Neil: All right, be my guest.

Lily: (Laughs) Ohh. I like this song.

Harmony: Aw, it's so cute.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Lily: And don't-- don't you walk away.

Neil: My girl, mm-hmm.

Lily: (Laughs) Yes. You're the best.

Cane: No, you.

Lily: No, you're the best.

Cane: Oh.

Neil: Ohh.

Lily: (Laughs)

Angelina: It's clear to me better late than never that I ain't gonna sleep tonight.

Nikki: Adjust the stirrups for me, okay? I'll be right back. Thanks. Here they are. (Sighs)

Eden: Big day tomorrow. You nervous?

Daniel: A little.

Phyllis: Thanks. Why do we fight so hard to hold on to something that gives us so much pain?

Nick: I give up.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Nick: What is it?

Phyllis: I think, family.

Nick: So...

Phyllis: We--we--we... we do everything we can to keep it together, keep it intact, don't we? I mean, children grow up, they leave. Kids are ripped away from you. People die. Others betray you. Sisters defend them.

Nick: You and Avery got into another disagreement?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I thought you two had worked everything out.

Phyllis: Mm, sibling rivalry, falling in love with the same man-- we can work that out. But the stuff with our dad-- that's never going away.

Nick: It's in the past. Leave it there.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) I can't do that. Oh, it turns out that Avery is very bad at doing that, too.

Nick: At least you guys have something in common.

Phyllis: We used to have a lot in common.

Nick: So you guys are just enemies again?

Phyllis: I don't hate her. That would be really easy, to just hate her, right? I just-- I don't want to think about it. I just want to put all of my energy into Daniel and him getting Lucy back.

Nick: So you really think you can just wipe your sister out of your mind?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: How would you really feel if Avery walked out of your life forever?

Phyllis: Relieved.

Michael: Hey.

Avery: You're back.

Michael: Uh, yes. I, uh--thank you-- I forgot this. I have too many things on my mind, apparently.

Avery: Oh, huh. I thought you came back for another glass of whining.

Michael: Were you whining before?

Avery: Wow, you're really nice. Now you have to let me buy you a drink.

Michael: All right. Well, there's nothing to rush home for.

Avery: Uh, hi. Another for me. You?

Michael: Oh, scotch, please.

Avery: (Sighs) My invitation is not without risk. You may get dumped on again by a drink or my problems.

Michael: Uh, I can handle both.

Avery: Don't you have enough on your plate?

Michael: I am an incredibly good multitasker.

Avery: I thought that was a female trait.

Michael: That is a commonly held misconception mostly held by females.

Avery: Wow. Case citings, Counselor.

Michael: Mm... Victor Newman. He spins more plates than anyone I know. I don't know how he does it sometimes.

Avery: Well, maybe because he has his staff on call 24/7.

Michael: (Laughs) Touché.

Avery: Thank you.

Michael: Thank you very much.

Avery: At least the person driving you to drink pays you. All I get from Phyllis is a very hefty bar tab and a bigger headache in the morning.

Michael: Not to mention the heartache.

Avery: Mm. Yeah, the headache, I can take a couple aspirin. Not so much for the heartache.

Michael: Mm, that's a design flaw. (Laughs)

Avery: The heart, or the people who hurt them?

Michael: Oh, man. That is one of the humongous mysteries of the universe, and I am way too exhausted to contemplate that tonight.

Avery: Good.

Michael: (Laughs)

Avery: Here's to keeping it simple.

Michael: Keeping it simple.

(Glasses clink)

Michael: (Laughs)

Victor: After you left here this is the last place I expected you to be.

Nikki: I came here to ride.

Victor: What do you mean, you came here to ride? At this hour?

Nikki: Well, I was trying to avoid this exact thing, since you never ride at night.

Victor: People change.

Nikki: No... they don't, not really.

Victor: No, in your case, they don't. You're right. One bad day, and you fall back on bad habits.

Nikki: How dare you? I haven't touched a drink.

Victor: I'm not talking about a damn drink. I'm talking about Jack Abbott.

Nikki: Oh God, are you kidding me? What about Genevieve? That woman is so cold, she could freeze mercury. Tell me, is she as frigid in bed?

Victor: Why the hell don't you go ride, okay?

Nikki: I plan to.

Victor: Good.

Nikki: I will be on the south side of the property, by the pond. Please feel free to ride anywhere else but there. Hey!

Victor: I'll ride anywhere I damn well please to ride. You got that?

("Good Goodbye" playing)

Harmony: This is our good goodbye oops! Been comin' around for some time gotta let go of the lies gotta move on with our lives 'cause I know, I know (Mouthing words)

Cane: Come on. Let's do it.

Neil: (Groans)

Lily: Come on, you can do it.

Cane: Come on, come on, come on.

Lily: Just have fun.

Neil: (Groans)

Lily: No, I mean, really.

Cane: Come on, big man. All right.

Neil: No, I'm not-- I can't sing, I can't sing.

Harmony: (Laughs) Come on.

Neil: Ohh, no.

Harmony and Neil: This is our good goodbye

Neil: (Laughs)

Harmony and Neil: Been comin' around some time gotta let go of the lies gotta move on with our lives

Neil: Ooh, no.

Harmony: Good goodbye it's never a good

Harmony and Neil: Goodbye

Harmony: (Laughs)

Nick: Let's see, telling you about dad buying back Beauty of Nature and bringing Genevieve on board at Newman, or more of this?

Phyllis: Mm, don't stop, don't stop.

Nick: God, I wonder what this purchase is costing him.

Phyllis: It's gotta really suck for you, not knowing if Genevieve joining Newman is gonna stop your working relationship with Sharon.

Nick: All right, that's-- that's enough.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Nick: No more talking about Sharon... no more talking about your dad or your sister. No more talking.

Nikki: Ow. (Sighs) Ow. (Sighs) I don't need your help. I don't want it. Ow. (Sighs)

Victor: I saw the fall you took. You fell down hard.

Nikki: Yeah, well, I wouldn't have fallen at all if you hadn't been riding where I told you not to. Ow!

Victor: Sweetheart, let me help you.

Nikki: No! Ow! Don't!

Victor: Wait a minute.

Nikki: No, no!

Victor: I'll be very careful. Don't be so damn stubborn now.

Nikki: Ow.

Victor: I'll be very careful, okay?

Nikki: I am fine.

Victor: You're stubborn, that's what you are.

Daniel: Ohh.

Eden: Just one more day, and Lucy will be living with you full-time.

Daniel: Oh, hopefully. I've learned that there's no sure things when it comes to a court battle. You know, as much as I hate to admit this, too, Daisy's not that bad of a mom. She actually really cares about Lucy.

Eden: I'm sure Daisy's screwed-up mom cared about her, too, and look how that turned out.

Daniel: You wouldn't happen to be moonlighting as a judge, presiding over my trial tomorrow, would you?

Eden: (Chuckles) Look. Whoever's swinging that gavel tomorrow will realize that you're an amazing dad.

Daniel: Yeah. Thank you.

Eden: Just call 'em like I see 'em. Okay, gotta get these back inside. (Gasps)

(Glass shatters)

Man: Oh, Man.

Eden: Oh, my God.

Daniel: You okay?

Eden: Yeah, no, I'm fine. Kevin's gonna be pissed.

Man: I am so sorry.

Eden: Its okay, it's okay. Um, can you just go and see if you can find a broom? Um, Gavin will help you.

Man: Um, yeah, sure.

Eden: (Sighs) And just keep Lucy away from here, because there's tons of broken glass.

Daniel: Okay. Where'd she go?

Eden: What?

Daniel: Lucy. Where'd she go? Anything?

Eden: No. I checked both bathrooms, the kitchen, and Kevin's office, and nobody inside saw her.

Daniel: (Sniffs) She's not outside, either.

Eden: Well, I called the police. They're on their way.

Daniel: Where could she be? She was right here.

Eden: I don't know. She couldn't have gone far.

Daniel: And why the hell can't we find her? Oh, my God, what if somebody took her?

Eden: What? Nobody was there. It was just you and me.

Daniel: If something happens to that kid--oh, my God...

Eden: It's not, it's not.

Daniel: You don't know that-- I mean, this is my kid. This is my daughter. This is my little girl we're talking about here.

Eden: I know.

Daniel: No, no, no, you don't know! You don't know, all right? You have no idea what this feels like. I didn't how much she meant to me until right now. I gotta find her. If she shows up here, call me, okay?

Eden: Okay, I'll just wait for the police.

Daniel: Yeah.

Nick: That was, uh...

(Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Oh, wait.

Nick: Yeah, sure.

Phyllis: Is it Daniel? Daniel, Daniel. Hey.

Daniel: Mom, Lucy's missing.

Phyllis: What-- what do you mean, she's missing?

Daniel: I was just at Crimson Lights. I turned my back for one second, and she's gone, and I've looked everywhere and I can't find her.

Phyllis: Did you call the police?

Daniel: Yes, I called the police. They're on their way.

Phyllis: Oh, oh, okay so am I. Just--just--sit tight. I'll be--I'll be right there. Lu-Lu-Lucy's missing.

Nick: Where are they?

Phyllis: Oh, my God, Lucy's missing. They're--they're at the coffeehouse.

Nick: Okay, I'll drive you. You know, Michael should know about this.

Phyllis: Okay. God, I can't believe this is happening.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, man. All right.

Avery: Mm.

Michael: Mm. Hello, Nick.

Nick: Michael, hey, uh, Lucy's missing.

Michael: What?

Nick: Yeah, uh, I guess Daniel's at Crimson Lights, and now he can't find her. Phyllis and I are on our way over there.

Michael: All right, I'll be right there. Thank you. Okay, we gotta go.

Avery: "We"? Why?

Michael: No questions. Let's go.

Avery: Okay.

Phyllis: She should have stayed here. This is my fault.

Nick: Okay. Okay, no, no, no. Let's just--just calm down. Let's go find her, all right?

Phyllis: I can't believe this is happening.

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Okay.

Ricky: (Laughs) You like cookies? Yeah? Go ahead. You finish that, and I'll bring you right back to Daddy. Just a little while longer.

("Running With You" playing)

Cane: I'm running with you don't leave me behind

Lily: (Laughing)

Cane: Take me away and I'll be by your side running with you out of the light

Lily: Oh, Lord.

Cane: Living with your secrets let's run through the night running with you crashing down the borders tearing down the walls gotta do it all

Neil: Oh, no.

Cane: Running with you

Neil: Don't do that.

Cane: I'll dance by your fire da da da da something about my desire thank you.

Lily: Yay!

Harmony: (Laughs) Whoo. Whoo, uh-huh.

Lily: Yeah, that's my honey!

Neil: (Coughs)

Cane: Now that's how you do it!

Harmony: Yeah.

Cane: (Grunts) Huh?

Lily: Loved that, Baby. That was good.

Cane: Thank you.

Harmony: Love is blind and deaf.

Neil: Whoo! Yes, Sir.

Cane: Well, I know that Devon's got 20/20 hearing, so we're gonna wait till the expert comes back to, uh, tell you you're wrong. Thank you.

Neil: Wow. My brother from another mother, do not quit your day job. Whoo!

Cane: Cold, colder--

Harmony: Yeah, no, no...

Cane: I love you.

Lily: Yeah!

Harmony: We're just trying to keep it 100, but you know what? You were entertaining.

Lily: Yes, he was. (Laughs)

Cane: Well, okay, thanks... I think.

Neil: Wow, you know what? I have to thank all of you, really, because my day was a lousy--it was lousy, and it turned out to be a great day. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Lily: You're welcome.

Harmony: Yeah, well, that's--that's good, 'cause we ain't done.

Neil: What do you mean?

Harmony: No, I-I want you to put some of them moves on me that you put on me back in Dallas.

Cane: Ooh.

Neil: What?

Harmony: Mm-hmm.

Neil: What did I--oh, no.

Lily: In Dallas?

Harmony: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Oh, okay.

Harmony: Oh. Oh, you--that's right, you guys weren't there. Yeah, uh-huh, come on. Get up.

Neil: (Groans)

("Running with You" playing)

Cane: Let--let's make space.

Lily: Oh, no.

Neil: Clear the floor.

Cane: You might need to move back for this.

Harmony: Child's play let me change your name double play let's win this game hide the world crack the code your lips on mine don't get old love and crime, this is life do it big in the life

Neil: What?

Harmony: Me and you love is true

Neil: Yeah? What?

Harmony: Come with me we'll make it through

Neil: Yeah! Ooh! Whoo!

Lily: Shake it, Dad! Shake it! Shake your moneymaker.

Cane: And you had the audacity to criticize my singing.

Neil: What are you talking about?

Cane: That's all I'm gonna say.

Neil: Oh, man. The coat's comin' off now.

Cane: Put the tie around your head, man!

Neil: Yeah!

Lily: This is really happening.

Neil: Oh, wait, wait.

Lily: This is happening.

Neil: Yeah, man! Look at that! Whoo!

Harmony: Take it off. Take it all off! Take it all off!

Neil: (Humming)

Victor: It doesn't appear to be broken.

Nikki: Thank you, "Dr. Jekyll."

Victor: Put some ice on it, and later on, we'll wrap it, once the swelling goes down, okay?

Nikki: I'm still mad at you, you know. (Scoffs) How do you do it?

Victor: Do what?

Nikki: You can be so gentle and caring, and then you turn around and do horrible things to the people you claim you love.

Victor: Well, that's who I damn well am, all right? I take care of things. I fix things, like sprained ankles, okay? Murder charges, and I fixed my daughter's future. Sometimes you find that acceptable, and sometimes you find it reprehensible, so I don't know.

Nikki: If you don't see the difference, there's no point.

Victor: You know what I see? Is a family torn apart that should be together, and a woman I love-- I've always loved-- telling me she doesn't want to be together anymore.

Nikki: Victor, don't you think I want to be with you?

Victor: Then why are you so damn stubborn? Don't you know that I want to be with you? Why the hell aren't we?

Daniel: Lucy was playing with her ball. I heard the tray crash. I turned around to help Eden. When I turned back, she was just gone.

Michael: Daniel.

Eden: Oh, Michael, thank God you're here.

Daniel: I never should have taken my eyes off her. I mean, I anything happened to this kid, it's my fault.

Michael: Don't worry about placing blame right now.

Daniel: Michael, she could be in danger.

Michael: You know, let's focus on finding her, okay? That's what we can do now.

Daniel: Okay.

Phyllis: Daniel, where's-- where's Lucy? Where's Lucy?

Daniel: I don't know. We haven't found her yet.

Phyllis: Okay, well, what are you doing? Why not?

Man: Everything we can.

Phyllis: Everything you can? It’s not enough. We--we--we should call somebody. Do we know anybody on the force? What about Walsh? Maybe he can help us.

Michael: Phyllis, stay calm--

Phyllis: No, I can't stay calm, not until we find--

Ricky: Lucy, its daddy.

Phyllis: My God. Oh, Lucy!

Daniel: Wow.

Nick: Where'd you find her?

Phyllis: Let me have her. How are you, baby girl? Are you okay?

Ricky: I think she's fine.

Daniel: Lucy, you okay?

Phyllis: Oh, hi.

Nick: Where'd you find her?

Ricky: Uh, I was in the parking lot making a phone call from my car, and I saw her. Really freaked me out. I mean, here's this little kid all alone, outside, in the middle of the night.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Daniel!

Daniel: I don't know how to thank you, man. (Laughs)

Eden: Oh, my God, yes, you're a hero.

Ricky: No, no, it's just the right place at the right time.

Daniel: Well, lucky for Lucy.

Phyllis: Yeah, lucky.

Ricky: I'm just glad I could help.

Lucy: (Babbles)

Phyllis: Baby girl. Hey.

Harmony: Well, you kids can bust on out.

Neil: Yeah, don't worry about it. We will lock up this entire place.

Lily: Oh, thank you.

Cane: Thank you.

Neil: Yeah, make sure you kiss the kids for me.

Cane: Will do.

Lily: I will.

Cane: It was fun.

Harmony: All right, see you later.

Lily: Bye, you guys.

Neil: A whole new level of fun--fun-fun.

Cane: Uh-huh. See you.

Neil: Bye.

Cane: All right.

Lily: Hey, did you see what I saw in there?

Cane: That I'm the only one with any chance of being a rock star? Yes, I saw that.

Lily: No, no, dad and Harmony and the spark between them.

Cane: Please, they're just having fun. Don't worry about it.

Lily: (Scoffs) Well, I hope so.

Cane: Your dad is married, okay? He's married to Sofia. He's not gonna cross any lines.

Lily: I know, but they're not married-married, like we are. They're married because of Moses, that's why.

Cane: It doesn't mean he doesn't care about her.

Lily: I know he does, but... (Sighs) I don't know. It was like, he doesn't light up that way with Sofia like he does with Harmony.

Cane: Come on.

Harmony: Okay, just one more. One more dance, and we'll call it a night.

Neil: I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to get me out on the dance floor so you can make fun of my moves.

Harmony: What--what are you talking about? I mean, your moves are-- they're great.

Neil: You know, you-- you should have been an actress. You know that? Because I-I almost believed you.

Harmony: No, no, no, no. I'm telling you for real, though. You look good.

Neil: Yeah?

Harmony: You look good.

("Live to Love" playing)

Neil: You look good, too.

Angelina: Ohh, mm. It's 3:00 a.m. wide awake in my bed I've had these dreams so deep in my head it's time to make 'em alive funny how we always try to plan every moment still we forget all the things that make us feel alive I'm gonna live to love live to live and still learn from my past gonna live to be who I want to be to let go and just believe I'll get everything that I dreamed of and my brightest days are ahead because I live to love The big oak trees tapping on my window

Daniel: Gosh, I think that seeing you come through that door the happiest moment of my life.

Lucy: (Babbles)

Daniel: I don't know what I would have done if anything would have happened to you. Ohh.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: Kind of sneaks up on you, doesn't it?

Phyllis: Oh, it does. It does. That "I'll die if anything happens to my kid" feeling-- it never goes away, believe me. Never.

Daniel: I literally thought your life was in my hands. Hmm. Guess you are holding all the cards now, aren't you, Missy?

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Michael: Uh, I hate to be a spoiler, but we should discuss this incident before the hearing tomorrow.

Daniel: What's there to discuss? We got separated for a couple of seconds. Everything's good. We're cool. We're cool, right?

Avery: No, until Daisy finds out.

Michael: And trust me, she will.

Nick: She'll use it against Daniel.

Michael: Yeah, it's a possibility.

Phyllis: It's more than a possibility. I think that was the point.

Daniel: What are you talking about?

Phyllis: The night before the custody hearing, you're with your daughter, but some kid accidentally bumps into Eden, distracts you, Lucy disappears, then reappears magically. It’s more than a coincidence.

Ricky: (Sighs) You're good to go.

Daisy: What'd you do?

Ricky: Exactly what I promised. I got you ammo to use against Daniel in court tomorrow. I'll text you the details. You can forward them to your lawyer.

Daisy: I can't believe you really pulled it off.

Ricky: Well, I told you I would.

Daisy: Thanks to you, I could really win full custody of Lucy. (Chuckles)

Victor: I'm sorry. Almost done here.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: There you are. (Exhales slowly) You didn't answer my question.

Nikki: You know why we're not together.

Victor: But do you realize I love you? That's all that matters.

Nikki: It's the way you love.

Victor: What do you mean, the way I love?

Nikki: It's destructive, Victor, and I just can't-- I can't do it anymore.

Victor: (Sighs) All right. I'll tell Martin to drive you home.

Nikki: Victor, wait! Wait!

Next on "The Young and the Restless" --

Victor: The judge might hold that against Daniel.

Nick: Do whatever you can, call whoever.

Daniel: Yes, Lucy and I were separated for a brief period, but she is safe and sound now.

Ricky: What's up, Boss?

Phyllis: Yeah, you're fired. I'm not your boss.

Ricky: What'd I do this time?

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