Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/19/12
Episode # 9888 ~ Kay Figures Out Tucker's Strategy
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Kevin: Hey, Mike. Whoa, looking a little ragged.
Michael: You're not holding a coffeepot, so keep moving.
Kevin: Mm, I'm thinking caffeine is the lasing you need. Lauren and Fen are out of town. I bet you're living off the stuff and working 26 hours a day.
Michael: So what's up with you?
Kevin: Nothing. Just came in to sign off on some payroll, then I'm taking Chloe and Delia to see the house.
Michael: It's about time you two got a place of your own.
Kevin: Well... (Sighs) I wouldn't go and buy a housewarming gift just yet. Chloe has only agreed to see the house, and that was after some serious pressure from Jill and Mrs. C. She hasn't signed off on the moving company just yet. (Chuckles)
Kay: Oh, for heaven's sake, Sister. They're not moving to Timbuktu.
Esther: (Sniffles)
Kay: I mean, she's a married woman now, and she most probably would like her own home to raise her own family.
Chloe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You, dry your tears, and you, stop making it sound like I'm gonna move and get some frilly apron and become "Suzy Homemaker." That is so not happening. Let me tell you, this is how today's gonna go down, okay? I'm gonna go, I'm going to look at the house, I'm going to say, "Thanks, but no, thanks," and then I'm gonna come home, and I will be back in time for dinner.
Esther: Okay. (Sighs)
Chloe: Poor lady.
Sofia: And how long is your gut telling you that we have to keep pretending to be on the outs?
Tucker: Depends on when we find out if the sale of Beauty of Nature to Newman is binding.
Sofia: It better be soon, because I am about this close... to being done with the whole thing.
Tucker: I know. I know you don't like deceiving Neil.
Sofia: You say that like it's no big deal... but, Tucker, I made a vow to my husband, and I am failing miserably. Every time I lie about what supposedly went down between me and you, I am disrespecting Neil, and he doesn't deserve that.
Avery: Hi. Let me help you.
Daniel: Oh, thanks. I'm meeting Michael for a last-minute prep session.
Avery: Did Phyllis give this to you?
Daniel: Uh, not exactly. It was in an envelope. She told me to throw it away, but curiosity kind of got the best of me, and, well, I thought Lucy might like it, so... I kept it.
Avery: I'm glad you did. Your grandfather gave it to Phyllis. I'm sure he would be happy it's staying in the family. I have to go. See you later.
Daniel: Yeah, see you later.
Ricky: I just finished my latest piece.
Phyllis: Okay, thank you.
Ricky: So I was-- I was just thinking, maybe next time I could write something with a bit more substance than all this fashion fluff.
Phyllis: Um... I assigned you a story-- Daisy the demon mother.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I-it was so juicy, it would discredit her with the judge, um, but you missed your deadline.
Ricky: Well, I, uh, I have been spending a lot of time with her, just like you asked. It's just she hasn't spilled any of her secrets yet.
Phyllis: I-I think that you can get her to talk.
Ricky: I'll keep on her. I won't let you down, Boss.
Phyllis: I appreciate the effort.
(Cell phone rings)
Ricky: Hey. I was just thinking about you.
Daisy: I need you--now.
Ricky: Okay, I'm on my way. Good night, you two.
Harmony: Oh, have a good one. Y-you know, that kid is one hard worker. I mean, he was the first one in today and close to being the last one out now, and he--and he writes pretty good stuff, too. But that's not admiration I see in your eyes, is it?
Phyllis: No, it's not.
Harmony: What, are you having regrets about hiring him?
(Elevator descending)
Phyllis: I agree with you. His contribution to the magazine is very impressive. He's smart and he's on it, but you don't make the same mistake as I did. Don't let that guy into your inner circle.
Neil: You two get into it again?
Sofia: Um, it was just a misunderstanding.
Tucker: Neil...
Sofia: That's all.
Tucker: Stay out of this. It doesn't concern you.
Neil: You're upsetting my wife, so it does concern me.
Sofia: I love that you want to step up, but right now... (Whispers) It isn't helping.
Neil: I'm sick of the way you're treating Sofia. Friendship and loyalty obviously mean nothing to you.
Tucker: That isn't true. I'm just as upset about all this as Sofia is.
Neil: Wow, strange. I'm hearing these words. I ain't buyin' it.
Tucker: Well, then I won't waste my time trying to sell it. You're entitled to your opinion, even when it's wrong.
Neil: (Clears throat) Um... (Clears throat)
Sofia: I'm sorry.
Kay: If you are not interested in living in that house, then why in the hell are you looking at it?
Esther: (Sniffles)
Chloe: (Sighs) Delia. Kevin got her all excited...
Kay: Well--
Chloe: About the tree house, the game room. I mean, and I cannot say no to her.
Esther: Yeah, who can?
Kay: Well, what if she takes a liking to the house?
Chloe: Mnh-mnhn Kevin said that it's "Unique" and "Old-school"...
Kay: Ugh.
Chloe: Which is real estate code for "It hasn't been renovated since avocado green and yellow were in style."
Esther: Ew.
Chloe: I-I'm sorry, but my daughter likes pink, pink, and more pink.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Chloe: There's no way that she's going for disco domicile.
Kevin: So why are we even talking about houses when you're about to go to court?
Daniel: Oh, hey, man, look, I am psyched for you if your biggest problem is trying to figure out where to live. You and Chloe earned this happy ending.
Kevin: Hmm. You're gonna get yours, too... (Knocks on table) Tomorrow. What time should I be there?
Daniel: Ah, I appreciate the offer, but you do not have to go.
Kevin: It's no sweat.
Daniel: No, seriously, I do not want my stuff bringing you down. You're all good. You're off the hook.
Kevin: All right, well, if you change your mind--
Daniel: I will give you a call if I change my mind.
Kevin: Okay. Ready to go face the judge?
Daniel: Yeah, I think I got a pretty good shot at getting sole custody.
Michael: Yeah, barring any surprises, I'd have to agree. More, please.
Daisy: This has been the worst day. A pipe burst upstairs and is leaking water into my bathroom. The sitter had to take Lucy to story time so I can wait for the manager. (Sighs) The one day I wanted to spend with my daughter, and I can't.
Ricky: (Clears throat) Relax. You're not gonna lose tomorrow.
Daisy: Like you know anything! You were supposed to get dirt on Phyllis, and you haven't, and you were supposed to come up with some brilliant plan to make sure Daniel never gets custody, and you haven't, either.
Ricky: Sit.
Daisy: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Ricky: Daisy, I'm on your side. Now nefarious plots take time.
Daisy: (Scoffs) Whatever.
Ricky: (Laughs) Look, boss lady's done a lot of really bad things in her past, but they're all a matter of public record.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Ricky: My instincts tell me there is something-- there is something in her past, and when I discover it, I'm gonna wreck her.
Daisy: Wouldn't it be great if you found a secret that caused Daniel to lose custody of his daughter? Then I'd get Lucy and he would hate his mother, and she'd be all alone. Then maybe he'd want to spend some time with me.
Ricky: Yeah, maybe. Mm, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to get that kind of ammunition before the hearing although I am working on something that will guarantee that Daniel walks out of that courtroom a loser.
Phyllis: You know, I'm saying this to you because you're a good woman, so keep your relationship with Ricky professional only. I don't want you being collateral damage.
Harmony: Gotcha.
Phyllis: Good. So I have to get home, try to unwind. Oh, it's gonna be hard with that custody hearing tomorrow.
Harmony: Listen, I've been praying for your family like I said I would, and tonight, I'm gonna say an extra one.
Phyllis: Thank you.
(Elevator door opens)
Phyllis: Hey.
Avery: We need to talk.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Um, uh, Harmony, this is Avery. She's helping with, uh, Daniel's case.
Harmony: Nice to meet you.
Avery: Nice to meet you.
Harmony: Uh, well, listen, I'm gonna get out of here and give you two some privacy. Good luck tomorrow.
Phyllis: Wh-what? What's going on? Do you have news about the case?
Avery: No, this is a personal visit. Daniel has the book that Dad gave you? You told him to throw it away?
Kevin: Hey, Babe. You about ready to go see the house?
Chloe: Sure, um... you know what? If we hurry, we can get back in time for dinner. So I'll go grab Delia, and we'll--
Kevin: Hold on, Chloe. I get it. You have issues with the house.
Chloe: Well, it--it's free, and it has all these really cool rooms, which is awesome, but it also has Angelina's stink all over it, which is not so awesome.
Kevin: I don't want to force you into this, but I promise you, we are not gonna find a house that says "The Fishers" more so than this one.
Chloe: You really think that you can live in it day in and day out, knowing that Angelina totally turned our lives upside down?
Kevin: Yeah, because to me, the house has always been ours.
Chloe: What do you mean?
Kevin: I mean that when I'm in the kitchen having my cereal, I imagine you coming into the kitchen with your pajamas and your fuzzy slippers, growling about how you need some coffee. And if I'm in the backyard, imagine Delia in the tree house, waving at me. And there was this one time I was sitting by the fireplace, and I thought, oh, right here-- right here, this is exactly where we are gonna take Delia's prom photos.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: I never once looked at Angelina and thought I want to spend the rest of my life here with her. It was always you. I could picture us growing old there together. Okay, oldish there together...
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: Sitting on the front porch, yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off our lawn and to dress better. I want to make those dreams a reality, okay? So let's go look at the house. And if after we see it, you can look me in the eye and say, "No, I don't want to do any of those thing here in this house with you," then I will call my mother, tell her to put it on the market, and I will never mention it again but you have to at least give it a chance, okay?
Neil: I'm sorry for losing my cool, my temper with Tucker. I just couldn't help it.
Sofia: You don't have to apologize. It's all good. Let's forget he was even here.
Neil: Okay, I'm all for that. So how about we, uh, have a little business talk?
Sofia: Or we can discuss what a genius little Moses is with those blocks. He just stacks 'em right up.
Neil: Mm. (Chuckles) I'd rather discuss offering his mama a job at Chancellor Industries.
Sofia: Oh, Neil--
Neil: I've already spoken to Katherine, and she's on board. You'd be a valued member of the company, not someone who's taken for granted and kicked to the curb for speaking her mind.
Sofia: I, um... (Chuckles) I can't work for Chancellor because I still work for Tucker. I've been lying to you.
Phyllis: (Stammers) You're shocked that I got rid of that book?
Avery: Dad could have thrown it away, like you wanted to, but he didn't. He held on to it because it meant something to him. Yes, you meant something to him, and even though there was no possibility of a reconciliation between the two of you when he was alive... (Sighs) Can't you see he wanted you to remember the good times after he was gone?
Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You're kidding me right now, aren't you? You--you were there. You heard our last conversation, didn't you? You heard what he was saying to me.
Avery: Why can't you just give him the benefit of the doubt?
Phyllis: Because he doesn't deserve it. Not from me. Not from you, Avery.
Daisy: No, wait, don't do anything.
Ricky: Daisy.
Daisy: Maybe I could win without some dirty tricks. I mean... (Sighs) If I just made Daniel realize that we need to raise Lucy together, he would understand, and...
Ricky: You think that he'd go for so-- oh, no, wait. You're crushing on Daniel.
Daisy: No, Lucy deserves both of her parents raising her together, not trading her of every other weekend. It could happen.
Ricky: News flash-- Daniel wouldn't be fighting for sole custody if he wanted you around, and when he wins, you will never see him or Lucy again.
Daisy: Get... out. Get out!
Ricky: (Sighs) When you finish doodling "Daisy Romalotti" all over your notebooks like some silly schoolgirl and reality kicks back in, you give me a call.
(Door slams)
Michael: Okay, here's my version of the locker-room pep talk. It's almost over. Do not provoke Daisy in any way and, please, be on your best behavior. Mm.
(Cell phone rings)
Daniel: Hang on.
Michael: Okay.
Daniel: Mm. Hey, Daisy, what's up?
Daisy: I'm running late. There was a leak upstairs, and it damaged my bathroom. I'm--I'm waiting here for the manager, so, uh... do you think that maybe you could come and pick Lucy up here instead of meeting at the coffeehouse?
Daniel: Yeah, sure. I'll be there soon.
Kay: There we go.
Tucker: Thank you. (Sighs) I gotta tell you, when that engineer activated those implants and Devon could hear...
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: That was one of the best moments of my life.
Kay: Well, I am thrilled. I mean, absolutely thrilled. When, um, when did all this happen?
Tucker: Yesterday, at Memorial.
Kay: Well, I was there seeing Billy's baby. Had I known, I could have come over and--
Tucker: Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I think, uh, we all just got caught up in the excitement of what was happening.
Kay: Oh. Well...
Tucker: And we forgot to let you know, but that's why I stopped by in person, to tell you it wasn't personal. It was just an oversight. I'm sorry.
Kay: I appreciate that.
Tucker: So I didn't get to see the baby yet.
Kay: Mm.
Tucker: How is the newest Abbott?
Kay: Oh, handsome little tyke. From what you told me, uh, his homecoming turned into quite a melee.
Tucker: Yeah. By the time I got there, the, um, the you-know-what had already hit the fan.
Kay: Hmm. I assume that, uh, you were none too pleased to hear that, uh, Beauty of Nature is back in Victor's hands.
Tucker: Yeah, nothing about that company has gone the way I planned.
Neil: So the argument at Devon's studio, the blowup at the club...
Sofia: All fake. See, we had to convince everyone that Tucker's firing me was legit so that I could get a job with Beauty of Nature. The idea was to infiltrate--
Neil: See where they were vulnerable. Tucker would go in and buy--steal the company out from under them.
Sofia: Yeah, that's pretty much it, but when Victoria wouldn't give me a job with Beauty of Nature, Tucker wanted me inside Newman Enterprises, so I can find out what Victor was planning to bid on Beauty of Nature.
Neil: And you went along with it.
Sofia: It was eating me up inside. It was tearing me apart, lying to you.
Neil: (Sighs) I thought we trusted each other, treated each other with respect.
Sofia: Neil before we were married, I did this kind of thing for Tucker all the time. It was just part of the assignment. And this go-round, I thought it was gonna be more of the same.
Neil: (Sighs)
Sofia: It was a mistake... one I'm trying to rectify.
Neil: I can't do this right now.
Daisy: Can you put these on while I get her diaper bag ready? (Sighs)
Daniel: Hi, Miss Lucy. Hi, Miss Lucy! Hey, hey, how you doin', hmm? Come here. Ohh. Mwah! How you doin', huh? You want to sit with me while we put these shoes on you?
Daisy: Here's her jacket if she gets cold. (Sighs)
Daniel: Left foot, get that one in. Yeah, that's your left. I think that's your left. Is that left tight?
Daisy: Here. Here we go, Miss Lucy. You like when mommy and daddy get you dressed. Ohh. Wouldn't it be fantastic if it was like this all the time?
Daniel: (Sighs)
Daisy: Here.
Daniel: You know, it's like your mind is stuck on this repeat setting, and every time I see you, you say, "Wouldn't it be great if we'd be this happy family, all together?" But... my answer hasn't changed since the last time I saw you, so I'm not gonna bother wasting my breath. Hi, you ready?
Daisy: (Sighs)
Daniel: You ready?
Daisy: You know, with all the trouble I'm having with this apartment, maybe I'll just move and not give you the forwarding address. Enjoy your time with Lucy while you can.
Lucy: Baa.
Avery: The man in that hospital bed... he wasn't the man who raised us. Even you have to admit, he was a good father. Phyllis, he was! Do you not remember the family trips he used to take us on, the beach in the summertime? Playing on the front yard, building snowmen, laughing? He always... he always tried to make everything perfect for his girls. You know, after you left and Dad went to prison, he tried to make everything as normal for me as possible. He would tell me to bring my homework so that he could help me, and when I would break down and cry 'cause the kids at school said something terrible, he would tell me that they were just jealous because their dads were boring stuffed shirts, and our dad was on an adventure. (Sniffles) (Exhales slowly) That's the father that I want to remember.
Phyllis: Do you hear what you're saying? Are you listening to yourself? Avery... you did homework with a convict, you were crying in the visitation room in a prison.
Avery: (Sighs)
Phyllis: That is not a normal childhood. That is not. He took so much more than he gave.
Avery: You're not listening to me.
Phyllis: I am listening to you. I'm really listening.
Avery: You're not listening to me. I'm mad, too. I'm very mad that he stole from all those people, but I can't... I-I-I don't know how to just shut off my feelings and pretend like he didn't mean anything to me.
Phyllis: But that--that-- the question is, what did you mean to him? That's what-- that's what it really is. (Voice breaks) What did you mean to him? He acted like the dutiful father all the way to the end, but that wasn't for you. It was never for you, ever, ever. It was for him, so he looked good. It was for his image, Avery.
Avery: That's not true...
Phyllis: It is true.
Avery: That's not true.
Phyllis: It is true. What did he leave you in the will? Nothing. Nothing. He didn't say anything, not even a little footnote. He left you nothing, and don't tell me it's because, oh, your love was so deep, you know, all that stuff was understood. It--it--that's not why. He played you your entire life. He played you against me your entire life, and it kills me that you can't see this.
(Door slams)
Kevin: Okay, one big step, and then a turn to the right.
Chloe: (Laughing)
Kevin: Good. One more, one more, one more, and voila. Huh?
Delia: Whoa.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Wow, way more out of style than I thought-- like "Shoulder pads in the '80s" out of style.
Kevin: You know, I totally thought that you were gonna say, "Whoa, its totes retro."
Chloe: Uh, that's one word that would apply, I guess.
Kevin: Yeah, okay. So, Delia, what room do you want to see next?
Delia: My room.
Kevin: Your room? All right, everybody upstairs. Let's go.
Chloe: Okay, let's go
Kevin: You like it. I can tell you like it.
Chloe: Well...
Michael: I cannot believe I forgot to file that motion today. Uh... all right, uh, push my morning meeting, and I will file it before Daniel's hearing. Mm, you're a lifesaver. Thank you, Chantal. Thank you.
Phyllis: Hello.
Michael: Hey. How's my best buddy?
Phyllis: Oof, horrible. I'm trying to get out of the office. It's just not happening and I just want to go home, drink a glass of wine, take a long, hot shower.
Michael: Oh, well, okay. Um, well, I hope you get to scrub-a-dub-dub soon, Phyllis. Um, I will talk to you tomorrow.
Avery: Hi, Michael.
Michael: (Sighs)
Avery: That was my sister on the phone?
Michael: Yes, yes, that was, and, uh, she's in no mood to talk, if you were thinking of giving her a ring.
Avery: Well, I think I'm part of the reason she's so peeved.
Michael: Oh?
Avery: Yes, and I'm just as upset with her.
Michael: Well, it sounds like we're all having a stellar evening. (Slaps barstool) Sit down.
Avery: (Exhales slowly)
Daniel: Come on.
Daisy: Wait, wait, I didn't-- I didn't mean what I said. Please. Look, I... (Sighs) I just think I should have custody of Lucy so I could take her away from all this tension, but I don't want to leave. I just-- I want her to have a family, the best possible life.
Daniel: I do, too, and that's why she belongs with me. Come on, you want to get out of here? Come on. Oh! Thank you. Wah!
Daisy: Here, I'll get the door.
Michael: Well, the subject of your father is like a whole... field of land mines to Phyllis. Just one wrong step, and boom!
Avery: She is the one person that I'm supposed to be able to talk to about him and I can't.
Avery: How are you?
Michael: (Laughs) No, no, no, no. I plead the fifth.
Avery: No, come on, Counselor. You graduated kindergarten, and that is where we all learned to share.
Michael: All right. Um, Fenmore is still not back, and now Lauren is up there, too.
Avery: In Canada, right?
Michael: Yep. We argued about her going. I wanted her to bring Fenmore back. She doesn't think it's safe.
Avery: Because of Daisy.
Michael: (Sighs) Exactly. Well... Lauren's feelings are justified, given what Daisy put her through, put our family through. We just can't keep living this way, though. (Sighs)
Neil: Hey, that is it. Perfect. Thank you so much.
Woman: You're welcome.
Neil: Yeah. Hey, we're good.
Harmony: Hey, Neil.
Neil: Hey.
Harmony: What you doin'?
Neil: Oh, y-you know what? I-I left my phone here earlier, and luckily, someone turned it in. That's all.
Harmony: You know, I like hearing that there are honest, good people left in this world.
Neil: Yeah. We need more of that, don't we?
Harmony: What's up with you? And don't tell me "Nothing," 'cause I could tell something's off.
Neil: (Clears throat) Got a lot on my mind, that's all.
Harmony: Business?
Neil: Yeah, yeah, a certain-- a certain business arrangement that I wasn't privy to kind of blew up in my face. That's all, so...
Harmony: Well, I don't really understand all that corporate mess, but I can buy you a cup of coffee and listen...
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Harmony: If you want to talk it out.
Neil: (Chuckles) Yeah, okay, right? I could use a cup of coffee, I guess, and--and an ear to listen to.
Harmony: (Snaps fingers) Well, all right, then. Hey, uh, listen, uh, a cup of your strongest, and we'll be right here.
Neil: Come on. There you go. Thanks.
Harmony: Thank you.
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Harmony: So did you lose out on a big account or something?
Neil: (Sighs) No. Someone I trusted let me down.
Kay: Neil spoke to me about bringing Sofia on at Chancellor.
Tucker: Did he?
Kay: Mm-hmm. Um, do you think she would accept a position?
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Her future endeavors weren't part of our exit interview...
Kay: Uh-huh.
Tucker: So you'd have to ask her.
Kay: Well, when Neil told me what happened, I simply couldn't believe it because, uh, we stood toe-to-toe while you were in the hospital, uh, trying to protect your company, and after all, uh, you are a godfather to her child, and I always felt you had a special bond. In fact, it was an unbreakable bond.
Tucker: Well... things aren't always as they appear.
Kay: That's a very good choice of words. It really is. This cataclysmic rift that ended your professional and-- a-and personal relationship with Sofia... (Chuckles) That's not real, is it?
Harmony: Do you think this person was trying to tear down your trust like they did?
Neil: No. No, I think they made a bad judgment call.
Harmony: Did they apologize?
Neil: Profusely.
Harmony: Well, if this person wasn't trying to mess with you and they said that they were sorry, I think maybe a little forgiveness is in order. Mistakes don't have to cost what we charge for 'em sometimes, and wasn't it yesterday when you were talking to me about forgiveness? Maybe this person needs some of that right now.
Neil: Maybe. Thanks for that pep talk.
Harmony: I was just returning the favor.
Tucker: Since when did you become a conspiracy theorist?
Kay: Oh, since I have firsthand knowledge of your business tactics, and since, uh, Sofia just happened to leave McCall right when Beauty of Nature came into play. That was the idea. She could gain access, give you the inside track.
Tucker: Congratulations. You got me.
Kay: You know, I highly disapprove of, uh, you asking, um, Sofia to lie to her husband.
Tucker: It figures you'd see it that way.
Kay: But, you know, as a businesswoman... I applaud your efforts. (Laughs) I think it was one hell of a-- of a strategy. (Laughing) It was wonderful.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Kay: Beautiful.
Tucker: (Chuckles) Well, thank you. (Laughs)
Chloe: I mean, there's a lot that needs to be updated, uh, aside from the '70s retro look. I mean, the appliances, too? I'm sorry, I just think it's-- it's just too janky for me.
Kevin: Okay. I'll call my mom.
Chloe: Please do, and tell her that you're sorry, but she won't be selling our house.
Kevin: You're serious?
Chloe: I didn't want to love it, but I do. I do, and who doesn't love a house that has air hockey?
Kevin: Air hockey.
Chloe: And a pink room? And our dreams are totally gonna come true in this house.
Kevin: We're home.
Delia: (Groans)
Kevin: Mwah.
Chloe: Mwah. (Laughing)
Delia: (Groans)
Kevin: (Laughing) Are you getting squished?
Chloe: Squish her!
Delia: Oh, no.
Chloe: Squish her!
Delia: Whoa.
Michael: Unfortunately, there's no solution to our problem. We can move out of the building, but we're still in the same town, and Daisy will make sure she bumps into Lauren whenever she wants to.
Avery: There's gotta be something that would make Lauren feel better. I mean-
Michael: She nixes-- she nixes every one of my ideas. If she--if-- if she were just a little bit more rational about the situation, I mean... ohh. I am not berating my wife.
Avery: No.
Michael: I love her with all of my heart. I'm sorry, I'm just... mm, I'm just venting.
Avery: Oh, please. Phyllis is my sister. I understand the need to vent. To our fascinating families.
Michael: (Laughs) Oh, they do keep life interesting.
(Glasses clink)
Avery: They do.
Michael: (Laughs)
Daniel: Mom, I'm sorry Avery busted your chops about the book.
Phyllis: Oh, it's all right. It wasn't about the book. It was about George.
Daniel: Well, maybe I could have just thrown the thing away anyways.
Phyllis: No. It's a good book.
Lucy: (Babbles)
Daniel: (Gasps)
Phyllis: What? I loved it when I was little. She may love it, too.
Phyllis: What's going on? You okay?
Daniel: Daisy said some things that just didn't sit with me too well.
Phyllis: What'd she say?
Daniel: That she'd take Lucy, run away someplace, not tell me where they went.
Phyllis: Unbelievable.
Daniel: She apologized, and she made it out like she didn't mean it, but it reminded me of the old coldhearted Daisy that I've dealt with before...
Lucy: (Babbles)
Daniel: And why I'm fighting for Lucy.
Daisy: I changed my mind.
Ricky: Well, that didn't take too long.
Daisy: I can't lose custody of Lucy. Do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen. Do it tonight.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: One bad day, and you fall back on bad habits.
Nikki: I haven't touched a drink.
Victor: I'm talking about Jack Abbott.
Ricky: By the end of the night, you'll be well on your way to having full custody of your daughter.
Daniel: Lucy--where'd she go??
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