Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/18/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/18/12


Episode # 9887 ~ Victor's Scheme to Get Beauty of Nature Comes to Light

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: Oh. Adam. Um... (Clears throat) I was hoping I would run into you.

Adam: Why?

Sharon: Because I've been thinking a lot about Chelsea, how you rescued her and you delivered her baby. That was pretty incredible.

Adam: Well, it was, uh... I was just lucky that I found her when I did.

Sharon: You took a big risk without any backup.

Adam: I'm used to no backup. Anyway, my phone it didn't get reception, so... I had to help. I think I did what anybody else would have done.

Sharon: Not necessarily. Good Samaritans are few and far between these days. Why didn't you want anyone to know?

Adam: It wasn't like it was some big secret, Sharon. Chelsea, the baby, I-- look, I had to run off after I helped deliver the baby to make a phone call for help. When I came back, Vicki was there, the others were there, ambulance was already on its way. There was nothing I could do. It's not like they like me very much, so I figured the best thing to do was just-- just walk away. But... you would already know about that, wouldn't you? Because you went and you talked to Chelsea all about this, because my word wasn't good enough for you, was it?

Billy: All right, hold on. Whoa. Time-out.

Genevieve: You and Nikki.

Nick: Genevieve sold Beauty of Nature to Dad.

Jill: After which, he apparently sweetened the deal.

Victoria: Oh, great. There goes my job.

Nick: Sorry, Vick.

Victoria: No, it's fine. Maybe it's for a good reason. I'll have more time to spend with the baby.

Abby: Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait. What is this? Musical beds?

Nikki: Oh, they didn't even wait for the last tune to stop.

Genevieve: It doesn't seem like you wasted much time.

(Knock on door)

Billy: Whew.

Jack: As Nikki reminded me, life is too short to spend with the wrong person for the wrong reasons.

Victor: You bet. I couldn't agree more.

Tucker: Hey, Billy.

Billy: Uh-huh.

Tucker: Hey, everyone. Sorry I'm late. Ashley sends her love. Uh, she was out of town on business. Her flight got delayed. What's going on?

Jill: (Quietly) I don't know all the details, but apparently Genevieve sold Beauty of Nature to Victor.

Abby: Then they hooked up.

Jill: Yep.

Abby: It's true.

Tucker: You've gotta be kidding me.

Nick: Could this not have waited? Did you have to do this here?

Genevieve: Victor and I didn't want you to hear it from anyone else.

Victor: We'd intended to fill you in privately, but it didn't work out that way, okay?

Nick: What are the terms of the deal?

Victor: We will discuss the terms of the deal at my office.

Billy: Ay-yi-yi-yi.

Jack: Sorry about this.

Billy: Yeah.

Jack: I'm sure it's not the way you wanted to spend Johnny's first day at home.

Billy: You know what? You're right. Hey, everybody. Um, thanks for coming out. I appreciate you welcoming my son home-- our son home-- and all the great gifts. But since things got a little hijacked-- let's make that a lot hijacked-- we're gonna pull the plug on this. So Vicki and I will speak to you all soon. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Jill: Bye, Honey.

Billy: Bye. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Uh... I got my hands full right now. I need to ask you for a favor.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victoria: God, well... this is, um...

Jill: Bye, Honey.

Victoria: Bye.

Tucker: Sorry.

Victoria: So confusing.

Nikki: I know. Yeah, I know, I know.

Victoria: Are you okay?

Nikki: Yeah, Sweetheart, I'm fine. Your father and I are through. Whatever he wants to do in his life is his business. I'll get Jack. We should be going.

Victoria: No, Mom. Hey, listen, don't go anywhere, okay? Please, just stay here. I'll be right back. Hey, wait a minute I'd like to talk to you.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Uh, Genevieve and I have a lot of things to do.

Victoria: You can't just come in here and ruin my son's party and then waltz out like nothing happened.

Genevieve: Perhaps I should go ahead to the office and, uh, keep the desk warm, so to speak.

Victor: I'll be there soon, okay? Thank you.

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Victor: So what do you want to say? I did not come here to interrupt this gathering, all right?

Victoria: Oh, my God, please.

Nikki: Victor, haven't you lied enough already? You come here uninvited, let alone with your new tramp--

Victor: I came here to inform my children that I'd reacquired Beauty of Nature.

Billy: 'Cause you're "Mr. Sensitivity"?

Jack: You can have Genevieve. You can have Beauty of Nature. No one here cares about them, so if you came here to gloat about your so-called victory, it didn't work.

Victoria: You know, for the record, I know the truth about Chelsea. I know that you hired her to seduce Billy and try to break us up.

Victor: You don't know the whole story.

Victoria: Well, I know enough.

Victor: Do you?

Victoria: You know, Dad, if Delia hadn't have gotten sick, you would have let Billy rot in that jail cell forever.

Billy: I know you don't like me. I really don't care. See, whatever you throw at Vicki and me, it just makes us stronger. This thing we have-- see, we're in love, and being in love means you don't manipulate people, you don't lie to 'em, you don't try to stranglehold their lives, but I don't expect you to understand that.

Victor: I'd like a word with my daughter.

Victoria: No. I want you to leave. I want you to get out of here and never come back. You're not welcome in my home.

Victor: You know what stuns me? That you continue to labor under the delusion that "Love conquers all." It doesn't, I assure you.

Nikki: That's for sure.

Billy: Look, you heard Victoria.

Victor: you bet I did. Pity she didn't hear me.

Jill: Of all the tacky stunts Victor could pull... (Sighs)

Tucker: Well, nobody ever accused him of having too much class.

Jill: I don't imagine that Ashley will be too pleased when she finds out what happened at her brother's house.

Tucker: Oh, she'll be disappointed for Jack. She was never too keen on getting Beauty of Nature.

Jill: Well, that's 'cause she has her priorities straight, unlike Victor. Oh, my God, how appalling to show up at an important family function just to crow about your latest conquest.

Tucker: We talkin' about the company now or Genevieve?

Jill: Well, both, which makes it double icky. In fact, the more I think about it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was Genevieve's idea to show up there. I don't know how well you've gotten to know her since she came to town, but I'm telling you, from the first moment I met her, I never liked her or trusted her, and Genevieve just keeps on proving me right.

Tucker: Hmm.

Jill: Anyway, I'm gonna be late for a meeting. I better go. You take care.

Tucker: You, too, Jill.

Jill: Okay, bye.

Tucker: Bye-bye.

Tucker: Well, now... aren't you full of surprises?

Sharon: (Sighs) You're right, I doubted you, and I'm so sorry. I-it's just--

Adam: No, no, no, no, I-I shouldn't get defensive about it. I've given you plenty of reasons to not trust me in the past.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Excuse me. Hello.

Nick: Hey. You need to get to the office right away.

Sharon: Why?

Nick: Dad just got Beauty of Nature back. I'm waiting to hear the details.

Sharon: I'll be right there. Um, I have to go.

Adam: I got that.

Sharon: Adam... what you did for Chelsea and her baby-- your mother would be really proud.

Jill: Hey.

Kay: What in the hell are you doing here?

Jill: I thought I could catch the end of the arts council meeting.

Kay: Oh, I just managed to escape there. Um, I'm, uh, headed out to, uh, Billy and Victoria's.

Jill: Oh, no, don't bother. The party's over.

Kay: What happened?

Jill: Victor. Victor happened.

(Knock on door)

Adam: Dad.

Victor: Son, may I come in? All right. I understand you acted heroically and then decided to keep it to yourself.

Adam: You're wondering why I didn't alert the media, figure I'm playing an angle?

Victor: Were you?

Adam: So that I could seem unassuming and modest, right? And then, eventually, the story would leak out.

Victor: It could happen, you know.

Adam: It could, but it didn't. Chelsea remembered what had happened. When she did, I asked her not to say anything. I wanted her to keep it between the two of us. She disagreed. She felt like what I did needed to be recognized. I wasn't thrilled about it. I didn't agree. Nonetheless, she blurted it out to Vicki, and once the cat was out of the bag, so to speak-- it's the truth, Dad, whether you want to believe me or not.

Victor: You understand, of course, why I would be skeptical.

Adam: Of course I do. I mean, it's me we're talking about, right? But look, I'm trying to do what you suggested-- do things that will make me proud. From now on, what I do, I do for myself.

Victor: I want to believe you, Son. Feels good, doesn't it, doing good things?

Victoria: You know, that was fast.

Nikki: Well... (Sighs) It's been a busy day, lots of stuff going on-- tire anybody out.

Victoria: Uh, Mom, listen, about what happened...

Nikki: You know, I was going to tell you about Chelsea and your father. I didn't realize that you knew, but I was gonna tell you. I didn't want to ruin the baby's party.

Victoria: I know. I was-- I was worried about how you would react, and I guess we were both just trying to protect each other.

Nikki: So how did you find out?

Victoria: Adam told me.

Nikki: Adam?

Victoria: Yes. I guess Chelsea told him, and then he came to me with the information.

Nikki: Uh-huh, to cause trouble for your father.

Victoria: Yeah, maybe.

Nikki: Well, what other reason would he have to tell you?

Victoria: (Sighs) Brace yourself. Uh, Adam is the one who pulled Chelsea out of the lake and delivered the baby.

Nikki: What?

Victoria: I know. I know, it's shocking

Nikki: Oh God well, I suppose it's nice to say something about somebody's good behavior for a change.

Victoria: Yeah. Hey, Mom, how did you find out? I mean, how did you find out about Billy and Chelsea?

Nikki: Your father promised me, no more lies, but then I overheard him talking with Chelsea about setting up Billy in Myanmar. That was it. That was the last straw.

Victoria: Is that how you and Jack... got together?

Nikki: Well, Honey, Jack and I have always been very good friends, and we've become even closer since the shooting. And I trust him, and realized, that is the kind of man I want to be with.

Jack: Victor swears to Nikki he had nothing to do with Chelsea being in Myanmar, not that he's ever given us good reason to believe anything he says.

Billy: You know what? It happened. It's over. Frankly, I don't even want to think about it anymore.

Jack: Good for you.

Billy: Honestly, between us, are you really okay with losing out on Beauty of Nature?

Jack: Yeah, I'm really okay.

Billy: Are you sure? You were so determined to get it away from Genevieve. How do you let something that big just roll off?

Jack: By focusing on something more important, like getting out of this chair.

Billy: (Hits table) Amen to that.

Jack: Look, I was ready to sell my soul to get Beauty of Nature. Thanks to Nikki, I, uh, came to my senses.

Billy: Yeah, um, about that-- so you and Nikki are, um...

Jack: Together? Yep.

Billy: (Chuckles) How "Together"?

Jack: We're not going steady, if that's what you mean. We're taking it a day at a time, seeing where it goes.

Billy: Yeah, see, that's not exactly what I was getting at--

Jack: I know exactly where you were going. It's my legs that aren't working. The rest of my body is working just fine.

Billy: Ha! That's nice! Good to hear! All right, thank God!

Jack: Thank God, indeed.

Billy: (Chuckling)

Genevieve: You would prefer a predictable woman? I-I just never had that impression.

Tucker: Choosing Victor over Jack. Just like you to go for the money, throw away love for power. Guess you'll never learn.

Genevieve: I think I've learned rather well. Oh, I'm sorry. Was that supposed to sting?

Tucker: I know better.

Genevieve: Who would have thought, when we were kids, that we would be buying and selling whole companies?

Tucker: I told you I was gonna build an empire.

Genevieve: And you did.

Tucker: Let's cut the crap, Genevieve. You know I would have paid you more than you got from Victor for Beauty of Nature. It's déjà vu. I thought I was in the running, but I never had a chance, did I?

Kay: Now wait a minute. Let me get this clear. Um, Nikki and Jack...

Jill: Yep.

Kay: Victor and Genevieve.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Kay: When did it all happen?

Jill: From what I can tell, last night.

Kay: Oh, my God. One would think that I've seen it all, but this totally surprises me.

Jill: First, Genevieve drives Colin crazy.

Kay: Yeah.

Jill: Then she screws Jack over to get Beauty of Nature, and now she uses that to worm her way into Victor's bed. The woman is a piece of work.

Tucker: I knew you before you had all this armor all over you. You weren't always like this.

Genevieve: That was eons ago. We are different people now.

Tucker: Not so different, except that I've learned not to put blind ambition ahead of everything else.

Genevieve: Wow, if you keep lavishing me with all these compliments, I'm gonna get a swelled head.

Tucker: You be careful with Victor.

Genevieve: Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing.

Tucker: For your sake, I hope that's true.

Sharon: If Beauty of Nature is coming back to Newman, then what does that mean for our new line?

Nick: It means we're gonna be working our butts off running both brands, right, Dad?

Victor: Well, Son, things are a bit more complicated than that, okay?

Nick: Complicated, how?

Victor: Well, let's put it this way-- in order to...convince Genevieve to sell Beauty of Nature back to me, I had to make certain concessions. She will head up the cosmetics division, and, uh, you both will report to her.

Sharon: What about the promises you made to us?

Nick: That's just completely out the window now?

Victor: You know, I had to give a very compelling reason to sell to me, before she sold it to Tucker or Jack.

Nick: So getting back the company was more important than honoring the commitments you made to Sharon and me.

Victor: I'm sure there's plenty of work to go round, and Genevieve respects both of you very much. I don't think there's a problem.

Nick: Sure. You sold us out to a woman with zero experience. Don't you see how wrong that is?

Victor: Son... (Drums fingers) You know how it is in business. Sometimes one has to do things one doesn't really want to in order to make a deal possible, you know?

Nick: Please don't patronize me.

Victor: I'm not patronizing you, Son. Anyway, plenty of work to go around, okay?

Nick: Okay.

Victor: So, uh, why don't we get started?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: You okay?

Victoria: Yeah. You know, I know that we have each other, we have the baby, and nothing else really matters, but it still hurts.

Billy: I know.

Victoria: I mean, he does these things, these crazy, ridiculous things because he actually thinks that he's protecting me.

Billy: You know, I imagine that most fathers think that no man is good enough for their daughters, but your old man... (Chuckles) Ohh, he takes it to an extreme.

Victoria: I know that. You could have died in that prison. I would have lost you for good. But if we had never met Chelsea--

Billy: We wouldn't have little John. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Yeah. I may never understand why my father does what he does, but how can we look at our son and be mad at Dad?

Tucker: Ohh. (Whispering) I was just texting you to meet me.

Sofia: (Whispers) Why?

(Cell phone rings)

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Sofia: (Normal voice) Hello.

Tucker: (Normal voice) Wait for it.

Sofia: What?

Tucker: Genevieve sold Beauty of Nature back to Victor.

Sofia: What?!

Tucker: I just found out about it.

Sofia: I thought you had an in. You told me Beauty of Nature was as good as yours.

Tucker: That was my understanding. Obviously, I was misled.

Sofia: No, I can't believe this. (Sighs) So we did this whole big charade for nothing?

Sharon: So Victor is sleeping with Genevieve?

Nick: Yeah. Dad walks into the party and lets everyone know that, including my mom-- especially my mom. So then mom retaliates by letting us all know that she is now with Jack.

Sharon: What?!

Nick: (Sighs) You know, whatever. I mean, they're all acting like crazy people. What really bothers me is that Dad gave the job to Genevieve that we earned.

Sharon: What I don't understand is why you give someone who has barely even worked so much clout.

Nick: Or maybe that much rope.

Sharon: You think there's more to this.

Nick: Since when have you known Dad to be transparent about his motives?

Sharon: (Sighs) Never. He always has an agenda, sometimes more than one.

Nick: Why should this be any different?

Sharon: So if he's not telling us the entire picture--

Nick: Then he hasn't been completely straight with Genevieve, either. I wonder what his end game is.

Jack: Well, I'm surprised.

Genevieve: To see me?

Jack: That it took you this long to get here.

Victor: Did you come to chastise me what?

Nikki: Actually, I think we both should be ashamed of ourselves, airing our dirty laundry at Victoria's, the same day she brings the baby home.

Victor: Interesting, coming from you, since you already told her about Chelsea and me.

Nikki: I didn't tell her. Adam did.

Victor: Really?

Adam: Scotch, please.

[Adam remembering]

Chelsea: I want everyone to know what you did.

Adam: And they're not gonna know.

Chelsea: Why not? Oh, my God, the people in this town, your--your family, even-- they treat you like dirt. Last night, Victoria accused you of horrible things.

Adam: She and I have had our differences.

Chelsea: Yet that still didn't stop you from saving the baby that she loves so much.

Woman: Hey, aren't you that guy?

Adam: Satan, at your service.

Woman: (Chuckles) Um, I don't know what you're talking about. You're an angel. That "Inquisitor" article-- remember, I read it to you? He saved that pregnant lady who fell through the ice.

Adam: Yeah, I just, um, I did what any decent human being would have done in that situation.

Woman: Well, we need more decent human beings like you in the world.

Adam: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Thank you.

Chelsea: Well... that was pretty cool.

Adam: You heard, huh?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Yeah, I'm not too used to being recognized for doing good things. Guess I didn't mind the world knowing about it after all.

Victoria: All right, I want you to promise me something.

John: (Cries)

Billy: Ohh! Anything.

Victoria: If I ever say that I'm doing something "For your own good"--

Billy: Oh, you would never do that.

Victoria: Mm.

(Knock on door)

Billy: (Gasps) The door. Oh. (Grunts)

Victoria: I wonder who that could be. It's a little early for Delia.

Billy: Hey!

Abby: Hey. I brought another present. This one is from Billy.

Billy: Pow! Bing!

Abby: (Laughs)

Victoria: Hey. Oh, my gosh, you're here!

Reed: We surprised her again.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: Yes, you did. Hi.

John: (Fusses)

Billy: You ready to meet your new brother?

John: (Cries)

Victoria: (Sighs) Reed, this is John.

Reed: Hi, John.

Abby: Ohh. I don't know who's cuter.

Reed: He is.

Abby: (Laughs)

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Laughs) I can already tell you're gonna be best brother in the whole world, because you've had a lot of practice with Dylan, haven't you?

Reed: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Come on, help me. Come over here.

Abby: Ohh.

Billy: Thank you for making the airport run. I really couldn't get away after Victor showed up.

Abby: What happened after I left?

Billy: Well, Vicki and I made sure that he knows his plan to break us up backfired.

Abby: Wait, what plan?

Billy: We just found out that he's the on that paid Chelsea to seduce me in Myanmar.

Abby: No way.

Billy: Oh, yeah but honestly, when I look at that little baby and I see how happy Vicki is... I don't know. It’s worth everything I went through.

Genevieve: I want you to know that I have no regrets, and that what happened in Las Vegas was probably for the best.

Jack: You mean, us not getting married, or... you getting in bed with Victor?

Genevieve: I really believe we could have worked things out, Jack. We could have had it all. But you made your choice.

Jack: And you made yours.

Genevieve: (Chuckles) I'm going to be working with Victor now on Beauty of Nature, so I'd like you to try to remember that you had your chance with me, and you blew it. I know you don't realize it now, but you are the one who lost, Jack.

Jack: I don't think so. In fact, had we gone through with it, both of us would have lost.

Victor: Why in the world would Adam go to Victoria with that candid information?

Nikki: You know, I really have no idea. Why don't you ask him yourself? Personally I couldn't care less. I would have told Victoria myself. She deserved to know how far you would go to destroy her happiness.

Bonnie: Excuse me, Mrs. Newman. Everything you asked for is loaded in your car.

Nikki: (Sighs) Thank you so much, Bonnie. Um, just pack everything else and I'll send them later.

Nikki: You left me no choice, Victor.

Victor: (Sets glass down) (Shuffles feet) You said we were through.

Nikki: Yeah, and five minutes after that, you were in bed with Genevieve, making sure the whole world knew about it.

Victor: What about you and Jack Abbott?!

Nikki: I feel very close to Jack. We have a very close relationship.

Victor: Don't you make me sick!

Nikki: You don't say the same thing about Genevieve. You can't!

Victor: Don't you make me sick. I have an understanding with Genevieve Atkinson.

Nikki: Stop. Uh, you have an "Understanding"?

Victor: You and Jack Abbott makes me sick!

Nikki: Lovely. I'm so happy you have an understanding.

Victor: Get the hell out of here!

Nikki: You know, I shouldn't even tell you this, but I will always love you.

Victor: (Slams glass down)

Nikki: But for some reason, that never seems to be enough. We just have this pathological need to keep hurting each other. (Sighs) Well, it stops now!

Victor: Spare me your analysis! Spare me.

Nikki: It's over!

Abby: (Sighs) Well, seeing as how that party turned out, I probably should have just come to the council meeting.

Jill: (Laughs) You're right about that.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Kay: Now listen, Abby. You and Chloe are going to have to work on a list of ideas, uh, to present, you know, to, uh, to the committee next time.

Abby: Yep.

Kay: And, um, well, they're very anxious to settle on a theme for the gala.

Abby: Okay.

Jill: Yeah, but see, here's what I'm anxious about-- did you talk to Billy and Victoria after we left?

Abby: Uh, I was just at their house. Billy brought Reed in as surprise for Victoria.

Jill: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh.

Abby: So I met Reed at the airport and just brought him over there.

Kay: What--

Jill: Oh, Victoria must have been thrilled.

Abby: Oh, my gosh, she was so excited, and you know, it'll keep her mind off things.

Kay: What "Things"?

Abby: (Quietly) Um, like the fact that our father set up Billy all those months ago.

Kay: What?

Abby: Oh, yeah, you heard it right. Dad paid Chelsea to get Billy in bed so that she and Dad could wreck his marriage. It's charming, isn't it?

Jill: (Quietly) What?! That son of a bitch. I should have known it was Victor.

Kay: (Quietly) My God, Victor, you will never, ever learn.

Sofia: Why do we have to keep up this act if Beauty of Nature has already been sold, Tucker, I hate lying to Neil.

Tucker: I know you do, but just give me a little more time.

Sofia: Why?

Tucker: Because I have a gut feeling this isn't over yet.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Genevieve: Ah, perfect timing. (Laughs)

(Door closes)

Nick: Where's Dad?

Genevieve: He had to take care of something outside the office, but he's on his way back now. In the meantime, I've been going over some of your work on the new product line, and I have to say I think it's just great um, the only thing is the promotion approach doesn't quite jive with my vision of how I want to merge with Beauty of Nature.

Nick: Hmm. And you're telling us this... (Laughs) Why?

Genevieve: Because I'm the new head of Newman Cosmetics... which makes me your boss. I'm sorry. I just assumed that your father would have told you...

Sharon: (Clears throat)

Genevieve: About things.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Well, and you probably also assumed that we would be taking orders from you.

Genevieve: That is generally how it works. But I'm looking forward to a very productive collaboration here.

(Door opens)

Nick: We'll see about that.

Genevieve: (Sighs)

(Brian Bergeron's "Have Heart" playing)

Brian: When you lay your head down to sleep I hope it's me it's me it's me that you dream. When all these things, dear they seem to get so hard it's in these moments most I'm there to give you heart when all these problems they feel typical and recourse feels impossible when all these things they serve best to tear you apart they give you heart. And I hope, dear that when you fall apart you'll think of me and you will get your spark and you'll pick yourself up off of the ground when it seems that relief cannot be found and ill be there, love just to pick you up to give you heart. To give you heart

Avery: Daniel has the book that Dad gave you? What the hell is wrong with you?

Harmony: Did you lose out on a big account?

Neil: Someone I trusted let me down.

Ricky: You will never see him or Lucy again.

Daisy: Get... out.

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