Y&R Transcript Monday 4/16/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 4/16/12


Episode # 9885 ~ Nikki Refuses to Forgive Victor For His Manipulations

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Thank you and good night.

Sharon: (Sighs) Has this ever even been done before-- going from the germ of an idea into a fully envisioned cosmetics line in this amount of time?

Nick: You know, if we can get Dad to sign off on these specs tonight, we could start production right away.

Sharon: He's gonna want to get started.

Nick: Well, you say that now. Take these few days to rest, before the media blitz. Dad's not answering his phone. I'll shoot him a text.

Genevieve: Uh, forgive me, I'm--I'm just so surprised that you're here. It's certainly not a coincidence that you're here in Vegas.

Victor: (Chuckles) Mnh-mnh.

Genevieve: You've already wished me--how did you put it? Your--your heartiest congratulations back in Genoa City...

Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: So that can't be the reason, either. Are you here to give me away?

Victor: (Laughs) I doubt that, seriously.

Genevieve: Are you here to stop the wedding? Wow. Oh, wouldn't that be a romantic gesture?

Victor: Wouldn't that be romantic?

Genevieve: Yes!

Victor: Oh, my goodness.

Genevieve: (Laughs)

Victor: I'd fall to my knees and say, "Please, please don't."

Genevieve: Yeah.

Victor: You're in a very good mood right now. You seem to enjoy yourself. That'll come to a screeching halt. Once you tie the knot with Jack Abbott.

(Alarm sounding)

Jack: Wow. What the heck was that?

(Elevator doors open)

Man: There a problem? You hit the emergency button.

Nikki: Oh. Oh, did we?

Jack: It must have been an accident.

Man: Uh-huh. Are you folks guests of the hotel?

Nikki: Oh, yes, yes. Here's my key. We're just going to my room.

Man: All right.

Nikki: (Chuckles) Sorry about that. (Laughing)

Ricky: We could post some kind of reward.

Phyllis: Mm. Yeah, for information on the mysterious do-gooder who saved the life of the Abbott baby and then vanished into the night.

Ricky: It's a positive, good-news story.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's a mystery. Who doesn't love a mystery?

Ricky: Hmm. Billy. If it means making his private life public, he'll never go for it.

Phyllis: Mm, yeah, but if we could put it the right way, we could talk him into it.

Billy: Okay... (Sighs) What do we have for a cover story? Hit me.

Phyllis: Um, all right. First, we have to talk about damage control.

Billy: Damage? We have damage? Where do we have damage? What damage?

Phyllis: Um, Billy, a pregnant woman falls into the icy waters, and then she delivers a baby in an empty cabin. You know, that's-- that's a story, even if, uh, even if the father wasn't wealthy and famous and extremely good-looking--

Ricky: And married to another woman.

Phyllis: Uh, okay, okay, okay. This is what we can do. We can create a sensation around, uh, the hero, around the do-gooder.

Billy: Nice try. No.

Phyllis: Billy. I'm trying to help you.

Billy: (Laughs) We're not gonna publish a word about my son. Absolutely out of the question. Okay?

Victoria: Adam saved your life.

Chelsea: And the baby's. He got me to that cabin, he stayed with me through the entire delivery, and then he went to get us help.

Victoria: He's lying to you. Chelsea, he heard that you can't remember anything, so he's taking credit. This is exactly what he does.

Chelsea: (Scoffs)

Adam: (Sighs)

Chelsea: I do remember what happened. The only reason I didn't tell you before is because Adam asked me not to. What do you think, some random stranger just happened to be walking by a frozen lake in the middle of the night? A-Adam came looking for me, because he knew where I would go.

Adam: Look, guys, it doesn't matter, really--

Chelsea: Yes, it does matter! She's treating you like crap. You wouldn't have that baby in there in your life at all if it wasn't for Adam, so you should--you should get over yourself and thank him.

Victoria: I'm grateful to whoever it was that helped you.

Chelsea: Oh, my God. (Scoffs)

Adam: I don't know what you thought you were gonna accomplish with that.

Chelsea: Adam, I was--

Adam: I told you not to say anything, and now... look.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Phyllis: What are your producers in L.A. going to think if you, who owns a magazine, lets this big story get away?

Billy: Who the hell cares what they think? But, oh, I know. Let's offer 'em a big cover of Daniel and Daisy together. And we can give 'em, uh...

Phyllis: Really?

Billy: "Editor in chief's son in living hell thanks to demon--"

Phyllis: Really, really?

Billy: Really!

Phyllis: Really? Okay. Okay, fine, I'm backing off. We won't talk about it.

Billy: Good! Back off! Thank you. I appreciate it.

Phyllis: Whoa, whoa!

Billy: Here's the deal-- the issue of custody hasn't been settled as of yet.

Phyllis: But what's the problem? She's handing the baby over to you. It's your biological child. She signed the papers.

Billy: But she has the legal right to change her mind, not to mention there's the whole adoption process, and I don't want anything messing with that, especially not you.

Phyllis: (Taps pencil on desk)

Jack: I can't be sure, but I think my toes are still curling.

Nikki: (Chuckles) Well, it may not have been the most articulate way for me to get my point across.

Jack: Well, it was certainly the most enjoyable, even though I know that kiss had something to do with sticking it to Victor.

Nikki: Jack, you don't really think I would use you like that.

Jack: No, I think you're a good friend who came here to remind me that there's more to happiness than a good business deal.

Nikki: And there's more to love and marriage than what Genevieve could ever give you.

Jack: That advice coming from someone who's trapped in her own relationship. I know you don't like to think of yourself as trapped, that you and Victor are part of some giant destiny that-- okay, that was mean. I don't mean to be harsh. You came a long way to try to save me from myself.

Nikki: Yeah, and that-- that's just it. This isn't you. To do something so cynical and so ruthless-- I know you will regret it.

Jack: It's a game, Nikk. It's a game. Genevieve's playing it every bit as much as I am.

Nikki: Did your father play games like this? Is this how he conducted business?

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. Hey, we-we' re-- we're not going there.

Nikki: Well, maybe we should, if it will get you to see reason. This isn't the man you want to be, Jack.

Jack: I have to be going. My bride will be looking for me.

Nikki: Jack, please don't marry her.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Victor: Genevieve, you have a very good head for business.

(Garment bag unzips)

Victor: When I told you that, it wasn't flattery. I meant it.

Genevieve: (Laughs) Well, thank you, and I didn't question your sincerity. You're right. I do have sharp instincts for business, but I've got sharp claws, too. I honed them during my marriage to Colin.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Genevieve: You know, because you can only be lied to and taken advantage of for so long before you crumble, or you learn how to give as good as you're getting.

Victor: But you seem to have forgotten those lessons when you made that deal with Jack Abbott. Why'd you give away so much for so little?

Genevieve: (Scoffs) I got a good price.

Victor: I could top it.

Genevieve: Money isn't my chief concern here. It wasn't when I bought Beauty of Nature and it isn't now that I'm selling it. I thought you understood that one.

Victor: You bought the company to get entrée to the business world, to have real influence and power, and yet, unaccountably, you settled for... getting married to this second-rate business guy. I don't understand it.

Genevieve: There's more to it.

Victor: What, are you giving up?

Genevieve: Oh, wow. That's almost funny, coming from you. That was your advice to me, if you recall, when you found out that I was the proud new owner of Beauty of Nature. You told me that I should give up because I couldn't possibly compete with you and with Newman Cosmetics.

Victor: But you don't have to compete with me. We can join forces.

Genevieve: (Chuckles) Yes, um... I did consider your job offer. Truly, I did. I liked the idea of working side by side with you, benefiting from your vast experience, learning from the master, but isn't that sort of an unrealistic image?

Victor: Why would you say that?

Genevieve: Because you have installed your son as the head of Newman Cosmetics. If you bought Beauty of Nature, it'd only make sense that yet would combine the two companies, so there's one layer of management between us, right? And then there's Sharon, who you seem closer to in many respects than you do even to Nicholas. So I just don't think there'd be much room for my input, and I would be very frustrated if I didn't have any real authority to do anything.

Victor: I want you to run the damn company.

Genevieve: Beauty of Nature.

Victor: Not only Beauty of Nature, but also Newman Cosmetics. Nicholas and Sharon would answer to you.

Genevieve: (Laughs) Wait a minute. I know the history, Victor. You would never put Neil in a position of authority over your children.

Victor: And Neil walked away because of that. I've never forgotten it, because it hurt the company, okay? Think about it. You have a chance now to helm a company that is much larger than the enterprise you bought-- much larger. And you wouldn't have to go it alone. You'd do it with me, work with me. I back the company financially. I take all the risks. You just run the damn thing. I brought this for you to sign.

Genevieve: A deal memo. Wow, you came prepared.

Victor: I knew you would recognize an opportunity when you saw it.

Genevieve: (Sighs) And tempting as this offer is... it's just coming a bit too late, Victor. I'm sorry, but m going to marry Jack, and I really should be getting ready now.

Victor: Good luck to you.

Ricky: Isn't Billy being a bit paranoid? I mean, a little negative publicity isn't gonna impact the adoption.

Phyllis: That's not-- not true. Um, you know, when it's your kid, you don't want to take any chances, speaking of which, um, we received any information on Daisy for the custody case?

Ricky: And by "We," do you mean me?

Phyllis: Yes, I do. Is she opening up to you?

Ricky: A bit.

Phyllis: Good.

(Elevator door opens)

Phyllis: Get on it. You have to get some dirt before the hearing.

Ricky: I won't let you down, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Hey, hey.

Victoria: Hey.

Phyllis: Are you looking for Billy?

Victoria: Uh, yeah.

Billy: Hey. What are you doing here?

Victoria: Oh, hey. Um, something kind of weird just happened. Chelsea said that Adam is the one that pulled her out of the lake and delivered the baby.

Billy: And she's just now remembering this?

Victoria: No. She claims that he asked her not to say anything to us.

Phyllis: Oh, that's so not Adam.

Victoria: No, it's not. I don't believe it. I mean, at least, I don't want to believe it.

Ricky: Not what you expect from Satan.

Phyllis: Hmm, you know what? Even if he's lying, it's a pretty good story to run.

Victoria: Oh, my God, please tell me you're not gonna run a story on this, please.

Billy: No. No! Phyllis just lost her head for a moment, but she knows better, doesn't she?

Phyllis: Uh-huh.

Billy: Mm-hmm. Let's go back to the hospital, okay? Come on.

Victoria: All right. You know, I hate the idea of being indebted to Adam. I hate it.

Billy: I know. Maybe... (Laughs) He--he just talked Chelsea into going with it somehow, or maybe he's trying to earn points with Sharon or your dad or--

Victoria: Yes, yes. You see, that's more Adam.

Nick: So he hasn't checked in yet. Okay, yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thanks. Dad's not at the ranch or the office.

Bev: Nick Newman. Bev Tyler from the "Inquisitor." Congratulations on the newest member of your family.

Nick: I really don't have a comment on that.

Bev: I'm sure you want to thank the unknown hero who totally--

Nick: Seriously, I have nothing to say.

Bev: (Sighs)

Nick: (Sighs)

Chelsea: Okay, Adam, I'm sorry. What do you want from me? You were right, I was wrong. I really didn't think Victoria would go on hating you after she heard what you did.

Adam: My sister has good reason not to trust me.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, now she has good reason to rethink those reasons, and I'm gonna make sure that she does.

Adam: This is a wasted effort. You can't make someone believe something that they don't want to believe.

Chelsea: Okay, then. Stop trying to make me believe that you are a wasted effort. To me, you will always be the hero who saved my life and the life of my son.

Victor: That Jack's room?

Nikki: No, it's mine.

Victor: But you did come to see him, to try to stop the wedding. Is that it?

Nikki: Apparently, you came for the same reason, for Genevieve. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did.

Victor: I doubt it.

Nikki: Well, don't give up hope. Maybe you can have her arrested during the ceremony, or you could hire someone to seduce her-- all familiar tactics.

Victor: Um, can we talk?

Nikki: What would be the point? You’re never honest with me, anyway.

Victor: I would like you to see my point of view, so you understand what I was doing. Please.

Genevieve: I'm so glad to see you.

Jack: Yeah, I'm glad to see you, too.

Genevieve: (Chuckles)

Jack: I wasn't sure you were even gonna show.

Genevieve: Because of what happened last time. I wish I could make you understand how much I regret that.

Jack: Well, we have a chance to undo that mistake, don't we?

Genevieve: (Sighs) Jack... (Sighs) I know how deeply I hurt you and how much you must resent me for it. I also know that no few words we can say in front of a minister are going to just undo all of that, or--or signing my name onto a bill of sale.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Are you--are you trying to back out of this?

Genevieve: (Laughs) No. No, just the opposite. Just the opposite. I'm trying to tell you... (Sighs) Uh... I-I don't expect immediate forgiveness. I know that this is gonna take time and a lot of effort on my part. But, Jack, I am so looking forward to showing you how much I care. I want a real marriage. It wasn't possible with Colin, ever, but you-- you're a good man, and you love me, or... I know you loved me once. But... I think you can again. I honestly believe that we are gonna be really happy together, or I wouldn't be doing this.

Jack: Genevieve... (Sighs)

Genevieve: I-it's okay. This is why they say you're not supposed to see the bride before the wedding, 'cause, you know, she might just start gushing and embarrass you. (Sniffles)

Jack: Look, I didn't know-- I-I probably should have-- how much faith you still had in us.

Genevieve: I understand if you're not there yet.

Jack: I'm not... and I don't think I ever will be.

Genevieve: Y-you don't have to make me any promises, Jack.

Jack: Look, we both have made mistakes that we regret, that we never want to make again. (Sighs) I-I-I-I can't do this. I can't.

Genevieve: Y-you brought me all the way here j-just to reject me?

Jack: No, no, I actually came here to marry you.

Genevieve: (Voice breaking) Until I told you how much I care about you?

Jack: You've been honest with me. You deserve at least that in return.

Genevieve: No, it--it-- you're angry, and that's okay. I said that--

Jack: I'm not angry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I brought you all the way here. I'm sorry I-I don't feel the way I once felt. I... I'm sorry for you.

Genevieve: Get out. Get out! (Sobs) No... (Sobbing) Ohh, no. (Sobbing)

Victor: That is true. I orchestrated the meeting between Billy and Chelsea, okay?

Nikki: And then you denied it when I asked you.

Victor: But I had no involvement in her planting the drugs, nor was I involved in Billy Abbott getting thrown behind bars.

Nikki: No involvement? Victor, you set these things in motion, and then you refuse to take responsibility.

Victor: But he could have turned her down. That's what Billy Abbott does, though, when he knows no one is watching him.

Nikki: You weren't just watching him. You set him up because you can't stand being wrong about anybody.

Victor: And I'm wrong about Billy Abbott? Don't you think the facts bear me out?

Nikki: I know I've been wrong about you.

Victor: Please don't do this.

Nikki: That's exactly what I have been saying to you, Victor-- don't do this. Don't choose anger and self-righteousness over your family, but you--you don't hear me. It's like I'm talking into the wind. You hear nothing.

Victor: Don't you think I listen to you? Didn't I forgive our children after they took $1.5 billion from me? I forgave them. Why? Because you begged me to. That's what I do to protect my family.

Nikki: And then you turn around and you do things to tear us up.

Victor: No! I did that to protect Victoria before she got married to that bum, that useless Billy Abbott.

Nikki: Please, Victor, don't. Don't.

Victor: This is what I do to protect my family. Don't you get it? Why the hell are you trying to make me someone I'm not? Do you love me or not?

Nikki: Yes, I love you... but I cannot tolerate this. It's more than I can stand, Victor.

Victor: Then you'll be on your way now. Get the hell out of my room.

Victoria: You know, Chelsea's probably telling the truth. I mean, you knew to look for her at the lake, and Adam would, too.

Billy: Yeah, but why keep it a secret, though? There's not a whole lot of explanations that make that make sense.

Victoria: Unless he guessed how I would react. Just seeing him around the baby, it just--it made me think of Sharon and faith and everything that he put them through, and maybe it wasn't rational, but in the moment, you know, I-I just didn't care. (Sighs) Oh, gosh, I should probably apologize, shouldn't I? And thank him.

Billy: I'll be damned if I'm gonna be outclassed by Adam Newman.

Nick: Are you buying it, that Adam plunged into the icy depths to save some woman he barely knows?

Phyllis: Well, I was on the fence. Now I'm leaning against it.

Sharon: Why?

Phyllis: Because who's the first person he runs to when he does something nice? You, and you didn't even know about it.

Sharon: Well, it sounds like maybe he didn't want anyone finding out.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, that's Adam--“Completely selfless”. You see it differently?

Nick: Sharon thinks Adam had some sort of epiphany while he was at his mother's farm, changed his outlook.

Phyllis: Oh, I'm sure he did.

Sharon: You weren't there.

Phyllis: No, I wasn't, but who has a better track record with, uh, knowing that Adam is up to something, me or you? Adam. Adam, is it true? You saved Chelsea from drowning and you delivered her baby?

Adam: Yes.

Sharon: Why didn't you tell anyone?

Adam: I had my reasons.

Nick: Why bother, when you can get Chelsea to do it for you? Not that she's any more credible than you are.

Adam: Nicholas, what's the difference? You're gonna believe what you want, anyway.

Sharon: Adam has done horrible things, but that doesn't mean that everything that he does is so horrible.

Phyllis: You will always view Adam with the eyes of love, whereas Nick and I will view him with a healthy skepticism, right?

Sharon: Excuse me.

(Knock on door)

Nikki: Victor, I don't want to--

Jack: Victor? Is he here?

Nikki: (Sighs) I didn't bring him. I didn't know he even knew about the wedding.

Jack: He came here to stop it. Well, he could have saved himself the trouble, 'cause you already accomplished that.

Nikki: What do you mean?

Jack: Your little reverse pep talk worked. I couldn't go tough with it.

Nikki: Really? You called it off?

Jack: Well, you could show a little sympathy. I just lost Beauty of Nature forever.

Nikki: Oh, but what you held on to is so much more important.

Jack: Genevieve said she didn't want a business relationship. She wanted a real marriage. But I couldn't promise her that. What?

Nikki: (Sighs)

Jack: I thought this was the outcome you were hoping for.

Nikki: It's just strange. You broke things off with Genevieve because you had to be honest. I broke things off with Victor because he couldn't be.

(Knock on door)

Genevieve: I suddenly find myself very free this evening. I was wondering if you might like to share this with me.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned.

Genevieve: (Giggles) And then, of course, there is this.

Victor: Hmm.

Genevieve: Assuming your offer still stands.

Victor: Come in.

Sharon: Hi. My name is Sharon Newman.

Chelsea: I know who you are.

Sharon: Well, I hope you don't mind, um... the story's been getting around about how Adam rescued you and, um... I wouldn't mind hearing the details.

Chelsea: In case I'm lying, so you can trip me up? (Sighs) You'll be disappointed.

Sharon: No, I wouldn't be disappointed at all if it were true. I'd be thrilled.

Billy: All right, let's get this over with.

(Cell phone rings)

Adam: Hello?

Billy: Adam. Billy Abbott. Uh, could you come by the hospital? Victoria doesn't feel great about the way you guys left things off, and, uh...at I would like the opportunity to thank you for what you've done.

Adam: You know what? Don't worry about it. It's not necessary.

Billy: No, I-I think it is.

Victoria: Um...

Victoria: Adam, hi, it's Victoria. Um, you know, I wish l had at least let you see the baby. You can now, if--if you like.

Adam: All right, I'll come by.

Victoria: He's coming.

Genevieve: Okay, there it is. (Chuckles) You won, but you never doubted that you would, did you?

Victor: I wouldn't say that. With a woman as unpredictable as you, one never knows what happens.

Genevieve: I think we' re gonna have fun.

Jack: Suffering any aftershocks from that decision?

Nikki: (Sighs) Maybe that'll come later. Right now, I just feel relieved.

Jack: Well, that's gotta tell you something.

Nikki: You don't realize the strain it puts you under, constantly wondering if the person you're with is being honest, if you can trust them. And then you walk away, and the anxiety lifts. Don't worry. I'm not gonna talk about Victor all night long. That'll be enough to drive you back into Genevieve's arms.

Jack: Oh, no. No, I'm feeling...

Nikki: (Sighs)

Jack: A sense of relief myself. Thank you for coming all this distance to bring me to my senses with that kiss.

Nikki: Well, you know, sometimes, great sacrifices are necessary in a friendship.

Jack: Yeah. Well, if I can ever, uh, return the favor sometime, you let me know.

Nikki: How about now?

Jack: How about now? Trust me.

Chelsea: If I hadn't remembered on my own what Adam had done, he never would have told me.

Sharon: He must have felt so alone, thinking he had no one in his life that... would care or even believe him.

Chelsea: Everyone will have to accept the truth, whether they like it or not.

Sharon: He must appreciate your loyalty.

Chelsea: Actually, he was pretty pissed off at me for opening my big mouth...But he got over it. He knows I have his back.

Victoria: I'm really sorry that I overreacted.

John: (Cries)

Victoria: Would you like to hold him?

John: (Fussing)

Adam: You wouldn't mind?

John: (Fussing)

Adam: Ohh.

John: (Fussing)

Adam: Hey, you. Look at you, little man.

John: (Grunting)

Adam: Yeah, I guess I didn't need to be worried about you after all. You look good.

Billy: (Inhales sharply) No, he's in good shape, thanks to you.

Victoria: Yeah, we'll always be grateful.

John: (Fussing)

Ricky: Hey, Nick. Did you talk to Billy again?

Phyllis: No, I didn't. I-I don't plan to. Listen, uh, we're--we're--we're not doing that story. I've already been fired twice in the last year.

Ricky: (Sighs)

Phyllis: And I don't plan on getting fired again. Don't push him. It--

Ricky: I wasn't planning on it.

Nick: What the hell?

Phyllis: What?

Nick: The "Inquisitor” just posted online that Adam's the one who rescued Chelsea.

Phyllis: Wh-what did-- did they say who the source was?

Nick: It's not saying. It could have been Adam. It could have been Chelsea.

Phyllis: No, I know who it was.

Genevieve: Victor, come back to bed.

Victor: In a minute.

[Victor remembering]

Nikki: Yes, I love you, but I cannot tolerate this. It's more than I can stand, Victor.

Nikki: Mm.

Nikki: (Sighs contentedly) Mm. Jack Abbott.

Jack: You never asked.

Nikki: (Chuckles) I didn't think that it was my place

Jack: Your place is right here, right here, for as long as you want to be here.

Nikki: (Exhales slowly)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ricky: Morning, Ms. Editor.

Phyllis: Drop the smile and explain yourself.

Chloe: She does have a point about Chelsea. Big mistake to trust her--

Victor: Hello, Sweetheart.

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