Y&R Transcript Friday 4/13/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 4/13/12


Episode # 9884 ~ Jack and Genevieve Prepare for Their Wedding

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Genevieve: (Sighs) It's not that I don't want to fly to Las Vegas with you, Jack. It's just logistics.

Jack: Meaning what?

Genevieve: Well, as I said before, there are a few things that I'd like to get done, things a bride would do.

Jack: Well, I can call the charter company. We'll delay the flight.

Genevieve: No, no. No, please don't. I have no idea how long it's going to take. Rather than keep you waiting, I'd just as soon make my own arrangements and meet you there.

Jack: How do I know you're even gonna show?

Genevieve: I know how lucky I am to be getting a second chance with you. I'm not gonna blow it. I will be there.

Jack: Then I have your word?

Genevieve: Yes. Oh, Jack. I know that things aren't the way they used to be between us, but we can get back to the way things were. I think we fell in love with each other for a reason. I have high hopes for this marriage.

Jack: So do I.

Victor: I hired you to prove a point to my daughter-- that Billy Abbott is a worthless scum. You were to seduce him and then be done with it.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Victor: Getting pregnant wasn't part of the deal.

Chelsea: That wasn't exactly what I had planned, either.

Victor: It's the cheapest trick in the book to trap a man or his money.

Chelsea: Excuse me, I am giving my baby to Billy and Victoria to raise because--because it's the best thing for my child. You--you can try to bribe me all you want, but it won't work.

Victor: Your job here is finished, all right? Although you didn't do as I had asked you to do. Get out of town as quickly as you can. I'll transfer the money to wherever you want me to.

Abby: (Sighs)

Victoria: I cannot wait to see him in that little Brewers hat. I should tell you Billy has one just like it.

Abby: Oh, or in his motorcycle gear...

Victoria: Oh, my God.

Abby: From Aunt Abby. Johnny Rockin' Abbott...

Victoria: That's...

Abby: The coolest kid who has ever lived. (Laughs)

Victoria: Ridiculously cute. I can't believe it.

Adam: Oh, look at that. I was actually gonna get him something just like that.

Victoria: I don't want you getting anything for my baby. Don't even go near him.

Harmony: Can you hear me?

Devon: Whoa, a little softer next time, please.

Harmony: (Laughing)

Devon: Don't have to shout. (Laughs)

Harmony: Oh, you know, I-I know I shouldn't worry, but I just had to check. Everything's still okay?

Devon: Oh, Mom, everything is great. I can hear so much better than I could before, and it--the little things that I haven't noticed in years, you know? It's--

Harmony: (Laughs)

Devon: (Laughs)

Harmony: Mm. Hey! Tucker.

Tucker: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Harmony: Come on over here and say hi.

Tucker: No, I don't want to intrude. That's--that's all right.

Harmony: You can't intrude. You're family.

Michael: Mwah!

Lauren: I'm so glad you could take a break and meet me.

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: So listen, I'm gonna fly up to Toronto tonight to visit Fen.

Michael: Visit?

Lauren: Yeah, and Scotty. I thought maybe we'd make it a family weekend.

Michael: Okay, listen to me. I've given this a great deal of thought, and... enough is enough. It's time we get our son and we bring him back.

Lauren: He loves being with his brother.

Michael: That may be so, but every night I talk to Fenmore, he says that he misses his room and his friends.

Lauren: He can't come back now.

(Door opens)

Michael: Why not?

Daisy: Thank you.

Phyllis: Okay, okay, so we need to come up with some really, really great cover ideas, you know? Better than last month. And with Billy and his TV show in the works, uh, L.A. is watching.

(Elevator door opens)

Man: Huh.

Phyllis: So I need ideas! I need a lot of great ideas, Guys.

Phyllis: Hey.

Avery: Hi.

Phyllis: I thought that you were-- you were gonna be in, um, Connecticut for a long time.

Avery: Well, Dad's estate was pretty easy to settle. Once I paid the claims from all the people he bilked, there wasn't anything left... but I did find this.

Harmony: So Tucker gave the band money so they'd think they were being paid.

Devon: Oh, well, how cool is that? (Laughs)

Tucker: You know, you gotta get paid. You know, those guys are all millionaires right now, but back in the day, they were splitting a hot dog three ways.

Devon: (Laughs) Really?

Tucker: I'm not kidding you. (Chuckles)

Devon: Jeez. What's the matter? Don't like hot dogs?

Harmony: I just never thought I'd see this day. I mean, us all laughing together like this and having fun. It's just... well, I guess, like they say, anything is possible-- anything.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daniel: Is she ready?

Daisy: You could have picked her up at my apartment.

Daniel: Well, you know, I figured, since I've been granted visitation, that we should probably exchange custody in a public place.

Daisy: Why are you taking this legal stuff so seriously?

Daniel: I do believe you're the one who started it when you showed up at my mom's waving around a court order, and you took Lucy without any warning.

Daisy: Phyllis wants to keep me away from my daughter. You think, if I gave her warning, that Lucy would have even been there? Because I sure don't.

Lauren: I am not bringing Fen home as long as Daisy's around.

Michael: Well, sadly, it appears she's not going anywhere, and there's nothing we can do about it. She's done nothing to us. She's been the perfect parolee.

Lauren: Are--a-are you believing her reformed act?

Michael: I'm just saying we have no recourse.

Lauren: Well, excuse me if that's not very reassuring.

Michael: Listen to me. We can take further precautions. We could hire a bodyguard, if that eases your mind, but it's time my son came home, where he belongs.

Lauren: Even if it's putting him at risk?

Michael: I would never do that, which you damn well know. Sweetheart, I believe that we could keep Fenmore safe here, as safe here with us as he is in Canada.

Lauren: (Scoffs) If you believe that, you're living in a dream world.

Adam: Like it or not, Vick, your baby's my nephew.

Victoria: I don't like it, and the only thing my kids are gonna know is to stay far away from you.

Adam: I'm assuming the baby's okay, gonna be going home soon?

Abby: Yeah, the baby is fine, no thanks to you. You know, Chelsea ran off because of a fight that you started. She could have drowned in that lake. It could have been just like...

Victoria: Okay.

Abby: It could have been just like... (Voice breaks)

Victoria: Okay, okay.

[Adam remembering]

Adam: Chelsea, come on. Give me your hand. Come on!

Chelsea: (Shivering) (Grunting)

Adam: I got you, I got you.

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: (Grunts)

Chelsea: Aah! Ohh!

Adam: You got it, you got it!

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: You got it. Oh, Chelsea. You did it.

Chelsea: (Moans)

Adam: You did it. He's here.

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: Well, I'm sorry you see it that way.

Victor: All I ever wanted is for my daughter to stop pining over that worthless son of a bitch. You were to take some incriminating pictures, send them to me, and then disappear. The sex, the drugs-- all that is your doing.

Chelsea: My so-called friends got greedy when they heard what I was up to. Things were never supposed to go down that way.

Victor: But they did, and I'm left to clean up the mess.

Mrs. Martinez: Your bag's in the limo, and the pilot's waiting for you at the airport.

Jack: Thank you, Mrs. Martinez. Please tell Genevieve if she calls--

Nikki: Oh, thank God I caught you.

Jack: Nikki, you're not gonna talk me out of this.

Nikki: No, no, no, that's not why I'm here. I just don't-- I-I don't know what to do.

Jack: Mrs. Martinez, could you call the pilot, tell him I'm gonna be delayed? What happened?

Nikki: Victor swore to me-- he swore to me that he had nothing to do with Billy being set up in Myanmar, that he--he didn't meet Chelsea until after he got Billy out of prison and that she was already pregnant, but I just overheard the two of them talking.

Jack: Where?

Nikki: At the hospital. They didn't know that I was there, but they both said that Victor sent Chelsea to seduce Billy, which means that he had to have had a hand in everything after that.

Phyllis: (Sighs) (Taps thumb rhythmically) Well, I'm sure you know what's in here. You're the executor.

Avery: I don't. It--it wasn't my place to look.

Phyllis: I can't believe that. (Sighs)

Victoria: (Singsongy) Okay. (Normal voice) Uh-huh. I'll see you soon. Okay, bye.

Abby: What's Billy up to?

Victoria: Oh, he's at a meeting with his lawyers for the "Restless Style" TV pilot, and we're gonna hook up in a little while. Uh, speaking of which, I should probably get going.

Abby: Wait, unh, unh, unh, unh! You haven't touched your salad, like, at all.

Victoria: I don't know. I just--I lost my appetite after we ran into Adam. Right now, I just really want to get back to the baby.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: I wasn't sure what your favorites are, so I had 'em throw in a little bit of everything. Oh, are you okay?

Chelsea: I don't deserve flowers. I don't deserve anything.

Adam: What's going on? Are you having a bad day?

Chelsea: Let's just say you're not the only person who's done bad things. I've tried to make up for it with Billy and Victoria. I-I just don't know if I can.

Adam: Yeah, the thing about the Abbotts and the Newmans--they're not a real forgiving bunch, especially when it comes to outsiders like us.

Nikki: Victor is trying to pay Chelsea off for her to go away.

Jack: Well, of course. He wants to cover his complicity in the whole thing.

Nikki: (Sighs) God forbid he should be held accountable.

Jack: I'm not gonna let him get away with this, Nikk.

Mrs. Martinez: Sorry to interrupt. The pilot from the charter company called. He won't have enough legal duty hours to complete the flight if you don't leave soon, Sir.

Jack: (Stammers) Call him back. Tell him I'm on my way. Look, I won't be gone long. Don't do anything rash, okay?

Nikki: (Sighs) Says the man who's flying off to marry "Mata Hari."

Jack: Look, if you don't want to go back to the ranch tonight, if you want to spend the night here, just tell Mrs. Martinez, all right?

Nikki: Jack, please don't do this.

Jack: Take care, okay?

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: (Sighs) Its Victor.

Jack: Give him hell.

Nikki: Hello.

Victor: Didn't you get my message? I'd wanted to have dinner with you.

Nikki: I know the truth about Chelsea, Victor. I know that you set it all up, that you arranged to have her seduce Billy in Myanmar.

Victor: I don't know how much you think you know--

Nikki: I know that we're through. I'm through. I told you, one more lie, and we were finished.

Genevieve: Hello, Victor. Oh, I-I wish I could stay and chat, but I've been running around like a crazy person today. I just got my nails done and now I'm rushing off to the airport, 'cause I'm meeting Jack in Vegas. We're gonna get married tonight.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, my congratulations, or condolences-- heartfelt congratulations. Never known two people who deserve each other more. I have a meeting to go to. Good luck to you.

Devon: Yeah. No, we just got to the studio, Honey, so I can hear Angelina's new song, the one that Tucker produced. Yeah, of course I'll send you a copy. Yeah, I know.

Harmony: (Sighs)

Devon: It's good to hear your voice again. Okay, Baby. Well, I'll tell you what-- I'll call you later on, all right? Okay, I love you. Bye-bye.

Tucker: How's Roxy doing?

Devon: Oh, she's doing great. She sends her love, too.

Harmony: Yeah, yeah, right, right, right, right. Listen, uh, can we hear the song already?

Devon: Let's do it.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Abby: Ohh. (Chuckles)

(Door opens)

Woman: Almost time for your son to eat.

Abby: (Laughs)

Victoria: Oh, great, okay. Thanks, thanks a lot. Is it okay if we stick around?

Woman: Sure.

Victoria: Okay. (Sighs)

Abby: Ohh, he is adorable.

Victoria: I know.

Abby: Look at those fingernails. (Laughs)

Victoria: I know. God, it's so unreal.

Abby: (Laughs) Ohh. Dude...

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Are you scared?

Victoria: Yeah, I'm actually petrified... for a lot of reasons.

Chelsea: I was tending bar at this place that Billy would hang out at a lot. It was mostly surfers, who, by the way, are not the best tippers, when out of nowhere, I got this... incredible offer.

Adam: What kind of an offer?

Chelsea: An offer that would pay me, in cash, more than I would make in six months pouring shots. All I had to do was come on to Billy, slip a little something in his drink, and take a few photos. No harm done-- well, except to his marriage. Except things just went too far, and people got really hurt.

Adam: One wild guess-- my father's the one behind this. Oh, boy.

Chelsea: (Exhales slowly)

Adam: Dear old dad. He has this uncanny ability to take someone who's working for him and turn them into a scapegoat. You think you're doing one thing for him, and then he just--well, you get forced into a situation where you find yourself deeper and deeper in there.

Chelsea: You, too, huh?

Adam: Mm. Yes, and I'm his son, so it makes it even more special.

Chelsea: Well, now Victor wants me to leave town.

Adam: Of course he does. Whenever his plan goes awry, he wants you out. The question is, what are you gonna do?

Chelsea: Not sure... but I do know I'm not going anywhere before the hearing about the baby.

Lauren: Daisy is vicious and unpredictable, and I do not want our son to be her next victim.

Michael: Well, neither do I, for God sakes. I just don't want him hiding out in a foreign country for the rest of his life.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Damn it! I gotta take this.

Lauren: Yeah, yeah. You always do.

Michael: You know, just give me one minute, please, all right? Yes, Michael Baldwin. Got it. Thank you. All right.

Daisy: I understand. Thanks for calling. (Sighs) That was my lawyer. Guess I know why you're here.

Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Daniel, I just heard from the judge's clerk. The custody hearing has been scheduled for April 23rd.

Daisy: You don't have to do this.

Daniel: You know what, Daisy? This is my time with Lucy right now, and I really don't want to get into it.

Daisy: Fine. (Sighs) Be a good girl for daddy, okay?

Michael: Okay. Sorry.

Lauren: I'm heading home to pack, and then I'm going to the airport. After you finish this "Business" of yours, I would really love it if you would fly up and join us, and if not, then... (Clicks tongue) I guess I'll just see you when I see you.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Abby: Are you still afraid Chelsea will change her mind?

Victoria: Well... (Sighs) You know, until the hearing, I--

Abby: No, no, I get it.

Victoria: The thing is, I mean, moms are always scared, right? I mean, it just kind of goes with the territory. You're just always worried that your kid's gonna get sick or--or get hurt or something, but... it's not gonna stop me from loving that little boy with everything that I have inside of me.

Abby: I think that John is one very lucky little boy.

Victoria: (Sighs) I feel like I'm the lucky one, actually.

Abby: (Giggles) I have to get going. I have some things to do, but I'll come back later, when he's awake.

Victoria: Yeah, that's fine.

Abby: Okay.

Victoria: Actually, I'm gonna walk out with you, 'cause I'm gonna grab my laptop out of my car, 'cause later, Billy is coming back, and we're gonna Skype Reed and introduce him to his new little brother!

Abby: Ohh, I love it.

Victoria: I do, too. (Mouths word)

Chelsea: All Victor wanted was to break up that marriage. I'm the one who let my friends plant those drugs on Billy... and then, I accused him of rape because I couldn't let anyone know that I had fallen for a mark. It's because of me he was thrown in that horrible prison.

Adam: It's also because of you that he now has a son.

Chelsea: Yeah, that's the one thing that I feel good about. I'm making sure that baby has a real home with two parents who love him and a-are gonna give him everything he needs.

Adam: You put your baby first. That's what a good mother does. That's something to be proud of.

Chelsea: I believe people can learn from their mistakes... change how they do things. I know I have, and so have you.

Harmony: (Stomps foot) How many more of these buttons and switches you gotta push before we can hear this song?

Tucker: (Slowly) Patience, Harmony. (Normal voice) Almost there.

Harmony: Uhh! (Sighs) You know, it's hard to be patient when you're this excited about something.

Devon: This is crazy, man. You know that I grew up listening to the songs that you produced...

Tucker: Hmm.

Devon: And never in a million years would I think you'd be involved with one of mine... (Laughs) Much less that you're my father.

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Let's see if the old man's still got it. (Clicks button)

Devon: All right.

("Good Goodbye" playing)

Tucker: (Exhales slowly)

Angelina: Mm Here we are again all alone standing here with you now I see

Phyllis: "Black Beauty."

Phyllis: He used to read this to me when I was little.

Avery: Wow, that's really...

Phyllis: Manipulative?

Avery: I was gonna say "Touching."

Phyllis: You don't see what this is about?

Avery: (Sighs)

Phyllis: He's trying to mess with my head... bludgeoning me with a sentimental gift so he can prove that he was a good father. (Voice breaking) I'm not that stupid. (Normal voice) What'd he leave you?

Avery: Nothing.

Angelina: Good goodbye but it's never a good goodbye

Harmony: (Laughs)

Devon: It's exactly the way I heard it in my head.

Tucker: Really?

Harmony: You can breathe.

Tucker: (Laughs)

Devon: (Laughs) You were nervous. That's-- one of the biggest producers who ever lived.

Tucker: It's your song, Devon. It's your artist, your reputation on the line. I wanted you to like it.

Devon: Oh, I don't like it. I absolutely love it.

Phyllis: You should count your blessings.

Avery: (Chuckles) Oh?

Phyllis: You guys were close. He didn't feel the need to resort to something so blatant.

Avery: Oh, my God. Do you really think that he's reaching out from beyond the grave to--to lay a guilt trip on you?

Phyllis: Yeah, I do. He didn't, uh, know that he was gonna see me before he died. He didn't rewrite his will, did he?

(Door opens)

Phyllis: (Sniffles) I mean, this is really his last resort to make me feel bad, isn't it?

Michael: Who's trying to make you feel bad about what?

Phyllis: Uh, George, but it doesn't work, so this is just his-- his last gift to me, you know? He used to read it to me when I was little.

Michael: "Black Beauty."

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Michael: I never got to that one. I used to be all about the Hardy Boys and reading Proust in the original French.

Avery: Phyllis is convinced our father left her that book out of spite.

Phyllis: Because he did.

Avery: Oh, you are just so cynical.

Michael: You know, families-- families are--are great, ain't 'em? Hmm. Case in point is Daniel and Lucy, um... custody hearing's scheduled for week after next.

Phyllis: Oh, good. (Sighs) Thank you, Michael, thank you, Michael, thank you. Good, this is something, um, important we can talk about.

Genevieve: (Sighs) Hmm. To Jack and me and our future together. There will be one. (Chuckles) (Sighs)

[Genevieve remembering]

Genevieve: Oh, Jack. I know things have changed between us, but I can make you love me again. You'll see. (Sighs)

Man: So what brings you to town?

Jack: I'm getting married.

Man: Congratulations.

Jack: Thanks.

Nikki: I've got this, thanks.

Man: Sir?

Jack: Uh... it's fine, thank you.

Man: I hope you both have a wonderful life together.

Jack: What the hell are you doing here?

Nikki: Stopping you from making the worst mistake of your life. (Pushes "Stop" button)

(Elevator stops)

Angelina: Good goodbye but it's never a good goodbye

Harmony: (Laughs) Bam!

Devon: (Laughs)

Abby: Wow! I mean, wow.

Devon: Yeah? (Laughs)

Abby: I love it. I--what a fabulous job.

Devon: Thank you.

Abby: (Sighs)

Devon: Thank you, but let me tell you, I have to give credit where credit's due, and it's that man.

Tucker: Oh, no. I just pushed a few buttons, turned a few knobs, that's all.

Devon: No, no, come on, don't do that. Take a bow. You deserve it.

Harmony: You both do.

Abby: (Laughs)

Avery: You know, we don't have to do this right now.

Michael: What, drink wine?

Avery: Prep for this custody hearing. If you need to go home--

Michael: No. No, I don't need to go home, so let's get back to work.

Avery: Michael, are you okay?

Michael: Hmm?

Avery: Are you okay?

Michael: Well, come on. I just miss my son. He's, uh, visiting his brother in Canada. You know how that is.

Avery: In spite of everything... I miss my dad. I miss him. (Sighs) Or I miss the idea, the image that I have in my head of him. You know, I believed he was innocent till the day he died, till I heard him admit... what he did to those people... and now he's gone. He's gone, and I don't have anything to remember him by.

Michael: Memories?

Avery: No. No, I don't have memories, because the memories I have are fake. My dad was not the man he pretended to be. He was a liar... (Voice breaking) And he broke up his family... and... (Sighs) (Normal voice) Nothing that I remember, nothing... nothing seems real.

Michael: Well, I take it you disagree with Phyllis that sh-- he left that book to her out of spite.

Avery: I think he left her that book... (Voice breaking) I think he left her that book to remind her how much he loved her... (Sniffles) And no matter what happened, he--he didn't forget her... after everything fell apart. (Sobs)

Michael: Hey, come here.

Avery: (Sniffles) No, you know, I'm the one who stayed. I'm the one who defended him till the day he died, and he didn't leave me anything. (Sniffles) Oh, God. (Sniffles) oh, I--

Michael: Yep.

Avery: (Sobs)

Michael: Come here. It's okay.

Avery: (Sighs)

Michael: It's okay.

Daniel: What did you think of my news, huh? Hopefully, this will all be behind us soon.

Phyllis: I think it's the beginning of the end for--

(Footsteps approach)

Phyllis: You-know-who.

Daniel: Mm. (Popping lips)

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daisy: Hey, Ricky, it's Daisy. Call me back as soon as you get this. We need to talk about exactly how you're gonna help me stick it to Phyllis and keep Lucy.

Phyllis: Hey, as much as I hate to say this, I have to leave. Here you go. I have to get back to work. We have to come up with a cover story for our next issue. Nobody can think of anything yet.

Daniel: That's cool. I'm just gonna hang here with Lucy.

Phyllis: Okay. Bye, Lucy. (Laughs) Bye. Bye!

Daniel: Bye. Can you say "Bye"? Bye-bye?

Phyllis: Bye-bye.

Daniel: Can you say "Bye-bye"?

Phyllis: (Laughs) See you.

Daniel: (High-pitched voice) Bye-bye!

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Daniel: Mom, hey, you forgot this.

Phyllis: Throw it away.

Daniel: She's a crazy lady, huh? Crazy lady. I know.

John: (Crying)

Adam: The Abbott baby-- is that the little guy?

John: (Crying)

Adam: Ohh.

John: (Crying)

Victoria: What the hell do you think you're doing? I told you to stay away from my baby. Nurse, would you please put my son back in his crib? This man shouldn't be here. He's not welcome.

Adam: I'm not hurting him, Vick. I just wanted to see him.

Victoria: Now that Chelsea has given birth, it doesn't matter who she associates with, but I will not warn you again. You stay away from my son. You got that?

Chelsea: Why? What is your problem? Adam hasn't done anything wrong.

Victoria: Well, I'm not taking any chances as far as he's concerned.

Chelsea: If anyone deserves to see the baby, it's your brother. He pulled me from the lake, saved my life, and delivered my son.

(Door opens)

Genevieve: Hey, don't come in. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

Victor: Marrying Jack Abbott is bad luck even if you're not superstitious.

Genevieve: Victor?

Victor: In the flesh.

Jack: What the hell are you doing, following me halfway across the country? Especially after what just happened with Victor.

Nikki: That's exactly why I'm here. It suddenly hit me. What you're about to do-- marry Genevieve for the company-- that's exactly the same kind of thing that Victor would do...

Jack: Oh, man.

Nikki: Win at all costs, no matter who gets hurt, except in this situation, you would get hurt.

Jack: Listen to me. There's a diff--

Nikki: Neither one of us deserve to be in an unhappy marriage, Jack, and that's what you're gonna get if you marry Genevieve. You're putting your work above everything, above life, above your family, and above your real love. Don't do that to yourself.

Jack: I have made my decision. Nothing you say is going to change my mind.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: Chelsea said that he asked her not to say anything to us.

Phyllis: That's so not Adam.

Jack: I can't be sure, but I think my toes are still curling.

Victor: I want you to run the damn company. Nicholas and Sharon would answer to you.

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