Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/12/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/12/12


Episode # 9883 ~ Victor's Manipulations Shock Nikki

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: So did you get to meet the newest member of our families?

Jack: I did, last night, and I am relieved that Chelsea kept her promise to give the baby to Billy and Victoria.

Nikki: Mm. I still wouldn't put anything past that one.

Jack: You don't trust her?

Nikki: You know what they say-- when someone shows you who they really are, believe them.

Jack: Is that yet another veiled attempt to warn me about Genevieve?

Nikki: That depends on whether I was able to talk you out of your plan.

Jack: Sorry, sticking with it.

Nikki: Jack, you cannot marry this woman just to acquire Beauty of Nature it's a terrible idea!

Jack: Only if it doesn't work.

Nikki: Oh, my God, do you have doubts?

Jack: For a brief moment, I thought she might back out on me. She overheard me telling you that I would marry her and then divorce her the moment the company was safely mine.

Nikki: (Gasps) How did you talk your way out of that?

Jack: I told her I was placating my pushy friend Nikki, who might sabotage the ceremony or blab my wedding plans to my family, so if you should run into her today--

Nikki: Jack, she is too smart to fall for that story.

Jack: Well, she seemed completely reassured.

Nikki: Yeah, well, I know you, and you're worried.

Jack: She said she still wants to be my wife. There's no way I can be sure she meant it.

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: (Scoffs) Ethan?

Cane: (Sighs) Hey, uh, Mother. Um, I was wondering if, uh, you might want to have lunch with me.

Genevieve: Why?

Cane: I just want to talk. It's important. Would you, uh, mind coming by the club?

Genevieve: I'll be right there.

Cane: Okay. It's on.

Lily: See? I told you she'd come.

Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? You don't have to leave. She's not gonna be here that, you know...

Lily: Well, I'll swing back later to see how it went, okay?

Cane: Okay. Well, if it goes anything like my usual conversations with her, you'll come back and find me banging my head against this table, just right there.

Lily: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Listen, I just came back from my brother, who can hear perfectly again.

Cane: Which proves?

Lily: Which proves that good things can happen with some positive effort.

Cane: Mm. Well, we will find out soon enough.

Nick: How'd your meeting with Genevieve go yesterday?

Victor: Unfortunately, not as planned.

Nick: Does that mean we're out of the running for Beauty of Nature?

Victor: (Sighs) No, Son, it means that I adjusted my strategy.

Nick: Well, Victoria told me that you helped with the search for Chelsea. That was very cool of you.

Victor: My daughter needed my help, I gave it to her. End of story.

Victoria: Your daddy had to go and handle some very important work.

John: (Murmuring)

Victoria: Yes, but I'm sure that he's gonna be thinking about you every second. (Whispering) For now, it's just you and me. Yes, it is.

Victoria: (Normal voice) You have no idea how happy I am you're here with me.

John: (Grunting)

Victoria: I'm so happy. Yes, I am. I'm so happy.

Adam: How you doing?

Chelsea: Well... (Sighs) Giving birth is no joke. (Laughs)

Adam: Especially under the conditions you chose to have your kid in.

Chelsea: Not my kid anymore.

Adam: Which do you need, a joke or a shoulder?

Chelsea: I need to get over it.

Adam: It's not the kind of thing you forget in a day.

Chelsea: I can't believe I forgot that you helped me deliver the baby. If you hadn't pulled me out of that lake--

Adam: And no one is gonna know about that, okay?

Chelsea: I think you're wrong for keeping this a secret.

Nick: Dad, despite the cold war between you and Victoria, you two managed to come together on this, and that's huge. Are you really not going to acknowledge that?

(Intercom buzzes)

Victor: Yes, Connie. Send her in.

Victor: Hello, Sharon. Please have a seat. The lab has confirmed the first tests of the perfume scents, and I want you to narrow it down today, okay?

Sharon: All right. I-I just have to shuffle a few things around.

Victor: You two have been doing an excellent job, I must tell you, but, uh, I want you to put this on the fast track.

Sharon: We're on it.

Victor: And I want you to know one thing-- once I obtain Beauty of Nature, you will have more work than you bargained for.

Jack: Anyway, I haven't seen or heard from Genevieve since she left here last night.

Nikki: So, what? She's making you squirm while she calls all the shots?

Jack: She wouldn't cancel this wedding.

Nikki: No, more likely, she will marry you and then screw you out of Beauty of Nature.

Jack: Or maybe she's just busy getting ready for our trip to Vegas. In fact, unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume we are taking off today as planned.

Nikki: Jack, you cannot do this. Why can't you see that everything about this is wrong?

Jack: I want this company, Nikk.

Nikki: We are talking about a marriage-- sharing a life, a home, a bed. You don't love her.

Jack: Love is not a factor here.

Nikki: Oh, my God. But do you hear what you're saying? Are--are you really ready to commit yourself to--to God knows how long to a woman who betrayed you? She betrayed you for a business deal. (Snaps fingers)

Jack: Now I know what I'm dealing with.

Nikki: Jack, you d-- you deserve so much better.

Jack: Maybe I do. Does that mean you're willing to leave Victor and marry me again? We eloped once before. We could do it this time in Vegas.

Nikki: (Sighs) Jack.

Jack: No, I didn't think so. All the really good ones are taken, Nikk. So now I gotta focus on what I can have right here, right now, and I need your help. Can I count on it?

Nikki: (Sighs) (Voice cracks) I won't say anything.

Jack: Thank you. I should really get going here.

Nikki: (Sniffles) (Normal voice) Yeah, I'll let you get to that.

Jack: Hey.

Nikki: Listen, I gotta give it one more shot. Please, please don't do this. All these machinations for a company? Is it really worth it? Is that really who you are, Jack?

Genevieve: You didn't seem too pleased to see me the last time we ran into each other.

Cane: (Sighs) Because I wasn't, and then I thought about the mistakes that you said you made, and how you wanted to try and fix them. So, um... I wanted to talk to you.

Genevieve: Wh-why? You didn't believe that I was sincere?

Cane: No, 'cause I would like to try and fix them, too.

Chelsea: I was so cold and so scared. I thought for sure I was gonna die. How did you even know where to look for me?

Adam: You, um, you said something once in passing about, uh... being upset, going up to Lake Concord, and blowing off steam. I figured, you had that fight with Victoria, and you might have-- you might have headed up there. I just connected the dots.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) I want everyone to know what you did.

Adam: And they're not gonna know.

Chelsea: Why not? Oh, my God, the people in this town, your--your family, even-- they treat you like dirt. Last night, Victoria accused you of horrible things.

Adam: She and I have had our differences.

Chelsea: Yet that still didn't stop you from saving the baby that she loves so much. You did right by your sister, and I think she needs to know that. Hmmm, I don't think I took my pill today.

Sharon: Your dad sure is anxious for us to get this line up and running.

Nick: Well, I know he would like us to finalize the name and the initial products in time to announce at the annual arts council gala.

Sharon: Then we'll do that. Have I told you how much I love sampling perfume?

Nick: Just a few times. Sit down. Hey, did you, uh, did you hear about the baby?

Sharon: Yes! I was with Ashley when she got the news. Congratulations, Uncle Nick. Victoria and Billy must be happy.

Nick: Victoria is in new mom heaven, especially since the delivery was a little scary.

Sharon: Oh, what happened?

Nick: Well, Chelsea had taken off and was missing, and I guess she fell through the ice out at Lake Concord.

Sharon: Wow. Well, thank God everything turned out okay. Why--why did she run off?

Nick: She and Victoria were arguing.

Sharon: About what?

Nick: About Chelsea hanging out with, uh, Adam.

Sharon: Oh. Well, I could see why that would make Victoria uncomfortable.

Nick: Well, Chelsea and the baby are fine, and that's all that matters. So you ready to do this?

Sharon: Where do we start?

Adam: I'm not, uh, I'm not here to go another round with you, Victoria. I just came in here to see Chelsea, see if she was okay.

Victoria: Yeah, me, too. So you look a lot better than you did last night. How are you feeling?

Chelsea: Happy to be alive. (Sighs) Is the baby still doing okay?

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's great. He's really just perfect. He's getting another checkup right now, but--no, it's just-- it's completely standard. I mean, the doctors say that there's nothing to worry about at this point.

Chelsea: Wow. It really is a miracle we should all be grateful for, isn't it?

Adam: I, uh, wanted to congratulate you on being a parent again.

Victoria: Thank you.

Chelsea: I know there's another reason you came by.

Victoria: Well, you know what? That's fine. We can just--we can talk later.

Chelsea: Actually, um, Victoria, there is something that you should know. My feelings didn't change after I handed the baby over to you and Billy. I gave you guys custody, and I'll back up what I signed in front of the judge.

Jack: (Exhales slowly) Hi, Genevieve. I'm assuming, since it went to voice mail, that you're busy shopping for your trousseau. Anyway, I just wanted to touch base about a few wedding plans. Can't wait. Bye.

Genevieve: I am determined to be a different person than I was with your father, and than I've been recently.

Cane: How is that going for you?

Genevieve: Well, I guess you could say... I have trust issues. (Laughs)

Cane: I have said you have trust issues before, but I'm very happy that you are now saying it.

Genevieve: Ethan, when I think of how I treated you in Japan, when you were really trying to help me--

Cane: It's okay. It's okay. You know, I-I apologize. I didn't accept your apology. You know... (Sighs) When I first got to Genoa City, I had trust issues.

Genevieve: How did you get past them?

Cane: Jill and Katherine, they just, uh... just loved me. And, um, I didn't have to perform for them the way I did for Dad, so it was kind of easy.

Genevieve: (Sniffles) Or you didn't have to be invisible, like you had to be for me when Samantha died.

Cane: Yeah.

Genevieve: So what about when they found out that you were lying and that you were not Phillip Chancellor?

Cane: They forgave me. And Lily and the Winters family, um... you know, they forgave me, too.

Genevieve: And now you have the family that you've always wanted.

Cane: Yeah, and that takes work.

Genevieve: (Sniffles)

Cane: Mom, I have been given so many chances that if I don't give you a chance, it would make me nothing more than a hypocrite.

Genevieve: I want nothing more than to make things right with you, Ethan, and with Jack.

Cane: That sounds like a start, doesn't it? (Chuckles)

Genevieve: It's a good one.

Cane: So, have you, um...

Genevieve: (Sniffles)

Cane: Here.

Genevieve: (Sniffles) Thank you.

Cane: Have you talked to Jack?

Genevieve: Yes, I have, quite a bit, and, uh, well, he said that he wants to let himself care about me again.

Cane: That's wonderful.

Genevieve: Yes, if he means it, but I don't know. Can you ever get back to what you once had?

Cane: Yeah, uh, maybe not exactly. You know, the past can't be forgotten, but you can make a new path.

Victoria: Dad.

Victor: Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Sharon: Mmm... reminds me of August, fresh air... (Inhales deeply) That amazing field of wildflowers we saw in Wyoming.

Nick: Indian paintbrush.

Sharon: (Inhales deeply) Oh, Nick, I think this is one of my favorites.

Nick: That is very good. I like it a lot.

Sharon: Okay, great. Next.

Nick: Next. (Sighs)

Sharon: Whoo!

Nick: Oh! Uh-oh.

Sharon: What? It can't be that bad.

Nick: See for yourself. Yow! Ooh!

Sharon: Oh! Yuck! Uh, that's gross, but it reminds me of something familiar.

Nick: It's burnt coffee.

Sharon: Burnt coffee.

Nick: Yeah, just like you used to make at Crimson Lights, that brew.

Sharon: I think the chemists must have been punking us on this one.

Nick: (Laughs) All right, last one.

Sharon: Okay.

Nick: Wow, that was bad.

Sharon: Ugh. (Inhales deeply)

Nick: Really bad.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Nick, you are gonna love this. You'll know why.

Nick: Cassie.

Sharon: Her favorite bubble bath.

Nick: She used it every day of junior high. This belongs on the final list.

Sharon: So we agree, then? These are the three finalists?

Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, those are the ones. Cool. Okay, so, um, I have some errands to do. Can you take these notes down to the lab?

Sharon: Will do. It was a pleasure working with you today, Sir.

Nick: You say that now...

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: But, uh, tell me how you feel when you're putting in massive hours of overtime working on this line and running Beauty of Nature.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

(Door opens) (Door closes)

Jack: I'm confirming a charter for today. Abbott, destination Las Vegas. That's right, two people. Great, thank you. We'll see you then.

Mrs. Martinez: Mr. Abbott, your bags are packed for your trip.

Jack: Thank you, Mrs. Martinez.

Mrs. Martinez: Anything else I can do for you?

Jack: I'm all set, ready to go. But is Genevieve?

Genevieve: Even if Jack genuinely wants to patch things up with me, I don't think he trusts me.

Cane: Would you blame him? You call off the wedding, and you bought Beauty of Nature from underneath him.

Genevieve: I know. Believe me, if the situation were reversed, I don't think I could get past it.

Cane: Yes, it's gonna take time. It's gonna take a lot of energy. You just have to be patient.

Genevieve: Well, stranger things have happened, huh?

Cane: Mm.

Genevieve: Like us having a civil conversation.

Cane: (Chuckles) Well, it did have to start somewhere.

Genevieve: Yeah. Only thing is, patience is really not one of my strengths.

Cane: Hmm. But if you want to be with Jack, you're gonna have to risk being hurt.

(Footsteps approach)

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Genevieve: Oh, hi.

Lily: Hello. I hope you two are having a good lunch.

Genevieve: Yes, I understand you're part of the reason that Ethan wanted to have lunch with me. Thank you.

Lily: (Laughs) Well, I just hope that you guys are having a good talk.

Cane: We're having a great talk.

Genevieve: We have, we have, but, actually, I, uh, I really do have to run. Would you be up for doing this again?

Cane: Uh... I would love to. Call me. Whenever you want, just call me.

Genevieve: Give my love to the twins....

Cane: Bye.

Genevieve: Please?

Cane: I will.

Genevieve: Thank you.

Lily: (Chuckles) Bye. (Chuckles) I am very proud of you.

Cane: Thank you, Baby.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Adam: If this was the old me and I wanted something from you and asking didn't seem to work--

Chelsea: Like now?

Adam: Yeah, I might blackmail you, threaten you. Might even lie about you.

Chelsea: Ooh, this is harsh.

Adam: Yeah, that's-- that's why I'm so universally loved around these parts.

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: That, and the posturing, too.

Chelsea: But you saved me.

Adam: Yeah, I think even at my very worst, I probably wouldn't have let you drown.

Chelsea: (Laughs) Oh, well, that's reassuring.

Adam: No, I would have wanted something in return, though, a little quid pro quo. You know what people are gonna say if you shout out to the town that I was some hero? They're gonna think you and I just cooked this whole thing up so I could win points with people.

Chelsea: That's absurd.

Adam: Well, I don't know. I figure, if I stick with it, maybe one day, people will accept the fact that I'm not that same guy anymore.

Chelsea: And if they don't?

Adam: At least I know.

Victoria: I just-- I had no idea that you'd visit me here.

Victor: I just wanted to see you.

Victoria: Thank you, and thanks for helping me find Chelsea and the baby.

Victor: I understand the two of them are faring well.

Victoria: Yeah, I just-- I just came from visiting Chelsea, and she seems-- you know, she seems perfectly fine.

Victor: Is there a problem?

Victoria: (Sighs) Dad, it's just that... (Sighs) Chelsea and Adam have become friends, and he was visiting her.

Victor: I didn't know they knew each other.

Victoria: Yeah, well, that's why Chelsea ran out last night. Adam was at the house, and then she and I sort of got into it over her hanging out with him.

Victor: Ahh.

(Door opens)

Victoria: Hi.

Woman: Hi. The latest checkup went perfectly.

Victoria: Oh, thank you.

Woman: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: That's great. That's really great. Thank you. Oh, my gosh. Come here, Baby John. You were only gone for just a little while, but I missed you.

John: (Fussing)

Victoria: Yes, I did. I missed you. I missed you, John, I missed you so much. I did.

Victor: John?

Victoria: Yeah, that was my suggestion. (Laughs)

Victor: Well, that's very kind of you.

Victoria: Gosh, you know, you haven't even been here for a day, and...

John: (Fusses)

Victoria: Ohh, it just feels like you're right where you belong. Yes. I had all these ideas for a nursery, but, you know, it's been a while since I've had to decorate for a boy, so... just kind of wondering...

Nikki: Wow, what is going on here?

Victoria: Hi.

Victor: I just dropped by.

Victoria: I was just introducing Dad to John.

Nikki: John.

Victoria: Yeah.

Nikki: Oh, that's lovely.

Victoria: I know. I like it, too. It's just too bad our son won't get to meet his other grandfather.

Nikki: (Tsks) Well, did you get any sleep last night?

Victoria: Oh, gosh, no, Mom. Even when John wasn't awake, Billy and I were sat up watching him the whole night. (Laughs)

Nikki: I remember those days well. You don't want to miss a second.

Victoria: No. Oh, no, no, no, no!

Victor: Okay, uh, I'll see you at home.

Nikki: Oh, do you have to leave now?

Victor: I need to get-- take care of some things, okay? So I'll see you later.

Victor: (Sighs)

Chelsea: (Sighs) Well... ohh. I guess I'm not as evolved as you are.

Adam: (Laughs) Yeah.

Chelsea: (Laughs) What?

Adam: I have met amoebas more evolved than me.

Chelsea: (Laughs) You know, when I found out I was pregnant with Billy's baby, I thought I had won the lottery. I thought I could keep Billy on a string until that kid graduated college.

Adam: It could have been worth millions.

Chelsea: (Scoffs) At least.

Adam: But you gave him up. Sounds pretty evolved to me.

Chelsea: Maybe, but unlike you, when I do something impressive, I want people to be impressed.

Adam: I'm impressed, Chelsea.

Chelsea: It's not the choice I would make, but I respect that it's yours.

Adam: So you won't be saying anything to anyone, right?

Chelsea: Not a word.

Lily: Well, I was afraid...

Cane: (Clears throat)

Lily: Of what I would find when I walked in here.

Cane: Oh, really? You thought you would see me banging my head against this blood-soaked table?

Lily: No, no, no. I thought that I would see you and your mom yelling, staring each other down. Was it tense?

Cane: No. No, it was nice. She was very open and direct, and she listened, which was great.

Lily: Wow, that's progress.

Cane: Mm-hmm. You know, it's gonna be nice, um, to think we'll get to the point where she could be part of our family.

Lily: (Clears throat) Well, you know, we'll just take it one day at a time. I-I think that Jill and Katherine are doing great at Grandma duty...

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: But--and then, of course, you can never have too much love for your kids.

Cane: Wow. Wow. And I mean, to think, you know, that something normal could come from my side of the family. I'm really excited for this.

Lily: (Laughs) Well, let's just appreciate how well things went today, and hope for many more days like it to come.

Cane: Hear, hear.

Jack: Must have been a busy day.

Genevieve: Eventful.

Jack: In what way?

Genevieve: Uh, I got a call from Ethan, and then I had a visit with Ethan, and that's why I wasn't here earlier.

Jack: I didn't realize you and Cane were on good terms.

Genevieve: Well, he invited me to lunch, and we had a surprisingly lovely chat.

Jack: What'd you talk about?

Genevieve: My son seems determined to make our relationship better... (Laughs) So I guess there's hope for us yet.

Jack: That is great.

Genevieve: Mm.

Jack: And obviously, Cane and I feel the same way about something.

Genevieve: That I'm impatient and that I need a lot of work where human interaction is--

Jack: Oh, I think you interact just fine. No, I was thinking that Cane believes in spring and the promise of new beginnings. So do I.

Genevieve: Lucky for me.

Jack: So you all packed? I mean, we're on schedule to leave today.

Genevieve: (Sighs) Yeah, Jack, about that...

Adam: Hi.

Sharon: Hi.

Adam: I'm gonna get some coffee.

Sharon: Oh, Adam, wait a minute. I just--I want to ask you something. Um, I know that you've been hanging out with Chelsea Lawson.

Adam: She's a friend.

Sharon: Right, and that friendship caused an argument which led to her running off last night.

Adam: It did.

Sharon: Well, what do you expect? You're hanging out with that con woman--

Adam: No, you don't need to call her that.

Sharon: Well, she showed up in town pregnant with Billy's baby, asking for money.

Adam: Sharon, you said you had a question for me.

Sharon: You knew that hanging around with her would only cause trouble, that it would only aggravate Victoria. How can you do something like that and still expect people to believe that--

Adam: People to think I'm a respectable citizen that doesn't have any intention of stealing my sister's baby like I stole yours?

Sharon: Well, you know how people think.

Adam: Yes, I do, unfortunately. I can tell you the situation with Chelsea is not what it appears to be.

Sharon: So then if you're not using that girl or working with her somehow...

Adam: I'm not.

Sharon: Then tell me what is going on, just so I can understand you.

Nikki: It's so wonderful that your father came to see you and the baby.

Victoria: You know, I really wouldn't read too much into it, Mom. Like, Dad barely even glanced at John.

Nikki: Victoria, that's not true.

Victoria: Okay, fine, it was a tremendous gesture that Dad stopped by.

Nikki: Well, he--

Victoria: Tremendous.

Nikki: He--your father stopped by. That's something.

Nick: Dad came to see you? Wow.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Victoria: Yeah, it was quite a surprise, but not as big a surprise as all of these balloons that you just brought by. (Laughs)

Nick: Oh, it's the first time meeting my new nephew. I had to bring it.

Victoria: Yeah, I see that.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Nick: Hey, little dude. I am your Uncle Nick. You see what I brought you? Check it out. The gifts, the pageantry...

Victoria: (Laughs)

Nick: Remember this-- Uncle Nick is your favorite.

Victoria: Oh, wow.

Nikki: (Laughs) You see? This baby has worked wonders already. Your father came to see him and you, and I hope that Victor's starting to realize what a blessing this little guy is.

Victor: How are you?

Chelsea: Like you're suddenly concerned about my welfare? What do you really want?

Victor: I'm here to help you and to help my daughter.

Chelsea: Neat trick. How does that work?

Victor: I want to make sure that my daughter's heart isn't broken, and that you don't renege on your promise to give custody of the baby to her.

Chelsea: I won't change my mind.

Victor: How about signing an agreement to that effect?

Chelsea: (Sighs) Why do you suddenly care about your daughter's happiness?

Victor: It is not for you to question my motives, okay?

Genevieve: Thanks, Murray. Oh, no, no, you did the right thing to call me, believe me. Um, but listen, we're gonna have to play it by ear for the next few days because I'm planning a trip. No, it's no bother. (Laughs) Anything regarding Beauty of Nature, you just call me. Okay, great. Thank you. Sorry, I had to take that.

Jack: Yeah, the beauty business never sleeps.

Genevieve: Yes, that is true, and with Victoria unavailable, there are a few things that I just-- I have to handle on my own.

Jack: Nobody understands that any better than I do.

Genevieve: So tell me about your new nephew. Is he gorgeous?

Jack: Well, I certainly think so, but I have-- I might be prejudiced. Listen, let's go back to where we were on our plans.

Genevieve: Uh, Jack, I just need a little bit more time. There are a few things that I have to handle.

Jack: Okay, I can d-delay the flight a bit. You want to just meet at the airport?

Genevieve: No, why don't you go on ahead, and I'll just meet you in Vegas?

Jack: What do you mean?

Genevieve: Well, is that a problem, I-if we are traveling separately?

Jack: Only that we're getting married, and I chartered a jet, and it's waiting for us and-- why wouldn't we leave together?

Lily: Okay, I'm gonna take the kids to the park and then we'll be home, so just call me when you leave the office. (Laughs) Wha-- wow, I'll only be gone for a few hours. What was that for?

Cane: That is because, without your encouragement, I wouldn't have reached out to my mom.

Lily: Oh, you would have gotten around to it.

Cane: Well... I'm looking forward to, uh, being family with her, you know, after all these years. It's all because of you.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Adam: There was no big plan to get to know Chelsea. We just happened to meet and struck up a friendship.

Sharon: Based on what?

Adam: Based on the fact that she needed someone to vent to, and I, of all people, would not be the one passing judgment on her. I guess it just made sense-- two Genoa City pariahs forging a bond.

Sharon: But you knew that the baby she was carrying was promised to your sister. How could you not know that there would be issues there?

Adam: I should have, and I would have, if I had spent real time with Chelsea, but it was all very casual, very innocent. I know that sounds strange coming from me, but hurting Victoria-- it never entered the equation for me. It wasn't-- I don't know. That's the truth. What can I say?

Sharon: Well, I-I can see how that would be the case, but other people-- I mean, you can't expect that they're not gonna jump to conclusions.

Adam: I guess not.

Sharon: If you really want people to see you as a different person, you can't just talk about it, Adam. You gotta back it up with action.

Adam: I'll keep that in mind.

Sharon: I hope you do, for your sake.

Nick: I mean, no fair.

Victoria: What--

Nick: I get here, and suddenly, little John's sleepy.

Victoria: Shh. Don't worry.

Nick: Shh.

Victoria: You guys will have plenty of time to get to know each other. He's so sweet.

Nick: All this time, you wanted another child... and there he is.

Victoria: Yeah. I love him, Nick. I love him like he's my own.

Victor: Now that the baby has been born, there's no need for you to stay around here any longer, is there? So in exchange for your departure from Genoa City, I'm willing to offer you some financial help so that you can transition to a more successful and better life.

Chelsea: (Sighs) That proposal is pretty ironic, wouldn't you say? I mean, here you are, so anxious to protect your daughter from me...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: When you're the one who sent me to seduce Victoria's husband in the first place.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Avery: Dad's estate was pretty easy to settle, but I did find this.

Michael: We could keep Fenmore safe here.

Lauren: You're living in a dream world.

Jack: What the hell are you doing here?

Nikki: Stopping you from making the worst mistake of your life.

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