Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/11/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/11/12


Episode # 9882 ~ Billy & Victoria Celebrate Their Baby's Arrival

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lily: Hi.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: (Laughs) I am so excited. (Singsong voice) No more signing after today! (Normal voice) And you'll finally be able to hear.

Devon: Yeah, hopefully.

Lily: Hopefully-- no. (Chuckles) (Laughs)

Neil: (Sighs) I still can't believe what happened to my hand.

Sofia: Oh, well, you need to be more careful when you close the car door.

Neil: Yeah, well, tell that to Moses. The little guy always distracts me and--

Sofia: Oh, here, let me. Come on.

Neil: Thank you.

Sofia: Looks like I'm gonna have to stick close by to you the next few weeks so you can get through, right?

Neil: Yeah, well, thanks to Tucker, there'll be more than enough time for it.

("Running with You" playing)

Sofia: Oh, listen...

Neil: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Listen to that. Never get tired of hearing that, right?

Sofia: Yeah, and pretty soon, the new song will be on the radio.

Neil: Yeah, and Devon will get to listen to it for the very first time.

Sofia: Isn't that amazing?

Neil: Mm.

Sofia: Nothing's gonna be able to hold him back after today.

Neil: Yeah. Hey, you know that Tucker's gonna be at the hospital, right?

Sofia: Yeah, well, we won't get into our issues, don't worry.

Neil: Might be awkward for you.

Sofia: No, we're gonna keep the focus on Devon, 'cause I know how much music means to him, and he's gonna be able to hear every little note like he did before he got sick.

Neil: Yes, Ma'am. Feels like we're gonna have front row seats to witness a miracle.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Jill: Ohh.

Kay: Here. That one right there.

Jill: I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. Ohh. (Gasps) So cute.

Kay: (Chuckles) Oh. Oh. Shh, ask her.

Jill: (Laughs)

Woman: Can I help you?

Jill: Yes, which one is it? The Abbott baby, my grandson.

Woman: I'm sorry. He's not with us anymore.

Kay: What?

Billy: (Sighs) Hey. I can't believe I fell asleep. (Grunts) (Chuckles)

Victoria: I know. Well, you know, it was a pretty eventful night.

Billy: (Groans) Yeah. How are you doing? Yoo-hoo.

Victoria: The doctor just came by and said that his lungs looked good, and so we're probably gonna be able to take him home, which means we have to fill out the birth certificate.

Billy: Okay, no more messin' around. (Clears throat) This kid needs a name.

Victoria: Right, he does, so I had an idea, and I don't want you to automatically say no. I want you to think about it.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Cecil.

Billy: No.

Victoria: You didn't even think about it.

Billy: I thought about it. No. No way.

Victoria: I like "Cecil."

Billy: Oh, I'm sure you would--no. Oh. (Clears throat)

Victoria: Hi.

Jill: Ohh. (Gasps) Ohh!

Victoria: I know.

Kay: Oh, he is just darling!

Victoria: Isn't he just so sweet? Look at him.

Kay: What'd you name him?

Billy: Open to suggestions.

Jill: I like... "Connor."

Kay: Oh, come-- why, because it sounds so much like "Colin"?

Jill: It doesn't sound like "Colin."

Kay: I happen to like more traditional names.

Jill: Yeah, says the woman who named her son "Brock."

Victoria: If you had just said yes to "Cecil"...

Kay: Cecil?

Jill: Tell me you're kidding.

Billy: (Chuckles) She's not kidding. (Groans)

Victoria: I like "Cecil."

Chloe: (Slaps Kevin's hip)

Kevin: Ay! Yo!

Chloe: Sorry it took me so long.

Kevin: That's okay. Billy said we could go by anytime.

Chloe: I know, sorry. My mom cooked me this huge breakfast!

Kevin: She did the same thing for me--at 6:00 A.M.

Chloe: That's how she shows her love. Plus, we won't have to deal with that anymore, once you get rid of Angelina's house and we can get our own.

Kevin: It's not Angelina's house. It's mine--legally, and--

Chloe: I don't really care, because I refuse to live there.

Kevin: Chloe, you haven't even seen it.

Chloe: I don't care. I'm sorry, I refuse to deal with anything that has to deal with Angelina.

Carmine: Hey, what's up?

Kevin: Carmine. Hey, I-I thought you were leaving town.

Carmine: Oh, I was, until your wife talked me out of it.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Carmine: (Sighs)

Tucker: Well, this must be the place.

Harmony: Hi.

Devon: Hey, Guys.

Tucker: Hi. Hey, Man.

Harmony: Have you talked to your doctor yet?

Devon: No, there's no doctors today. It's just the--the engineer who's gonna activate the implants.

Lily: Oh, there's Dad.

Neil: Hey, hey, everybody.

Devon: Hey.

Sofia: Hey.

Neil: Well, Son, it's a big day.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Devon: Yes, it is.

Neil: You okay?

Lily: A little nervous maybe?

Devon: (Sighs) No, I'm just-- no, I'm just-- I'm wondering if I made a mistake, you know? What if they, uh, what if they activate my implants and nothing happens and I still can't hear?

Chloe: What a loser. Seriously, nothing better to do than just sit here and drive us nuts?

Kevin: Drive you nuts. He and I talked. We're good.

Chloe: (Sighs) Okay, yes, fine. You're right. I never should have said anything. I just should have kept my mouth shut.

Kevin: You think? He'd be on his way back to Jersey by now.

Chloe: But how pathetic is that? I mean, he's actually staying here because he knows that it drives me nuts? I mean, how stupid and childish can someone be?

Kevin: You should tell him that. It'll make him want to move in with us.

Chloe: Okay, I won't talk to him, but you can.

Kevin: No, no. We are supposed to be on our way to the hospital right now. I don't want to talk to him or have anything to do with him.

Chloe: No. (Sighs)

Kevin: Carmine.

Carmine: (Sighs) Headed out?

Chloe: Yep.

Carmine: Okay. See you later.

Chloe: Okay, excuse me.

Carmine: (Chuckles) All right. (Gasps) (Clears throat) Thanks.

Abby: (Gasps) Oh!

Carmine: Aah! Aah! Aah!

Abby: Oh! Oh, my God. A-are you okay?

Carmine: (Breathing heavily) (Throws lid down)

Tucker: Devon. We did our research. The success rate for this procedure is very high.

Devon: It's not 100%, though.

Neil: Devon, where is this coming from, Man?

Devon: I went on the internet the other night.

Neil: And you found some horror stories, didn't you?

Sofia: (Scoffs)

Harmony: What were people saying?

Devon: They--they didn't have the exact same procedure, but it was similar, and, um, for some of 'em, it didn't work.

Sofia: (Gasps)

Devon: And for a few of 'em, not only could they not hear, but they--they couldn't go back to using their hearing devices.

Tucker: Hey, that's not gonna happen to you.

Neil: That's right. You let--your--your doctor said that you could go back to using your cochlear implant if necessary. You've--you've-- you've gotta take his word over some perfect stranger's, Man.

Lily: Yeah, and the odds are in your favor, right?

Devon: Yes.

Sofia: I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

Devon: Hey, let's go check and see how much longer it's gonna be.

Lily: Okay.

Harmony: I'll be right back.

Neil: (Sighs)

Tucker: I'm gonna make some calls. Let me know if we're gonna get started, huh?

Neil: Hey, h-hold up a minute, Cowboy. You're not even gonna acknowledge Sofia's presence here? She may not work for you anymore, but that doesn't mean she ceases to exist.

Tucker: No disrespect intended, Neil.

Neil: Uh-huh.

Tucker: Listen, we care about Devon, right? That is more important than any of our personal or professional differences. Excuse me.

Neil: Yeah. (Groans) Oh, he-- Sof-- I-- I can't believe that guy.

Sofia: Look, just forget about it, okay?

Neil: Mm, just forget about it. Right. Right, right, right, right, right. And here I warned you about him being here, and I'm the one who goes off on him. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry about that.

Sofia: No, look, you don't have to apologize. You're not the one who did anything wrong.

Baby: (Crying)

Jill: I really should have come in last night. I couldn't sleep anyway, thinking about what a close call this little one had.

Victoria: Mm, gosh, I know. It was really, really scary.

Kay: Oh, by the way, how is, uh, Chelsea doing?

Billy: She's okay.

Jill: Does she remember any more about who pulled her out of the water?

Billy: And helped deliver little Finn? No, she doesn't.

Kay: Finn?

Victoria: Finn?

Billy: Finn, like Finn McGee's, the airport pub. Finn.

Victoria: No. No, you can't name our son after a bar.

Jill: Oh. (Chuckles)

Billy: Yes, we can, because it's our bar, and it... never mind.

(Door opens)

Billy: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Jill: Oh, hi.

Chloe: (Gasps) Oh, wow.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Oh, that is a good-looking kid.

Chloe: (Giggles)

Kevin: Especially impressive, given that he's working with your genes, Billy.

Billy: (Laughs sarcastically)

Jill: (Laughs)

Victoria: Oh, you didn't bring Delia. She's okay, right, about having a new baby brother and everything, right?

Chloe: Oh, yeah, of course. Uh, she was just still sleeping, so Mom is on her way with her.

Victoria: Oh.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Gasps)

Billy: Hey, hey!

Esther: Looking for us?

Jill: Aw.

Billy: Yes, we are. (Growling) Come here. I've been waitin' on you. I... (Grunts)

Delia: Mm-hmm?

Billy: Have something very, very, very, cool to show you. Look a-here. Look at that. It's your little brother. Say hi.

Delia: Hi, I'm your sister.

Billy: Yes. Yes, you are.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: And we've been telling him all morning how lucky he is to have you as a sister.

Delia: What's his name?

Abby: (Sighs) Here, I got you an ice pack.

Carmine: Ah, it'll be okay.

Abby: (Sighs) No, you need to put something cold on it. (Gasps) It's blistering.

Carmine: Yeah.

Abby: You need to get to the hospital. You--you think you can drive?

Carmine: (Sighs) I don't have my car.

Abby: (Sighs) Um, okay, I-I'm gonna take you. My car's right out front, okay? Come on.

Carmine: Sweetheart, grab my coat, huh?

Abby: Uh... (Sighs)

Neil: (Exhales slowly)

Sofia: Are you worried about Devon?

Neil: Ohh, Sofia, I didn't want to let on in front of him, you know? Uh, that was dishonest, wasn't it?

Sofia: No, it wasn't dishonest. It was reassuring.

Neil: Yeah, but I-- I put pressure on him to pretend he was reassured, whether he was or not.

Sofia: Well, sometimes you gotta fake it till you make it.

Neil: I don't like my kids feeling like they can't be real with me, you--you know what I mean? And just now, I feel like I wasn't real with him.

Sofia: Neil, you're the realest person I know. But sometimes people keep their thoughts to themselves for a reason.

Neil: Slippery slope, huh?

Sofia: (Sighs) But everything you said is true. Devon is gonna be fine.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah, thanks. Thanks.

Woman: So you'll be here, and the engineer here. He'll use the computer to activate the devices.

Lily: Okay.

Woman: I'll let your family know where to find you.

Lily: Thank you so much.

Devon: (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)

Lily: (Sighs) Whoo. So you know what I was thinking about? Is remember when you moved in with us and you wouldn't sleep in the bed or put your clothes in the drawer? Remember that? (Laughs)

Devon: Yeah, I remember that. I--you--you must have thought I was crazy.

Lily: Yeah, well, it was hard to understand.

Devon: It was just the whole family thing back then. It was gettin' a little bit too real for me, you know? And all I ever knew was that if I had something good, somebody was gonna take it away.

Lily: Well, look, no one took it away. You're still a part of the family.

Devon: Yeah. That's when my luck started to change-- when I got out of the sleeping bag and allowed myself to believe that good things can happen.

Lily: And this is another good thing that's gonna happen to you. And, Devon, you don't have to worry about anyone taking it away, because even if they do, you could handle it.

Devon: Thank you. (Chuckles)

Lily: (Laughs)

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: (Laughs) What? What?

Devon: No, I'm sorry. It's just--it-- it was like having Dru here, 'cause that's something that she would have said. (Chuckles)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Devon: (Chuckles)

Harmony: He's a good kid. He... he deserves... (Crying) For something finally good to happen in his life. (Sniffles) I don't want to be the cause of that going wrong again. Please. Please. (Sniffles)

Neil: Sorry. Sorry about that.

Harmony: No, no, it's o-okay. I-I-I said my piece.

Neil: What's the matter? Harmony, you don't always have to be the cheerleader.

Harmony: It was my idea-- Devon getting this surgery. And if it goes wrong...

Neil: No. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. That is a possibility, but not this time. It's not gonna happen like that.

Harmony: Yeah, well, in my life, if a thing can go wrong, it usually does. I mean, I'm--I'm only here in Genoa City trying to make amends to my son, and if I end up screwing things up for him more than--

Neil: I-I understand. I understand how you feel. We both--

Harmony: No, I don't think you do, Neil. You don't have anywhere near the kind of guilt that I live with. (Crying) I mean, seeing him in there, he's so scared. He looks just like he did when he little. And he's just already had to deal with way more than anybody should because of me. And I-I-I wanted to think that those days were over... but if they're not and he's hurting because of something that I did, I don't know if I could handle that.

Victoria: Hey, Delia, I have an idea. Why don't you color a picture for the baby?

Esther: Oh, I have-- I have crayons in my purse, but... paper. Let's go see if we can have the nurse help us find some paper.

Kevin: I'm gonna grab some coffee. Does anybody want some?

Victoria: Oh, I'll take one.

Billy: And then we'll help you.

Chloe: (Tsks) He's so cute!

Victoria: I know.

Kevin: Excuse us, excuse us.

Victoria: Oh, he's so precious.

Chloe: Hello, Baby.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Woman: We have some tests to run back in the nursery.

Victoria: Oh, uh, should I come?

Woman: Stay here and relax.

Victoria: Okay.

Woman: I'll bring him right back.

Victoria: Okay. (Laughs) Ohh. Bye, Baby. Love you.

Jill: Bye, Baby.

Chloe: So cute! You know, sooner or later, you're gonna be wishing that you had that nurse full-time.

Kay: Do you plan on hiring one?

Victoria: Uh, oh, you know, I really hadn't given it much thought. I mean, everything sort of happened so fast.

Jill: Oh, Victoria, don't worry. You're gonna have more help than you know what to do with.

Chloe: (Gasps) Oh, it's so tiny. Look at it.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. (Singsong voice) I have a feeling that we might be visiting you here in nine months or so!

Chloe: No, no, no, no. Kevin and I, we are just enjoying being married for right now.

Kay: Well, that's understandable. It's been a very long time in coming.

Chloe: Ohh, no kidding. (Sighs)

Jill: Have you dispatched Angelina's ex yet?

Chloe: N-no, not yet.

Kay: What?

Chloe: Carmine insists on sticking around. I just wish that he would find someone else to bug.

Abby: Um, can I call someone for you? Like a boss or a... a girlfriend? (Clears throat)

Carmine: I'm new in town, so there's nobody.

(Door opens)

Abby: Hi. Um, can you help us? He has a serious burn.

Woman: The doctor should be with you soon.

Abby: Okay, but he-- but he's in pain. Do you have an--an ointment or something?

Woman: I don't expect you'll have to wait long.

Abby: How about a bucket of ice water? Could we get that? Or just would that be going totally out of your way?

Woman: I'll see what I can do.

Abby: Thank you. (Through gritted teeth) Can you believe? Unbelievable. (Sighs)

Carmine: It's nice of you to bring me here, but you don't have to stick around.

Abby: (Normal voice) Oh. Um, it's the least I can do after pouring scalding-hot coffee on you.

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Abby: You know, they say that texting is dangerous, and it's true. How's it feeling?

Carmine: Ah, it's down to a dull throb. I'll be all right.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Carmine: I was starting to think nobody gives a damn about anybody in this town.

Abby: Mm, it's not just Genoa City. I think people everywhere are empathy-challenged.

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Abby: You know, it's a constant struggle for me to raise people's awareness about the cruelty we inflict on animals.

Carmine: Oh, an animal lover.

Abby: Yeah. (Laughs)

Carmine: Do you have any pets?

Abby: Oh, I wish. I-I travel too much.

Carmine: Oh. I have a pet pig back home in Jersey--Luigi.

Abby: No way. I mean, I've-- I've only seen videos, but I mean, they're frickin' cute. (Laughs)

Carmine: (Laughs) Yeah, he follows me wherever I go. I take him for walks on the beach, and you know...

Abby: Oh, it's a chick magnet.

Carmine: Yeah.

Abby: (Laughs) I'm--I'm sorry, I didn't, um, I didn't get your name. (Clears throat)

Carmine: Um, uh, my name's Carmine. I'd-- well, I'd shake your hand, but--

Abby: Uh, yeah, no. Ew, gross. I don't really want chunks of flesh to come off. (Laughs) Um, I'm Abby Newman.

Carmine: The Abby Newman? The--the Naked Heiress? I thought you looked familiar, but I wasn't sure, 'cause I didn't recognize you--

Abby: Hmm. Mnh-mnh. Yeah, with my clothes on. Yeah, yeah, I get that a lot. (Laughs)

Carmine: Oh, my God, this is so awesome. (Laughs)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Kevin: You know, the last time I saw you in here, you were wearing a Santa suit, hiding from everybody.

Billy: Yeah, scared to death for Delia.

Kevin: Well, the next time you have that Santa hat on, you're gonna be celebrating your son's first Christmas. Amazing, huh?

Billy: (Laughs)

Neil: Devon, he's not that-- that same little boy that he was. You know, he made his own decision. And you, hmm. (Sighs) When you first showed up here, I was really skeptical. I was, I'll admit it. You're nowhere near that woman you used to be. But I figured, I mean, I figured that it-- it was just a matter of time before that you-- you started using again.

Harmony: Well, you weren't real subtle with that.

Neil: (Chuckles) No, no, I wasn't. I was wrong. I was--I was wrong. I'm very impressed with the effort that you've been making, and I know-- I know what kind of effort it takes to stay clean.

Harmony: Neil, I'm gonna have to keep it 100 with you. I've been thinking about using a lot lately. In fact, I'm thinking about it right now. And if it don't go right for Devon today, I can't promise you I won't. (Sighs shakily)

Tucker: Hey.

Sofia: Uh, uh, should you be sitting there?

Tucker: I think we'll be all right for a few minutes. (Sighs) If anyone comes along, you can just tell 'em you're--

Sofia: How disappointed I am in you?

Tucker: Are you?

Sofia: No. But I told you, I just don't like lying to my husband.

Tucker: It won't be for much longer. I have the inside track on Beauty of Nature.

Sofia: You do? So does that mean I don't have to infiltrate Newman Enterprises after all?

Tucker: I may be able to get what I want without you having to dig up what Newman intends to bid.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Tucker: But for now, we stay the course.

Sofia: I will be so relieved when I can drop this pretense thing you and I are fighting. I don't want anything to get in the way of Neil and me having a real marriage.

Neil: With the old you, all right, with Yolanda, if she attempted, would she get on her knees and beg her higher power for help? Hell, no. She'd be out there grabbing a pipe, scoring a hit, wouldn't she? You have... changed. I don't know if Devon ever told you that I, uh, I-I fell off the wagon once.

Harmony: No.

Neil: It was after Dru died. And then Lily found out, mm, and she was absolutely terrified that she was gonna end up losing both of her parents. So I do know what you're saying. When you talk about seeing the fear in--in your child's eyes, and--and you know that you put it there...

Harmony: You know, if I thought that Devon and I could... ever be half as close as you and Lily...

Neil: I could see it happening. Yeah. As a matter of fact, I do see it happening.

Harmony: (Cries) (Laughs) You know, my high--higher power knew what he was doing when he sent you in here to me. (Cries)

(Door opens)

Sofia: Um...

Harmony: (Sighs)

Sofia: They're ready to turn on Devon's implants.

Harmony: Okay, thanks.

Sofia: Did you get a chance to, uh, pray?

Neil: Um, not exactly. But I gotta be honest, I'm feeling much more positive now.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Woman: The engineer's on his way.

Lily: Okay, thank you. (Chuckles)

Devon: Hey, Lily, thank you for being here.

Lily: Are you kidding? I'm excited to be here. It broke my heart when you lost your hearing, you know? And it seemed so unfair for someone who wanted to be a musician. But you became one anyway, out of sheer stubbornness. (Laughs)

Devon: Uh, I think you meant to say "Commitment and dedication," right?

Lily: (Laughs) Whatever you want to call it, okay? It impressed the hell out of me.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Lily: And I think this is your reward, and I couldn't be happier for you.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Lily: (Laughs)

Devon: (Chuckles) Okay. Let's not get carried away, though, 'cause it hasn't happened yet.

Lily: Well... (Laughs)

Tucker: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Tucker: Hey, Man. You feelin' better about things?

Devon: Yes, I'm feeling a lot better...

Tucker: Good.

Devon: And I'm also feeling, um, very grateful.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Devon: Thank you. Thank you so much for making all of this happen.

Tucker: And you keep thanking me, Man, but...  

(Door opens)

Tucker: But you know, I keep telling you that I was happy to do it.

Harmony: Hey. Is that engineer here yet? Well, listen, I want to tell him one thing-- I want him to turn the volume down real low at first, because the first sound you hear is gonna be me screaming my fool head off.

Devon: (Laughs)

Lily: (Laughs)

Devon: Okay. (Laughing)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: (Sighs)

Sofia: (Sighs)

Neil: (Sighs)

Sofia: Um...

Neil: What?

Sofia: I think I'm just gonna wait out here.

Neil: What? Wh-why? Oh, oh, because of Tucker.

Sofia: It just brings a whole element of negative energy that nobody really needs.

Neil: Okay. Yeah, um, I-I'm sorry that I got in his face earlier. It--it won't happen again.

Sofia: It's okay. Don't worry about it. We can celebrate with Devon later.

Neil: You sure?

Sofia: Yeah. You better get in there. (Chuckles) You don't want to miss it.

Neil: Okay.

(Door closes)

Sofia: (Inhales quickly)

Carmine: My buddy owns a body shop, and he has your poster hanging in the garage.

Abby: Oh, uh, which one?

Carmine: Uh, with the strategically placed chinchilla. (Chuckles)

Abby: Oh. (Laughs) Um, that is my favorite. I really wanted to make people think twice before turning those cute little munchkins into fur coats.

Carmine: Yeah, I kind of doubt that's what people are thinking when they look at it, but you never know.

Abby: Hmm.

Carmine: So what have you been up to? Any new videos?

Abby: Um, mm, nothing recently.

Carmine: Oh. I haven't seen the news. Have you stopped crashing the events, or you're still doing it and nobody cares?

Abby: I have a very strong fan base. It was just time for me to take a step back from the Naked Heiress and pursue other things.

Carmine: Oh, like what?

Abby: Business opportunities.

Carmine: You started your own business?

Abby: Uh, no, not my own. Uh, my entire family works in the cosmetics industry-- different companies-- and you know, they've all made me offers.

Carmine: But you actually haven't done much of anything. That's what you're saying.

Abby: (Chuckles) Um, well, I mean, I haven't been in the public eye.

Carmine: Aah, yes! (Laughs) You just made me 50 bucks.

Abby: What?

Carmine: I bet my buddy a year ago, when you were all over the place, that once you start putting clothes back on, you would--that'd be it. You'd be done.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Carmine: I was right. I gotta tell him. I don't know if I can do this with one hand, though.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Victoria: Ohh.

Jill: Mnh-mnh.

Victoria: Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm!

Jill: (Laughs)

Victoria: (Laughs) Oh, so cute! Look at this. Ohh.

Jill: Aw.

Chloe: You're really into this, aren't you?

Victoria: So cute. Well, yeah. I mean, you know how much I wanted to have another baby.

Chloe: I know, but it's just that it's, I mean, Billy and--

Jill: We're not gonna go there.

Chloe: Okay, I'm just saying.

Jill: Why would you even bring it up?

Kay: (Whispers) Stop, Jill.

Victoria: That's okay. I-I had questions myself about whether part of me would hold back from loving this baby the way that every baby deserves to be loved, but... the minute I saw him, you know, all that was gone. He's my son.

Kay: (Normal voice) Well, see? And you do realize that this is a situation that could have, um, torn you and Billy apart. Then what would have happened to that child? You handled it with love and grace, forgiveness. That little boy is the luckiest little boy on the face of this earth. All right, what are we going to name the child?

Jill: (Laughs) Yes, please.

Victoria: (Groans) I know! We have to come up with something.

(Door opens)

Jill: Ooh.

Kevin: Here we go.

Kay: Oh.

Kevin: Here's tea for you.

Kay: Thank you, thank you.

Chloe: Where's Billy? I thought he was helping you.

Kay: This is cold.

Kevin: Well, he, uh-- no, it's not--he did, and then he said there was something else he needed to do.

Kay: Hmm.

Billy: You can relax. I'm not here to beg for any miracles. You've already granted far more than I have any right to expect. I came here to say thank you. Thank you for Victoria. It is a miracle that she still loves me after everything I've put her through. Thank you for Delia. She's happy. She's healthy. Thank you for my son, for protecting him. Last night could have turned out so different. I know I am a pain most of the time, and I don't deserve half of what you've given me. But, uh, just thanks. (Clears throat) Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Carmine: All right, Man, you get that check in the mail, okay? Better luck next time. (Laughs) Ahh, you have no idea. You just made my day.

Abby: So glad I could be of assistance.

Carmine: Hey, I should get you a cut of that 50 bucks, huh?

Abby: Oh, you know what?

Carmine: Aah!

Abby: It was just so nice to meet you, jerk-wad.

Carmine: (Groans)

Abby: I hope I never see you again.

Carmine: (Breathing heavily) Sorry about your career tanking, you has-been! And you know what else? I hate chinchillas! (Sighs)

Kay: Uh-huh.

Chloe: Mm.

Kay: That is just gorgeous.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Chloe: I am. She gets her artistic ability from her mama.

Esther: Well, I can't wait to see what my two artists come up with when you're redecorating.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Kevin: Redecorating?

Esther: Yeah. D-didn't Chloe tell you?

Chloe: No.

Esther: Mrs. C. gave her permission for you to redo your entire wing of the house so it'll feel more like home.

Kevin: You know, you could just do that at my house.

Chloe: No, we're selling your house.

Jill: I don't understand why you don't just move in there.

Kevin: Hey, there's an idea.

Jill: I mean, newlyweds need their privacy, don't they?

Kevin: Thank you.

Chloe: (Sighs) Let's just say the house is not "Us."

Kevin: (Laughs) You haven't even seen it.

Chloe: Well, I don't to see it... because you lived there with your ex-wife.

Kevin: Um--

Delia: What's it like?

Kevin: Well, it, uh, it has a game room, and it has big bedrooms with balconies, and it has a swimming pool. And get this-- it has a tree house.

Jill: (Laughs)

Delia: I want to live there.

Jill: (Laughs)

Kevin: Nice job.

Chloe: Okay. (Laughs) Okay, I'll look at it.

Kevin: Nice job.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Esther: Honey, I know you need your space. I-I really do. But having you and Delia with me, it's the happiest I've been in 30 years of living in that house.

Chloe: (Tsks) Aw, Mom. We're gonna visit all the time.

Kay: Of course they will.

Jill: (Sighs) You can thank me later.

Kevin: I will.

Billy: Mm. (Groans) Oy. (Grunts)

Victoria: Um... I should probably tell you. I named the baby.

Billy: Not Cecil?

Victoria: No, not Cecil! Something much better than "Cecil." And I have made up my mind. I am not budging.

Billy: I don't get a say in this, do I?

Victoria: No, I want to hear your opinion. It's just that that's gonna be the name on the birth certificate.

Billy: Okay. (Laughs) Fine. Hit me.

Victoria: John.

Billy: I love you.

Victoria: I love you.

Billy: (Inhales sharply) Mm. (Sighs)

Devon: (Sighs)

Tucker: That's all you need to do?

Man: That's it. Let's go ahead and activate the devices right... (Strikes key) Now.

Harmony: Can you hear me, Boo?

Devon: (Chuckles) (Chuckles) (Laughs)

Harmony: What?

Devon: I can hear. (Laughs)

Lily: (Laughs)

Tucker: Thank God.

Lily: Wait, is ev-- I mean, how--how is it? I-is it clearer than before?

Devon: Yeah. (Laughing) Oh, my God.

Lily: (Laughs) What? (Laughing) Oh, my gosh.

Devon: Wow.

Lily: (Laughing) Oh, my God.

Devon: (Sighs)

Lily: (Giggles)

Devon: (Laughing)

Neil: Yeah.

Devon: (Laughing)

Neil: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Devon: (Laughing)

Harmony: (Crying)

Devon: (Laughing)

Neil: Hey.

Devon: Thank you, Man.

Neil: Mm.

Devon: (Laughs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: If you hadn't pulled me out of that lake--

Adam: And no one is gonna know about that.

Cane: If you want to be with Jack, you're gonna have to risk being hurt.

Nikki: You cannot marry this woman just to acquire Beauty of Nature. It's a terrible idea!

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