Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/10/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/10/12


Episode # 9881 ~ Jack Faces Genevieve's Fury

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Woman: What have you got?

Man: Male, late 20s, gave birth less than an hour ago. We think she fell through the ice at Lake Concord.

Woman: She maybe hypothermic.

Man: Umbilical cord's been cut, doesn't appear to be hemorrhaging. Blood pressure's 110 over 60, pulse 104.

Man: Male newborn. He's breathing, but he's having periods of apnea.

Man: Repeat her vitals, get her core temperature, and draw a panel on her.

Victoria: This is all my fault. If I hadn't have argued with Chelsea, she wouldn't have run off like she did.

Abby: No, this is nobody's fault. This is a freak accident.

Victoria: She wouldn't have gone out on the lake if I hadn't have been such an idiot.

Billy: Come on, come on.

Victoria: Mom.

Abby: Nikki, God how did you know?

Nikki: What's happening?

Victoria: We don't know.

Billy: Chelsea's unconscious.

Victoria: Yeah. The baby's alive, though. I held him...

Abby: Ohh.

Victoria: But he's so small.

Nikki: Well, at least you were there when the baby was born. You could get them both to safety.

Victoria: No, he was already born when I got there.

Nikki: Well, who delivered the baby?

Adam: Chelsea Lawson, please. No, she, um, she just had a baby. She and the infant would have been brought in by an ambulance. No, I'm not-- I'm not family, I just, uh, I just want to check on em, see if they're all right no yeah, I understand. It's--it's hospital policy, I just, uh, can you at least tell me if they were admitted? They were. Thank you.

Victor: Still no news on Chelsea. I can't get through to the pilot.

Anita: There's no telling where she's run off to.

Victor: You're just upset she didn't come to you.

Anita: How dare you? My daughter's car is found abandoned and she's pregnant. Who knows what kind of trouble she's in?

Victor: I know. What you're worried about.

Anita: I don't know what you're getting at.

Victor: You don't? If your daughter left Billy’s and Victoria’s place, God knows where she went to. God knows where she will deliver the baby, or if she is even going to give that baby to Billy and Victoria. You're worried that she may change her mind, so you came here to cash in before she has a change of heart, right?

Anita: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Yep. All right.

Victor: The baby has been born.

Anita: (Sighs)

[Jack remembering]

Jack: Genevieve has made it very clear she will sell me Beauty of Nature once we are husband and wife.

Nikki: Oh, Jack, no--

Jack: Don't worry. The moment the company is mine, I will file the divorce papers.

Nikki: So this is revenge?

Jack: No, I would have to give a damn about Genevieve for this to be revenge. This is business.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Genevieve: Hi, Jack.

Jack: Hey, I was expecting you a while ago. You still coming over?

Genevieve: Of course. I'll be right there.

Jack: I'll see you then.

Genevieve: (Sets down cell phone)

Ashley: Hi, Sharon. Hi, Faith!

Faith: Hi.

Ashley: Hi! Look at you, you little night owl.

Sharon: Well, I'm hoping this will wear her out.

Ashley: (Laughs) Thank you so much for calling. It's such a treat to hang out with you girls.

Sharon: Well, I know you haven't seen her in a while, so...

Ashley: Yes, and I was saving this for her birthday, but I thought she should have it now.

Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, a present. (Gasps)

Faith: (Gasps)

Ashley: Isn't cute? (Laughs)

Sharon: Oh, it is so cute!

Ashley: I got it at the boutique. I just thought it was so adorable.

Sharon: You like it?

Ashley: Yeah? Oh, good.

Sharon: Ashley, you didn't have to bring a gift.

Ashley: I know. I'm grateful that you continue to let me be a part of her life. Thank you.

Sharon: Well, you're important to her.

Ashley: She's--she was too little to remember, but those months when I thought that I was her mom are important to me.

Sharon: I know that was devastating, finding out that she wasn't your daughter and that Adam deceived us both.

Ashley: I've moved on, and for the most part, I’m fine. But sometimes, when I see a little baby in a stroller, all the old emotions come back, you know, but I'm fine. I'm okay. And more importantly, Faith is okay.

Man: I need to take your statements.

Nikki: (Sighs) Can't that wait?

Man: Since the police as well as the E.M.T.s were called to the scene, we need to rule out any criminal wrongdoing.

Billy: Criminal wrongdoing?

Man: This is just a formality.

Victoria: Um, okay. What do you want to know?

Man: When you found Ms. Lawson in that cabin, what was the situation?

Victoria: Um, well, I was the first one to get there, and Chelsea was sort of in and out of consciousness. She really wasn't making much sense, and she was freezing.

Billy: Yeah. We're pretty sure she fell in the lake nearby.

Man: So you delivered the child?

Victoria: No. He was already born when I got there.

Abby: Yeah, someone else must have helped her. They also called the ambulance.

Man: Any idea who?

Billy: Not a clue.

Victoria: I really need to check on the baby.

Billy: So all other questions I will have to wait. Thank you, Sir.

Abby: Um... I-I'll go get coffees for everyone.

Nikki: All right, Honey, thank you. It's gonna be a long night.

Man: If you or any of the others remember anything you may have forgotten to mention--

Nikki: Oh, yes, well, we'll call you. Officer.

Man: Yes, Ma'am?

Nikki: I just want to thank you for helping to find my grandson.

Man: Well, we wouldn't have been able to find them as quickly as we did if it wasn't for Mr. Newman.

Nikki: Victor?

Man: Mm-hmm. He had his chopper out, canvassing the area.

Anita: I've gotta go to the hospital...

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Anita: To see Chelsea and my grandson!

Victor: Wait, whoa, you're not going anywhere near at hospital.

Anita: Are you crazy? Of course I am.

Victor: I want you to leave town and stay gone.

Anita: Why are you being so mean?

Victor: Because you have been more trouble than you're worth. I don't want you anywhere near that situation. Is that clear?

Anita: I'm not leaving until I make sure that my daughter and the kid are okay.

Victor: I will inform you as soon as I hear something.

Anita: (Sighs)

(Electronic beeping)

Victor: Take this, and don't come back.

Anita: (Sighs) Fine. You're the boss.

Victor: The lady in the pink scarf who just left my office-- you follow her and let me know what she's up to, okay?

Chelsea: What’s... wait, where am I? What happened?

Woman: It's alright. You're in the emergency room. You just had your baby.

(Doorbell rings)

(Doorbell rings)

Genevieve: Jack?

Jack: In here.

Genevieve: You look good.

Jack: You look good, too.

Genevieve: Sorry I'm late.

Jack: Why were you?

Genevieve: I, um... I got lost in my thoughts, just lost track of time.

Jack: Recognize this?

Genevieve: Oh, my gosh, is that our original marriage license?

Jack: It is its still good. Surprised?

Genevieve: I'm surprised you kept it.

Jack: I guess, deep down, I was always hoping, someday, we'd reconcile.

Genevieve: Stop it, Jack. I know you're lying to me.

Jack: Then you were here earlier.

Genevieve: Yes.

Jack: Look, I don't know what you think you heard me say--

Genevieve: I heard you telling Nikki, your confidant, that you were going to marry me, take my company, divorce me, and put me out with yesterday's trash. I came to you, I laid myself bare, and for what? So that you could make a fool out of me?

Jack: Gen, listen to me. What I said to Nikki was all bull.

Genevieve: Oh... (Laughs) Yeah, right. And why would you lie to Nikki?

Jack: Because I was worried she would go to my family, and get them all involved, and then they would do everything they could to keep us from getting together. I couldn't let that happen.

Genevieve: Well, then you shouldn't have told her.

Jack: No, you're right, I shouldn't have. Look, she knew I was to something. I denied it. And she wouldn't let go of it, and yes, now I wish I had kept my mouth shut. I want to be your husband. I want this marriage. You have to believe that.

Sharon: It's hard to believe, isn't it, how much we've both been through with Faith?

Ashley: I'm so happy she wasn't older, Sharon. It probably would have been scarred for life.

Sharon: Do you remember what I told you about Ashley? How when you were first born, she took really good care of you and loved you, just like mommy does?

Faith: Yes.

Sharon: And do you remember the special name we have for Ashley?

Faith: Aunt Ashley.

Sharon: I know this relationship is really important to you, and I want you to know that it's important to Faith, too.

Ashley: Thank you.

Adam: Excuse me.

Abby: What the hell are you doing here?

Adam: I'm getting my eyes checked.

Abby: In the E.R.?

Adam: The main parking lot was pretty full, so I took a shortcut.

Abby: It's kind of a weird time for a doctor's appointment.

Adam: Is it? Why are you here?

Abby: After Chelsea’s fight with Victoria over hanging out with you, Chelsea ended up on a frozen lake. I guess the ice broke and she fell in.

Adam: What the hell is a pregnant woman doing out on the ice?

Abby: She'll tell us when she comes too. It's a good thing we found her she'd gone into labor.

Adam: She had the baby?

Abby: Yep.

Adam: Do they know how she, uh, how she got out of the water?

Abby: Some mystery person saved her. Nobody knows who.

Adam: How's Chelsea?

Abby: No clue.

Adam: How's the baby?

Abby: Why so many questions? You feeling guilty?

Adam: Will you just stop for a second and tell me how the baby is?

Billy: Hey, Doc. I'm the Lawson baby’s father. How is he doing?

Doctor: Your son's breathing has been stabilized, and he's doing just fine.

Victoria: Oh, thank God.

Doctor: Yeah, he's fortunate that you brought him in so quickly.

Nikki: Can Billy and Victoria see him?

Doctor: Follow me. Oh, and the mother's awake.

Chelsea: I-I don't remember who-- who pulled me out of the ice.

Man: And what about the delivery? We know you had help.

Chelsea: Um... (Voice breaking) I don't know. That's a blank, too. Won't any--anybody tell me my baby's okay?

Woman: Can we finish later? She needs some rest.

Man: Sure.

Chelsea: Please, please, I-I need to know if my baby's okay, please.

Woman: I'll go check.

Anita: Ohh. Oh, not to worry, Sweetheart. Mama's here, and I'm gonna make it all better.

Jack: Please believe me, Genevieve. My feelings for you haven't changed.

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: (Sniffles) Aren't you gonna get that?

Jack: No, no. Th-that can wait. Then is more important. I know I've been rough on you lately. I considering that, it took real guts, coming to me...

Genevieve: (Sniffles)

Jack: Trying to make things right.

Genevieve: And that's all I wanted, you know? I really do want to try to uh, fix what I tore apart, because having a life with you is everything to me.

Jack: That's what I want, too.

Genevieve: (Sighs) Well, okay, then-- then... (Sighs) Okay, then I can't wait to be your wife.

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: Wow, somebody really wants to talk to you.

Jack: Oh, it’s... its Nikki. Hello.

Nikki: Billy's baby was born.

Jack: Already?

Nikki: It's a little early, but the doctor says he's healthy.

Jack: That's great.

Nikki: We're all gathered here at the hospital. Do you want to join us?

Jack: I'll come there as soon as can, all right? Billy had another baby.

Genevieve: Oh, congratulations, Uncle Jack.

Jack: Hey, listen. Why don't you come to the hospital with me? You can meet my new nephew.

Genevieve: Uh, mm... I don't think I want to intrude, oh, unless, of course, you need help to get there.

Jack: No, no, no, I'm--uh I'm fine, but before I go, I need to know-- are we good?

Genevieve: I want to trust you.

Jack: You can.

Genevieve: (Sniffles) I hope so. I love you. Hope you know that. (Sniffles)

Anita: You must have been terrified. I'm so happy that you and my grandson survived.

Chelsea: Don't call him that.

Anita: (Sighs)

Chelsea: I'm giving him to Billy and Victoria, remember?

Anita: I figured you had second thoughts about that.

Chelsea: Why?

Anita: You were trying to get away from them, weren't you?

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Anita: Because you realized turning over your kid without getting all we could get was pretty stupid. (Laughs)

Chelsea: Is that really why you're here? For the baby?

Anita: (Sighs)

Chelsea: I was unconscious. He could have died, and you're really here for a payoff? Get out of here.

Anita: At least see him before you turn him over to those snooty rich folk. And why shouldn't we get some cash?

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Anita: God knows the Abbotts and Newmans can afford it.

Chelsea: Seriously, Mom, get out, and do me a favor-- don't ever come back.

Anita: (Sighs)

Victoria: Oh, my gosh, look at him. He's so precious.

Billy: Yeah, I know. Look at his little ears, his little nose.

Victoria: He's so beautiful.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Baby: (Cries)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: I know!

Victoria: Ohh. Gosh, I think he looks a little bit like you. Don't you?

Billy: Come on. All babies look alike--cute.

Victoria: No, no, no. I could pick this guy out of a hundred babies. Yes, I could. I would know who you were.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: I'm your mommy.

Baby: (Grunts)

Billy: Yeah, and I'm your daddy, Buddy.

Victoria: That's right, and we're gonna be a big family, corny and noisy and loving and kissing, just like on "Father knows Best," which you will learn all about when you are older and you are forced to watch marathons with your weird parents.

Billy: Yes. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. (Laughs)

Baby: (Grunts)

Victoria: Have you talked to Michael?

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: What did he say?

Billy: Well, nothing that we don't already know. Chelsea signing away her... (Clears throat) Parental rights, and her prenatal custody agreement--those things aren't always ironclad.

Baby: (Grunting)

Victoria: Right, okay. So what's the next step?

Billy: Well, the next step is we have a hearing where Chelsea signs her parental rights away post delivery.

Victoria: I'm scared, Billy, bec--I'm really scared because Chelsea was really mad at me when she left.

Baby: (Cries)

Billy: Ohh. Come on, it's okay and it's a difficult time for adoption no ma--oh no matter what the mother's state of mind. You getting frisky?

Victoria: I can't go through what we went through with Lucy again.

Billy: Okay, okay, okay. Just calm down. The sooner we have the hearing, the sooner we get to take this cute little guy home.

Baby: (Grunting)

Billy: Yeah, look at you. Happy thoughts. (Chuckles)

[Ashley remembering]

Ashley: Is she alright?

Adam: I told you everything would be all right. Here she is, your beautiful boy.

Ashley: Ohh. Oh. Oh, Sweetheart. My little angel. Hello, Angel. I'm your mommy. I'm your mommy!

Sharon: I'm gonna put you down for a minute baby. (Sighs)

Faith: You want to play?

Ashley: Adam. Hold on a second.

Adam: Yes?

Ashley: Um... you've hurt so many people since you've come to Genoa City, and even Sharon, who supported you, has cut you loose, so why are you still here?

Adam: You're right.

Billy: Hey.

Chelsea: Mm.

Billy: How you feeling?

Chelsea: Not bad, considering.

Victoria: Well, you gave us quite a scare.

Billy: We're just glad you're okay.

Victoria: Sorry about the argument. It was totally my fault.

Chelsea: No, I-- I can't even remember what we were fighting about.

Billy: Well, I just saw the baby.

Chelsea: You did?

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: How is he?

Billy: He's great-- ten fingers, ten toes.

Victoria: What's wrong?

Chelsea: Ten fingers, ten toes.

Billy: Um... I hate to bring up a difficult subject, but maybe we should talk about custody.

Chelsea: Wow. (Laughs) You guys really don't waste a second, do you?

Victoria: Listen, I know this can't be easy for you. In a way, I've-- I've been there myself.

Chelsea: Well, I, um... I don't want to discuss anything until I see my kid first.

Victor: Well just because Chelsea kicked her mother out of--out of the room doesn't mean that Anita won't be back. No, no, just to be safe, you keep an eye on her, all right? Keep me informed. Okay.

(Door opens)

Victor: (Sighs) Hi. How's Victoria? When you phoned earlier, you seem very distracted.

Nikki: Victoria is fine, Chelsea is recovering, and the baby seems to have gotten through this ordeal without any major problems.

Victor: Okay, well, I'm glad to hear that. If I imagine what could have happened...

Nikki: I talked to a police officer at the hospital, and he said that you had a helicopter combing the area where Chelsea disappeared.

Victor: So what's your point?

Nikki: Why the hell didn't you tell me what was going on with our daughter?

Victor: Why don't we discuss that at home, all right?

Nikki: No, we're gonna talk about it here, because I don't know if I'm going home with you.

Victor: (Drops object))

Sharon: I know that Adam’s done some awful things in the past, but he would never hurt us now.

Ashley: How can you possibly say that?

Sharon: Because when Adam lost his sight temporarily, he went to his mother's farm, and something-- something life-altering happened to him there.

Ashley: Oh, really? So of course he said that, cause he’s a con artist and that's what he wants you to believe, Sharon.

Sharon: Well, you weren't there, Ashley. You—you have no idea what he went through and--and how profoundly it changed him.

Ashley: So you're telling me that everything is just fine between the two of you now?

Sharon: I am convinced that he wants to be a better person. I think he's just still very closed up about all the things he's done in the past...like releasing Patty from that institution.

Ashley: He kept that from you?

Shan: Which is why I have no intention of letting him back in my life.

(Cell phone rings)

Ashley: Well, that's good to hear. Excuse me a second. Hey, Abby, what's going on?

Abby: Just the most exciting thing. (Chuckles) Billy's baby was born.

Ashley: You're kidding me. Isn’t it kind of early?

Abby: A little, but I'll tell you everything when you get to the hospital. Okay.

Jack: Hey.

Abby: Well, it's about time you showed up. Mom's coming, too.

Jack: So have you seen the baby?

Abby: Just for a second, when they were putting him in the ambulance. He's gorgeous. Jack, why wouldn't he be? All those Abbott genes.

(Footsteps approach)

Abby: Hmm.

Jack: Hey, congratulations. How's the kiddo?

Billy: Words can't describe.

Victoria: Yeah. We were just really relieved that he's here and he's safe.

Abby: And he’s going to be the most pampered, well dressed baby in Genoa City.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: That does seem to be the idea, yeah.

Jack: Hey, is-- is there a problem?

Billy: You know, we just saw Chelsea.

Victoria: We're just worried that she might rethink her decision to give us the baby.

Chelsea: Hey.

Woman: Just like that, right there.

Chelsea: Ohh. (Laughs)

Woman: Just use the call button when you're ready.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) Ohh, wow. (Sniffles) (Sighs) Victoria was right. (Sniffles) You are perfect. (Chuckles) (Sniffles) Ohh. I wish that I could keep you... (Sniffles) (Sniffles) But I have to say good-bye, okay? I know--oh, no, I know. I know. I know, Sweet Thing, but... (Sniffles) (Sighs) Your daddy and his wif-ow (Voice breaking) they are gonna give you such a great life, the life that I only dreamed of having. Yeah. (Sniffles) And I want you to grow up to be a good person, okay? A person that you can be proud of being. (Sniffles) (Sighs) Oh, and you are gonna have such a big family. You are gonna have a sister and--and a brother and--and aunts and uncles and cousins and just, like, so many people around you... (Sniffles) And you're gonna have parents that adore you and... (Sniffles) Make sure that you never feel alone or sad... or used. They would never let you feel like that. (Sniffles) They would never let you be hurt like that. (Sighs) (Sniffles) I'll love you forever, my sweet boy.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sighs)

Chelsea: I'm ready. Okay, yeah. Okay.

Victoria: Hey.

Baby: (Grunting)

Victoria: Hi.

Baby: (Fussing)

Victoria: Ohh.

Billy: Thank you.

Chelsea: Just promise me you'll always love him, no matter what.

Baby: (Crying)

Billy: Of course.

Victoria: You have our word.

Billy: It's okay.

Chelsea: Bye.

Billy: It's okay. It's okay.

Baby: (Fussing)

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Victor: What are you so upset about?

Nikki: I wouldn't have even known that Chelsea was missing if her crazy mother hadn't come barging in here.

Victor: There isn't anything you can do to help.

Nikki: That woman was carrying Billy’s son. If something had happened to that baby, God forbid, Victoria would have been devastated, and you act like nothing had happened!

Victor: You know damn well I don't approve of Victoria’s plans.

Nikki: Who cares what you approve of?

Victor: I care!

Nikki: That child is our grandchild!

Victor: I care what I approve of! And for your information, that child is Billy Abbott’s bastard child!

Nikki: Oh, now, that is a terrible thing to say.

Victor: I am telling you the truth, and you know it, and mark my word, it's gonna hurt Victoria down the road, and it will upset you emotionally if you become attached to that baby.

Nikki: You'd have to be made of stone to not become attached to the baby, Victor.

Victor: If something happens, if this blows up-- and I know it will-- I'm very concerned.

Nikki: What? What are you concerned about?

Victor: That you won't be able to handle it!

Nikki: Ohh. I see. This is not about Billy or Victoria. This is about my sobriety.

Victor: Why don't you face reality? It hasn't been that long that you have been sober. If something happened that doesn't go according to your plan, then what?

Nikki: You think--you think that it will drive me back to drink? Is that it?

Victor: Last time, Sweetheart, it did! You fell off the wagon. You ran off and married that no-good Deacon Sharpe.

Nikki: Oh, and I will never hear the end of that, will I?

Victor: No, you won't!

Nikki: God. (Stomps foot)

Victor: Look at me. Look at me! I'm afraid to lose you again to the damn bottle!

Nikki: I didn't know you’ve been worried about this.

Victor: (Sighs) Sweetheart, you haven't been sober that long.

Nikki: So these last few months, have I seemed unstable?

Victor: No, I'm not saying that, but--

Nikki: Because honesty is very important in my recovery, Victor. I need to deal with things in a healthy ways and not hide in a bottle.

Victor: All right. If you want the truth, I'll give it to you.

Nikki: No sugarcoating it.

Victor: Fine... but remember, if I tell you something that you don't want to confront, then, um... you better not blame me. This was your idea.

Nikki: All right. We need to be able to trust each other, Victor. Without that, we've got nothing.

Victor: (Sighs)

Jack: Ho-hold on, Abby’s right here.

Abby: Sorry you're stuck in traffic.

Ashley: I should be there fairly soon. I'm just glad to hear the baby's alive, after everything he’s been through.

Jack: Actually, there's more good news.

Ashley: Tell me.

Jack: Chelsea is determined that Billy and Victoria will raise the baby.

Abby: They were worried earlier that she might back out.

Ashley: Where are they now?

Jack: With Master Abbott, king of the nursery.

Abby: (Laughs) I'm gonna go ask when I can visit him. I'll see you when you get here, Mom.

Ashley: Is it just us now?

Jack: Yeah, hold on. Hey. Why?

Ashley: Did Genevieve ever show up?

Jack: When?

Ashley: Earlier. When Mrs. Martinez said she thought she'd seen her at the house, you practically turned white.

Jack: It's no problem. That--that worked itself out.

Ashley: It was about Beauty of Nature, wasn't it?

Jack: I can't keep anything from you, can I?

Ashley: What is going on, Jackie?

Jack: Genevieve and I have arrived at a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Ashley: What does that mean?

Jack: It means Beauty of Nature will be part of Jabot by the end of this week.

Genevieve: Bartender bring me another, will you?

Sharon: Do you know how precious you are to me? When I think of how close I came to never knowing you were my daughter... (Sighs) And if things had turned out differently, I wouldn't be here to watch you grow up. So many times, I almost lost you, but I didn't, and we're here together. I'm so grateful.

Chelsea: Adam. What are you doing here?

Adam: I heard what happened after you ran out of Victoria’s.

Chelsea: You know I had the baby?

Adam: I heard.

Chelsea: (Sighs) I gave him to Billy and Victoria.

Adam: Are you sure that's what you really want to do? You want to let them raise your baby?

Chelsea: It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. If it was about me, I would keep him, but it's not. It's about what's best for my son, and it's not me. (Sighs)

Baby: (Crying)

Chelsea: Oh.

Adam: Oh, look at you.

[Chelsea remembering]

Chelsea: Ohh.

Adam: Look at you.

Chelsea: Ohh! (Sobbing)

Adam: There he is.

Chelsea: Oh, my God, it was you. You delivered the baby.

Adam: Yes... and it's gonna be our little secret.

Victoria I can't believe this little-bitty baby is really ours. Hi, Cutie. Hi.

Billy: (Makes grumbling noises)

Victoria: Oh, do you know how long we've been waiting for you to get here? (Sighs) Mm.

Billy: You are amazing.

Victoria: What did I do?

Billy: (Chuckles) Not a lot of women would welcome a baby that came from, um...

Victoria: Billy, mnh, stop. He's ours, he's yours and mine. It doesn't matter how he got here. Right, Peanut?

Billy: "Peanut"?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Peanut Abbott. That's got a nice little ring to it.

Victoria: He's Peanut.

Billy: Peanut.

Victoria: No, I don't think he likes it. I think we need to think of a name.

Billy: Okay, a name, a name, a name... how about, uh...Mason? Jacob? Waylon?

Victoria: No, those are, like, way too popular.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: What about Mustang?

Victoria: Uh, what? What, you want to name your son after a car? I mean, yeah, no, no, no. Mnh-mnh. Oh, but why don't we call him Theodore? And then we can, like, nickname him "Teddy." Yeah?

Billy: And the kids at school are gonna call him "Teddy Bear."

Victoria: Oh, all right. Good point.

Billy: Peanut's sounding better all the time. Peanut.

Victoria: Your dad is so silly. He really is so silly. I'm so happy.

Billy: Mwah! (Laughs)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: And you'll finally be able to hear.

Devon: Hopefully.

Harmony: Well, in my life, if a thing can go wrong, it usually does.

Kevin: I thought you were leaving town.

Carmine: Oh, I was, until your wife talked me out of it.

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