Y&R Transcript Monday 4/9/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 4/9/12


Episode # 9880 ~ Adam Tries to Save Chelsea and Her Baby

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Abby: Chelsea? Hey, Billy, you're home.

Billy: Surprise.

Abby: Hey.

Billy: Hey. Should I be freaked out that you're running in here, calling for Chelsea? Because I--honestly, I'm a little freaked out that you're running in here, calling for Chelsea, and I'm man enough to admit that.

Abby: She's gone. Chelsea took off. We don't know if she's ever coming back.

Victoria: Why are you just staring at me? I need your help. You know Chelsea's mother Anita. You know how to contact her or something. I mean, you brought her here to town, so how else could you have done that if you didn't know? Please, Dad, just call her, because I need to-- I need to ask her if she knows where Chelsea is.

Victor: I can't do that.

Victoria: Don't do this. Don't punish me for Beauty of Nature, not this way.

Victor: One has nothing to do with the other.

Victoria: Dad... I know you love me. I do. No matter what else, I know that you love me. Please, I'm begging you, please. I'm so worried about Chelsea and the baby.

Victor: Sweetheart, I love you very much. I do, okay? But if Chelsea is missing, that might be a blessing in disguise. She has a child fathered by Billy Abbott. It's not a love child. Hopefully, Billy Abbott will be gone, as well. Don't you understand how I feel about that man?

Chelsea: Please, you have to help me... (Shivering) You have to help me.

Adam: It's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna help you, okay? I'm gonna get you to the hospital.

Chelsea: Oh, my God. No, there's no time. The baby's coming... (Breathing heavily) Now. Aah! (Panting)

Tucker: Hey, Beauty. Can I get you a drink? How about a foot rub? We are still in the newlywed phase, aren't we?

Ashley: Tucker, did Sofia resign from McCall?

Tucker: Where'd you hear that?

Ashley: Well, is it true?

Tucker: Well, technically, uh... (Exhales slowly) I terminated her. Then she resigned, you know? But if she wants it out there that she quit, I'm okay with it.

Ashley: She stood up for you at our wedding. Before you knew about Katherine and Devon, you thought she was your only family, and you're okay with it?

Tucker: I know it's a shame, but, uh, you know as well as I do, these kind of things happen in business all the time.

Ashley: Well, why didn't you tell me?

Tucker: Well, I was going to when I came to your office, but we got caught up talking about Jack and him wanting to have surgery, Beauty of Nature. Any other news about that?

Ashley: Which one, my brother's surgery or Beauty of Nature? Don't answer that, because I know what you're gonna say. That company is the only thing that matters to you-- more than my brother and more than your friend.

Nikki: I am thrilled to hear that you don't trust Genevieve, but entering into a "Mutually beneficial deal"-- what does that mean?

Jack: It's nothing you have to worry about, okay?

Nikki: Jack, I do worry. S-so that I don't imagine the worst, you-- just tell me what's going on.

Jack: (Sighs) Okay, this is not for public consumption. I need your word.

Nikki: You've got it.

Jack: Genevieve and I are finally gonna get married.

Nikki: What? Oh, my God, oh, my God, this is--this is worse than I ever had thought.

Jack: No, it's not, because it's not what you think, and certainly not what Genevieve thinks, either.

Victoria: It's a boy...

Victor: (Sighs)

Victoria: The baby that Billy and I have been waiting for and falling in love with. It's a boy.

Victor: Oh, Sweetheart.

Victoria: It's a son for us. It's a grandson for you. We--that's who I'm worried about right now, Dad.

Victor: (Sighs)

Victoria: I'm worried about the baby who hasn't come into this world yet, and... (Sighs) But all you care about and all you can see is that I married a man against your wishes. That's all you care about-- that I defied you?

Victor: Where is he now, that husband of yours?

Victoria: He's in California. How is that the point?

Victor: Exploiting your name, exploiting the Newman name, and peddling that magazine that mocks our family! I know you love him, unfortunately. He's not deserving of you. He is not deserving of you! Did you tell him that Chelsea's missing?

Victoria: I can't reach him right now.

Victor: Of course you can't reach him, Sweetheart. Of course you can't reach him. There are too many bars and too many women in Los Angeles.

Victoria: Oh, come on, Dad! Come on. That's not how it is at all.

Victor: Of course it is! Come to your senses, Girl! What's the matter with you? Chasing after his child, his illegitimate child! Are you kidding? He's a cocky, impertinent bastard who has brought you nothing but heartache. You'll spend the rest of your life cleaning up after his mess. It's not the first time, not the last time, that he isn't here when you need him the most.

Billy: Chelsea flipped out because Vicki didn't want Adam around? I mean, come on, that's not new news. Why does Chelsea suddenly care?

Abby: I think she thought we were insulting her, which--maybe it might have sounded like.

Billy: Oh, great.

Abby: But also, Chelsea is very hormonal.

Billy: Wow. Okay, why didn't anybody call me... which they did, only I'm the ass who didn't turn on his phone, so...

Abby: Yeah, you're gonna find, like, six messages from me.

Billy: Yeah, there's seven.

Abby: And I-I got a text from Victoria, saying that she's at Dad's, trying to get him to help track down Chelsea.

Billy: Victor. Awesome. Great. Come on, let's go.

Abby: Wait, what--

Billy: We're gonna call Victoria from the car.

Abby: I'm sorry, where are we going?

Billy: To find Chelsea. She's pregnant and pissed off. How far can she get?

Abby: We've tried, like, a dozen places.

Billy: Not the dock by Lake Concord. Yeah, she says she goes there to think sometimes, to get away from the hovering.

Abby: At night? What, you think you'd-- you think she'd go there in the dark?

Billy: I don't know. She's hormonal. She's Chelsea. Let's go. It's something. Let's just find out. Come on.

Abby: Okay, okay, okay.

Billy: (Groans) All righty. (Sighs)

Adam: All right, we're gonna get inside this place.

Chelsea: (Breathing rapidly)

Adam: Come on, hang in there. (Knocks on door) Hang in there, Chelsea. I got you, Girl.

Chelsea: (Moaning) (Panting)

Adam: Okay, okay.

Chelsea: (Moaning)

Adam: (Grunts)

Chelsea: (Shivering) (Whimpering)

Adam: Come on, come on, come on, come on. I know. I know you're cold. I know.

Chelsea: (Moaning)

Adam: Sit right here, sit right here, right here. I got you, I got you.

Chelsea: (Shivering)

Adam: Here. Hold on. All right, let me see.

Chelsea: Oh, my God, oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Adam: You hang in there, okay? I'll set this up for you to lay on the ground.

Chelsea: I'm so cold.

Adam: Girl, when you go ice-skating, you need skates, you need thick ice, and a low center of gravity. You're, like, 0 for 3 on this here.

Chelsea: It's--it's so cold.

Adam: Come on. Get down here. I know. I-I know you're cold.

Chelsea: It's so cold. Is the baby cold? Is the baby cold?

Adam: No, no, no. No, the baby is nice and toasty, nice and toasty. Lay down.

Chelsea: (Groans) Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay. (Shivering)

Adam: I gotta go outside. I gotta get some cell reception. I have to make a phone call. We need help. I have to make a phone call.

Chelsea: No. No, no, no! You can't leave me! Please don't leave me. Please, you can't go. You can't go!

Adam: Listen, I grew up on a farm. Watching a horse foal is a lot different than having a baby. We need help, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Please don't leave me alone. (Shivering) I'm so--aah, aah! Oh, my God! Oh, my God, oh, my God! Oh!

Adam: Okay, okay, okay.

Chelsea: It hurts, it hurts! Oh, my God, oh, my God.

Adam: That's okay. Come here, come here. We're gonna have this baby-- that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna have this baby.

Chelsea: (Groaning)

Adam: Chelsea, you got this, Girl. Listen, you're strong, okay? My money's on you in a dark alleyway. I'm gonna hold your hand-- give me your hand. Give me your hand. I'm gonna hold your hand and you are going to push, okay? You're gonna push.

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: I'm here.

Tucker: Let's not talk about Beauty of Nature. We should agree to disagree on that and not let it stir things up between us.

Ashley: You just don't see why this upsets me. Beauty of Nature is not just a random acquisition. Aside from being a company that competes with my family's business, it comes with enormous baggage-- Genevieve.

Tucker: She's just the woman who owns it-- for the moment.

Ashley: (Sighs) She's the woman that betrayed my brother, Tucker...

Tucker: (Exhales slowly)

Ashley: And you saw what she did to him. Who knows what she would do to somebody who she has no connection to-- someone like you?

Tucker: I can take care of myself, and as for Jack-- as soon as I buy Beauty of Nature, Genevieve’s out of the picture.

Ashley: There's no way of predicting that she's just gonna walk away, especially because I believe that she's using Beauty of Nature to get Jack's attention. She already hurt him once and I don't want to see her hurt him again.

Tucker: I understand what you're saying.

Ashley: But you have no intention of respecting it. I'm gonna go see my brother.

Tucker: Oh, come on, Ashley. (Exhales slowly)

(Door closes)

Nikki: Marry her? Why on earth would you marry her?

Jack: This has to stay between us.

Nikki: Just tell me why.

Jack: For her dowry, of course. Once I'm married to Genevieve, Beauty of Nature is mine.

Nikki: You don't know that.

Jack: Oh, no, I do know that. Genevieve has made it very clear she will sell me Beauty of Nature once we are husband and wife.

Nikki: Oh, Jack, no--

Jack: Don't worry. The moment the company is mine, I will file the divorce papers.

Nikki: So this is revenge?

Jack: No, I would have to give a damn about Genevieve for this to be revenge. This is business.

Nikki: That is so reassuring. Please tell me that you don't intend to go through with this.

Jack: As Genevieve is fond of saying, we have a chance to correct some terrible mistakes. I say, the sooner, the better.

Victoria: You just can't see how much Billy loves me, how much he loves our family. This family, Dad, this little family that we're growing with this baby that I can't wait to meet. Doesn't it matter to you that I love Billy? You mean it doesn't matter that he makes me happy and then we're gonna give our son all the love in the world?

Victor: What are you talking about, "Our son"?

Victoria: Our son.

Victor: It's not your son.

Victoria: Our son, Billy’s and mine.

Victor: It's not yours!

Victoria: Billy's and mine, and we are so grateful for this blessing. I know you don't care that you're gonna be a grandfather again, and you may not want this child to be a part of your family, but this child is gonna be a part of my family. And that's why I have to make sure that Chelsea is safe and cared for and protected until this baby's born.

Victor: Hold on. (Sighs) This is Victor Newman here.

Anita: Well, howdy, Mr. Big man. You're lucky you caught me. I was just catching a plane out of Chicago.

Victor: I have my daughter Victoria with me. Have you spoken with Chelsea?

Anita: What's wrong?

Victoria: Anita, this is Victoria. Please, um... have you heard from Chelsea?

Anita: Something's wrong. Did you lose my girl? What did you do to her?

Victoria: We--we just need to know where she is.

Anita: If you don't know, then you did something to her.

Victoria: (Sighs) Listen, it--it really wasn't-- it wasn't even an argument, it was just-- I don't know what to say.

Anita: Selfish and greedy, treating my little baby like she's some kind of incubator-- oh, I should have just stayed there with her-- better yet, made her leave with me.

Victoria: Anita, will you please just have Chelsea call us as soon as you hear from her?

(Telephone lever clicks) (Receiver slams down)

Victoria: I'm gonna call the police.

Victor: No, let me deal with this, okay? Let me deal with it. (Sighs) (Picks up receiver)

Adam: We gotta keep this on you. We gotta keep you warm.

Chelsea: (Sighs) My blanket's in the other room. It's by--

Adam: Listen, you need to push. That's all you need to focus on.

Chelsea: It's by--it's by the c--the chair.

Adam: Chelsea, I hear you. Right now, you need to focus on this baby. You have to push, okay? You have to bear down.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) I can't, I can’t. I can't!

Adam: Yes, you can. You can, Chelsea, and you will. You're gonna do this, okay? Listen--

Chelsea: (Sniffles) I can't do it. I can't, I can’t.

Adam: Grab my hand, grab my hand.

Chelsea: (Groans)

Adam: You're gonna squeeze.

Chelsea: Aah! It hurts! Aah!

Adam: I know. I know. I know. You have to push now.

Chelsea: (Panting) I can't--

Adam: Chelsea, you have to push right now. You have to bear down.

Chelsea: (Groaning)

Adam: Bear down and push. Good, Chelsea. Chelsea, you're doing great. You're doing great.

Chelsea: Aah! (Sobs)

Adam: Push. You have to-- you have to push again. Again.

Chelsea: (Whimpers) I can't, I can't, I can’t.

Adam: You have to do this again. Come on. One more, one more. Come on.

Chelsea: (Groaning, sobbing)

Adam: Good. Good, good, good.

Chelsea: I can't, I can’t.

Adam: Chelsea, Chelse--

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily) I can't--

Adam: Come on. One more now, okay? This is the last one. You just bear down and you push as hard as you can, okay? This is the last one.

Chelsea: (Grunting) Aah! Ohh!

Adam: You got it, you got it!

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: You got it. Oh, Chelsea. You did it.

Chelsea: (Moans)

Adam: You did it. He's here.

Chelsea: (Breathing heavily) (Groans) (Gasping) Baby-- babies cry. Why isn't he crying?

Tucker: Genevieve.

Genevieve: Hey. You made it.

Tucker: Of course I did.

Genevieve: Yeah, anything for Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: There's a little more to it than that. You know, the last time we spoke, I was under the impression that you needed more time to think. What changed your mind?

Nikki: This is a very dangerous game, Jack. I don't like it.

Jack: This is not that complicated, Nikk. Compared to the battles I've had with "The Black Knight," this is a cakewalk.

Nikki: Yeah, but you loved her. God knows why, but at one time, your feelings for Genevieve were real. She knows that. She's dangling Beauty of Nature right in front of you. What makes you think that you won't get sucked in?

Jack: How many times have I tried to convince you to stay away from Victor?

Nikki: (Sighs) Please don't deflect. God, I just wish that woman would leave town.

Jack: And I wish he would leave the planet. The difference is I know Genevieve won't get to me. With you and Victor--

Nikki: Can't you just accept the fact that I'm concerned about you? The very thought of anybody or anything hurting you-- it--it just makes me want to scream.

Jack: Thank you.

Nikki: Humor me, Jack. Tell me you'll forget all about this awful idea. Just let Genevieve and Beauty of Nature go away.

Billy: (Sighs)

Abby: Seriously? Lake Concord in the dark? Who does that?

Billy: I don't know, but this is her car. Chelsea!

Abby: God, I am going to kill my phone company. No bars since we left your house. Victoria has no idea where we are.

Billy: Chelsea!

Abby: What the hell? Wait, that's a helicopter. Too bad they're not blue-thundering it for Chelsea out here in the woods.

Billy: Chelsea, can you hear me?

Victor: And you think that's Chelsea's car? There are people a-approaching the car. And what? There are lights in the cabin beyond the ice.

Victoria: Tell them to come back and get me now. I'll be waiting on the roof.

Victor: Uh, listen carefully. Come to the Newman landing pad and you take my daughter where she wants to go, okay? Yep.

Victoria: Oh, my God, I can't believe that Chelsea's out there in the cold, and she's so pregnant.

Victor: (Sighs)

Victoria: She has to be okay.

Victor: Be careful.

Victoria: Thank you.

Victor: Be careful, okay?

Victoria: I will. Thank you.

Adam: Hey, you. Come on. Come on. Come on, little man.

Baby: (Gurgling)

Adam: Come on, little man.

Baby: (Gurgles) (Cries weakly)

Adam: Yeah!

Chelsea: Ohh! (Sobs) (Sniffles) Is-- is--is he--is he cold? I don't want him to be cold.

Adam: He's--oh, no, no, no, he's fine. He's just fine. He has ten fingers, ten toes. Look at you, handsome. Hi.

Chelsea: We should-- we should--

Baby: (Gurgles)

Chelsea: Don't f-- don't forget the hot chocolate. We can sit--we can sit-- we can sit by the fire. Ohh. Ohh.

Adam: Okay, right now, we're gonna focus on this little guy.

Chelsea: We're gonna sit by the fire.

Adam: No, no, no, right now, you need to meet your little baby. Are you ready?

Chelsea: Is--he's here? He's here?

Adam: He is here. He is here.

Baby: (Crying)

Adam: Come on.

Chelsea: Oh.

Adam: Oh, look at you.

Chelsea: Ohh.

Adam: Look at you.

Chelsea: Ohh! (Sobbing)

Adam: There he is.

Chelsea: He's beautiful! He's beautiful.

Adam: Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Hey--oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. I got him. I got him, I got him.

Chelsea: He's okay. Okay.

Adam: Easy, easy, easy. Come here, little guy. Come on, come on, come on, come on. I got you. I got you.

Chelsea: What are you doing?

Adam: I got you.

Chelsea: What are you doing?

Adam: No, no, no, it's okay. You--

Chelsea: What are you doing with my baby? What are you doing? What are you doing? (Sighs) Huh?

Jack: Listen to me. Genevieve and I do not share history. We do not share children. We don't have the same pull that you and Victor have, thank God. So if you're worried about me, don’t. If you're worried about her--

Nikki: Oh, God, no. Unlike you, I am not indifferent to her. I actively despise her, but she's very clever, Jack, and she's cruel and she's unpredictable, and that makes me very nervous.

Jack: Yes, she's clever, but she wants to be my wife, and all I have to do is convince her that I'm willing to go along with it, willing to give it a shot. If I come on too strong, if I try too hard, she's gonna smell the plot, so all I have to do is play it cool with a hint of lingering affection, and so far, that is working quite well.

Nikki: Okay, let's say that you draw her in and you say your vows-- God, I can't even think that-- and then you file your divorce papers. What makes you think that she's just gonna walk away quietly in the night? This is a woman who pushed her last husband off a balcony and seemed disappointed that he survived!

Jack: Point taken. I will try to avoid rooftops for the foreseeable future.

Nikki: Oh, my God! My God, Jack, this is like some comedy to you. It's a horror film to me. Now listen, I don't care how sweetly she talks or how much she regrets the past. That woman is dangerous, and once she loses you and Beauty of Nature, she'll have nothing more to lose, and I don't want to think about what might happen to you then.

Genevieve: (Sighs) I've been thinking an awful lot about who to sell Beauty of Nature to, or maybe I've just been pondering the wonders of the wine cooler.

Tucker: Ah. Not your drink of choice anymore. I won't be plying you with those again.

Genevieve: But you remembered. I was impressed.

Tucker: It's a funny thing about a broken heart-- makes you remember all the little details.

Genevieve: Oh, come on, now. (Laughs) We were just kids. My gosh. And look at you now. Who would have ever known? (Laughs)

Tucker: Well, not you. You split before you found out.

Genevieve: Childhood crushes don't make a lifetime. Don't you think we both had more to do in the world? I bet--I remember you being so intent upon wanting to make it big, right? What did you always used to say? Oh, uh, "I-I want some--" that was--

Tucker: Some coin in my pocket.

Genevieve: Right. (Laughs)

Tucker: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Genevieve: Some coin.

Tucker: That was the plan.

Genevieve: Yeah.

Tucker: And you-- you just wanted to travel.

Genevieve: I got as far as Australia. I met Colin. I wanted excitement--ohh. I got a little more than I bargained for.

Tucker: (Breathes deeply) Well... it's pretty crazy. After all these years, both of us here, huh?

Genevieve: Kind of amazing, isn't it? And--I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you never told Ashley about us.

Abby: Chelsea! Where are you?

Billy: Oh, come on, Chelse, just give us a yelp or something, all right? I mean, we saw your car, we saw your footprints on the ice. This chick is really nuts.

Abby: Oh, we're gonna need, like, a dozen troopers or--or rangers or something.

Billy: Yeah, well, what I need is a signal, which I don't have, so I can call the cops and tell Vicki where we are. I've just--you know what?

Abby: (Sighs)

Billy: I'm gonna go to the other side, right across the ice. Yep, you just--

Abby: Wait, what? No, Billy, no!

Billy: Just keep yelling, just keep yelling.

Abby: Billy, no! (Sighs)

Adam: He looks really good, Chelsea, really healthy, but a doctor needs to check him out.

Chelsea: You can't-- you can't take him yet. He just got here. I'll--I'll keep him warm, I promise.

Adam: No, no. Who's gonna keep you warm then, huh?

Chelsea: You can call-- you can call room service. They know you.

Baby: (Fusses)

Adam: You're scaring me, Kid.

Baby: (Fusses)

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: Listen, I'm gonna give him to you, okay?

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: You're gonna hang on to your little surfer dude.

Chelsea: (Sniffles)

Adam: I'm gonna go.

Chelsea: (Gasps) Ohh! Hi.

Adam: I'm gonna go find cell reception.

Chelsea: Hi, Baby.

Adam: I'm gonna make a call, okay? I'm gonna get an ambulance on the way, and then we'll get some room service.

Chelsea: Hi. (Laughs) Hi, Baby!

Adam: That's right. That's right, you've got the baby, okay? You're holding on to him. You cannot fall asleep. Don't drift off. You stay awake, okay?

Chelsea: (Murmuring)

Adam: You keep him warm. I'll be right back, little dude.

Baby: (Grunts)

Chelsea: Hi. Ohh. Ohh. Don't you worry. The-- the beach is a lot warmer than this, and you'll--you'll wear a little wet suit, huh? Yeah, you'll just wear a little wet suit...   

(Door opens)

Victoria: Chelsea. Thank God. Oh, my God.

Baby: (Fusses)

Victoria: The baby came.

Chelsea: (Murmurs)

Victoria: The baby came, Chelsea. Can you hear me?

Chelsea: Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi. Hi.

Victoria: Are you both okay?

Chelsea: (Sighs) I just--I wanted to--

Victoria: How did you get here?

Chelsea: Did you call room service, too?

Victoria: Okay. It's okay. You're gonna be okay. Just rest, all right? Just rest.

Chelsea: Mm.

Victoria: Shh. It's gonna be okay. Hi. It's gonna be all right. I promise, everything's gonna be okay. Yes, it is. Hi.

Ashley: I just want to go over some Jabot figures with you, Jack. I know we were talking about individual items, but the more I think about it, I think collections are the way to go for the summer. You want to jump in with your thoughts at any time here?

Jack: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry. I-I spaced out there. Um, are we talking about collection of cosmetics or beauty products?

Ashley: What's going on with you?

Jack: Genevieve should be here by now.

Jack: Ohh, she should-- she's not answering.

Tucker: No, I never did get around to filling Ashley in on my impetuous youth... but I don't think this is the most auspicious moment to do that, given how you two feel about each other. I'll get around to it when the time is right.

Genevieve: You always were very private, even when we were kids.

Tucker: Not with you.

Genevieve: Ah, that was quite a trick, though, wasn't it? Making a girl feel special by telling her all sorts of secrets.

Tucker: I thought I could trust you.

Genevieve: Well, maybe you had the right instinct, not to let everyone know, uh, that we're not exactly strangers. It could complicate negotiations. You know, make people think that you have an unfair advantage.

Tucker: Well, I do, don't I?

Genevieve: (Laughs) I think you like the game far too much to take the sneaky shortcut right now.

Tucker: Oh, come on. Sneaky shortcuts can make the game more fun. But if you want facts and figures with your, uh, wine cooler or whatever it is you're drinking now, we can do that, too. McCall, Unlimited has plenty of liquid resources for that generous purchase price I wrote on that card.

Genevieve: But what if I wanted to stay with Beauty of Nature?

Tucker: We'd love to have you. We could do great things together, Genevieve.

Victor: And you had no problem landing? Where's my daughter now? Okay. And you're-- what about the cabin? You're sure? Okay, keep me posted and make sure my daughter is safe, all right? (Slams receiver down) Billy Abbott, you son of a bitch, this is all your doing.

Nikki: Oh, you are still here. I called the ranch and they said that you weren't home yet. What's got you here so late? Something urgent?

Victor: No, Sweetheart, nothing, nothing. I'm just working on a project.

Victoria: Hi.

Baby: (Grunting)

Victoria: I don't know how we're gonna fix this, but don't worry. Don't you worry one bit. We're gonna fix everything, okay? I promise.

Baby: (Grunting)

(Door opens)

Billy: Hello? Vicki?

Victoria: You're home.

Billy: Wh-whoa--

Victoria: You're home?

Billy: Is that--is that--

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Look at him.

Billy: Hey, is he okay?

Victoria: Yeah, he's okay. Look at him! (Laughs)

Billy: Oh, wow, Buddy, I'm glad to see you.

Baby: (Cooing)

Victoria: Oh, he knows it's you!

Billy: Oh, look at you.

Victoria: He knows it's you.

Billy: Is--is she okay? Hi.

Victoria: Oh, she's freezing.

Billy: How did she even get in here and deliver this baby by herself? Hey.

Victoria: Someone must have helped her, but...

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Who?

Genevieve: You seem awfully eager to get Beauty of Nature. I don't remember you being in such a rush when we were kids.

Tucker: Come on. You gonna leave me hanging all over again?

Genevieve: I need to take my time and make the right decision.

Tucker: That's all I get?

Genevieve: You're the front-runner. Is that what you want to hear?

Tucker: Only if it's the truth.

Genevieve: It is.

Tucker: Good enough, then.

Genevieve: Thank you for understanding. I want to be smart about this, you know? And one thing I've learned is that I do have to do what's best for me, and tonight has really driven that home.

Jack: (Sighs) Still no answer.

Ashley: Hi, Mrs. Martinez.

Mrs. Martinez: Hola.

Jack: Hey, back from your errands?

Ashley: Hmm.

Mrs. Martinez: Uh, can I get you both and Mrs. Atkinson something to drink?

Ashley: Mrs. Atkinson?

Mrs. Martinez: I saw her come up the back door when I was leaving to run my errands. Uh, I just assumed she was in the powder room.

Ashley: She's not.

Jack: How long ago did you see her there?

Mrs. Martinez: Maybe an hour ago?

Jack: (Sighs) (Inhales sharply)

Ashley: What is wrong?

Jack: (Exhales sharply)

Nikki: Well, how much longer will you be?

Victor: Listen, I'm waiting for a status update on a project, all right? I'll be home soon, okay?

Nikki: Well, you have a cell phone. They can always find you wherever you are.

Victor: Sweetheart, trust me, I-I need to be here.

Nikki: Okay.

Anita: Where is she?

Nikki: What the hell are you doing here?

Anita: I wasn't too far, thank God. (Sighs) If you would have called any later, I would have been on that plane already, Victor.

Nikki: Called about what?

Anita: I don't know what you're doing to my girl, but Chelsea doesn't run from anything. If she took off, it's because you all pushed her to the edge.

Nikki: Chelsea's missing? My God, Victoria must be out of her mind with worry. And you told me "Nothing"?

Victor: You should never have come here.

Anita: Oh, what, because I love my daughter?

Nikki: (Bangs purse on desk) I want my daughter, too. I'm gonna go find Victoria.

Victor: (Taps glasses on desk)

Baby: (Grunts)

Victoria: She's really feverish. We need to get her out of here.

Billy: Hey, Chelsea. Chelsea, can you hear me? You're gonna be fine, okay? You're gonna be more than fine. You're gonna be perfect, you and the baby.

Chelsea: I-- I've been taking my vitamins, and... he'll be healthy when he's born. I told you.

Baby: (Grunting)

Victoria: No, he's here, and he's amazing. (Chuckles)

Billy: Okay. Hey, Chelsea. Chelsea. Just--you know, I... I-I don’t... have service still.

Victoria: Okay, well, I came on Dad's helicopter, so let's get them both loaded on the helicopter, and we'll just get out of here, okay?

Billy: Okay, you take him. (Grunts) I'm gonna take her...

Victoria: All right, come here.

Billy: And we'll run like hell. You got him?

Victoria: I got him.

Billy: All right, bundle up.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Hi.

Billy: You ready? All right.

Abby: Billy?

Billy: Abby! Abby, Abby, we're in here.

Abby: The ambulance is on its way.

Billy: Wait, a-already?

Abby: Oh, my gosh, it's true! (Gasps) He came?

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Abby: Is he okay?

Victoria: Yeah, he's okay.

Abby: (Gasps) Is she okay? Is Chelsea okay?

Victoria: Well, they--they-- they need a doctor. Definitely need a doct-- how did you get the ambulance here so fast?

Abby: Ohh. Well... (Sighs) My phone finally got a signal, so I just called 9-1-1 in case we-- we thought maybe Chelsea had gone through the ice. You know... (Sighs) They said the ambulance was already coming. Someone called about a mother and a baby.

Victoria: Who?

Abby: Uh, they didn't know.

Billy: Someone was here, left, and called an ambulance?

Victoria: Whoever it was, they saved our baby's life.

Abby: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: I was always hoping someday we'd reconcile.

Genevieve: Stop it, Jack. I know you're lying to me.

Victoria: I know this can't be easy for you.

Chelsea: I don't want to discuss anything until I see my kid first.

Victor: Take this, and don't come back.

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