Y&R Transcript Friday 3/30/12
Episode # 9874 ~ Daniel Tries to Restore His Parental Rights
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: So you're saying you two had a falling-out?
Sarge: Jack is a very angry man, which is fine by me. Anger can serve as a great motivator. In fact, most of my patients have screamed and yelled at me, even cussed me out, but they always come back. In Jack's case, I'm not so sure.
Nikki: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Sarge: Well, we've got a session set up for later. Maybe he shows, maybe he doesn't.
Nikki: Look, this is my number. If he doesn't show up, you call me, and I will personally drag him down there, although I don't think I'm gonna have to do that. Jack Abbott is many things, but he's not a quitter. When he really wants something, no one will fight harder.
Jack: "Newman's as-yet-unnamed brand will become exclusive foreign cosmetics line sold at Japan's powerhouse retail chain, Mitsukoshi's department store. Local competitor Jabot Cosmetics has once again been aced out of the lucrative deal." Jabot may have lost Mitsukoshi. I will happily take Beauty of Nature from Genevieve as a consolation prize.
Avery: Well, paperwork is all in order. I'm citing fraud, misrepresentation of facts, and unlawful use of inside information. Now we'll be seeking equitable relief, asking the court to nullify the sale of Beauty of Nature to Ms. Atkinson and award it to the next-highest bidder.
Jack: And that would be me.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Jack: How soon can we pull the trigger?
Avery: I'm on my way to the courthouse. If I leave now, I can file your lawsuit before Daniel's hearing.
Jack: Great. Do it, and tell Daniel and Phyllis I'm rooting for them.
Avery: I will. Thank you.
Victoria: Oh, Beauty of Nature will be just fine, Billy. We just, you know, we have to regroup, that's all. (Sighs) I know, I wish I was still in L.A., too. Mm, I'm counting the days till you get home.
(Doorbell rings)
Victoria: Uh... yeah. Oh, it's, uh, Genevieve, so I will call you later, as soon as I get word about Daniel's hearing, okay? I love you. I love you. Bye.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) How do you say "Disaster" in Japanese?
Victoria: Okay, I know it's a blow, but there are emerging markets that have the potential to be even bigger for us, and I've already started researching several options.
Genevieve: I appreciate your efforts, I really do, but, you know, it may not be necessary. I am considering selling Beauty of Nature back to your father.
Sharon: Hello, hello!
Victor: Well, look who's back. My goodness. Come here. Mm. When did you return?
Sharon: Just a little while ago. I came here right away after checking on Faith.
Victor: I'm so proud. What you and Nicholas accomplished in Japan-- I think that's fantastic.
Sharon: Thank you. It feels really good.
Victor: Now he told me he has something else to take care of right now, but you and I are gonna celebrate. Let's go.
(Door opens)
Adam: (Sighs)
Chelsea: You don't look happy.
Adam: I'm not.
Chelsea: How come?
Adam: Um, I just-- I'm not up for this right now, and I don't think I'd be very good company.
Chelsea: I don't mind. (Grunts)
Adam: Chelsea, don't-- don't take this personally, but I-I'm really not up for it right now.
Chelsea: When you're having a sucky day, that's when you need your friends around most.
Adam: Are we becoming friends?
Chelsea: Unless you tell me otherwise.
Eden: Will there be anything else?
Daisy: Uh, no, that's it. Uh, Lucy and I are in a hurry. We have to make it to court today. Uh, keep the change. Ohh, hi, Sweetie. Gotta get you home to the babysitter. Today is very important. I'm gonna get you a real family, like I never had. (Makes kissing sound) Hmm? Come on. Let's go. (Sighs)
Eden: Daniel, hey, it's Eden. Uh, call me back as soon as you get this. I need to tell you something about Ricky.
Ricky: What about me?
Phyllis: Well, this day couldn't get here fast enough, right?
Daniel: (Laughs)
Phyllis: This is now our chance to get Lucy back away from that horrible excuse--
Michael: All right, all right, I--hold on. Stop it.
Phyllis: What?
Michael: Stop it right there. This hearing is about asking the judge to reinstate Daniel's legal rights as Lucy's father. That's it.
Phyllis: (Coughing)
Michael: It has nothing to do with Daisy or custody or anything else. Got it?
Daniel: Yeah, got it.
Michael: Phyllis?
Phyllis: Hmm? Yea, I'm--mm, I got it. I'm not gonna say anything. I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.
Michael: Mm-hmm, all right.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Michael: We've gone over most of the tough question the judge is likely to ask. How are you feeling? Questions, concerns?
(Knock on door)
Daniel: No, I'm good. I'm solid. I just gotta make sure that I convince the judge that I want what's best for Lucy.
Michael: Exactly.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Sighs) You made it.
Nick: Yeah, I got lucky. A couple other passengers decided to take another flight. We were the only ones to make it off the waitlist.
Phyllis: I'm glad you did.
Nick: (Sighs) Daniel, good luck today, Buddy.
Daniel: Thanks, Nick.
Nick: If there's anything you need me to do, just let me know.
Phyllis: You already did.
Michael: I'll do my best to make Daniel look like a hero, but we've got our work cut out. The court doesn't like to undo what they've already done.
Phyllis: Yeah, you have your work cut out, but you can do it. This is the last chance we have to get Lucy.
Adam: Sharon's made it clear where her loyalties lie, which I'm sure pleases the hell out of my father.
Chelsea: Well, at least your father acknowledges you. Not to mention, he's a billionaire, unlike the loser I got stuck with.
Adam: (Chuckles) Let's not talk about my father. I-I'd like to forget about the guy.
Victor: Nice to see you. All right.
Victor: Would you kindly bring me a bottle of my stash of champagne? Thank you.
Sharon: It's a little early in the day, isn't it?
Victor: It's night in Japan.
Sharon: (Laughs) Good point.
Victor: Right.
Sharon: But afterwards, we need to get down to work. You know, we only have three months to fulfill our obligation to Mitsukoshi, and we can't do that until we produce a new line to replace Beauty of Nature.
Victor: It's easier than you think.
Victoria: You can't be serious about selling the company back to Dad.
Genevieve: Uh, actually, we have already spoken about it.
Victoria: Is he intimidating you?
Genevieve: No. He can't. My lawyers have assured me that the sale is legal. It's not that.
Victoria: Well, what, then? Is it Mitsukoshi?
Genevieve: Um... it's the proverbial last straw. (Chuckles)
Victoria: I don't understand.
Genevieve: Owning Beauty of Nature has been a major letdown. I don't feel any more powerful or independent than I did before, and it has cost dearly. I just can't help but feel that it might be time for me to cut my losses.
Eden: I'm not actually on break here, so--
Ricky: What were you gonna tell Daniel about me?
Eden: Okay, as I was coming home yesterday, Daisy's door was open a little and I saw you guys kissing.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Eden: So when you didn't come home last night, you--
Ricky: I did. I came home last night. I slept in my own bed--alone.
Eden: That's your story, and you're sticking to it.
Ricky: (Laughs) When I left Daisy's, I went to Jimmy's with a couple of friends. I came back to the apartment. It was completely dark, so I was super quiet in case you were sleeping. Too bad you didn't repay the favor this morning when you were yelling at the toaster for burning your English muffin.
Eden: Because I didn't think you were home.
Ricky: (Sighs) Okay, look. Daisy kissed me, and I let her. I'm cozying up to her because Phyllis asked me to. It could be important to my career, so I said yes. Are you satisfied?
Man: All rise. Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Carson Sprague presiding.
Avery: Excuse me. Sorry. I had to file something for another case. (Clears throat)
Judge Sprague: Thank you. Be seated.
Michael: Good morning, your honor. Uh, we are here today to consider--
Judge Sprague: I know why we're here, Mr. Baldwin, but from what I can see, the father of the minor child has willingly signed away his paternal rights. Is that correct, Mr. Romalotti?
Daniel: Yes, your honor.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Genevieve: I don't think I fully grasped what I stood to lose when I bought Beauty of Nature, and the excitement and--and the stimulation I had envisioned haven't materialized. I think that... I was trying to fill some kind of an emotional void. (Sighs) It's just been rather depressing, if you want to know the truth.
Victoria: Well, honestly, I don't know too many successful people who don't have at least some regrets, you know? Myself included. I lost custody of my son because I put business before family.
Genevieve: Mm. Well, then you'll understand when I say my heart isn't in this anymore.
Victoria: Well, then you have to do what is best for you. But if you are determined to sell Beauty of Nature, sell it to me.
Victor: To your success and Nicholas', and more good things to come.
(Glasses clink)
Sharon: Hear, hear.
Chelsea: My yoga class is about to start. You gonna be okay?
Adam: I'll be fine. Thanks.
Chelsea: Okay, bye.
Adam: Enjoy.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Victor: What do you want, Son?
Adam: To congratulate you both on the Mitsukoshi deal. Locking up the Japanese market before the line even debuts, that's--that's huge. Congrats.
(Door opens)
(Door closes)
Nikki: Well, hello there.
Jack: Hey there. How you doin'?
Nikki: Oh, I just wondered if you wanted to go to lunch.
Jack: Oh, I would love to join you for lunch. I have a session with Sarge.
Nikki: (Gasps) Very good answer.
Jack: Are you checking up on me?
Nikki: I ran into him at the club, and he said the two of you had some sort of disagreement. What happened?
Jack: (Sighs) It really doesn't matter. He did me a favor. According to Sarge, it could take years for this physical therapy to work, if ever.
Nikki: (Sighs) That must have been discouraging.
Jack: It spurred me into action. I have been all over the internet, making phone calls, looking into all these alternative therapies. I think I found something. It's a surgical procedure that uses stem cells to regenerate the nerve damage. It's highly experimental at this point, but I think I might be a good candidate.
Nikki: Wait, wait, wait. Slow down, Jack. I don't think that you should throw yourself under the knife until you know for a fact that the therapy isn't gonna work. Come on. I'll drive you to your appointment.
Jack: Oh, you don't trust me to go?
Nikki: Well, that shows how much you know. It gives me more of a chance to spend time with you.
Judge Sprague: No, having waived your rights as the child's father, why would you want them back?
Daniel: At the, um, time, I-I thought it's what was best for Lucy, but now, I feel its best that I'm back in her life.
Judge Sprague: Explain that.
Daniel: She was living with two parents who adored her, uh, a married couple who also happen to be friends of mine, Billy Abbott and Victoria Newman.
Michael: You knew them to be of good character and possessed of adequate resources to ensure that Lucy had everything she needs. Isn't that right?
Daniel: Yes, absolutely. When--when I saw with my own eyes how happy and healthy and loved she was, which is all any parent could ever ask for, for their child, that's when I signed away my rights, in order to pave the way for them to legally adopt Lucy. However, things didn't turn out the way that we'd hoped, and now I feel very strongly that I should be involved again.
Judge Sprague: Why now, hmm? What's--what's changed?
Daniel: Lucy was returned to her birth mother, who was just recently released from prison. Daisy's never taken care of a child before. She's rented an apartment, but, I mean, that's all she's done, in terms of trying to establish herself. I just--I really feel like I should be involved in this-- in this case.
Michael: In order to participate fully in Lucy's life, to ensure her safety and well-being, Daniel feels that he needs to exercise his legal rights as the child's parent, and--and we ask that his parental rights be restored.
Judge Sprague: Well, yes, but my main concern is for the child's stability, which she has had precious little of. Now the social worker's report indicates Ms. Carter has provided a safe and loving home. Lucy is thriving in her care, and to introduce another parental figure, however well-intentioned, at this point, has the potential to do more harm than good.
Eden: Hey, you know, I forgot to ask you. Um, I was reading online that Billy's working on a pilot for a "Restless Style" TV show. Is that--is it true?
Ricky: There have been some rumors around the office.
Eden: Hmm. Well, it was saying that the big story you guys just did about him and Patty has the people in Hollywood all whipped up. Phyllis already won something for that, didn't she? Like, some kind of online journalism thing?
Ricky: A webby award.
Eden: Yes. That is so cool. Hey, maybe she'll win the Pulitzer.
Ricky: Phyllis deserves much more. You're right about that.
Judge Sprague: Given the acrimonious history you and your mother have with Ms. Carter, I have to wonder if this isn't more about punishing her than doing what's in the best interest of the child.
Daniel: No, not at all, your honor. Lucy is my daughter, and I just want to make sure that she's safe, and I want to be a good influence on her life.
Michael: Your honor, my client is eager to step up as this little girl's father at a time she needs him most.
Judge Sprague: I'm gonna take a few minutes to consider the petition.
Phyllis: Sorry. Hey, hey.
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Phyllis: What's--what-- what--what is that? I thought you said that this judge was very pro-father's rights.
Avery: He usually is.
Nick: "Usually"?
Michael: Well, unfortunately, I don't think he cares for fathers who sign away those rights.
Jack: So what are we gonna do today?
Sarge: The usual, only worse. How's that grab you?
Jack: Let's get started.
Sharon: Adam says he's changed. I know he believes it, but honestly, when he walked up here, that could have gone either way.
Victor: Yeah, it certainly could have. Now that he can see again, which is a miracle, I hope that he'll be able to build a productive life for himself, so he can leave us to live our own.
Sharon: Oh, well, um, thank you for the lunch. I guess we should get back to the office.
Victor: No, no. No, no, no. You're staying. I'm going.
Sharon: Why?
Victor: Because I asked Connie to call the spa and arrange for you to have a relaxing massage after the long trip.
Sharon: What?
Victor: And then I want you to go home and take the day off.
Sharon: Victor, honestly, I'm--I'm fine. That wasn't necessary.
Victor: You turning me down?
Sharon: No! God, no. I didn't say that. (Chuckles) A massage would be amazing right now.
Victor: Enjoy yourself, okay?
Sharon: Thank you. Thank you for being so thoughtful. (Sighs)
Victor: Yep, there we go. Thank you.
Victor: Thank you.
Sharon: Adam?
Adam: (Sighs) I just misplaced my phone. I came back downstairs and... look out for it.
Sharon: Oh. Okay. Well, um, I was just leaving, so...
Adam: Well, as long as you're here, there's something I'd like to say to you.
Sharon: What could we possibly have to say to each other?
Adam: Give me a second, and you might just find out.
Sharon: I'm--well, I have an appointment.
Adam: Well, this will only take a second. I know how much this new job means to you, and I'm very happy for you, and I'm proud of your success. You remember, I always told you, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Sharon: (Clears throat) Thank you, and I'm really glad that your sight came back. I wouldn't wish the experience you had on anyone.
Adam: It made me realize that if something's important enough to you, you never give up.
Jack: (Grunts) (Groans) (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: Come on, come on, come on.
Jack: I'm trying. (Grunting)
Sarge: There you go.
Jack: I'm busting my butt here. For what I'm not making any progress.
Sarge: You are making progress. You're getting stronger all the time. Here, here. Come on.
Jack: You see my legs move? I didn't see my legs move. (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: It's all related, Jack. Can't have one without the other.
Jack: (Grunts)
Sarge: You know what?
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: Let me take a little break here, okay? Calm down for a minute. You're starting to get on my nerves.
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Nikki: Hey. How'd it go? You all finished?
Jack: Oh, boy, am I finished. Nikk, I feel like I'm trying to empty an ocean with a teaspoon.
Nikki: Oh, Jack, look at how much you have accomplished. You're living at home. You're taking care of yourself.
Jack: And what about Jabot? If I'd been able to go to that trip to Japan, I would have come home with a contract. I want my life back! I'm gonna have that operation.
Sarge: What operation?
Daniel: Doesn't look good, does it?
Phyllis: No, no, no, listen. Um, hey, what you said to the judge was beautiful. It had an effect.
Man: All rise.
Judge Sprague: Please sit.
Judge Sprague: While I was in chambers, received a friend of the court brief from the child's mother, Daisy Carter she fully supports the petition, feeling it is in Lucy's best interests to have both parents in her life, and this is a significant endorsement for Mr. Romalotti. The petition is thereby granted. (Bangs gavel) We're adjourned.
Phyllis: Okay, I don't-- I don't care why or how it happened. I'm just glad it did.
Nick: Congratulations, Daniel.
Daniel: Thanks.
Michael: Paperwork's finished. Just say the word, and I'll file for custody.
Avery: Daniel?
Daniel: Yeah, let's do it.
Phyllis: Excuse--excuse me.
Avery: Excuse me.
Phyllis: Oh, please.
Ricky: I see you got what you wanted.
Phyllis: Yeah. Um, you know what you have to do, right?
Ricky: I'm on it.
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: I'll see you, man.
Daniel: Bye.
Daisy: If Lucy were old enough to understand, I'm sure she'd be as thrilled as I am.
Daniel: Now that my paternal rights have been restored, I'm going after sole custody. My lawyers just left to file the paperwork.
Daisy: I-I don't understand, Daniel. I just-- I just helped you out here, and this is how you repay me? By cutting me out of our daughter's life?
Daniel: I'm doing exactly what I said I was gonna do.
Daisy: Lucy needs both of us!
Daniel: (Chuckles) You know, I keep saying it over and over and over again, but it just doesn't seem to be sinking in. We are never gonna be some kind of happy family. I don't even want you anywhere around Lucy.
Daisy: I'm her mother.
Daniel: No, no, no. You gave birth to her. That's it. You think that coming in and pretending like you're a good mom for a couple of weeks, that...
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Daniel: That just undoes all the damage that you've done? No. I think the courts will see it that way, too.
(Gate swivels open)
(Gate swivels closed)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Victor: What a nice surprise.
Victoria: I know what you're trying to do with Genevieve, and it's not gonna work.
Victor: Is that so?
Leslie: So you really think Victor and his daughter could get into a bidding war?
Genevieve: Well, given some of the repulsive things that he's done to her, I'd say that it's a distinct possibility. Talk about having your day turn around, right?
Leslie: (Chuckles)
Man: Genevieve Atkinson?
Genevieve: Yes.
Man: You've been served.
Genevieve: What? No, this can't be for real.
Phyllis: Yeah, you gotta keep champagne in the fridge, 'cause you never know when you're gonna celebrate.
Avery: That's a good motto.
Nick: I still cannot believe that Daisy helped you out like that.
Daniel: Ah, well, now we know why, huh?
Phyllis: Ulterior motive she had. I'm shocked.
Avery: Yeah, I had a feeling her feelings for Daniel would be her undoing.
Daniel: (Laughs) Well, your feelings were right.
Michael: All right, all right. Listen up, everybody. I am delighted that we won today.
Phyllis: Uh, and toast.
Michael: Yeah, but...
Phyllis: But?
Michael: We're headed into a much tougher fight. Now trust me when I say, at the custody hearing, Daisy is not gonna make the same mistake twice.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Ricky: You okay?
Daisy: No.
Ricky: Hey.
Daisy: This is so unfair. I just--all I want is my little girl to live in a real home, and the other side used that against me. They played me. (Sighs) (Sniffles) I mean, how could I have been so stupid?
Ricky: No, no, no. They--they figured out where you were vulnerable and they exploited it. That's just what lawyers do.
Daisy: I'm gonna be honest. I've used Lucy to get myself certain things, but that was before I knew what it was like to be her real mom... And now I could lose her. God, Ricky, what am I gonna do?
Michael: Whoo!
Phyllis: Oh, dead soldier. Who wants more?
Avery: Uh, I'm good, thanks.
Phyllis: Yeah?
Nick: Yeah, me, too.
Phyllis: Oh.
Michael: Mm. Tough luck.
Phyllis: Hey. (Laughs) More for us. Okay, toast to...
Michael: Toast.
Phyllis: Ricky.
Michael: Ricky.
Phyllis: To Ricky, for being our inside man and getting the inside scoop on Daisy.
Michael: Okay, careful, careful, please.
Phyllis: What
Michael: We don't want anything backfiring on us.
Avery: Yeah, Ricky always got results for me, although I sometimes question his methods.
Michael: All right, just keep us posted on what he's up o-- no going off the rails.
Phyllis: Oh, off the rails, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: I'll keep an eye on him.
Avery: I need to get going. Thanks for the champagne.
Phyllis: You're welcome. Hey, you leaving too?
Nick: Yeah, are you, uh...
Michael: Okay, I guess I am.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Michael: All right. Wait up, Avery. I've gotta leave, too.
Avery: Oh.
Michael: Bye.
Phyllis: Well, I mean, you don't have to.
Michael: See you, Nick.
Nick: See you, Bud.
Phyllis: So... thank you... for coming. I couldn't have done that without you.
Nick: I'm glad I could be there for you.
Phyllis: I'm glad you were there. You must be tired from the airplane. Right? You probably want to go to bed.
Eden: You won!
Daniel: Yeah.
Eden: That's so fantastic.
Daniel: Yes.
Eden: Congratulations.
Daniel: Yeah, thank you. We're all pretty stoked. Um, got your, uh, message. What's up with Ricky?
Eden: Well... he told me he's trying to get close to Daisy to help you and Phyllis. Is that true?
Daniel: Yeah. Guess he wouldn't mind having the boss owe him one, you know? (Clicks tongue)
Eden: So he's, like, what, going undercover to help you get custody?
Daniel: More or less.
Eden: Well, I wonder how far he's willing to go.
Daniel: What's that supposed to mean?
Eden: I saw Daisy and Ricky kissing.
Ricky: You really love her, don't you?
Daisy: (Sniffles) To think that I abandoned my own child... kills me. If I have to spend the rest of my life making it up to her, I will. (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sniffles) Ohh.
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Ricky: Phyllis sent me here to spy on you, to get dirt that they can use against you.
Daisy: What? Why would you do that?
Ricky: I'm not, but we're gonna let Phyllis think that I am.
Daisy: What are you saying?
Ricky: That I'm gonna help you.
Adam: I'll always treasure our time together, especially the time we spent at my mom's farm. I wouldn't have gone back there, had you not convinced me to do that, and as you know, it changed my life.
Sharon: Just a few years too late. I have to go.
Adam: Sharon. I really do want you to be happy. I wish nothing but the best for you.
Victoria: I know you're pressuring Genevieve to sell.
Victor: For your information, she came to me.
Victoria: And you told her that Beauty of Nature, without the Japanese market, isn't worth what it once was.
Victor: It ain't.
Victoria: So you think you're gonna get it for peanuts now?
Victor: A hell of a lot more peanuts than anyone else is willing to pay, I assure you.
Victoria: Oh, well, I wouldn't be so sure of that, because I've already talked to Genevieve about selling it to me.
Victor: That's absurd.
Victoria: We'll see.
Victor: Yes, we will, indeed.
Leslie: (Sighs) It looks like you might not be selling Beauty of Nature after all. Jack's suit is asking the court to declare your purchase invalid.
Genevieve: That's ridiculous. I mean, it's posturing, right? It--like what Victor's doing.
Leslie: It depends. Now did you see Jack's sealed bid?
Genevieve: (Sighs) He showed it to me, you know? I-it's not like I went through his files or anything like that.
Leslie: Mm-hmm. And you saw it before you made a bid, right? Something Jack didn't realize you were planning to do?
Genevieve: And if I said yes?
Leslie: Then we might have a problem.
Jack: It's still in the research phase, but the results are promising.
Sarge: If you were a hopeless case, Jack, I would say, fine, it's your life, be a guinea pig, but you are not a hopeless case.
Jack: Which makes me a viable candidate for this procedure.
Nikki: Jack, you said that the doctors would have to remove the bullet before putting in the stem cells.
Jack: Correct.
Nikki: Well, that's very close to your spine.
Sarge: Which is exactly the point, which is also why your doctors don't want to touch this. One slip-up during surgery. Oh, my--
Jack: What do you expect me to do? Sit around and do nothing?
Sarge: Jack, look, I-I-I understand that this is frustrating to you, but there are no quick fixes. You really need to give physical therapy a shot. This dangerous procedure you are conte--
Jack: This is my one shot at walking again. I want to take it.
Sarge: It's not worth the risk.
Nikki: What risk?
Sarge: If the procedure fails and the nerves do not regenerate, Jack will never walk again. Jack will be in that chair until the day Jack dies.
Next on "The Young and the Restless" ...
Daniel: You're really good with her.
Daisy: I love her.
Harmony: I'm Harmony.
Sarge: Sarge.
Harmony: It's kind of funny I run into somebody from A.A. now.
Jack: What are you doing here?
Genevieve: Please don't kick me out.
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