Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/20/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/20/12


Episode # 9866 ~ Kevin's Feelings for Chloe Affect Angelina

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Harmony: Well, I have to get back to "Restless Style" and finish up some things, but thank you for such a nice dinner, Katherine.

Kay: You are most welcome, my dear. Uh, Ahh.

Harmony: Hi.

Tucker: Hello, Katherine, Harmony.

Kay: Well, welcome home. Um, Harmony was just telling me about the surgery.

Tucker: Oh, yeah? So how's Devon doing?

Harmony: I haven't seen him since we got back. I-I guess you haven't, either.

Tucker: No, I haven't.

Harmony: Gosh, I can only imagine what he's going through, not being able to hear until they turn the implants on.

Tucker: Even then, there are no guarantees.

Harmony: Well, you could drop in on him.

Tucker: Well, I kind of pushed the boundaries, going on that trip. I-I don't want to overstep. But if you see him, will you, uh, will you keep me posted if you talk to him?

Harmony: Yeah, you bet. All right, I'll see you at home, Katherine.

Kay: See you there.

Harmony: Bye.

Kay: Uh, Tucker, um, do you have a moment?

Tucker: Sure.

Kay: Please. (Clears throat) How do I say this? It just seems odd, after everything that you have done for Devon, you continue to act as a complete stranger to him.

Devon: Hey!

Lily: Hi. (Laughs)

Devon: I didn't hear you come in.

Lily: (Laughs) Hey, you will soon, okay?

Devon: Hopefully.

Lily: Well, you know, the doctors are optimistic, okay, so I am, too. I am so excited for you! (Laughs)

Devon: (Laughs)

Lauren: We love you, and we miss you so much.

Michael: I miss you, too, Buddy.

Lauren: I'll call you later, Honey. Bye.

Michael: It sounds like Fenmore's having a blast with Scotty.

Lauren: Yeah, blissfully unaware that we had to send him away because we have a psychopath living downstairs.

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: I'm trying to get Daisy out of our building.

Lauren: Well, it can't happen soon enough. I hate being away from him. I hate being away from Fen, but I certainly don't want to expose him to her kind of crazy.

Michael: It's too bad Phyllis couldn't shield Lucy from Daisy's antics.

Lauren: How did Daisy get custody? A-and then slaps a-- a restraining order on Phyllis? I mean, if that witch gets her way, Phyllis will never see Lucy again.

Ricky: Are we delving into the secret life of babies in the next issue?

Phyllis: (Sighs) I need 50 copies of these, please.

Ricky: I'm on my way out. Get an intern to do it.

Phyllis: Oh, excuse me. I need 50 copies--now. Thanks.

Ricky: No problem.

Daniel: Hey, Ma, is Chloe round?

Phyllis: Hey. Um, I-I don't know. I, uh, where's--where's Lucy?

Daniel: Um, I have not seen her, but I'm trying to set something up.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. All right, well--well, can you tell me when you do?

Daniel: (Chuckles) Yeah, I don't know if that's such a dandy idea, Ma.

Phyllis: I'm not--no, no, no, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna just show up. I mean, I can't. I have a restraining order. I'm not--I'm not doing that. I just--I just want to know.

Chloe: Okay, here is the latest on what's trending in the world of fashion.

Phyllis: Great.

Chloe: And with that, I call it a day. (Sighs) Yeah.

Phyllis: Do you? Okay, good. Have fun.

Chloe: Ready?

Daniel: Yeah. Where to?

Chloe: Mm... Crimson Lights.

Daniel: Oh, Crimson Lights. Isn't that the same joint that Kevin owns? Well, you know, he might actually be pouring coffee there as we speak.

Angelina: I had a brill idea. We could turn your master bedroom into a recording studio. That way, if I get inspired in the middle of the night, I just have to walk across the house.

Kevin: Where would you sleep?

Eden: Hey. What you talkin' about?

Angelina: Renovating one of the master bedrooms.

Eden: Well, how many does it have?

Angelina: Oh, well, it has two. Um, you see, there--there's room that we put all this fancy stuff in, and--

Daisy: Kevin.

Angelina: Who are you?

Kevin: That's my sister. I told you about her. She got herself sprung from jail so that she could ruin my niece's life.

Ricky: Copied and collated. Anything else?

Phyllis: No, that's it. Thank you very much, Ricky. See you later.

(Elevator door opens)

Harmony: Hey, what's up?

Ricky: Hey, hey. Uh, I'd stay away from her if I were you.

Harmony: Hey, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Hey. Uh, I didn't think that you were back in...

(Elevator door closes)

Phyllis: Until tomorrow.

Harmony: Yeah, I kind of wanted to get a jump on things.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Um, how's Devon? Everything went okay with his surgery?

Harmony: Yeah, it sure did. Just gotta wait and hope that everything works out. You know, I kind of figured, if I kept busy, it would keep me from checking the clock every five minutes.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, it doesn't.

Harmony: Hey, is that whole custody thing keeping you on edge?

Phyllis: It's hard. I miss her.

Harmony: Well, hopefully, everything's gonna work out, and I'm gonna say an extra prayer for you and your family tonight, okay?

Phyllis: Considering all the damage that I've done, it's gonna take a higher power.

Angelina: I gotta go meet with my producer, like, right now. (Chuckles) (Mouthing words)

Eden: Yeah, I'm gonna do a refill run.

Kevin: Where's Lucy?

Daisy: She's with the nanny. I had to run some errands, so as soon as I get my coffee, I'll head home.

Kevin: Back to your apartment, which just happens to be Michael and Lauren's building.

Daisy: I wanted to give Lucy something I never had growing up-- a safe environment, surrounded by extended family.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay.

Daisy: I fought to get my parental rights reinstated, and I went to prison just so that one day maybe I could raise my own daughter. Does that sound like someone who's plotting against everyone?

Michael: ...Closer?

Chloe: Oh, please, you had plenty of room.

Daniel: Yeah, well, I like climbing out of windows.

Chloe: (Laughs)

Daniel: Where's my daughter?

Daisy: She's at home with the nanny.

Daniel: What's with the grin?

Daisy: You called Lucy "My daughter." Seems like you really dig being a dad.

Tucker: Devon and I made some progress in Dallas, but, uh... I think that's as far as he wants to take it right now.

Kay: Well, that's a lot.

Tucker: Gotta know when to push and when to back off.

Kay: Well, there should be something in between, unless, um, the fear of rejection is keeping you from having a relationship with your son.

Tucker: I've been rejected-- and survived.

Kay: I'm thinking about Devon... and the reason that he has put up this wall. It seems to him that you abandoned him, and now he can't trust you, no matter how you try to prove to him that he can.

Tucker: Yeah, it's tough being let down, especially by a parent.

Kay: Well, you get past it... if you really want to.

Tucker: I can only hope.

Kay: Well, you should try. At least, that way, you won't have any regrets.

Lily: Devon, you are amazing. Look at everything that you accomplished wit your cochlear implant.

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: You know, you started a recording studio, you released a hit single.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Lily: I can only imagine what you're gonna achieve with these new devices. (Chuckles) So what is that? What are you working on?

Devon: This is Angelina's, uh, next song. I finished the lyrics to it, and now I'm just trying to put together the arrangement. I want to get it recorded as soon as possible.

Lily: I'm jealous.

Devon: W-why are you jealous?

Lily: (Sighs) Because, you know, you have this amazing career, and I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and I'm not having any luck.

Angelina: Devon! Glad you're back from your trip.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Uh, I'm gonna-- I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go.

Devon: You--no, no, wait, no, no, you know, don't go, 'cause I can-- I need you for signing.

Angelina: Signing what? More contract stuff?

Lily: Uh, no, no, uh, he means sign language. Devon is, um, deaf.

Angelina: He can't hear anything? (Loudly) You can't hear me? (Breathing heavily) (Normal voice) My--my--my-- my--my music producer is deaf! Oh, I so can't handle this today. (Loudly) Why do bad things always happen to me? (Wails) (Sighs)

Daniel: You see, the thing is, Daisy, I care about what happens to Lucy. It's why I'm fighting for custody, and I just wanted to make sure that she's being taken care of tonight.

Daisy: You never have to worry about that. I'll always take care of our daughter.

Lauren: As long as she doesn't interfere with your schemes.

Michael: All--all right, now for our delicious coffee drinks, now, yes.

Lauren: What?

Michael: Yes, yes, delicious.

Daisy: (Sighs) You know, Lucy did the cutest thing the other day.

Chloe: Ooh, you know what? We would love to hear about it...

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: But no.

Eden: Um, I'll get your drink.

Chloe: Well, I didn't--

Kevin: I'm gonna help you get custody of Lucy.

Daniel: Thank you.

Kevin: I want her growing up in a loving, well-adjusted home, and that's not gonna happen with Daisy, so regardless of what is going on between us, I think we need to put that aside and just help Lucy.

Daniel: Agreed.

Kevin: Okay. I will haven check on your drinks.

Phyllis: (Sighs) I wonder if you even understand what's happening. Ugh. She probably thinks this is normal. L-Lucy, my--my--my--my granddaughter. She probably thinks its normal, you know? She was bounced around from--from house to house before she was even 1. I honestly thought I was doing the best thing for her. I-I-I really did. I mean, that's why I fought so hard. She was supposed to live with me. She wasn't even s-supposed to... live with Daisy. She--she wasn't supposed to know her. She was supposed to be an adult by the time that Daisy got out of prison. That--that's how it was supposed to happen, and, um... I'm a loser for letting this happen.  And I'm not just talking about, you know, Lucy. I'm talking about my other daughter and my son Daniel... (Exhales sharply) What kind of mother fails her children like this? That's rhetorical. I-I'm talking about myself. I'm not--that's not open for, you know--

Harmony: No, uh, Phyllis, it's--it's--that's all right. I don't--I-I don't need you to tiptoe around my past, okay? I was a crackhead who abandoned her kids, so that makes me the biggest loser in this room.

Devon: Look, right now, I can't hear, but I can read lips, so just speak slow, and it helps having an interpreter.

Angelina: (Slowly) How long until they turn on your ears?

Devon: Its a few weeks. That's it.

Angelina: (Normal voice) That's, like, forever in the music biz! My fans want to hear something fresh from me today.

Devon: Angelina, I already started working on your song before I went in to have surgery, all right? It's almost finished, too and I think you're gonna love it. If you just give me a little bit of time, I promise you, we'll record it, we'll release it, and it's gonna be a hit just like the last one.

Angelina: Well, uh... (Chuckles) You seem to know what you're doing with or without working ears, uh, but we better record my song before my ta--tan wears off, you know? (Voice cracks) (Sniffles) Sorry. (Normal voice) Uh, what's the sign for "Good-bye"? Ohh. (Laughs) Sign language isn't so hard. Bye! (Laughs)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Devon: Bye. Jez. (Sighs)

Lily: Wow. (Laughing) Thank God!

Devon: (Sighs) Oh, my God, she--

Lily: She's crazy. (Laughs)

Devon: (Sighs) Without that girl, my record label will-- is gonna go down the drain, which is why I need to figure out how I'm gonna deliver on the promise I just made to her.

Lily: You will think of something.

Devon: I think I already did, but it means asking Tucker for a favor, and I don't think I want to do that.

Phyllis: (Clears throat) So--so how is it-- how is it going you know, with Devon, trying to rebuild that relationship? Um... listen, that-- that's so personal. I-I don't mean to--to pry. I just thought that, you know--

Harmony: That maybe, one day, you might find yourself in the same spot I'm in?

Phyllis: I just don't-- I don't know what kind of stories Daisy is gonna fill Lucy's head with.

Harmony: Yeah, well, you know, you want to talk to your kids when they're thinking the worst of you.

Phyllis: Yeah. Listen, I have been through something like this before. I know. With my son, I--long story, just--I did not handle that very well. And I just thought that maybe... that's--it did-- it's not a big deal, I just thought maybe you would have some perspective, but--

Harmony: You know... (Sighs) You see, the things that I put my kids through, um, it--Lord knows. I mean, I don't have any right to ask that they even have anything to do with me, but they do, in their own way. I mean, Devon has seen me at my worst, and he's been around when I made a lot of bad choices. And it's not easy for him to forget or forgive, much less, but he is trying, and that is an-- an unexpected blessing. And Ana, you know, she was so young when I took off on her, but I know that she saw some stuff. Instead of taking my little baby to the park, I was taking her with me to hit on some drugs. But at Christmas, she said that she wasn't mad at me anymore. And, um, she also said that she doesn't want me in her life right now, but I am really hoping that one day, that changes.

Phyllis: I hope so, too. I-I-I don't-- um, I'm sorry, bringing up all these memories for you, you know, it's--

Harmony: No, it's-- they're my scars to wear...

Phyllis: Yeah.

Harmony: And to heal, and some of them will, some of them won't.

Phyllis: That's true, and that's sort of what I'm afraid of-- how scarred Lucy's gonna be from all this. It just--

Harmony: Listen, Phyllis, just keep reaching out to her as much as you can, all right? Let--let--let her know that she's loved and she's wanted and she's missed, because that is all that you can do for her...

Phyllis: Yeah, I know.

Harmony: And stop blaming yourself, okay? Because that's not good for her or for you.

Phyllis: (Whispers) Yeah.

Tucker: No, I think it's interesting that you can give me advice that you won't take yourself. I don't see you going over to Devon's house, checking on him, seeing how he's doing.

Kay: I tried to foster a relationship.

Tucker: And he turned you down, and here you sit. We're not so different, you and I.

Kay: I never said we were.

Tucker: Even when I was being a pain in the ass?

Kay: Especially then. (Laughs) Tucker... unlike me, Devon didn't shut you out completely. He left you an opening. And were I you... oh, I would take it.

Lily: Tucker is a legend in the music biz, all right? You would be crazy not to ask him for help. So what's really going on here?

Devon: I don't want him to read that much into it.

Lily: Like what?

Devon: Like I've accepted him as my father.

Lily: Okay. (Sighs) (Clears throat)

Devon: He's already done so much for me. I mean, he--he got me to the top of the list to get this surgery. He arranged the entire trip to Dallas, all right?

Lily: Yeah, and I'm sure that was amazing, right? 'Cause I bet when you make travel plans with Tucker, you are not staying at a discount motel.

Devon: No, you're not. He--no, he put us in, like, one of the best hotels. He took us to this great restaurant he hooked us up with concert tickets. I mean, everybody was having a great time. Neil got up and danced in the middle of the restaurant we were at.

Lily: No, he did not!

Devon: I'm not joking with you. My--my mom got him to do it.

Lily: What? (Laughs) Oh, so did you boogie down with Dad and Harmony?

Devon: Boogie down?

Lily: Yes, boogie down.

Devon: I did-- no, I did not boogie down.

Lily: (Laughs) Yeah.

Devon: We just watched from the sidelines, me and Tucker. We--we talked about his early days on the road and, uh, and what my mom was like back then.

Lily: So do you ever wonder what your life would be like if, you know, things had been different?

Devon: What's the point in doing that? You can't change the past, right? You just have to accept how things really went down.

Lily: And you think that's what Tucker is trying to make up for.

Devon: He said he's not looking for payback, but... (Sighs)

Lily: Well, you can only expect to ask so much from him before he wants you to call him "Dad."

Devon: Right. Neil's my dad. That's not gonna change, and you know, I-I'm-- I'm very grateful for everything Tucker's done. I just don't want him to think I'm gonna start, you know, sending him father's day cards 'cause of it.

Ricky: Hey.

Eden: Hey.

Ricky: Can I get a coffee to go, please?

Eden: Sure, you got it.

Ricky: What's up, Kevin? Uh, okay. Um, proprietor needs to work on his customer service skills.

Eden: No, give him a pass. There's some major Fisher/Baldwin/Carter drama going down.

Ricky: Carter, as in...

Eden: Our neighbor, Daisy, yeah. She, uh, made an appearance that really stirred things up here.

Ricky: Hmm. I'm sorry I missed it.

Daniel: (Whispering) I can't believe he did that.

Ricky: You know, on second thought, I think I'll stick around. Make that coffee for here.

Lauren: Oh, you know what, Babe? I-I think I left my phone in the car. I'll be right back.

Michael: Okay. Kev, you got a minute?

Kevin: Sure.

Michael: So... how's married life? Still wonderful?

Kevin: How many times am I gonna have to tell you that I'm happy before you actually believe me?

Michael: I think something's going on between you and Angelina, and I want you to tell me what it is--now.

Kevin: No, no, don't treat me like I'm one of your hostile witnesses.

Michael: Well, I'll take off my lawyer hat, and I'll put on my brother hat. There.

Kevin: Uh, I don't know if there's too much of a difference.

Michael: All right.

Kevin: (Clears throat)

Michael: The brother and the lawyer have both served you in good stead since you showed up on my doorstep lo these many years ago. You've gotten yourself in some tight spots, and I've helped you out of them. Remember so, yes, the brother and the lawyer are asking you if that's what this is. Are you in some kind of trouble? Something that you don't think can be fixed? Because I can help you. You just have to tell me what we're up against. That's all you have to do. Just say it, and...

Kevin: (Sighs) Michael, I--

Angelina: Hiya, Boo. Did that, uh, pazzo sister of yours skadootch?

Kevin: I hope so.

Angelina: Am I interrupting something?

Michael: Actually, Angelina, you are--

Kevin: Um... no. How did it go with Devon?

Angelina: Wait till you hear! Oh! (Chuckles) That's funny. Oh, no, no, really, I gotta tell you all about it. See, Devon--oh, my gosh, really.

Lauren: (Sighs) If you are as reformed as you say you are, I would think that you would be very mindful of how your presence affects people.

Daisy: I really don't care how my presence makes you uncomfortable, Lauren. You're just gonna have to deal with it.

Lauren: Oh, I know exactly how to deal with you.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Michael: Hey, you find your phone?

Lauren: You know, I forgot something at the office.

Michael: I'll come with you.

Lauren: No. I won't be long.

Lily: When you talk to Tucker, what you--

Devon: If I talk to Tucker.

Lily: Devon, you need his help, all right? So just make your proposal super professional, and maybe he'll get the hint.

Devon: No, I still think he's just gonna agree because I'm his son.

Lily: Or maybe he sees your potential as an up-and-coming music executive.

Devon: Yeah. Maybe.

Lily: (Sighs) All right, either way, you will never know if you don't discuss it with him, which I think that you should.

Devon: If I give you his number, do you mind calling him for me?

Tucker: Well... drinks, good conversation. I can think of worse ways to spend an evening.

Kay: Most certainly.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: I'm sorry.

Tucker: This is Tucker. Hey, Lily. Okay. All right, I'll be right over. Yeah. That was Devon. (Sighs) He wants to see me at his studio.

Kay: Good luck.

Tucker: I gotta say, um... Devon has handled learning about me with a lot more dignity and maturity than I did when I found out you were my mother. I guess I could learn a thing or two from him. Okay, good night.

Phyllis: Thank you for the chitchat.

Harmony: Uh, if that's what you call "Chitchat"--

Phyllis: Well, it just sounds--

Harmony: (Clears throat) That's a nice coat.

Phyllis: Thank you. It just sounds better than soul-baring conversation, you know?

Harmony: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: I think it's very impressive how you've changed your life and what you're doing to make things right. I have never been very good at admitting I'm wrong, so you inspire me.

Harmony: Well, let's not go making me woman of the year just yet, okay, you know?

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Harmony: Because, truth be told, I should have been stepping up to the plate a long time ago, but I'm taking it one day at a time and see where that day takes me.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, it's never too late to make things right.

Harmony: (Sighs) Well, you know, what I've learned in recovery is that making amends doesn't just help the other person. It helps you, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, people could argue that. The people that you're making amends to could just say you're being selfish.

Tucker: Hey, Lily.

Lily: Hey.

Devon: Tucker, hey.

Tucker: Hey. So, um... how are you feeling?

Devon: I'm feeling terrific. I'm anxious to see how my--to hear, rather, how my surgery went.

Tucker: So, um, what's going on around here?

Devon: I have a proposition for you.

Daniel: Busted.

Chloe: Huh?

Daniel: You can't take your eyes off of him, can you?

Chloe: I was checking the time.

Daniel: Ohh. Okay, you know what? Since you're not gonna man up and you're not gonna say it, I'm gonna say it for you. You are still hung up on Kevin. You know, I get it. I get it. It took me a while to get over Lily when she got back together with Cane. (Sighs) But, you know, the first step here is admitting that you have a problem.

Chloe: I do.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: I totally do, and I really wish I didn't.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Chloe: (Sighs) Ohh. My life is like that trick with the tablecloth and the dishes. You know, when--when they just yank the tablecloth away, but they mess it up and all the dishes break. You know what I mean?

Daniel: Yeah, kind of.

Chloe: I'm the dishes. I am the dishes, and Angelina yanked Kevin away from me, and I broke into a million little pieces. (Sighs) And I didn't realize how much I missed that tablecloth till it was gone. I do. I really miss Kevin.

Michael: All right, I'm headed out.

Kevin: See you.

Michael: You want to meet up later at Gloworm, continue our conversation?

Kevin: I'm gonna be working here late tonight.

Michael: Call me when you have free time.

Michael: You're still here.

Daisy: I just had to defend myself to your wife. I'm not up for round two.

Michael: What did you say to Lauren?

Daisy: I just politely reminded her that I'm trying to live a normal life and just raise my daughter, and you two seem to have--

Michael: All right, stop right there! You steer clear of Lauren.

Phyllis: Hey, Lauren, your assistant s--

Devon: I convinced Angelina to give me some time to release her next song, which is why I asked you to meet me here. You know, I can't hear right now, so I'm gonna need some help here in the studio.

Tucker: (Chuckles) Oh, man. Of course, I'll help.

Devon: Thank you. Thanks for saying yes. Um, I want you to know, though, I can't afford your regular fee, so I was thinking I could-- we could talk about maybe...

Tucker: No.

Devon: You taking a cut out of the sales.

Tucker: No. No, Devon. No. I won't take your money. Man, I'm just stoked you want to work with me again.

Devon: I'm... (Stammers) I think I'm still gonna draw up a contract for us, you know?

Tucker: No, don't waste your dollars on a contract. Listen, when it comes to family, it's best to leave the lawyers out of it. Man.... (Sighs) This is gonna be one hell of a collaboration.

Harmony: I was trying to help this lady see that she had been a good mama to her baby, and we got to talking about making amends, and she said something that stuck in my head-- that telling someone the truth could be selfish. Now that got me to thinking about my boy. He--he has a fantastic job, a-a family that treats him real nice, and... y-you know, I... I mean, what am I hanging around him for? I had to ask myself, am I staying in town for my son... or am I staying for me? Anyway, thanks for letting me share.

Kay: Well, how was your night?

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kay: Chloe? Are you all right?

Chloe: Tablecloths...

Kay: What?

Chloe: (Sighs) Broken dishes, people who think that they can just walk up to a table and yank the one person that you love away, and knowing that I'm never gonna have the "Happy, happy double rainbow with a unicorn jumping over it" marriage that I thought I deserved, and realizing I'm gonna spend the rest of my days laying on this sofa eating cheesy snacks, wrapped up in one of those stupid blanket thingies, 'cause I'm never gonna find someone I love as much as I love Kevin.

Kay: Come here.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kay: Right there. Nice, soft shoulder. Now you can cry.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kevin: Here you go.

Angelina: I've given it lots of thoughts, and, uh... I think we should go back to our original plan-- you know, the one about getting us out of this marriage. It's not working for me, Kevvie. (Chuckles) And, you know, we've got different goals and dreams and-- and don't worry, I'll find a way to make sure daddy doesn't lose his mind. (Chuckles) Does that sound okay to you?

Kevin: Yeah, that sounds good.

Ricky: Hey, Daisy. How's it going?

Daisy: Peachy.

Ricky: Figured you were having a bad day. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Michael Baldwin.

Daisy: Yeah, he's not a fan.

Ricky: No need to elaborate. I'm a black seep of my family, too. Hey, we should get together sometime and compare notes. I bet we'd have a lot in common.

Lauren: I bought it when Daisy got out of prison. I-I normally have it locked up, but with Fen in Canada, I-I-I feel like I need to have it with me all the time.

Phyllis: Is Michael on board with this?

Lauren: He doesn't know. But, um... Daisy is everywhere, and I feel like I need to be protected. You think I'm overreacting, right?

Phyllis: No, I don't. I honestly think it's a shame that you have to wait for her to do something to your family before... you can use it.

Lauren: Me, too.

Michael: Incoming.

(Knock on door)

Michael: Oh, Phyllis. What's going on?

Next on "The Young and the Restless" --

Nikki: Well, who is he?

Jack: He's a plant. Cane has been set up.

Phyllis: What on earth are you doing? What would you have to talk about with Daisy?

Genevieve: It's very hard to tell the difference between business and pleasure.

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