Y&R Transcript Monday 3/19/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 3/19/12


Episode # 9865 ~ Phyllis Is Upset When Nick Decides to Work With Sharon

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Ashley: We all know that Victor doesn't like to lose, but an entirely new cosmetics line, just like that? (Snaps fingers)

Tucker: Well, I fought hard against the idea at the board meeting, and lost, obviously.

Jack: Well, I, for one, love it.

Ashley: You're not serious.

Jack: Sure, I'm serious. Look, I hate to gloat, but Jabot has a huge presence in the market. Yes, Beauty of Nature has Victoria, but she's gonna have to do battle with her own brother, and that's gonna be a distraction for her-- that, in addition to the hurdle that new ownership is going to be at Beauty of Nature. Nicholas, yeah, he has experience, but he also has an ongoing role at Newman. His attentions are going to be divided.

Abby: That's an understatement. Get this. "The new line will be spearheaded by Nicholas Newman and his ex-wife Sharon Newman." And ex-sister-in-law, and ex-stepmother, for, like two seconds, and most importantly...

Ashley: (Laughs)

Abby: The woman... Phyllis... loathes.

Tucker: That's a whole boatload of chaos for a new line to handle.

Jack: In general, I wish Sharon and Nicholas all the best. As competition-- wow, that's a lot of baggage.

Sharon: Out of the country? Victor brings me on for a beauty line and then leaves the country. What was so important?

Nick: His message didn't say, but on the upside, dad has faith in us to handle this, and dad doesn't hand out that kind of trust lightly.

Sharon: Well, we have messages, e-mails, faxes-- we better dig right in.

Nick: Agreed, but there's one thing I need to take care of first.

(Elevator door opens)

Ricky: Morning.

Phyllis: What are you doing here?

Ricky: I'm ready to work, Boss. Oh, what, you thought that I would stomp off just because you stole my story?

Phyllis: I didn't steal your story.

Ricky: Right, right, right. You, uh, you bought my story, and then you didn't give me any credit for it.

Phyllis: I don't think you really want to do that with me today. It would be a very bad idea.

(Knock on door)

Chelsea: Hi, it's Chelsea. I'm just doing my public service, seeing if there are any deliveries you need me to read to you again.

Adam: Well, I appreciate the charity, but it's not an issue.

Chelsea: Do you have a minute? I need your advice about something, too.

Adam: Come on in.

Chelsea: So I--oh, oh, oh!

Adam: Hey, watch it.

Chelsea: Thanks. How did you-- can you see?

Adam: Ta-da. Enough to see that I like that little necklace of yours with the leaf on it.

Chelsea: Oh, my God!

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Well, uh, how did this happen? When? That--this is great!

Adam: I-- yesterday, I finally, uh, saw a little blur of light and it turned into images, got sharper and sharper as the day went on.

Chelsea: That's amazing! That--that's incredible. So, you can, like, see my face right now? And you can read... (Stammering) A clock, and a newspaper! (Laughs) You can read a newspaper!

Adam: Yes, I can read the newspaper. The gift of sight. (Chuckles)

Chelsea: Ah.

Jill: So between the jet lag and not being able to get in touch with a single Mitsukoshi shareholder, it's been just a super day.

Cane: Sorry to hear that.

Jill: Please tell me you've had better luck nudging Jabot into position for this deal.

Cane: Uh, not yet, but, uh, the day is just starting here, so, uh, you get some sleep and I'll work on that, okay?

Jill: Bless you. Yeah, I'm just gonna have a quick sake nightcap and then back to the hotel because tonight is obviously a lost cause. (Sighs)

Kay: All right, I got your message that you're staying here. Why aren't you at home?

Nikki: Can I get you some tea, some brioche?

Kay: I do not need tea. I do not--brioche, no. I need none of it. I need to know why you're not at the ranch. (Sighs) What happened between you and Victor this time?

Genevieve: How lovely to see you, and with the gift that I gave you for your birthday. I'm touched. What took so long? You didn't fly commercial, did you?

Victor: Were you expecting me?

Genevieve: I thought-- oh, you--you didn't get my note? Check the outside pocket.

Victor: So you figured it out.

Genevieve: You told me that if I wanted to secure the Mitsukoshi deal, I should fly to Japan and meet with a man called Atarashii Otoko. Translate that name into English, and it means "New man." Not exactly the contact I was expecting, but, uh... it was so clever that I couldn't be angry. So I decided that I'd fly to Japan to see exactly what you were up to. You're not upset, are you, that I clued in?

Victor: Surprised, but very happy that you were clued in and figured it out.

Sharon: They're beautiful. Thank you.

Ricky: Congratulations. You're big news now.

Sharon: In a good way...

Ricky: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: For once. You know, um... you're a big part of the reason that I have this chance. What you and Avery did to get me cleared-- I'm grateful.

Ricky: Well, you were innocent, and look at you now. Good things do happen to good people, and that is exactly the angle that I want to take... for the article that I want to write on you for "Restless Style."

Sharon: Did Phyllis send you here?

Nick: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, wow, here we go.

Nick: Just let me explain, all right? Things got a little out of hand. I had no chance to give you a heads-up, but I had to make a compromise in order to get the Newman board to approve the new beauty line.

Phyllis: The press beat you to it. It's not the worst news I've heard in the last 24 hours, so that's good for you.

Nick: What's going on?

Phyllis: Well, if you would have returned my call from last night, you would have been able to tell me about your new line with Sharon, and I would have been able to tell you about my horrible news. But you didn't return my call, and that's just my fault for believing that "You're my first priority" speech that you gave me.

Nick: You are. So tell me now

Phyllis: Daisy filed a restraining order against me. I'm not allowed to see Lucy.

Nikki: So I told Victoria, of course I would stay here while she went to L.A. to be with Billy. I mean, it's a shame they had to be apart before, and there's no reason for them to be apart now. And truthfully, Katherine, I thought it would be a good way to just take a breath away from Victor.

Kay: I see. Well, as I recall, I did advise you to reach out to Victor, try and cross the breach, not widen it.

Nikki: I did reach out to him.

Kay: Really?

Nikki: I hosted a birthday lunch. It didn't turn out the way I had planned.

Kay: Oh, what, the pasta was dry? Limp lettuce?

Nikki: Uh, it was supposed to be a private event, Katherine...

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: And Sharon shows up with Victor, no less, and then who arrives-- Genevieve Atkinson.

Kay: Genevieve?

Nikki: Mm! With gift in hand-- beautiful briefcase engraved with his initials.

Kay: That's rather an extravagant gift to be giving someone you hardly know. What do you suppose she's up to?

Nikki: I wondered the same thing. He carried on over that gift. He thanked her profusely. He practically fawned over Sharon. Katherine, it was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever witnessed. I mean, after all of these years and having gone through everything two people could possibly go through, I'm reminded that I still have no idea what goes on in his mind when he does what he does!

Kay: You mean, like hiring Sharon? Well, I read, uh, the business news. Now whatever his motives, I promise you, there's nothing romantic involved there, all right? If that is what you're thinking. I mean, that marriage was simply to protect you, as you may recall. Please do.

Nikki: There is no reason to protect me now, so why Sharon? Oh, there's more. Adam was called down for questioning at the police station.

Kay: Uh-huh.

Nikki: Victor goes down and offers him help, and when I asked Victor, "What on earth made you do that?" He became indignant and decided he didn't need to answer any of my questions.

Kay: So now you are here, staying in the guest room instead of your own bed in your own home, huh?

Nikki: I left him a message. I told him I wanted to talk things through, and he has not gotten back to me yet. He's probably all caught up with business again.

Kay: (Laughs) You ran, he buried his head in that-- in the sands of business. Oh, oh, well, any distraction will do. Why don't the two of you, one day, just sit down and stare at one another long enough to come up with some kind of a solution to make this... relationship work? Make it stick?

Genevieve: Congratulations on your new cosmetics line. Beauty of Nature welcomes friendly competition. So you'll be up and running, when, about 2014?

Victor: (Laughing) Thank you for encouraging the board of directors to approve the new line.

Genevieve: And I was very happy to do that favor for you, as a friend.

Victor: Uh-huh. That's very nice of you. Let me, um, let me buy you dinner.

Genevieve: They have dinner in Genoa City, too.

Victor: Not quite the same.

Genevieve: Maybe not, but here we are.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: A world apart.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: I am intrigued of course...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: But, uh, you wanted me here for a reason, and given that that contact name that you gave me was your own, I can't help but be curious what that reason is.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm curious, as well. You knew that I would be here, and yet you showed up. So what's your reason for being here? Shall we have dinner?

Victor: Uh, daiginjo sake and te kaiseki. Thank you.

Genevieve: The chef's tasting menu.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Well, let's see what he has in store for us.

Victor: I know you like surprises.

Jill: Perfect suggestion. You know what you're doing.

Woman: Uh, daiginjo sake.

Man: Hai.

Adam: Congratulations. You are the very first person to find out about my, um, miracle.

Chelsea: Freak.

Adam: (Laughs)

Chelsea: You should be telling the whole world! You just turned over a new leaf and you got your eyes back.

Adam: Yeah, and I also got railed by "Restless Style," I got dragged into the police station, so it's a good news/bad news kind of a thing.

Chelsea: Isn't everything?

Adam: How very fortune cookie of you.

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Adam: So what's your advice that you need from the wise man?

Chelsea: (Sighs) Okay. Nikki Newman-- what's the story on her?

Adam: Well, it's long and sordid and showered with a lot of $1 bills.

Chelsea: Oh, well, I need to hear about that later, but first, I need to know-- how do I deal with her?

Adam: Easy. You don't. You stay away.

Chelsea: It's a little late for that.

Abby: Well, red, obviously red.

Jack: I was thinking black.

Abby: Oh, yawn, it's so boring. Ooh, wait, wait, wait. You could do matte black. That's, like, unexpected and cool.

Jack: I think I've kind of covered unexpected lately. Hey, Nikk.

Nikki: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Jack: Come on in. You can vote on colors-- that is, if your color is black.

Abby: (Sighs)

Nikki: Oh, yeah? What are we buying?

Jack: A car.

Abby: Or a van, custom with hand controls. Until Uncle Jack is out of this chair, his wheels need some wheels.

Nikki: Oh, that is a great idea. And, uh, I'm wit Abby-- red all the way.

Abby: Ohh, outnumbered!

Nikki: (Laughs)

Abby: Too bad. I gotta go do not let him backslide to black.

Nikki: Oh, no.

Abby: I am your first ride-along. Do not forget it. Mwah!

Jack: Count on it.

Abby: Um... Nikki, let me know if you need any help at Victoria and Billy's with Keely or "Houseguest."

Nikki: Oh, I will, Honey, but I think I'll be fine. Thank you.

Abby: Okay.

Jack: So... Abby tells me you're staying at Billy's so that Victoria can visit him in L.A.

Nikki: Yeah it's a mistake to be away too long from the one you love.

Victor: Chef's menus are always a surprise. You never know what comes next. Thank you.

Genevieve: This, from a man who thrives on control.

Victor: Believe me, I do not mind backing off if I'm certain that someone... knows what they're doing.

Genevieve: Meaning the chef?

Jill: Thank you. (Clears throat)

Victor: (Laughs)

Jill: Victor?


Ricky: Phyllis has nothing to do with me being here. This is a total feel-good character study-- someone who's been beaten up by the system, but is starting over again-- at the top of the industry, no less. Plus, this would-- this would be free press for your cosmetic line. I haven't even pitched it to Phyllis.

Sharon: Good, because I don't want you to do the story. Thank you for the flowers. They're really beautiful, but if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do.

Nick: Do you think Daisy knew you'd show? She set up that situation so you'd get caught with Lucy, so she could get a restraining--

Phyllis: Listen, don't-- don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's not your problem.

Nick: What do you mean, it doesn't matter? This might give us a way to fight this.

Phyllis: Us? Wait, wait, us? You--you didn't even return my call last night. Now you want to fight my battles?

Nick: I'm still here for you. That has not changed.

Phyllis: (Sighs) I don't know if we had the same conversation, because, uh, you actually looked me the eye and said you didn't want to and you wouldn't work with Sharon, so...

Nick: Because I didn't plan to. I didn't plan on this at all.

Phyllis: I don't know, maybe you did, and you just didn't have the guts to tell me.

Nick: No, no, no. You want to think that because it lets you stay ticked off. It gives you yet another reason to flip out and not let me help you with this Lucy thing.

Phyllis: Why should I let you help me?

Nick: Because you need someone, Phyllis. You do. God forbid you ever just chill out and let me be here for you. But no, you're all knee-jerk reaction. I mean, you're on the phone with Daniel, and you hear Lucy gurgling in the background, so you better sprint over there and save her, when everyone knows she's fine. I tell you there's nothing between Sharon and me, but you just flip out again to make sure you and I fight.

Phyllis: I did not flip out! I did not flip out, and that's--I-I mean, I-- I care about things. That's who I am. Deal with it or not.

Nick: Phyllis, you are a grown woman. You can change if you want to, but you don't.

Phyllis: I don't want to. No, I don't.

Nick: You--how's that working out for you, then?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Here's a knee-jerk for you-- get out of my office-- now.

Chelsea: (Sighs) So now what about Victor? You didn't grow up with him?

Adam: No, um... I found out he was my father a few years ago, and it's been a party ever since.

Chelsea: Mm. I don't even know what my dad looks like. I don't even know his name, but my mother recently told me that she knows where he is.

Adam: And that's where?

Chelsea: Well, she happened to leave that part out, and she won't give me any more information until I start doing things her way. (Exhales deeply)

Adam: Okay, so maybe she's just dangling out a carrot that's not even really there.

Chelsea: But still, I can't help that I look twice at every guy I see on the street that's old enough to be my dad. I'm always wondering, do I have his eyes? Do I have his laugh?

Adam: Well, let's say-- let's say you do, let's say you--you find him. What then?

Chelsea: I don't know.

Adam: Okay, let's say you find him, and he's everything you wished he would be. It's amazing. (Sighs) What if he's not? What if you get your hopes up for something that... just doesn't happen? Maybe you get kicked in the gut 'cause you make yourself vulnerable? I... I know I'm jaded, but... protect yourself. I say forget that your father's even out there.

Genevieve: I think I'll go powder my nose. Feel free to pour me another sake before I come back.

Victor: With pleasure.

Ricky: Now wait a second. You're telling me you don't have a cappuccino machine in your car?

Abby: (Sighs)

Ricky: You are killing my image of you, Heiress.

Abby: Well, there's no room, what with that rotating dress rack and the massage table.

Ricky: I should check it out sometime.

Abby: (Giggles)

Chelsea: Ohh, I love your shoes.

Abby: Oh, thank you. (Clears throat) Fenmore's. You should go.

Chelsea: Ahh. You know, Victoria Beckham can pull off heels when she's pregnant, but I have to stick to flats.

Abby: Oh. (Laughs) Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl?

Chelsea: It's a boy. Yeah, and he's gonna be raised by a really amazing couple.

Abby: Wow. That's great.

Ricky: Yeah, great. I guess some parents are okay with walking away from their own kids.

Abby: I'm sorry, she's not walking away. She's giving her baby great parents who are ready to love and care for that little boy. You need to forget anyone who doesn't get it. I think what you're doing is amazing.

Chelsea: It's not amazing. It's just... right.

Ashley: Oh, you know, I haven't heard anything from Jill about whatever progress she's made.

Cane: She has no luck making contact with anyone from Mitsukoshi, and, uh, we have no more information about what Beauty of Nature might be even up to there.

Ashley: I really don't want them to regain control of the Asian market. They had such a vise grip there when Newman owned the company.

Tucker: I am sure that Jill has got dollar signs in her eyes and is acting accordingly right now.

Ashley: Mm, this is true. She's not gonna give up, and she's not gonna back down. She will get us the information we need.

Tucker: I'll try to dig up some more contacts in Japan and see if that helps.

Ashley: It's good to have another option.

Jill: Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. Could I ask you just a little favor? I promise you, I'll make it worth your while.

Victor: There you are.

Genevieve: This is just the kind of business dinner I love...

Victor: Good.

Genevieve: 'Cause it doesn't feel like business at all. (Laughs)

Victor: If business isn't a pleasure, then I think it's time to move on, don't you?

Genevieve: (Laughs)

Victor: Hmm?

Genevieve: You are exceptional. You told me that you wouldn't give up the fight for Beauty of Nature.

Victor: I will never give up that fight.

Genevieve: Mm. But you're so smooth about it, you know? You're persistent without being overbearing. That's a real gift. The men that I'm used to used threats and thugs to get what they want.

Victor: I don't think you scare easily, so a threat would be pointless and not nearly as much fun as a night like this.

Genevieve: Agreed.

(Cups clink)

Nikki: Well, this dashboard is more you. It's very stylish.

Jack: Are we really gonna do this? We're gonna keep talking about cars? You know I am perfectly capable of not covering uncomfortable subjects, but you don't let me get away with that. I'm not gonna let you, either.

Nikki: Nothing is wrong.

Jack: What has "Lord Voldemort" done now?

Nikki: Well... (Sighs) It's really more what I did this time. I suppose there could have been a better way to let him know I was moving into Victoria's.

Jack: Victor's nose is out of joint?

Nikki: With a little nudge from me.

Jack: Well, how about a slow clap for me?

Nikki: Oh, stop.

Jack: (Claps hands)

Nikki: You are terrible. I can't let things be this way.

Jack: Well, why not? Sure, you can. Who are you calling now? Him?

Nikki: Your niece.

Abby: Hello?

Nikki: Abby, hi, it's Nikki. I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you.

Abby: These things are doable.

Sharon: And I know how much Ricky did for my case. I do. But it was just so odd, him showing up here like this.

Nick: The guy is tough to read.

Sharon: You think Phyllis sent him?

Nick: Why would she do that?

Sharon: Maybe a recon mission, see what's going on here, since I doubt she'd show up here herself, and we both know how much she's gonna hate us working together.

Nick: Well, we know that for a fact. I was just with her.

Sharon: And?

Nick: She's, uh, doing her Phyllis thing, you know? Her own worst enemy.

Sharon: I'm trying to swear off that kind of behavior myself. Whole new process happening over here.

Nick: (Sighs) All right, well, let's just-- let's just get back to work, 'cause that's what this is. It's work, and if anybody thinks otherwise, there's nothing I can do to change that.

Phyllis: Oh! Oh, seriously? Are you kidding me? (Sighs) Oh, no. You guys, I need some napkin-- oh, great.

Adam: Hello, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah, come in. I'm not guiding you by your elbow and bringing you in, okay?

Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, it's a good thing that I don't need you to. Ta-da. Look, ma, no hands, no walking stick. Nice outfit, by the way.

Phyllis: So you can see? You can actually see what I'm doing?

Adam: Yes, and I see your usual sunny disposition, as well. I also saw that Nicholas and Sharon were getting chummy at the club yesterday. I see I've made a sinister return to the cover of the magazine here-- featured yet again. I'm flattered. Thank you.

Kay: God, it is good to see you again, young man.

Cane: Thank you.

Kay: You're looking absolutely wonderful.

Cane: Thank you. So are you.

Kay: How are things going at Jabot? I know I'm very happy having you there.

Cane: Things are going well. Ashley and Tucker are very supportive.

Kay: Well...

Cane: Things with Tucker... (Sighs) All right, I know--

Kay: Yes?

Cane: I know Tucker's not an easy person to get along with, okay? He was one more person who--who had no reason to trust me, but he came around. It just takes time, okay?

Ashley: You know what?

Tucker: Hmm?

Ashley: It's kind of fun, having you in my office instead of me always being in yours.

Tucker: I kind of like my office better 'cause it's in our home, with all the attendant perks in that location.

Ashley: Yes, this office has perks, too.

Tucker: Oh, yeah?

Ashley: Yes, it sure does.

Tucker: Mm.

Ashley: What do--what?

Tucker: Oh, you know...

Ashley: What?

Tucker: I just-- I-I don't want to get going and have that intercom buzz again and kill the moment.

Ashley: Not this time.

Tucker: (Laughs)

Ashley: Hello. I am going to be in a conference, so please hold all my calls and, um, no interruptions, please. Thank you.

Tucker: Mm. That's the first thing that attracted me to you.

Ashley: What?

Tucker: Your intelligence.

Ashley: I'm smart.

Tucker: Yes, you are.

(Lock clicks)

Ashley: I... am downright... brilliant.

Tucker: Mm.

Nick: "An exciting addition to the health and beauty market."

Sharon: Oh, "Please see my résumé attached." This is from Belgium.

Nick: We're getting a ton of e-mails about distribution. We haven't even developed a single product yet.

(Computer keys clicking)

Sharon: We need to focus on organic chemists that have new ideas, maybe even develop a companion line in vitamins and supplements. Nurture the skin from the inside out.

Nick: You know, we're gonna need a new name, like... new... woman. Play off of "Newman"?

Sharon: And if we develop a men's line?

Nick: How about... (Surfer accent) Whoa, man?

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: (Laughs)

Sharon: That's, like, totally awesome for our surfer demographic.

Nick: It's tubular.

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: (Normal voice) Um... purely Newman?

Sharon: Mm...

Nick: New beginning?

Sharon: I don't know. Fresh? Refresh? Le début?

Nick: Should we be writing any of these down?

Sharon: Yes, I'll do it.

(Computer keys clicking)

Nick: Mnh...

Phyllis: I have work to do, Adam.

Adam: You've done plenty of work already. (Tosses magazine down) You went too far for all the wrong reasons. Now you got to live with it. (Sniffs) I have been there and done that, Sister. (Sighs) Boy, have I ever been there.

Phyllis: Now you know I'm not apologizing for telling the truth about what you did to Patty and-

Adam: I'm not expecting you to apologize. I don't want you to apologize.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Adam: I don't deserve an apology. I earned every word that you wrote in this article, but it's just gonna make things a little-- a little more difficult for me what I'm trying to do, but it is my fault.

Phyllis: What--what is it you're trying to do?

Adam: Trying to be less of a schmuck.

Phyllis: Oh, well, good luck with that.

Adam: (Chuckles)

(Computer keys clicking)

Adam: Thank you, Phyllis. I imagine that this article didn't just get you a spike in sales. (Sighs) I imagine you got more than you could bargain for. Now we've got, uh, Nicholas and Sharon in each other's orbit, probably gonna be working on a project together-- late nights, spending time in the office. The one thing you didn't want to happen is now gonna be happening. It's funny how that works, right? You and I seem to always do that. The things we fear the most we seem to make happen.

Phyllis: You know, uh, Adam, you can see the elevator now, can't you? So why don't you get on it and get out of my office?

Adam: Phyllis. I just wanted to say that I heard about... I heard about you and Lucy. I'm sorry. It's never, ever easy to say good-bye to someone you love, and there is no way to prepare for it, so... I'm sorry.

Abby: Chelsea, hey. Come in. Your feet must be so tired, even in boring flats.

Chelsea: Abby, what are you doing here?

Abby: Hmm, maybe visiting my uncle or my sister, since you know exactly who I am, even though you pretended not to.

Chelsea: Hmm, just the way you pretended not to know that this is Billy's baby? Speaking of which, if you're here to make sure I'm eating organic or something, don't worry about it. Nikki's got it covered.

Abby: Actually, there's been a change of plans. Nikki is otherwise occupied, so... hi, Roomie.

Jack: Wow, that was some serious texting. Abby been giving you lessons?

Nikki: (Zips up purse) I simply told Victor that I had rethought things, and I would be at the ranch to talk to him when he got home.

Jack: (Sighs)

Nikki: Yes, I know. You like it better when I poke the tiger instead of meet it halfway.

Jack: No, actually, I prefer it when you stay away from the cage altogether. With Victor, against Victor-- I ju--I worry when you're involved with him. Seriously. Fighting aside, battles aside, he's not good enough for you. I wish you could see that.

Victor: Would you like another course?

Genevieve: I'm not easily sated.

Victor: That should make for an interesting night.

Genevieve: One can hope.

Victor: Would you like it hot or cold?

Genevieve: Excuse me?

Victor: The sake. There's a very popular temperature in Japan called hito hada. It's the temperature of the skin, of the body.

Genevieve: Let me see.

Victor: What do you think?

Genevieve: I think they're right. I think it's perfect.

Jill: Domo arigato, Folks. (Chuckles)

Next on "The Young and the Restless" --

Michael: Something's going on between you and Angelina, and I want you to tell me now.

Angelina: (Loudly) You can't hear me? (Normal voice) I so can't handle this today.

Lauren: I know exactly how to deal with you.

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