Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/8/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/8/12


Episode # 9860 ~ Ashley and Jill Fight About Business

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Devon: So the incisions are gonna be right here, behind the ear.

Harmony: And--and no pain? They're sure about that?

Tucker: Well, you know, the doctor said there might be some discomfort.

Devon: But in the middle ear, where they place the transducers, there are no nerve endings. (Laughs)

Harmony: Blows your mind, doesn't it?

Devon: When I think about being able to hear every pitch and every tone, like I could before I got meningitis, I-I... (Laughs)

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Devon: I really can't thank you guys enough for making this possible, and for coming with me to Dallas.

Neil: Devon, there is no place that we'd rather be.

Tucker: That's right.

Devon: Dr. Lewis.

Dr. Lewis: Looks like you're ready to go.

Devon: (Sighs)

Dr. Lewis: Any questions?

Neil: Um, Devon has answered all of our questions. Seems like the kid has done a lot of research.

Dr. Lewis: You realize you're doing this the hard way?

Devon: Well, maybe. I mean, I'm--I'm just thinking, if I get one ear, you know, done today, and then wait months to do the other one, and then go through two recoveries, right? What would you do? What do you think?

Neil: Me? I-I think it's your decision, Devon.

Devon: (Sighs) Doctor, I want to do both.

Dr. Lewis: Then we better get you prepped.

Tucker: Well...

Neil: (Clears throat)

Tucker: Okay, I guess that's our cue to... take off. Good luck.

Devon: Thank you.

Harmony: The surgery's gonna go great.

Devon: (Chuckles) Thanks.

Neil: Hey.

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: My man.

Devon: (Laughs) (Sighs)

Cane: Mrs. Ashby.

Lily: Hi.

Cane: So are you calling Devon?

Lily: Uh, no, he's probably under anesthesia right now.

Cane: Oh, yeah.

Lily: Were the twins clingy?

Cane: Please. They love their class so much, they didn't even know that I left.

Lily: (Chuckles) And how about you? How does it feel to be an executive again?

Cane: Yes, executive. I am up to speed on the marketing plan, and I've even sketched out some of my own ideas.

Lily: Wow, look at you.

Cane: Thank you.

Lily: Jill is very lucky to have you working with her.

Cane: No, I'm the lucky one.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Cane: You know, I never realized how much I missed this kind of work.

Lily: Well, I think it's because you didn't ever really stop to think about it.

Cane: Hmm. I think that's 'cause I never thought I'd go back to Jabot, but hey, I'm gonna work with Jill and Ashley, and I'm looking forward to it.

Ashley: (Slams laptop shut) Damn it!

(Door opens)

Jill: Bad time? This is the soonest I could get to you.

Ashley: It's fine.

Jill: Is it true that Genevieve had the nerve to show her face in the building?

Ashley: Yes, she did.

Jill: Well, at least we have Cane coming in to look forward to.

Ashley: And hopefully, he'll do his job correctly.

Jill: Was that aimed at me?

Ashley: I just received this. You signed off on it, and that is unacceptable.

Daniel: Ohh, I think that workout was exactly what I needed.

Chloe: Oh, yeah, and don't you feel less zapped by what's going on with your mom and Lucy and Daisy?

Daniel: Oh, totally less zapped. I need some serious food, though.

Chloe: Okay, I'm buying.

Daniel: Why?

Chloe: Because you've been such a great pal. You've taken such good care of me during my personal trauma drama time.

Daniel: You don't owe me for that.

Chloe: Come on, let me buy you food. Please?

Daniel: Okay. Okay. No pleading necessary. I will get us a table.

Chloe: No, no, no. You want serious food. We're going to Gloworm.

Kevin: Okay, I'm just about done here.

Angelina: So... Gloworm?

Kevin: If you're up for this.

Angelina: I am. Even been doing research. "Couple crumbles, wedding woes."

Kevin: Look, I know you said you would work with me to help end our marriage--

Angelina: And I meant it.

Kevin: Are you sure? You're absolutely certain? I need to know I can count on you.

Angelina: You can. Pinkie swear. I never wanted to be Mrs. Somebody this young anyway. (Chuckles)

Kevin: Well, do you know what I know for certain? In a couple of years, you will be married to a prince.

Angelina: And you can hit the "Do-over" button and get back with Chloe.

Kevin: One step at a time. For now, we just need to make your dad believe that I am totally into this marriage and you're the one having second thoughts, because if he thinks breaking it up is my--

Angelina: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'd hate to be a widow. (Laughs)

Kevin: Okay then, Mrs. Fisher, we're ready to begin operation marriage termination?

Angelina: Let's do this. (Giggles)

Kevin: This way.

Daniel: Whoa, whoa. Why Gloworm?

Chloe: Because they have the best Moscow mules in town, and I have a monster craving.

Daniel: What if Kevin's there?

Chloe: Doesn't matter.

Daniel: Doesn't matter? I-I seem to remember, last time we ran into him, you bolted.

Chloe: It's not gonna happen again.

Daniel: So, what, you want to show Kevin that he can't get to you?

Chloe: This has nothing to do with him. It has to do with me, okay? I don't want to be the girl who's gonna freak out every time that she runs into her ex, and I am not going to be denied my favorite cocktail, so are we going to Gloworm or not?

Daniel: Your treat, your pick.

Chloe: Thank you.

Gloria: Well... (Clapping) If it isn't the happy newlyweds.

Kevin: Hey, Mom, Angelo. I just wanted to treat my blushing bride to an early dinner.

Gloria: Aw.

Angelo: (Chuckles) Got yourself a good one, huh, Babe?

Angelina: He'll do.

Gloria: Kevin, can I talk to you for a minute?

Kevin: What about?

Gloria: I think I found something that might be yours.

Kevin: Oh.

Gloria: Excuse us.

Kevin: Be right back.

Angelina: Oh.

Angelo: So... how are you liking the house?

Angelina: I love, love, love the house, but... it's kind of weird.

Angelo: What--what, living next door to me? I mean, I thought I'd been giving you your privacy.

Angelina: Oh, no, no, no, Daddy, you've been real good about the boundaries. It's just... strange, you know, having a husband. (Chuckles) You go to sleep, he's there. You wake up, he's there. He even watches me floss.

Angelo: Well, he loves you, Babe.

Angelina: Yeah, but... (Sighs) I'm just kind of used to being on my own, and...

Angelo: Mm-hmm.

Angelina: Kevin and his stuff are kind of always...

Angelo: There.

Angelina: You noticed, too?

Angelo: (Laughs) Honey, all married people, they go through adjustments.

Angelina: Hmm. Hope Kevin adjusts fast.

Gloria: Don't even think about schedule changes right now. Go away, I'm busy.

Kevin: So what is this thing of mine that you think you found?

Gloria: Just an excuse to get you alone, because I have a lot of unanswered questions about your quickie marriage.

Kevin: Mom, can't you see how happy I am?

Gloria: No. So why did you leave Chloe at the altar, disappear, and show up married to that thing? There's gotta be more to the story.

Kevin: Yes, there's more to the story, but look, this is what you need to know-- I never meant to hurt Chloe. I certainly never intended to fall for Angelina...

Gloria: (Laughs)

Kevin: But it happened. I don't know what to tell you. It was like something out of a movie.

Gloria: So you really are happy?

Kevin: Gloria, you have nothing to worry about. Mwah!

Harmony: (Sighs) You know, it's not so much the surgery that's scary, but it's what comes after. I wish Devon hadn't decided to have both ears worked on.

Tucker: Well, you know what? He's eager to improve his hearing. I know I would be.

Harmony: Yeah, but now, he's not gonna be able to hear out of either ear, but until they're both healed and the device can be turned on, he's gonna be completely deaf.

Tucker: What do you think, Neil? Should we be concerned?

Neil: Well, I-- Devon had a--had a tough time after the meningitis. You know, being deaf like that again, I'm sure it'll be scary as hell. And what if the-- what if the surgery goes wrong? What if the implants don't work?

Harmony: Neil, don't even think about that. Listen, Devon's got an excellent doctor, and--and we need to take our cues from him.

Neil: Yeah.

Harmony: Now he--he's upbeat and he's positive. We should be, too.

Neil: No, no, no, I know. I know, you're right. I-I--this is the way that I'm hardwired, you know, troubleshooting scenarios before they occur. That's all.

Tucker: Well, you know what? There are no guarantees. I don't want Devon to be disappointed. (Sighs) I'm worried about him.

Harmony: We all are.

Neil: Devon is very lucky to have three people here who care about him so much.

Harmony: (Sighs)

Kevin: Thanks.

Angelina: Daddy looking?

Kevin: Yep, and he's trying to pretend like he's not. What did you say to him?

Angelina: What we practiced. Take my hand.

Kevin: Now what?

Angelina: This. (Clears throat)

Kevin: How do you think this is going?

Angelina: Divorce court, here we come.

Kevin: Hmm. (Sighs)

Angelo: Why did Kevin tell you you got nothing to worry about?

Gloria: Just having one of my feelings, Angelo. Something's not right with those two.

Angelo: Like what?

Gloria: The way they rushed into their marriage.

Angelo: I know it's not picture-perfect, but I just figured it was a newlywed thing.

Gloria: Oh, come on. Come on. (Gasps)

Chloe: (Laughs)

Gloria: Chloe. Chloe! How nice to see you. (Laughs) Hi, Daniel.

Chloe: Well, I guess it's been a while.

Gloria: Yeah, and I understand. And just so you know, Angelina and Kevin are here.

Chloe: Oh, they are.

Ashley: Either you have your product in our factory by the end of business today, or I will find a new supplier. You have a nice day, too. Why did you take it upon yourself to approve an internet ad without first consulting me?

Jill: Maybe because I'm the head of marketing. Maybe because I used to be C.E.O. of this company.

Ashley: I'm the current C.E.O. of this company.

Jill: Listen, Ashley, I was just trying to move things along. We're way behind schedule.

Ashley: And you thought this would help?

Jill: (Scoffs) I did think it would help. I mean, Jack, with his absence-- you're doing double duty.

Ashley: Yes, that's right, and I'm wasting a lot of time discussing this with you now! Jill, I expect the people that work for me to communicate with me.

Jill: You expect us to ask your permission for everything.

Ashley: I don't need this! Jack just got released from the hospital. I've barely been able to spend a minute with him, let alone say good-bye to Billy when he leaves town.

Jill: Where's Billy going?

Ashley: He's going to Los Angeles on business. And I'm sorry that he didn't tell you himself.

Jill: No, never mind that, Ashley. (Sighs) You need to have a little more respect for my judgment, okay? I mean, signing off on this-- this was a no-brainer. (Thumping finger on folder) If there had been any danger of a downside, of course I would have come to you.

Ashley: What I need you to do-- I need you to help me come to an understanding, because I don't want to have this discussion with you again, Jill.

Jill: Nor do I.

Ashley: I'm asking you nicely. Please don't overstep again, or we're gonna have a really big problem.

Cane: I just want to thank you.

Lily: What did I do?

Cane: Well, you, uh, talked me into taking that job when we hadn't really even talked about our plans yet, so thank you.

Lily: Well, did you really want to be a bartender for the rest of your life, really? (Laughs)

Cane: Hmm. No.

Lily: No, okay, and then I couldn't let you pass this opportunity up.

Cane: Well, after all, we are newlyweds, and, you know, this is gonna take away from our time to, um...

Lily: Yes, yes. It would have been nice to have lazy days to just lounge around in bed, but as we know, life doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to.

Cane: And don't we know that.

Lily: Mm-hmm, we sure do.

Cane: Thank you.

Lily: You're welcome.

Sofia: Aw.

Cane: Hey.

Sofia: It is so nice to see a married couple who can't keep their hands off each other.

Cane: Mm.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Well, now that your date is here, I'm going to go, 'cause I don't want to be late on my first day.

Lily: Okay, well, play well with the other people, okay?

Cane: That's what I do.

Lily: I know, I know. (Laughs)

Cane: Mm!

Lily: Bye.

Cane: Bye-bye.

Sofia: Bye. Good to see you.

Cane: Bye. Have fun.

Lily: Thanks.

Sofia: (Sighs) Lily, thank you so much for inviting me out like this.

Lily: Of course. We don't get to do this often enough, and besides, why not be together when we're both thinking about the same thing-- how Devon's surgery is going.

Harmony: Oh, the walls are closing in on me. I gotta take a walk or something. You guys want anything?

Tucker: Uh, no, thanks, not for me.

Neil: I, uh, coffee, please.

Harmony: All right, you got it. Um, listen, maybe when-- when I get back, we can turn on the radio and liven things up around here.

Neil: (Sighs) If you think you're gonna get me on the dance floor again, you can forget it.

Harmony: Oh, damn! This time, I was gonna put you on FacePlace.

Neil: Funny. That--yeah, that's funny.

Tucker: Whew. That Harmony's something else, isn't she?

Neil: Yeah, yeah, she sure is. Interesting--a lot different than the woman I-I remembered, you know? I keep waiting for her to regress.

Tucker: Really? How's that going?

Neil: Well, it's hard not to forget what Harmony put Devon through. It's like, when we were out the other night, I-I thought that she had been using, getting high, you know?

Tucker: Well, you didn't mention it.

Neil: When I confronted her, I felt pretty bad when I realized that I was wrong. Tucker, I'm just trying to look out for Devon.

Tucker: So, um... how's little Mo and Sofia doing?

Neil: Oh, my man mo. Moses--he's the happiest, smartest baby around.

Tucker: (Laughs) Was there ever any doubt?

Neil: And Sofia-- thank God. A wonderful mom.

Tucker: Yeah.

Neil: (Sighs)

Tucker: Well, Sof-- she's let me know how she feels. She feels incredibly blessed, and as her oldest friend... it's nice to hear you feel the same way.

Harmony: Neil, I forgot to ask you how you like your coffee.

Neil: Oh, that's all right. I'll, uh... (Grunts) I'll get it, and I'll check in with the nurse at the same time.

Tucker: Yeah, good.

Harmony: What did you think you were doing just now? Digging around for something that's not there?

Sofia: Thank you so much. So this toddler activity class, it's here at the club?

Lily: Yeah, um, usually I take the twins, but the nanny has them. I wanted to be able to have a conversation with you without being interrupted every 15 minutes. Thanks.

Sofia: (Sighs) Lily, girl, how do you do it with twins? I mean, getting Moses dressed and fed, and making sure I get out the house presentable, on time-- that is a major triumph for me.

Lily: I know, but it gets easier, so don't worry.

Sofia: Really?

Lily: No, that was a lie. It does not get easier.

Sofia: (Laughs)

Lily: (Laughs)

Sofia: Well, thank you for giving me an excuse for some "Me" time, you know?

Lily: Yeah, how's that going, having the full-time parent duty with my dad gone?

Sofia: Honestly, it's lonely... (Chuckles) And hectic, but... it's really nice he could be there for Devon. So when was the last time you talked to Neil?

Lily: Uh, this morning. He sounded good.

Sofia: I missed his phone call. We've been playing phone tag a lot lately, but from what I gather, everyone seems to be getting along okay?

Lily: Yeah, I was actually worried about that, with my dad and Harmony and Tucker all being together.

Sofia: Well, Neil is pretty even, which is good. Tucker is impatient.

Lily: Yeah.

Sofia: But Harmony-- I don't know about her.

Lily: (Inhales sharply) Yeah, she's kind of hard to gauge, but, you know, I'm sure they're all on their best behavior for Devon's sake.

Tucker: I told you not to go after Neil...

Harmony: Something I wasn't doing.

Tucker: And since you didn't listen, I decided to check out where his head was at, and it's most definitely not with you, so you might as well stop wasting your time.

Harmony: And you might as well stop trippin', Tucker. I'm not chasing Neil.

Tucker: No? What's with all the dancing and all the--all the little touches and all that? I know your moves.

Harmony: Well, the other-- the other night at the restaurant? That was about keeping things light before Devon's surgery.

Tucker: Is that what you call it?

Harmony: Just like you were doing when you took us out to that concert.

Tucker: Mm-hmm. What about today, over there on the couch?

Harmony: That was about sympathy. I mean, we have a son in surgery.

Tucker: Yeah, and Neil has another son at home, and a wife. You need to remember that.

Harmony: Y-yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's-- he's married, and he got a baby. I know.

Tucker: Then start acting like it.

Harmony: I'm not after Neil, point-blank, period. But hey, you know, if you're starting to see the things that turned you on way back in the day, then that's on you.

Ashley: Welcome back to Jabot, Cane.

Cane: Thank you. I'm really looking forward to working with both of you.

Jill: Um, I had assumed that I was gonna be a part of this meeting. Was I wrong? I wouldn't want to overstep.

Ashley: (Laughs) Don't be ridiculous, Jill.

Daniel: What sounds good? The oak-fired ahi tuna, maybe? No, I think I'm gonna go with the brie cheese bacon burger. Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Let's go say hi.

Daniel: What, to Kevin and Angelina?

Chloe: I need to do this.

Daniel: After you. Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Hi!

Kevin: Hi. I'm glad you came over. You, too, Daniel.

Daniel: What's up?

Chloe: I just wanted to come and say hello. You know, we live in the same town, and we eat at the same places... (Laughs) And we keep on running into each other constantly.

Angelina: That's real cute of you.

Chloe: Um, I just wanted to let you guys know that, um... there are gonna be no more scenes from me. Nope. I have a new motto. (Laughs) No more weirdness.

Kevin: I like it. It's catchy.

Chloe: Great! Great. Hmm?

Kevin: Great.

Angelina: Oh.

Chloe: (Laughing) Oh, you're so cute.

Angelina: I don't like to criticize...

Kevin: But you're going to anyway.

Angelina: Chloe's kind of...

Kevin: Edgy?

Angelina: Unh, uh, you try being nice to her, and she evil-eyes you.

Kevin: Well... she's mad at me, not you.

Angelina: Oh, that's all for show, all that... (Imitates Chloe's voice) "It’s great how we're so over each other." (Snorts) (Normal voice) She's lying.

Kevin: You think?

Angelina: Yeah, been there. (Clears throat) Eyes on me, Hubby. Daddy's watching. (Chuckles)

Kevin: Right. Um, so you've been there?

Angelina: Yeah, sure. (Chuckles) All into a guy, and it doesn't work out, and you make this big deal over ending it, you know?

Kevin: So what-- what happens next? What happened with you?

Angelina: I kept waiting for him to stop believing all the trash I was talking and make a move on me, any kind of move on me, so that I could let myself let him know... (Sighs)

Kevin: What? Know what?

Angelina: That I still, you know, cared.

Kevin: Who was this guy?

Angelina: Uh...

Man: Angelina. I can't believe it's you.

Angelina: Oh, it is! (Laughs)

Man: "Running with you" is the best song ever.

Angelina: Right, that's what I keep saying. (Laughs)

Man: Um, can I-- can I get a picture?

Angelina: Absolutely. How's my hair, Kevvie?

Kevin: Good.

Angelina: Oh, any lipstick on my teeth?

Kevin: No, you look great.

Angelina: Oh, thank you. I do?

Kevin: All right, smile for the camera.

Angelina: (Giggles) Oh, uh, just me.

Kevin: Huh?

Angelina: In the pic. Just me. No P.D.A.'s in front of the P-O-P. plan?

Kevin: Got it. I'll, uh, get us some drinks. (Sighs)

Angelina: (Giggles) What is your name, Handsome?

Wesley: Wesley.

Angelina: Mm. (Giggles) Wesley. Well, Honey, let's make this a good one.

Wesley: Yes, Ma'am.

Angelina: (Chuckles)

Chloe: I am in the mood for some red meat, something I can gnaw and gnash.

Daniel: That's appetizing.

Chloe: (Laughing) You think so?

Daniel: I know what you're doing.

Chloe: What?

Daniel: Just admit that this is the real reason you wanted to come here.

Chloe: I have been real the entire time.

Daniel: No, no. You were hoping that we'd run into Kevin, so you could maybe make him jealous, or maybe mad, or angry, whatever.

Chloe: I'm over him.

Daniel: Far from it, by the way you're acting. You know, there are better ways of handling this, Chloe.

Chloe: (Giggles) (Baby voice) You're so cute! I'm gonna pinch your nose.

Tucker: If you're not interested in Neil, prove it.

Harmony: You know, you don't run me, and I don't need to prove squat to you, and you better not say nothin' about this to Neil.

Tucker: Mm. Afraid I'll blow your game?

Harmony: No, I don't want to find myself back on the outside because of you making him think things that ain't true.

Neil: Hey.

Tucker: What'd the nurse say?

Neil: That we'll have an update any minute now.

Harmony: Can't be quick enough for me. Um, Tucker and I are... getting a little grumpy waiting for the news.

Tucker: Dr. Lewis.

Dr. Lewis: Devon is in recovery.

Neil: How'd it go?

Lily: I mean, Devon loves music, so the chance for him to be able to hear every nuance and tone in a song, it's like... I just really pray the surgery works, you know?

Sofia: Especially now...

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Sofia: With his career taking off. That last song... (Hums rhythm)

Lily: Yeah. (Laughs)

Sofia: So good. I mean, he has so much drive.

Lily: I know, and so do you, miss professional woman.

Sofia: Oh, well, you know...

Lily: (Laughs) You gonna go back to work soon?

Sofia: Well, my maternity leave is almost over, and I do love my job...

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Sofia: But that is nothing compared to the feeling I get with my little boy.

Lily: Ohh. I know. It just kind of, like, blindsides you, all the love and the nurturing and the protectiveness that you feel for them. It just hits us as moms, you know?

Sofia: Yeah. Moses is my everything.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Sofia: But I did like working with Tucker, Boy. (Chuckles) Troubleshooting for the company all over the world.

Lily: Yeah, jumping on planes and putting in overtime and...

Sofia: But when your work is all that encompassing, how can you possibly squeeze out enough time for your child?

Lily: Yeah. So well, what are you gonna do if you don't go back to work?

Sofia: Mm... put aside my ambition and skills and hang out at home with Moses. No. (Laughs)

Lily: Okay, good. (Laughs)

Sofia: That wouldn't do either of us any good.

Lily: Yeah. (Laughs) Good. I'm very glad that you realize that.

Sofia: Well, what about you, Sweetheart? Weren't you gonna start doing some photography for "Restless Style"?

Lily: I think now that Cane and I have kind of settled, I don't know. The idea of getting back out there is very appealing.

Cane: And I think building on these tweaks that Jill has laid out, that they will, uh, give us a very competitive edge.

Ashley: I really like your ideas, Cane.

Cane: Well, I'm relieved to hear that.

Ashley: And I'd like you to develop them more thoroughly. We need a very strong multimedia presence.

Cane: You got it.

Jill: So what's going on with Beauty of Nature these days?

Ashley: They're gonna be more of a contender than we originally thought. Victoria's gonna be running the company.

Jill: When did this happen?

Ashley: Today. We need to step up our game.

Cane: I'll get right on those plans for you.

Ashley: And, Cane, you'll need to help Jill make up ground lost because of Genevieve's absence.

Jill: (Laughs) Because of many long hours I spent, there really isn't as much ground to make up as Ashley would imply.

Ashley: I'm not implying anything, Jill.

Jill: You know what? You don't need to be here for this. I'd like to speak to her alone, hmm?

Ashley: I think that's an excellent idea.

Cane: If I may, I know you guys are under a lot of pressure, okay?

Ashley: Cane, please.

Cane: And I don't know what's going on between the two of you...

Jill: No, you really don't.

Cane: But I do know that you both want to make Jabot be at the top of its game, so we're all on the same team, and let's not spill blood on this very, uh, expensive rug.

Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, my gosh.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: You're funny.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Daniel: You ready to go?

Chloe: Yes, let's get out of here. Uh, your place?

Daniel: Mm.

Chloe: Yeah? Okay.

Kevin: Oh, you guys are moving on?

Chloe: Uh, do you have a problem with that?

Kevin: Well, I don't exactly like the fact that you're hooking up with my best friend. So why did you come here, anyway? To rub my nose in it?

Chloe: Oh, I'm really sorry about that.

Daniel: I-I came here to eat.

Chloe: And really, what do you care? You're married. You dumped me, you jerk.

Angelina: You back off my husband, and you-- you're lower than dirt.

Daniel: Me? (Laughs)

Angelina: Relationships end, but B.F.F.s are supposed to be forever.

Kevin: Yeah, I mean, she's got a reason to hate me, but you never even bothered to hear my side of the story.

Daniel: Well, you never even bothered to pick up the phone and call me. You've got my number.

Kevin: I bet you were happy that I ran off with her. This way, you could just slide right in.

Daniel: Man, you are so reading this wrong.

Kevin: Am I?

Daniel: Yeah.

Kevin: Am I reading it wrong? 'Cause I have a picture that proves it.

Daniel: Picture?

Kevin: Yeah, a picture, of you and you making out days after I left, so save it.

Angelina: Yeah.

Chloe: You know what? We were about to leave, so why don't we just go back to your place now?

Daniel: Okay, I just want to finish this.

Kevin: Yeah, let's finish this.

Chloe: No, you guys are not going to fight, okay? We are going to leave and take this party somewhere private.

Daniel: Yes, we will, right after I find out, what picture?

Angelina: (Scoffs) Like you don't know!

Kevin: It doesn't matter.

Chloe: Doesn't matter?

Daniel: What picture?

Kevin: What you did-- jumping on Chloe the first chance you got-- way to be a friend.

Daniel: I did not jump on Chloe.

Chloe: That's true.

Daniel: See?

Chloe: I made the first move.

Daniel: What are you saying?

Chloe: And I really don't regret it, because Daniel has been profound. He has been awesome. He has been life-changing.

Kevin: (Scoffs) Oh, yeah.

Angelina: Huh? He must have, like, hidden depth or something.

Kevin: No.

Chloe: He does. He's been amazing to me.

Kevin: Yeah, I'll bet he has.

Daniel: You--you know what, Man? You don't have anything to say here. You're the one that ran off with the mafia pop princess and left Chloe.

Kevin: All right, you can shut up about Angelina right now.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Angelina: Thanks, Kevvie.

Chloe: Okay, you know what? If you don't want to hear it, why don't you and your wifey take this elsewhere?

Kevin: Gladly. Let's go.

Angelina: Are you okay?

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. But you know what I'm wondering?

Angelina: About how we can speed up our plans so you can get Chloe back faster, right?

Kevin: No, no, what I'm wondering is, why we're even trying to get out of this at all.

Angelina: This? Our marriage "This"?

Kevin: Ah, screw it.

Angelina: Mm!

Chloe: Get over here.

Daniel: Mm--

Angelo: Like I said, Glo, we got nothing to worry about.

Gloria: Yeah.

Cane: Yeah, Jill, do you have anything that you might want to say to Ashley?

Jill: No.

Cane: Jill?

Jill: Look at, she accused me of throwing my weight around when all I was trying to do was help her. She should be apologizing to me.

Ashley: (Scoffs) (Stomps foot)

Cane: And you weren't in the wrong at all even just maybe just a little bit? Even if your heart was in the right place?

Jill: All right, maybe just a little bit.

Cane: Are we on the same team?

Ashley: Yeah, we are. We do have one common goal.

Jill: You were extremely pushy.

Cane: Jill? Jill, Jill, Jill, Jill.

Jill: All right, all right, all right, okay. Maybe it's possible that I overreached.

Ashley: And it's possible that I overreacted.

Cane: There, it's settled. Good.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Jill: Oh, it's a text from Billy.

Ashley: You certainly got more than you bargained for.

Cane: Well, I like to help in any way I can.

Jill: (Sighs heavily) "Didn't have a chance to say good-bye. Out of town on business. See you when I get back." Mm. (Laughs) S... see, this is the kind of day I like-- one that starts bad and gets better instead of the other way around.

(Cell phone rings)

Ashley: Oh, excuse me a second. Tucker, how's Devon?

Lily: So Devon's okay? (Gasps) Oh, good! He was brought back to his room, and so far, so good.

Sofia: (Sighs) Amen.

Lily: (Laughs) That is good news. Okay, I'm gonna call Roxy, and here is Sofia. (Chuckles) Okay.

Sofia: Cool. Neil, this is wonderful! (Chuckles)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Sofia: Um, of course we can talk later. Sure. Go be with Devon.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Sofia: Ohh.

Neil: (Whispering) Oh, hi.

Tucker: (Sighs) They said he was awake.

Neil: (Normal voice) Well, he may be. He doesn't know we're here.

Tucker: 'Cause he can't hear us. (Inhales deeply) He can't hear us at all.

Harmony: Uh, I would-- I would like to go to him, but--

Neil: (Quietly) Wait. One second.

Neil: Hey. Son. Hey.

Harmony: (Quietly) Devon, you look great!

Neil: Yeah.

Devon: (Sighs) Dad?

Neil: Hey.

Devon: (Groans)

Neil: (Mouthing words)

Tucker: What are you saying, Neil?

Neil: I said the surgery was successful. The deafness...

Devon: (Sighs)

Neil: Was to be expected, remember? And we are here for you every step of the way.

Devon: Thank you.

Neil: I love you, Son.

Devon: (Inhales deeply) (Exhales slowly) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: Isn't this your brother? Quite the cover boy. (Chuckles)

Paul: Oh, you are as bad as Adam! You both used Patty for your own good.

(Glass shatters)

Jack: That's what I think of your apology!

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